首页 2013年广东梅州中考化学模拟试题



2013年广东梅州中考化学模拟试题2013年广东梅州中考化学模拟试题 广东梅州2013年中考化学模拟考试 可能用到的相对原子质量:H-1 C-12 O-16 S-32 Cu-64 Zn-65 一、选择题(本题包括10 小题。每小题3分,共30分。每小题只有一个选项符合题意) 1(与下列化学用语中数字“2”含义相符的是 +2 2+A(MgCl2:氯化镁中镁元素显+2, B(Fe:一个铁离子带两个单位正电荷 C(2N:1个氮分子由2个氮原子构成 D(2H:2个氢分子 2(某人用托盘天平称量5.1克食盐时(1克以下用游码),称后发现砝码放在左盘,...

2013年广东梅州中考化学模拟试题 广东梅州2013年中考化学模拟考试 可能用到的相对原子质量:H-1 C-12 O-16 S-32 Cu-64 Zn-65 一、选择题(本题包括10 小题。每小题3分,共30分。每小题只有一个选项符合题意) 1(与下列化学用语中数字“2”含义相符的是 +2 2+A(MgCl2:氯化镁中镁元素显+2, B(Fe:一个铁离子带两个单位正电荷 C(2N:1个氮分子由2个氮原子构成 D(2H:2个氢分子 2(某人用托盘天平称量5.1克食盐时(1克以下用游码),称后发现砝码放在左盘,食盐放在了右盘。所称食盐的实际质量为 A、4.9克 B、5.0克 C、5.1克 D、5.3克 3(一定温度下,向烧杯中加入一定质量的水,仅有部分晶体溶解(所得溶液与原溶液相比,说法正确的是 A(溶剂的质量增加,溶液颜色变浅 B(溶质溶解度不变,溶液颜色变深 C(溶质的质量增加,溶液颜色变深 D(溶质溶解度不变,溶液颜色不变 4(据报道:“染色”馒头中添加的柠檬黄铬酸铅(PbCrO4)会使人体致癌,已被明文禁用,其中铬元素(Cr)化合价为+6价,则铅元素(Pb)的化合价为 A(+1 B(+2 C(+3 D(+4 5(实验室中下列物质因没有密封保存而使质量减少的是 A(浓硫酸 B(生石灰 C(烧碱 D(浓盐酸 6(下列物质的鉴别方法正确的是 A(用观察颜色的方法鉴别氧气和氮气 B(用CaCl溶液鉴别NaCO溶液和Ca(OH)溶液 2232C(用过滤的方法鉴别蒸馏水和蔗糖水 D(用澄清石灰水鉴别氢气和一氧化碳 7(我市提出要“彰显后发优势,实现绿色崛起”(“绿色崛起”是以新型经济为中心,和谐文化为灵魂,友好环境为基础,把梅州丰富的自然资源和良好的生态环境,转化为具有充分社会价值和经济效益的生产要素与发展资本,推动梅州在青山绿水中跨越发展、异军崛起(为配合这一发展战略,你认为下列措施或设想不可取的是 A(大量使用农药化肥(提高粮食产量 B(加快梅州城区管道天然气项目建设 C(完善城市污水收集管网建设 D(实施梅州城区十万群山森林围城工程 8(2009年3月23日,广东省发布年度环境公报,全省21个地级市仅河源未现酸雨,广州、深圳、佛山等九市属于重酸雨区(造成酸雨的主要物质是 A(CH和CO B(SO和CO C(CO和COD(SO和NO 422 22 9(下图是元素周期表中的一种元素,下列有关该元素的信息正确的是 A(相对原子质量为9 B(原子序数为19 C(该元素的原子核外有9个电子 D(该元素的原子在化学反应中易失去电子 10(下列实验操作正确的是 section of the Department of project management; Project documents and information: Project Engineering Department; Materials and equipment: material supply projects; Security controls: the project Department of safety and security; Construction machinery: Project Engineering Department; Financial: Project Management Department of finance; Security and fire services: project security. 3.3.5 management representative and project manager in this item specifies that the Chief Engineer is the management representative, responsible for the operation of quality management system and supervision, regardless of how his other responsibilities, should have a clear mandate to: ensure that the quality management system is implemented and maintained; The running of the quality management system to the project manager, including needed improvements; Always be aware that the customer's needs and requirements. 3.4 3.4.1 project management review should be an annual review of its quality management system to ensure its continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness. 3.4.2 Administration review by the project manager responsible for organization and implementation, project quality control Department is responsible for specific tasks. 3.4.3 the management review should compare and evaluate the following input: internal and external quality audits and corrective effect; Customer feedback on the construction, installation, commissioning, service information (complaints and satisfaction); Quality records, quality compliance with trend reports, analysis of results; Combined with the quality policy and the achievement of the goals, status and suitability evaluation of the quality management system to determine corrective, preventive and improvement measures of performance. 