首页 绝望的主妇第七季02集台词



绝望的主妇第七季02集台词绝望的主妇第七季02集台词 绝望主妇第七季第二集中英对照字幕 绝望主妇第七季第二集中英对照字幕 绝望主妇第七季第二集中英对照 《绝望的主妇》 前情提要 Previously on Desperate Housewives, 他不是被判了终身监禁吗 That maniac was serving a life sentence.女士们好啊 Hello, ladies. 保罗?杨回来了 Paul Young came back. 道格要离开我了 Doug is leaving me. 勒奈特的朋友无家可归了 ...

绝望的主妇第七季02集台词 绝望主妇第七季第二集中英对照字幕 绝望主妇第七季第二集中英对照字幕 绝望主妇第七季第二集中英对照 《绝望的主妇》 前情提要 Previously on Desperate Housewives, 他不是被判了终身监禁吗 That maniac was serving a life sentence.女士们好啊 Hello, ladies. 保罗?杨回来了 Paul Young came back. 道格要离开我了 Doug is leaving me. 勒奈特的朋友无家可归了 Lynette's friend had nowhere to go. 我花了 8 年的时间 深爱着别人的女儿 I've spent eight years loving someone else's daughter. 很久以前有个孩子被调包了 A baby was switched long ago, 卡洛斯下了决心 and Carlos made a decision. 我们不要告诉加布 We're not telling Gaby. 苏 珊得到了一份工作 Susan got a job offer. 女人穿着内衣做家事 Women doing housework in lingerie. 布里的装修工 While Bree's contractor... 加上你的红发 你站在这间房里一定美艳 极了 With your red hair, you will look so hot in this room. 让人遐想连篇 brought possibilities to light. 一切就绪 All set. 因为你还是新手 Now that you're a biker chick, 所以还得记住 一件事 there's one other thing you gotta know how to do. 谢谢 先生 Thanks, mister. 很久以前 It had been a long time 布里?范德坎普还是个小女孩 since Bree Van de Kamp was a little girl, 不过她仍然清楚地记得 but she could still remember 她在性方面蒙受的教导 everything she'd ever been told about sex. 她的外婆告诉她 性是女人的负担 Her grandmother informed her it was a woman's burden. 她的牧师警告她 性是罪恶 Her minister warned her it was a sin. 她的老师教给她 性是不健康的 Her teacher taught her it was unhealthy. 是的 每个人都告诉 布里 Yes, everyone had told Bree 性冲动是危险的 her sexual urges were dangerous. 但从来 没人告诉过她 But no one had ever told her... 如何抑制冲动 how to get rid of them. 37 你在 这儿啊 Hey. There you are. 我要去银行 I'm off to the bank. 3走之前先看看这个 Before you go, I wanna show you something. 来 全新的点子 Come here. Whole new idea. --> 我想在 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf 房 里镶上这个 I wanna panel the study in this. 那 那很不寻常 Oh. Well, that's, uh, unusual. 43 来自怀俄明防雪栅栏的老桦木 Historical birch from a wyoming snow fence. 有 200 多年历 史了 感觉一下 Over 200 years old. Feel it. 别这样 说真的 No. Really. 感觉一下 Feel it. 你知道他们称之为什么 You know what they call this? 48 见证树 因为它见证了那么多历史 Witness wood, 'cause it's seen so much history, 49 不像我 历史课都睡过去了 unlike me, who slept through history 只能去上暑期班 and had to go to summer school. 我得走了 不早了 I have to go. It's late. 正是如此 布里从小 Yes, when Bree was a little girl, 就被教导说 she'd been taught 5 性冲动是危险的 her sexual urges were dangerous.不幸的是 她即将了解到 Unfortunately, she was about to learn... 性冲动的危险 还可能殃及他人 those urges were dangerous...for everyone.胡安妮塔 Juanita. 美景镇医院的医生和护士 The doctors and nurses at Fairview Hospital 都是疗伤的专家 are experts at healing. 他们能把断骨接好 They can set bones... 用绷带包扎伤口 bandage wounds... 治疗各种疾病 and treat diseases. 悲哀的是 对于消除罪恶感 Sadly, one thing they don't know how to heal 他们就一筹莫展了 is a guilty conscience. 我不知道怎么回事 她一下子冒了出来 I don't know what happened. She just came out of nowhere. 亲爱的 谁都会出这种事 Oh, honey, this could've been any of us. 67 那条街上的孩子们经常到处乱跑 Kids on that street always playing where they shouldn't be. 68 不过 如果他们能出来说说情况 Still, I would just feel better if they would come out 69 我会 感觉好受些 and tell us something. 胡安妮塔被抬上救护车时还在说话呢 Juanita was talking when they put her in the ambulance, 我看她应该没事 so I'm sure everything's gonna be fine. 我刚跟一个护士谈过 And I just spoke to one of the nurses. 7看上去不严重的 -那我就放心了 - She seemed pretty positive. - Well, that's a relief. 保罗 Paul? 你来这干吗 W-what are you doing here? 我听说出事了 所以就马上赶来 I heard about the accident, so I-I rushed right over. 邻里之间应该互相关爱 That's what neighbors do, right? 你真是周到 Well, that's very thoughtful. 我们会告诉加布你来过了 We'll tell Gaby you stopped by. 对 你没必要在这耗 着 Yeah, don't feel like you have to hang around. 反正也帮不上忙 There's nothing we can do. 我们可以祈祷 We can pray. 亲爱的主 请您保佑这个小孩子 Dear lord, we ask that you be with this young child 保佑那些照顾她的医生 and with the doctors caring for her... 让她彻底恢 复健康 and that she may be returned in full health 回到深爱她的家人身边 阿门 to loving family. Amen. 阿门 Amen. 我得回家了 有人要来 Well, I have to get home. I'm expecting someone. 请向加布转达我的美好祝愿 Please extend my good wishes to Gaby. 亲爱的主 求 你千万别让那个垃圾再碰我了 Dear lord, please don't let that creep ever touch me again. 阿门 Amen. 加布 谢天谢地 Oh, Gaby, thank God. 胡安妮塔怎么样了 How is Juanita? 她会没 事的 She's gonna be fine. 他们还要她留院观察几天 They're keeping her a couple days for observation. 所以我告诉卡洛斯没必要 So I told Carlos he doesn't even have to 中断出差飞回 来 fly back from his business trip. 真是个好消息 That's great news. 是啊 Yeah, it is. 布里 安德鲁 我能跟你们俩谈一下吗 Uh, Bree, Andrew, can I talk to you for a second? 谢谢大家 过来探望 Thanks for coming. 我真是太有福气了 有这么好的... I feel so blessed to have such wonderful... 你们这家人是怎么回事啊 What the hell is wrong with you people?! 先是要了 我婆婆的命 First you take out my mother-in-law, 现在又冲我女儿来了 then you go after my daughter. 难道你们要把这世上的胡安妮塔?索利斯都赶尽杀绝 Are you trying to kill off every Juanita Solis on the planet?! 我承认 这是个可怕的巧合 I admit it was a terrible coincidence. 你也太大意了 知道吗 You're gettin' sloppy, you know. -这次还是大白天呢 -很 抱歉 - This one was in broad daylight. - I'm sorry. 16,080 她一下子冒了出来 She just came out of nowhere. 你没见过我女儿吗 Have you seen my daughter? 她从来不会"一下子冒出来" She never comes out of nowhere. 1另一方面 我想说 Uh, on a related note, I just wanna say 非常感 谢你 how much I appreciate you 没有告诉卡洛斯我撞了他妈妈的事 not telling Carlos about me running over his mom. 我告诉你 原因之一是我不喜欢她 I'm gonna give you that one 'cause I wasn't fond of her. 不过至于我们家其他人 给我小心点 But as for the rest of my family, learn to swerve! 为什么总是有这样的事 Why does this keep happening? 我不知道 也许上帝在惩罚我们 I don't know. I mean, maybe God's punishing us. 或者是上帝在惩罚索利 斯家 Or God is punishing the Solises, 上帝不过是借我们之手 and we're just doing God's work. 我感觉真可怕 I feel awful. 我本不该那么入神地听广播 I should never have been fiddling with that radio. 广播 妈妈 我从街对面就看见你了 Radio? Mom, I saw you from across the street. 你在盯着金斯的屁股看 You were checking out Keith's ass. 胡说八道 That's preposterous. 你盯着装修工的屁股看的样子 You were looking at that contractor's butt 仿佛正在期待一盘牛排酱 like you were waiting for a side of steak sauce. 管住你的嘴 Watch your mouth. 这可不是你的同性恋舞蹈俱乐部 This isn't one of your homosexual dance clubs. 我说了 是广播 I'm telling you, it was the radio. 好吧 不过下次你提起广播的时候 Okay. Fine. But while we're talking about the radio, 要知道那位模特 uh, you do know that that particular model is, 好像比你小 15 岁 对吧 like, 15 years too young for you, right? 135 谁啊 Who is it? 玛克西恩 Maxine. 哦 等一下 Oh, uh, hang on a second. 我正专心做第一场表演 呢 Ah, I was just wrapping up my first session. 我知道 我正看着呢 I know. I was watching. 怎样 And? 你觉得怎么样 What'd you think? 简直像看一场梦 It was like watching a dream. 知道为什么吗 因为我睡着了 And you know why? 'cause I was asleep. 坐下 亲爱的 Sit down, honey. 1我该指点你一下了 It's time I gave you a few pointers. 现在 看到我在做什么 了吗 Now... you see what I'm doing here? 咱们可别把掸子给忘了 And let's not forget the duster. 好了 好了 我明白了 Okay. Okay, I-I get it. 这里还有什么 污点 And what have we here? Smudges. 我们用那桌子吃饭呢 Uh, we eat off that table. 我说得够明白了吧 Am I making my point? 我们的卖点是 梦幻 We are selling a fantasy here.- 你得 完全放松 You gotta, you know, loosen up.我也想啊 只是 I want to. I just... 