首页 高中英语读写校本课程----“英语美文阅读与欣赏”



高中英语读写校本课程----“英语美文阅读与欣赏”高中英语读写校本课程----“英语美文阅读与欣赏” 高中英语读写校本课程----“英语美文 阅读与欣赏” 1 高中英语读写校本教材 ----“英语美文阅读与欣赏”课程纲要 一、课程基本概况 1、课程名称:英语美文阅读与欣赏 2、课程类型:校本课程,选修, 3、教学材料:选编、改编 4、授课时间:高一下学期 5、授课对象:高一学生 6、开发教师:王芳 二、课程内容: 1、 课程背景: 1,高中人教版英语教材,现在学生用课本,有着丰富而鲜活的语 言素材~是一套很理想的教材~但对于河口一中来自...

高中英语读写校本课程----“英语美文阅读与欣赏” 高中英语读写校本课程----“英语美文 阅读与欣赏” 1 高中英语读写校本教材 ----“英语美文阅读与欣赏”课程纲要 一、课程基本概况 1、课程名称:英语美文阅读与欣赏 2、课程类型:校本课程,选修, 3、教学材料:选编、改编 4、授课时间:高一下学期 5、授课对象:高一学生 6、开发教师:王芳 二、课程内容: 1、 课程背景: 1,高中人教版英语教材,现在学生用课本,有着丰富而鲜活的语 言素材~是一套很理想的教材~但对于河口一中来自区县的优秀 生群体来说~内容还显得不足~学生学力有余。英语文化丰富且 博大精深~从莎士比亚英语到如今网络英语~英语语言随着人们 生活的变化、时代的进步而不断发展~如果不能充分地利用这种 时代英语资源~充分开发学生潜力~既是浪费资源~也是错失教 育良机。 2,新课程改革提倡国家、地方、学校三级课程~鼓励教师进行校 本教研~提高使用教材和开发教材的能力。 2、 课程目标: “英语美文阅读与欣赏”课程是国家课程的校本化~旨在根据学 生英语学习水平的实际情况补充适量、相当的阅读素材~弥补牛 津英语教材的不足~扩大学生的阅读量和阅读视野~丰富学生的 词汇~使得学生更广泛地了解英语国家的文化~在语言学习的同 时~陶冶情操~提高文学素养和人文素养。 3、 课程内容与任务 课程内容主要涉及六个方面~即文学作品中的神话、童话及传说~ 名人故事或生平介绍~不同国家、地区的社会习俗、风土人情~ 对于人生的看法、态度及理想~国家、地区历史及文化差异~科 学与经济发展。 主要任务是通过篇章阅读,获取信息~了解相关知识~增强文化意 识,掌握不同 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 材文章的阅读技巧,形成相应的阅读策略;掌握关 键词、短语和句型~扩大词汇量~重点发展学生阅读和写作能力。 4、科目安排:18课时~每个话题,六个话题,各3课时 ,1,神话传说 1 Apollo / 2 The Little Match Girl /3 The Pied Piper 2 of Hamelin ,2,人物故事 1 Pop Star and Songwriter: Han Hong/2 Special Fund in Honor of Hong Zhanhui/3 Louis Armstrong ,3,社会风情 1 The Origin of Kiss/2 International Left-hander’s Day/3 Make Sports a Kind of Culture ,4,人生态度与理想1You Are the World/ 2 Facing Life Positively/ 3 Honesty ,5,历史文化 1 Studying difference/2 Spring Festival’s Symbols/3 Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt ,6,科学与经济 1 Greenhouse Effect Occurred 5,000 Years Ago/2 China’s New “Four Great Inventions”/3 China’s launching plans for Shenzhou 7 三、课程形式:课堂教学 1、教学方法:任务交际法 2、教具:多媒体、音像资料等 四、教学评价: 教师评价与学生评价相结合 附1)阅读自我评价 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf :(每节课下前学生自我评价) Name Date 注: 优秀(A)良好(B)合格(C)待改进(D) Item Reading A B C D Look up new words in the dictionary Find out difficult and key points Hunt for wonderful While sentences Reading Be active in thinking while reading Express your feelings/ ideas clearly 3 Be involved in discussion actively Write down what you After think and feel and like Reading Summarize reading strategies 附2,写作自我评价表,课后, 注: 优秀(A)良好(B)合格(C)待改进(D) Item Evaluation A B C D 1.(structure)Write an outline Prewriting 2.(topic) Be stated clearly. 3.(details) Fit the topic. 4.(details) Be in an order that makes sense. 5.(final copy) Be well organized . 6.( Every sentence)Have correct tense Editing and voice 5.(Every sentence) Have a subject. 6.(Pronouns) Be used correctly. 7.(Spelling, punctuation and capitalization) Be correct. Post-writing 8.(final copy) Be neat, clean and easy to read. Part I Myths and Tales神话传说 Lesson 1 The Little Match Girl 卖火柴的小女孩 4 Once upon a time, a little girl tried to make a living by selling matches in the street. It was New Year’s Eve and the snow clad streets were deserted. From brightly lit windows came the tinkle (发出清脆的声响)of laughter and the sound of singing. People were getting ready to bring in the New Year. But the poor little match seller sat sadly beside the fountain. Her ragged dress and worn scarf did not keep out the cold and she tried to keep her bare feet from touching the frozen ground. She hadn’t sold one box of matches all day and she was frightened to go home, for her father would certainly be angry. It wouldn’t be much warmer anyway, in the draughty attic (阁楼) that was her home. The little girl’s fingers were frozen with cold. If only she could light a match! But what would her father say at such a waste! Falteringly (迟疑地)she took out a match and lit it. What a nice warm flame! The little match seller cupped her hand over it, and as she did so, she magically saw in its light a big brightly burning stove. 5 She held out her hands to the heat, but just then the match went out and the vision faded. The night seemed blacker than before and it was getting colder. A shiver (寒噤) ran through the little girl’s thin body. After hesitating for a long time, she struck another match on the wall, and this time, the glimmer turned the wall into a great sheet of crystal. Beyond that stood a fine table laden with food and lit by a candlestick. Holding out her arms towards the plates, the little match seller seemed to pass through the glass, but then the match went out and the magic faded. Poor thing: in just a few seconds she had caught a glimpse of everything that life had denied her: warmth and good things to eat. Her eyes were filled with tears and she lifted her gaze to the lit windows, praying that she too might know a little of such happiness. She lit the third match and an even more wonderful thing happened. There stood a Christmas tree hung with hundreds of candles, glittering (闪烁) with tinsel (金属箔) and colored balls. “Oh. How lovely!” shouted the little match seller, holding up the match. Then, the match burned her finger and went out. The light from the Christmas candles rose higher and higher, then one of the lights fell, leaving a trail behind it. “Someone is dying,” murmured the little girl, as she remembered her beloved Granny who used to say: “When a star falls, a heart stops beating!” Scarcely aware of what she was doing, the little match seller lit another match. This time, she saw her grandmother. 6 “Granny, stay with me!” she pleaded, as she lit one match after the other, so that her grandmother could not disappear like all the other visions. However, Granny did not disappear but gazed smilingly at her. Then she opened her arms and the little girl hugged her crying: “Granny, take me away with you!” A cold day dawned and a pale sun shone on the fountain and the icy road. Close by lay the lifeless body of a little girl surrounded by spent matches. “Poor little thing!” exclaimed the passers-by. “She was trying to keep warm!” But by that time, the little match seller was far away where there is neither cold, hunger nor pain. I Aims and Demands(教学目的和要求) To learn a story about the little match girl written by Anderson. ?Key Points and Special Difficulties(重点和难点) Key points: to grasp some useful words and expressions deserted, fade, strike, hesitate, deny, exclaim, glimpse, aware, be frozen with, go out, strike a match, catch a glimpse of Special difficulties: 1) to learn Inversion. 2) to learn v-ed phrases used as modifiers ? Teaching Aids and Approaches(教具及教学方法) Multi-media, Task-based approach and the integrated approach ? Brief Teaching Procedures(教学过程) Step1 Background information(背景知识) Do you know about the great tale writer Anderson? Can you list some of his masterpieces? Step2 Fast reading(快速阅读) Read the passage quickly and answer(快速阅读并回答下列问题): 1) Why didn’t the little girl strike a match to keep herself warm? 2) What did the little girl see when the last vision appeared? 7 Keys(参考 答案 八年级地理上册填图题岩土工程勘察试题省略号的作用及举例应急救援安全知识车间5s试题及答案 ): 1) She was afraid that her father would be angry. 2) She saw her beloved grandmother who had died. Step3 Careful reading(细读) 1. What visions did the little match seller see? What did they mean to her? (a big brightly burning stove?warmth; a fine table laden with food? good things to eat; a Christmas tree hung with candles?joy and happiness; her grandmother?love and care) 2. Translate the following sentences and pay attention to the underlined parts. 1) From brightly lit windows came the tinkle of laughter and the sound of singing. 2) Her ragged dress and worn scarf did not keep out the cold and she tried to keep her bare feet from touching the frozen ground. 3) Beyond that stood a fine table laden with food and lit by a candlestick. 4) Her eyes were filled with tears and she lifted her gaze to the lit windows, praying that she too might know a little of such happiness. 5) There stood a Christmas tree hung with hundreds of candles, glittering with tinsel and colored balls. 6) Close by lay the lifeless body of a little girl surrounded by spent matches. 7) If only she could light a match! 8) A cold day dawned and a pale sun shone on the fountain and the icy road. 9) But by that time, the little match seller was far away where there is neither cold, hunger nor pain. What characteristics do the underlined parts have? What function? (They are all v-ed phrases, which are used as modifiers.) Step4 Key patterns(主要句型) Analyze the sentence below: From brightly lit windows came the tinkle of laughter and the sound of singing. This is an inverted sentence. The subject of the sentence is “the tinkle of laughter and the sound of singing”, and “came” functions as the predicate. Find out more similar sentence structures in the passage. (Beyond that stood a fine table laden with food and lit by a candlestick. There stood a Christmas tree hung with hundreds of candles… Close by lay the lifeless body of a little girl surrounded by spent 8 matches.) Step5 Homework(作业) Rewrite the story. (With about 200 words.) Step6 Assessment(评价) Words and expressions(词和短语) 1. deserted adj. 冷清清的 2. draughty adj. 漏风的 3. vision n. 景象 4. fade v .消逝,消失 5. strike vt. 擦(火柴);击打 6. hesitate v. 迟疑,犹豫 7. glimpse n .v. 一瞥 8. deny v. 否定,否认 9. pray v. n. 祈祷 10. aware adj. 意识到,觉察 11. exclaim v.呼喊,惊叫 Lesson 2 The Pied Piper of Hamelin 哈米伦的吹笛人 吹笛人 阿巴合唱团 The piper 他们来自山坡 They came from the hills 来自山谷,来自平原 And they came from the valleys and the plains 他们在寒冷中挣扎 They struggled in the cold 在酷热、冰雪、大雨中挣扎 In the heat and the snow and in the rain 只为了听他的演奏 Came to hear him play 来使他们丧失理智 Play their minds away 我们都跟随着一段诡异的旋律 *We're all following a strange melody 我们都受某种音调的召唤 We're all summoned by a tune 我们都追随着吹笛人 We're following the piper 9 在月光下起舞 And we dance beneath the moon 我们都追随着吹笛人 We're following the piper 在月光下为他起舞 And we dance beneath the moon for him 在月光下起舞 And we dance beneath the moon 他们从南方来 They came from the south 从西方、北方、东方前来 From the west and the north and from the east 他们都在等他 They waited for the man 像信徒们等待着牧师 Like a parish is waiting for the priest 等着听他演奏 Longed to hear him play 来使他们丧失理智 Play their minds away 他给了人们一个梦境 He gave them a dream 他诱惑着每一个人 He seduced everybody in the land 他的眼里有火在烧 The fire in his eyes 恐惧便是他手里的武器 And the fear was a weapon in his hand 于是,人们任他吹奏 So they let him play 来使他们丧失理智 Play their minds away 这首歌的故事背景取材自《格林童话》里的,哈米伦的吹笛人,。一二八四年,哈米伦市鼠患严重,市民公开悬赏,只要有人能除去鼠患,必有重赏。不久,来了一位吹笛人,他吹起梦幻般的音乐,全城的老鼠仿佛被催眠一般,随着笛声通通跳进了河里,鼠患于是宣告解除。 没想到事过之后,哈米伦市民却不愿信守承诺,拒绝付钱给吹笛人。吹笛人一气之下,再度吹起有魔力的笛音,这回跟在他身后起舞的,却是全城所有的小孩,市民眼睁睁看着孩子跟着吹笛人走出城外,从此一去不返,音讯全无,但后悔也来不及了。 