首页 冬雨季施工措施--中英文



冬雨季施工措施--中英文五、Winter construction measures冬季施工措施 1. Reinforcing bar engineering钢筋工程 1.1  In a negative temperature conditions, its mechanical performance of reinforced to change, so winter of the construction should take appropriate measures to ensure the construction qua...

五、Winter construction measures冬季施工措施 1. Reinforcing bar engineering钢筋工程 1.1  In a negative temperature conditions, its mechanical performance of reinforced to change, so winter of the construction should take appropriate measures to ensure the construction quality. Steel processing, cold pull, welding should take block rain, wind in a setting on the windshield etc 在负温条件下的钢筋,其力学性能要发生变化,故冬期施工时应采取妥善的措施以确保施工质量。钢筋的加工、冷拉、焊接应采取遮雨、在上风向处设置挡风等措施。 1.2  Negative temperature conditions reinforced cold pull environmental temperature should not be below - 20 ℃. The elongation according to the control method to determine the control 负温条件下钢筋冷拉环境温度不得低于–20℃。其伸长率的控制按所采用的控制方法确定。 1.3  Negative temperature conditions steel welding environment temperature may not be less than 20 ℃, and at the same time -- should be rainproof, snow shelter measures. After welding joints, forbidden immediately encounter ice and snow 负温条件下钢筋焊接环境温度不得低于–20℃,同时应有防雨、雪挡风措施。焊后的接头,严禁立刻碰到冰雪。 2. Concrete projects砼工程 The winter of concrete engineering construction, from the construction period, based on the temperature quality, speed up progress premise, choose appropriate construction measures 砼工程的冬期施工,要从施工期间的气温出发,在保证质量、加快进度前提下,选择适宜的施工措施。 2.1、Use of the cement concrete casting choose ordinary Portland cement. Cement label not below P.o 3.25 level. Every cubic concrete 300kg dosage of cement shoulds not be less than. Aggregate must be clean, and shall not contain ice and snow and frozen pieces 对砼浇筑使用的水泥选用普通硅酸盐水泥。水泥标号不低于P.o 32.5级。每立方混凝土中水泥用量不宜少于300kg。骨料必须清洁,不得含有冰雪和冻块。 2.2、To reduce cold, should the concrete mixing water-cement ratio decreased, and the reclamation and appropriate amount of antifreeze, early strength agent. Mixed breed and quantity which set by the laboratory test match after 为减少冻害,应将砼配合比的水灰比适当减小,并填加适量的抗冻剂、早强剂。所掺品种及数量由试验室试配后定。 2.3、The machine that concrete regarding mix-proportion ℃ temperature shall not be lower than 10, stirring can join hot water control; when Into the mould temperature should not be less than 5 ℃, the concrete shall promptly casting machine, prevent after a long time lead to concrete temperature decrease. Temperature is too low, should suspend casting concrete work 砼拌合物的出机温度不宜低于10℃,搅拌时可以加入热水控制;入模温度不得低于5℃,混凝土出机后应及时浇筑,防止时间过长导致混凝土温度降低。温度过低时,应暂停浇砼工作。 2.4、After molding, concrete casting immediately with sacks of films and plastic film mulching and paying attention to the often monitoring temperature changes. 砼浇筑成型后立即用麻袋片及塑料薄膜覆盖,并注意经常监测温度变化。 2.5、Bearing structure and pool body structure etc to dismantle mould should press formulary design strength ranks of 100%, other template should stay concrete strength achieves 70% of the rear design strength of concrete, avoid mould detachable frozen loss. Under the same condition maintenance can do block, dismantling formwork and try to support, sample blocks to test its compressive strength, reference承重结构及池体结构等拆模应按规定达到 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 强度等级的100%,其它 模板 个人简介word模板免费下载关于员工迟到处罚通告模板康奈尔office模板下载康奈尔 笔记本 模板 下载软件方案模板免费下载 应待砼强度达到设计强度的70%后方可拆模,避免砼冻损。可做同条件养护下试块,拆除模板及支撑时,对试块检验其抗压强度,做为参考。 2.6、Templates and thermal insulation layer should be in the concrete cooling to 5 ℃ rear can dismantled. When concrete temperature and the outside world, and more than 20 ℃ die when the concrete surface should be temporary after covering, make its slow cooling 模板和保温层应该在混凝土冷却到5℃后方可拆除。当混凝土与外界的温差大于20℃时,拆模后的混凝土表面应临时覆盖,使其缓慢冷却。 2.7、The maintenance of concrete by insulation heat storage method. For important project construction, mass concrete, before the construction scheme should prepare detailed, and after computation, can concrete implementation 砼的养护采用保温蓄热法。对重要的工程项目、大体积砼,施工前应编制详细的施工 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 ,并进行热工计算后,方能具体实施。 