我总是忍不住想到那些男人 I can't stop thinking about all those men out there 正看着我 watching me. 是的 他们正看着 你 Yes, they're watching you. 他们把辛苦挣来的美元花在这里 They are spending their hard-earned dollars 是为了看性感尤物 to see the perfect woman. 1你 我的宝贝 You, my darling, 有着无限的魔力 have all the power here. 现在 Now... 那块地毯上有面包屑哦 is that a crumb I see on that rug? 对 就这样 That's it. 这才是我的好姑娘 That's my girl. 道格 如果你的律师不把财产分割 协议 离婚协议模板下载合伙人协议 下载渠道分销协议免费下载敬业协议下载授课协议下载 做得像样一点 Doug, if your lawyers don't sweeten the settlement offer, 167 00:08:31,450 --> 00:08:33,930 我就起诉要求一半财产了 I will sue you for half of everything, 168 00:08:34,140 --> 00:08:36,820 你女朋友体内新植入的东西也包括 在内 And that includes your girlfriend's new implants. 169 00:08:36,820 --> 00:08:38,160 你是 用我们的联名帐户付的帐 You paid for 'em out of our joint account, 170 00:08:38,160 --> 00:08:40,340 所以理论上说 其中一个硅胶也属于我 so technically, one of those puppies is mine. 171 00:08:41,060 --> 00:08:41,680 我可不知道我会怎样 Oh, I don't know. 172 00:08:41,680 --> 00:08:44,050 也许会把它扔在泳池里当救生圈用 Maybe throw it in the pool and use it as a floatie. 173 00:08:44,580 --> 00:08:46,020 雷尼 Uh, Renee. 174 00:08:46,870 --> 00:08:49,020 她很快也要和男生约会了 Oh, she's gonna be dating soon enough. 175 00:08:49,020 --> 00:08:51,490 她该了解了解男人是什么东西了 It's time she learned what men are all about. 176 00:08:51,830 --> 00:08:52,310 现在 甜心 Now, sweetie, 177 00:08:52,340 --> 00:08:55,320 关于婚姻 雷尼阿姨教给了你什么 what did Auntie Renee teach you about marriage? 178 00:08:55,990 --> 00:08:57,300 千万别签婚前协议 Never sign a prenup. 179 00:08:57,300 --> 00:08:58,970 不错啊 Oh! Jeez! 180 00:09:02,410 --> 00:09:05,680 -下班回到 家感觉怎样 -我感觉不太舒服 - How are you doing home from work? - I'm not feeling well. 181 00:09:05,720 --> 00:09:07,280 -又不舒服了 -是啊 - Again? - Yeah. 182 00:09:07,320 --> 00:09:08,890 这星期都第三次了 That's the third time this week. 183 00:09:08,890 --> 00:09:10,890 你得去看看医生 You need to go to the doctor. 184 00:09:10,920 --> 00:09:12,320 不 我没事 No, I'm fine. 185 00:09:12,360 --> 00:09:14,550 我就是想躺在沙发上看看电视 I'm just gonna lie on the couch and watch some TV. 186 00:09:14,820 --> 00:09:15,870 好 Okay. 187 00:09:18,250 --> 00:09:19,840 在你打开高尔夫频道之前 Before you fire up the golf channel, 188 00:09:19,840 --> 00:09:22,610 能顺便去趟杂货店吗 you think maybe you'd make a quick run to grocery store? 189 00:09:22,610 --> 00:09:24,400 我很累 你去不了吗 I'm tired. Can't you do it? 190 00:09:25,170 --> 00:09:26,230 我现在有点儿忙 I'm a little busy right now. 191 00:09:26,230 --> 00:09:28,940 我有五个孩子还有个百无一用的客人 I've got five kids and a useless house guest. 192 00:09:29,340 --> 00:09:29,920 在这呢 Hi there. 193 00:09:31,390 --> 00:09:33,290 你得帮点忙啊 I need you functional. 194 00:09:33,320 --> 00:09:35,990 要不就 去看医生 有病就治 Either go to the doctor and get some help 195 00:09:35,990 --> 00:09:38,030 要不就别再唧唧歪歪 给我干点活 or quit complaining and give me some help. 196 00:09:38,030 --> 00:09:39,760 好 我明天去看医生 Fine. I'll go tomorrow. 197 00:09:39,760 --> 00:09:42,720 天哪 有点同情心好不好 Man, the sympathy in here is just overwhelming. 198 00:09:46,470 --> 00:09:47,300 怎么啦 What? 199 00:09:48,010 --> 00:09:49,850 没什么 与我无关 Nothing. It's none of my business. 200 00:09:51,610 --> 00:09:52,280 不过 But... 201 00:09:52,810 --> 00:09:54,500 你可能得小心点 You may wanna be careful. 202 00:09:54,500 --> 00:09:56,830 你们两个现在有点像我和道格了 You two are starting to sound a lot like me and Doug. 203 00:09:56,830 --> 00:10:00,230 谢谢关心 不过汤 姆和我经常这样 I appreciate the concern, but Tom and I always do that. 204 00:10:00,230 --> 00:10:02,470 以前道格和我也是那样 Doug and I always did that, too. 205 00:10:02,860 --> 00:10:04,050 可看看我们现在 Look at us now. 206 00:10:04,260 --> 00:10:05,890 我跟你说 我们关系很好的 I'm telling you, we're fine. 207 00:10:08,760 --> 00:10:10,140 你在说 那就是 吧 If you say so. 208 00:10:11,100 --> 00:10:12,300 全中 Good. 209 00:10:14,420 --> 00:10:15,800 医生说她没事 The doctors say she's gonna be fine. 210 00:10:15,830 --> 00:10:17,870 他们只是把她留院观察 They're only keeping her in the hospital as a precaution. 211 00:10:17,900 --> 00:10:19,780 很快就可以出院了 She'll be home in a few days. 212 00:10:19,780 --> 00:10:20,530 感谢上帝 Oh, thank god. 213 00:10:22,240 --> 00:10:23,470 他 来了 抬头不见低头见 Well, look, he's here. 214 00:10:23,470 --> 00:10:25,470 别来煞风景了 行吗 Can we please not have another ugly scene? 215 00:10:25,470 --> 00:10:27,780 我只是问 问胡安妮塔的情况 I only came to check on Juanita. 216 00:10:27,780 --> 00:10:28,190 她很好 She's fine. 217 00:10:28,190 --> 00:10:29,290 太好了 Fantastic. 218 00:10:29,290 --> 00:10:31,350 你把我们的番茄植株移走了 So I see you let our tomato plants whither... 219 00:10:31,860 --> 00:10:33,550 和处理我俩关系的手段如出一辙 just like you did our relationship. 220 00:10:33,550 --> 00:10:36,610 那是因为你的西红柿一副讨厌相 that's what happens when you grow needy, whiny tomatoes. 221 00:10:36,610 --> 00:10:38,420 好了两位 别吵了 Boys, boys, it's been a month. 222 00:10:38,420 --> 00:10:42,030 你们彼此亲下屁股 和好如初吧 Can't you just kiss each other's bottoms and make up? 223 00:10:43,210 --> 00:10:44,380 同志的一贯作法 是吧 Isn't that what they do? 224 00:10:47,350 --> 00:10:49,080 那是谁 Who is that? 225 00:10:51,220 --> 00:10:52,490 她好像迷路了 She looks lost. 226 00:10:55,250 --> 00:10:56,080 要去帮她一把吗 Should we help her? 227 00:10:56,410 --> 00:10:58,920 啊 见鬼 Aah! Son of a bitch! 228 00:10:59,150 --> 00:11:00,860 我们得去帮帮 她 We should help her. 229 00:11:00,860 --> 00:11:01,240 见鬼 Son of a... 230 00:11:01,520 --> 00:11:02,940 哦 哦 Oh! Oh! 231 00:11:06,080 --> 00:11:07,920 小姐 你还好吗 Miss, is everything okay? 232 00:11:07,920 --> 00:11:09,150 不好 No. 233 00:11:09,770 --> 00:11:13,060 完全找不到北了 I am so lost. 234 00:11:13,460 --> 00:11:16,070 我把地址告诉 的士司机 I gave the cab driver the address, 235 00:11:16,370 --> 00:11:18,340 但我身上只带了 20 块钱 but I only had a $20, and it turns out 236 00:11:18,340 --> 00:11:20,050 只够坐到木槿 环岛 that only gets you as far as Hibiscus Circle, 237 00:11:20,050 --> 00:11:20,730 所以他把 我扔到那里 so he dumped me, 238 00:11:20,730 --> 00:11:22,780 然后我就踩着这双破鞋一路 步行 and I had to walk in these shoes, which broke, 239 00:11:22,780 --> 00:11:24,940 以后我 再也不会在 网上买鞋了 and that is the last time I am buying footwear over the internet. 240 00:11:24,940 --> 00:11:28,170 你是要到紫藤郡吗 Uh, were you looking for Wisteria Lane? 241 00:11:28,170 --> 00:11:30,000 对 就是那里 Yeah, that sounds right. 242 00:11:30,000 --> 00:11:32,000 我的金鱼还是活蹦乱跳的吗 Is my fish moving? 243 00:11:32,000 --> 00:11:34,560 如果它死了 我今天就背到极点了 If he goes belly-up, this is going to be the worst day ever. 244 00:11:35,040 --> 00:11:36,380 你来这里找谁 Who is it you're here to see? 245 00:11:36,800 --> 00:11:38,540 保罗?杨. Uh, Paul Young. 246 00:11:39,470 --> 00:11:41,730 是吗 你是他朋友 Really? Are you a friend of his? 247 00:11:43,110 --> 00:11:43,590 其实 W-well... 248 00:11:43,590 --> 00:11:44,300 贝丝 Beth! 249 00:11:45,790 --> 00:11:48,710 我 想你几小时前就该到了 Oh! I thought you were gonna be here hours ago. 250 00:11:50,070 --> 00:11:52,890 想必刚刚大家都见过我妻子了 Well... I see you've all met my wife. 251 00:12:07,540 --> 00:12:09,970 抱歉 这里实在是太热了 Sorry, it got... really hot in here, 252 00:12:10,010 --> 00:12:11,780 我以为你会晚一点回来 and I thought you'd be gone for a while. 