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思修与法基论文思修与法基论文 论为人处事对当代大学生的影响 摘要:为人处事态度直接影响着大学生人格发展方向,对大学生的人格品质、自我评价、情绪健康、学习适应等人格方面具有广泛的影响。当代大学生为人处事态度并不是很端正、积极,而积极的态度对当代大学生各方面的发展都十分重要,因此有必要采取相应的策略。端正大学生为人处事态度的有效策略是:勇于实践,积极面对掌握为人处事的基本技能,加强自我教育,塑造良好的个性品质;学会欣赏别人,并拥有一颗宽容之心,克服社会偏差,控制好自己的情绪,发挥团体优势,并能为团队竭尽全力,有集体荣誉感,促进的...

思修与法基论文 论为人处事对当代大学生的影响 摘要:为人处事态度直接影响着大学生人格发展方向,对大学生的人格品质、自我评价、情绪健康、学习适应等人格方面具有广泛的影响。当代大学生为人处事态度并不是很端正、积极,而积极的态度对当代大学生各方面的发展都十分重要,因此有必要采取相应的策略。端正大学生为人处事态度的有效策略是:勇于实践,积极面对掌握为人处事的基本技能,加强自我教育,塑造良好的个性品质;学会欣赏别人,并拥有一颗宽容之心,克服社会偏差,控制好自己的情绪,发挥团体优势,并能为团队竭尽全力,有集体荣誉感,促进的学生人格健康发展。 关键词:为人处事,态度,当代大学生,人格健康 当代大学生接受了高等教育丰富了知识、提升了学历,学习、生活方式丰富多彩。然而当代大学生为人处事态度并不积极存在一些不足之处:第一,责任心不强,因此有了事不关己,高高挂起的说法,第二,礼貌、文明程度不够高,在校园内存在一些现象:当代大学生对师长视而不见,擦肩而过,体现出对师长都不够尊重,第三,以自我为中心,有些自傲,也经不起别人的一顿批评,第四,待人不过宽容,遇到一点小事容易发生纠纷,第五,自觉意识不强,主动性也较差,易受外界不良环境的影响,第六,在学习和生活过程中,目标不是很明确, 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 现出一定的盲目性。 随着社会的发展和文明的进步,社会对个体的一切越来越高。塑造健康的人格已成为高等学校交易的重要责任和核心的任务之一。 为人处事的好坏是一个人社会适应能力和健康人格的综合体现。健康的人格总部随着积极的为人处世态度。为人处事态度最直接的体现是人际关系。心理学家马斯洛、奥尔波特、罗杰斯都把建立适宜、良好的人家关系作为人格健康者应具备的能力。新技术分析学理论认为,心理病态主要是由于人际关系失调而来的。因此,和谐的人际关系积极的为人处事态度和健康人格的反映,同时有影响和制约着即将为人处事态度和健康人格的形成和发展。具有健康人格的让人,能积极地与他人交往,建立起良好的、建设新的软件更新和积极的为人处事态度;人格有障碍和缺陷者,往往缺乏稳定的、良好的人际关系。 professional engineer 1, each equipped with the professional technician 1, 2 technicians, carry out their duties. By the Resident Engineer of the conservation section chiefs and marketing grasp work and coordination. Six and lawn maintenance, planting is completed, often with a 1-2 lawn maintenance can grow into the fullness of the week. After the lawn grow, but also to carry out regular maintenance and management, to ensure the lawn landscape continues for a long time. Lawn maintenance management including: irrigation, fertilization, pruning, weeding and other links. 1, irrigate irrigation lawn fertility environments can be improved, adding water plant the lawn, is a guarantee of normal lawn. In view of the lawn during the growth season, lawn and the environment is in a State of flux, coordination of water and soil and improving the microclimate of the Center, water cannot be implemented according to a fixed pattern, following a number of technical points for reference. (1) the irrigation time growing season, according to the different periods of precipitation is extremely important and timely irrigation of different grass species. Can generally be divided into three periods: ? turned green before the rainy season. High temperatures during this period, transpiration, water requirements, and is one of the most crucial irrigation under soil water retention properties of strength and rainy periods during which Bush 2-4. ? largely ceased during the rainy season irrigation. Air humidity during this period, grass transpiration decreased soil moisture content has increased to a level sufficient to meet the needs of lawn growth. ? to yellowing of the leaf after this period before the rainy season precipitation, evaporation is greater, 大学生进入大学以后,面临着新的环境、新的群体,人际交往日益频繁和复杂,需要整合各种关系,处理好与交往对象的关系成为他们新的生活内容。但是,由于他们来自不同的地域、家庭以各种的生活方式、思维方式和行为方式与同学们朝夕相处,为人处事不顺利和人际冲突经常发生并成为发生心理问题的主要因素。李全彩通过心理咨询和书面调查的方式,对大学生心理疾病的形成原因进行了探讨,发现大学生为人处事态度问题在其所受困扰因素中处于十分突出的位置,是大学生校园生活的第一大问题。赵冰洁、陈幼贞的 研究 也证明,大学生在咨询的各种心理问题中,为人处事态度问题排在前列。河北大学就大学生为人处事态度问题对12所高校1200多名学生进行了调查,调查显示,为人处事态度是大学生面临的最苦恼、最难适应的问题之一,主要表现是人际失调、交往嫉妒、交往自卑、社交恐惧等。