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科技英语课文段落翻译1、p16第1段第四行P r o g r a m s u s u a l l y r e s i d e……,a n d s p e e d. Programs usually reside within the computer and are retrieved and processed by the computer’s electronic, and the program results are stored or routed to output devices ,such as video di...

1、p16第1段第四行P r o g r a m s u s u a l l y r e s i d e……,a n d s p e e d. Programs usually reside within the computer and are retrieved and processed by the computer’s electronic, and the program results are stored or routed to output devices ,such as video display monitors or printers. Computers are used to perform a wide variety of activities with reliability ,accuracy, and speed. 程序通常贮存在计算机中,计算机的电子器件会对其进行检索和处理,程序结果会被存起来或传给输出装置,如视频显示器或打印机。人们运用计算机进行各种各样的活动,它可靠,准确而且快捷。 2、p17第5段L a p t o p c o m p u t e r s a n d P C s....t o d i s p l a y i n f o r m a t i o n(倒数第三行) Laptop computers and PCs are typically used in businesses and at home to communicate on computer networks, for word processing ,to track finances ,and to play games. They have large amounts of internal memory to store hundreds of programs and documents. They are equipped with a keyboard; a mouse, trackball, or other pointing device; and a video display monitor or liquid crystal display(LCD)to display information. 典型情况下,商务上和家庭中使用膝上电脑和个人电脑在计算机网络上进行通信,进行文字处理,跟踪金融行市以及玩游戏。这些电脑拥有大量内存来存储成百上千的程序和文件。它们配备有键盘,鼠标,轨迹球或其他指针设备,还有一个视频显示器或液晶显示器(LCD)来显示信息。 3、p17第7段第7行T h e y a r e u s e d b y t h e l a r g e s t……最后 They are used by the largest businesses, scientific institutions ,and the military. Some supercomputers have many sets of central processing units(CPU). These computers break a task into small pieces, and each CPU processes a portion of the task to increase overall speed and efficiency . Such computers are called parallel processors. 大的商业和科研机构以及军方都采用巨型机。有些巨型机有多套中央处理器。这些机器把一项工作分为很多小的部分,每个中央处理器处理一份,这样就提高了总体速度和效率。这种机器被称作并行处理器。 4、p18第8段最后五行N e w e t h i c a l i s s u e s……r e g u l a t o r y l e g i s l a t i o n New ethical issues also have arisen, such as how to regulate material on the Internet and the World Wide Web. Individuals, companies, and governments are working to solve these problems by developing better computer security and enacting regulatory legislation. 新的道德问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 也出现了,比如如何管理互联网和万维网上的资源。个人,公司和政府正通过开发更优良的计算机安全系统和实施法规制度着手解决这些问题。5、p18第10段 Communications between computer users and networks will benefit from new technologies such as broadband communication systems that can carry significantly more data and carry it faster ,to and from the vast interconnected databases that continue to grow in number and type. 计算机用户和网络间的通信将得益于新技术,如宽带通信系统能传输更多的数据,能更快的把信息传输给不断在数目和类型上增多的宠大的互联数据库,并从中提取信息。 6、p18第11段G e n e t i c E n g i n e e r i n g i s…….i n d u s t r i a l w a s t e s(倒数第四行) Genetic Engineering is the alteration of an organism’s genetic, or hereditary, material to eliminate undesirable characteristics or to produce desirable new ones, Genetic engineering is used to increase plant and animal food production ,to diagnose disease, improve medical treatment, and produce vaccines and other useful drugs ,and to help dispose of industrial wastes. 遗传工程就是改变有机体的基因或遗传物质以除去不需要的特性或产生所需的新特性。