首页 HP1319F多功能一体机[1][1].-专用



HP1319F多功能一体机[1][1].-专用HP1319F多功能一体机[1][1].-专用 (2012年版) 国家电网公司物资采购标准 (办公设备卷 多功能一体机册) HP 1319F 多功能一体机 专用技术规范 审 核: 编 写: 国 家 电 网 公 司 二〇一二年三月 mortar (that removal rough aggregate of concrete), concrete should layered pouring, layered vibration pound, each layer of thickness is ...

HP1319F多功能一体机[1][1].-专用 (2012年版) 国家电网公司物资采购标准 (办公设备卷 多功能一体机册) HP 1319F 多功能一体机 专用技术规范 审 核: 编 写: 国 家 电 网 公 司 二〇一二年三月 mortar (that removal rough aggregate of concrete), concrete should layered pouring, layered vibration pound, each layer of thickness is unlikely to Yu 500mm, vibration pound Rod mobile spacing is unlikely to Yu 500mm, and must insert lower concrete 50 mm to elimination two layer concrete of seams, concrete of vibration pound time to concrete is not significantly sinking, no bubble and returned water mud Shi for degrees. When the beams and slabs of concrete poured, use flat-combination of vibrators and vibrator insertion, shall not be leakage, and assurance of compacting. (1) base plate concrete pouring (see pouring of mass concrete in Foundation programme) will focus on control in construction of Foundation slab concrete construction, waterproof concrete of basement exterior wall and other key parts of the construction. Concrete thickness of 1300 mm of this project, during the construction process must be strictly controlled temperature and mix to ensure uniform quality and vibration compacting of concrete, timely maintenance, to avoid cracks. Temperature cracks control of mass concrete checking and measuring portfolio in detail. Concrete using a one-time continuous concrete plans, stratified vibration of floor vibration using slopes, slope formed by the natural flow of pump concrete and grade control around 1:3, vibration from the bottom of the LIFT began to move, to ensure that the layer of concrete construction quality. Concrete vibration in the process should be the vibrator up and down slightly twitching, uniform concrete vibrating up and down, each vibration 目 录 1 标准技术参数 ............................................................................................................................................................................1 2 项目需求部分 ............................................................................................................................................................................2 2.1 货物需求及供货范围一览 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf .........................................................................................................................................2 2.2 工程概况.............................................................................................................................................................................2 2.3 使用条件.............................................................................................................................................................................2 2.4 可选技术参数表 ...............................................................................................................................................................3 2.5 项目单位技术差异表.......................................................................................................................................................3 3 投标人响应部分 ........................................................................................................................................................................4 3.1 投标人技术偏差表 ...........................................................................................................................................................4 3.2 销售及运行业绩表 ...........................................................................................................................................................4 3.3 主要组部件材料 ...............................................................................................................................................................4 3.4 推荐的备品备件、专用工具和仪器仪表供货 ..........................................................................................................5 