Once upon a time, on the banks of a great river in the north of Germany lay a town called Hamelin. The citizens of Hamelin were honest 10 people who lived contentedly in their grey stone houses. The years went by, and the town grew very rich. Then one day, an extraordinary thing happened to disturb the peace. Hamelin had always had rats, and a lot too. But they had never been a danger, for the cats had always solved the rat problem in the usual way—by killing them. All at once, however, the rats began to multiply. In the end, a black sea of rats swarmed over the whole town. First, they attacked the barns and storehouses then, for lack of anything better, they gnawed(啃)the wood, cloth or anything at all. The one thing they didn’t eat was metal. The terrified citizens flocked to plead with the town councilors(委员会)to free them from the plague of rats(鼠疫). But the council had, for a long time, been sitting in the Mayor’s room, trying to think of a plan. “What we need is an army of cats!” But all the cats were dead. “We’ll put down poisoned food then…” But most of the food was already gone and no poison stopped the rats. “It just can’t be done without help!” said the Mayor sadly. Just then, while the citizens milled around outside, there was a loud knock at the door. “Who can that be?” the city fathers wondered uneasily, mindful of the angry crowds. They gingerly opened the door. And to their surprise, there stood a tall thin man dressed in brightly colored clothes, 11 with a long feather in his hat, and waving a gold pipe at them. “I’ve freed other towns of beetles and bats,” the stranger announced, “and for a thousand florins, I’ll rid you of your rats.” “A thousand florins!” exclaimed the Mayor. “We’ll give you fifty thousand if you succeed!” At once the stranger hurried away, saying, “It’s late now, but at dawn tomorrow, there won’t be a rat left in Hamelin!” The sun was still below the horizon, when the sound of a pipe wafted through the streets of Hamelin. The pied piper slowly made his way through the houses and behind him flocked the rats. Out they scampered from doors, windows and gutters (沟), rats of every size, all after the piper. And as he played, the stranger marched down to the river and straight into the water, up to his middle. Behind him swarmed the rats and every one was drowned and swept away by the current. By the time the sun was high in the sky, there was not a single rat in the town. There was even greater delight at the town hall, until the piper tried to claim his payment. “Fifty thousand florins?” exclaimed the councilors, “Never…” “A thousand florins at least!” cried the pied piper angrily. But the Mayor broke in. “The rats are all dead now and they can never come back. So be grateful for fifty florins, or you’ll not get even that…” His eyes flashing with anger, the pied piper pointed a threatening finger at the Mayor. 12 “You’ll bitterly regret ever breaking your promise,” he said, and disappeared. A shiver of fear ran through the councilors, but the Mayor shrugged and said excitedly, “We’ve saved fifty thousand florins!” That night, freed from the nightmare of the rats, the citizens of Hamelin slept more soundly than ever. And when the strange sound of piping wafted through the streets at dawn, only the children heard it. Drawn as by magic, they hurried out of their homes. Again, the pied piper paced through the town, this time, it was children of all sizes that flocked at his heels to the sound of his strange piping. The long procession soon left the town and made its way through the wood and across the forest till it reached the foot of a huge mountain. When the piper came to the dark rock, he played his pipe even louder still and a great door creaked open. Beyond lay a cave. In trooped the children behind the pied piper, and when the last child had gone into the darkness, the door creaked shut. A great landslide(山崩)came down the mountain blocking the entrance to the cave forever. Only one little lame boy escaped this fate. It was he who told the anxious citizens, searching for their children, what had happened. And no matter what people did, the mountain never gave up its victims. Many years were to pass before the merry voices of other children would ring through the streets of Hamelin but the memory of the harsh lesson lingered in everyone’s heart and was passed down from father to son 13 through the centuries. I Aims and Demands(教学目的和要求) To learn a tale--The Pied Piper of Hamelin and get the students to know the importance of honesty. ?Key Points and Special Difficulties(重点和难点) Key points: to grasp some useful expressions all at once, free sb. from…, rid…of…, make one’s way, break in Special difficulties: to understand Inversion. ? Teaching Aids and Approaches(教具及教学方法) Multi-media, Task-based approach and the integrated approach ? Brief Teaching Procedures(教学过程) Step1 Fast reading(快速阅读) Read the passage quickly and answer some questions(快速阅读并回答 下列问题): 1) What trouble did the citizens of Hamelin have? 2) What was the result of their breaking the promise? Keys(参考答案): 1) There were too many rats in the town for them to live a normal life. 2) All the children but one were drawn into the cave and killed. Step2 Careful reading(细读) 1. What words did the author use to indicate that the plague of rats was too terrible? (a black sea, swarmed the whole town, gnawed everything except metal, need an army of cats…) 2. Find out inverted sentences in the passage. (…, on the banks of a great river in the north of Germany lay a town called Hamelin. …, there stood a tall thin man dressed in brightly colored clothes… Behind him swarmed the rats…. The pied piper slowly made his way through the houses and behind him flocked the rats. Beyond lay a cave. In trooped the children behind the pied piper.) 3. Key expressions (要点表达) 14 1) all at once = all of a sudden/ suddenly 突然 2)And to their surprise, there stood a tall thin man dressed in brightly colored clothes, with a long feather in his hat, and waving a gold pipe at them. “dressed in brightly colored clothes, with a long feather in his hat, and waving a gold pipe at them” is used to modify the subject “a tall thin man”. 3)There was even greater delight at the town hall, until the piper tried to claim his payment. “claim” in the sentence means “ask for”. 4) His eyes flashing with anger, the pied piper pointed a threatening finger at the Mayor. “His eyes flashing with anger” 是独立主格结构,在句中用作状语。 5) It was he who told the anxious citizens, searching for their children, what had happened. 该句为强调句型, searching for their children为现在分词短语作定语修 饰the anxious citizens。 Step3 Classroom activities(课堂活动) Divide the class into groups of four and discuss: What lesson can we learn from the passage? What do you think is very important in getting along well with others? Step4. Homework(作业) Get the students to tell the story to their family members. Step5 Assessment(评价) Words and expressions(词和短语) 15 1. multiply v. 增加 2. content adj. 满足 3. swarm v. 密集 4. flock v. 聚集 5. uneasily adv.不安地 6. threaten v. 威胁 7. claim v. 索取,索赔 8. current n. 水流 9. procession n. 队伍 10. troop v. 群集 11. harsh adj. 严厉的 12. block v. 封锁 13. all at once 突然 14. rid sb. of sth.使某人摆脱„„ 15. make one’s way 前进 16. break in 插嘴,插话 Lesson 3盘古开天地 Pangu Separates Sky from Earth China has a history longer than that of any other present-day nation, 16 containing a plethora of myths and legends. Regarded as the "Chinese Adam" by Westerners, the first figure in China's history was named Pangu. According to legend, in the beginning, there was only darkness and chaos, and the sky and earth were one blurred entity. This vast "egg," as the Chinese call it, was subjected to two opposing forces or principles. The interaction between the two forces the yin (passive or negative female principle) and yang (active or positive male principle) gave birth to Pangu, causing the egg's shell to crack. Pangu has been depicted in many ways. He sometimes appears as a dwarf with two horns on his head, clothed in skins or leaves, and holding a hammer in one hand and a chisel in the other or the symbol of the yin and yang . Pang has also been portrayed holding the sun in one hand and the moon in the other. He is often accompanied by his companions, the four supernatural animals: the phoenix, dragon, unicorn and tortoise. The separation of the sky and earth took 18,000 years to complete: the yang, which was light and pure, rose to become the sky; the yin , which was heavy and murky, sank to form the earth. Between the sky and earth was Pangu, who underwent nine changes every day: His wisdom greater 17 than that of the sky and his ability greater than that of the earth. Every day the sky rose ten feet, the earth became ten feet thicker and Pangu grew ten feet taller. Another 18,000 years passed and the sky was very high; the earth, dense and Pangu, extremely tall. His body then dissolved and his head became the mountains; his breath, the wind and clouds; his voice, the thunder; his left eye, the sun and his right eye, the moon. the stars; his four limbs, the four quadrants of the Pangu's beard became globe; his blood, the rivers and his veins and muscles, the layers of the earth. His flesh became the soil; his skin and hair, the trees and plants; his semen, pearls; his marrow, precious stones and his sweat turned into rain. All in all, Pangu and the universe became one. (泛读材料) Part?Figure stories人物故事 Lesson 1自由斗士曼德拉 18 纳尔逊?曼德拉出生于南非特兰斯凯一个大酋长家庭,曾任非国大青年联盟全国书记、主席。他成功地组织并领导了“蔑视不公正法令运动”,赢得了全体黑人的尊敬。曼德拉曾在牢中服刑了27年,在其40年的政治生涯中获得了超过一百项奖项,其中最显著的便是1993年的诺贝尔和平奖。被尊称为南非国父。 Nelson Mandela 纳尔逊 曼德拉 University College of Fort Hare 海尔堡大学 Johannesburg 约翰内斯堡 ANC (African National Congress) Youth League 非洲人国民大会(非国大)青年联盟 South African Afrikaner-dominated 南非白人统治的 Mandela 曼德拉 South Africa the Nobel Peace Prize 诺贝尔奖 F.W.deKlerk 弗雷 威廉姆 德克勒克 South African bio-pic 传记片 I've had a great idea for a movie, Nelson Mandela. Well, that would certainly be an interesting topic. I thought that we could start in his childhood, his life in prison and then his achievements later in life. 19 Sounds good. Mandela was educated at a local mission school. He entered the University College of Fort Hare and quickly became active in student politics. Is that why he was kicked out of university? That's right. I think he was a little too outspoken for his time. So then he moved to Johannesburg and finished his university education. He then entered into the study and subsequently the practice of law. I think law was a good choice of major for him. After that, he formed the ANC (African National Congress) Youth League, to transform the ANC from an elitist political union into a more broadly-based political movement. As the apartheid policy began to reach deeper into South African life, Mandela found himself constantly in opposition to the official political line of the Afrikaner-dominated government. I guess that was the beginning of why he was sent to prison in 1962 for 27 years. Can you imagine, 27 years in solitary confinement! And most of that time was spent doing hard labour. That just shows his strength of character. Many men would have gone insane, I’m sure. During his imprisonment, Mandela became a symbol of the anti-apartheid movement among South Africa's black population and among the international community that opposed apartheid. Yes, and he also rejected government offers for him to leave prison, as long as he renounced violence. Mandela shared the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993 with F.W.deKlerk, South Africa's last white president. Their combined efforts ended apartheid in South Africa. What an amazing man! Three years after 20 his release, South Africans of all races were allowed to vote for the first time in a national election. They selected Mandela as their president, giving him 62% of the vote. I think that this bio-pic could be our best project ever.He was banned, then arrested during the late 1950s. (泛读材料) Lesson 2 Pop Star and Songwriter: Han Hong流行歌星和创作者: 韩红 Songs about Tibet are growing in popularity among China’s pop music circles today, and they’ve caused a lot of interest in the region. But the songs of Han Hong, a Tibetan-born young song-writer, are particularly beautiful because they’re based on her own experiences and knowledge of the culture. Many people didn’t expect Han Hong to become a famous pop star in China, for she didn’t have the attractive look and slim figure that is usually associated with successful personalities in the pop industry. Despite discouraging comments, Han Hong has never given up her pursuit of a career in music. Now she has become famous for being one of the few all-around female musicians who not only sings well, but is a very successful songwriter. Han Hong was born in 1971 in Xigaze, the second largest city in the Tibet after Lhasa, and was given the Tibetan name, Gesang Zhuoma. 