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洛阳理工毕业实习报告洛阳理工毕业实习报告 毕 业 实 习 报 告 班 级 B120432 学 号 B12043222 学生姓名 陈创举 指导教师 杨文方 电气工程与自动化系 2014年3月18日 implement good open-air market management responsibilities, do it on time, on time closing. Parking signs of three traffic regulation order. In the "road", "stop", ...

洛阳理工毕业实习报告 毕 业 实 习 报 告 班 级 B120432 学 号 B12043222 学生姓名 陈创举 指导教师 杨文方 电气工程与自动化系 2014年3月18日 implement good open-air market management responsibilities, do it on time, on time closing. Parking signs of three traffic regulation order. In the "road", "stop", "people" to make a fuss. In "road", to improve road safety facilities, promote the urban road planning and construction, set up necessary viaduct bridge, overpass, ensure the smooth road; in the "stop", to increase the stop lying behavior punishment, reasonable delineation of curb parking area and parking marking, scientific planning of parking, the establishment of specialized management company, to ensure the orderly parking. In "people", to vigorously carry out traffic order rectification, from a thorough investigation of the traffic illegal behavior, increase in television, network and other media publicity efforts, do a good job Drivers to develop education in accordance with the law, to ensure civilized driving. The work, to the timely removal of four is the remediation of villages in the city, street and alley, in the outskirts of a city. This is the urban environment the weakest link, but also environmental remediation focus areas. The villages, to focus on remediation village, remove accumulated garbage, removal of illegal buildings, cover open ditches, trimming the village roads, built use their own cleaning team. In this aspect, sanitation departments should take the initiative to converge. Some communities reflect, garbage collected, it will not go out for sanitation and sanitation said that the car is not enough, 一、实习要求: 了解工厂的自动化生产过程、生产设备,通过生产实习,熟悉水泥生产过程的各个环节,为以后的工作补充知识,同时认识社会,培养独立思考、独立工作的能力,了解清楚生料配料系统的各个组成部分,也为以后的毕业 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 收集必要的资料和数据。 二、实习单位及岗位简介 1.公司简介 河南孟电集团水泥有限公司隶属于河南孟电集团,位于国家综合改革实验区——孟庄工业园区,占地面积750余亩,固定资产8.5亿元,员工1050余人,其中专业技术人员550余人,中高级技术人员125人,拥有2X2500t/d、2X1000t/d四条提高新型干法水泥生产线,年产量可达300万吨,是目前河南省最大的新型干法水泥生产企业。公司主要生产“孟电”牌PC32.5、P.O32.5、42.5、52.5水泥,还可以生产中热硅酸盐水泥和道路水泥。 公司生产线由河南省建筑材料设计研究院设计,采用新型干法旋窑生产工艺,国际先进水平的计算机DCS集散控制系统和德国西门子技术及设备。先进的技术,一流的设备使公司劳动生产率不断提升,产品各项技术指标达到了同行先进水平。优质的产品,完善的服务使公司获得国家产品质量免检证书、河南省名牌产品、中国市场著名品牌、中国市场放心水泥、ISO9001:2000质量管理体系认证证书、全国名优产品售后服务先进单位、P.042.5 P.032.5产品质量认证等众多荣誉称号。“孟电”牌水泥先后销往北京、上海等大型建设工程和混凝土搅拌站,并被京珠高速、黄河二桥、郑东新区等国家及省重点建设项目所采用。 2.实习岗位简介 (1)统计员:做好各种原始票据的保管工作,并负责装订成册;分品种、分账簿做好水泥的销售台账,及时反映产品的发放去向以及数量;做好微机的日常维护,确保微机的正常工作。 (2)取样工:每天定点去取样,包括进厂原材料、出磨生料、入窑生料熟料等。回来化验 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 成分,然后报给中控室作为操作的参考,原材料化验出结果后报给供应及矿山作为参考。 implement good open-air market management responsibilities, do it on time, on time closing. Parking signs of three traffic regulation order. In the "road", "stop", "people" to make a fuss. In "road", to improve road safety facilities, promote the urban road planning and construction, set up necessary viaduct bridge, overpass, ensure the smooth road; in the "stop", to increase the stop lying behavior punishment, reasonable delineation of curb parking area and parking marking, scientific planning of parking, the establishment of specialized management