3.5 最终用户的使用情况证明..............................................................................................................................................5 3.6 投标人提供的试验检测 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 表.....................................................................................................................................5 3.7 投标人提供的鉴定证书表..............................................................................................................................................5 brating up and down, each vibrationruction quality. Concrete vibration in the process should be the vibrator up and down slightly twitching, uniform concrete viconst crete and grade control around 1:3, vibration from the bottom of the LIFT began to move, to ensure that the layer of concretecontinuous concrete plans, stratified vibration of floor vibration using slopes, slope formed by the natural flow of pump contime -o avoid cracks. Temperature cracks control of mass concrete checking and measuring portfolio in detail. Concrete using a onestrictly controlled temperature and mix to ensure uniform quality and vibration compacting of concrete, timely maintenance, t ust beall and other key parts of the construction. Concrete thickness of 1300 mm of this project, during the construction process me) will focus on control in construction of Foundation slab concrete construction, waterproof concrete of basement exterior wouring (see pouring of mass concrete in Foundation programmcombination of vibrators and vibrator insertion, shall not be leakage, and assurance of compacting. (1) base plate concrete p-Shi for degrees. When the beams and slabs of concrete poured, use flat r mudyer concrete of seams, concrete of vibration pound time to concrete is not significantly sinking, no bubble and returned wate500mm, vibration pound Rod mobile spacing is unlikely to Yu 500mm, and must insert lower concrete 50 mm to elimination two la ickness is unlikely to Yumortar (that removal rough aggregate of concrete), concrete should layered pouring, layered vibration pound, each layer of th2 1 标准技术参数 投标人应认真逐项填写标准技术参数表(见表1)中投标人保证值,不能空格,也不能以“响应” 两字代替,不允许改动招标人要求值。如有差异,请填写表7 投标人技术偏差表。 表1 标准技术参数表 序号 名称 指标项 标准参数值 投标人保证值 (投标人填写:提供设一 多功能一体机 备品牌及型号) 打印系统 (投标人填写) 颜色 彩色/黑白 黑白 (投标人填写) 1 类型 喷墨/激光 激光 (投标人填写) 2 传真功能 有/无 有 (投标人填写) 3 黑白、标准模式、A4 高达18ppm (投标人填写) 打印速度 黑白、最佳模式、A4 高达18ppm (投标人填写) 4 首页输出A4 ,8.5秒(“就绪”模式) (投标人填写) 打印质量 黑白、最佳模式 1200*1200dpi分辨率 (投标人填写) 5 打印技术分(投标人填写)REt、HP FastRes 1200 6 辨率 标配输入容量 (纸张):最多 260 (投标人填写) 最大输入容量 (纸张):最多 260 (投标人填写) 标配输出容量 (纸张):最多 100 (投标人填写) 纸张处理 7 标配输出容量 (信封):最多 10 (投标人填写) 标配输出容量 (投影胶片):最多 10 (投标人填写) 最大输出容量 (纸张):最多 100 (投标人填写) A4、A5、ISO B5、ISO C5、ISO C5/6、(投标人填写)标准介质尺ISO C6、ISO DL、16K、欧洲明信片,优先插槽和进纸盒: 8 寸 J 双面明信片(Oufuku Hagaki);自动文 档进纸器 (ADF):A4、A5。 纸张(普通纸、预打印纸、预穿孔(投标人填写) 纸、证券纸、彩纸、光面纸、信头纸、支持的介质轻质纸、重磅纸、再生纸、粗纸)、信9 类型 封、牛皮纸、投影胶片、标签和卡片。 推荐的介质介质进纸盒、优先插槽、0 到 163 克/平方米;自动文档进(投标人填写) 10 重量 出纸盒 纸器 (ADF):60 到 105 克/平方米。 扫描系统 扫描类型 单页进纸 LED 扫描仪 (投标人填写) 11 光学扫描分高达 600 (投标人填写) 12 dpi 辨率 最大扫描尺厘米 (投标人填写) 13 21.6 x 38.1 寸 复印系统 - 1 - 黑色,草稿质量,A4 高达 18 cpm (投标人填写)复印速度 14 ADF 复印速度高达 14 cpm (投标人填写) 复印分辨率 黑白图形 高达 600 x 600 dpi (投标人填写)15 复印缩放 25% 到 400% (投标人填写)16 最大复印页(投标人填写)最多 99 17 数 传真功能 传真速度 秒/页 3 秒/页 (投标人填写) 18 分辨率 黑色照片灰阶 300 x 300 dpi(无半色调) (投标人填写)19 内存中的 A4 (投标人填写)高达 500 20 纸张数 自动重拨 有/无 有 (投标人填写) 21 标配内存 (投标人填写)22 MB 32MB 复印机智能软件特性: 1 到 99 页复印,校准,25% 到 400% 缩放(带页面尺寸预设),自动适合页面,2 或 4 页复印到 1 页,对比度(较亮/较暗),分辨率(复印质量)。 调制解调器:V.34 传真软调制解调器(高达 33.6 Kbps)和 2 个 RJ-11 端口 标配打印机语言:基于主机 标配连接:高速 USB 端口(兼容 USB 2.0) 项目需求部分 2 2.1 货物需求及供货范围一览表 表2 货物需求及供货范围一览表 招标人要求 投标人响应 设备名称 型号规格和主要参数 单位 数量 型号规格和主要参数 单位 数量 多功能传真一体机 台 (投标人填写) HP LaserJet M1319f 所有产品交货地点在宁夏中卫供电局,运保费则由供方承担。所有产品送往交货地点时的日期需在合同生效后15天内。 2.3 工程概况 2.3.1 项目名称: 2.3.2 项目单位:中卫供电局 2.3.3 工程规模: 2.3.4 工程地址:中卫供电局 2.3.5 交通、运输: 2.4 使用条件 表4 使用条件表 序号 名称 单位 项目单位要求值 投标人保证值 温度范围 (投标人填写) 1 ? 