首页 2009丁类船员实习报告填写说明



2009丁类船员实习报告填写说明2009丁类船员实习报告填写说明 申请丁类船员适任证书 中华人民共和国烟台海事局 YANTAI MARITIME SAFETY ADMINISTRATION PEOPLE′S REPUBLIC OF CHINA 丁类船员实习报告填写说明 为了规范船员实习报告填写,确实履行考试大纲的要求,丁类考生在通过我局举行的实操评估及理论考试的全部科目后需上船实习,在实习过程中考生需按下列要求完成实习内容,形成书面实习报告。 一、驾驶专业实习内容 (一)船长 1.船舶航行:(1)航海图书资料的使用,制定航次计划...

2009丁类船员实习报告填写说明 申请丁类船员适任证书 中华人民共和国烟台海事局 YANTAI MARITIME SAFETY ADMINISTRATION PEOPLE′S REPUBLIC OF CHINA 丁类船员实习报告填写说明 为了 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 船员实习报告填写,确实履行考试大纲的要求,丁类考生在通过我局举行的实操评估及理论考试的全部科目后需上船实习,在实习过程中考生需按下列要求完成实习内容,形成书面实习报告。 一、驾驶专业实习内容 (一)船长 1.船舶航行:(1)航海图书资料的使用,制定航次计划,进行必要的航行计算(2)利用导航仪器定位(3)天气报告、气象传真图的应用(4)掌握船舶操纵性能(旋回性、冲程、保向性等)(5)特殊环境和条件下的航行安全及应急操船(6)组织指挥应急演戏。 2.船舶及人员管理:(1)制定措施确保船舶及人员遵守各项法律法规(2)防止船舶污染环境及油污应急计划的演练(3)确保船舶及人员符合 安全管理 企业安全管理考核细则加油站安全管理机构环境和安全管理程序安全管理考核细则外来器械及植入物管理 体系(4)怎样当好船长。 (二)大副 1.船舶航行:(1)利用天体定位及测定罗经差(2)利用叠标或岸上显著物标和浮标导航(3)航行前的准备及航行中的检查(包括人员、燃油、淡水、货物、船体及设备)(4)遇险信号的识别及反应(5)正确的遵照避碰规则避让。 2.货物装卸和积载:(1)装货前制定配载计划,编制配载图(2)货物的正确积载、系固(3)装卸货中对船舶稳性、吃水、船体强度的测量计算,保证船体及设备良好(4)正确的制定措施确保货物的安全卸载及减小货损(5)正确的填写及保留各种货物文书、单证。 3.船舶及人员管理:(1)制定甲板部的维修保养计划(2)组织甲板部人员的培训(3)制定消防、救生、急救等应急计划(4)怎样当好大副。 (三)三副 1.船舶航行:(1)正确查阅使用航海图书资料,遵照制定好的航行计划航行(2)正确的使用各种助航仪器(3)进出港时正确的和机舱联系,执行好船长及引航员的命令(4)正确的识别各种助航标志,利用天体定位(5)正确的遵照避碰规则进行避让。 2货物装卸和积载:(1)遵照配载计划,正确的装载货物(2)装卸货中保证船舶稳性、吃水、船体强度的要求,保证船体及设备良好(3)装卸货过程中按大副要求进行监督检查(4)督促值班水手做好装卸货过程中的工作。 3. 船舶及人员管理:(1)掌握船上救生消防设备的正确使用方法,并对船员培训(2)消防救生设备的维修保养(3)怎样做好三副。 二、轮机专业实习内容 (一)轮机长 1、轮机长 职责 岗位职责下载项目部各岗位职责下载项目部各岗位职责下载建筑公司岗位职责下载社工督导职责.docx 及业务工作:(1)轮机部文件资料及档案的分类与保管(2)各种机务报表的填写;(3)各种票据及电函文书的归档管理;(4)轮机长的交接 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 。 2、船舶动力装置综述:(1)船舶动力装置的类型、组成、要求;(2)影响船舶动力装置可靠性、经济性的因素。 3、船舶在各种航行条件下的推进装置管理。 4、船舶油料、轮机部物料及备件管理:(1)船舶油料种类、特点及使用注意事项;(2)加装油料;(3)船舶物料、备件、工具的管理。 5、船舶修造:(1)船舶修理的准备、内容及组织;(2)试航及验收的有关要求;(3)船舶交接时注意事项。 6、船舶安全管理和防污染:(1)船舶安全检查的要求;(2)船舶防污染管理的有关要求。 (二)大管轮 1、大管轮的职责和业务工作:大管轮的职责和分管的业务工作。 2、柴油机主要零件拆装、检查与测量:(1)气缸盖拆装与检查;(2)气阀的拆装与检查;(3)汽缸套拆装与测量;(4)活塞组件拆装与测量;(5)活塞环拆装、间隙测量;(6)活塞销拆装与测量;(7)连杆与连杆轴承拆装与检查;(8)喷油器的拆装与检查;(9)喷油泵的拆装与检查;(10)空气分配器、气缸启动阀的拆装与检修;(11)主轴承拆装与间隙测量。 (三)三管轮 1、三管轮的职责和业务工作:三管轮的职责和分管的业务工作。 2、柴油机操作:(1)气缸盖拆装;(2)气阀间隙的测量与调整;(3)活塞组件拆装;(4)喷油器的拆装与检查;(5)备车;(6)船舶主柴油机运行中的参数检测和调整;(7)船舶主柴油机完车操作。 3、辅机操作:(1)常用泵的拆装;(2)空压机拆装;(3)空压机操作。 4、船舶电站的操作和维护管理:(1)船舶配电装置;(2)主配电板日常运行管理;(3)船舶电站的管理。 5、船用蓄电池:(1)判断蓄电池是否充满电和放完电;(2)蓄电池充电(3)蓄电池维护保养要求及注意事项。 6、船舶电器设备:(1)船舶电机的维护保养;(2)电气控制箱的维护保养及简单故障查找与排除;(3)照明设备的管理、维护;(4)船舶电器设备管理及安全用电。 vibration pound used flat type and insert type phase combined vibration pound, specific for first with insert type vibrators vibration pound, requirements steep, fast plug slow pulled, plug points uniform, special strengthening on steel anchorage end of vibration pound, then with flat vibrators vibration pound, before and after two times overlap sewing many Yu 100mm, improve concrete of dense degrees and surface can wipe sex. 7.4 vibration pound end Hou began steel drum rolling, rolling General not less than three again, first again and second again of rolling direction vertical, third again direction with first again, guarantee concrete surface flat, rolling Hou, immediately with wood wipe child wipe flat a again, stay surface received water Hou, people stepped on has minor footprints Shi (settlement 5-10MM), began second again wipe pressure, with of with double plastic sheeting cover, sprinkler conservation, sprinkler conservation many Yu 7d. 8 concrete strength is not the same as note 8.1 during the different strength grade concrete pouring of concrete mix transport by car, listing number, clearly marked and signs indicating the grade of concrete, after delivery, led by full-time staff to the appropriate placement of parts in case of mistake. 8.2 strengthening communications links, concrete pouring process, the front and rear, floor and ground radio link issues timely processing. 