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东罗马皇帝查士丁尼大帝简介(An introduction to Justinian emperor Justinian)


东罗马皇帝查士丁尼大帝简介(An introduction to Justinian emperor Justinian)东罗马皇帝查士丁尼大帝简介(An introduction to Justinian emperor Justinian) 东罗马皇帝查士丁尼大帝简介(An introduction to Justinian emperor Justinian) Justinian I (Latin: Justinianus I; Greek: Ι &western nu sigma tau ι argument ι alpha argument??; full name for eph ravi Peter ? Seba...

东罗马皇帝查士丁尼大帝简介(An introduction to Justinian emperor Justinian)
东罗马皇帝查士丁尼大帝简介(An introduction to Justinian emperor Justinian) 东罗马皇帝查士丁尼大帝简介(An introduction to Justinian emperor Justinian) Justinian I (Latin: Justinianus I; Greek: Ι &western nu sigma tau ι argument ι alpha argument??; full name for eph ravi Peter ? Sebastian uz, Justinian Flavius Petrus Sabbatius Justinianus, about on May 11, 483 - November 14, 565) is the emperor of the eastern Roman empire, and his rule from 527 to 565. As he retook many of the lost soil, rebuilt the holy Sophia church, and codified the Justinian code, it was also called Justinian. Justinian I, is one of the most important rulers, the end of the Roman era in the history of his rule is generally regarded as from the classical period into Greece in the eastern Roman empire of the age important transition. For example, in 542, he abolished the official position of the consul from the Roman republic (probably for cost). He also strengthened the position of the emperor as the representative of god on the earth, a move that was completely destroyed the emperor in the Roman empire as chief executive, "father of the nation", "first citizen" image. But procopius, a historian, has been deeply critical of the policy of Justinian I. The book of procopius is the most important material for the study of the reign of Justinian I. Foreign policy The eastern Roman empire of 565. The yellow part is the territory of the end of the reign of emperor Constantine, the territory of the end of the reign of emperor Justinian The principal foreign policy of Justinian I was to rebuild a Christian empire based on Roman precedent. Historians dispute the source of the policy. It was thought that Justinian had planned the policy in the long run, but others thought it was his main policy after his general, bel-liza, defeated him in 534. Justinian was the last of the eastern Roman emperors, who had reoccupied much of the Roman empire. Procopius recorded the war of Justinian in detail in his history book war. The war against Persia The war between Justinian and the persians was a legacy of his predecessor, Charles I. The battlefield of this war stretched from the Caucasus mountains, especially the great Armenian and black seashore, Petra, to Mesopotamia. There was a tie between Mesopotamia, Mesopotamia, and Persia. In 532 Justinian I signed a cease-fire agreement called "perpetual peace" with king Costello I of susa. The eastern Roman empire paid a one-time huge payment to Persia. The (temporary) peace in the west of Justinian I rebuild plan provides the necessary conditions, because in fact and Persian war itself has been excessively takes up the resources of the eastern Roman empire. But the peace was broken in 540. According to procopius of coase Lloyd I afraid to grow more powerful, after the Roman empire Persian will not resist, moreover ostrogoths to Persian alliance, and the greatest enemies of the sasanian eastern border 嚈 dalai collapse, makes one less trouble back at home of Persia. The immediate cause of the war is the rivalry between the two sides over the corkis region. It lasted until 561 years / 562, with a ceasefire not included in the corkis region. The eastern Roman empire during this time have to fight in two at the same time on the battlefield, east to the persians, in the peninsula on the east gothic kingdom, at the same time in the Balkans it threatened by anwar o and slavs. The greatest defeat for the eastern Roman empire was the Persian occupation, plunder and destruction of Antioch in Syria. Costello had robbed many of his wealth and captives. The formal army of the eastern Roman empire was actually rather small (according to Agatha, only 150,000), so the two-sided war was very dangerous for Byzantium. In 560 years Persia was threatened by the turkic people, so it was willing to cease fire with the eastern empire. Justinian was able to preserve the area of corkeras, the last time to preserve the empire of the eastern Roman empire, but he had to pay tribute to Persia every year. The war against the vandals Vandals is one of the goths, they after long-term migration during the barbarian invasion basically equivalent to Tunisia today in northern Africa region has set up a subsidiary of the Roman empire. The king of the vandals sid in Christian and flow, but he is not opposed to the east Roman Catholic, he was overthrown after Gary maidang king, Justinian I, want to restore sid in the throne but was refused, so he decided to a punitive attack on wang's got talent. It was very easy to get away from the first attack and then it became a conquest. He led a 15,000-strong force into the kingdom of vandal in 533, and he occupied Carthage on September 15. Gretmac was captured. The vandals had no idea that the eastern Roman empire would actually send troops to attack, so many of their troops were suppressing a local uprising in the island of Sardinia. Berlika returned to Constantinople with a return of gretmac. Since then the eastern Roman empire has often fought the berbers in north Africa, and there have been several defections in the local garrison, but it has always been to the byzantines of north Africa in 698. The war against the goths The war against the ostrogoths in the apennines was more difficult than anticipated. The eastern Roman empire fought with the ostrogoths for the struggle of the death of theodoric and the succession of the east goths. Theodoric's daughter, amaratha, compared the eastern Roman empire, while theodoric's nephew, theoda, struck up his own ideas. When the young son of amaratha died, he ascended to the throne. The feud between the two men evolved into a war in 535. The eastern Roman empire first attacked dalmatia, but it failed. Bayliza, who made landfall in Sicily, soon occupied Naples. Theo