253 00:12:12,150 --> 00:12:15,010 胡安妮塔情况怎样 她还好吗 So how is Juanita? Is she okay? 254 00:12:15,610 --> 00:12:17,900 恩 好多了 Um, she's doing much better. 255 00:12:17,980 --> 00:12:19,070 谢谢关心 Thank you for asking. 256 00:12:19,460 --> 00:12:21,920 感谢上帝 你呢 Thank God. How are you doing? 257 00:12:21,950 --> 00:12:24,870 我 我挺好 Um, me? I'm okay. 258 00:12:25,310 --> 00:12:26,810 工程 路基工程安全技术交底工程项目施工成本控制工程量增项单年度零星工程技术标正投影法基本原理 进展如何 How's the work coming? 259 00:12:27,180 --> 00:12:28,080 很顺利 Pretty good. 260 00:12:28,080 --> 00:12:30,760 我正准备 Just getting ready to put, uh... 261 00:12:30,800 --> 00:12:32,800 穿反了 Shoot. It's on backwards. 262 00:12:37,040 --> 00:12:37,780 布里 Bree? 263 00:12:40,610 --> 00:12:41,990 你真的没事吗 You sure you're okay? 264 00:12:41,990 --> 00:12:43,060 我很好 I'm fine. Fine. 265 00:12:43,060 --> 00:12:45,780 只是今天实在是波澜 起伏 It's just been a very... stressful day. 266 00:12:48,680 --> 00:12:50,620 我了解你需要什么 I think I know what you need. 267 00:12:55,260 --> 00:12:56,130 没事的 It's okay. 268 00:12:56,600 --> 00:12:58,320 撞到那个小女孩纯属意外 Hitting that little girl was an accident. 269 00:12:58,360 --> 00:13:00,850 每个人都有可能犯错 It could've happened to anyone. 270 00:13:01,190 --> 00:13:03,150 请你离开 I have to let you go! 271 00:13:04,320 --> 00:13:05,050 什么 Huh? 272 00:13:05,050 --> 00:13:08,010 你先放了我 我们到此为止 After you let me go. Everyone should just let go! 273 00:13:12,240 --> 00:13:13,430 你要解雇我 Are you firing me? 274 00:13:13,780 --> 00:13:14,420 为什么 Why? 275 00:13:14,900 --> 00:13:16,420 我家被你弄得一片狼藉 You're too messy. 276 00:13:16,420 --> 00:13:18,490 你 把工具随处乱放 Your tools-- they're scattered everywhere. 277 00:13:18,490 --> 00:13:20,490 可这里是施工现场啊 Well, this is a construction site. 278 00:13:20,490 --> 00:13:22,800 而且 你还把油漆弄得到处都是 And you're getting paint all over the place. 279 00:13:22,800 --> 00:13:25,180 还有你的古龙水 简直让人难以忍受 And that cologne of yours-- it's overpowering. 280 00:13:25,180 --> 00:13:26,300 我没用古龙水 I don't wear cologne. 281 00:13:26,740 --> 00:13:28,000 你居然不用 That's just you? 282 00:13:28,690 --> 00:13:29,860 天啊 Oh, dear. 283 00:13:30,980 --> 00:13:32,370 不管怎样 当然 Anyway, obviously... 284 00:13:33,870 --> 00:13:35,200 我会按你接手那天开始支付 I will pay you for the time you've put in, 285 00:13:35,200 --> 00:13:37,290 我想你可以走了 but I think you should go. 286 00:13:37,290 --> 00:13:38,810 你可以以支票付款 You can... send me a check. 287 00:13:46,500 --> 00:13:47,810 伙计们 拜拜 Bye, guys. 288 00:13:48,660 --> 00:13:49,750 祝 你们今天过得愉快 Have a great day. 289 00:13:51,530 --> 00:13:53,470 你不去上班吗 Hey, aren't you going to work? 290 00:13:53,500 --> 00:13:54,800 还没呢 第一节课 11 点才开始 Oh, my first class isn't till 11:00. 291 00:13:54,800 --> 00:13:57,360 我想利用早上的时间做些 首饰 I thought I'd spend the morning making more jewelry. 292 00:13:57,360 --> 00:13:59,590 看来你真打算贴补家用啊 Wow, you really are determined to bring in some extra money. 293 00:14:01,020 --> 00:14:02,080 你一无所知 You have no i dea. 294 00:14:25,820 --> 00:14:27,740 你不让我把脚放到那张桌子上 And you don't let me put my feet on that table. 295 00:14:27,740 --> 00:14:31,040 麦克 你怎么 这么快又折回来了 Mike! Uh, what are you--what are you doing home so quick? 296 00:14:31,040 --> 00:14:33,120 我忘记拿保温杯了 你干嘛穿成这样 I forgot my thermos. What are you wearing? 297 00:14:33,120 --> 00:14:33,820 呃 Uh... 298 00:14:34,160 --> 00:14:37,470 我刚刚在做家务 Uh, I was, uh, just-- just doing housework... 299 00:14:38,210 --> 00:14:39,000 显而易见 O-obviously, 300 00:14:39,000 --> 00:14:41,620 然后 空调坏了 and, uh, the air conditioning isn't working, 301 00:14:41,620 --> 00:14:44,000 家里非常热 so it got really hot in here. 302 00:14:46,090 --> 00:14:47,090 我想说 I'll say. 303 00:14:47,460 --> 00:14:48,730 介意我和你一起做吗 Mind if I join you? 304 00:14:49,010 --> 00:14:50,210 不 不 No! No! Uh... 305 00:14:50,210 --> 00:14:51,340 哦 Oh! 306 00:14:51,750 --> 00:14:53,580 要不 Uh... you know what? 307 00:14:53,580 --> 00:14:55,390 我们去卧室吧 Why don't we take this in the bedroom? 308 00:14:55,630 --> 00:14:56,580 这里挺好 What's wrong with right here? 309 00:14:58,290 --> 00:14:59,540 真是幸运 I am one lucky guy... 310 00:15:00,210 --> 00:15:03,920 回到家居然撞 见如此火爆的场面 to come home to a hot fantasy like this. 311 00:15:03,920 --> 00:15:08,020 对 我也是个幸运儿 Yep. And I am one lucky girl 312 00:15:08,710 --> 00:15:16,360 有一个你 这么好的丈夫 to have a... have a husband like... You. Ohh. 313 00:15:22,080 --> 00:15:23,690 找到合适的公寓了吗 Any luck finding an apartment? 314 00:15:23,740 --> 00:15:24,880 没有 令我动心的 Not with my settlement. 315 00:15:24,880 --> 00:15:26,410 负担金额与纽约一样 的房价 With New York prices, 316 00:15:26,410 --> 00:15:29,080 却只能住比这里还小的地方 I'll be forced to live in a place smaller than this. 317 00:15:29,190 --> 00:15:32,200 上帝 你是如 何让自己在此屈就的呀 Oh, my God. How will you keep from bumping into yourself? 318 00:15:33,660 --> 00:15:34,930 知道我是怎么想的吗 You know what I was thinking? 319 00:15:34,930 --> 00:15:37,830 我打算直接就在美景镇找一地住下 Why don't I just find a place here in Fairview? 320 00:15:40,350 --> 00:15:41,300 在美景镇 Fairview? 321 00:15:41,610 --> 00:15:43,480 不 Uh... no. 322 00:15:43,670 --> 00:15:44,780 不 不 No, no! 323 00:15:44,780 --> 00:15:46,830 您可是个都市女人 You're a New Yorker. 324 00:15:46,830 --> 00:15:48,880 你热衷剧院 博物馆 You love the theater, museums. 325 00:15:48,880 --> 00:15:49,430 你自己也说 You said yourself, 326 00:15:49,430 --> 00:15:51,820 在这附近连个 喝高档咖啡的地儿都没有 you can't even get a decent cup of coffee around here. 327 00:15:51,950 --> 00:15:53,850 不 我指的是在你家 勒奈特 Uh, no, I meant here, Lynette. 328 00:15:53,880 --> 00:15:56,090 把这个咖啡壶洗干净真有那么难吗 Really, how hard is it to clean the pot? 329 00:15:59,700 --> 00:16:02,530 回来了 医生怎么说 Hey! How'd it go with the doctor? 330 00:16:03,680 --> 00:16:06,110 恩 我们能否 Yeah, can, uh, we, um... 331 00:16:06,490 --> 00:16:07,670 谈谈 Talk about that? 332 00:16:09,410 --> 00:16:11,210 医生 怎么说 So what did the doctor say? 333 00:16:11,940 --> 00:16:13,440 你先坐下 You're gonna wanna sit down. 334 00:16:14,290 --> 00:16:16,840 汤姆 你别吓我 怎么回事 Tom, you are scaring me. What is it? 335 00:16:19,450 --> 00:16:23,240 我得了产后抑郁症 I have postpartum depression. 336 00:16:25,060 --> 00:16:26,110 再说一遍 Come again? 337 00:16:26,110 --> 00:16:28,910 我知道这听上去很诡异 但是 I know it sounds weird, b-but it's--it's-338 00:16:28,950 --> 00:16:31,810 这是我同年龄段的父亲们的通病 It's a recognized problem for fathers my age. 339 00:16:31,850 --> 00:16:34,140 我具有这病的所有典型症状 I've got all the classic symptoms-340 00:16:34,290 --> 00:16:36,320 头痛 情绪波动 Headaches, mood swings, 341 00:16:36,350 --> 00:16:37,400 疲倦 fatigue. 342 00:16:39,490 --> 00:16:42,870 告诉我 他有没有给你 Tell me, did he check you for 343 00:16:42,870 --> 00:16:44,680 做宫颈感染检查 a yeast infection while heads down there, too? 344 00:16:46,180 --> 00:16:49,730 挖苦讽刺之余还是先来了解一下事实吧 Why don't you learn the facts before you make fun of it? 345 00:16:50,020 --> 00:16:52,230 《男性与产后综合症 "Men and postpartum: 346 00:16:52,230 --> 00:16:54,080 有苦说不出》 The bitter seed." 347 00:16:54,080 --> 00:16:57,350 我不会相信的 Yeah, I'm... not buying it. 348 00:16:57,350 --> 00:17:00,400 给我看看你的妊娠纹 还有被咬坏的乳头吧 Show me one stretch mark, one chapped nipple, 349 00:17:00,430 --> 00:17:01,310 我们还是来谈谈你的产后综合症吧 and we'll talk about your postpartum. 