21 That’s why quite a number of her songs are deeply rooted with Tibetan culture and music traditions. At the age of nine, Han Hong came to Beijing to receive professional vocal training in a children’s chorus (合唱团). This was just the start of the long way in pursuit of a professional musical career. In 1985, 14-year-old Han Hong won her first national prize in a singing competition. Han Hong’s ambition goes far beyond just being a pop singer, though. She also writes her own music. She started composing songs in 1993, without having had any professional training. Maybe this helped her form her own style, which has become popular with so many listeners. Quite a number of Han Hong’s songs combine elements of classical Tibetan folk music with pop music. Her songs have thrown a light on the mysterious and rich culture of Tibet and caused a lot of interest. The song Brilliant Rays on a Snowy Landscape (《雪域光芒》) is one of Han Hong’s early works, which conveys the vastness (广博) and beauty of Tibet. It swept various pop song billboards across China, receiving more than 20 awards. As a pop singer in Beijing, she also tried different styles of music, such as Jazz, R&B, Rock and Roll and Latin music. I Aims and Demands(教学目的和要求) To learn a passage about Han Hong, one of the most popular Chinese singers and let the students know the reason for her success. 22 ?Key Points and Special Difficulties(重点和难点) Key points: 1) to describe Han Hong 2) to grasp some useful words and expressions pursuit, despite, personality, comment, professional, element, be based on, be associated with, be rooted with, throw a light on Special difficulties: the characteristics of Han Hong’s songs ? Teaching Aids and Approaches(教具及教学方法) Multi-media, Task-based approach and the integrated approach Slide show ? Brief Teaching Procedures(教学过程) Step1 Background information(背景知识) Do you like listening to pop music? Do you know about Han Hong? Step2 Fast reading(快速阅读) Read fast and answer the following questions(快速阅读并回答下列问 题): 1) When and where was Han Hong born? 2) Why are Han Hong’s songs very beautiful? 3) Why are the public interested in Han’s songs? Keys(参考答案): 1) In 1971, in Xigaze. 2) Because they are based on her own experience and knowledge of the culture. 3) Because most of her songs combine elements of classical Tibetan folk music with pop music. Step3 Careful reading(细读) 1. Pick up some words from the passage to describe Han Hong. (a famous pop star, has no attractive look and slim figure, all-around female musician, sings well, very successful songwriter, never gives up her pursuit, have her own style…) 2. Pay attention to the following expressions and sentences. 1)…, for she didn’t have the attractive look and slim figure that is usually associated with successful personalities in the pop industry. be associated with = be related to/ be linked to/ have something to do with 2) Despite discouraging comments, Han Hong has never given up her pursuit of a career in music. This sentence means “Though the public make discouraging comments about her (not having attractive look and slim figure), she has never given up her dream to become a successful pop singer.” 3) Han Hong’s ambition goes far beyond just being a pop singer, though. This sentence means “Han Hong’s dream is not limited to becoming a 23 pop singer. She also wants to be successful in other fields.” 4) Her songs have thrown a light on the mysterious and rich culture of Tibet and caused a lot of interest. throw a light on = explain Step4 Classroom activities(课堂活动) Work in groups of four and discuss: What has made Han Hong so successful as a famous musician? How can we become successful in realizing our dreams? Step5 Homework(作业) Write a passage about Han Hong. (Around 150 words.) Step6 Assessment(评价) Words and expressions(词和短语) 1. popularity n. 流行 2. personality n. 性格;人物 3. despite prep. 尽管,虽然 4. comment n.v. 评价 5. pursuit n. 追求 6. professional adj. 专业的 7. combine v. 结合,联合 8. element n. 要素,元素 9. mysterious adj. 神秘的 10. convey v. 揭示 11. be based on 以„„为基础 12. be associated with 相联系 13. thrown a light on 解释 24 677240.mp3(音频) Lesson 3 Louis Armstrong 路易斯(阿姆斯壮 Louis “Satchmo” Armstrong (1900—1971), an African-American musician, is one of the most important figures in the history of jazz. In the 1920s, this trumpeter, singer and bandleader began exploring the boundaries of jazz technique and style. Masters of jazz today admit their debt to this pioneer. Armstrong’s gift was obvious from the start of his career. His earliest recordings first with a band led by his former teacher, Joe “King” Oliver, and then with his own band earned Armstrong international fame for technical originality. He freed his playing from the ordinary rhythms (节 奏) of early jazz by creating musical phrases that seemed to go against the pulse of a song, only to combine them in the place later. His deep and rough voice became as special as his cornet (短号) playing, especially in his scat performances. Scat is a singing style in which meaningless syllables (音节) are repeated without preparation. Armstrong’s scat was among the earliest ever recorded. By 1930, Armstrong had turned to more commercial, less experimental jazz. Some musicians criticized him for this. But others insisted that the real power of Armstrong’s art lay in its grace and sensitivity, fine qualities of the heart which remained in his music. In the following years, Armstrong traveled around the world as the leading “goodwill ambassador” of American jazz music. The gentleness and great attraction of “Satchmo” filled his music and made him one of the world’s most beloved performers for over forty years. 25 I Aims and Demands(教学目的和要求) To learn a passage about Armstrong, the pioneer of jazz and let the students know what contributions Armstrong made to jazz. ?Key Points and Special Difficulties(重点和难点) Key points: the contributions Armstrong made to the development of jazz Special difficulties: the reasons for his popularity ? Teaching Aids and Approaches(教具及教学方法) Multi-media, Task-based approach and the integrated approach ? Brief Teaching Procedures(教学过程) Step1 Lead-in(导入新课) Have you ever heard about Louis Armstrong? Step2 Fast reading(快速阅读) Read fast and answer(快速阅读并回答下列问题): 1) Why was Armstrong called “pioneer of jazz”? 2) Why was “Satchmo” criticized by some musicians in the 1930s? 3) What made Armstrong the “good will ambassador” of American jazz music? Keys(参考答案): 1) He created musical phrases and freed his playing from the ordinary rhythms of early jazz. 2) For turning his attention away from making changes. 2) His attraction and sensitivity. Step3 Careful reading (细读) 1. What is the passage mainly about? (A praise of Armstrong’s contribution to jazz.) 2. Pick up some words from the passage to describe Louis Armstrong. (one of the most important figures in the history of jazz, bandleader, pioneer, grace and sensitivity, fine qualities of the heart, gentleness and great attraction, one of most beloved performers…) 3. Translate the sentences below. 1) Masters of jazz today admit their debt to this pioneer. Masters of jazz today think that Armstrong made a lot of contributions to the development of jazz and that they should thank him for this. 2) By 1930, Armstrong had turned to more commercial, less experimental jazz. By 1930, Armstrong had turned his attention away from making changes and his music had become more commercial. Step4 Classroom activities(课堂活动) Work in groups of four and discuss: What were the reasons for Armstrong’s success? (His early experiences in “King” Oliver’s band, his technical originality and his personality.) What qualities should a successful musician have? Step5. Homework (作业) Rewrite the passage. (Around 150 words.) Step6 Assessment(评价) 26 Words and expressions(词和短语) 1. explore v. 探索 2. boundary n. 边界,界线 3. former adj. 原先的,前面的 4. originality n. 创造力, 独创性 5. commercial adj. 商业的 6. criticize v. 批评 7. grace n. 优雅 8. ambassador n.大使 9. go against 违背,违反 10. turn to 转向 Part ? Social customs社会风情 Lesson 1 The Origin of Kiss 接吻风俗的起源 Over time, the custom of kissing developed as a way for adults to express their love and affection for one another. The roots of this form of affection can date back to primitive times, when mothers fondled (爱抚) their children, much as mothers do today. Much later, in the sixth century, society accepted the custom of kissing between adults as an expression of their affection. Not 27 surprisingly, France first accepted kissing in courtship (求爱)and in love. There, figure dancing was the rage, and each dance was sealed with a kiss. The custom of kissing swept from France through Europe to Russia, where Russian nobility loved to ape the French. Eventually, the kiss was incorporated into marriage ceremonies, and today lips lock couples into sweet matrimony. The custom of kissing today, as well as in ancient times, serves to show respect, and to pay homage (敬意) to another. For example, early Romans kissed each other on the mouth or on the eyes to greet one another in a manner they seemed to be dignified. One Roman emperor even ranked a person’s importance by the body part he was allowed to kiss. He allowed important nobles to kiss his lips, less important ones to kiss his hands, and the least important ones to kiss his feet. In Russia, the highest sign of recognition from the crown meant a kiss from the Tsar (沙皇)himself. Today, natives of many African tribes pay homage to their chief by kissing the ground over which he has walked. I Aims and Demands(教学目的和要求) To learn a passage about the origin of kiss and let the students know what the practice” kiss” means in the past and at present. ?Key Points and Special Difficulties(重点和难点) Key points: to grasp some useful words and expressions origin, affection, surprisingly, eventually, ceremony, rank, date back to Special difficulties: the origin of kiss and its meanings ? Teaching Aids and Approaches(教具及教学方法) Multi-media, Task-based approach and the integrated approach 28 ? Brief Teaching Procedures(教学过程) Step1 Lead-in (导入新课) When do people kiss each other? In what situations? Step2 Fast reading(快速阅读) Read the passage quickly and answer the questions below(快速阅读并回 答下列问题): 1) When did the society accept the kissing between adults as an expression of their affection? 