was defeated, and vitigus replaced theo. Vitigus successfully resisted bayliza, but in 536 he occupied Rome. Vittigos failed to recapture Rome. The fierce fighting between the two sides has brought great destruction to the people of the peninsula. In 538, the eastern Roman army occupied milan, But the ostrogoths, through brutal fighting, drove the east Roman army out of milan. The incessant fighting brought famine. In May 540, belisato conquests la Verna. The east gothic nobles said they would stop fighting if they were willing to accept the position of the emperor of the western Roman empire. Berliki agreed. Vitigus was captured and he died in 542. It is not clear whether baylissa had agreed to accept the throne of Rome, but it was possible. Even though Justinian had been suspicious of bayliza for a long time, he was more suspicious of Justinian I. The oppression of heavy taxes soon broke out in Italy. Dodilla was promoted to be the new goth king in pavia in 542. Dodilla is a very clever strategist who USES propaganda and builds a fleet. In 544, he was once again commanding the command of the Italian field, but because of his suspicion of baylissa, he gave baylissa only a small army. The so-called second gothic war, which lasted from 541 to 542 and lasted until 552, was more brutal than the first. When dodilla occupied Rome at the end of 546, he could not defend Rome. The whole of Italy was in flames, and both sides were using brutal tactics. In 549, he was recalled to Constantinople after a number of charges, and his competitor, narcisse, was instructed to be the commander of the east gothic war. In 550 years, dodilla once again occupied Rome, but could not hold it. The war completely destroyed the wealthy patricians of the Roman senate. By the end of the sixth century, the class had completely disappeared from the historical record. At the beginning of June, 552, narcisse reoccupied la veena, and soon he was killed so that the goths had lost their best militarist. In October the goths were defeated again at Vesuvius. After that, although some goths 'army still resisted, they were defeated. The peninsula was badly damaged by the war. In the third year after the death of Justinian (568), the Lombardy invaded the apennines and occupied most of the area. Other foreign policy The Balkans had been unstable throughout the reign of Justinian I, but this was not unusual. Bulgarians and avars were constantly invading the eastern Roman empire. There were not enough soldiers in the eastern Roman empire, so its fortress system was not sufficient to protect Thrace. For about 560 years the slavs began to slowly but permanently occupy the Balkans of the eastern Roman empire. In 552, in the chaos of the west gothic kingdom of the Iberian peninsula, Justinian I seized the area of kodopa and Gibraltar. These regions became the eastern Roman empire for the next 80 years. Justinian I, Ethiopia has established the relationship with the Christianity, because at that time, Ethiopia's intervention in yemen, and Persian also interested in yemen, so contact Ethiopian Justinian I make his relationship with Persian more gone bad. During the reign of Justinian I (550 years), silkworms were transferred from China's xiao liang to the eastern Roman empire through millet. Later silk became an important source of wealth for the eastern Roman empire. In eastern Europe the Romans fought with the Franks and the avars, but these wars did not play an important role. He also established diplomatic relations with west turkistan against Persia. Summary of the interior Justinian was a "sleepless emperor" who managed many things himself. His code was new, and its effects continued into modern times. He is also very concerned about the management of cities and provinces. But he also had to endure some blows, most notably the nika riots. In the later stages of his reign he became increasingly concerned with theological issues. The incessant war, the daxing of Justinian and the aftermath of the plague brought great pressure on the nation's finances. Some residents are thus in poverty. Nika riots The most important event in the domestic affairs of Justinian I was the nika uprising of 532. The rebellion of the high tax policy of Justinian I and the conservative elders used the two racing teams of Constantinople and their supporters to wage an uprising against Justinian I. Justinian had already thought that he had already lost, intending to escape Constantinople, but his wife, queen theodora, decided to fight. She sent nalsis to negotiate with some of the rioters and persuade them to support Justinian I, while also sending berlika against the rioters' headquarters. The massacre of the rioters was carried out after the success of bayliza, and 30,000 people were killed. Theodora was formally promoted as a copter of Justinian I. Plague and its aftermath The plague spread throughout the eastern Roman empire from 541. Justinian himself was ill, and his most important jurist, tribonianus, was even dying. The consequences of the epidemic is very serious for the eastern Roman empire: due to the reduce famine food production, coupled with war and several times on the earthquake makes the whole society has a sense of the end of the world. It is possible that Justinian I took the theology very seriously at the end of his reign. His policies have changed profoundly. In addition to the defeat of the war, his later politics were much more passive than his earlier political ones. The civil law of The greatest achievement of Justinian was the codification of the laws of ancient Rome. This civil law was published in 529. It extracts the legal provisions of private and public collections that have been left behind. 