350 00:17:01,310 --> 00:17:03,610 医学上真有此说法的 It's a legitimate medical condition. 351 00:17:03,610 --> 00:17:05,910 而且是你让我去看病的 And you're the one who told me to go to the doctor. 352 00:17:05,910 --> 00:17:08,370 那你也要有点鉴别能力 啊 So you could be of some use around here, 353 00:17:08,370 --> 00:17:09,920 而不是些 not so you could, uh... 354 00:17:09,920 --> 00:17:13,000 好好洗个澡 然后打个盹 Oh, "Take long baths or get in some extra naps"? 355 00:17:13,000 --> 00:17:15,660 拜托你把整个手册看过之 后再发表意见 Do me a favor. Read the whole pamphlet. 356 00:17:16,850 --> 00:17:18,520 我 真希望我能 汤姆 Gosh, I wish I could, Tom. 357 00:17:18,520 --> 00:17:21,180 但很遗憾 我 照顾的小孩不止你一个 Unfortunately, I have to go take care of my other baby. 358 00:17:50,290 --> 00:17:51,620 我喜欢这房子 I love the house. 359 00:17:52,360 --> 00:17:55,080 都是我倾尽全力打点的 Oh. Well, I did the best I could. 360 00:17:55,660 --> 00:17:57,220 不过还缺少一点女人的味道 I think it needs a woman's touch. 361 00:17:58,750 --> 00:18:01,560 我对装修没什么经验 I-I don't have much experience with decorating. 362 00:18:02,160 --> 00:18:05,040 我挪动下椅子 妈妈都会大发雷霆 If I so much as moved a chair, mama would throw a fit. 363 00:18:05,950 --> 00:18:08,350 那你一定感到幸福 终于有 自己的家了 then you must be happy to finally have your own home. 364 00:18:09,770 --> 00:18:10,680 可能吧 I guess. 365 00:18:15,180 --> 00:18:16,240 这里 Look at this-366 00:18:16,830 --> 00:18:18,050 没有有机玻璃 no plexiglas. 367 00:18:18,360 --> 00:18:19,460 我都未曾想象过 某天 I never dreamed the day would come 368 00:18:19,460 --> 00:18:21,540 你实实在在地出现在我面前 when I could reach out and touch you. 369 00:18:25,180 --> 00:18:26,450 我也没想到 I didn't either. 370 00:18:31,040 --> 00:18:33,290 对于监狱生活 我 唯一怀念的 There is one thing I'll miss about prison-371 00:18:33,590 --> 00:18:34,830 就是你 的信 your letters. 372 00:18:35,360 --> 00:18:37,880 有段时间里 他们是我活着的唯一动力 Some days, they were the only things keeping me going. 373 00:18:38,660 --> 00:18:40,470 很高 兴你能喜欢 I'm glad you liked them. 374 00:18:41,190 --> 00:18:44,330 非常感谢你为了我不 辞辛劳 Uh, thank you again for going to so much trouble. 375 00:18:44,360 --> 00:18:46,040 晚 餐非常棒 Dinner is wonderful. 376 00:18:46,040 --> 00:18:47,700 我想把今晚打造得特别一 点 I wanted tonight to be special. 377 00:18:48,270 --> 00:18:50,130 监狱里不批准配偶探视 Since the prison didn't allow conjugal visits, 378 00:18:50,170 --> 00:18:52,170 所以今晚是我们 的新婚之夜 this is... kind of our wedding night. 379 00:18:54,880 --> 00:18:56,240 说到这里 About that.. 380 00:18:56,270 --> 00:19:00,050 我都迫不及待 想为你做饭 I can't wait to start cooking for you 381 00:19:00,050 --> 00:19:02,100 为你打点这里的一切了 and making things nice around here, 382 00:19:02,100 --> 00:19:03,630 但还有一些 but there are certain other... 383 00:19:05,530 --> 00:19:09,100 妻子应尽的义务 我不愿过于仓促 wifely duties that I don't want to rush into. 384 00:19:10,980 --> 00:19:11,650 是吗 Oh? 385 00:19:13,180 --> 00:19:14,870 我们还需要进一步了解彼此 We're still getting to know each other. 386 00:19:15,110 --> 00:19:16,700 妈妈说你能理解的 Mama said you'd understand. 387 00:19:19,310 --> 00:19:21,070 我想我明白 Oh, I suppose I do. 388 00:19:21,600 --> 00:19:23,000 我没扫你的兴吧 You're not upset? 389 00:19:23,130 --> 00:19:24,210 当然没有 Of course not. 390 00:19:25,900 --> 00:19:27,860 婚姻比性更重要 There's more to marriage than sex. 391 00:19:34,160 --> 00:19:36,050 索利斯太太 我能和你谈谈吗 Oh, Mrs. Solis, can I talk to you? 392 00:19:37,900 --> 00:19:40,380 如果是关于胡安妮塔吃太多甜点 If this is about Juanita and the dessert cart, 393 00:19:40,780 --> 00:19:42,400 我告诉过你 不必太在意 I told you not to leave it unattended. 394 00:19:42,400 --> 00:19:44,280 不是 我刚刚查阅了她 的资料 No, I was reviewing her chart, 395 00:19:44,320 --> 00:19:46,750 然后发现了几个问题 and I realized we still had a couple of questions. 396 00:19:46,750 --> 00:19:49,770 -她对药物过 敏吗 -我知道的没有 - Is she allergic to any medications? - Uh, not that I'm aware of. 397 00:19:49,770 --> 00:19:52,660 -那她是否接种最新的疫苗 -是 - Okay. All her vaccinations up-to-date? - Yes. 398 00:19:52,660 --> 00:19:55,440 你在她多大的时候领养了她 And how old was she when you adopted her? 399 00:19:58,860 --> 00:20:00,020 我知道这难以置信 I know it's hard to believe 400 00:20:00,020 --> 00:20:03,330 如此娇小的母亲居然生出那么壮 硕的女儿 that the little acorn gave birth to the mighty oak, 401 00:20:03,330 --> 00:20:04,700 但是 我的确是她的亲生母亲 But believe me, I did. 402 00:20:05,800 --> 00:20:06,520 是吗 Okay. 403 00:20:06,940 --> 00:20:09,370 也许是我弄混了 但有一次 Maybe I'm confused, but the other day 404 00:20:09,370 --> 00:20:11,420 我们谈论输血事宜时 when we talked about possible blood transfusions, 405 00:20:11,420 --> 00:20:14,100 你告诉我你们夫妻俩都是 O 型血啊 you told me you and your husband were type-o. 406 00:20:14,810 --> 00:20:15,950 我们 是啊 Yeah, we are. 407 00:20:16,180 --> 00:20:16,820 怎么了 So? 408 00:20:18,210 --> 00:20:21,660 你女儿是 A 型 O 型血的夫妇无法育有 A 型血的子女 Well, your daughter is type-A. Two O's can't have an "A." 409 00:20:26,840 --> 00:20:28,020 当我没说 Never mind. 410 00:20:30,330 --> 00:20:32,370 什么 什么意思 Oa, whoa, whoa. What... what was that? 411 00:20:32,370 --> 00:20:34,560 什么叫"当我没说" What was that "Oh. Never mind"? 412 00:20:34,560 --> 00:20:36,460 与我无关 It's none of my business. 413 00:20:36,860 --> 00:20:39,570 不 不 告诉我 你想暗示什么 No, no, tell me. What are you implying? 414 00:20:39,820 --> 00:20:40,730 没什么 Nothing. 415 00:20:41,060 --> 00:20:43,940 我只是表 述索利斯先生作为 A 型孩子生父 I'm simply stating that the odds of Mr. Solis being 416 00:20:43,940 --> 00:20:45,850 这个可能性 the biological father of a type-A baby 417 00:20:45,850 --> 00:20:48,290 基本是 零 are roughly... nil. 418 00:20:49,010 --> 00:20:51,250 你意思是我背着他出轨了 Are you suggesting I cheated on him? 419 00:20:51,250 --> 00:20:53,280 我只是陈述索利斯先生作为 I'm simply stating that the odds of Mr. Solis being 420 00:20:53,280 --> 00:20:55,490 -生父的可能性是 -听着 小护士 - the biological father are - Listen, nursie. 421 00:20:55,490 --> 00:20:57,670 我知道你无聊的工作 整天清理便盆 I know you spend your days emptying bedpans 422 00:20:57,670 --> 00:20:59,740 给那些老人剃毛什 么的 and shaving the groins of senior citizens, 423 00:20:59,740 --> 00:21:01,020 你以为这是 拍电视剧吗 but there's no drama here. 424 00:21:01,020 --> 00:21:02,900 我对我的丈夫很忠 诚 I've been faithful to my husband. 425 00:21:02,900 --> 00:21:04,990 我没什么可隐瞒的 I have nothing to hide. 426 00:21:12,990 --> 00:21:13,920 把那给我 Give me that. 427 00:21:20,120 --> 00:21:21,390 早上好 Good morning. 428 00:21:22,700 --> 00:21:23,530 早上 好 Good morning. 429 00:21:23,970 --> 00:21:25,200 你没睡好吗 Did you have trouble sleeping? 430 00:21:25,490 --> 00:21:27,010 我昨晚熬夜了 Ah, I was up kinda late. 431 00:21:28,500 --> 00:21:30,790 天哪 汤姆可真能说 Boy, that Tom sure can talk. 432 00:21:33,900 --> 00:21:35,160 你跟汤姆一块熬夜 You were up with Tom? 433 00:21:36,260 --> 00:21:39,880 是啊 我想他最近压力挺大的 Oh. Yeah. I guess he had a lot on his mind. 434 00:21:40,210 --> 00:21:42,710 瞧你俩昨晚谈话的口气 No surprise after the way things went 435 00:21:42,710 --> 00:21:43,860 也就不奇怪了 between you two yesterday. 436 00:21:44,010 --> 00:21:46,340 他在抱怨这个 He was complaining about that? 437 00:21:47,190 --> 00:21:48,640 我可不想做夹心板 Oh, I don't want to get in the middle. 