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韩国习俗礼仪英文韩国习俗礼仪英文 篇一:韩国的习俗与礼仪 韩国人珍爱白色。国花是木槿花,松树为国树,喜鹊为国鸟,老虎为国兽。忌讳数字"4"和“13”,在发音与之相同的缘故,韩国人对相似的“私”“师”“事”等最好不要使用。 韩国人的民族自尊心很强,反对崇洋媚外,倡导使用国货。在赠送礼品时,最好选择是鲜花、酒类和工艺品。最好不是日本货。 韩国有男尊女卑的讲究,进入房间时,女人不可以走在男人的前面,女人须帮助男人脱下外套,坐下时,女人要主动坐在男子的后面。不可以在男子面前高声谈论。 韩国是单一的民族朝鲜族,...

韩国习俗礼仪英文 篇一:韩国的习俗与礼仪 韩国人珍爱白色。国花是木槿花,松树为国树,喜鹊为国鸟,老虎为国兽。忌讳数字"4"和“13”,在发音与之相同的缘故,韩国人对相似的“私”“师”“事”等最好不要使用。 韩国人的民族自尊心很强,反对崇洋媚外,倡导使用国货。在赠送礼品时,最好选择是鲜花、酒类和工艺品。最好不是日本货。 韩国有男尊女卑的讲究,进入房间时,女人不可以走在男人的前面,女人须帮助男人脱下外套,坐下时,女人要主动坐在男子的后面。不可以在男子面前高声谈论。 韩国是单一的民族朝鲜族,佛教徒占全国人口的1/3。 韩国人讲究礼貌,待客热情。见面时,一般用咖啡、不含酒精的饮料或大麦茶招待客人,有时候还加上适量的糖和蛋奶。这些茶点客人必须接受。 韩国人初次见面时,经常交换名片。韩国很多人养成了通报姓氏习惯,并和“先生”等敬称连用。韩国一半以上居民姓金、李、瓢。韩国人业务洽谈,往往在旅馆的咖啡室或附近类似的地方举行.大多数办公室都有一套会客用的舒适的家具,在建立密切的工作关系之前,举止合乎利益是至关重要的。韩国人注重服饰,男子穿西装、系领带。 如果邀请去韩国人家里做客,按习惯要带一束鲜花或一份小礼物,有双手奉上。不要当着赠送者的面把礼物打开。进到室内,要把鞋子脱掉留在门口。 韩国的农历节日和我国差不多,也有纯洁、清明节、端午节、中秋节。 韩国人以米饭为主食,早餐也习惯吃米饭,不吃粥。还喜欢吃辣椒、泡菜,吃烧烤的时候要加辣椒、胡椒、大蒜等辛辣的调味品。汤是每餐必不可少的,有时候汤里放猪肉、牛肉、狗肉、鸡肉烧煮,有时候也简单的倒些酱油、加点豆芽。韩国人还对边吃饭边谈话非常反感。 韩国人不轻易流露自己的感情,公共场所不大声说笑。特别是女性在笑的时候还用手帕捂着嘴,防止出声失礼。在韩国,妇女十分尊重男子,双方见面的时候,女性总会先向男性行鞠躬礼、致意问候。男女同坐的时候,往往也是男性在上坐,女性在下坐。 韩国人对“4”非常反感。许多楼房的编号严忌出现“4”字;医院,军队绝不用“4”字编号。韩国人在喝茶或喝酒的时候,主人总是以1、3、5、7的数字单位来敬酒、敬茶、布菜,并忌讳用双数停杯罢盏。 韩国人讲究礼貌,待客热情。见面时,一般用咖啡、不含酒精的饮料或大麦茶招待客人,有时候还加上适量的糖和淡奶。这些茶点客人必须接受。 韩国人初次见面时,经常交换名片。韩国很多人养成了通报姓 氏习惯,并和“先生”等敬称联用。韩国一半以上居民姓金、李、朴。韩国人业务洽谈,往往在旅馆的咖啡室或附近类似的地方举行。大多数办公室都有一套会客用的舒适的家具,在建立密切的工作关系之前,举止合乎礼仪是至关重要的。韩国人注重服饰,男子穿西服、系领带。 如果邀请去韩国人家里做客,按习惯要带一束鲜花或一份小礼物,用双手奉上。不要当着赠送者的面把礼物打开。进到室内,要把鞋子脱掉留在门口。 韩国的农历节日和我国差不多,也有春节、清明节、端午节、中秋节。 韩国人以米饭为主食,早餐也习惯吃米饭,不吃粥。还喜欢吃辣椒、泡菜,吃烧烤的时候要加辣椒、胡椒、大蒜等辛辣的调味品。汤是每餐必不可少的,有时候汤里放猪肉、牛肉、狗肉、鸡肉烧煮,有时候也简单地倒些酱油、加点豆芽。韩国人还对边吃饭边谈话非常反感。 韩国人不轻易流露自己的感情,公共场所不大声说笑。特别是女性在笑的时候还用手帕捂着嘴,防止出声失礼。在韩国,妇女十分尊重男子,双方见面的时候,女性总会先向男性行鞠躬礼、致意问候。男女同座的时候,往往也是男性在上座,女性在下座。 韩国人对“4”非常反感。许多楼房的编号严忌出现“4”字;医院,军队绝不用“4”字编号。韩国人在喝茶或喝酒的时候,主人总是以1、3、5、7的数字单位来敬酒、敬茶、布菜,并忌讳力 用双数停杯罢盏。 习 惯 ? 韩国人把姓写在前边名字写下后边。子女是随父姓,女子结婚以后也用原来 的姓氏。 ? 韩国住宅的暖房设施是用温突式的火炕,有利于健康,日常生活都在房间里 进行。 ? 在韩国进入房间之前先要脱鞋。 ? 韩国人一般不用红色的笔写自己的名字,因为写死人的名字时用红色记载 的。 ? 韩国人在吃饭的时候用不同的碗来装饭,汤和菜。 ? 在吃饭的时候出声在韩国是很不礼貌的行为。 ? 看韩国的交通设施时,驾驶坐席在左边,运行方向是右边。在路上行走是靠左侧通行。在电梯上要站在电梯的右侧,把左边的位置让出来让赶路的人通行。 在地下铁里,每节车箱的两端是老人妇女和小孩的位置,成年人一定不要座,既使是中间的位置也一定要让给身边的老人,不然马上会有人指责的。 ? 在韩国访问其他人家时,应准备一件小礼物,哪种礼物都没有关系的。 法 规 法律是根据那个国家的政策和思考方式都有点差异。 应注意在韩国有在别的国家没有的或和其他国家法规有所不同的法规,在违反这些法规的时候会罚款或依法处理。 下面是游客经常误认的几条法规 引酒和吸烟法 在韩国可以吸烟,引酒的年龄是满19岁。 在购买烟、酒的时候,要出示可以证明自己年龄的证件(身份证,学生证,护照等)。 韩国在办公室,餐厅,商店,地铁等封闭的公共场所或贴有禁止吸烟标志的场所是禁止吸烟的。一般在酒吧、餐厅和咖啡厅等,如果没有标明禁止吸烟的标志时是可以吸烟的,但为了以防万一还是问一下周围的人是否可以吸烟的好。 道路交通法 在韩国可以驾驶汽车的年纪是满18岁,可以驾驶摩托车的年纪是满16岁以上,在驾驶的时候一定要带驾驶证和系安全带。 一般道路的限制速度是60km/h(高速公路80~100km/h),在处罚酒后驾车的时候,血中的酒精浓度是0.05%以上。 在汉城和其他大城市在不可以停车的地方停放车辆时会罚款或被拖带走。 之外韩国人大部分都利用大众交通,公共汽车有汽车的专用路线,公共汽车和6人以上的汽车以外是不可以使用专线的。 在道路的左边有一条用蓝色标志的线是公共汽车的专用线,一般在平日07:00~21:00 (星期六 07:00~15:00),星期日不运行。 