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幻影S-EDIT非线性编辑系统幻影S-EDIT非线性编辑系统 幻影S-EDIT7.0非线性编辑系统说明书 感谢使用幻影S-EDIT7.0非线性编辑系统。如果您在使用过程中遇到问题,可随时与我们联系,我们将为您提供优质的售后服务和技术支持。同时,我们也欢迎您提出宝贵的意见和建议,以便我们及时改进,更好地为您服务, ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related accoun...

幻影S-EDIT非线性编辑系统 幻影S-EDIT7.0非线性编辑系统说明书 感谢使用幻影S-EDIT7.0非线性编辑系统。如果您在使用过程中遇到问题,可随时与我们联系,我们将为您提供优质的售后服务和技术支持。同时,我们也欢迎您提出宝贵的意见和建议,以便我们及时改进,更好地为您服务, ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe2 目 录 幻影S-Edit7.0非线性编辑系统用户指南 第一章 幻影S-EDIT7.0高标清非线性编辑系统简介 .. 14 第二章 系统配置要求及安装 ................... 20 2.1 安装幻影S-EDIT7.0的系统要求 ................................... 21 2.2 幻影S-EDIT7.0的安装步骤 ....................................... 22 2.3启动和卸载幻影S-EDIT7.0 ........................................ 23 2.4修改Boot.ini(Windows 7 64不需要设置) .......................... 25 2.5修改Uac(Windows 7 中) .......................................... 27 2.6修改1394驱动 .................................................. 28 第三章 幻影S-EDIT7.0的界面 ................. 30 3.1 用户管理 ....................................................... 33 3.2 主菜单条 ....................................................... 37 3.2.1 文件 .................................................. 38 3.2.2系统................................................... 48 3.2.3编辑................................................... 59 3.2.4视窗................................................... 61 3.2.5时间线 ................................................. 63 3.2.6窗口................................................... 73 3.3素材窗口 ....................................................... 75 3.3.1素材窗中工具条的使用..................................... 77 3.3.2素材窗中的三个基本目录 ................................... 81 3.3.3视、音频素材菜单 ........................................ 83 3.3.4 图文素材菜单 ........................................... 90 3.3.5 素材的调入 ............................................. 92 3.4特技窗口 ....................................................... 93 3.4.1特技窗中工具条的使用..................................... 95 related p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technicaecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, r3 ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe4 3.4.2特技窗中的十个基本目录 ................................... 97 幻影S-Edit7.0非线性编辑系统用户指南 3.4.3 特技 模板 个人简介word模板免费下载关于员工迟到处罚通告模板康奈尔office模板下载康奈尔 笔记本 模板 下载软件方案模板免费下载 .............................................. 101 3.5视频播放窗口 .................................................. 101 3.5.1单、双视频播放窗口的切换 ................................ 103 3.5.2漫移、设置入出点按钮.................................... 103 3.5.3控制工具按钮........................................... 104 3.6时间线窗口 .................................................... 111 3.6.1工具栏 ................................................ 113 3.6.2时间线窗的时间单位和时间线操作简介........................ 119 3.6.3非实时合成条和时间尺.................................... 121 3.6.4视频轨 ................................................ 123 3.6.5音频轨 ................................................ 127 3.6.6 特技轨 ............................................... 129 3.6.7 素材对位.............................................. 131 3.7导航面板 ...................................................... 131 第四章 分割场景和素材的裁切导入 ..............134 4.1自动场景分割 .................................................. 