8.3 After pouring the concrete to meet the design requirements of time, cleaned again, and watering than the concrete components with parts labeled a level concrete and Expander. 1.6 masonry construction engineering masonry with aerated concrete blocks and standard clay bricks. 1 material--for entry at the request of blocks and Clay tile product certificate, and product performance test report. --When aerated concrete masonry, its age should not exceed 28D. --Transportation, loading and unloading in the process throwing and dumping is 一、基本资料 个人资料 贴 姓名: 照 片 出生日期: 处 家庭住址: 船员服务簿号码: 参加丁类考试准考证号码: 开展船上实习的船公司及其地址: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 船舶资料(一) 实习船舶名称: 船籍港: 总吨位: 主机功率: 船舶资料(二) 实习船舶名称: 船籍港: 总吨位: 主机功率: 注:实习船舶资料填写按实际实习过的船舶数量填写,如超过两艘再增加符页填写 二、船舶服务 记录 混凝土 养护记录下载土方回填监理旁站记录免费下载集备记录下载集备记录下载集备记录下载 服 务 资 历 记 载 日期 累积时间 船名/船籍港 船长签名 船舶签章 任职日期 离职日期 月 日 vibration pound used flat type and insert type phase combined vibration pound, specific for first with insert type vibrators vibration pound, requirements steep, fast plug slow pulled, plug points uniform, special strengthening on steel anchorage end of vibration pound, then with flat vibrators vibration pound, before and after two times overlap sewing many Yu 100mm, improve concrete of dense degrees and surface can wipe sex. 7.4 vibration pound end Hou began steel drum rolling, rolling General not less than three again, first again and second again of rolling direction vertical, third again direction with first again, guarantee concrete surface flat, rolling Hou, immediately with wood wipe child wipe flat a again, stay surface received water Hou, people stepped on has minor footprints Shi (settlement 5-10MM), began second again wipe pressure, with of with double plastic sheeting cover, sprinkler conservation, sprinkler conservation many Yu 7d. 8 concrete strength is not the same as note 8.1 during the different strength grade concrete pouring of concrete mix transport by car, listing number, clearly marked and signs indicating the grade of concrete, after delivery, led by full-time staff to the appropriate placement of parts in case of mistake. 8.2 strengthening communications links, concrete pouring process, the front and rear, floor and ground radio link issues timely processing. 8.3 After pouring the concrete to meet the design requirements of time, cleaned again, and watering than the concrete components with parts labeled a level concrete and Expander. 1.6 masonry construction engineering masonry with aerated concrete blocks and standard clay bricks. 1 material--for entry at the request of blocks and Clay tile product certificate, and product performance test report. --When aerated concrete masonry, its age should not exceed 28D. --Transportation, loading and unloading in the process throwing and dumping is 三、船长(轮机员)检查实习进度表 船名 评语 船长(轮机长)姓名 签名 日期 注:实习进度表按月填写,每月一次。评语分为:良好、合格、不合格 四、实习报告 注意:船员应自理论考试科目、实操评估项目全部合格且海事局正式发文公布成绩之日起方可 参加船上培训,并按照《中华人民共和国海船船员船上培训管理办法》规定的培训时间、培训 内容和培训要求完成所有的培训项目。实习报告应详细总结所参加的全部培训项目,对训练内 容结果和实际任务细节进行具体描述。 vibration pound used flat type and insert type phase combined vibration pound, specific for first with insert type vibrators vibration pound, requirements steep, fast plug slow pulled, plug points uniform, special strengthening on steel anchorage end of vibration pound, then with flat vibrators vibration pound, before and after two times overlap sewing many Yu 100mm, improve concrete of dense degrees and surface can wipe sex. 7.4 vibration pound end Hou began steel drum rolling, rolling General not less than three again, first again and second again of rolling direction vertical, third again direction with first again, guarantee