篇二:韩国民俗的礼仪文化 浅谈韩国民俗的礼仪文化 几年来随着韩国经济文化的飞速发展,越来越多的外国人对韩国的文化产生了浓厚的兴趣,开始通过各种渠道了解韩国的文化。语言和文化是相通的,对于学语言专业的学生来说,要想学好语言,就有必要先了解这个国家的文化。 韩国文化 韩国礼仪 韩国民俗 一、韩国的礼仪 韩国素以“礼仪之邦”著称,韩国人在交往中十分重视所应具备的礼仪修养,按照传统,韩国家庭成员之间的关系不仅仅是一种维护自身利益的关系,而且涉及的范围很广泛,他们之间的血缘关系应当建立在一种合作和互相支援的传统基础之上,因此家庭成员之间的感情,爱和责任感十分强烈,是无法割断的。家庭里的一家之长被视为权威所在,全家人都应该听从他的命令或遵照他的愿望行事。严格的命令必须服从,不得有违。儿辈或孙辈违抗长辈的愿望被韩国人视为不可想象的事情。 韩国人平时使用的一律是不锈钢制的平尖儿的筷子。中国人、日本人都有端起饭碗吃饭的习惯,但是韩国人视这种行为不规矩。而且也不能用嘴接触饭碗。圆底儿带盖儿的碗“坐”在桌子上,没有供你手握的把。再加上米饭传导给碗的热量,不碰它是合情合理的。至于碗盖,可以取下来随意放在桌上。 右手一定要先拿起勺子,从水泡菜中盛一口汤喝完,再用勺子吃一口米饭,然后再喝一口汤、再吃一口饭后,便可以随意地吃任何 篇三:习俗礼仪中英文对照 Japanese etiquette is based on the Japanese state of mind, education derived through the. Japanese etiquette is characterized by: pay attention to beauty and mood-US movements. Through its own actions to convey to each other in good faith, friendship, respect for others, care and understanding. 日本式礼仪是根据日 本人的心境、教养经提炼而成的。日本式礼节的特点是:讲究动 作美和心境美。通过自身的行动向对方传达真诚、友爱、尊重他 人、关心和体谅的心情。 Greetings 问候 The Japanese believe that the main greeting greeting action should be. The time greeting each other, the most taboo, or right depending on the eyes squint. With your eyes man marking, it seems that people should see through this practice is seen as impolite action. So, what does the right location. Japan's past, flat head, flat milk (room), flat shoulder view. The most standard practice is to require people to flat head, flat shoulder, flat angle of the composition of milk corners, select the location of the middle of the best visual position. The so-called best part of it is that those who expressed their willingness to listen to each other greeting speech posture. 日本人认为,问候应以动作问候为主。相互间 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 示问候的时候,最忌讳眼睛斜视或者对视。用眼睛盯人,似乎要 把人看透,这种做法也被视为失礼的动作。那么,什么位置合适 呢。日本过去有平目、平乳(房)、平肩的说法。现在最 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 的做法 是 要求 对教师党员的评价套管和固井爆破片与爆破装置仓库管理基本要求三甲医院都需要复审吗 人们将平目、平肩、平乳的角度组成四角,选正中的位置 为最佳目视部位。所谓最佳部位是指问候者表示愿意听对方讲话 的姿式。 The standard second-class visual area of about an inch or so away from the flat shoulder and the amount of the Ministry of flat, flat umbilical point of the composition of corners. Select a location can be within the four corners. If you look out of this range, it will cause the other party feel eyes squint. 标准的第二级目视部位为离平肩 约一寸左右部与平额、平脐的角度组成四角。选四角范围内一部 位即可。如果目光脱离这个范围,就会使对方感到目光斜视。 Is a very easy conversation between the two sides, if one side of the eye from the visual part of the second level, but also make the other feel rude. If a crowded place, far to find his friend, can be gently raised his hands and waved to each other. If the person was found, it should be looking at a distant friend, say a few words of greeting.就是在双方进行十分轻松的谈话时,如果有一方的目光脱 离第二级目视部位,也会使对方感到失礼。如果在人群拥挤的地 方,远远地发现了自己的朋友,可轻轻举起手来,向对方招手致 意。如果对方发现,就应看着远处的朋友,讲一些问候的话。 