533 Justinian I ordered the writing theory link code, which includes many Roman jurists interpretation of the law, in the same year "institutes" was released, it is a legal textbook. The last published was the new law, which included the laws that were enacted after the code was published. This code represents the highest achievement of the Roman law and has a profound influence on the development of civil code of the civil law. Civil engineering After the great fire and an earthquake destroyed st. Sophia's cathedral, Justinian I rebuilt the cathedral. After the earthquake and the destruction of the persians, Antioch was rebuilt and rebuilt. Justinian had built many fortresses against the slavs and persians, but the forts did not work very well. He was also building a civil service near Skopje, his birthplace. The civil engineering was paid for by the state's taxes, and the heavy tax burden was one of the reasons for the naga riots in 532. Religious policy Justinian I played an important role in the church, and he wrote a number of theological works that led the church conference. In order to promote the spread of Christianity, Justinian I ordered the closure of philosophy in 529 is very influential in Athens on aqua pandemic academy, where the philosophy of Plato nouveau dominated. Factions within the church in the struggle of Justinian I failed to reach a compromise solution, and finally he found oddo, also believe in Christ is a theory for the cult, so that he stepped up a Christian church sex theory of Syria and Egypt and not a Christian theory of disagreement between the church of Rome and Constantinople. Justinian I persecuted heretics, especially in southern Egypt. His religious policies led to the uprising of the samaritans of the Palestinian faith in 529. Justinian had a bloody suppression of the uprising. In 534 Justinian I issued a law limiting the rights of jews. Justinian I was a very religious man. He strictly abides by the Christian rules of abstain. "The only son and word of god" written by Justinian I was one of the hymns of the orthodox church. In the 543 church meeting in Constantinople, there was a reason to say that Justinian I made ten objections to Russian rigan's unorthodox views. This is the beginning of a heated debate with Christ. In order to solve the problem of Justinian I held the second Constantinople in 553 conference on religion, this is the fifth time in the history of Christianity all Christian conference, but the meeting failed to solve the problem of Christ a sex theory. An overview of the evaluation of Justinian I In the past, the historical study looked at the reign of Justinian as a golden age in the later period of the Greek and Roman times, and modern studies have raised doubts about the verdict. His policy of rebuilding the empire is still debated today. The long war of Justinian had exhausted the state coffers of the eastern Roman empire and exhausted the resources of the eastern Roman empire. Nonetheless, the eastern Roman empire was a great power on the Mediterranean when his reign ended, but the price of power was very high. As well as Justinian's foreign policy, his internal affairs were also increasingly criticized. In particular, the people at the time of Justinian's life were very critical of his policy. In particular procopius was very critical of Justinian I in his history of secrets. Today's historian, is the main arguments of local political Justinian I and his predecessor chass Ding Yishi policy difference how much really, and whether the policy of Justinian I mainly for the sake of practical convenience of zero. There was a universal sense of doom in Christian society in the period of Justinian. This is related to the spread of plague and the outbreak of many natural disasters, and the Christian community had the expectation of the end of the world (mainly because of the anniversary) 500 years ago. But whether this expectation continues into the period of Justinian's life has influenced the social atmosphere in the period of Justinian and the academic debate. On the theological side, the theological conception of Justinian I should have come closer to the medieval theological point of view. To Christ Justinian I was accused of a sexual theory is not tolerant attitude makes internal division of empire, but I could be just what Justinian I hope in the unity of religion for unity within the empire. It is also important to note that in the late classical age the problem of dogmatic definitions was generally considered to be of decisive significance. In orthodox Justinian I and his wife, tiodoro (though she is more of a Christian sex), he is revered as a saint. The anniversary of Justinian I was his death on November 14th. conclusion Until recently Justinian I was regarded as the late emperor of the classical era, without doubt, he was one of the most important emperors of the late Roman empire, like diocletian and Constantine the great. It is not easy to make a general summary of a far-reaching and dominant emperor. In many ways Justinian I was a transitional, representative and important figure in European history from the ancient to the middle ages. The dominant feature of the empire when Justinian came to power was Roman, but it was very hellenistic when Justinian had died. He wiped out the national sovereignty of ancient Rome, and the emperor became the sovereign state of the sovereign. But at the same time the emperor still needed the support and consent of the people and the army. The contribution of Justinian I in jurisprudence and theology had a profound effect on the later development. The policy building of his reconstruction empire on foreign policy was on a very shaky basis, and soon after the death of Justinian I was lost. The eastern frontier had been fighting for its survival during the lifetime of Justinian. Justinian I only bought the whole of the territory with a great deal of money. The culture of ancient Greece and Rome was revived during the reign of Justinian. The eastern Roman empire was thriving at least until the plague. Justinian I basically maintained the Roman administrative structure. The most influential natural disaster in the reign of Justinian I was the plague of the 540 s. The popularity of the eastern Roman empire disappeared and the country's income was affected. Since then the policy of Justinian I has been less active and flexible than previous policies. Justinian's plan to rebuild the empire was the last to resurrect the Roman empire, but he was not a peaceful monarch. The burden was so heavy during his reign that he was also very intolerant in religious politics, though his intolerance did not achieve the purpose of unifying the empire.
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