首页 高一地理必修二期末试题



高一地理必修二期末试题高一地理必修二期末试题 一、选择题(每小题2分,共60分) 1(下列说法正确的是( ) A.发达国家的人口出生率低于死亡率 B.目前,北美的人口出现负增长 C.非洲是世界上人口出生率最高、死亡率最低的大洲 D.发展中国家的人口出生率和自然增长率一般高于发达国家 2(与10年前相比,我国人口中0,14岁人口比重下降了4.8%,65岁以上人口上升了1.39%,而总人口增加了1.3亿人。因此,新世纪我国人口工作的主要任务是 ( ) A.控制人口盲目流动 B.继续稳定低生育水平 C.遏制人口老龄化加速势头 ...

高一地理必修二期末试题 一、选择题(每小题2分,共60分) 1(下列说法正确的是( ) A.发达国家的人口出生率低于死亡率 B.目前,北美的人口出现负增长 C.非洲是世界上人口出生率最高、死亡率最低的大洲 D.发展中国家的人口出生率和自然增长率一般高于发达国家 2(与10年前相比,我国人口中0,14岁人口比重下降了4.8%,65岁以上人口上升了1.39%,而总人口增加了1.3亿人。因此,新世纪我国人口工作的主要任务是 ( ) A.控制人口盲目流动 B.继续稳定低生育水平 C.遏制人口老龄化加速势头 D.适度提高少年儿童人口比重 3(目前世界人口增长模式仍处于 阶段( ) A.由原始型向传统型过渡 B.传统型 C.由传统型向现代型过渡 D.现代型 4(下图中人口的自然增长率最高的是:( ) 5死亡率(%) 4 1 3 2 4 1 3 2 0 出生率(%) 1 2 3 4 5 A、1 B、2 C、3 D、4 5(五一黄金周的时间,许多的国内外游客前往四川的九寨沟,这样的现象属于( ) A.国际人口迁移 B.国内人口迁移 C.省级人口迁移 D.人口流动 6(衡量环境承载力的重要指标是:( ) A.人口数量 B.人口素质 C.人口年龄结构 D.人口性别比例 7(在竞争环境下,城市的每一块土地用于哪种经济活动,取决于各种活动的( ) A.规模的大小 B.重要的程度 C.付出租金的能力 D.政府的决策 8(划分城市等级高低的主要依据是 ( ) A.城市交通的通达性 B.城市的建筑特色 C.城市的人均收入 D.城市的服务范围 9(有关城市功能区的叙述正确的是:( ) A.每种功能区以一种功能为主,无其他功能 B.同类活动在空间上的分布,形成了功能区 diagnostic imaging data. Understanding: principles of diagnosis and treatment of common tumors; assisted reproductive technologies, curettage, gynecological endoscopy and other indications. 1 postpartum hemorrhage 1 3 1 preeclampsia hypertensive disorder of pregnancy the amniotic fluid embolism in 1 (2) technical requirements for clinical operations clinical technique name times (?) Position check four step touch diagnosis method (trainee) 1 pelvic measurement (trainee) 1 stage observation (trainee) 1 tire heart auscultation (trainee) 1 normal delivery delivered (trainee) 1 perineal side cut and suture operation (trainee) 1 Apgar score (trainee) 1 double collection diagnosis (trainee) 1 vaginal glimpse device check method (trainee) 1 by vaginal Hou dome loan sharks puncture operation (trainee) 1 newborn recovery operation (trainee) 1 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements disease species cases number natural abortion , Preterm labor 1 outside the pelvic inflammatory disease 1 ... Neurology is the study of the central nervous system, peripheral nervous system and skeletal muscle disease pathogenesis, clinical presentation, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment and prevention as the main content of a clinical second-level disciplines. Neurological diseases with clinical manifestations are varied and complex, higher C.一个城市通常只有一个工业区 D.商业区的区位需求是要有便捷的交通 10(下列城市服务范围最大的是( ) A.深圳 B.北京 C.兰州 D.拉萨 11(由下图可知,当前多数发达国家和发展中国家城市化所处的阶段分别是:( ) A.1 2 B.2 3 C.3 2 D.3 1 12(季风水田区的水稻种植业的特点是:( ) 1 2 3 时间 ?机械化水平高 ?水利工程量大 ?单产低,商品率低 ?农场经营 ?技术水平低 A.??? B.??? C.??? D.?? 13(美国的商品谷物农业与欧洲相比较,最显著的优势是:( ) A.高度发达的工业为农业生产提供了现代化的机械 B.广大农村人烟稀少,为大规模的机械化提供了可能 C.便利的交通 D.先进的科技水平 14(商品谷物农业的基本特征是:( ) A.只种玉米 B.生产规模大,机械化水平高 C.是一种粗放型农业类型 D.商品谷物农场都是私营的 15(在下列工业布局条件下,选址在北京、上海布局微电子工业最主要的条件是:( ) A.原料丰富 B.劳动力充足 C.环境良好 D.科学技术发达 16(鲁尔区衰落的主要原因是:( ) ?生产结构单一,煤炭能源地位的下降 ?世界性钢铁过剩,新技术革命冲击 ?煤炭资源枯竭,环境污染 ?煤炭,钢铁产量过剩,用地紧张 A(?? B. ?? C. ?? D. ?? 17(意大利新工业与传统工业相比较,其突出的特点是:( ) A.以重工业为主 B.资本集中程度较高 C.一大中型企业为主 D.形成“分散型工业化”地区 18(对商业网点选择有利的条件是:( ) ?靠近发展林牧业产品地区 ?靠近商品生产基地 ?处在高温多雨地区 ?处在人口稠密、交通方便地区 A.?? B. ?? C. ?? D. ?? 