在心理健康教育实践中我们也发现,大多数学生的心理问题与缺乏正常的人际交往和为人处事态度不积极有关。那些生活在没有形成友好、合作、融洽的人际关系中的大学生,表现出压抑、敏感、自我防卫、难以合作、集体荣誉感不强等特点。积极的为人处事的态度既是大学生人格健康不可缺少的条件,也是大学生获得心理健康的主要途径。 一、为人处事态度对大学生人格健康发展影响的具体表现 (一)、影响大学生的人格品质,为人处事态度的不同会使大学生形成不同的人格品质。一般来说,为人处事态度积极的大学生能迅速适应大学的生活,精神愉快,充满信心。与人相处时,以诚恳、公平、谦虚、宽容的态度待人,保持开朗的性格、积极的人生态度,具有善良、助人、同情心、社会责任感、正义感等良好的人格品质。为人处事态度不积极的大学生则表现出多疑、敏感、心胸狭隘、目光短浅、自我中心、清高自傲等不良的人格特质。给自己造成心理上、精神上的巨大压力,严重的还会导致病态心理。 (二)、影响大学生的正确自我评价 为人处事态度影响大学生的自我评价。自我评价体现了个体自我意识的发展水平,是人格健全的心理基础。正确的自我评价是在与他人的交往过程中,通过professional engineer 1, each equipped with the professional technician 1, 2 technicians, carry out their duties. By the Resident Engineer of the conservation section chiefs and marketing grasp work and coordination. Six and lawn maintenance, planting is completed, often with a 1-2 lawn maintenance can grow into the fullness of the week. After the lawn grow, but also to carry out regular maintenance and management, to ensure the lawn landscape continues for a long time. Lawn maintenance management including: irrigation, fertilization, pruning, weeding and other links. 1, irrigate irrigation lawn fertility environments can be improved, adding water plant the lawn, is a guarantee of normal lawn. In view of the lawn during the growth season, lawn and the environment is in a State of flux, coordination of water and soil and improving the microclimate of the Center, water cannot be implemented according to a fixed pattern, following a number of technical points for reference. (1) the irrigation time growing season, according to the different periods of precipitation is extremely important and timely irrigation of different grass species. Can generally be divided into three periods: ? turned green before the rainy season. High temperatures during this period, transpiration, water requirements, and is one of the most crucial irrigation under soil water retention properties of strength and rainy periods during which Bush 2-4. ? largely ceased during the rainy season irrigation. Air humidity during this period, grass transpiration decreased soil moisture content has increased to a level sufficient to meet the needs of lawn growth. ? to yellowing of the leaf after this period before the rainy season precipitation, evaporation is greater, 相互学习和相互帮助、相互影响逐步发展和成熟起来的。大学生对自己的正确评价是在与同学的相互交往中、在处理各种人际关系中发展起来并实现调整和纠正自己的。为人处事态度积极的大学生能恰如其分地评价自己,时时感受到自己为他人所喜欢、所接受、所承认,满足了自己的归属和安全的心理需要,有良好的自尊感,相信自己的价值,悦纳自己,促进了人格的健康发展。为人处事态度不积极的大学生或表现出自卑和自我猥琐,不相信自己的能力,否定自己的价值,只看到自己的不足,处处低人一等,压抑自己能量的释放,自我冲突、自我矛盾,甚至产生厌恶自己的自卑情结;或表现出孤傲、自命不凡、居高临下、目中无人,不能处理好人际关系,对人格的健康发展产生了消极影响。 (三)、影响大学生的情绪健康 我国著名心理学家孟昭兰认为,“情绪在心理变态中起着核心的作用。情绪异常往往是精神疾病的先兆”。人与人之间良好的情绪与情感不仅是社会交往的“黏合剂”、人际互动的“润滑油”,而且是影响人格健康发展的重要因素。大学生情绪情感丰富,情感交流的需要强烈,希望能向他人诉说自己的喜怒哀乐,因此为人处事态度的不同导致他们产生不同的心理感受和体验。为人处事态度积极的大学生,情绪的满意度高,心境平和,宁静、愉快,对他人和集体有亲密感和依恋之情,遇事比较冷静,能适度地表达自己的喜怒哀乐,对不良情绪有良好的控制和宣泄,调节和控制情绪的能力较强,能促进人格的健康发展。为人处事态度不积极的大学生不能适当地表达和调控自己的情绪,极易产生焦虑、紧张、恐惧、愤怒等不良情绪,对他人和集体有敌对、不满情绪,经常处于各种不良情绪的体验中。 (四)、影响大学生的学习适应 为人处事态度影响大学生入校以后的学习适应。冯廷勇的研究认为,影响大学生学习适应的主要因素有学习能力、环境因素、教学模式、社交活动等。其中,在大学生的学习中,社交因素对大学生学习适应的作用明显加大。 二、大学生端正为人处事态度的有效策略 professional engineer 1, each equipped with the professional technician 1, 2 technicians, carry out their duties. By the Resident Engineer of the conservation section chiefs and marketing grasp work and coordination. Six and lawn maintenance, planting is completed, often with a 1-2 lawn maintenance can grow into the fullness of the week. After the lawn grow, but also to carry out regular maintenance and management, to ensure the lawn landscape continues for a long time. Lawn maintenance management including: irrigation, fertilization, pruning, weeding and other links. 