2) How do natives of many African tribes show respect for their chief? Keys(参考答案): 1) In the sixth century. 2) By kissing the ground over which he has walked. Step3 Careful reading (细读) 1. What does a kiss mean? Give some examples to support your ideas. 1) Showing love and affection for one another (mothers fondle their children; adults kiss in courtship and in love) 2) Showing respect and paying homage to another (early Romans kissed each other; African tribes kiss the ground where their chief has just walked) 2. Translate the following sentences and pay attention to the underlined parts. 1) The roots of this form of affection can date back to primitive times, when mothers fondled their children, much as mothers do today date back to = date from 追溯到„„ This sentence means “The custom of kissing began in primitive times, showing love and affection to one another.” 2) The custom of kissing swept from France through Europe to Russia, where Russian nobility loved to ape the French. This custom which first began in France was spread through Europe to Russia, where it was widely accepted by the Russian. 3) Today, natives of many African tribes pay homage to their chief by kissing the ground over which he has walked. pay homage to … = show respect for… Step4 Homework (作业) 29 Rewrite the passage. (Around 150 words.) Step5 Assessment(评价) Words and expressions(词和短语) 1. origin n. 起源 2. affection n. 喜爱 3. primitive adj. 原始的 4. surprisingly adv. 令人惊讶地 5. nobility n. 贵族 6. eventually adv. 最后,最终 7. incorporate vt. 使并入,使合并 8. ceremony n. 典礼 9. rank vt. 赋予(阶级、名次) 10. recognition n. 承认,认可 11. date back to追溯到„„ Lesson 2 International Left-hander’s Day 国际左撇子日 If you are a leftie(左撇子), then Left Hander’s Day is just for you! The world is built for right handers. In school, have you ever seen a left handed desk? They don’t exist. Many left handed items cost more. The computer mouse is designed for right handers. Scissors are for right handers. Only a lefty would understand this. But do you know that right handed people operate in the left side of the brain? Left handed people use the right side. Therefore, only left handed people are in their right mind. Left handers have certainly earned the right to have a day special for them. This special day was first declared and celebrated on Friday, August13, 1976 by an organization called Lefthanders International. They chose to open their business on that day to address the myths (荒诞说法) and misconceptions(误解) about left-handers. They published a magazine for left-handers and they sold left-handed products for more than twenty years before going out of business a few years ago. The holiday is thcelebrated annually on the 13 of August. But Left-Hander’s Day is not merely a celebration of the creative superiority of lefties, it also aims at raising awareness of the difficulties presented by a right-handed world. This is a day for left-handers to show their pride and pay tribute to(歌颂) famous left-handers past and present, including some of our greatest artists, athletes and entertainers. Furthermore, this day is to praise the creativity and talents of those left handers who are less famous but equally productive members of the society. So take a minute to appreciate your left handed friends and loved ones. Don’t forget to send them a Left-Hander’s Day E-card to show your respect. Remember that “Lefties have rights!” I Aims and Demands(教学目的和要求) To learn a passage about International Left-hander’s Day and get the 30 students to know that left-handers should have equal rights as right-handers have. ?Key Points and Special Difficulties(重点和难点) Key points: to grasp some useful words and expressions declare, address, annually, awareness, athlete, creativity, talent, appreciate, go out of business, raise awareness of…, pay tribute to Special difficulties: to learn something about International Left-hander’s Day (its date, origin, importance…) ? Teaching Aids and Approaches(教具及教学方法) Multi-media, Task-based approach and the integrated approach ? Brief Teaching Procedures(教学过程) Step1 Lead-in (导入新课) In your daily life are you accustomed to using your left hand or right hand? Left-handed people are called lefties, and they have a day special for them—International Left-Hander’s Day. Step2 Fast reading(快速阅读) Read the passage quickly and answer the questions(快速阅读并回答下 列问题): 1) What does the writer mean when he says “The world is built for right handers.”? 2) When was International Left-hander’s Day declared and celebrated? Keys(参考答案): 1) Left-handers aren’t paid enough attention to. th2) On Friday, August 13, 1976. Step3 Careful reading(细读) 1. What is the main idea of the passage? (The writer thinks that left-handers should have equal rights as right-handers.) 2. Read the passage again and decide whether each of the following statements is true or false. 1) The writer says, “Therefore, only left-handed people are in the right mind” in the third paragraph in a serious way. 2) There was once a magazine for the left-handers. 3) Few people think doing things with right hands is reasonable. 4) There are many famous artists, athletes and so on in the past and at present. 5) All left-handers are proud of themselves. 6) Relatively, left-handers have more difficulties to overcome than the right-handers. (F, T, F, T, F, T) 3. Translate the following sentences 1) They chose to open their business on that day to address the myths and misconceptions about left-handers. The sentence means “They chose to open their business on that day to make others know it’s wrong to have misunderstanding about left-handers.” address =deal with 31 2) But Left-Hander’s Day is not merely a celebration of the creative superiority of lefties, it also aims at raising awareness of the difficulties presented by a right-handed world. raise awareness of… 唤起„„的意识 The purpose of Left-Hander’s Day is not only celebrating the creativity of lefties, but also getting people to understand that there are many difficulties for them. 3) Furthermore, this day is to praise the creativity and talents of those left-handers who are less famous but equally productive members of the society. What’s more, this day wants to praise the creativity and talents of those ordinary left-handers who can also make great contributions to society. Step4 Homework(作业) Step5 Assessment(评价) Rewrite the passage. Words and expressions(词和短语) 1. declare vt. 宣布,宣称 2. address v. 针对,处理 3. annually adv. 每年地 4. superiority n. 优越性 5. awareness n. 意识 6. present v. 呈现 7. athlete n. 运动员 8. creativity n. 创造性 9. talent n.天赋,才能 10. appreciate vt. 欣赏,感激 11. go out of business 停业 12. raise awareness of… 唤 起„„的意识 Lesson 3 Make Sports a Kind of Culture 让体育成为一种文化 A large number of children today take part in sports not because they 32 love it, but because their parents push them into the filed for medals and money. Sports unfortunately are becoming less of a culture. What is driving children away from sports? That might be the tough competition even at local levels and that the people only pay attention to winners. The pride of just taking part in an event seems to have been lost. China today is a powerful country of sports. It was second only to the United States in the gold medal list at the 2004 Athens Olympics, and some experts expect it to top the medal list at the 2008 Beijing Olympics. But we still depend on the national sports training system to make champions. Most of the city children today are only interested in computer games and the Internet. They are unwilling to take part in sports because they think it’s impossible for them to have a successful future in this field. They prefer sitting inactively in front of the computers. This is not only making them fat, but also bringing them health problems and even mental problems. We do need a sport culture to encourage the sports spirit: Have sports for the love of it, not for fame and fortune. Let’s always keep this in mind: Sports is a way to build both our mental and physical health. It is a worldwide culture. I Aims and Demands(教学目的和要求) To learn the passage and let the students get some information about the present situation of children taking part in sports. ?Key Points and Special Difficulties(重点和难点) 33 Key points: to grasp some useful words and expressions a large number of, take part in, unfortunately, tough, second only to…, depend on, champion, inactively, encourage, fortune, worldwide, keep…in mind Special difficulties: the necessity of making sports a kind of culture ? Teaching Aids and Approaches(教具及教学方法) Multi-media, Task-based approach and the integrated approach ? Brief Teaching Procedures(教学过程) Step1 Lead-in (导入新课) Do you often have sports? Do you like sports? Step2 Fast reading(快速阅读) Read fast and answer(快速阅读并回答下列问题): 1) Why do some children dislike sports? 2) What is the result of children sitting inactively before computers without taking exercise? Keys(参考答案): 1) On one hand, competition is very tough. On the other hand, people only pay attention to winners. 2) They will not only become fat, but also have health problems and even mental problems. Step3 Careful reading(细读) Read the passage again and fill in the form. reason Lots of children have 34 sports. Children keep away from sports. Children today are interested in computer games instead of sports. reason Lots of children have sports. Their parents push them into the field for medals and money. Children keep away from Competition is very tough. sports. People only pay attention to winners. Children today are interested They think it’s impossible for in computer games instead of them to have a successful future in sports. this field. 2. Pay attention to the following sentence structures. 1) A large number of children today take part in sports not because they love it, but because their parents push them into the filed for medals and money. not…but…不是„„而是„„ 2) It was second only to the United States in the gold medal list at the 35 2004 Athens Olympics, and some experts expect it to top the medal list at the 2008 Beijing Olympics. second only to…仅次于„„= next to… 3) This is not only making them fat, but also bringing them health problems and even mental problems. 4) Have sport s for the love of it, not for fame and fortune. Step4 Classroom activities(课堂活动) Work in groups of four and discuss: What will you do for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games? Step5 Homework(作业) Writing: Suppose you have been chosen as a volunteer of the 2008 Beijing Olympics. What should you do and what shouldn’t you do? Write a passage about it. (Around 150 words) Step6 Assessment(评价) Words and expressions(词和短语) 1. unfortunately adv. 不幸地 2. tough adj. 无情的;费力的,棘手的 3. champion n. 冠军 4. inactively adv. 消极地 5. encourage v. 鼓励 6. fortune n. 运气;财富 7. mental adj. 心理的;精神的 8. worldwide adj. adv. 