Bumping into an acquaintance, when the important ritual action far more than speech. The most common is the Shi pike ceremony. If the relationship is very close, but also Shi hands or patting ceremony. In short, the salute must first consider the other side before with their affinities. The handshake, the handshake between men and women should be first reached for the woman. Seniors and juniors between the younger generation should first reach out. "Thank you", "Good-bye", "yes", "Good Morning", "Good Night", "I'm sorry", "Pleaseis a frequently used courtesy of the Japanese language.熟人打照面的时候,礼仪动作的 重要远远超过致词。最常见的是施屈体礼。如果双方关系甚密, 还可施握手礼或者拍拍肩膀。总之,施礼之前必须首先考虑对方 与自己的亲疏关系。就握手而言,男女之间握手,应由女方首先 伸手。前辈、晚辈之间,则应晚辈首先伸手。“谢谢”、“再见”、 “是”、“早安”、“晚安”、“对不起”、“请”是日本人经常使用的 礼貌语 言。 Japanese population is almost no one ever Wuzhou. It appeared only in recent years, "heand "herargument. Under normal circumstances, honorifics completely replaced by the person. Therefore, the proper use of honorifics is essential for the Japanese. In principle, to talk about the relationship between themselves or with their closest person to use self-deprecating language. On the relationship with each other when close to people and seniors to use honorifics. Those who respectfully and indiscriminate use of honorifics, or even making things when I use the honorific others who would be regarded as lacking in upbringing. It can be said whether the proper use of language in Japan is often judge a person uneducated important basis. With acquaintances in the middle of the road or at the station ticket gate to talk about long-distance, on the tram for their acquaintances to let others are rude the performance of your seat. In public places, the Japanese stressed the need to first consider the "Do not trouble to others.Therefore, people often talk about looking for long-distance call or not to influence others to walk the roadside location. In addition, not only consider their own, regardless of the other, a taste to talk a Mei Wan. Japanese think it is a lack of respect for the performance of others. 日本语口浯中几乎没有人称。只是近年来 才出现了“他”与“她”的说法。在一般情况下,敬语完全取代 了人称。因此,正确使用敬语对于日本人来说至关重要。原则上 谈自己或者与自己关系亲近的人时要用自谦语。谈与对方关系亲 近的人及前辈时要使用敬语。那些恭恭敬敬地胡乱使用敬语,甚 至提本人的事时也使用敬语的人会被旁人视为缺乏教养。可以说, 在日本能否正确使用语言往往是判断一个人有没有教养的重要根 据。与熟人在道路中间或者在车站检票口谈长话,在电车上让别 人为自己的熟人让座都是失礼的表现。在公共场合,日本人强调 必须首先考虑“不要给别人添麻烦”。因此,人们谈长话时往往寻 找路边或者不影响他人行走的地点。此外,不能只考虑自己,不 顾对方,一味儿地聊个没完。日本人认为这是一种不尊重他人的 表现。 Encountered on the street elders, superiors, even though there is no need to take off their coats, but it must be easy to take off the hat, gloves off, and then salute. Taking into account the traffic problems, must be elders, superiors so that to be able to shelter their location. Taking full account of each other's circumstances, to greetings, but must pay attention to simple and concise. 