135 4.2 手动场景分割 .................................................. 136 4.3时间线裁切素材的方法 .......................................... 137 4.3.1切断素材但不删除其他部分素材 ............................. 137 4.3.2 切割素材并删除素材的其他部分 ............................ 137 4.3.3 时间线素材的覆盖、插入、替换 ............................ 137 4.4素材的导入 .................................................... 139 第五章 视频采集 ...........................142 5.1采集窗口介绍 .................................................. 143 5.1.1批采任务控制区 ......................................... 143 ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica5 ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe6 5.1.2 音频UV表 ............................................. 145 幻影S-Edit7.0非线性编辑系统用户指南 5.1.3 视频播放控制区 ........................................ 146 5.1.4 批采使用方法 .......................................... 150 第六章 编辑影片特技编辑和多机位编辑...........155 6.1 环境参数的设置 ................................................ 155 6.2创建一个新的项目并输入素材 .................................... 155 6.3为素材设置标记 ................................................ 157 6.3.1设置标记点 ............................................ 158 6.4剪切素材 ...................................................... 160 6.4.1在剪切窗中剪切素材 ..................................... 160 6.4.2在时间线窗中剪切素材.................................... 161 6.5在时间线窗中编辑视频素材的透明度 .............................. 163 6.6调整素材的长度和速度 .......................................... 163 6.6.1设置素材的长度 ......................................... 164 6.6.2设置视频素材的播放速度 .................................. 165 6.6.3改变路径 .............................................. 167 6.7复制和粘帖素材或特技 .......................................... 168 6.7.1 复制和粘贴素材 ........................................ 168 6.7.2 复制和粘贴特技 ........................................ 173 6.7.3特技模板的制作与运用.................................... 176 6.8在时间线窗中装配素材 .......................................... 177 6.9拆分素材和用片区选择工具来拷贝一组素材 ........................ 178 6.9.1 将一个素材分为两个 ..................................... 178 6.9.2用片区选择工具来拷贝一组素材 ............................. 179 6.9.3 用片区选择工具来移动一组素材 ............................ 179 6.10 对素材进行插入和覆盖编辑 ..................................... 180 6.11 视音频素材的分开和重联 ....................................... 181 , safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technicaecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-7 ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe8 6.12特技 ......................................................... 181 幻影S-Edit7.0非线性编辑系统用户指南 6.12.1特技制作步骤 .......................................... 182 6.12.2 将一个特技转换为另外一个特技 ........................... 183 6.13多机位编辑 ................................................... 184 6.14合成非实时选择区域 ........................................... 192 6.15串编 ......................................................... 194 第七章 特技的编辑..........................196 7.1 特技的编辑 .................................................... 196 7.1.1插件特技 .............................................. 199 7.1.2标准特技 .............................................. 205 7.1.3二维特技 .............................................. 207 7.1.4三维特技 .............................................. 213 7.1.5 轨间特技.............................................. 245 7.2音频特技 ...................................................... 