世界范围的 9. a large number of 许多,大量 10. take part in 参加 36 11. second only to…仅次于 12.depend on 依靠,取决于 13. keep…in mind 记住 Part ? Life attitudes and ambitions人生态度与理想 Lesson 1 You Are the World 你就是世界 Once there was a king who told some of his workers to dig a pond. Once the pond was dug, the king made an announcement to his people saying that one person from each household had to bring a glass of milk during the night and pour it into the pond. So, the pond should be full of milk by the morning. After receiving the order, everyone went home. One man prepared to take the milk during the night. He thought that since everyone would bring milk, he could just hide a glass of water and pour it inside the pond. Because it was dark at night, no one would notice. So he quickly went and poured the water in the pond and came back. In the morning, the king came to visit the pond and to his surprise the pond was only filled with water! What has happened is that everyone was thinking like the other man that “I don’t have to put the milk, someone else will do it.” Dear friends, when it comes to contribution to the world, do not think that others will take care of it. Rather, it starts from you, if you don’t do it, no one else will do it. 37 Remember, “You are the world”! The world is only a name; the individual is the reality. You can go on trying to find the world all over the world, and you will not find it; you will always find the individual. There is no world, except you. The individual is the only reality. And the world is nothing but the collectivity of individuals, so whatever it is, it is a contribution of individuals. If it is ugly, you have contributed to its ugliness. If it is full of hate, jealousy, anger, greed, ambition, you have contributed to this whole hell in which we are living. You cannot throw the responsibility on somebody else. Instead, you have to put the responsibility on your own shoulders. “You are the world”! And it can become the very key to each of your success. I Aims and Demands(教学目的和要求) To learn a passage—You Are the World and get the students to know it’s important to hold proper attitudes towards life and be responsible for oneself. ?Key Points and Special Difficulties(重点和难点) Key points: 1) to know it’s important to have the sense of responsibility 2) to grasp some useful words and expressions announcement, individual, jealousy, greed, ambition, responsibility, to one’s surprise, nothing but, contribute to, the key to… Special difficulties: to know the importance of taking the responsibility for oneself ? Teaching Aids and Approaches(教具及教学方法) Multi-media, Task-based approach and the integrated approach ? Brief Teaching Procedures(教学过程) Step1 Fast reading(快速阅读) Read the passage quickly and answer the questions(快速阅读并回答下 列问题): 1) Why does the writer tell us the story at the beginning of the passage? 38 2) Why did everybody pour water into the pond instead of milk? 3) What does the title mean? Keys(参考答案): 1) To arouse readers’ interest and draw their attention to the topic—to depend on yourself and take your responsibility. 2) Everybody thought that he didn’t have to put the milk and that someone else would do it.) 3) You must depend on yourself because you are the owner of yourself. You must learn to be responsible for yourself. Step2 Careful reading(细读) 1. Describe the man in the story. What kind of person was the man in the story? 2. Translate the following sentences and pay attention to the underlined parts. 1) When it comes to contribution to the world, do not think that others will take care of it. When it comes to…当提到„„的时候 2) And the world is nothing but the collectivity of individuals, so whatever it is, it is a contribution of individuals. nothing but 仅仅,只不过(= only) 3) If it is ugly, you have contributed to its ugliness. contribute to 有助于,对„„有贡献 4) And it can become the very key to each of your success. the key to…„„的关键 Step3 Classroom activities(课堂活动) Work in groups of four and discuss: Do you agree with the writer’s opinion? Why or why not? Step4 Homework (作业) 请根据下列提示,写一篇短文,介绍著名科学家斯蒂芬?霍金 (Stephen Hawking)。 1(1942年元月8日出生于英国。中学毕业以后,他首先在牛津 大学学物理,后来又在剑桥大学学习宇宙学; 2(当他二十多岁的时候,患了一种严重的疾病,这种病使他永远 失去了行走和说话的能力。面对不幸,他没有灰心,并继续从事他的 宇宙科学研究; 3(1988年他出版了《时间简史》A Brief History of Time。该 书一出版立即引起了科学界的注意,并畅销全世界; 4(斯蒂芬?霍金现为剑桥大学教授。他被认为是继爱因斯坦 (Einstein)之后的最杰出的物理学家。 参考词汇: 宇宙学cosmology 牛津大学Oxford University 剑桥大学Cambridge University 注意:词数120左右 thStephen Hawking was born on 8, January, 1942 in England. After leaving school, he went first to Oxford University where he studied physics, and then he went to Cambridge University where he studied cosmology. 39 When he was in his twenties, he suffered a serious disease, which prevented him from moving and speaking forever. In face of bad luck, he didn’t lose heart. Instead, he went on with his research into the universe. In 1988, he published the book A Brief History of Time which attracted the attention of the science world at once. The book sold very well all over the world. Today, Stephen Hawking still works at Cambridge University as a professor. He is considered to be the most outstanding physicist after Albert Einstein. Step5 Assessment(评价) Words and expressions(词和短语) 1. announcement n. 通知,通告 2. responsibility n. 责任 3. individual n. 个人 4. jealousy n. 嫉妒 5. greed n. 贪婪 6. ambition n. 野心 7. to one’s surprise 令人惊讶的是 8. nothing but 仅仅,只不过 9. contribute to有助于,对„„有贡献 10. the key to…„„的关键 Lesson 2 Facing Life Positively 积极面对人生 If you’re a teenager, or about to become one, you have a lot to look forward to. Of course, just as in other times of life, you will have both bad and good experiences. The teenage years are full of changes. You might begin... ?Questioning more of what you hear ?Spending more time with your friends and others outside your family ?Hearing from teachers, parents, and other adults about taking more responsibility Those changes don’t mean that your teenage years have to be harder than others. In fact, this can be the time when you get what you need to have fun and be happy now and in the future. 40 Everyone’s experience is different. But no matter what you experience, you still can figure out how to be happy. One thing that most people find satisfying is finding out what they do well. Most people like to do what they are good at. Better yet, get connected with a youth organization and your teenage friends. They can give you support when you have a problem or are in trouble. In fact, getting to know people is often what makes life fun and interesting. And the best people to have around are those who do care about you. They can be helpful when you feel pressure to do things that you don’t want to do. Make the best of all that life has to offer. No matter how things are going for you, believe in yourself. You can’t compare yourself to others. Don’t let a negative response stop your positive effort. Remember the 4 E’s: ?Expect a lot of yourself. ?Everyone has strengths and limitations. ?Everybody needs help sometimes. ?Express yourself: your ideas and feelings matter. So... Enjoy the good times, learn from the difficult ones, and get help when you need it. If you do, you may find that life has great things to offer. 41 YOU ARE UNIQUE!! I Aims and Demands(教学目的和要求) To learn a passage—Facing Life Positively and get the students to know it’s important to hold proper attitudes towards life—be confident and never give up. ?Key Points and Special Difficulties(重点和难点) Key points: to grasp some useful words and expressions be about to, look forward to, question, figure out, be connected with, care about, make the best of, limitation, unique Special difficulties: to learn to stay optimistic and positive when in face of difficulties ? Teaching Aids and Approaches(教具及教学方法) Multi-media, Task-based approach and the integrated approach ? Brief Teaching Procedures(教学过程) Step1 Lead-in(导入新课) As students, in our daily life we are often faced with difficulties and failures. How should we react to them? Step2 Fast reading(快速阅读) Read fast and answer(快速阅读并回答下列问题): 1) What should we do when we have a problem or are in trouble? 2) In the author’s opinion, what can make life fun and interesting? Keys(参考答案): 1) We should get connected with a youth organization and our teenage friends. 2) Getting to know people. Step3 Careful reading(细读) 1. Pick up some key words from the passage to describe the teenage years. 42 (having both good and bad experiences, full of changes, not harder than others) 2. List the ways to stay happy in life. 1) Find out what we do well. 2) Get connected with a youth organization and our teenage friends. 3) Get to know people. 4) Make the best of what life offers. 3. Translate the following sentences and pay attention to the underlined parts. become one, you have a lot to look 1) If you’re a teenager, or about to forward to. 2) In fact, this can be the time when you get what you need to have fun and be happy now and in the future. 3) But no matter what you experience, you still can figure out how to be happy. figure out 弄明白,弄清楚;计算出 4) Better yet, get connected with a youth organization and your teenage friends. “get connected with” here means “get involved in/ take part in(参加)”. 5) Don’t let a negative response stop your positive effort. This sentence means “Don’t always think you can’t. Make every effort when you can”. 43 Step4 Classroom activities(课堂活动) Work in groups of four and discuss? Do you have any growing pains? What are they? What should we do to overcome these growing pains? Step5 Homework(作业) 请根据下面提示,写一篇短文,词数不少于50。 In your English class, you are given the following topic to discuss: If I Could Be Any Age…. Which age would you like to be and why? Please give at least two reasons and explain them. If I could be any age, I would like very much to be an adult. First of all, as an adult, I can enjoy mush more freedom and follow my interests to do whatever I like. I will travel around the world, as I have always been dreaming of. Besides, by that time I will have finished my school education. I can depend on myself and take the responsibility to take care of my parents. I will buy my parents a big house with a beautiful garden. What is more important is that I can make my contributions to society, helping more children who are in need of enough food, medical treatment and good education. Step6 Assessment(评价) Words and expressions(词和短语) 1. question vt. 质疑,询问 2. strength n. 力气;优点 3. limitation n. 限度,局限 4. unique adj. 独特的 5. look forward to 期待,盼望 6. figure out 弄清;计算出 44 7. be connected with 和„„有联系 8.care about 关心 9. make the best of 充分利用 Lesson 3 Honesty 诚信 We often hear about “the good old days” when people were better, happier, and more honest. But were they more honest than us today? Maybe yes, a long time ago when life was very different from what it is today. School children used to know the story of how Abraham Lincoln walked five minutes to return a penny he’d overcharged a customer. It’s the kind of story we think of as myth. But in the case of Lincoln, the story is true… A clue as to why people may have been more honest in the past lies in the Abe Lincoln story. Lincoln knew his customer. They both lived in a small town. Would a checkout person(收银员) at a large supermarket return money to a customer nowadays? It’s nearly impossible. Most of us still believe that honesty is an important part of the human character. Although more and more signs of dishonesty in school, business, and government seem to happen in recent years than in the past, could it be that we are getting better at revealing such dishonesty? But not that people are getting more and more dishonest. Honesty is believed to be a virtue of human beings forever. It does good not only to ourselves, but to others as well. In a word, honesty wins trust, respect and honor. So it is important that we should be honest. Honesty will never be out of style. I Aims and Demands(教学目的和要求) To learn a passage about honesty and let the students know the importance of this virtue. ?Key Points and Special Difficulties(重点和难点) Key points: to grasp some useful words and expressions overcharge, clue, lie in, dishonesty, reveal, virtue, do good to, in a word, out of style Special difficulties: to learn the importance of being honest ? Teaching Aids and Approaches(教具及教学方法) Multi-media, Task-based approach and the integrated approach ? Brief Teaching Procedures(教学过程) Step1 Lead-in(导入新课) Do you think honesty is out of date? Why or why not? Step2 Fast reading(快速阅读) Read fast and answer(快速阅读并回答下列问题): 45 1) What did Lincoln do when he found he overcharged a customer? 