基因工程用于提高动植物食品产量,诊断疾病,改进医疗措施,生产疫苗和其它有用的药品,以及帮助处理工业废品 7、p20第17段 Critics of recombinant DNA fear the accidental production of harmful disease organisms ,the incorporation of allergens in food, and the displacement of natural plant populations with transgenic species. Regulations have been established to restrict recombinant DNA research. questions remain as to the morality of producing transgenic organisms , the appropriateness of patenting organisms ,and the effectiveness of gene therapy. 重组DNA技术的批评家们担心会意外制造出有害疾病的生物体,让食物中带有细菌病毒体,以及转基因物种会取代各类自然植物。已有规定限制重组DNA的研究。生产转基因生物体的道德性,对有机体申请专利的适当性和基因疗法的有效性等问题仍然悬而未决。 8、p20第18段 Nuclear engineering is concerned with the control and use of energy and radiation released from nuclear reactions .It encompasses the development , design, and construction of power reactors, naval propulsion reactors, nuclear fuel-cycle facilities, and radioactive-waste disposal facilities; the development and production of nuclear weapons; and the production and application of radioisotopes; 核工程关心的问题,是对从核反应中释放出的能量和核辐射的控制与利用。它包括对核反应堆,海军动力反应堆,核燃料循环设施和放射性废料设施的开发, 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 和建造;开发和生产核武器以及放射性同位素的制造和应用 9、p42第3段前四行 Much of Gate’s success rests on his ability to translate technical visions into market strategy, and to blend creativity with technical acumen. He has accumulated one of the world’s largest personal fortunes from his holdings of Microsoft stock and is known for his charity and educational organizations . 盖茨的成功在很能大程度上依靠他把对技术的远见卓识转化为市场策略,和将创造性与对技术的敏锐目光融为一体的能力。他拥有的微软公司股票使他成为世界上个人财产最多的巨富之一,同时,他也以他和他的公司对慈善事业及教育机构的捐赠而闻名于世。 10、p43第5段 Gate’s wealth and fortune is up to 27.56155 billion dollars, but it is ironic, considering the fact that he never thought of being rich. What excites him most it the chance to bring about a difference in the world ,a goal of life he started to pursue decades ago. 盖茨个人的财富与资产高达二百七十亿美元之多,但具有讽刺意味的是,他过去从未想到要成为富翁。最能激励他的莫过于能给世界带来变化的机遇,这是 他在数十年前就开始追求的人生目标。 11、p43第6段后三行M i c r o s o f t h a s g r o w n f r o m…….最后 Microsoft has grown from 15 employees and $500,000 in revenues in 1978 to more than 20,000 employees and $8.7 billion in revenues for the fiscal year ending in June 1996.微软公司1978年只有15名员工、50万美元的年收益,到1996年6月为止的财政年度中已发展到二万多名员工、87亿美元年收益。 12、p45第12段 Choose by Time magazine as its 1997 man of the year ,Andrew Stephen Grove, chairman and CEO of Intel, is most responsible for the amazing growth in the power and innovative potential of microchips, which have propelled the growth of a new economy, global in scope but brought home in the glad tiding of personal portfolios. 安德鲁·史蒂芬·格罗夫,这位被时代杂志选为1997年度风云人物的英特尔公司总裁兼首席执行官,对开发功能强大、潜力非凡的微芯片方面所取得的惊人进展,作出了极为重大的贡献。上述进展推动了一种新型经济的增长,它具有全球性的规模,但其表现形式却是为千家万户带来福音的(尤如便携式 公文 公文种类及格式公文写作资料选粹公文的语言应当是常见公文批示用语党政机关公文格式国家标准 包的)个人计算机。 13.P45第14段前7行I n t h e e a r l y1960s……a b e n i g n r e v o l u t i o n In the early 1960s ,after finishing his Ph.D. program at the University of California BERKELEY ,Grove had a pick of many American Research Corporations including the prestigious Bell Laboratories, but he finally decided to join Fairchild Semiconductor, a start-up staffed by a handful brilliant engineers, which is new recognized as a breeding ground for the revolutionaries at that time when the computer industry was in the midst of a benign revolution. 1960年代初期,格罗夫在加州大学柏克利分校取得博士学位后,他有机会选择包括名声显赫的贝尔实验室在内的许多美国研究公司,但他却最终决定加盟F air-child半导体公司,一个当时由少数几个极富聪明才智的工程师刚刚创建的公司,现在则被人们看作是60年代初,当计算机工业正处于一场温和的革命之中时的一块培育革命者的基地。 