19(株洲市的形态主要受哪个因素影响( ) diagnostic imaging data. Understanding: principles of diagnosis and treatment of common tumors; assisted reproductive technologies, curettage, gynecological endoscopy and other indications. 1 postpartum hemorrhage 1 3 1 preeclampsia hypertensive disorder of pregnancy the amniotic fluid embolism in 1 (2) technical requirements for clinical operations clinical technique name times (?) Position check four step touch diagnosis method (trainee) 1 pelvic measurement (trainee) 1 stage observation (trainee) 1 tire heart auscultation (trainee) 1 normal delivery delivered (trainee) 1 perineal side cut and suture operation (trainee) 1 Apgar score (trainee) 1 double collection diagnosis (trainee) 1 vaginal glimpse device check method (trainee) 1 by vaginal Hou dome loan sharks puncture operation (trainee) 1 newborn recovery operation (trainee) 1 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements disease species cases number natural abortion , Preterm labor 1 outside the pelvic inflammatory disease 1 ... Neurology is the study of the central nervous system, peripheral nervous system and skeletal muscle disease pathogenesis, clinical presentation, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment and prevention as the main content of a clinical second-level disciplines. Neurological diseases with clinical manifestations are varied and complex, higher A.河流 B.地形 C.铁路 D.气候 20(一个区域中,高级别城市和低级别城市相比较( ) A.服务范围大 B.彼此距离近 C.数目多 D.提供服务的级别低 21(生态农业和传统农业的根本区别在于( ) A.粮食产量高 B.种植业比重下降,而林、牧业发达 C.农业生产与环境保护相结合 D.机械化,电气化水平高 22(实施生态工业的主要目的是( ) ?清洁生产,区域废物零排放 ?追求经济效益,增加高工业产出 ?充分利用资源,追求经济与环境效益双赢 ?充分利用老动力资源 ?实现区域经济可持续发展 A.??? B.??? C.??? D.???? 23(有两吨急救药品要从上海送往北京抗击“非典”第一线,适宜的运输方式是( ) A.铁路运输 B.公路运输 C.海洋运输 D.航空运输 24(“竭泽而渔,岂不获得,而明年无鱼”这句话能体现可持续发展的原则是( ) A.持续性原则 B.公平性原则 C.共同性原则 D.公平性原则和共同性原则 25(目前影响我国可持续发展最大的障碍是( ) A.长期存在的资源短缺 B.严重的环境问题 C.庞大的人口压力 D.不利的外部因素 26(大多数情况下,人口迁移的基本原因是( ) A.自然因素的影响 B.经济因素的影响 C.社会因素的影响 D.历史因素的影响 27(兰州是我国西部地区最大的石油化学工业中心,其工业发展对城市环境适应的主要污染属于( ) A.大气污染 B.噪声污染 C.光污染 D.固体废弃物污染 28(人类的发展不应危及其他物种的生存,主要体现了可持续发展的( ) A.公平性原则 B.持续性原则 C.共同性原则 D.综合性原则 29(一般来说,农业逐步走向专业化生产的最主要因素是( ) A.劳动力充足 B大城市众多 C.商品经济发达 D.气候条件多样 30(青藏铁路的规划建设 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 明( ) A.自然条件是影响铁路区位选择的决定性因素 B.先进的科学技术能有效地克服交通运输线建设中的自然障碍 C.交通运输线的区位选择,首先要考虑填充地区空白 D.社会经济因素有时对铁路区位选择的影响并不明显 diagnostic imaging data. Understanding: principles of diagnosis and treatment of common tumors; assisted reproductive technologies, curettage, gynecological endoscopy and other indications. 1 postpartum hemorrhage 1 3 1 preeclampsia hypertensive disorder of pregnancy the amniotic fluid embolism in 1 (2) technical requirements for clinical operations clinical technique name times (?) Position check four step touch diagnosis method (trainee) 1 pelvic measurement (trainee) 1 stage observation (trainee) 1 tire heart auscultation (trainee) 1 normal delivery delivered (trainee) 1 perineal side cut and suture operation (trainee) 1 Apgar score (trainee) 1 double collection diagnosis (trainee) 1 vaginal glimpse device check method (trainee) 1 by vaginal Hou dome loan sharks puncture operation (trainee) 1 newborn recovery operation (trainee) 1 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements disease species cases number natural abortion , Preterm labor 1 