2) In the author’s opinion, why are there more signs of dishonesty in recent years than in the past? Keys (参考答案): 1) He walked five minutes to return the one penny he had overcharged. 2) The reason could be that people are getting better at revealing such dishonesty. Step3 Careful reading(细读) 1. Describe Lincoln. 2. Use the phrases from the passage to fill in the blanks. used to hear about lie in in the case of 1) Nancy is hardworking and good at all sorts of activities. But ________ Tom, things are quite different. 2) That’s where I ________ live when I was a child. 3) I’ve just ________ his success in the math contest. 4) His failure in passing the examination _________ his laziness. (in the case of; used to; heard about; lay in) 3. Key sentences. 1) A clue as to why people may have been more honest in the past lies in the Abe Lincoln story. lie in = result from 原因在于,缘于 The reason which can explain that people were more honest in the past is the Abe Lincoln story itself. 2) Honesty is believed to be a virtue of human beings forever. People believe that honesty is forever a virtue of human beings. 3) Honesty will never be out of style. out of style = out of date/ fashion 过时,过期 Step4 Classroom activities(课堂活动) Work in groups of four and discuss: Who do you think are more honest, people in the past or people today? Give your reasons. Step5 Homework(作业) Recite the last two paragraphs. Step6 Assessment(评价) Words and expressions(词和短语) 1. overcharge v. 过多收费 2. clue n. 线索 3. dishonesty n. 不诚实 4. reveal v. 揭示 46 5. virtue n. 美德 6. lie in 原因在于,缘于 7. do good to 对„„有益 8. in a word 总之一句话 9. out of style 过时,过期 Part? History and Culture历史文化 Lesson 1 Studying difference学习差异 I always knew that China had a different education system to America. But, I did not know just how different our schools were. This summer, an American classmate and I spent a week in Tianjin No 2 Middle School. There we realized that there are major differences between students in China and the United States. In the US, we have many college entrance examinations but extracurricular (课外的) activities and experiences are also considered important when applying for college. We could not imagine having class in the summer, nor could we imagine being in a class with 50 students. Most classes in the United States have 29 students at most and we often joke with our teachers and classmates. In English class, Chinese students study grammar and practice listening comprehension most of the time. In the US, our language classes include a lot about the culture of the country whose language we are studying. Also, during these classes we can only speak in the language we are studying. What struck us the most was how they specialized their studies in Senior 2. Students who choose to major in the humanities (人文科学) do 47 not take any science classes. Students who choose to major in the sciences do not take any history or geography classes. But in US high schools, students are required to take all the major subjects: history, science, maths, a foreign language and literature. Most American students enjoy studying a broad range of subjects which allows them to have an interest in sciences, history and music, for example. Yet, specialization allows Chinese students to have a much more in depth knowledge base than American students. As we sat in their maths and science classes, we were astounded at (惊讶于) the level of difficulty. We were taken aback when they told us that in maths class, they never use calculators. In the US, we always use calculators. We could never imagine doing all those calculations by hand! The best part about Chinese education is the focus on very neat, readable handwriting. Unfortunately, in the States too many people do not write well. The worst part is that both the males and females must have short hair. This made it very difficult for us to tell the difference between the guys and girls from the back of the room where we sat. Yet, learning about the many differences between these two education systems was rewarding. If asked to visit that classroom again, my answer would definitely be yes. I Aims and Demands(教学目的和要求) To learn a passage—Studying Difference and let the students know the differences between Chinese education and American education. ?Key Points and Special Difficulties(重点和难点) 48 Key points: 1) to describe Chinese schools 2) to grasp some useful words and expressions at most, apply for, strike, specialize, major in, literature, calculation, focus, rewarding, definitely Special difficulties: to learn the differences between Chinese students and American students ? Teaching Aids and Approaches(教具及教学方法) Multi-media, Task-based approach and the integrated approach ? Brief Teaching Procedures(教学过程) Step1 Lead-in(导入新课) Every country has its own education system. What differences do you think there are between American schools and Chinese schools? Step2 Fast reading(快速阅读) Read fast and answer(快速阅读并回答下列问题): In what ways are Chinese schools different from American schools? Keys(参考答案): Class size, language learning, taking subjects, calculators, handwriting and hair style. Step3 Careful reading(细读) 1. Find out the words or phrases from among those underlined that best match the meanings or the explanations below. 1) (power of) understanding: _______________ 2) small electronic device for working out number problems in maths ______________ 3) more important; great(er) _____________ 4) clearly without any doubt ______________ 5)very much surprised _______________ (comprehension; calculator; major; definitely; taken back) 2. Fill in the following chart according to the passage. Items American Chinese students students Class size Language learning Taking subjects Calculators Handwriting Hair style 3. Pay attention to the following sentences. 1) We could not imagine having class in the summer, nor could we imagine being in a class with 50 students. 2) What struck us the most was how they specialized their studies in Senior 2. 3) Specialization allows Chinese students to have a much more in depth knowledge base than American students. 49 Chinese students are ahead of American students in knowledge depth because they specialized their lessons. 4) This made it very difficult for us to tell the difference between the guys and girls from the back of the room where we sat. Step5 Classroom activities(课堂活动) Work in groups of four and discuss: If you have a choice between an American education style and a Chinese one, which would you choose? Why? Step6 Homework (作业) Write a passage about the differences between American schools and Chinese schools. Step7 Assessment(评价) Words and expressions 1. strike vt. 给予„„印象 2. specialize v. 专门研究, 专攻 3. literature n. 文学 4. focus n. 焦点;重心 5. rewarding adj. 值得的 6. calculation n. 计算 7. definitely adv. 一定地,必定地 8. at most 至多 9. apply for 申请 10. major in 主修 11. tell the difference between… and… 区别 Lesson 2 Spring Festival’s Symbols 春节符号 Symbols are an important part of Chinese culture, and are more than just pretty decorations. Each decoration has its own tale to tell. Fu(福) The character fu, usually painted on red, diamond-shaped paper, can be seen almost every household and is usually hung upside down. Those 50 who hope for extra luck and fortune do this on purpose: The pronunciation of “fu dao” is similar to the phrase “luck arrives”. In other words, good luck will arrive and is welcome to enter the house. Paper cuts (jian zhi) Making jian zhi is an ancient Chinese folk art that dates back to the Southern and Northern Dynasties (420-589). Traditionally, professional craft men (工匠)made paper cuts by hand; today, most paper cuts are made by machine. Red paper cuts are a sign of good fortune and are put on house and restaurant window. The bat is a popular cutting, as the Chinese word for bat is fu, which sounds like the character for good fortune. Fish are also a common paper cut, as the Chinese word yu sounds like the term for plenty. Chinese knots (zhong guo jie) The ancient folk art of knotting was developed in the Tang and Song Dynasties (618-1279). Each knotted shape has a special meaning: the most common is the red, diamond-shaped knot, which means “forever happy”. Other knots include “prosperity” knots (decorated with chili peppers); “romance” (in heart-shaped patterns); “fortune” (tied with ancient coins); “happiness” (featuring the double-happiness character); and “longevity (长寿)”(100 coins connected with red thread). It’s popular for women to wear a small piece of the knots as a necklace. I Aims and Demands(教学目的和要求) To learn a passage about the symbols of China’s Spring Festival and let 51 the students know some related information. ?Key Points and Special Difficulties(重点和难点) Key points: 1) to describe the Spring Festival of China 2) to grasp some useful words and expressions symbol, decoration, diamond, pronunciation, on purpose, be similar to, in other words Special difficulties: to know about Chinese culture ? Teaching Aids and Approaches(教具及教学方法) Multi-media, Task-based approach and the integrated approach ? Brief Teaching Procedures(教学过程) Step1 Lead-in(导入新课) When it comes to the Spring Festival, what images will come into your mind? Step2 Fast reading(快速阅读) Read the passage quickly and answer(快速阅读并回答下列问题): 1) What do bats and fish mean in paper cuts? 2) When was the art of knotting developed? Keys(参考答案): 1) Because the Chinese word for bat is fu, which sounds like the character for good fortune; the Chinese word yu sounds like the term for plenty. 2) It was developed in the Tang and Song Dynasties. Step3 Careful reading(细读) 1. Describe the symbols mentioned in the passage. (Fu: painted on red, diamond-shaped paper, hung upside down, means extra luck and fortune; Paper cuts: developed in the Southern and Northern Dynasties; a sign of good fortune; bats and fish 52 Chinese knots: developed in the Tang and Song Dynasties; having different special meanings; popular among women) 2. Pay attention to some sentences. 1) Symbols are an important part of Chinese culture, and are more than just pretty decorations. 2) Those who hope for extra luck and fortune do this on purpose. 