1, irrigate irrigation lawn fertility environments can be improved, adding water plant the lawn, is a guarantee of normal lawn. In view of the lawn during the growth season, lawn and the environment is in a State of flux, coordination of water and soil and improving the microclimate of the Center, water cannot be implemented according to a fixed pattern, following a number of technical points for reference. (1) the irrigation time growing season, according to the different periods of precipitation is extremely important and timely irrigation of different grass species. Can generally be divided into three periods: ? turned green before the rainy season. High temperatures during this period, transpiration, water requirements, and is one of the most crucial irrigation under soil water retention properties of strength and rainy periods during which Bush 2-4. ? largely ceased during the rainy season irrigation. Air humidity during this period, grass transpiration decreased soil moisture content has increased to a level sufficient to meet the needs of lawn growth. ? to yellowing of the leaf after this period before the rainy season precipitation, evaporation is greater, 个体的成长与发展离不开为人处事。大学生如果能生活在团结、友爱、和谐的人际关系氛围中,可以使大学生具有安全感、归属感和幸福感,并能正确地认识、对待各种现实问题,化解学习和生活中的各种矛盾。长期以来,我们的学校教育不但缺乏对学生有关知识的传授,更缺乏对学生为人处事技能的培养。学生为人处事的能力大多是自然而然形成和发展的,造成学生交往能力和为人处事能力较差,使学生不知如何与他人相处、沟通和交流。因此,对提高大学生的人际交往能力,掌握端正为人处事态度的有效策略,对促进其人格健康发展,有着重要的现实意义。 (一)、积极实践、掌握为人处事的基本技能 为人处事既是一种能力,也是一种技术。大学生若想具有稳定的、良好的、建设性的人际关系,需要掌握为人处事的技术,即:第一,积极、主动交往。交往过程中,应克服交往中各种不良心理,如:恐惧心理、怕羞心理、自卑心理、自傲心理、猜疑心理等,积极主动交往,端正为人处事态度。第二,注重社交礼节,正确把握交往语言,善于运用非语言技巧。在交往中,一方面把握好自己的角色,培养幽默风趣的语言,学会倾听别人的讲话;另一方面 还应利用目光、体态、声调、距离技巧,达到建立良好人际关系的目的。第三,注重个人仪表魅力。仪表魅力也是增进人际吸引的因素之一,置身于美的环境中会使人心情愉快,赏心悦目。因此,大学生应该注意提高自己的审美情趣,将高尚的心灵与美好的外部形体结合起来,形成不俗的气质和高雅的风度,使个人充满魅力。 (二)、加强自我教育。塑造良好个性品质 不同的个性品质影响人际关系的建立与发展。某些个性品质容易导致人际吸引,有利于良好人际关系的建立、维系和发展。如:举止大方、坦然自若会使别人感到轻松、自在,激发交往动机;助人为乐、坦诚无私、富有主见、充满自信会博得别人的信任。有些个性品质则容易阻碍人际吸引,如:道德败坏、自私自利、虚伪狡诈、愤怒、恐惧、嫉妒、狂妄自傲、怪癖孤独、过度自卑等。大学生应积极、主动加强自我教育,注意自我良好个性品质的培养,从身边的小事做起,“千里之行,始于足下”,“不积小流,无以成江海”,良好的个性品质都足一professional engineer 1, each equipped with the professional technician 1, 2 technicians, carry out their duties. By the Resident Engineer of the conservation section chiefs and marketing grasp work and coordination. Six and lawn maintenance, planting is completed, often with a 1-2 lawn maintenance can grow into the fullness of the week. After the lawn grow, but also to carry out regular maintenance and management, to ensure the lawn landscape continues for a long time. Lawn maintenance management including: irrigation, fertilization, pruning, weeding and other links. 