3.4.4 evaluation method and procedure (1) review: by the project manager, project manager, functional departments and heads of specialized A( B( C( D( 二、(本题包括4小题,共34分) 11((12分) 化学物质与人类的生产生活紧密相关(从氮气、一氧化碳、乙醇、硫酸、熟石灰、硝酸钾等六种物质中,选择适当的物质用化学式填空( (1)汽车用铅蓄电池中含有的酸是 (2)焊接金属时常用作保护气的是 (3)农田施用的复合肥是 (4)可用于改良酸性土壤的是 (5)引起煤气中毒的物质是 (6)梅州特产长乐烧酒的主要成分是 12((10分) 金属在生产生活中应用广泛 (1)铁锅炒菜是利用金属的 性( (2)金属腐蚀造成资源浪费(铁生锈的条件是 (防止自行车生锈的措施是 (写出一种即可)( 3)工业上用无砷锌(主要成分有锌、硫酸亚铁、硫酸铜、硫酸铅)制取高纯锌,其生产流( 程如下图所示( 资料:硫酸铅(PbSO4)能溶于热的稀硫酸,氢氧化铁难溶于水( 步骤?中稀硫酸发生反应的化学方程式是 , 滤渣C的成分是 13((8分) 酸在生产生活中领域有广泛应用(请用文字回答下列问题: (1)胃液中有助于消化的酸是 (2)浓硫酸常用作某些气体的干燥剂,主要是利用了浓硫酸的 性 (3)依据溶解性表,写出一种跟盐酸、稀硫酸都能反应的可溶性盐 (4)由?CuO+HSO=CuSO+HO,?KO+2HNO=2KNO+HO,?FeO+6HCl=2FeCl+3HO可知,常244223322332温下酸与金属氧化物反应的规律是 14((4分)人类社会的发展离不开能源( (1)汽油和柴油都是石油加工的产物,分离时,根据它们的 不同而制得( (2)月球上有丰富的He-3(一种氦原子),He-3的核能开发,被认为是解决未来世界能源、环境等问题的主要途径之一(已知He-3原子核内的质子数为2,则He-3原子核外电子数 corre lity policy and the achievement of the goals, status and suitability evaluation of the quality management system to determineplaints and satisfaction); Quality records, quality compliance with trend reports, analysis of results; Combined with the qua(com quality audits and corrective effect; Customer feedback on the construction, installation, commissioning, service information nsible for specific tasks. 3.4.3 the management review should compare and evaluate the following input: internal and externalrespo stration review by the project manager responsible for organization and implementation, project quality control Department isannual review of its quality management system to ensure its continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness. 3.4.2 Adminie an needed improvements; Always be aware that the customer's needs and requirements. 3.4 3.4.1 project management review should b nagement system is implemented and maintained; The running of the quality management system to the project manager, includingity mant system and supervision, regardless of how his other responsibilities, should have a clear mandate to: ensure that the qualis item specifies that the Chief Engineer is the management representative, responsible for the operation of quality managemein thent Department of finance; Security and fire services: project security. 3.3.5 management representative and project manager project Department of safety and security; Construction machinery: Project Engineering Department; Financial: Project Managem and equipment: material supply projects; Security controls: the section of the Department of project management; Project documents and information: Project Engineering Department; Materialsanager, project manager, functional departments and heads of specializedctive, preventive and improvement measures of performance. 3.4.4 evaluation method and procedure (1) review: by the project m- 2 - 为 三、(本题包括2小题,共24分) 15((12分) 某研究性学习小组的同学欲分离氯化钠和氯化钙的混合物, 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 了如下实验操作: (1)X是 (写化学式)(判断X过量的方法是 (2)?和?操作的名称是 (3)小组内的乙同学认为,上述所得的NaCl固体不纯,要得到较纯净的NaCl固体,需对实验进行改进,他的做法是 (4)小组内的同学想进一步探究混合物中氯化钠的质量分数(丙、丁两位同学分别提出了两个 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 16((12分) 根据下图所示实验,回答下列问题( (1)仪器a的名称是 ,A装置中发生反应的化学方程式为 (2)B装置中,水下的白磷不燃烧,原因为 e project manager, project manager, functional departments and heads of specializedby th o determine corrective, preventive and improvement measures of performance. 