246 7.2.1 变调 ................................................. 247 7.2.2 修改低音提升 .......................................... 247 7.2.3 降噪 ................................................. 247 7.2.4 移相 ................................................. 249 7.2.5 哇哇效果.............................................. 249 7.3特技菜单 ...................................................... 249 第八章 拍打唱词和字幕,内嵌字幕, ............251 8.1拍打唱词 ...................................................... 251 8.1.1 产生拍打唱词 .......................................... 251 8.1.2 拍打唱词的使用 ........................................ 253 8.2 制作字幕 ...................................................... 253 8.2.1 字幕界面的启动 ........................................ 253 ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica9 ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe10 8.2.2 字幕系统的简介 ........................................ 255 幻影S-Edit7.0非线性编辑系统用户指南 8.2.3 图文工具条 ............................................ 255 8.2.4 字幕的设置 ............................................ 255 8.2.5 文字属性的设置 ........................................ 257 8.2.6 图形属性的设置 ........................................ 258 8.2.7 字幕对齐.............................................. 259 8.2.8 字幕模板.............................................. 259 8.2.9 创建上滚/左飞字幕 ...................................... 259 8.3 创建播出字幕 .................................................. 261 第九章 拍打唱词和字幕,新版外挂字幕, .........263 9.1外挂字幕功能特色 .............................................. 263 9.2拍打唱词 ...................................................... 267 9.2.1唱词的创建步骤 ......................................... 268 9.2.2 拍打唱词.............................................. 271 9.3 字幕制作 ...................................................... 272 9.3.1图元创建与修改 ......................................... 272 9.3.2图层编辑 .............................................. 275 9.3.3图元位置,大小编辑 ...................................... 277 9.3.4 字幕外观设计、颜色、动画 台标等设计说明 ................... 277 第十章 调节音频 ...........................279 10.1 音频素材的编辑操作 ........................................... 279 10.1.1 音频持续时间 ......................................... 279 10.1.2 声音的声道切换效果 .................................... 279 10.1.3 改变音频素材的音量 .................................... 282 10.2音频的平衡调整 ............................................... 285 10.3 配音台的使用 ................................................. 287 -, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technicaecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p11 ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe12 10.4调音台 ....................................................... 289 幻影S-Edit7.0非线性编辑系统用户指南 第十一章 输出合成..........................292 11.1 输出 ......................................................... 293 11.2 合成输出影片 ................................................. 295 11,2,1输出视音频 .......................................... 295 11,2,2输出单帧 ........................................... 299 11,2,3外挂输出 ........................................... 301 11,2,4插件输出 ........................................... 301 11,2,5 输出wmv ........................................... 304 11.3上传P2 ....................................................... 305 11.4多项合成 ..................................................... 