1, irrigate irrigation lawn fertility environments can be improved, adding water plant the lawn, is a guarantee of normal lawn. In view of the lawn during the growth season, lawn and the environment is in a State of flux, coordination of water and soil and improving the microclimate of the Center, water cannot be implemented according to a fixed pattern, following a number of technical points for reference. (1) the irrigation time growing season, according to the different periods of precipitation is extremely important and timely irrigation of different grass species. Can generally be divided into three periods: ? turned green before the rainy season. High temperatures during this period, transpiration, water requirements, and is one of the most crucial irrigation under soil water retention properties of strength and rainy periods during which Bush 2-4. ? largely ceased during the rainy season irrigation. Air humidity during this period, grass transpiration decreased soil moisture content has increased to a level sufficient to meet the needs of lawn growth. ? to yellowing of the leaf after this period before the rainy season precipitation, evaporation is greater, 点一滴积累而成并逐渐积淀成为良好的人格习惯的。只有这样,才能有利于良好人际关系的建立。 (三)、学会欣赏他人,拥有一颗宽容之心,克服社会偏差 欣赏他人是为人处事进行地顺利的重要策略。大学生应该善于发现他人的价值,学会欣赏他人,善于克服第一印象、刻板印象、晕轮效应等社会偏差的不良影响,不苛求他人,真诚待人,宽容待人,尊重他人的人格、权利,主动营造宽松的人际交往环境,达到心理相容,为人格的健康发展创造有利的环境。 (四)、管理好自己的情绪 情绪健康是心理健康的体现,同时也标志着人格的成熟程度。“具有体验丰富的情绪并控制情绪表现的人,通常是有能力满足自身基本需要的人,是为人处事进行地顺利的人”。因此,为人处事要进行地顺利,一定要注意人的感情因素,使之成为端正为人处事态度的积极因素。具体策略是:第一,学会理智调节。当发生人际冲突时,应学会换位思考,站在对方的角度去看问题,只有这样,才能被他人欢迎和接纳。第二,合理疏泄。消极情绪堆积太多,会对身心健康造成极大的伤害。当我们因人际关系而产生伤心、愤怒、自责、内疚、郁闷、焦虑等各种负性情绪时,就要采取合理疏泄的方式将其释放出去。合理的疏泄的方式主要有以下几种:倾诉法,如:对亲近和信任的人倾诉衷肠,给自己写信或写日记。转移法,如:体育运动、放声歌唱、尽情舞蹈等。总之,只有学会科学调节才可以化消极被动情绪为积极主动的建设性行动,促进良好人际关系的建立。 (五)、发挥团体咨询优势,促进大学生人格的健康发展 团体心理咨询将不同背景、不同人格、不同经验的大学生组合在一起,为每个参与的大学生提供从多角度观察、分析他人的观念及情感反应的机会,使大学生能更清楚地认识自己和他人,并形成积极的自我概念,调整改善与他人的关系。因此咨询能有效地提高大学生建立良好人际关系能力。帮助大学生建立新的自我认同模式和对他人的接纳的态度,最终达到建立起相互理解、相互信任的良好的人际关系,促进其人格的健康发展。 professional engineer 1, each equipped with the professional technician 1, 2 technicians, carry out their duties. By the Resident Engineer of the conservation section chiefs and marketing grasp work and coordination. Six and lawn maintenance, planting is completed, often with a 1-2 lawn maintenance can grow into the fullness of the week. After the lawn grow, but also to carry out regular maintenance and management, to ensure the lawn landscape continues for a long time. Lawn maintenance management including: irrigation, fertilization, pruning, weeding and other links. 1, irrigate irrigation lawn fertility environments can be improved, adding water plant the lawn, is a guarantee of normal lawn. In view of the lawn during the growth season, lawn and the environment is in a State of flux, coordination of water and soil and improving the microclimate of the Center, water cannot be implemented according to a fixed pattern, following a number of technical points for reference. (1) the irrigation time growing season, according to the different periods of precipitation is extremely important and timely irrigation of different grass species. Can generally be divided into three periods: ? turned green before the rainy season. High temperatures during this period, transpiration, water requirements, and is one of the most crucial irrigation under soil water retention properties of strength and rainy periods during which Bush 2-4. ? largely ceased during the rainy season irrigation. Air humidity during this period, grass transpiration decreased soil moisture content has increased to a level sufficient to meet the needs of lawn growth. ? to yellowing of the leaf after this period before the rainy season precipitation, evaporation is greater,
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