在大街上遇到长辈、上司,尽管没有必要脱下大衣,但 必须将容易脱掉的帽子、手套摘下,然后施礼。考虑到交通上的 问题,必须把长辈、上司让到能够庇护他们的地点。在充分考虑 对方的情况下,进行问候,但一定要注意简单、扼要。 Proper use of language is an art. Speak of the voice, tone, speed, pronunciation talk directly affect the results. Under normal circumstances, talk to user-friendly, giving each other a pleasant feeling as good, too dirty or too high-tone tend to hinder the individual's image. In particular, note that when greeting each other as far as possible not to use with their professional, highly job-related vocabulary, so as not to understand each other. Then say something profound truth, others do not think people great co(本文 来自:www.hnBoXu.COM 博 旭范文 网:韩国习俗礼仪英 文)nversation. The topic of religion and politics often involve personal position, thus such words as little as possible reach and easily talk about the events of that day is still possible. Generally speaking, with each other to talk about literature, art, sports topics, the obstacles will be less, but forbidden to each other to express their erudition. In addition, the excessive use of speaking other languages are also uneducated performance. Standard practice is to first according to their situation (age, gender) for the corresponding topic, the use of educated language, easy to talk to. The Japanese believe that, regardless of a person learning have contributed much, if not understand a wide range of social knowledge, ueasonable ways of the world are not educated people. 正确使用语言是一种艺术。说 话时的声音、口气、速度、发音等直接影响谈话效果。一般情况 下,谈话以通俗易懂、给对方以愉快的感觉为好,过分卑下或者 过分高腔调都有碍个人的形象。特别要注意的是,问候对方时尽 量不要使用与自己的专业、职务有关的高深的词汇,以免对方费 解。这时讲一些高深的道理,旁人并不会觉得谈话人了不起。宗 教与政治的话题往往涉及个人的立场,所以这类话尽可能少触及, 轻松地谈一谈当天发生的事件还是可以的。一般说来,与对方谈 文学、艺术、体育方面的话题,障碍会少一些,但严禁向对方表 示自己的博学。此外,过多地使用外语交谈也是没有教养的表现。 标准的做法是,首先根据对方的情况(年龄、性别)提出相应的话题, 使用有教养的语言,轻松地交谈。日本人认为,无论一个人在学 问上有多大的建树,如果不懂广泛的社会知识,不通世故都不是 有教养的人。 The work, business requirements brief conversation, there is order, focused and has nothing to do with the subject, then minimized. Side too much, too much irrelevant if not transactional language. Be able to attract law-abiding people is a theme to the level of conversation. The Japanese say goodbye ceremony is to each other to express their sincere means. Japan's goodbye ceremony for pike main ceremony. In addition to the special intimacy that only Shi shook hands goodbye ceremony, but must pay attention to the shift from the mesh heads, from the first to the man asking for the woman. Pike ceremony known as the bow ceremony, in fact it is a misunderstanding. Pike-li of the most particular about the eye, through the eyes to convey his sincerity to each other. 有关工作、 业务方面的谈话要求简明扼要、有顺序、突出重点,与主题无关 的话尽量少说。枝节过多,无关的话过多就不是事务性语言。能 够把听话的人吸引到主题方面来才是有水平的谈话。日本人的告 辞礼是向对方表示自己的诚意的手段。日本的告辞礼以屈体礼为 主。除表示特别亲热才施握手告辞礼,但必须注意从目上转向目 下,由女方首先向男方伸手。屈体礼被称为低头礼,实际上这是 一种误解。