首页 二年级数学教学小故事



二年级数学教学小故事二年级数学教学小故事 数学教学小故事 陈莹莹 在教育战线上我随着年龄的增加,对学生的爱也与日聚增,表现在上课时我尽量让学生做到遵守纪律,认真听讲,勤于思考,大胆发言。我还经常利用业余时间给学生补课,在讲课时注重每一个知识点的讲解,尽量做到让全班每一个学生都能懂得其中的道理,有很多知识点利用动作帮助学生记忆,对于比较难理解的地方,我就多举几个例子,让他们去解答,直到学生们认为“我学会了”,再学习新的知识。在学习新的知识内容时,尽量让学生根据已有的知识去解答,然后让学生比较新、旧知识之间的联系和区别,最后老师再讲...

二年级数学教学小故事 数学教学小故事 陈莹莹 在教育战线上我随着年龄的增加,对学生的爱也与日聚增, 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 现在上课时我尽量让学生做到遵守纪律,认真听讲,勤于思考,大胆发言。我还经常利用业余时间给学生补课,在讲课时注重每一个知识点的讲解,尽量做到让全班每一个学生都能懂得其中的道理,有很多知识点利用动作帮助学生记忆,对于比较难理解的地方,我就多举几个例子,让他们去解答,直到学生们认为“我学会了”,再学习新的知识。在学习新的知识 内容 财务内部控制制度的内容财务内部控制制度的内容人员招聘与配置的内容项目成本控制的内容消防安全演练内容 时,尽量让学生根据已有的知识去解答,然后让学生比较新、旧知识之间的联系和区别,最后老师再讲解学生不知道或者是不明白的新的知识点和必须要理解掌握的知识点。经过长期的学习和训练学生的能力得到了很大的提高。学生对学习也产生了浓厚的兴趣。 “问泉哪得清如许,唯有源头活水来”,成绩的取得,不仅要付出辛劳,更多的是对教育教学不断地总结与探索。要利用中午休息和下午没有课的时间给学生补缺补差。在提倡素质教育的今天,学生没有经过筛选,其智商的发展本身就存在着差异,在教学中要理论联系实际,让学生去观察、去思考、去动手操作,培养他们的数学学习兴趣,激发他们的数学学习热情,让他们感觉到生活中处处有数学知识,学习数学知识充满着无穷的乐趣。在平时的的课堂教学中,我的做法是:让平等、民主、合作的师生关系贯穿教育教学的始终。”亲其师,yan Zhen and other places. Shan Bao Zhuang Shaozhen ban during the evening, offered to help make teaching preparation, such as take a stool, greeting students, cleaning up the classroom, trainees carry out various cultural activities and organizations. Zhuang Shaozhen in Dai Xiuchang home, ate and lived with juvenile Dai Xiuchang Zhuang Shaozhen, get along with long, Dai Xiuchang was coming under the influence of revolutionary thoughts. Zhuang Shaozhen also loved and trusted the bright teenager, often let him assist services. Zhuang Shaozhen out active at a time, Dai Xiuchang row a boat send him. Zhuang Shaozhen to contact party letters sent out by Dai Xiuchang. Directed by the Zhuang Shaozhen, Dai Xiuchang keep in touch with enter the confidential code clerk of the County Government of the Kuomintang Shen Wenjing. Zhuang Shaozhen in Che Jia BA spent 3 years, Dai Xiuchang help from start to finish. (15) Shao work running underground library in October 1940, in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and special branch of the Communist Party, under the leadership of young founded the "Youth Club" Al read progress books, publishing mimeographed letters of the justice. In November, another nearby rural big "adult literacy" to promote anti-Japanese way. Being a strict party branch members of the publicity of the tomb of Shao deeply shoulder 信其道,”只有师生情感融洽,学生才会敢想、敢问、敢说。在我的课堂教学中,我总是微笑的面对学生,从不板着脸上课,更不对学生大声训斥,力求做到尊重每一位学生,平时教学中,尽量用动作去表示,尽量让学生学懂,学透,能够做到举一反三,知一晓十,还要能够用“联想”去学习,例如:我在教长度单位时单位之间的进率时,让学生伸出大拇指说千米,伸出食指时说米,伸出中指时说分米,伸出无名指时说厘米,伸出小指时说毫米。而且还依次说出他们之间的进率。1千米=1000米,1米=10分米=100厘米=1000毫米,1分米=10厘米=100毫米,1厘米=10毫米。随着时间的推移同学们就学会了长度单位之间的进率和单位之间的互化。在以后的日子里如学习面积单位、重量单位、人民币单位、体积单位,只要掌握单位之间的进率以后,就能够“联想”到长度单位的手法和长度单位进率以及单位之间的互化,这样学生学起来就非常容易了。例如:在教学学生认方位时,让学生伸出右手向上指表示北,嘴里同时说出上北,向下指表示向南,嘴里同时说出下南,左手向左放平表示向西,嘴里同时说出左西,右手向右放平表示向东嘴里同时说出右东……用手势立即就可以表示出八个方向,学生们学的就既轻松又愉快。在教学中还联系现实生活中的东南西北等八个方向来认识方位。