2.8、Do the winter construction of concrete construction records做好冬季施工时的混凝土的施工记录。 3. Masonry engineering砌体工程 3.1、Brick masonry, surface contaminants in before, ice and snow, etc must clean clean water baptism, was frozen brick after may be used. Higher than 0 ℃, ordinary brick, porous brick and hollow bricks should be watered wet; Less or equal to 0 ℃, don't water, increase the mortar plastics 砖在砌筑前,表面污物、冰雪等必须清扫干净,遭水浸后冻结的砖不得使用。高于0℃时,普通砖、多孔砖和空心砖应浇水湿润;小于等于0℃时,可不浇水,加大砂浆稠度。 3.2、Use stone, such as HuiGao clay anointed by frozen, must be approved by melting rear can use. Seas dehydration, weathering stone HuiGao shall not be used 使用石灰膏粘土膏,如遭冻结,必须经融化后方可使用。受冻脱水、风化的石灰膏不得使用。 3.3、Using ordinary Portland cement mixing mortar. When mixing mortar, appropriate USES two-step feeding method. With sand mixing 1cm shall not contain diameter freeze of ice, sand block and the temperature of the water does not exceed 40 ℃, no more than 80 ℃ and prevent false coagulation phenomenon 采用普通硅酸盐水泥拌制砂浆。拌制砂浆时,宜采用两步投料法。拌制用的砂不得含有直径大于1cm的冻结块和冰块,砂的温度不超过40℃,水温不超过80℃,防止出现假凝现象。 3.4、The bonding mortar label should raise level, should be adjusted (consistence 13cm), mixing 8 ~ the time should be extended, the mortar than normal temperature increases 0.5 ~ 1 times 砌筑砂浆标号应提高一级,稠度应适当调整(8~13cm),搅拌砂浆的时间应延长,比常温时增加0.5~1倍。 3.5、With over mix mortar shall be with, unfavorable exceed 15 minutes. Verboten has frozen mortar, must not use hot water to freeze mortar mix again within mixed use, unfavorable also add water to mortar during laying 砂浆应随拌随用,不宜超过15分钟。严禁使用已经冻结的砂浆,不准用热水掺入冻结砂浆内重新搅拌使用,也不宜在砌筑时向砂浆加水。 3.6  Every must strict inspection, and covered CaoBao completion. The next day at work, should be in the snow an'd frost of first clean surface of the brick masonry after Saul continued 每天必须严格检查完工情况,并用草包覆盖好。在第二天上班时,应先将砖表面的霜雪扫净后继续砌筑。 4. Plasterer engineering抹灰工程 As the winter construction plastering engineering practice, part of the thermal sporadic engineering by cold outdoor practice. Hot practice when construction, environmental temperature should be in + 5 ℃ above, and keep the basic dry so far. External thermal insulation layer 抹灰工程的冬季施工尽量采用热作法,部分室外的零星工程采用冷作法。热作法施工时,环境温度应在+5℃以上,并且保持抹灰层基本干燥为止。 4.1、Plastering mortar shall be used, the project in + 5 ℃ above, by hot water can be appropriately mixing. When necessary, born in indoor heating stove or Windows closed 抹灰工程所用的砂浆,应在+5℃以上,可适当采用热水拌制。必要时可在室内生火炉采暖,或将门窗封闭。 4.2、If conditions permit in mortar can add the part, in order to reduce the chemical additional agent plastering mortar of freezing point如条件允许可在砂浆内加入部分化学附加剂,以降低抹灰砂浆的冰点。 4.3、Plasterer grassroots surface as a frost snow, usable and with concentration of antifreeze plastering mortar, the surface water solution scour debris after   plastering clean finale 抹灰基层表面如有冰霜雪时,可用与抹灰砂浆同浓度的防冻剂热水溶液冲刷,将表面杂物清除干净后再行抹灰。 5. Winter construction safety measures冬季施工的安全措施 5.1、Completes the winter of construction preparation checks on worker safety technical training, professional security officer responsible for the site with the company or the local meteorological offices and contact, timely receiving cold weather forecast, preventing surprise attack 做好冬期施工准备工作的检查,对职工安全技术培训,由工地专职安全员负责与公司或当地气象台联系,及时接收天气预报,防止寒流突然袭击。 5.2、Rain and snow, earnestly prevent freezing, prevent slippery, such as fire prevention preparations, and prepare must material (like CaoBao, antifreeze) and facilities (such as fire extinguishers) 认真做好防雨雪、防冻、防滑、防火等准备工作,备齐必须的材料(如草包、抗冻剂)和设施(如灭火器)。 5.3、With temporary conduit road of construction inspection, insulation antifreeze对施工用临时水管路进行检查、保温防冻。 5.4、Scaffolding, oblique runway climing facilities must do, should sweep slippery measure as snow. And check whether subsystem or binding wire become loose, whether in the sinking, the reinforcement 脚手架、斜跑道等登高设施须做好防滑措施,应扫尽积雪。并检查扣件或绑扎铁丝是否松动,架子是否下沉,及时进行加固处理。 5.5、Site fire equipment preparation is complete, to fire equipment well insulation anti-freeze measures现场消防器材准备齐全,对消防器材做好保温防冻措施。 5.6、After ShiGongOu biotope, snow shall promptly to clear roads and section of snow, avoid to form after leg-bands safely 大雪后,生活区、施工区应及时清扫道路和作业区的积雪,避免形成冻雪后影响安全。 