3.4.4 evaluation method and procedure (1) review:ith the quality policy and the achievement of the goals, status and suitability evaluation of the quality management system tned winformation (complaints and satisfaction); Quality records, quality compliance with trend reports, analysis of results; Combi nd external quality audits and corrective effect; Customer feedback on the construction, installation, commissioning, servicernal apartment is responsible for specific tasks. 3.4.3 the management review should compare and evaluate the following input: inte.4.2 Administration review by the project manager responsible for organization and implementation, project quality control Deess. 3iew should be an annual review of its quality management system to ensure its continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiven, including needed improvements; Always be aware that the customer's needs and requirements. 3.4 3.4.1 project management revanagerat the quality management system is implemented and maintained; The running of the quality management system to the project mty management system and supervision, regardless of how his other responsibilities, should have a clear mandate to: ensure thquali ect manager in this item specifies that the Chief Engineer is the management representative, responsible for the operation ofject Management Department of finance; Security and fire services: project security. 3.3.5 management representative and projl: Proity controls: the project Department of safety and security; Construction machinery: Project Engineering Department; Financia; Project documents and information: Project Engineering Department; Materials and equipment: material supply projects; Secursection of the Department of project management- 3 - (3)C装置中,分别加入相同体积下列试剂后,迅速拧上瓶盖并震荡,能使塑料瓶变瘪的是(填序号) A(水 B (氢氧化钠溶液 C(浓硫酸 D(澄清石灰水 (4)D装置中,实验现象为 , 原因为 四、(本题包括1小题,共12分) 17((12分) 某样品为铜和氧化铜的混合物,为测定该样品中氧化铜的含量,取用20g此样品,分四次向其中加入稀盐酸与之充分反应(每次所用盐酸的体积与反应后剩余固体的质量见下表: 第次 加入稀盐酸的体积/ml 剩余固体的质量/g 1 40 16 2 40 12 3 40 8 4 40 8 求:(1)20g此样品中铜的质量 ( (2)样品中氧化铜的质量分数是 ( (3)用氢气充分还原5g此样品可得到固体多少克, respo stration review by the project manager responsible for organization and implementation, project quality control Department isannual review of its quality management system to ensure its continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness. 3.4.2 Adminie an needed improvements; Always be aware that the customer's needs and requirements. 3.4 3.4.1 project management review should b nagement system is implemented and maintained; The running of the quality management system to the project manager, includingity mant system and supervision, regardless of how his other responsibilities, should have a clear mandate to: ensure that the qualis item specifies that the Chief Engineer is the management representative, responsible for the operation of quality managemein thent Department of finance; Security and fire services: project security. 3.3.5 management representative and project manager project Department of safety and security; Construction machinery: Project Engineering Department; Financial: Project Managem and equipment: material supply projects; Security controls: the section of the Department of project management; Project documents and information: Project Engineering Department; Materialsanager, project manager, functional departments and heads of specializedctive, preventive and improvement measures of performance. 