0~40 湿度范围 (投标人填写) 2 % 20~85 o avoid cracks. Temperature cracks control of mass concrete checking and measuring portfolio in detail. Concrete using a onebrating up and down, each vibrationruction quality. Concrete vibration in the process should be the vibrator up and down slightly twitching, uniform concrete viconst crete and grade control around 1:3, vibration from the bottom of the LIFT began to move, to ensure that the layer of concretecontinuous concrete plans, stratified vibration of floor vibration using slopes, slope formed by the natural flow of pump contime -strictly controlled temperature and mix to ensure uniform quality and vibration compacting of concrete, timely maintenance, t ust beall and other key parts of the construction. Concrete thickness of 1300 mm of this project, during the construction process me) will focus on control in construction of Foundation slab concrete construction, waterproof concrete of basement exterior wouring (see pouring of mass concrete in Foundation programmcombination of vibrators and vibrator insertion, shall not be leakage, and assurance of compacting. (1) base plate concrete p-Shi for degrees. When the beams and slabs of concrete poured, use flat r mudyer concrete of seams, concrete of vibration pound time to concrete is not significantly sinking, no bubble and returned wate500mm, vibration pound Rod mobile spacing is unlikely to Yu 500mm, and must insert lower concrete 50 mm to elimination two la ickness is unlikely to Yumortar (that removal rough aggregate of concrete), concrete should layered pouring, layered vibration pound, each layer of th2 220V(?10%)交流单相,50Hz电源 (投标人填写) 3 (?2%) 2.5 可选技术参数表 表5 可选参数表 序号 名称 技术参数值 投标人保证值 „„ 2.6 项目单位技术差异表 项目单位原则上不能改动通用部分条款及专用部分固化的参数。根据工程使用条件,当实际要求与标准技术参数表有差异或对通用部分条款有差异时,应逐项在“项目单位技术差异表” 中列出,并以差异表给出的参数为准。投标人应对表6的技术参数进行确认。 表6 项目单位技术差异表 序号 项 目 标准参数值 项目单位要求值 投标人保证值 1 2 „„ 序号 项 目 变更条款页码、款号 原表达 变更后表达 1 2 „„ - 3 - 3 投标人响应部分 投标人需填写专用部分的第1和第2部分的相应 表格 关于规范使用各类表格的通知入职表格免费下载关于主播时间做一个表格详细英语字母大小写表格下载简历表格模板下载 。标准技术参数表和项目单位技术差异表中要求值不同时,以项目单位技术差异表为准。投标人保证值,不能空格,也不能以“响应”两字代替,不允许改动招标人要求值。如有差异,应填写投标人技术差异表。“投标人保证值”应与型式试验报告及其他性能试验报告相符。 3.1 投标人技术偏差表 投标人提供的产品技术规范应与本招标文件中规定的要求一致。若有偏差投标人应如实、认真地填写偏差值;若无技术偏差则视为完全满足本技术规范的要求,且在投标人技术偏差表中填写“无偏差”。 表7 投标人技术偏差表 序号 项 目 对应条款编号 技术招标文件要求 偏 差 备 注 1 2 3 3.2 销售及运行业绩表 表8 销售及运行业绩表 联系人及 序号 产品型号 运行单位 投运数量 投运时间 备注 电话 3.3 主要组部件材料 主要组部件材料表(投标人提供) 表9 主要组部件 供应商 规格 数量 单位 原产地 备注 名称 名称 brating up and down, each vibrationruction quality. Concrete vibration in the process should be the vibrator up and down slightly twitching, uniform concrete viconst crete and grade control around 1:3, vibration from the bottom of the LIFT began to move, to ensure that the layer of concretecontinuous concrete plans, stratified vibration of floor vibration using slopes, slope formed by the natural flow of pump contime -o avoid cracks. Temperature cracks control of mass concrete checking and measuring portfolio in detail. Concrete using a onestrictly controlled temperature and mix to ensure uniform quality and vibration compacting of concrete, timely maintenance, t ust beall and other key parts of the construction. Concrete thickness of 1300 mm of this project, during the construction process me) will focus on control in construction of Foundation slab concrete construction, waterproof concrete of basement exterior wouring (see pouring of mass concrete in Foundation programmcombination of vibrators and vibrator insertion, shall not be leakage, and assurance of compacting. (1) base plate concrete p-Shi for degrees. When the beams and slabs of concrete poured, use flat r mudyer concrete of seams, concrete of vibration pound time to concrete is not significantly sinking, no bubble and returned wate500mm, vibration pound Rod mobile spacing is unlikely to Yu 500mm, and must insert lower concrete 50 mm to elimination two la ickness is unlikely to Yumortar (that removal rough aggregate of concrete), concrete should layered pouring, layered vibration pound, each layer of th4 3.4 推荐的备品备件、专用工具和仪器仪表供货 表10 推荐的备品备件、专用工具和仪器仪表供货表 序号 名 称 型号和规格 单位 数量 1 2 4 5 6 7 3.5 最终用户的使用情况证明 3.6 投标人提供的试验检测报告表 表11 投标人提供的试验检测报告表 试验报告类别和 序号 产品型号名称 依据标准 试验时间 试验单位 内容 3.7 投标人提供的鉴定证书表 表12 投标人提供的鉴定证书表 序号 鉴定产品型号名称 组织鉴定单位 依据标准 鉴定时间 - 5 -
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