5.7、On-site cranes, must pay attention to the wind blew scaffold现场吊车、脚手架要注意防风吹倒。 5.8、Note motor vehicle should use fangdongye, adding anti-sliding measures, driving to slow注意机动车辆应使用防冻液,加设防滑措施,行驶要慢速。 5.9、Prevent landslide slope open防止边坡开冻滑坡。 5.10、Forbidden site without the consent of raw furnace warming himself严禁现场未经同意生炉烤火。 5.11、Tool room should strengthen fire patrol, forbidden to use electric stove, sun, large light bulb, power greater than 100W above electric appliances, etc 工具房要加强防火巡视,严禁使用电炉、太阳灯、大灯泡,功率大于100W以上的电器等。 5.12、Construction site used for insulation antifreeze sacks slice, flammable specialist, special group (should) custody, attention to Laban, main workshop timely recovery CaoBao etc are strictly forbidden in temporary stacked number.such 施工现场用于保温防冻的麻袋片等易燃物应专人、专组(班)进行保管、注意及时回收,主厂房内严禁临时堆放草包等易燃物。 5.13、On-site forbids smoking and flow smoking and throw cigarette butts现场严禁吸烟和流动吸烟及乱丢烟头。 5.14、Key fire area (such as: oil, paint storage rooms, carpentry to strengthen responsibility between), designate special persons to take charge of fire, fire, or tobacco use is strictly prohibited rmb20.00 severely punished 重点防火区域(如:油品、油漆存放间、木工间)要加强防火责任制,指定专人负责,严禁动用明火或吸烟,违者重罚。 5.15、Lifting transportation起重运输 a. All the machinery with water tank to prevent engine freeze, before coming off work will put clean water, water tank for work the next day with warm water 所有带水箱的机械为防止发动机受冻,下班前要将水箱水放净,第二天上班时加换温热水。 b. Before the mechanical action to try turn 10 to 20 minutes. During mechanical operation, no maintenance repair work 机械作用前要试转10~20分钟。机械运转期间,不准进行保养检修工作。 c. In case of heavy snow, the fog of severe weather such as low visibility, command staff can't see work site, the operator can't see command signal, shall not engage in lifting work 遇有大雪、大雾等能见度低的恶劣气候,指挥人员看不清工作地点,操作人员看不清指挥信号时,不得进行起重工作。 d. Rain, snow work to prevent the crane brake failure, damp should check before work and try brakes, hang (lift weights from the ground up, about 10cm continuous confirmation of reliable several times). 雨、雪天工作要防止吊车制动器受潮失效,工作前应检查制动器,并进行试吊(吊起重物离地10cm左右,连续上下数次)确认可靠。 6、Monsoon construction measures雨季施工技术措施 6.1、Impact often determination, the rainy season water mixing with aggregate concrete when the moisture content such as provide appropriate scene, to ensure the concrete mixing the intensity. Concrete truck must strengthen the cover, concrete forbidden to rain, on-site preparation work to move easily portable canopy 砂石料雨季含水量要经常测定,砼拌制时随骨料等的含水率提供合适的现场配合比,以保证砼的强度。砼运输车要加强覆盖,砼严禁受雨淋,现场预备轻便易于挪动的工作雨棚。 6.2、During a thunderstorm, structures (including construction considering muscle), prevent lightning grounding steel 雷雨期间,构筑物(含筋)施工考虑接地钢筋,防止雷击。 6.3、Rainy season in construction concrete casting try to arrange rain or drizzle, and weather canopy cover span.a for effect, and rainy days not arrange for pipeline interface construction 雨季施工砼浇筑尽量安排在无雨或小雨天气下进行,并搭设雨棚作覆盖作用,且雨天不安排进行管道接口施工。 6.4、Rainy season, should pay attention to construction transportation inconvenient, the construction materials supply problems can be appropriately before the rainy season reserves 雨季施工运输不便,要注意施工材料的供应问题,可适当在雨季来临之前储备。 6.5、Construction site and processing workshop setting up reasonable drainage system, make sure current is expedite, do not set water, construction, and completes the road sidewalk good drainage, stay sunny arch and after construction recovered quickly 施工现场及加工车间合理设置排水系统,保证水流畅通,不集水,施工便道良好,并做好路拱以利排水,待晴天后迅速恢复施工。 6.6、Give construction personnel equipped with necessary galoshes, raincoat, construction shortcuts to take necessary anti-sliding measures to ensure the safety production 给施工人员配备必要的雨鞋、雨衣,施工便道采取必要的防滑措施,确保 安全生产 安全生产管理档案一煤矿调度员先进事迹安全生产副经理安全生产责任最近电力安全生产事故安全生产费用投入台账 。 6.7、All electrical equipment take rainproof moisture-proof measures, power equipment installation grounding protection device 所有机电设备采取防雨防潮措施,用电设备安装接地保护装置。 6.8、Raw materials and semi-finished products etc, in fear rain materials secretly or house pad, have good high yards by ventilated, don't make cement rain, damp 原材料及半成品等怕雨淋材料,放入棚内或屋内垫高码好,有良好通风,勿使水泥遭雨、受潮。
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