438 00:21:49,380 --> 00:21:51,630 亲爱的 你跟我老公在凌晨 3 点 Honey, you had a pajama party with my husband 439 00:21:51,630 --> 00:21:53,280 还着睡衣聊天 3:00 in the morning. 440 00:21:53,280 --> 00:21:54,390 你已经掺和进去了 You're in the middle. 441 00:21:54,920 --> 00:21:55,780 那好吧 Well... 442 00:21:56,980 --> 00:22:00,360 汤姆觉得你不听他说话 Tom feels that you don't listen to him. 443 00:22:00,880 --> 00:22:03,210 天 我当然在听 Oy. Guy--sure I do. 444 00:22:03,210 --> 00:22:05,730 我知道有男性产后抑郁症这么一事 I heard that whole spiel about male postpartum, 445 00:22:05,730 --> 00:22:08,110 当然还知道这是多 么的 乱扯 otherwise known by its initials--B.S. 446 00:22:08,180 --> 00:22:09,320 看 就是这 个意思 See, that's just the thing. 447 00:22:09,320 --> 00:22:11,970 他认为你是在听 但并没有 听进去 He thinks you hear, but you don't listen. 448 00:22:11,970 --> 00:22:12,920 够了 Okay. 449 00:22:13,230 --> 00:22:15,680 够了 你给我打住 Okay, you stop. 450 00:22:16,420 --> 00:22:18,090 我不需要你来挽救我的婚姻 I don't need you troubleshooting my marriage. 451 00:22:18,120 --> 00:22:19,770 我不希望你以后再跟我老公 And I don't want you having any more 452 00:22:19,770 --> 00:22:21,930 搞这种秘密倾谈 of these little conversations with my husband. 453 00:22:21,960 --> 00:22:23,290 好吧 Okay. Fine. 454 00:22:26,500 --> 00:22:27,840 我说真的 And I mean it. 455 00:22:38,650 --> 00:22:40,580 你怎么才来 我一个 小时前给你打的电话 There you are! I called you an hour ago! 456 00:22:40,610 --> 00:22:42,180 我在学校呢 I was at school. 457 00:22:42,220 --> 00:22:45,580 亲爱的 同学们 给你做了海报 Hi, sweetie! The kids in your class made you a poster. 458 00:22:46,440 --> 00:22:47,690 看布列塔尼说什么了 Look what Brittany said. 459 00:22:47,690 --> 00:22:49,690 对的 对的 她很喜欢 过来 Yeah, yeah, yeah. She loves it. Come on! 460 00:22:49,690 --> 00:22:50,660 快来 Come on! 461 00:22:55,300 --> 00:22:57,470 怎么回事 What is going on?! 462 00:22:57,470 --> 00:22:58,110 好吧 Okay. 463 00:22:58,570 --> 00:23:00,260 你还记不记得 8 年前 Do you remember eight years ago 464 00:23:00,260 --> 00:23:02,050 我们有一回周末去滑雪 when we went on that ski weekend? 465 00:23:02,510 --> 00:23:04,160 有点模糊了 Uh... vaguely. 466 00:23:04,160 --> 00:23:05,940 不 不 不 不允许 模糊 No, no, no, no, no! It can't be "vaguely." 467 00:23:05,940 --> 00:23:09,220 -好好想一下 - 那好吧 - I need you to focus. - Oh! Oh! Okay. 468 00:23:10,590 --> 00:23:13,750 还记得我们 是怎么和那个法国佬共进晚餐的吗 Remember how you and I had dinner with that French guy? 469 00:23:13,750 --> 00:23:16,400 那个被你叫做大沙袋的家伙吗 The one you referred to as le package? 470 00:23:16,400 --> 00:23:17,290 正是 Exactly. 471 00:23:17,500 --> 00:23:20,650 好了 把你记得的全告诉我 Okay. Tell me everything you remember. 472 00:23:21,960 --> 00:23:26,420 我记得我吃了奶酪火锅 然后草莓不见了 Ooh! I remember I had the fondue and I lost my strawberry, 473 00:23:26,420 --> 00:23:27,840 这时候服务生差点 看见我... and the waiter almost caught me when I put my-474 00:23:27,840 --> 00:23:30,610 我 在说我和那个沙袋的事 I'm talking about me and the package! 475 00:23:30,610 --> 00:23:31,410 干嘛对我大吼大叫 Why are you yelling at me? 476 00:23:31,410 --> 00:23:34,410 因为我要疯了 你当时去睡觉了 'Cause I'm mad! You went off to bed 477 00:23:34,410 --> 00:23:36,580 把我和那个法国佬留在了酒店吧台 and left me and frenchie drinking at the hotel bar, 478 00:23:36,580 --> 00:23:38,050 朋友是不会让好友先醉的 and friends don't let friends flirt drunk! 479 00:23:38,090 --> 00:23:39,680 看在上帝的份上 Now for the love of God, 480 00:23:39,680 --> 00:23:42,200 请至少告诉我究竟何时回房的 do you at least remember when I came back to the room? 481 00:23:45,340 --> 00:23:47,560 我记得当 时天亮了 I remember the sun was coming up. 482 00:23:47,560 --> 00:23:48,750 天哪 Oh, God. 483 00:23:49,700 --> 00:23:51,280 加布 你不是在说... Gaby, you're not saying... 484 00:23:51,830 --> 00:23:52,530 是的 Yeah. 485 00:23:53,670 --> 00:23:55,860 我觉得胡安妮塔 可能是法国妞 I think Juanita might be French. 486 00:24:00,680 --> 00:24:03,520 当卡洛斯出 差回来时 When Carlos returned from his business trip, 487 00:24:03,520 --> 00:24:06,570 他在 医院下车 去探望女儿 he stopped at the hospital to visit his daughter, 488 00:24:06,570 --> 00:24:08,800 她睡得正香 who had been sleeping peacefully. 489 00:24:10,210 --> 00:24:12,840 然后他回家陪老婆 Then he came home to see his wife, 490 00:24:12,840 --> 00:24:15,780 而 她正酝酿天方夜谭 who had been plotting frantically. 491 00:24:39,320 --> 00:24:40,340 你醒 了 Oh, you're awake. 492 00:24:47,620 --> 00:24:50,200 你真的醒了 Mmm. You're really awake. 493 00:24:57,170 --> 00:24:57,890 什么 What... 494 00:24:58,760 --> 00:25:00,170 卡 洛斯 你在干什么 Carlos, what are you doing?! 495 00:25:00,170 --> 00:25:03,450 我 我刚上 床 是你爬到我身上来的 Me? I just got into bed! You climbed on top of me. 496 00:25:03,940 --> 00:25:06,030 -是我 -当然 你想要和我做爱 - I did? - Yeah. You were kinda making out with me 497 00:25:06,030 --> 00:25:07,760 可不是我主动的 Not that I'm complaining. 498 00:25:08,500 --> 00:25:11,320 不 怎么又这样了 Oh, no. It's happening again! 499 00:25:12,130 --> 00:25:13,410 你在说什么 What are you talking about? 500 00:25:14,480 --> 00:25:16,110 我的梦游性爱 My sexsomnia. 501 00:25:17,430 --> 00:25:18,490 你的什么 Your what? 502 00:25:19,280 --> 00:25:21,740 其实和梦游差不多 Yeah, it's like sleepwalking, except... 503 00:25:22,110 --> 00:25:25,700 只是不是用腿 而是用... 你懂的 instead of using your legs, you use your... you know. 504 00:25:28,270 --> 00:25:29,660 梦游性爱 Sexsomnia. 505 00:25:29,660 --> 00:25:31,030 去查查看 不骗你 It's real. Look it up. 506 00:25:31,240 --> 00:25:33,110 什么时候开始的 Since when have you had that? 507 00:25:34,480 --> 00:25:36,850 肯定是女儿出生前就有了 Well, definitely before the girls were born. 508 00:25:37,660 --> 00:25:39,130 怎么以前我没见过 I've never seen you do it before. 509 00:25:39,130 --> 00:25:42,080 一般只是在我累过头了才会发生 Well, it mostly only happens when I'm really tired, 510 00:25:42,960 --> 00:25:44,590 好比锻炼过度 Like when I work out too much 511 00:25:44,590 --> 00:25:45,900 或是滑雪 or go skiing. 512 00:25:47,490 --> 00:25:48,280 那我明天早上第一件事 Well, then first thing tomorrow, 513 00:25:48,280 --> 00:25:49,700 先查查去阿斯彭的机票[美国滑雪胜地] I'm checking out airfare to Aspen. 514 00:25:49,700 --> 00:25:52,460 别 别 这可不是闹着玩的 很危险的 No! No, no, no. It's not a joke. It's dangerous. 515 00:25:52,460 --> 00:25:54,120 天晓得下一个对象是谁 It doesn't matter who I'm next to. 516 00:25:54,120 --> 00:25:55,920 我可以毫不知情地和别人做爱 I could have sex and not even know it. 517 00:25:59,530 --> 00:26:00,540 既然你醒了 Well, since you're up... 518 00:26:00,540 --> 00:26:01,670 不 我太累了 No, I'm too tired... 519 00:26:03,190 --> 00:26:05,270 羞愧死了 晚安 and ashamed. Good night. 520 00:26:09,580 --> 00:26:10,720 我把这个还给你 Hey, I thought I'd return this. 521 00:26:10,720 --> 00:26:13,700 -先前问奥森借的 -谢谢 - I borrowed it from Orson a while back. - Thank you. 522 00:26:14,670 --> 00:26:15,980 你性感的设计师去哪了 So where's that chippendale dancer 523 00:26:15,980 --> 00:26:17,730 你雇他来装修房子的 you hired to fix your house? 