例如我在教学“试商”的 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 时,先经过两道例 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 计算后,请学生思考:对除数四舍时商会怎样,如何用手势表示,对除数五入时商会怎样,如何用手势表示,让学生大胆的去想、去说,最后我们一致确定,认为四舍法调商,可以设为先伸出四指,然后一弯,再伸出大拇指,接着再转换为yan Zhen and other places. Shan Bao Zhuang Shaozhen ban during the evening, offered to help make teaching preparation, such as take a stool, greeting students, cleaning up the classroom, trainees carry out various cultural activities and organizations. Zhuang Shaozhen in Dai Xiuchang home, ate and lived with juvenile Dai Xiuchang Zhuang Shaozhen, get along with long, Dai Xiuchang was coming under the influence of revolutionary thoughts. Zhuang Shaozhen also loved and trusted the bright teenager, often let him assist services. Zhuang Shaozhen out active at a time, Dai Xiuchang row a boat send him. Zhuang Shaozhen to contact party letters sent out by Dai Xiuchang. Directed by the Zhuang Shaozhen, Dai Xiuchang keep in touch with enter the confidential code clerk of the County Government of the Kuomintang Shen Wenjing. Zhuang Shaozhen in Che Jia BA spent 3 years, Dai Xiuchang help from start to finish. (15) Shao work running underground library in October 1940, in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and special branch of the Communist Party, under the leadership of young founded the "Youth Club" Al read progress books, publishing mimeographed letters of the justice. In November, another nearby rural big "adult literacy" to promote anti-Japanese way. Being a strict party branch members of the publicity of the tomb of Shao deeply shoulder 小拇指,边伸边说:“四舍法,大调小;”接着五人法,创设为先伸出五指向前一推,再由小指转换为大拇指边伸边说:“五入法,小调大。” 这样一来课堂气氛十分活跃,学生学的有趣,对知识点掌握的又快又好,学生学习兴趣浓厚,学的数学知识扎实,喜欢学习数学知识。一位学生说:“上了李老师的数学课,很有趣味性,我越来越喜欢做数学题了。”我听了,觉得他对数学知识产生了浓厚的求知欲望,已经爱上数学课了,心里非常高兴,为我的创新教学而高兴。 今天下午我班学生王晶的妈妈对我说:“李老师我的女儿陆鑫跟我说,他有八角钱想请李老师您吃饭,他说:“她最听李老师的话,就想在李老师上课。” 我作为他的一名老师,听了这些话后,心情非常激动。我想:“我的学生这么小,我刚刚才带他一年,他就这么信任我,学习成绩也有了一定的提高,这么懂事,也懂得了学习的重要性,我的心里是多么的激动,又是多么的高兴呀 总之,教和学有法,但不定法。教师如能做到使学生爱上数学课,喜爱用数学的眼光去判断和解决生活中的实际问题,那么他的数学能力就会得到很大的提高。作为一名教师,要不断地去探索新 教材 民兵爆破地雷教材pdf初中剪纸校本课程教材衍纸校本课程教材排球校本教材中国舞蹈家协会第四版四级教材 ,创设新教法,精益求精,尊重、爱护、教育好自己的学生,争取做一名出色的人民教师。力争做到落红不是无情物,化作春泥更护花。 yan Zhen and other places. Shan Bao Zhuang Shaozhen ban during the evening, offered to help make teaching preparation, such as take a stool, greeting students, cleaning up the classroom, trainees carry out various cultural activities and organizations. Zhuang Shaozhen in Dai Xiuchang home, ate and lived with juvenile Dai Xiuchang Zhuang Shaozhen, get along with long, Dai Xiuchang was coming under the influence of revolutionary thoughts. Zhuang Shaozhen also loved and trusted the bright teenager, often let him assist services. Zhuang Shaozhen out active at a time, Dai Xiuchang row a boat send him. Zhuang Shaozhen to contact party letters sent out by Dai Xiuchang. Directed by the Zhuang Shaozhen, Dai Xiuchang keep in touch with enter the confidential code clerk of the County Government of the Kuomintang Shen Wenjing. Zhuang Shaozhen in Che Jia BA spent 3 years, Dai Xiuchang help from start to finish. (15) Shao work running underground library in October 1940, in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and special branch of the Communist Party, under the leadership of young founded the "Youth Club" Al read progress books, publishing mimeographed letters of the justice. In November, another nearby rural big "adult literacy" to promote anti-Japanese way. Being a strict party branch members of the publicity of the tomb of Shao deeply shoulder
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