3) The bat is a popular cutting, as the Chinese word for bat is fu, which sounds like the character for good fortune. Step4 Classroom activities(课堂活动) Work in groups of four and discuss: What preparations do we make for the Spring Festival? How do we celebrate the festival? Step5 Homework (作业) Write a passage about the preparation for and celebration of the Spring Festival. Step6 Assessment(评价) Words and expressions(词和短语) 1. symbol n. 符号 2. decoration n. 装饰 3. diamond n. 钻石 4. dynasty n. 朝代 5. prosperity n. 兴旺 6. feature vt. 以„„为特色 7. on purpose 故意地 8. be similar to 和„„相似 9. in other words 换句话说 10. date back to 追溯到„„ Lesson 3 Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt 53 埃及艳后 Cleopatra was the regular name of the queen of Egypt in the Ptolemaic dynasty (托勒密王朝). The best known was Cleopatra ?. The name “Cleopatra” is Greek for “father’s glory”; her full name, “Cleopatra Thea Philopator” means “the Goddess Cleopatra, Beloved of Her Father.” Cleopatra ?was never in fact the only ruler of Egypt; she only co-ruled with her father, brother, brother-husband, and son. However, in all these cases, her co-rulers were king in name only, with her keeping the true power. Cleopatra was far from beautiful, although her image today is attractive. Her face on ancient coins had a long hooked nose and strong features. Yet she was clearly a very attractive woman. She had a musical voice and extraordinary charm. She was also highly clever. She was the first of her family who could actually speak Egyptian! She spoke nine languages and was a smart politician. At the age of seventeen she became the queen of Egypt, and ruled the country together with her 12-year-old brother. However, she dropped his name from official documents. And it was Cleopatra’s face alone that 54 appeared on coins. Perhaps because of her independence, she was removed from power in 48 BC. And she was soon forced to flee Egypt. She made preparations to recover her rights by force or arms. At this moment Julius Caser followed Pompey into Egypt. He was attracted by her beauty. In Rome Cleopatra lived openly with Caser as his wife until his death. Then she returned to Egypt. Later she became the ally (同盟) and wife of Mark Antony. Their connection was highly unpopular at Rome, and they were defeated in 31 BC. Having no prospect of final success, Antony committed suicide, and then Cleopatra did so in the thirty-ninth year of her age. With her ended the dynasty of the Ptolemies, Egypt was made a Roman province. I Aims and Demands(教学目的和要求) To learn a passage about Cleopatra, once the famous Queen of Egypt and get the students to know something about her life. ?Key Points and Special Difficulties(重点和难点) Key points: 1) to describe Cleopatra 2) to grasp some useful words and expressions regular, extraordinary, charm, hook, politician, official, document, independence, remove, recover, commit suicide Special difficulties: to know about her life as a ruler ? Teaching Aids and Approaches(教具及教学方法) Multi-media, Task-based approach and the integrated approach ? Brief Teaching Procedures(教学过程) Step1 Lead-in (导入新课) Throughout history there are a few great women rulers. Can you list some of them? 55 Step2 Fast reading(快速阅读) Read the passage quickly and answer (快速阅读并回答下列问题): 1) What did Cleopatra look like? 2) How old was Cleopatra when she killed herself? Keys(参考答案): 1) She was not beautiful with a long hooked nose and strong features. 2) 39 years old. Step3 Careful reading(细读) 1. Describe Cleopatra. What was Cleopatra like? / What kind of person was she? She was a very independent and smart politician. 2. Discuss about Julius Caser and Mark Antony. What was Julius Caser like? What about Mark Antony? 3. Pay attention to some important sentences. 1) However, in all these cases, her co-rulers were king in name only, with her keeping the true power. However, her co-rulers were not actually in power. It was she that kept the true power. 2) Cleopatra was far from beautiful, although her image today is attractive. Cleopatra was not beautiful at all … 3) However, she dropped his name from official documents. She deleted his name from the historical documents. 4) Having no prospect of final success, Antony committed suicide, and then Cleopatra did so in the thirty-ninth year of her age. Seeing that it was impossible for him to succeed, Antony killed himself… Step4(作业) Tell the story of Cleopatra to your family and neighbors. Step5 Assessment(评价) Words and expressions(词和短语) 1. regular adj. 规则的,定期的 2. extraordinary adj. 非同寻常的 3. charm n. 魅力 4. hooked adj 钩状的 5. politician n. 政治家 6. official adj. 官方的;正式的 7. document n. 文件 8. independence n. 独立 9. remove v. 去除 10. flee v. 逃离,逃跑 11. recover v. 恢复 12. prospect n. 可能性;前景 13. commit suicide 自杀 14. in name 名义上 56 Part? Science and Economy科学与经济 Lesson 1 Greenhouse Effect Occurred 5,000 Years Ago 发生在5000年前的温室效应 It is common sense nowadays that too much carbon dioxide in the air caused by too much lumbering (伐木) leads to global greenhouse effects. A team of archaeologists from China and the United States is saying that the greenhouse effect started about 5,000 years ago, much earlier than people might expect. This is the conclusion reached by a group of Chinese and US archaeologists based on a research on the relics excavated (发掘) from the ruins of a Neolithic site in Rizhao City, Shandong Province in east China, over the past twelve years. The experts from Shandong University and US scholars began its survey at the ruins of the ancient Liangcheng Town in suburban Rizhao in 1995, focusing on the relationship between plants and human activity. They collected wood samples from the site and did research on 21 pieces of waterish logged timber (木材) and three pieces of charcoal (炭). Archaeologists found that the wood excavated at the site were mostly the remains of burning or construction activities. Prehistoric human beings probably burned wood in cooking, lighting, molding pottery (制陶) and even bronze smelting(冶铜), while large 57 numbers of relics of ancient housing facilities show that people of that time lumbered much to build houses. The team also concluded that prehistoric human beings used plants for other purposes, such as curing diseases, making furniture or tools and feeding animals, but these plants were hardly preserved and found. Experts concluded that the remains of plants and trees at the site showed that prehistoric humans had started lumbering and that the increase of carbon dioxide therefore probably started before the industrial age. The traditional view was that human beings affected the environment little in ancient times and that it was not human beings but climate change or catastrophes (大灾难) that promoted ancient cultures or made them disappear. I Aims and Demands(教学目的和要求) To learn a passage about the greenhouse effects and let the students know the possible reasons for the greenhouse effects. ?Key Points and Special Difficulties(重点和难点) Key points: to grasp some useful words and expressions archaeologist, conclusion, scholar, survey, construction, facility, conclude, furniture, preserve, promote, common sense, lead to, focus on, in ancient times Special difficulties: to know about the human activities leading to the greenhouse effect ? Teaching Aids and Approaches(教具及教学方法) Multi-media, Task-based approach and the integrated approach ? Brief Teaching Procedures(教学过程) Step1 Lead-in(导入新课) Nowadays people are talking more and more about the greenhouse effect. What is the greenhouse effect? Step2 Fast reading (快速阅读) 58 Read the passage quickly and answer(快速阅读并回答下列问题): 1) Why did the experts from China and America do the research on the relics of the ancient Liangcheng Town? 2) What conclusion did they draw according to the research? Keys(参考答案): 1) To find out the relationship between plants and human activity. 2) The greenhouse effect started about 5,000 years ago, much earlier than people might expect. Step3 Careful reading(细读) 1. What use did people make of wood in the past? (lumbered a lot to build houses; burned wood in cooking, lighting, molding pottery and even bronze smelting.) 2. Translate the following sentences. 1) It is common sense nowadays that too much carbon dioxide in the air caused by too much lumbering leads to global greenhouse effects. common sense常识 lead to = cause/ result in 导致 Nowadays people widely believe that too much carbon dioxide in the air caused by too much lumbering causes global greenhouse effects. 2) This is the conclusion reached by a group of Chinese and US archaeologists based on a research on the relics excavated from the ruins of a Neolithic site in Rizhao City, reach a conclusion 得出结论 According to a research on the relics excavated from the ruins a group of Chinese and US archaeologists has reached this conclusion. 3) The traditional view was that human beings affected the environment little in ancient times and that it was not human beings but climate change or catastrophes that promoted ancient cultures or made them disappear. 该句结构比较复杂,that human beings affected the environment little in 59 ancient times和that it was not human beings but climate change or catastrophes that promoted ancient cultures or made them disappear分别 引导两个表语从句,且第二个表语从句中又隐含了一个强调句型。 Step4 Classroom activities(课堂活动) Work in groups of four and discuss: Air pollution is one of the most serious problems the whole world is facing. What should we do with it? Step5 Homework (作业) 1. Reading comprehension. It was once thought that air pollution affected only the area immediately around large cities with factories and heavy automobile traffic. Today, we know that although these are the areas with the worst air pollution, the problem is literally worldwide. On several occasions over the past ten years, a heavy cloud of air pollution has covered the entire eastern half of the United States and led to health warnings even in rural areas away from any major concentration of manufacturing and automobile traffic. In fact, the very climate of the entire earth may be affected by air pollution. Some scientists feel that the increasing concentration of carbon dioxide in the air resulting from the burning of fossil fuels (coal and oil) is creating a “greenhouse effect”—holding in heat reflected from the earth and raising the world’s average temperature. If this view is correct and the world’s temperature is raised only a few 60 degrees, much of the polar ice cap will melt and cities such as New York, Boston, Miami, and New Orleans will be under water. Another view, less widely held, is that increasing particulate matter in the atmosphere is blocking sunlight and lowering the earth’s temperature-a result that would be equally disastrous. A drop of just a few degrees could create something close to new ice age and would make agriculture difficult of impossible in many of our top farming areas. At present we do not know for sure that either or these conditions will happen (though one recent government report prepared by experts in the field concluded that the greenhouse effect is very likely). Perhaps, if we are very lucky, the two tendencies will offset each other and the world’s temperature will stay about the same as it is now. 1. As pointed out at the beginning of the passage, people used to think that air pollution _______. A. caused widespread damage in the countryside B. affected the entire eastern half of the United States C. was literally worldwide D. existed merely in urban and industrial areas 2. As far as the greenhouse effect is concerned, the author ________. A. shares the same view with the scientists B. is uncertain of its occurrence C. rejects it as being ungrounded 61 D. thinks that it will increasingly destroy the world 3. It can be inferred from the passage that ________. A. raising the world’s temperature only a few degrees would not do much harm to life on earth B. lowering the world’s temperature merely a few degrees would lead many major farming areas to disaster C. almost no temperature variations have occurred over the past decade D. the world’s temperature will remain constant in the years to come 4. This passage is mainly concerned with ________. A. the greenhouse effect B. the burning of fossil fuels C. the potential effect of air pollution D. the likelihood of a new ice age Keys: 1-4 DBBC Step6 Assessment(评价) Words and expressions(词和短语) 1. archaeologist n. 