524 00:26:17,730 --> 00:26:19,970 如果你是指那个装修工 他叫金斯 If you mean my contractor, his name is Keith, 525 00:26:19,970 --> 00:26:21,450 我必须让他走 and I had to let him go. 526 00:26:22,100 --> 00:26:26,460 发生什么了 你抓住他 在他腹肌上磨奶酪了? Why? You catch him, uh, grating cheese on his abs? 527 00:26:28,080 --> 00:26:29,730 只是大家不太合得 来 It just wasn't working out. 528 00:26:30,970 --> 00:26:31,820 把这么个性感的尤物 Must've been pretty bad for you 529 00:26:31,820 --> 00:26:34,720 从你前院里赶走 真是太糟糕了 to kick that shirtless wonder out of your front yard. 530 00:26:35,270 --> 00:26:38,180 从你家前院 走过时 我的心都要跳出来了 I was finally reaching my target heart rate on my walk. 531 00:26:38,830 --> 00:26:41,160 你这么老了 还有此雅兴 You mean at your age, you still have urges to-532 00:26:41,160 --> 00:26:42,480 我又没死 布里 I'm not dead, Bree. 533 00:26:43,050 --> 00:26:45,610 虽然我睡软的床 软的食物 I may like my bed and my food soft, 534 00:26:45,610 --> 00:26:49,650 -但男人嘛 还是得... -够了 够了 好奇问问而已 - but I like my men-- - Okay. Okay. Just curious. 535 00:26:51,720 --> 00:26:52,990 我只是希望 I guess I was hoping... 536 00:26:54,310 --> 00:26:55,060 希望什么 Hoping what? 537 00:26:56,360 --> 00:26:58,900 希望有一天我能不再受此事困扰 That one day I might outgrow all this. 538 00:26:58,900 --> 00:27:01,750 所以你解雇了金斯 Ah, that's why you fired Keith. 539 00:27:01,900 --> 00:27:05,110 我不能留他在我身边 他太让我分心了 I just can't have him around. He's too distracting. 540 00:27:05,110 --> 00:27:07,340 我不想让自己一错再错 And I refuse to make a fool of myself. 541 00:27:07,470 --> 00:27:09,060 何错之有 And how would that happen? 542 00:27:10,100 --> 00:27:11,990 让我给你数来听听 Well, let me run the numbers for you. 543 00:27:11,990 --> 00:27:13,350 我的婚姻 6 天前终结了 My marriage ended six days ago, 544 00:27:13,350 --> 00:27:15,460 金斯比我小 15 岁 Keith is 15 years too young for me, 545 00:27:15,460 --> 00:27:17,200 就我爱过的人而言 And my track record with lovers-546 00:27:17,200 --> 00:27:19,100 两个死了 一个坐轮椅了 Two dead, one in a wheelchair. 547 00:27:19,100 --> 00:27:21,620 布里 我不能教你如何生活 Bree, I can't tell you how to live your life. 548 00:27:21,620 --> 00:27:25,340 我所知道的就是 压抑自己并非出路 All I know is that not living your life isn't the answer. 549 00:27:25,340 --> 00:27:28,180 对于冒 险 我实在不在行 I've just... never been very good at taking risks. 550 00:27:28,550 --> 00:27:31,160 那就听我一句 追寻梦想 相信我 Well, then get good, because take my word for it, 551 00:27:31,160 --> 00:27:34,460 世上没有后悔药 once they turn into regrets, it's too late. 552 00:27:47,460 --> 00:27:49,270 不觉得应该来帮一把吗 Don't feel like you have to help or anything. 553 00:27:49,630 --> 00:27:50,300 酷 Cool. 554 00:27:51,920 --> 00:27:54,120 你老 爸去哪了 他的车不在外面 Where's your dad? His car's gone. 555 00:27:54,320 --> 00:27:56,170 他和雷尼去共进晚餐了 Uh, he and Renee went out to dinner. 556 00:27:57,830 --> 00:27:58,930 他和雷尼 He and Renee? 557 00:27:59,220 --> 00:28:01,490 是的 他们去老 爸最喜欢的那家法国餐厅了 Yeah. They went to that french restaurant dad likes. 558 00:28:01,740 --> 00:28:03,480 他们说要是你愿意 让你也一起 They said you could join them if you want. 559 00:28:03,500 --> 00:28:06,040 愿意至极 Oh, I want. 560 00:28:06,040 --> 00:28:09,180 你把东西归置好 Okay, you unload these groceries 561 00:28:09,590 --> 00:28:11,810 好好看着你的妹妹 and look after your sister. 562 00:28:11,840 --> 00:28:13,170 我今晚有活动 Nah, I've got plans tonight. 563 00:28:13,170 --> 00:28:14,810 我可不想当保姆 I don't want to get stuck babysitting. 564 00:28:15,720 --> 00:28:16,390 酷 Cool. 565 00:28:39,810 --> 00:28:41,630 真棒 你听到留言了 Hey. Good, you got the message. 566 00:28:41,630 --> 00:28:44,390 一清二楚 你俩看起来 Loud and clear. So you guys sure look like 567 00:28:44,390 --> 00:28:46,580 在讨论非常沉重的话题 you're discussing something heavy. 568 00:28:47,140 --> 00:28:48,390 出什么事了 What's up? 569 00:28:51,090 --> 00:28:53,310 诚然 我在谈论你 To be honest, I was talking about you... 570 00:28:55,790 --> 00:28:57,320 和你越来越挑剔的性格 and your tendency to be critical, 571 00:28:58,410 --> 00:29:00,300 只要我说起你不喜欢的事 你就无视我的感受 and how frustrating it is to have my feelings invalidated 572 00:29:00,300 --> 00:29:02,350 这让我深感挫败 whenever I bring up something you don't like. 573 00:29:06,540 --> 00:29:08,660 雷尼 来吧台 Renee, sidebar. 574 00:29:15,420 --> 00:29:17,560 我究竟有没有警告过你 Did I or did I not tell you 575 00:29:17,560 --> 00:29:19,620 离我的婚姻远一点 to butt the hell out of my marriage? 576 00:29:19,620 --> 00:29:20,290 我又怎么了 What did I do? 577 00:29:20,290 --> 00:29:22,800 我只是边吃甜品 边听人倾诉 I was just finishing my dessert and listening to the guy talk. 578 00:29:22,800 --> 00:29:26,940 "你无视我的感受 我深感挫败" "How frustrating it is to have my feelings invalidated"? 579 00:29:26,940 --> 00:29:31,550 500 块一小时的心理学家教你的吧 That's got your $500-an-hour shrink written all over it. 580 00:29:31,900 --> 00:29:34,530 -我只 是想帮忙 -这完全是废话 - I was just trying to help. - That's a load of crap. 581 00:29:35,050 --> 00:29:37,560 你是不是没事做 那赶紧找栋房子 You need a project, and since you're currently without 582 00:29:37,560 --> 00:29:39,040 好好装修一下 a house to remodel, you've decided 583 00:29:39,040 --> 00:29:41,760 别来对我的婚姻指手画脚的 to put the wrecking ball to my marriage. 584 00:29:41,930 --> 00:29:44,130 -拜托 我哪有 -你就是这么做的 - Oh, please. - This is what you do. 585 00:29:44,130 --> 00:29:46,350 你把自己的快乐 You take other people's lives apart 586 00:29:46,350 --> 00:29:47,350 建立在别人的分离之苦上 for your own amusement, 587 00:29:47,350 --> 00:29:49,840 然后又把他们凑合到一起为乐 and then you get the fun of putting them back together. 588 00:29:49,840 --> 00:29:51,960 我这次不会让 你再得逞了 Well, I'm not letting you do it this time. 589 00:29:52,870 --> 00:29:57,370 我的婚 姻不是你夏日度假屋里的 My marriage is not some guest bathroom 590 00:29:57,370 --> 00:29:59,190 某间客用卫生间 in your summer house. 591 00:30:00,340 --> 00:30:01,610 好吧 总而言之你是对的 Fine. Let's just say that you're right, 592 00:30:01,610 --> 00:30:02,940 而 我是个罪恶之人 and I'm a terrible person. 593 00:30:03,680 --> 00:30:05,230 但那里确有一个 男人痛苦至极 But there's still a man in there who is in pain, 594 00:30:05,230 --> 00:30:09,280 而他的太太却不愿听他倾诉 这可不是我干的 And his wife won't listen to him. That's not my doing. 595 00:30:10,980 --> 00:30:12,760 吧台闲聊到此为止 I think this sidebar is over. 596 00:30:29,300 --> 00:30:30,430 苏珊 Hey, Susan? 597 00:30:32,430 --> 00:30:35,670 真美啊 怎么想到买花了 Oh, those are beautiful. What's the occasion? 598 00:30:36,180 --> 00:30:37,480 我刚打给银行 I called the bank 599 00:30:37,480 --> 00:30:40,390 看能不能延 长车子的分期付款 to see if they would give us an extension on our car payment, 600 00:30:40,390 --> 00:30:43,070 职员告诉我你已经付过了 and the guy told me you already paid it. 601 00:30:43,070 --> 00:30:45,600 这周首饰卖得很好 Had a good week with my jewelry. 602 00:30:46,290 --> 00:30:47,720 你真了不起 You're amazing. 603 00:30:47,720 --> 00:30:48,640 教书 You teach, 604 00:30:48,640 --> 00:30:51,520 那么卖力地做首饰 You bust your ass with this jewelry business, 605 00:30:51,520 --> 00:30:52,450 昨天我回家 And I come home yesterday, 606 00:30:52,450 --> 00:30:55,080 看见你在家里 努力维持着家里的一切 and here you are, as happy as can be, 607 00:30:55,080 --> 00:30:57,680 脸上还洋溢着幸福 working to make this place a home. 608 00:30:58,670 --> 00:31:01,550 有你这样的老婆我真幸 运 I'm so lucky to have a wife like you. 609 00:31:15,400 --> 00:31:16,430 看看 Wow. 610 00:31:16,430 --> 00:31:18,190 全是你赚的 There ya go. 611 00:31:18,190 --> 00:31:19,920 大 丰收啊 That's quite a haul. 612 00:31:19,920 --> 00:31:21,130 你挺擅长做这个的嘛 You know, you're gettin' good as this. 613 00:31:21,130 --> 00:31:23,380 这是我之前没有想到的 I didn't think that was gonna happen. 