company, to ensure the orderly parking. In "people", to vigorously carry out traffic order rectification, from a thorough investigation of the traffic illegal behavior, increase in television, network and other media publicity efforts, do a good job Drivers to develop education in accordance with the law, to ensure civilized driving. The work, to the timely removal of four is the remediation of villages in the city, street and alley, in the outskirts of a city. This is the urban environment the weakest link, but also environmental remediation focus areas. The villages, to focus on remediation village, remove accumulated garbage, removal of illegal buildings, cover open ditches, trimming the village roads, built use their own cleaning team. In this aspect, sanitation departments should take the initiative to converge. Some communities reflect, garbage collected, it will not go out for sanitation and sanitation said that the car is not enough, (3)化验员:测定水泥细度、混合材掺加量,进行原材料的成分检验、生料全分析、熟料全分析等,出磨水泥、出厂水泥的物理指标检验等。 (4)机修工:要懂电氧,焊,切,割,会保养水泥厂常用机械如搅拌机,如有问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 时要会维修。 (5)巡检工:要有生产工艺 流程 快递问题件怎么处理流程河南自建厂房流程下载关于规范招聘需求审批流程制作流程表下载邮件下载流程设计 ,设备保养技术,处理事故能力。 二、实习期间的岗位安排和岗位轮换时间安排 2014.3.3——2014.3.6 取样工 2014.3.7——2014.3.10 统计员 2014.3.11——2014.3.14 化验员 2014.3.15——2014.3.17 机修工 2014.3.18——2014.3.21 巡检工 三、实习过程 1.实习动员:2014年3月3 由于马上就要去实习了,系里组织我们于2014年3月3开了动员大会。在会上,老师向我们讲了此次实习的目的要求以及所要注意的事项。 此次实习可以使学生获得水泥生产技术,验证巩固和丰富已经学过的专业课内容,培养我们理论联系实际,提高其在生产实际中调查研究、观察问题、分析问题和解决问题的能力。通过实习,我们必须要掌握一定的生产实践知识,增强劳动观念,培养进行生产实践的技能。在生产劳动、生产技术教育和查询阅读现场资料中,要使我们理论联系实际。发现存在的问题,并能提出自己的见解,培养和提高自己独立分析问题和解决问题的能力。通过转题报道和现场参观,了解工厂的生产组织系统。 2.安全教育和全厂工艺介绍:最关键也是最重要的问题也就是安全问题了。安全是实习的前提和保障。在任何情况下,我们必须做到安全第一。在实习过程中,我们要不断增强安全意识,保证实习安全进行。 3. 2014年3月4日,我来到了河南孟电集团水泥有限公司,负责人首先带我参观了厂区,给我简单介绍了公司的情况,从而让我对实习公司有了一定的了解。今天,我实习的岗位是取样工。工作之前,要先知道水泥生产工艺。 implement good open-air market management responsibilities, do it on time, on time closing. Parking signs of three traffic regulation order. In the "road", "stop", "people" to make a fuss. In "road", to improve road safety facilities, promote the urban road planning and construction, set up necessary viaduct bridge, overpass, ensure the smooth road; in the "stop", to increase the stop lying behavior punishment, reasonable delineation of curb parking area and parking marking, scientific planning of parking, the establishment of specialized management company, to ensure the orderly parking. In "people", to vigorously carry out traffic order rectification, from a thorough investigation of the traffic illegal behavior, increase in television, network and other media publicity efforts, do a good job Drivers to develop education in accordance with the law, to ensure civilized driving. The work, to the timely removal of four is the remediation of villages in the city, street and alley, in the outskirts of a city. This is the urban environment the weakest link, but also environmental remediation focus areas. The villages, to focus on remediation village, remove accumulated garbage, removal of illegal buildings, cover open ditches, trimming the village roads, built use their own cleaning team. In this aspect, sanitation departments should take the initiative to converge. Some communities reflect, garbage collected, it will not go out for sanitation and sanitation said that the car is not enough, 水泥的生产工艺简单讲便是两磨一烧,即原料要经过采掘,破碎,磨细和混匀制成生料,生料经1450?