outside the pelvic inflammatory disease 1 ... Neurology is the study of the central nervous system, peripheral nervous system and skeletal muscle disease pathogenesis, clinical presentation, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment and prevention as the main content of a clinical second-level disciplines. Neurological diseases with clinical manifestations are varied and complex, higher 一、选择题(60分,每小题2分) 题号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 答案 题号 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 答案 题号 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 答案 二、综合题(共4小题,50分) 31(下图为黄土高原某地区农业恶性循环示意图。读图后完成下列问题:(9分) (1) 请按因果关系,选择下列各个环节内容代表字母填入方框内(每项只限选一次) A.土壤肥力衰退 B.毁林开荒 C.旱灾加剧 D.毁草开荒 E.土地破碎 F.粮食单产下降 (2)怎样扭转上述地区的“农业生态恶性循环”,(至少说出3条解决的方法) 32(读“我国各种运输方式的运输周转量构成表”,回答下列问题。(12分) 运输周转量 铁路 公路 水运 管道 民用航空 货运周转量 39.3 13.8 44.9 1.9 0.1 客运周转量 44.9 46.3 2.6 6.2 (1)占货运周转量比重最小的运输方式是 ,该运输方式最主要的特点是 。 (2)占货运周转量比重最大的运输方式是 ,该运输方式的优点是 。该运输方式在客运周期量所占比重显著下降的原因是 。 (3)我国目前最主要的运输方式的优点是 。 (4)我国目前发展较快的运输方式是 其发展较快的主要原因有 diagnostic imaging data. Understanding: principles of diagnosis and treatment of common tumors; assisted reproductive technologies, curettage, gynecological endoscopy and other indications. 1 postpartum hemorrhage 1 3 1 preeclampsia hypertensive disorder of pregnancy the amniotic fluid embolism in 1 (2) technical requirements for clinical operations clinical technique name times (?) Position check four step touch diagnosis method (trainee) 1 pelvic measurement (trainee) 1 stage observation (trainee) 1 tire heart auscultation (trainee) 1 normal delivery delivered (trainee) 1 perineal side cut and suture operation (trainee) 1 Apgar score (trainee) 1 double collection diagnosis (trainee) 1 vaginal glimpse device check method (trainee) 1 by vaginal Hou dome loan sharks puncture operation (trainee) 1 newborn recovery operation (trainee) 1 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements disease species cases number natural abortion , Preterm labor 1 outside the pelvic inflammatory disease 1 ... Neurology is the study of the central nervous system, peripheral nervous system and skeletal muscle disease pathogenesis, clinical presentation, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment and prevention as the main content of a clinical second-level disciplines. Neurological diseases with clinical manifestations are varied and complex, higher 。 33(读图5“北京科技园示意图”及资料,回答下列问题。(10分) 资料:美国“硅谷”迅速崛起的因素主要有以下几个方面:地理位置优越~环境优美、气候宜人~有高等院校~便捷的交通以及军事订货等。20世纪70年代以来~由于“硅谷”土地被占用殆尽~许多企业把新工厂建在内地以及东南亚和墨西哥等地~以充分利用那里的劳 动力、土地、住房等优势条件。 (1)海淀科技园区形成的区位因素中,自然因素主要有 、 等;社会经济因素主要有 、 等。 (2)高新技术产业的主要特征 、 、 。 (3)近年来,科技园区已经从海淀园区逐渐延伸到图中所示的其他 园区,其主要原因是 、 、 的影响。 34(读下图“人口增长模式及其转变示意图”,回答下列问题:(9分) 图5 (1)图中?段人口的出生率 ,死亡率 ,自 然增长率 ,人口增长模式类型为 型。 (2)图中?段人口增长模式类型为 型,人 口模式的特点为 。如 该国人口继续保持这样的增长速度,20年后,该国面临 的困难问题主要有 等。应采取的人口政策是 。 (3)我国人口增长模式处于图中的 段。(?、?、?) diagnostic imaging data. Understanding: principles of diagnosis and treatment of common tumors; assisted reproductive technologies, curettage, gynecological endoscopy and other indications. 