3.4.4 evaluation method and procedure (1) review: by the project mcorre lity policy and the achievement of the goals, status and suitability evaluation of the quality management system to determineplaints and satisfaction); Quality records, quality compliance with trend reports, analysis of results; Combined with the qua(com quality audits and corrective effect; Customer feedback on the construction, installation, commissioning, service information nsible for specific tasks. 3.4.3 the management review should compare and evaluate the following input: internal and external- 4 - 广东梅州2013年中考化学模拟考试答案 一、选择题(本题包括10小题,每小题3分,共30分。每小题只有一个选项符合题意) 1( A 2( A 3( D 4( B 5( D 6(B 7( A 8( D 9(C 10(C 二、(本题包括4小题,共34分) 11((1) HSO (2) N (3) KNO (4) Ca(OH) (5) CO (6) CHOH (每空2分) 2423225 12((1) 导热 (2) 潮湿的空气,刷漆或涂油等 (3) Zn+HSO?ZnSO+H?;一定含有Cu2442和Pb,可能含有Fe((每空2分) (解:(1)铁锅炒菜是利用金属的导热性; (2)铁在潮湿的空气中容易生锈,所以要防止生锈应该隔绝空气或是水,故可以采取刷漆或涂油等方法防止铁生锈; (3)将无砷锌加入稀硫酸中加热后,其中锌要和稀硫酸反应,而其它各物质都能够溶于稀硫酸中,然后向其中加入锌粒,那么锌粒将会和硫酸铜、硫酸铅以及硫酸亚铁反应,由于金属总是把最不活泼的金属最先置换出来,所以最先置换出来的是铜,然后是铅,最后再置换出铁,而最后一步中得到了氢氧化铁,所以可以判断在溶液中还含有硫酸亚铁,而没有其他物质,所以可以判断在滤渣C中一定含有铜和铅,可能含有铁( 13((1)盐酸;(2)吸水性;(3)碳酸钠;(4)酸+金属氧化物?盐+水(每空2分) (解:(1)要记住胃液中的酸是盐酸,能帮助人体消化食物; (2)由于浓硫酸具有吸水性,常用作某些气体的干燥剂,必须干燥哪些与它不反应的气体; (3)在酸的通行中有酸可以与盐反应,能与大多数的碳酸盐反应,例如:碳酸钠、碳酸钾、碳酸钙等; (4)根据所观察到的反应方程式可 总结 初级经济法重点总结下载党员个人总结TXt高中句型全总结.doc高中句型全总结.doc理论力学知识点总结pdf 出:酸+金属氧化物?盐+水) 14((1) 沸点 (2) 2 (每空2分) 三、(本题包括2小题,共24分) 15((1)NaCO;取上层清液,滴入盐酸,产生气泡,说明碳酸钠过量(2)蒸发结晶; 23 (3)在?中加入过量的稀盐酸;(4)丙同学,理由是所得氯化钠质量部分来自碳酸钠与盐酸反应所得。(每空2分)解:(1)分离氯化钠与氯化钙时时先把氯化钙转化为沉淀,采用的试剂是碳酸钠,根据反应把氯化钙转化成碳酸钙,为充分把氯化钙反应掉,应加入过量的碳酸钠溶液,因碳酸钠是碳酸盐检验的方法是滴加盐酸,如果过量则有气泡产生((2)??步都是从溶液中提取溶质,故都是蒸发结晶过程(3)加入过量盐酸是为了除掉溶液中过量的碳酸钠溶液,让上一步加入的过量碳酸钠这里完全转化为氯化钠(4)丙同学;测量的分离出的氯化钠有些是来自于分离过程中产生的氯化钠所以测量会不准确((1)烧杯; 3Fe+2OFeO点燃234 (2)没有与氧气接触 (3)A B D (4)燃着的蜡烛由下至上依次熄灭;CO的密度比空气2大,CO不能燃烧也不支持燃烧((每空2分) 2 partment is responsible for specific tasks. 3.4.3 the management review should compare and evaluate the following input: inte.4.2 Administration review by the project manager responsible for organization and implementation, project quality control Deess. 3iew should be an annual review of its quality management system to ensure its continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiven, including needed improvements; Always be aware that the customer's needs and requirements. 3.4 3.4.1 project management revanagerat the quality management system is implemented and maintained; The running of the quality management system to the project mty management system and supervision, regardless of how his other responsibilities, should have a clear mandate to: ensure thquali ect manager in this item specifies that the Chief Engineer is the management representative, responsible for the operation ofject Management Department of finance; Security and fire services: project security. 3.3.5 management representative and projl: Proity controls: the project Department of safety and security; Construction machinery: Project Engineering Department; Financia; Project documents and information: Project Engineering Department; Materials and equipment: material supply projects; Secursection of the Department of project managemente project manager, project manager, functional departments and heads of specializedby th o determine corrective, preventive and improvement measures of performance. 