的高温烧成熟料,熟料再经破碎,与石膏或其他混合材一起磨细成为水泥。由于生料制备有干湿之别,所以将生产方法分为湿法,半干法或半湿法,干法3种。 4. 2014年3月7日,今天和8号我的实习任务是统计。就是做好各种原始票据的保管工作,并负责装订成册;分品种、分账簿做好水泥的销售台账,及时反映产品的发放去向以及数量;做好微机的日常维护,确保微机的正常工作。当然,我是做一些简单的工作。在实习过程中,我还了解了水泥生产的工艺流程。 A、破碎及预均化 (1)破碎 水泥生产过程中,大部分原料要进行破碎,如石灰石、黏土、铁矿石及煤等。石灰石是生产水泥用量最大的原料,开采后的粒度较大,硬度较高,因此石灰石的破碎在水泥厂的物料破碎中占有比较重要的地位。 (2)原料预均化 预均化技术就是在原料的存、取过程中,运用科学的堆取料技术,实现原料的初步均化,使原料堆场同时具备贮存与均化的功能。 B、生料制备 水泥生产过程中,每生产1吨硅酸盐水泥至少要粉磨3吨物料(包括各种原料、燃料、熟料、混合料、石膏),据统计,干法水泥生产线粉磨作业需要消耗的动力约占 全厂动力的60%以上,其中生料粉磨占30%以上,煤磨占约3%,水泥粉磨约占40%。因此,合理选择粉磨设备和工艺流程,优化工艺参数,正确操作,控制作业 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 ,对保证产品质量、降低能耗具有重大意义。 5.2014年3月11日,今天我继续跟着师傅学习。 C、生料均化 新型干法水泥生产过程中,稳定入窖生料成分是稳定熟料烧成热工制度的前提,生料均化系统起着稳定入窖生料成分的最后一道把关作用。 D、预热分解 把生料的预热和部分分解由预热器来完成,代替回转窑部分功能,达到缩短回窑长度,同时使窑内以堆积状态进行气料换热过程,移到预热器内在悬浮状态下进行,使 生料能够同窑内排出的炽热气体充分混合,增大了气料接触面积,传热速度快,热交换效率高,达到提高窑系统生产效率、降低熟料烧成热耗的目implement good open-air market management responsibilities, do it on time, on time closing. Parking signs of three traffic regulation order. In the "road", "stop", "people" to make a fuss. In "road", to improve road safety facilities, promote the urban road planning and construction, set up necessary viaduct bridge, overpass, ensure the smooth road; in the "stop", to increase the stop lying behavior punishment, reasonable delineation of curb parking area and parking marking, scientific planning of parking, the establishment of specialized management company, to ensure the orderly parking. In "people", to vigorously carry out traffic order rectification, from a thorough investigation of the traffic illegal behavior, increase in television, network and other media publicity efforts, do a good job Drivers to develop education in accordance with the law, to ensure civilized driving. The work, to the timely removal of four is the remediation of villages in the city, street and alley, in the outskirts of a city. This is the urban environment the weakest link, but also environmental remediation focus areas. The villages, to focus on remediation village, remove accumulated garbage, removal of illegal buildings, cover open ditches, trimming the village roads, built use their own cleaning team. In this aspect, sanitation departments should take the initiative to converge. Some communities reflect, garbage collected, it will not go out for sanitation and sanitation said that the car is not enough, 的。 (1)物料分散 换热80%在入口管道内进行的。喂入预热器管道中的生料,在与高速上升气流的冲击下,物料折转向上随气流运动,同时被分散。 (2)气固分离 当气流携带料粉进入旋风筒后,被迫在旋风筒筒体与内筒(排气管)之间的环状空间内做旋转流动,并且一边旋转一边向下运动,由筒体到锥体,一直可以延伸到锥体的端部,然后转而向上旋转上升,由排气管排出。 (3)预分解 预分解技术的出现是水泥煅烧工艺的一次技术飞跃。它是在预热器和回转窑之间增设分解炉和利用窑尾上升烟道,设燃料喷入装置,使燃料燃烧的放热过程与生料的碳 酸盐分解的吸热过程,在分解炉内以悬浮态或流化态下迅速进行,使入窑生料的分解率提高到90%以上。将原来在回转窑内进行的碳酸盐分解任务,移到分解炉内 进行;燃料大部分从分解炉内加入,少部分由窑头加入,减轻了窑内煅烧带的热负荷,延长了衬料寿命,有利于生产大型化;由于燃料与生料混合均匀,燃料燃烧热 及时传递给物料,使燃烧、换热及碳酸盐分解过程得到优化。因而具有优质、高效、低耗等一系列优良性能及特点。 6. 2014年3月15日,我今天跟着机修师傅做机修工作。这个需要懂电氧,焊,切,割,会保养水泥厂常用机械如搅拌机,如有问题时要会维修。我在一旁给师傅打个下手,递个工具。空闲时间师傅也会给我讲水泥的形成过程。 E、水泥熟料的烧成 生料在旋风预热器中完成预热和预分解后,下一道工序是进入回转窑中进行熟料的烧成。在回转窑中碳酸盐进一步的迅速分解并发生一系列的固相反应,生成水泥熟料中的等矿物。随着物料温度升高近时,等矿物会变成液相,溶解于液相中的和进行反应生成大量(熟料)。熟料烧成后,温度开始降低。最后由水泥熟料冷却机将回转窑卸出的高温熟料冷却到下游输送、贮存库和水泥磨所能承受的温度,同时回收高温熟料的显热,提高系统的热效率和熟料质量。 