14.p45第14段第10行H e d i d n’t l e a v e F a i r c h i l d u n t i l……t h e20t h c e n t u r y. He didn’t leave Fairchild until the founding of Intel in 1968 and soon became one of its top leaders building Intel into one of the most powerful companies of our age, with a stranglehold on one of the transformative technologies of the 20th century. 1968年,格罗夫离开Fairchild,来到新创建的英特尔公司,并很快成为公司的主要领导人之一,将公司建设成为当代最强大的企业之一,扼制着20世纪最具革新精神的技术领域之一的命脉。 15.p47第23段 In 1996 a supercomputer built by Intel and the United States Department of Energy achieved a processing speed of more than one trillion operations per second, eclipsing the previous computing speed record of 368 billion operations per second. The supercomputer contained thousands of Pentium Pro processors, enabling it to operate by parallel processing. 1996年,由英特尔公司和美国能源部共同建造的一台超级计算机达到每秒万亿次以上的运算速度,使先前创造的每秒3680亿次的运算速度黯然失色。这台超级计算机拥有数以千计的超级奔腾微处理器,使其能进行平行信息处理。 16、p81第2段(很重要) Hoping to relieve congestion, cellular companies have in the pastried a variety of ways –from technical tinkering to political warngling with the FCC (Federal Communications Commission)—to increase the number of subscribers the cellular network can handle .However ,most solutions have been too costly or, considering the clamoring for cellular ,too insignificant .Now there’s a new idea: make the cellular phones communicate using digital signals instead of the present analog ones ,Why? 蜂窝电话公司为减缓这种拥挤的状况,曾经尝试了各种方法---从技术上改进到政治上与联邦通信委员会进行讨价还价----以增加蜂窝网可以容纳的用户数量。然而,大多数方法要么价格太高,要么就是与对蜂窝电话的炫耀相比而显得微不足道。现在有了一种新的想法,即用数字信号来代替现有的模拟信号进行蜂窝电话的通信。为什么呢? 17、p82第5段前5行T h e F C C h a s d i v i d e d…..w i t h n e a r b y p h o n e s. The FCC has divided the country into 305 metropolitan areas and 428 rural service areas .A cellular phone service area is divided into many smaller areas called cells .In the center of each cell is a cellsite the location for an antenna and a low power transmitter used to communicate with nearby mobile phones. 联邦通信委员会把全国划分成305个大都市和428个乡村服务区。一个蜂窝电话服务区再被划分成许多更小的小区。在每个小区的中心位置有一个区址,这个位置用来安装天线和低功率发射机,用来与临近的移动电话进行通信。 18、p82第9段 Digital service shuld become cheaper as more customers enroll because it makes more efficient use of the channels that are already available,so operators won’t have to build new cell sites,More efficient? It squeezes more cells on one cell. 随着越来越多用户的加入,数字服务将变得更便宜,因为它更有效地利用了已有的信道,公司不必建立新的区址。这样做难道不是更有效吗?它把更多的电话压缩在一个小区里。 19、p83第10段 Today’s analog phones work by transmitting radio signal that mimic the wave patterns of human speech .They’re essentially tiny FM radio stations that can operate on hundreds of different frequencies.Digital phones will also use radio siginals.but they will transmit a pattern of pulses rather than analog waves.The pulses represent human speech that has been encoded—digitized—as a series of ones and zeros,like the language used by computers 如今的模拟电话的工作方式是发射模拟人类语言波形的无线电信号。它们实际上相当于小型的调频无线电站,能在成百上千种不同频率上工作。数字电话也将使用无线电信号,但它们传输的将是脉冲信号而不是模拟波形。脉冲经编码或数字化,变成一系列0和1,来表示人类语言,它类似计算机所使用的语言。 20、p83第12段前5行……o v e r a n a l o g s y s t e m s As engineers develop more powerful digital signal processors,they’ll be able to compress more voice signals onto a single channel. The digital-cellular standar d published by the Telecommunications Industry Association,which represent ma nufacturers of cellular phones,stipulates a threefold increase in capacity over an alog systems. 