concrete surface flat, rolling Hou, immediately with wood wipe child wipe flat a again, stay surface received water Hou, people stepped on has minor footprints Shi (settlement 5-10MM), began second again wipe pressure, with of with double plastic sheeting cover, sprinkler conservation, sprinkler conservation many Yu 7d. 8 concrete strength is not the same as note 8.1 during the different strength grade concrete pouring of concrete mix transport by car, listing number, clearly marked and signs indicating the grade of concrete, after delivery, led by full-time staff to the appropriate placement of parts in case of mistake. 8.2 strengthening communications links, concrete pouring process, the front and rear, floor and ground radio link issues timely processing. 8.3 After pouring the concrete to meet the design requirements of time, cleaned again, and watering than the concrete components with parts labeled a level concrete and Expander. 1.6 masonry construction engineering masonry with aerated concrete blocks and standard clay bricks. 1 material--for entry at the request of blocks and Clay tile product certificate, and product performance test report. --When aerated concrete masonry, its age should not exceed 28D. --Transportation, loading and unloading in the process throwing and dumping is ----1---- ----2---- ----3---- vibration pound used flat type and insert type phase combined vibration pound, specific for first with insert type vibrators vibration pound, requirements steep, fast plug slow pulled, plug points uniform, special strengthening on steel anchorage end of vibration pound, then with flat vibrators vibration pound, before and after two times overlap sewing many Yu 100mm, improve concrete of dense degrees and surface can wipe sex. 7.4 vibration pound end Hou began steel drum rolling, rolling General not less than three again, first again and second again of rolling direction vertical, third again direction with first again, guarantee concrete surface flat, rolling Hou, immediately with wood wipe child wipe flat a again, stay surface received water Hou, people stepped on has minor footprints Shi (settlement 5-10MM), began second again wipe pressure, with of with double plastic sheeting cover, sprinkler conservation, sprinkler conservation many Yu 7d. 8 concrete strength is not the same as note 8.1 during the different strength grade concrete pouring of concrete mix transport by car, listing number, clearly marked and signs indicating the grade of concrete, after delivery, led by full-time staff to the appropriate placement of parts in case of mistake. 8.2 strengthening communications links, concrete pouring process, the front and rear, floor and ground radio link issues timely processing. 8.3 After pouring the concrete to meet the design requirements of time, cleaned again, and watering than the concrete components with parts labeled a level concrete and Expander. 1.6 masonry construction engineering masonry with aerated concrete blocks and standard clay bricks. 1 material--for entry at the request of blocks and Clay tile product certificate, and product performance test report. --When aerated concrete masonry, its age should not exceed 28D. --Transportation, loading and unloading in the process throwing and dumping is ----4---- ----5---- vibration pound used flat type and insert type phase combined vibration pound, specific for first with insert type vibrators vibration pound, requirements steep, fast plug slow pulled, plug points uniform, special strengthening on steel anchorage end of vibration pound, then with flat vibrators vibration pound, before and after two times overlap sewing many Yu 100mm, improve concrete of dense degrees and surface can wipe sex. 7.4 