屈体礼最讲究眼神,通过眼神将自己的诚意转达给对 方。 The so-called Pin Zhi-li (head first, the first ceremony, saying that Jian-li, Zhao Jia Li, folding hand-ceremony, ceremony, waving his hands ceremony, co-ordination, together in prayer ceremony) can be selected as appropriate according to the other side salute several ways. 所谓九品礼(目首、首礼、指建礼、爪甲礼、折手礼、招手 礼、双手礼、合手礼、合掌礼)是可以根据对方的情况酌情选用的 几种施礼方式。 The Japanese emphasis is heart-shaped performance. Shaped the course of certain rules, it is long past the Japanese exchanges to heart the most correct way is not to be arbitrarily altered. 日本人 强调形是心的表现。形的过程有一定的规矩,它是长年来日本人 进行心际交流最正确的方法,是不容随便改动的。 The correct action is based on the correct posture. So, to master the correct posture is very important. OK pike ceremony when the action if not careful, will not be able to communicate their feelings to each other. Goodbye ceremony just for the bow-line is far from enough. Pay attention to the correct pike ceremony neck straight, bow their heads to make the other side when you can not see his own chin, spine was straight state. In the meantime, thanks to the other party must contribute with inner feelings. Although the population It goes without saying good-bye, bye, thank you sort of greeting words, but through their own actions, this mood is being communicated to the other side. 正确的动作的基础是正确的姿 式。所以掌握正确的姿式十分重要。行屈体礼的时候,动作如有 不慎,就不能将自己的心情传达给对方。仅仅为行告辞礼而低头 是远远不够的。正确的屈体礼讲究脖颈伸直,低头时要使对方看 不见自己的下颏,脊梁呈笔直状态。与此同时,内心必须怀着向 对方致谢的心情。尽管口中不用说再见、再会、谢谢之类的寒暄 语,但通过自己的动作,这种意境正传达给对方。 Pike-li-li-li can be divided into two kinds of ceremony and prostrated themselves. 屈体礼可分为立礼与跪拜礼两种。 Li-Li arms natural vertical, fingers separated, mouth open is rude to performance. Five fingers close together vertically down, when the pike with the body's natural droop. After bidding farewell to the highest standards pike ceremony is bent until the fingers touch the body until the knee. The minimum specifications goodbye pike ceremony only require straight body bent forward from the waist. Japan claims that the principle of accommodating three tone, that is, when the pike inhale, exhale stop still. Re-breathing when the body recover. The Japanese nation knelt-type model is a unique lifestyle. So bow down to the unique ceremony has become the Japanese etiquette. In recent years, knelt Life in Japan have become less fashionable. Some Japanese experts believe that knelt to the Japanese style of life of cervical, lumbar and other activities of a strong position has been damaged so Diao; few people head and neck forward, deflated chest, hump. 立礼手臂自然垂直,五指分开,口张开是不礼貌的 表现。五指并拢垂直放下,屈体时随身体自然下垂。最高规格的 辞别屈体礼是将身体屈直至手指头触及膝盖为止。最低规格的辞 别屈体礼只要求身体从腰部向前直屈。日本人称行礼的原则为三 口气,即吸气时屈体、呼气时停止不动(再吸气时将身体复原。 