随着工程师们开发出功能越来越强的信号处理器,他们将可以把更多的语言信号压缩到一个信道。由代表蜂窝电话制造商的电信工业协会出版的数字蜂窝标准规定,其容量应比模拟系统增加3倍. 21、p83第14段 Both Northern Talcum and IMM also tried performing “hands off‖ (transferring a call between cell sites)‖With this system, you’re not only changing the frequency during the hand-off,but also the time slot ,explains Sodha of Northen Telecom,The technologital is to synchronize the signals so that no part of the conversation is lost during the hand-off. 北方电信和IMM都尝试了转区通话(在区址间进行电话传输)。“有了这一系统,你不仅在转区通话时改变了频率,而且也改变了时隙”,北方电信的索达说。这一技术的关键是实现信号同步。这样,在转区时就不会丢失通话内容。 22、P85第24段前4行D i g i t a l p h o n e s c o u l d……f r o m t h e a n t e n n a t o w e r,”h e s a y s Digital phones could also be used for locational services,‖With the time-di vision multiple-access system we have the ability to measure the time it takes for a signal to go to a vehicle and back,That enables you to measure how far you are from the antenna tower,‖he says. 数字电话也可用来提供定位服务。“有了时分多址系统,你就能够测量出信号发送至车辆以及返回所用的时间,这样就能测量出距离天线塔有多远,”他说。 23、p86第26段 Now the challenge is to build a digital phone that can send and receive crystal -clear signals while it’s in motion.‖Ultimately,cellular customers want the same service and clarity they get at home,‖says Ameritech Mobile’s Jankowki.‖Digital will take us much closer to that goal. 面临的挑战是建立一种能在移动中发送并接收到高度清晰信号的电话机。“最终,蜂窝电话用户想要得到他们在家中所能得到的同样的服务,以及清晰的信号。”美国技术移动公司的詹诺斯基说,“数字技术将使我们更接近于这一目标。”24、p95第1段开头至第6行中间…….t r a n s m i t e d s i m u l t a n e o u s l y With the rapid develpoment of science and techonlogy,telephone researchers are planning a complex network of hair-thin glass fibers to delivers to deliver HDTV and a wide range of additional enterainment and information services to homes in the 1990s, Such a network would accommodate enormous quantities of voice,data,and video traffic,transmitted simulaneously. 随着科学技术的高速发展,电话研究人员正在 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 筹建一种由极细的玻璃纤维构成的复杂网络,以便在九十年代把高清晰电视节目和各种其它的娱乐和信息服务传送到各个家庭。这样的网络可以容纳大量同时传送的语音、数据、以及视频业务。 25、p95第2段第2行T o m a k e t h i s i n v e s t m e n t……最后 To make this investment economically feasible,phone companies want new laws that would let them supply programming as well as carry it for other co mpanies.Some cable-Tvcompanies,broadcastsrs,and publisher strongly oppose the entry of such powerful competitors. 为了使投资在经济上可行,电话公司希望能制定新的法律,允许他们在为其 它公司提供传输的同时,也提供程序。一些有线电视公司、广播公司和出版商竭力反对如此有实力的竞争者介入。 26、p96第4段后6行A l a s e r u s e d w i t h……最后 A laser used with the erbiumdoped fiber can then be triggered without firs t having to convert weakened light pulses into electrical signals.As a result, wi th no interventing optical /electrical conversions to slow down transmissions,fib ers can carry more information in the form of higher speed signals. 在一种新的光放大器中,一截含有铒元素的特殊光纤叠接于主光纤上。这样,无需先把减弱的光脉冲转换成光信号,通过含铒光纤的激光便可得到触发。结果,由于没有光电转换的干扰来降低传输速度,光纤可以以高速信号的方式传输更多的信息。 27、p96第6段后7行A n d s i m i l a r o p t o e l e c t r o n i c c h i p….最后 And similar optoelectronic chips, mass-produced for telephone companies , will make fiber –to –home networks economically feasible.Bellcore’s initial HD TV circuits,created to slow potential studio capability ,compress signals to 622 megabits per second(mbps).Also being researched are circuits for 155-mbps co mpression that would deliver more HDTV channels to home through fibers. 这些电路可以共存于一块集成电路之上。为电话公司大规模生产的同类光电芯片将使光纤网络进入家庭具备经济上的可行性。贝尔科尔公司用以显示播放潜力的第一代高清晰电视电路可将信号压缩至622 兆比特秒。