implement good open-air market management responsibilities, do it on time, on time closing. Parking signs of three traffic regulation order. In the "road", "stop", "people" to make a fuss. In "road", to improve road safety facilities, promote the urban road planning and construction, set up necessary viaduct bridge, overpass, ensure the smooth road; in the "stop", to increase the stop lying behavior punishment, reasonable delineation of curb parking area and parking marking, scientific planning of parking, the establishment of specialized management company, to ensure the orderly parking. In "people", to vigorously carry out traffic order rectification, from a thorough investigation of the traffic illegal behavior, increase in television, network and other media publicity efforts, do a good job Drivers to develop education in accordance with the law, to ensure civilized driving. The work, to the timely removal of four is the remediation of villages in the city, street and alley, in the outskirts of a city. This is the urban environment the weakest link, but also environmental remediation focus areas. The villages, to focus on remediation village, remove accumulated garbage, removal of illegal buildings, cover open ditches, trimming the village roads, built use their own cleaning team. In this aspect, sanitation departments should take the initiative to converge. Some communities reflect, garbage collected, it will not go out for sanitation and sanitation said that the car is not enough, 四、实习收获与体会 实习是熟悉企业文化、认识企业管理的过程,也是学习技术知识,学习为人处事的过程。在这十几天中,我主要的工作是在各个车间进行轮岗实习,根据公司安排,我先后经历了水泥部、质量部、生料部熟料部。作为一名实习大学生,首先,应该感受企业文化,熟悉工作流程,适应工作氛围,其次,学习新知识,总结工作经验,打下良好的技术基础。细节决定成败,能力+知识+勤奋+心态=成功。对公司要有责任心,对社会要有爱心 ,对工作要有恒心,对同事要有热心,对自己要有信心~ 经过为时两个周的实习,让我对书本知识有了质的飞跃,使我了解了工厂的生产工艺、生产设备和生产组织机构,和在学校所学的知识完全衔接起来,掌握了水泥材料的具体生产过程,掌握水泥熟料的形成过程,掌握各种生产设备的工作原理和作用,为后续专业课程学习奠定感性知识,同时认识社会,培养独立思考、独立工作的能力,锻炼学生吃苦耐劳的精神,磨练学生坚强的意志,增强了我们的劳动观念,培养了我们进行生产实践的技能,为以后的毕业设计收集必要的资料和数据。 我觉得以后的实习应该增加实习的时间,更多的走进工厂去学习,最好能够顶岗实习,而且我认为实习的时间应该再早一些,现在实习时感觉学过的东西有的都已经忘了,不能很好的理论结合实践,最好能够在学专业课之前就能到工厂走一走,然后再学习理论知识,这样对于知识的掌握我觉得能够更牢固一些。 implement good open-air market management responsibilities, do it on time, on time closing. Parking signs of three traffic regulation order. In the "road", "stop", "people" to make a fuss. In "road", to improve road safety facilities, promote the urban road planning and construction, set up necessary viaduct bridge, overpass, ensure the smooth road; in the "stop", to increase the stop lying behavior punishment, reasonable delineation of curb parking area and parking marking, scientific planning of parking, the establishment of specialized management company, to ensure the orderly parking. In "people", to vigorously carry out traffic order rectification, from a thorough investigation of the traffic illegal behavior, increase in television, network and other media publicity efforts, do a good job Drivers to develop education in accordance with the law, to ensure civilized driving. The work, to the timely removal of four is the remediation of villages in the city, street and alley, in the outskirts of a city. This is the urban environment the weakest link, but also environmental remediation focus areas. The villages, to focus on remediation village, remove accumulated garbage, removal of illegal buildings, cover open ditches, trimming the village roads, built use their own cleaning team. In this aspect, sanitation departments should take the initiative to converge. Some communities reflect, garbage collected, it will not go out for sanitation and sanitation said that the car is not enough,
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