vibration pound end Hou began steel drum rolling, rolling General not less than three again, first again and second again of rolling direction vertical, third again direction with first again, guarantee concrete surface flat, rolling Hou, immediately with wood wipe child wipe flat a again, stay surface received water Hou, people stepped on has minor footprints Shi (settlement 5-10MM), began second again wipe pressure, with of with double plastic sheeting cover, sprinkler conservation, sprinkler conservation many Yu 7d. 8 concrete strength is not the same as note 8.1 during the different strength grade concrete pouring of concrete mix transport by car, listing number, clearly marked and signs indicating the grade of concrete, after delivery, led by full-time staff to the appropriate placement of parts in case of mistake. 8.2 strengthening communications links, concrete pouring process, the front and rear, floor and ground radio link issues timely processing. 8.3 After pouring the concrete to meet the design requirements of time, cleaned again, and watering than the concrete components with parts labeled a level concrete and Expander. 1.6 masonry construction engineering masonry with aerated concrete blocks and standard clay bricks. 1 material--for entry at the request of blocks and Clay tile product certificate, and product performance test report. --When aerated concrete masonry, its age should not exceed 28D. --Transportation, loading and unloading in the process throwing and dumping is 本人签字: 签字时间: 年 月 日 ----6---- 注:实习报告页数不够自行增加符页填写 五、评价报告 船舶鉴定意见: (应清楚地说明受训人员是否按要求进行了培训及完成情况,是否能胜任所申请的职务,是否建议海事机构发证) 船长(轮机长)签名: 船舶签章 年 月 日 船公司鉴定意见: (船公司应清楚地说明受训人员是否按要求进行了培训及完成情况,是否能够胜任所申请的职务,是否建议海事机构发证) 船公司签章: 年 月 日 发证机关意见: 签章: 年 月 日 vibration pound used flat type and insert type phase combined vibration pound, specific for first with insert type vibrators vibration pound, requirements steep, fast plug slow pulled, plug points uniform, special strengthening on steel anchorage end of vibration pound, then with flat vibrators vibration pound, before and after two times overlap sewing many Yu 100mm, improve concrete of dense degrees and surface can wipe sex. 7.4 vibration pound end Hou began steel drum rolling, rolling General not less than three again, first again and second again of rolling direction vertical, third again direction with first again, guarantee concrete surface flat, rolling Hou, immediately with wood wipe child wipe flat a again, stay surface received water Hou, people stepped on has minor footprints Shi (settlement 5-10MM), began second again wipe pressure, with of with double plastic sheeting cover, sprinkler conservation, sprinkler conservation many Yu 7d. 8 concrete strength is not the same as note 8.1 during the different strength grade concrete pouring of concrete mix transport by car, listing number, clearly marked and signs indicating the grade of concrete, after delivery, led by full-time staff to the appropriate placement of parts in case of mistake. 8.2 strengthening communications links, concrete pouring process, the front and rear, floor and ground radio link issues timely processing. 8.3 After pouring the concrete to meet the design requirements of time, cleaned again, and watering than the concrete components with parts labeled a level concrete and Expander. 1.6 masonry construction engineering masonry with aerated concrete blocks and standard clay bricks. 1 material--for entry at the request of blocks and Clay tile product certificate, and product performance test report. --When aerated concrete masonry, its age should not exceed 28D. --Transportation, loading and unloading in the process throwing and dumping is
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