同样处于研究之中的还有压缩至155兆比特秒的电路,这种电路可以通过光纤将更多的高清晰电视传送至家庭。 28、p97第8段前5行…….w a n t t o l e a r n a c o m p l e x q u e r y l a n g u a g e. Inside one darkened lab room,a Sun Microsystems work station demonstrat es Bellcore’s customized-information –delivery(CID) system .This delivery meth od –an interactive multimedia magazine or newspaper that combines text,video, and audio—is for casual users ―drowing in informations‖who don’t want to lea rn a complex query language. 在一间漆黑的实验室里,一台SUN微系统工作站演示着贝尔科尔的用户选择信息传输系统(CID)。这种传输方式,即交互式多媒体杂志或集文本、视频和语音为一体的报纸,是为那些“淹没于信息之中”,而又不想学习复杂的查询语言的非专业用户使用的 29、p99第17段 Develpoment of a nationwide fiber network has been bogged down by reg ulations and other restrictions.Experts meeting at a recent symposium to discuss U.S.technology development echoed the growing impatience with delays.Said Dr. George Keyworth,former science adviser to President Reagan:‖The fiber-opti c network should be looked at as a prolific tree,and the fruit will be the busin ess it creates.‖ 全国光纤网络的发展已经由于一些规章与限制而搁置不前。在近期的一次有关美国技术发展的专题研讨会上,专家们再次表达了由于这项工作的搁延,他们已越来越感到焦虑不安。乔治·金沃斯博士,里根总统的前科学顾问说:“光纤网络应被看作是一颗多产的树,它的果实将是它所产生的商业机会 Because of the National Information Infrastructure ,all forms of communication are interrelated,so no matter how we communicate over whatever network ,the connection are seamless. 由于(美国)国家信息基础结构的建立,所有各种通信形式都相互连接在一起,因而不管我们通过什么样的网络进行怎样的交流,这种连接都将无懈可击31、p168第4段开头至169第4行中间……t o t h e i r c l a s s r o o m s People are the travelers and builders of the Superhighway. We travel the Superhighway every time we make a phone call, receive a fax, watch TV, or search the World Wide Web. Today, in many American communities, school administrators, and librarians use the Information Superhighway to find new information dna materials, share ideas and lssson plans with colleagues, and bring guests and experts to their classrooms 人既是信息高速公路的旅行者,又是其建设者。每当我们打个电话,接个传真,看看电视,抑或在世界互联网上查阅信息的时候,我们都漫游在信息高速公路上。如今,在美国的很多社区里,教师、学校管理人员和图书管理员们都利用信息高速公路去查找新的信息和资料、与同事们分享他们的意见和授课计划或者将客人和专家们请进他们的课堂里 32、p169第7段前4行…..a s t h e p e o p l e w h o s e n d a n d r e c e i v e i t Content is the information on the Superhighway. People created the Informatian Superhighway to share ideas, entertainment, and data quickily, easily, and over great distances. The content that travels over the Superhighway is as varied as the people who send and receive it. 内容就是信息高速公路上的信息。人们创建信息高速公路是为了迅速、方便地在远距离上分享不同观点、娱乐节目及各种数据。通过信息高速公路传送的内容,正如发送和接收它们的人们一样,是各不相同的 33、p171第11段 Boeing’s latest aircraft, the 777, was designed exclusively on computers linked by a network. Engineers and designers tested their ideas on a master 3—D computer model, rather than a real-life prototype. This made solving conflicts easier and quicker. 波音公司最近问世的的飞机,波音-777就是完全通过连接网络的计算机设计出来的。工程师和设计师们正是在一台三维主机的模型上,而不是在设计原型的实物上检验他们的 设计方案 关于薪酬设计方案通用技术作品设计方案停车场设计方案多媒体教室设计方案农贸市场设计方案 。这使得在解决有不同见解的问题时更加容易,更加快捷。 34、p194第2段 The Global Positioning System(GPS) is a worldwide radio-navigation system formed from a constellation of 24 satellites and their ground stations. GPS uses these ―man-made stars‖as reference points to calculate positions accurate to a matter of meters. In fact, with advanced forms of GPS you can make measurements to better than a centimeter! In a sense it’s like giving every square meter on the planet a unique address.全球定位系统(GPS)是一个由24个卫星星座和他们的地面站组成的全球范围内的无线电导航系统。