614 00:31:23,900 --> 00:31:26,900 我也很擅长欺骗我的丈 夫 I'm also getting good at lying to my husband. 615 00:31:28,270 --> 00:31:30,940 这也是我始 料未及的 I didn't think that was gonna happen either. 616 00:31:48,420 --> 00:31:51,040 金斯 Hello, Keith. 617 00:31:52,950 --> 00:31:54,440 你怎么找到我的 How'd you find me? 618 00:31:54,440 --> 00:31:57,980 你是闻着"无味古龙水"找到我的吗 You follow the scent of my nonexistent cologne? 619 00:31:57,980 --> 00:32:00,980 你的答录机告诉我能在这里找到你 No. Your answering service said I might find you here. 620 00:32:04,740 --> 00:32:07,330 那天 我心绪不佳 I was a little out of sorts the other day, 621 00:32:07,330 --> 00:32:10,080 长话短 说吧 and, Uh, well, long story short, 622 00:32:10,080 --> 00:32:13,470 我希望你能继续工作 I was hoping you'd consider coming back. 623 00:32:19,960 --> 00:32:22,470 我有一个兄弟 酷 爱跑车 I've got a buddy, loves sports cars. 624 00:32:23,730 --> 00:32:25,430 我叫他买一辆庞 蒂克的 G.T.O I told him to buy an old Pontiac G.T.O. 625 00:32:25,430 --> 00:32:27,670 那车性 能很棒 速度也很快 They run great, they're easy to work on. 626 00:32:27,950 --> 00:32:29,810 可他却买了一辆玛莎拉蒂 But he bought a Maserati. 627 00:32:30,490 --> 00:32:31,920 这车 经常在维修 The thing is always in the shop, 628 00:32:32,520 --> 00:32:33,550 时好时坏 very temperamental, 629 00:32:33,740 --> 00:32:35,550 是个大麻烦 real pain in the ass. 630 00:32:38,110 --> 00:32:41,840 对我而言 你就像玛莎拉蒂 You seem like kind of a Maserati to me. 631 00:32:45,400 --> 00:32:47,100 我可不是 金斯 I'm no Maserati, Keith. 632 00:32:47,220 --> 00:32:50,300 我是有着优质性能的家庭轿车 I'm a family sedan with a beige interior 633 00:32:50,300 --> 00:32:53,610 不过刚结束了一段婚姻而已 Who's going through a divorce. 634 00:32:54,420 --> 00:32:56,130 对此我很抱歉 Well, I'm sorry about that, 635 00:32:56,820 --> 00:32:58,310 不过还是算了吧 but I'm still gonna pass. 636 00:33:09,910 --> 00:33:11,780 我需要你 I-I need you. 637 00:33:13,340 --> 00:33:15,020 你看见过我的房子了 那里乱成一团了 You've seen my house. It's kind of a mess. 638 00:33:15,020 --> 00:33:19,150 还有更乱的 那就是我的生活 And the truth is, my life's kind of a mess, too. 639 00:33:19,150 --> 00:33:20,930 之后 你出现了 And when you came in 640 00:33:20,930 --> 00:33:23,660 给 我出点子 让我感受到了积极的能量 with all your energy and your wonderful ideas, 641 00:33:23,660 --> 00:33:25,040 我开始觉得 I started feeling like 642 00:33:25,040 --> 00:33:28,900 或许你能帮助我振作起来 maybe you were gonna help me put it all back together... 643 00:33:30,810 --> 00:33:32,770 我说房子 不是生活 My house, not my life. 644 00:33:32,770 --> 00:33:35,610 我想你继续回去工作 I just want you to work on the house. 645 00:33:42,220 --> 00:33:44,540 听起来 我还真像玛莎拉蒂 I really do sound like a Maserati. 646 00:33:48,670 --> 00:33:50,710 谢谢你听我唠叨 Thanks for listening. 647 00:34:07,710 --> 00:34:08,850 上帝 Oh, my god. 648 00:34:08,850 --> 00:34:11,680 我的天 你还好吗 Oh, my god! Are you all right? 649 00:34:11,680 --> 00:34:14,970 -我不知道你在后面 -你的腿很美 - I didn't see you there. - You've got great legs. 650 00:34:14,970 --> 00:34:18,020 你有想过不开车 换跑步吗 You ever consider just jogging from place to place? 651 00:34:18,020 --> 00:34:20,020 你在车子后面干什么 What were you doing behind my car? 652 00:34:20,020 --> 00:34:22,150 我在想你刚刚说的话 I thought about what you said. 653 00:34:24,420 --> 00:34:27,350 有头无 尾 总会觉得有些遗憾 It'd be a shame if we didn't finish what we started. 654 00:34:28,390 --> 00:34:32,240 你确定吗 这个工程可不小 老板还疯疯癫癫的 Are you sure? It's a big job, and the boss is kinda nutty. 655 00:34:33,410 --> 00:34:34,990 我最爱挑战 I love a challenge. 656 00:34:36,550 --> 00:34:39,290 现在就把保险号给我好吗 Now can I get your insurance information? 657 00:34:48,070 --> 00:34:50,130 你 So... 658 00:34:50,130 --> 00:34:51,970 怎 么样了 How are you doing? 659 00:34:52,730 --> 00:34:54,450 这算什么 发自内心的关怀吗 What's this? Genuine concern? 660 00:34:55,460 --> 00:34:57,470 不问问我是不是还觉得胸闷 No asking if my breasts feel swollen 661 00:34:57,620 --> 00:34:59,240 这一天是不是忙坏了 or if it's a heavy flow day? 662 00:34:59,510 --> 00:35:02,150 我知道 之前是我疏忽了 I know I was dismissive before, 663 00:35:02,150 --> 00:35:04,320 我想道歉 and I want to apologize. 664 00:35:05,330 --> 00:35:08,840 我读过小册子了 那些反应是合乎情理的 I read the pamphlet, and it actually made sense. 665 00:35:09,290 --> 00:35:12,380 在这把年纪又有了小 孩 可能会觉得恐慌 Becoming a new dad at your age can be pretty scary. 666 00:35:12,380 --> 00:35:15,370 你想 看着这么小的宝贝女儿 I mean, just looking at that little girl 667 00:35:15,370 --> 00:35:18,230 可能会想自己是不是能活到她结婚那天.. and knowing you might not be around for her wedding... 668 00:35:18,230 --> 00:35:20,300 这些是安慰人的话吗 Is this supposed to be helping me? 669 00:35:20,300 --> 00:35:24,190 可这些是事实 我能体会 I'm saying it's real, and I get it. 670 00:35:24,190 --> 00:35:26,420 现在为了证实 我是个深爱 丈夫 And now in order to demonstrate that 671 00:35:26,420 --> 00:35:29,300 通情达理的好老 婆 你有两个选择 I am a loving and caring wife, I have two options. 672 00:35:29,300 --> 00:35:32,090 一 我们可以促膝长谈 One, we can have a long, sensitive conversation 673 00:35:32,090 --> 00:35:35,090 把你的感受告知我 第二个选择嘛 about your feelings, or option two... 674 00:35:45,470 --> 00:35:48,750 你知道我有多爱这个 As much I like option two, 675 00:35:48,750 --> 00:35:50,820 不过今晚我想 I think tonight... 676 00:35:50,820 --> 00:35:53,200 我们谈谈吧 I wanna talk. 677 00:35:55,180 --> 00:35:57,360 好的 You got it. 678 00:36:03,880 --> 00:36:05,420 这是什么 What--what's that? 679 00:36:05,420 --> 00:36:06,800 我送你的 I got you a little something. 680 00:36:15,510 --> 00:36:17,690 穿上试 试 Try it on. 681 00:36:20,010 --> 00:36:21,550 保罗 Paul... 682 00:36:22,070 --> 00:36:24,340 这可不是我的风格 This isn't... really my style. 683 00:36:24,340 --> 00:36:26,400 应该男人说 了算 Let me be the judge of that. 684 00:36:26,400 --> 00:36:30,060 我们之前说好的 你也答 应我们慢慢来 We talked about this. You said we could take it slow. 685 00:36:30,060 --> 00:36:32,610 可已经一个星期了 还不算慢吗 It's been almost a week. Isn't that slow enough? 686 00:36:32,610 --> 00:36:34,570 试试 或许你穿上就有感觉了 Try it. Maybe it'll put you in the mood. 687 00:36:34,570 --> 00:36:36,200 -不会的 -来吧 - It won't. - Come on. 688 00:36:36,200 --> 00:36:37,970 保罗 我说不要 Paul, no. 689 00:36:37,970 --> 00:36:39,420 你 怎么会觉得 How could you possibly think 690 00:36:39,420 --> 00:36:41,420 我会穿这样的衣 服 I would wear something like this? 691 00:36:51,710 --> 00:36:52,810 这是什么 What are those? 692 00:36:52,810 --> 00:36:54,690 我在监狱的时候你写给我的 The letters you sent me in prison. 693 00:36:57,450 --> 00:36:59,040 念一念 Read this. 694 00:36:59,040 --> 00:37:01,070 -保罗 你别这样 -大声点 - Paul, please don't get upset - Out loud. 695 00:37:04,390 --> 00:37:06,230 "渴望你轻吻我的颈 "I long for you to kiss my neck, 696 00:37:06,230 --> 00:37:09,990 解开罩衫 在我耳边轻语 to whisper in my ear while you unbutton my blouse." 697 00:37:09,990 --> 00:37:11,380 继续啊 Go on. 698 00:37:14,920 --> 00:37:16,890 和我做爱 "Make love to me... 699 00:37:16,890 --> 00:37:18,420 直到天亮" All night long." 700 00:37:19,010 --> 00:37:20,400 是你写的吧 Did you write these? 701 00:37:20,400 --> 00:37:21,540 一切就像梦境 It was a fantasy. 702 00:37:21,540 --> 00:37:24,000 -我从未想过会成为现实 -可现在就是 - I never thought it would be real. - It is real. 703 00:37:24,000 --> 00:37:26,200 -保罗 求求你 -我们结婚了 你想怎么样 - Paul, please - We're married now. What did you expect? 