3.4.4 evaluation method and procedure (1) review:ith the quality policy and the achievement of the goals, status and suitability evaluation of the quality management system tned winformation (complaints and satisfaction); Quality records, quality compliance with trend reports, analysis of results; Combi nd external quality audits and corrective effect; Customer feedback on the construction, installation, commissioning, servicernal a- 5 - 16(解:(1)?要正确识别常见仪器,?铁在纯净的氧气中燃烧,生成四氧化三铁((2)可燃物燃烧的条件是:?与氧气接触,?达到可燃物的着火点(白磷的着火点为40?,但热水中没有氧气,水下的白磷就不会燃烧((3)二氧化碳与水、氢氧化钠和氢氧化钙能反应,使塑料瓶外的大气压强大于瓶内的压强,塑料瓶变瘪了((4)二氧化碳的密度大于空气的密度,先沉到烧杯的底部,再逐渐往上逸,所以低层蜡烛先灭,高层蜡烛后灭;因为蜡烛有火焰,但二氧化碳没有被点燃,说明二氧化碳不能燃烧;因为蜡烛火焰熄灭,说明二氧化碳不支持燃烧;因为低层蜡烛先灭,高层蜡烛后灭,说明二氧化碳的密度大于空气的密度 四、(本题包括1小题,共12分) 17(分析:(1)根据铜和氧化铜的性质,加入稀盐酸时,铜不与稀盐酸反应,氧化铜与稀盐酸反应生了氯化铜和水,通过数据的对比分析,第三、四次剩余固体均为8g,说明该剩余固体不能与盐酸反应,它一定是铜,因此20g样品中铜的质量为8g; (2)根据铜的质量可以求出氧化铜的质量,再根据混合物的质量就可以求出氧化铜的质量分数( (3)根据氧化铜的质量分数,求出5g此样品中氧化铜、铜的质量,根据氧化铜的质量求出还原生成铜的质量,最后得到固体的质量( 解:(1)第三、四次剩余固体均为8g,说明该剩余固体不能与盐酸反应,它一定是铜(因此20g样品中铜的质量8g( (2分) 20g,8g(2)CuO的质量分数: ×100%=60% (2分) 20g 3)设用氢气还原5g样品生成铜的质量为x (8分) ( H+CuOCu+HO 加热22 80 64 5g×60% x 80:64= 5g×60% :x 解得:x=2.4g 可得固体质量:2.4g+(5g-3g)=4.4g 答:(1)20g样品中铜的质量为8g,(2)氧化铜的质量分数为60%,(3)用氢气充分还原5g此样品可得固体4.4g( quality audits and corrective effect; Customer feedback on the construction, installation, commissioning, service information nsible for specific tasks. 3.4.3 the management review should compare and evaluate the following input: internal and externalrespo stration review by the project manager responsible for organization and implementation, project quality control Department isannual review of its quality management system to ensure its continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness. 3.4.2 Adminie an needed improvements; Always be aware that the customer's needs and requirements. 3.4 3.4.1 project management review should b nagement system is implemented and maintained; The running of the quality management system to the project manager, includingity mant system and supervision, regardless of how his other responsibilities, should have a clear mandate to: ensure that the qualis item specifies that the Chief Engineer is the management representative, responsible for the operation of quality managemein thent Department of finance; Security and fire services: project security. 3.3.5 management representative and project manager project Department of safety and security; Construction machinery: Project Engineering Department; Financial: Project Managem and equipment: material supply projects; Security controls: the section of the Department of project management; Project documents and information: Project Engineering Department; Materialsanager, project manager, functional departments and heads of specializedctive, preventive and improvement measures of performance. 3.4.4 evaluation method and procedure (1) review: by the project mcorre lity policy and the achievement of the goals, status and suitability evaluation of the quality management system to determineplaints and satisfaction); Quality records, quality compliance with trend reports, analysis of results; Combined with the qua(com- 6 -
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