考古学家 2. conclusion n. 结论 3. ruins n. 废墟 4. scholar n. 学者 5. survey n.v. 调查 6. construction n. 建筑 7. prehistoric adj. 史前时期的 8. facility n. 设施 9. conclude v. 得出结论 10. furniture n. 家具 11. preserve v. 保护,保存 12. promote vt. 促进 13. common sense 常识 14. lead to 导致 15. focus on 集中 16. in ancient times 在古代 Lesson 2 China’s New “Four Great Inventions” 中国的新“四大发明” The four great inventions—paper making, printing, gunpowder and compass—were achievements in ancient China. Are there new “four great 62 inventions” in modern China? Experts have recently put forward their “four new great inventions”, wishing real new “four great inventions” can come into being soon. Wu’s Method is selected because it puts new life into traditional Chinese mathematics. Wu Wenjun is the creator of Wu’s Method, a computerized method for geometrical theorem proving(几何定理证明). He inherits and carries forward the traditions of China’s ancient mathematics, and turns to studies of mechanical proof of geometrical theorems. His study has completely changed look of the field. Yuan Longping’s hybrid rice (杂交水稻)is selected because it is regarded as the fifth great invention of China and “the second green revolution”. Hybrid paddy rice is named “oriental magic rice” in the West. Yuan’s achievement not only solves the food problem for Chinese people, but is regarded as a magic weapon to solve the global food problems. Synthesized crystalline bovine insulin (合成牛胰岛素晶体 ) is selected because it is the first time that humans have synthesized living body. Chinese scientists succeeded in synthesizing crystalline bovine insulin on Sept. 17, 1965, making an important step in the course of understanding life and exploring life’s secrets. This is the first time that zoetic(有生命的) protein has been synthesized by humans in history. In the past it was a universal belief that that man could by no means synthesize living body. The land facies oil-forming theory (土地外观石油形成理论) by Li Siguang is selected because it brings “oil deficiency in China” to an end. The land facies oil-forming theory plays an important role in construction of China’s Daqing, Dagang and Shengli oilfields. Before the theory was created, people believed that big oil fields could only be formed in sea facies stratum(地层). This is the reason why Westerners thought China was oil deficient. I Aims and Demands(教学目的和要求) To learn a passage about China’s New Four Great Inventions and let the students know related information about Chinese modern development in science. ?Key Points and Special Difficulties(重点和难点) Key points: 1) to know what the four new great inventions are 2) to grasp some useful words and expressions inherit, revolution, magic, construction, come into being, bring… to an end Special difficulties: related information about the four new great inventions in China ? Teaching Aids and Approaches(教具及教学方法) 63 Multi-media, Task-based approach and the integrated approach ? Brief Teaching Procedures(教学过程) Step1 Lead-in(导入新课) Do you know about the four great inventions in ancient China? What are they? Step2 Fast reading(快速阅读) Read the passage quickly and answer(快速阅读并回答下列问题): 1) What are the four new great inventions in China? 2) Why is hybrid paddy rice named “oriental magic rice” in the West? 3) Who put forward the land facies oil-forming theory? Keys(参考答案): 1) Wu’s Method, hybrid rice, Synthesized crystalline bovine insulin and the land facies oil-forming theory 2) Yuan’s achievement not only solves the food problem for Chinese people, but is regarded as a magic weapon to solve the global food problems. 3) Li Siguang. Step3 Careful reading(细读) 1. Read the passage again and fill in the form. invention creator reason Wu’s Method hybrid rice Chinese scientists the land facies oil-forming theory Keys: invention reason creator Wu’s Method Wu Wenjun It puts new life into traditional Chinese mathematics. hybrid rice Yuan It is regarded as the fifth Longping invention of China and “the second green revolution”. Synthesized Chinese It is the first time that humans crystalline scientists have synthesized living body. bovine insulin the land facies Li Siguang It brings “oil deficiency” in oil-forming China to an end. theory 2. Translate the sentences below and pay attention to the underlined parts. 1) Chinese scientists succeeded in synthesizing crystalline bovine insulin on Sept. 17, 1965, making an important step in the course of 64 understanding life and exploring life’s secrets. succeed in doing sth. = manage to do sth. 2) This is the first time that zoetic protein has been synthesized by humans in history. 3) In the past it was a universal belief that that man could by no means synthesize living body. by no means = in no way 决不,一点也不 4) The land facies oil-forming theory by Li Siguang is selected because it brings “oil deficiency in China” to an end. bring sth. to an end = make sth. end 使„„结束 Step4 Classroom activities(课堂活动) Discussion: What do you think of the four new inventions? What do you think of these creators? Step5 Homework (作业) Tell one of the inventions to your family or neighbor. Step6 Assessment(评价) Words and expressions(词和短语) 1. compass n. 指南 验证指南下载验证指南下载验证指南下载星度指南下载审查指南PDF 针 2. creator n. 创造者 3. inherit vt. 继承 4. revolution n. 革命 5. magic adj. 有魔力的,神奇的 6. weapon n. 武器 7. universal adj. 宇宙的,普遍的 8. deficiency n. 缺陷 9. construction n. 建设 10. deficient adj. 有缺陷的 11. come into being 形成 12. bring… to an end 使„„结束 65 Lesson 3 China’s launching plans for Shenzhou 7 中国神七发射计划 China has mapped out plans for its new launches in the Shenzhou program on the next flight. But one conclusion seems to have escaped most reports in the aerospace media. The flight of Shenzhou 7 could be timed to coincide with the Beijing Olympics. Plans for 2008 Summer Olympics call for the events to be held between the 8th and 24th of August that year. It’s reasonable to expect that China will use the event to display its achievements to the world, and human spaceflight is China’s most significant recent breakthrough. Shenzhou 7, China’s next manned space mission, was originally advertised for 2007. This fit the pattern of staging a two-gap between crewed Shenzhou missions, which have previously launched in 2003 and 2005. But Chinese media statements have amended(修正,改正) this to 2008. Chinese media have reported that the whole program is going well, and more time is needed to work on spacesuit that will be used on this flight to stage China’s first spacewalk. It’s possible that Chinese engineers want to make the best preparations for this complex mission. China could intend to carry out the mission of Shenzhou 7 just as media attention is focused on the lead-up to the Olympics. The crew of the flight, and possibly China’s other flown astronauts, could then take part in the opening ceremony. China has previously honored her space travelers in great celebrations, such as the Hong Kong event that saw Yang Liwei singing with Jacky Chan. 66 I Aims and Demands(教学目的和要求) To learn a passage about China’s space programs and let the students know related information. ?Key Points and Special Difficulties(重点和难点) Key points: 1) to describe Shenzhou 7 2) to grasp some useful words and expressions map out, launch, escape, coincide with, reasonable, display, achievement, breakthrough, stage, previously Special difficulties: to know something about the 2008 Shenzhou Olympics ? Teaching Aids and Approaches(教具及教学方法) Multi-media, Task-based approach and the integrated approach ? Brief Teaching Procedures(教学过程) Step1 Lead-in(导入新课) What achievements were made in 2003 and 2005 in China’s space mission? Step2 Fast reading(快速阅读) Read the passage quickly and answer(快速阅读并回答下列问题): 1) What was the original plan for Shenzhou 7? 2) Why has China decided to carry out the human spaceflight in 2008? 3) Who will probably take part in the opening ceremony of the 2008 Beijing Olympics? Keys(参考答案): 1) It was originally set in 2007. 2) In order to show its great achievements to the whole world. 3) The crew of the flight, and possibly China’s other flown astronauts, could take part in the opening ceremony. Step3 Careful reading(细读) 1. Read the passage again and decide whether the following statements is true or false. 1) The new Shenzhou program is known to all. 2) It can be inferred from the first paragraph that China has planned to send up Shenzhou 7 in 2008. 3) China hasn’t made its plan for the Beijing Olympics. 4) Beijing Olympics will be held during the flight in 2008. 5) China amended the Shenzhou 7 space program to 2008 in order to prove China has become a great developed country like the USA. 6) Yang Liwei is one of the Chinese astronauts who walked in space in 2003. 7) The spacesuit for the flight of Shenzhou hasn’t been prepared well. 8) China will send its second manned spacecraft in 2008. (F, T, F, F, F, F, T, F) 67 2. Describe Shenzhou7 space program. (originally advertised for 2007, now amended to 2008, China’s next manned space mission, China’s first spacewalk) 3. Pay attention to some important sentences. 1) China has mapped out plans for its new launches in the Shenzhou program on the next flight. map out plans for… = make plans for… in great detail 2) But one conclusion seems to have escaped most reports in the aerospace media. But the aerospace media seems to have neglected one conclusion. 3) It’s reasonable to expect that China will use the event to display its achievements to the world, and human spaceflight is China’s most significant recent breakthrough. China has made great and important breakthrough in human spaceflight in recent years and it will show its great achievements to the whole world in the Olympic Games. 4) China could intend to carry out the mission of Shenzhou 7 just as media attention is focused on the lead-up to the Olympics. carry out 实施,进行 Step 4 Discussion (讨论) What do you think of the great achievements in China’s space flight? Step5 Homework(作业) Rewrite the passage. (Around 150 words.) Step6 Assessment(评价) Words and expressions(词和短语) 1. launch n.v. 发射 2. escape v. 逃跑,逃避 3. reasonable adj. 合理的 4. display n. v. 展示 5. achievement n. 成就 6. breakthrough n. 突破 7. stage vt. 实行,进行 8. previously adv. 在以前 9. map out 拟定(计划) 10. coincide with 吻合 68
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