Japan, however, who has stated that the brain physiology, the correct posture should be conducive to the head rotation, while the Japanese knelt posture is precisely the most conducive to the head rotation. 跪坐式模式是日本民族独特的生活习惯。因此跪拜礼便 成为日本人独特的礼节。近些年来,跪坐式生活在日本已不太时 兴。一些日本专家认为,跪坐式生活模式使日本人的颈椎、腰椎 等活动性较强的部位受到损害,使刁;少人头颈前倾、瘪胸、驼 背。但是,日本脑生理学者却指出,正确的坐姿应有利于头部回 转,而日本式跪坐姿式恰恰最有利于头部的回转。 Goodbye ceremony is based on the correct knelt posture, the correct pike. According to pike situation and determined that the placing of the arm, and in the process decided to Shi Pin Zhi ceremony of any kind of ceremony. Just remember that in Japan today refers to Jian-li, folding hand ceremony, co-ordination, together in prayer ceremony is sufficient to deal with various scenes of the. Jian Li refers to salute those who require kneeling on the seat surface, first the body straight to 5 degrees flexion, the arm on both sides of the natural vertical, salute when the pike to the knee until your fingers touch. Folded hands requested salute those who kneel at the ceremony, sitting, bent to the two palms flat against body until both knees. Body bent to 45 degrees. If the body bent to 50 degree angle, two hands to two knees, they said the extension ordination. Extension in hand ceremony is between the same generation leaving, goodbye ceremony. With the (station)-li-li, like kneel before ceremony is also very particular about three tones, that salute process to suction, respiratory, smoking is most appropriate. 告辞 礼的基础是正确的跪坐姿式,正确的屈体。根据屈体的情况,决 定手臂的摆放,并在这一过程中决定施九品礼中任何一种礼。在 今天的日本只要记住指建礼、折手礼、合手礼、合掌礼就足够应 付各种场面了。 指建礼要求施礼者跪于席面上,先将身体直屈至5度左右,两侧手臂自然垂直,行礼时屈体至手指触及膝盖为止。折手礼要求施礼者跪于席上,屈体至两手掌平贴两膝为止。身体屈至45度角。如果将身体屈至50度角,两手掌至两膝盖时,便称拓手礼。拓手礼是平辈人之间告辞的辞别礼。同(站)立礼一样,跪拜礼也十分讲究三口气,即施礼过程以吸、呼、吸最为适宜。 葡萄牙人重视礼节,通常在礼貌性寒喧之后都会互相交换名片,但不太守时. 由于葡萄牙人十分重视礼貌,无论做官的人,做生意的人,在通电话时一定要先问对方的家人好,对方在奉告后,也会回敬,然后才可以谈正事,就是有再重要的事情,也要先完成这一番礼貌过程后,才能言归正传.送客则一定要亲自送到门口. 向葡萄牙友人致意或离席时,宾主互相握手致意也是非常重要的商业礼貌.不论是商业性或政府性的约会必须事先安排.建议我厂商赴葡萄牙以前最好先去函接洽,安排妥当之后再拜访,切勿临时造访. 与葡萄牙人洽谈生意,勿让葡萄牙友人有被推销产品的压力.通常葡萄牙人喜欢在旧式、气氛庄严、亲切的咖啡屋洽谈生意,花费不多但效果好. 小费:一般餐厅及旅馆已将10%的服务费计入,较高级餐厅、旅馆服务费则高达15%,除里斯本以外的旅馆另须加上3%的观光税. 出租车的小费原则上为车资的10%,但不得少于10葡币.饭店的 服务员可给20葡币左右的小费,电影院、剧院带位服务员5-10葡 币,飞机场或火车站搬运行李的服务人员可多给一点,每件行李50 葡币. 风俗习惯 提倡文明斗牛,不将牛在场内杀死。 The Portuguese like to discuss the family, Portuguese and other advantages and personal hobbies, politics and government for the problem is that they try to avoid the topic. 葡萄牙人喜欢讨论家 庭、葡萄牙的优点和个人的爱好等,对于有关政治和政府的问题 却是他们极力避免的话题。 Think that using a finger to call people to express an insult, while the right palm of the hand gestures should be down, waving all the fingers or arm. 认为用一个手指去召唤人是表示对人的侮 辱,而正确的手势应该是手心向下,挥动所有的手指或手臂。 Fashion Etiquette服饰礼仪 Portuguese in a formal social occasion great attention to dress and clean, the man wearing a dark suit and tie or tied bow, a very good demeanor. 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