704 00:37:26,200 --> 00:37:29,160 我以为你会一直 待在监狱里 I thought you would stay in prison. 705 00:37:31,590 --> 00:37:33,090 不是那个意 思 I didn't mean that. 706 00:37:34,020 --> 00:37:35,300 对不起 I'm sorry. 707 00:37:44,360 --> 00:37:47,530 你这么说我并不觉得惊讶 It's not a surprise to me that you have some issues. 708 00:37:47,530 --> 00:37:51,210 想想 你会嫁个一个被控杀人的罪犯 I mean, you married a man in prison for murder. 709 00:37:51,210 --> 00:37:54,610 你的心理正常不到哪儿去 Clearly, you are a disturbed young woman. 710 00:37:55,400 --> 00:37:56,900 不过幸运的是 The good news is, 711 00:37:56,900 --> 00:37:59,140 我很乐意帮助你 I'm willing to help you. 712 00:37:59,140 --> 00:38:02,890 你只需要给我一点爱当做回报 All I ask in return is for a little affection. 713 00:38:02,890 --> 00:38:05,130 能做到吗 Do you think you can offer me that? 714 00:38:07,280 --> 00:38:08,780 我试试看 I'll try. 715 00:38:09,830 --> 00:38:12,330 很好 Good. 716 00:38:18,250 --> 00:38:20,620 贝丝 我是个有耐心的人 I'm a patient man, Beth. 717 00:38:20,620 --> 00:38:23,010 不过你要知道 But just so we're clear, 718 00:38:23,010 --> 00:38:25,560 我不会一直这么耐心下去的 I won't be patient forever. 719 00:38:40,750 --> 00:38:43,290 别担心 我清洗过了 Don't worry. I cleaned the pot. 720 00:38:44,920 --> 00:38:46,440 想想最近发生的 The way things have been going lately, 721 00:38:46,440 --> 00:38:49,350 我担心的可不是味道 而是你会不会投毒 I'm not as worried about taste as I am poison. 722 00:38:49,350 --> 00:38:52,130 你之前的作为就像是临界的恶魔 Look, what you did was borderline evil. 723 00:38:52,130 --> 00:38:54,570 不过你是对的 让我 和汤姆好好谈谈 But you were right to make me talk to Tom, 724 00:38:54,570 --> 00:38:57,110 谢谢你作为好友的良言 So I thank you for being a good friend, 725 00:38:57,110 --> 00:39:00,290 但下不为例 and don't ever do it again. 726 00:39:00,290 --> 00:39:02,710 别客气 You're welcome. 727 00:39:03,370 --> 00:39:05,110 知道吗 除非你逼得我想杀掉你 You know, when I don't feel like killing you, 728 00:39:05,110 --> 00:39:08,610 其实我还挺喜欢和 你在一起的 I think I like having you around. 729 00:39:08,610 --> 00:39:09,930 再好不过了 Good to know since 730 00:39:09,930 --> 00:39:11,930 我刚刚租下了一栋雅致的平房 I just rented the most charming bungalow 731 00:39:11,930 --> 00:39:14,850 就在紫藤郡 right here on Wisteria Lane. 732 00:39:15,930 --> 00:39:17,860 开玩笑吧 You're kidding. 733 00:39:17,860 --> 00:39:19,520 伊迪的故居 Edie's old house? 734 00:39:19,520 --> 00:39:21,810 这个真是太... Wow, that is so... 735 00:39:23,080 --> 00:39:24,430 棒了吗 Wonderful? 736 00:39:24,430 --> 00:39:26,520 太近了 Close. 737 00:39:29,090 --> 00:39:31,670 我想哄哄孩子 Um, I-I'm trying to calm the baby, 738 00:39:31,670 --> 00:39:34,220 可显然我没有合适的"硬件" but apparently I don't have the right equipment. 739 00:39:34,220 --> 00:39:35,560 听说好消息了吗 Did you hear the big news? 740 00:39:35,560 --> 00:39:39,710 雷尼要搬来了 一石之远的隔壁 Renee is moving in just a stone throw away from us . 741 00:39:39,710 --> 00:39:42,690 你知道"一石之远"只是种表达 对吧 You do know that's just an expression, right? 742 00:39:42,690 --> 00:39:44,430 不知道啊 We'll see. 743 00:39:48,140 --> 00:39:49,520 你真觉得搬来这里 Do you really think it's a good idea 744 00:39:49,520 --> 00:39:51,270 是个好主意吗 for you to move here? 745 00:39:51,270 --> 00:39:53,500 当然 美好而崭新的开始 Of course. It'll be a nice, fresh start. 746 00:39:53,500 --> 00:39:55,920 再说 这样和我的好朋友更亲近了 Plus I can be close to my dear friend. 747 00:39:56,720 --> 00:39:58,740 不过 It's just, um... 748 00:40:01,150 --> 00:40:04,450 -我想要... -汤姆 那是多久的事情了 - I wanna be sure - Tom, that was a million years ago. 749 00:40:04,450 --> 00:40:05,770 不是时间的关系 It doesn't matter. 750 00:40:05,770 --> 00:40:08,770 永远也不能让她知道我们的事 She can never know what happened between us. 751 00:40:16,930 --> 00:40:18,100 我太太来过吗 Have you seen my wife? 752 00:40:18,100 --> 00:40:20,930 是的 她去咖啡厅了 既然你来了 Yeah, she's in the cafeteria. Oh, while I've got you, 753 00:40:20,930 --> 00:40:24,500 把出院表签了吧 could I have you sign these release forms? 754 00:40:24,500 --> 00:40:26,590 你们就可以带胡安妮塔回家了 Then you'll be able to take Juanita home. 755 00:40:26,590 --> 00:40:29,980 怎么有残缺页呢 What's this torn page on her chart? 756 00:40:29,980 --> 00:40:32,640 这么说吧 你老婆脾气很大哦 Let's just say your wife has a bit of a temper. 757 00:40:33,980 --> 00:40:35,460 发生什么了 What happened? 758 00:40:35,460 --> 00:40:37,640 这可真不关我的事 Well, it's not really my place, 759 00:40:37,640 --> 00:40:40,230 可我告诉她你女儿的血型后 But she did have a strong reaction 760 00:40:40,230 --> 00:40:43,440 她反应很大 when I told her your daughter's blood type. 761 00:40:46,130 --> 00:40:48,260 加布这么做的 Gaby did this? 762 00:40:48,890 --> 00:40:52,800 我要你告诉我到底发生了什么 I need you to tell me exactly what happened. 763 00:40:52,800 --> 00:40:54,580 糟糕 Oh, crap. 764 00:40:55,720 --> 00:40:57,360 加布 回来 Gaby, come back here! 765 00:40:57,360 --> 00:40:58,890 不是我的错 我心情不好 It's not my fault! I have a disorder! 766 00:40:58,890 --> 00:41:00,640 -加布 我们谈谈 -该死 - Gaby, we have to talk! - Damn it! 767 00:41:01,710 --> 00:41:03,000 加布 Gaby! 768 00:41:03,000 --> 00:41:05,580 我马上下来陪你 See you in about two seconds. 769 00:41:05,580 --> 00:41:07,580 好的 我说 Okay, here's what happened. 770 00:41:07,580 --> 00:41:09,140 八年 前的一个周末 我去滑雪 It was on that ski weekend eight years ago. 771 00:41:09,140 --> 00:41:10,380 其实我不太喜欢法国人的 I don't normally go for French guys, 772 00:41:10,380 --> 00:41:12,380 可你知道我喝了香槟后的样子吧 but you know how I get when I drink too much champagne. 773 00:41:12,380 --> 00:41:13,080 什么 What? 774 00:41:13,960 --> 00:41:15,800 我觉得我们什么也没发生 但一定发生了什么 Well, I didn't think I slept with him, but I must have, 775 00:41:15,800 --> 00:41:17,820 要不女儿的血型怎么会是 A 型 Because why else would our daughter have type-A blood? 776 00:41:21,860 --> 00:41:24,750 你 不是要杀了我吗 为什么还不动手 You're not killing me. Why aren't you killing me? 777 00:41:26,580 --> 00:41:28,900 来吧 宝贝 Baby, come with me. 778 00:41:28,900 --> 00:41:30,690 有些事我要告诉你 There's something I have to tell you. 779 00:41:40,610 --> 00:41:42,700 尘世间的痛楚 There are certain kinds of pain 780 00:41:43,060 --> 00:41:45,470 即使在医院也不会得以抚慰 that can't be treated in a hospital, 781 00:41:46,140 --> 00:41:49,080 所以受伤的人想要痊愈 so those who are suffering do what they can 782 00:41:49,340 --> 00:41:51,060 只能借助自身的力量 to heal themselves. 783 00:41:53,500 --> 00:41:56,100 结交新的朋友 Some cure the ache of loneliness 784 00:41:56,590 --> 00:41:58,300 可以释放寂寞的苦楚 by making new friends. 785 00:42:00,150 --> 00:42:03,190 金钱的慰藉 Some soothe their excruciating guilt 786 00:42:03,660 --> 00:42:06,290 可以减轻 深恶痛绝的自责 with an infusion of cash. 787 00:42:07,950 --> 00:42:10,410 一个小小的善举 Some alleviate their burning desire 788 00:42:10,820 --> 00:42:14,220 可以减缓灼热的欲望 with small acts of kindness. 789 00:42:16,190 --> 00:42:17,310 可惜 But sadly, 790 00:42:17,310 --> 00:42:20,870 可世间有一种伤痛让人无法治愈 there will always be those who can't begin to heal... 791 00:42:23,000 --> 00:42:25,990 因为他们意识到 更大的伤痛 because they realize there is more pain 792 00:42:26,220 --> 00:42:27,810 还未来到 yet to come.
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