GPS用这些“人造星座”作为参考点可计算精确到米的方位。实际上,用先进的GPS系统你可进行比厘米还精确的测量!从某种意义上讲,它好象使地球这个行星上的每一个平方米都有一个独一无二的地址。 So by ranging from three satellites we can narrow our position to just two points in space. To decide which one is our true location we could make a fourth measurement. But usually one of the two points is a ridiculous answer(erther too far from Earth or an impossible velocity) and can be rejected without a measurement. 因此通过使用三颗卫星进行测距,我们的方位就能缩小到一块空间的两个点上。那么,为了确定哪一个点是真正的方位,我们可以进行第四次测距。但是通常情况下两个点中有一个数据很荒谬(不是距地球太远就是速度太快),因此不用测量就可以排除。 36、p197第16段 Remember that both the satellite and the receiver need to be able to precisely synchronize their pseudo-random codes to make the system work. If our receivers needed atomic clocks(which cost upwards of $50K to $100K) GPS would be a lame duck technology. Nobody could afford it. Luckily the designers of GPS came up with a brilliant little trick that lets us get by with much less accurate clocks in our receivers. This trick is one of the key elements of GPS and as an added side benefit it means that every GPS receivers is essentially an atomic-accuracy clock. 要记住,若想让这一系统运作,需要能够使卫星和接收机将它们的伪随机码达到精确的同步。如果我们的接收机需要原子钟的话(其费用高达50,000美元到100,000美元),那么GPS就会成为一项难以为继的技术。没有人能承受如此高的费用。幸运的是,GPS的设计者们找到了一个非常聪明的小窍门,有了它,我们只要在接收机里装上一些精密度不很高的时钟,就能将就着使用这一系统了。这个窍门是GPS的关键部分之一,其附带的好处是能使每一个GPS接收机基本上都成为一个具有原子钟的精确度的时钟。 37、p231第1段后5行N A S A’s S p a c e S c i e n c e E n t e r p r i s e…..最后 NASA’s Space Science Enterprise can provide more precise answers to fundam ental questions about the formation and evolution of the Universe, how the Su n infiuences Earth, the history of planets and satellites in our solar system, an d the occurrence of life either in our tiny region of space or in the larger nei ghborhood of our Galaxy. NASA的空间科学事业可以为诸如宇宙的形成与演化,太阳是如何影响着地球,影响着太阳系中的行星及其卫星的历史的,以及影响着我们这渺小的宇宙一隅或我们这星系中更为广阔的邻界之中生命的起源等基本问题,提供更为准确的答案。 38、p232第4段 A new generation of instruments will be required to provide detailed understan ding of the birth and evolution of stars and to extend the search for the planet which surround them. The Super Interferometry Mission(SIM) will survey for pianets with masses as low as a few times that of Earth, giving scientists their fiest major census of systems which may harbor Earth-like planets. The obser vatories operating at infrared wavelengths—the Next Generation Space Telescop e (NGST) and the Far-Infrared and Submillimeter Telescope(FIRST)---will use key digagnostic spectral lines to study the chemical composition, basic physical parameters, and motions of material swirling around baby stars at distances w here planets might form. 为了详细了解恒星的诞生与演化,拓展对它们周围行星的探测,需要新一代的仪器设备。空间干涉仪计划(SIM)将测量质量低至仅为地球数倍的行星,使科学家第一次获得与可能隐匿着类似地球的行星的系统有关的统计数据。在红外波长下运转的天文台---NGST和FIRST---将采用关键的诊断谱线,来研究遥远的天际可能形成行星之处那些幼年恒星周围旋浮着的物质的化学成分,基本物理参数及其运动。 39、p233第8段去掉最后一句 Solar variability has practical near-term effects on humanity. These effects can range form disruption of short-wave communication, to damaging spacecraft an d power transformers in electric power grids, to causing electrical blackouts. S olar variability is also one of the natural drivers of global climate which must be better understood for accurate evaluation of the impact of human activities on global climate. 太阳的变化对人类有实际的近期影响。这种影响可从中断短波通信,损坏太空船和电网的变压器,直到造成停电。太阳变化还是地球气侯的自然驱动因素之一,必须更好地了解它,以准确地估价人类活动给全球气侯带来的影响。
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