1 postpartum hemorrhage 1 3 1 preeclampsia hypertensive disorder of pregnancy the amniotic fluid embolism in 1 (2) technical requirements for clinical operations clinical technique name times (?) Position check four step touch diagnosis method (trainee) 1 pelvic measurement (trainee) 1 stage observation (trainee) 1 tire heart auscultation (trainee) 1 normal delivery delivered (trainee) 1 perineal side cut and suture operation (trainee) 1 Apgar score (trainee) 1 double collection diagnosis (trainee) 1 vaginal glimpse device check method (trainee) 1 by vaginal Hou dome loan sharks puncture operation (trainee) 1 newborn recovery operation (trainee) 1 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements disease species cases number natural abortion , Preterm labor 1 outside the pelvic inflammatory disease 1 ... Neurology is the study of the central nervous system, peripheral nervous system and skeletal muscle disease pathogenesis, clinical presentation, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment and prevention as the main content of a clinical second-level disciplines. Neurological diseases with clinical manifestations are varied and complex, higher 高一地理必修1期末复习试题答案 一、选择题(60分,每小题2分) 题号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 答案 D B C D D A C D D B 题号 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 答案 C D B B D A D D C A 题号 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 答案 C C D A C B A A C B 二、综合题(40分) 31((9分) (1)从左到右依次为:BD ACE F(6分) (2)退耕还林 退耕还草 农林牧综合治理 发展生态农业等;(3分) 32((12分) (1)航空 运费高,动量小,速度快,能耗大等(3分) (2)水运 成本低,运量大 速度慢,灵活性差,受气候等自然条件影响大(4分) (3)速度快,运量大,运费较低,连续性好,受自然因素影响小等(2分) (4)公路运输 机动灵活,周转速度快,装卸方便,对自然条件适应性强等(3分) 33((10分) (1)地理位置 自然环境(气候 地形) 科技 人才(4分) (2)从业人员技术水平高 研发费用高 产口更新换代快(3分) (3)土地 劳动力 住房(3分) 34((9分) (1)高 高 低 原始型(4分) (2)传统型 高出生率,低死亡率,高自然增长率 就业困难,人均资源减少,影响经济发展和生活水平的提高及社会安定等 实行 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 生育(或控制人口数量)(4分) (3)?(1分) diagnostic imaging data. Understanding: principles of diagnosis and treatment of common tumors; assisted reproductive technologies, curettage, gynecological endoscopy and other indications. 1 postpartum hemorrhage 1 3 1 preeclampsia hypertensive disorder of pregnancy the amniotic fluid embolism in 1 (2) technical requirements for clinical operations clinical technique name times (?) Position check four step touch diagnosis method (trainee) 1 pelvic measurement (trainee) 1 stage observation (trainee) 1 tire heart auscultation (trainee) 1 normal delivery delivered (trainee) 1 perineal side cut and suture operation (trainee) 1 Apgar score (trainee) 1 double collection diagnosis (trainee) 1 vaginal glimpse device check method (trainee) 1 by vaginal Hou dome loan sharks puncture operation (trainee) 1 newborn recovery operation (trainee) 1 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements disease species cases number natural abortion , Preterm labor 1 outside the pelvic inflammatory disease 1 ... Neurology is the study of the central nervous system, peripheral nervous system and skeletal muscle disease pathogenesis, clinical presentation, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment and prevention as the main content of a clinical second-level disciplines. Neurological diseases with clinical manifestations are varied and complex, higher
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