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诗词曲审美论文、欧洲文化概况论文.doc诗词曲审美论文、欧洲文化概况论文.doc 婉我的《曲美》文约——约约约约约约约约 一直以来,我于中国古典都有一莫名的感情,约约约约约约约约约约约约约约约约约约尤其是婉。或是因我自己本身的感情比丰富,约约约约约约约约约约约约约约约约约约约约 也比容易被周的境所影响。一杯茶,捧着约约约约约约约约约约约约约约约约约约约约 泛黄的古,着人的愁,感着所的感情,人生约约约约约约约约约约约约约约约约约约约约约.....就沉醉其约约约约约中。 约约约约约约约约约约约约约约约约约约约约约约婉,即婉含蓄。本合而歌,遣,内 容不外离...

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I think these changes were reflected in the following aspects. First, people’s attitude towards religions experienced huge changes. The Middle Age is seen as an “Age of Faith”. Christianity was not regarded as only a religion but also truth. People regarded themselves sinful. They had to confess their sin to the thGod, or they would be punished. After the 15 century, when the Renaissance began to thrive, people began to see man’s potential and celebrate man as God’s creation. thHowever, as science improved, from 17 century, the idea that God would intervene thdirectly in the affairs of the world was no longer widely accepted. By the 18 century, God was relegated as the First Cause of everything by deists. They believed man could discover and make use of the natural laws, and mankind could control their own fate. People began to believe that truth could be found by reasoning and scientific method, rather than by religion. Enlightment thinkers saw religion as a social phenomenon. They compared different religions and associated their differences with cultural, social and economic factors. Diderot even put forward the idea that religion is a kind of superstition which is promoted by the church only to cheat on people. These improvements contributed to the Religion Toleration. Though there was still a discrimination against Roman Catholics, people were to some extent granted the freedom of religion. As people’s faith in God has been shaken, there was a strong doubt against the Divine Right of Kings. From the Middle Age, kings in Europe claimed their power endowed by the God. People were afraid to be against the king, as they saw this a rebellion against the God. However, since the Renaissance began, people’s attitude toward politics has changed hugely. Two very famous political thinkers questioned the divine origin of royal authority. One of them was Thomas More. In his famous work Utopia, rulers are elected by people rather than chosen by the God. The other one, Machiavelli, held the view that rulers are simply the ones who are strong and powerful enough, which has nothing to do with the God. As the bourgeois class became stronger and stronger, the conflict between the King and Parliament was more and more severe. The Civil war in 1642 stirred people’s thinking of that time. The th century, which is called “the Enlightment”, brought the new political following 18 thinking to climax. Civil rights were paid attention. Especially the English thinker, Locke, emphasize that civil rights are inalienable. In this time, there were a few important thinkers supported the idea of “Social Contract”, whose main target is the theory of the Divine Right of Kings. They think that government is not based on religion but in a scientific way. It was first put forward by Hobbes, who prefers the ruler to be a monarch and believes that people surrender their individual freedom as soon as they accept the “contract” and have no right to resist or rebel. The other thinkers develop his idea. They think the contract more like a business contract. Whenever the ruler breaks the contract, people have the rights to overthrow the government. And they believed law, rather than religion, will help maintain social order. The way people see themselves became quite different, too. People’s attitude became more optimistic. They used to think mankind sinful and fallible. Since the Renaissance, they began to place man’s potential at the center of their concerns and celebrate man as God’s creation. During the England Civil War, thinkers no longer thought in a religious way. Hobbes argues that man is selfish and greedy and considers man’s nature as chaos. Afterwards, Rousseau improved this kind of 1thinking. He saw man “in the state of nature as a noble savage”. [1] Therefore his idea influenced education greatly: Education shouldn’t be give against pupil’s natural inclination, but to develop their talent and potential. People’s attitude toward history changed greatly. During the Renaissance, what people were pursuing was back to the Golden Age which was perfect. However, as science developed, people began to think since the nature world was progressing, human society also was. It was a great progress that Enlightment European thinkers accepted the idea of progress. Encyclopaedists think that people should treat history “scientifically”. 1 And the most important change was how people see the world. The Renaissance freed people’s mind. Humanism and realism flourished. Thinkers dared to be radical, imaginative and creative, and people began to take more and more interest in ordinary thworldly things. Before 17 century, people who studied science did not think th independently, but always referred to the thinking of ancient scientists. After the 17century, people began to put much emphasis on close observation and experiment. It is very important that they began to use inductive method. With all these scientific achievement, mankind became more confident and consider themselves able to understand and control the world
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