305 第十二章 网络以及数据库的设置................308 12.1 MySQL的安装和设置 ........................................... 309 12.2 网络环境的设置 ............................................... 314 12.3 非编的网络功能 ............................................... 317 附录1 默认快捷键 ..........................322 1.1主菜单窗口快捷键 .............................................. 322 1.2特技编辑快捷键 ................................................ 324 1.3时间线快捷键 .................................................. 325 1.4时间线鼠标操作 ................................................ 331 1.5素材快捷键 .................................................... 332 1.6播放窗口快捷键 ................................................ 333 1.7素材、特技窗口快捷键 .......................................... 335 1.8拍打唱词快捷键 ................................................ 337 1.9字幕快捷键 .................................................... 337 related p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technicaecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, r13 ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe14 第一章 幻影S-EDIT7.0高标清非线性编辑系统简介 幻影S-Edit7.0非线性编辑系统用户指南 幻影S-EDIT7.0高标清非线性系统集多格式混合编辑功能和字幕创作,网络数据库于一体,利用Matrox MXO2板卡新一代总线架构下的CPU+GPU+IO处理引擎, 支持几乎所有的编辑格式,并支持高清,HDMPEG I,DVCPROHD,HDV格式。高性能/价格比的实时高清和标清编辑平台,依靠GPU处理Matrox Flex特技,为用户提供了高质量、全面的多格式混合编辑功能和全新、强大的内嵌和外挂双字幕制作;可以快速获取数字化的视音频信息,完成复杂的桌面非线性编辑制作。 幻影S-EDIT7.0主要特点: , ?系统基于Matrox MXO2 板卡的硬件平台。 , ?支持标清PAL和高清1080I双格式。 , ?支持自定义快捷键。 , ?支持素材场景自动分割,并提供最小分割帧数设置。 , ?支持素材在时间线上的标准大小/实际大小/全屏模 式编辑。 , ?全格式兼容,支持YUYV、DV25、DV50、HDV、MPEG1、 MPEG2 I、MPEG2 IBP、DVD、MOV、WMV、MPEG4、HDMPEGI、HDWMV、 HDMPEG、HDV、P2、XDCAM、DV100(DVCPROHD)等多种视频格式。 , ?支持AVI、WAV、MP3、MP2、WMA等多种音频格式。 , ?支持NTSC、PAL、1080I制下的各种素材,可以在 时间线上直接使用NTSC和29.97帧速的高清素材(自动修改帧 率)。 , ?支持直接读取VCD(.dat)、DVD(.vob)文件,支 持AC3的音频解码。 ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica15 ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe16 , ?支持播出字幕以及拍打唱词,且唱词拍打可以精确 幻影S-Edit7.0非线性编辑系统用户指南 到每条唱词的位置修改。 , 支持内嵌和外挂双字幕编辑。 , ?特技采用全插件设计,用户可以在不改变整个程序结构的情况下,任意单独升级插件特技。 , ?支持专业的色键抠像以及亮键抠像。 , ?支持时间线配音。 , ?可以直接采集高标清DVD。 , ?支持带Alpha通道的RGBA视频文件。 , ?支持通过1394直接采集DV/DVCAM、DVCPRO25。 , ?提供跟踪马赛克、跟踪模糊以及跟踪遮罩特技。 , ?具备三维运动、划像、卷页、水波纹、四点变形、扭曲、色彩校正、六面体、球体、材质等多种丰富的实时特技(共计1000多种特技模板)。 , ?支持Premiere特技插件。 , ?支持Premiere以及Premiere Pro的输出插件。 , ?支持超实时输出WMV(PAL 720×576),(1080I 1920* 1080)文件。 , ?支持时间线直接超实时输出高标清DVD文件, 高标清H264文件。 , ?标配8层视音频文件实时编辑。4层高清视频 , ?支持时间线1394 DV回录。 , ?支持P2的上传 , ?支持示波器。 related p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technicaecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, r17 ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe18 , ?VTR可以支持所有的录像机。 幻影S-Edit7.0非线性编辑系统用户指南 , ?支持包括噪音消除在内的多种音频特技。 , ?1394 在时间线上直接上下载DV,纯数字COPY,无数字损耗。 , ?支持多故事版编辑,可以在新故事板导入项目。 , ?支持双屏双显。 , ?支持多机位。 , ?支持调音台 , ?支持SxS,CF,XDCam 卡的素材导入 , ?高标清项目通用,标清的项目在高清打开自动转换成高清项目. , ?支持MySQL网络数据库。全网络路径管理。网络数据检索,自动用户目录共享。 , ?独创的任意轨道轨间特技,特技自动跟踪。支持双向特技。 , ?支持多特技组合模板,支持特技层次。 ?支持不同格式,不同范围一次性多项输出 , ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica19 ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe20 第二章 系统配置要求及安装 幻影S-Edit7.0非线性编辑系统用户指南 2.1 安装幻影S-EDIT7.0的系统要求 硬件要求: , Matrox MXO2 系列硬件板卡 , 显卡 蓝宝石、迪兰5850、5870、6850、6870华硕GTX460,GTX465(显存512M及以上) , 内存4G以上系统内存 , CPU Intel I7 2600, AMD 1070T、1055T、2600 主板 华硕P8P67、技嘉GA-Z68X-UD3R-B3华硕M4A87TD EVO华硕M5A97 PRO 技嘉GA-870A-USB3 技嘉GA-990XA-UD3。 , 硬盘 4 *500G Sata 16M缓存 Radio 0. , 22`显示器 软件要求: , Windows XP SP3,Windows 7.0 64 Bits操作系统 , DirectX 9.0以上 , Matrox DSX.utils 9.2 , MySQL 5.1 , Matrox VFW Software Codecs压缩/解压缩驱动(win7 64 不需要) , 幻影S-EDIT7.0非线性编辑软件包(包括字幕软件) , WMEncoder微软WMV编解码器 related p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technicaecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, r21 ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe22 2.2 幻影S-EDIT7.0的安装步骤 幻影S-Edit7.0非线性编辑系统用户指南 , ?安装dotnetfx35.exe(Net Frame work 3.5) , ?安装Matrox DSX.utils 9.2驱动 , ?安装Matrox VFW Software Codecs 7.0, , ?安装vcredist_x86.exe, 或 vcredist_x64 , ?安装WMEncoder.exe 或 WMEncoder64(是否64位 系统) , ? 安装幻影S-EDIT7.0(打开目录\MXO2(Release, 运行文件Install开始安装)。 , ?【开始】->【程序】->【幻影S-EDIT7.0非线性编 辑系统】->幻影S-EDIT7.0帮助 , 如果使用网络编辑,安装以下 , 安装网络环境(参考第12章) , 运行程序,选中系统设置-》使用网络数据库。 2.3启动和卸载幻影S-EDIT7.0 启动幻影S-EDIT7.0 安装完毕后,可以直接运行Windows桌面上的幻影S-EDIT7.0,亦可运行“开始->程序->幻影S-EDIT7.0非线性编辑系统->幻影S-EDIT7.0”进入编辑界面。 卸载幻影S-EDIT7.0 ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica23 ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe24 图2-1 幻影S-Edit7.0非线性编辑系统用户指南 运行“开始->设置->控制面板->添加或删除程序->幻影S-EDIT7.0->删除”。 2.4修改Boot.ini(Windows 7 64不需要设置) 找到boot.ini文件,该文件在系统所在的盘下,通常情况下是隐藏文件,需要在我的电脑--工具--文件夹选项--查看中选择“显示所有文件和文件夹”并去掉“隐藏受保护的操作系统文件”前面的钩,然后在你的系统所在盘下,会出现一个boot.ini文件,以记事本打开该文件,找到[operating systems],在这一行的最后插入/3GB /USERVA=2900 例如, [operating systems] multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Mic rosoft Windows XP Professional" /NOEXECUTE=OPTIN , safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technicaecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-25 ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe26 /FASTDETECT /USEPMTIMER /3GB /USERVA=2900 幻影S-Edit7.0非线性编辑系统用户指南 然后保存并且重启电脑即可。 使用3GB选项必须至少要4G内存。 在WINDOWS 7 32中 1.在“开始”菜单下的“附件”程序组中,右击“命令提示器”,Command Prompt,。 点击“使用系统管理员身份运行”,Run as Administrator,。 2. 在命令提示器中输入“bcdedit /set IncreaseUserVa 2900” 3. 重启电脑。 2.5修改Uac(Windows 7 中) 修改Uac字幕才可以正常运行. 方法如下:控制面板?用户帐户和家庭安全?用户帐户?更改用户帐户?更改用户帐户控制设置?从不通知。 related p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technicaecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, r27 ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe28 2.6修改1394驱动 幻影S-Edit7.0非线性编辑系统用户指南 如果无法辨认1394设备(主要针对旧设备),可以打 开设备管理器,双击1394设备.如下图 选择更新驱动程序 选择浏览计算机以查找驱动程序软件 选择从计算机设备驱动程序列表中选择 如图选择下列选项 也可以选择第一个. ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica29 ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe30 第三章 幻影S-EDIT7.0的界面 幻影S-Edit7.0非线性编辑系统用户指南 启动幻影S-EDIT7.0,直接进入用户操作界面,包括主菜单条、时间线窗口、素材窗口、视频窗口、特技窗口、特技编辑窗口、导航面板。如图3-1所示。 , 图3-1 , 主菜单条,包括对本系统的管理以及设置等主要功能。 , 时间线窗口,对已上载的视音频素材、图文以及字幕等进行编 辑、合成和输出。 , 素材窗口,分为“视频素材”管理树、“音频素材”管理树 以及“图像素材”管理树,便于用户对已上载的视音频及图像 素材进行管理、添加、调用和删除。 , 视频窗口,包括单个素材回放窗口(对单独的素材进行播放 及入出点设置)、时间线回放窗口(对已编辑的时间线内容进 行播放浏览)。 ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica31 ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe32 , 特技窗口,按照特技的使用性质分为多个特技种类管理树, 幻影S-Edit7.0非线性编辑系统用户指南 在每个管理树中依照特技的实现效果又分为若干个子文件夹, 极大地方便了用户的调用,同时每个管理树下均可新建文件夹, 用于存储用户自定义特技。 , 特技编辑窗口,编辑对应的时间线特技,可直接修改选中素材 当前位置的参数。 , 导航面板,主要起到对时间线的导航引领作用。 3.1 用户管理 开始进入系统,先进入用户项目管理 如图3-2,用户设置详细说明详见3.2系统/用户设置 图3-2 如图3-2所示,项目管理分两部分,上半部分是用户管理 设置用户的路径,下半部分是选中用户的项目。用户选择不需要密码,密码只是为了删除里使用。 ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica33 ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe34 用户第一次安装完软件后必须设置用户的路径。 幻影S-Edit7.0非线性编辑系统用户指南 网络映射可以直接映射网络路径,把网络路径当成一个盘符使用。 图3-3 注,如果是单机非编机的话 设置如3-3所示 设置到本地路径,如果有多台非编机联网 网编时 就需要每台机器设置网络路径 网络设置说明, 1,当需要非编网络编辑时,设置可以分为本机目录设置和网络设置两种 ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica35 ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe36 a:如不需要和别的机器互调项目时,就把视频,音频, 幻影S-Edit7.0非线性编辑系统用户指南 字幕,用户和临时文件路径设为本地路径就可以了.比如,视频路径“D:\video b,如需要每台机器都要相互调项目的话,就把每台非编的用户路径都设置为网络路径,网络的非编机用户管理所在的盘都设置为网络共享并允许读写权限,这样的 话如果每台非编相互调项目或调素材的话就不用再重新设置用户路径了.设置方法如下:比如我的机器叫vision2, 我的用户设置就这样设置 , 视频路径,首先我在局域网下找到我的vision2,网上邻居/整个网络/vision2, 3.2 主菜单条 主菜单条由“F,文件”、 s “系统“、 “E,编辑”、“V,视窗”、“T,时间线”、“W,窗口”、“H,帮助”七项构成。 图3-4 ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica37 ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe38 3.2.1 文件 幻影S-Edit7.0非线性编辑系统用户指南 本菜单包括如图3-5所示下拉菜单, 图3-5 【新建项目】,创建一个新的工程文件。 【打开项目】,打开一个已经存在的工程文件。 【新建故事版】,在时间上创建一个新的故事版。 【导入项目】,在当前项目下,导入另一个工程文件,选择在开始/在当前/在结尾/在新故事版插入到当前时间线上进行编辑。如图3-6所示。 ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica39 ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe40 图3-6 幻影S-Edit7.0非线性编辑系统用户指南 【存储】,保存当前正在编辑的工程文件。 【另存为】,用新的文件名保存当前正在编辑的工程文件。 【生成划像文件】,把TGA文件转换成划像文件,.raw,,转换好的划像文件可在划像模板中使用。如图3-7所示。 图3-7 【生成遮罩文件】,把TGA文件转换成遮罩文件,.mask,,转换好的遮罩文件可在遮罩模板中使用。如图3-8所示。 图3-8 【转换TGA序列】,把TGA序列文件转换成RGBA文件,.avi,,转换好的RGBA文件是整屏的。如图3-9所示。 related p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technicaecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, r41 ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe42 幻影S-Edit7.0非线性编辑系统用户指南 图3-9 【转换JPEG序列】,把JPEG序列文件转换成YUV文件,.avi,。如图3-10所示。 图3-10 【合成mpeg】:转换ES流到ps流的合成 图3-11 图3-11 【P2上传】:是指把生成好的MXF视频文件和音频文件上传到目标目录(P2卡)上。如图3-12所示: related p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technicaecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, r43 ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe44 幻影S-Edit7.0非线性编辑系统用户指南 图3-12 上传后在目标目录生成 CONTENTS目录,CONTENTS下生成如下目录 【导入素材】,把mxf,mp4,mts,m2p,3gp,m2t等存储卡的文件导入到素材库 支持简单的转换导入和合并导入。 【字幕】:内嵌字幕,这个功能比较简单 图3-14 【外挂字幕】:挂接字幕,功能比较齐全,如想使用,安装好字幕软件,在非编系统设置下 设置使用挂接字幕就可以了 图3-15 ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica45 ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe46 幻影S-Edit7.0非线性编辑系统用户指南 图3-15 【采集】,从外视频源、音频源捕获视频和音频素材到硬盘。选择该命令弹出如图3,16所示对话框, 图3-16 【输出时间线】,将经过幻影S-EDIT7.0编辑的时间线节目打包输出,其级联菜单如图3-17所示。 图3-17 【退出】:退出非编程序。 ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica47 ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe48 3.2.2系统 幻影S-Edit7.0非线性编辑系统用户指南 如下图3,18所示, 图 3-18 【系统设置】设置系统运行所需的一些基本参数。选择此命令弹出如图3,19对话框。 【注,系统安装之后第一次启动必须进行系统设置。】 图3-19 ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica49 ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe50 - 安装目录,幻影S-EDIT7.0系统文件的物理路径, 幻影S-Edit7.0非线性编辑系统用户指南 安装后系统路径已经默认设置好了,不要随意修改。 , - 自动调入上次的项目,设置进入系统时,是否自动调入最后一次使用的工程文件。 , - 自动存盘间隔,系统将正在编辑的工程文件自动存盘,用户可自行设置存盘的时间间隔。设置为“0分钟”是不使用自动存盘功能,R表示恢复默认设置,即不自动存盘,,这个最后设置一个时间,如果不设置的话就不会自动存储,必须手动存盘,如果您忘记保存或出现突然断电等意外的话,功夫就白费了。 , - 制式,支持PAL制和1080I,不同制式下的项目可以通用,转换制式必须先退出重新运行程序。 , - 视频输出,用户可选择“复合,S-Video,”或着“分量”输出。 , -使用网络读写,使用网络编辑或读取。 , -使用挂接字幕,可根据自己的需要进行选择,不选使用挂接字幕,打开字幕是旧版内嵌字幕,选择使用挂接字幕,打开字幕是新版外挂字幕。 , - 采集输入类型,用户可选择MatroxDV,使用Matrox SDK的1394输入,支持1394采集DV/DVCAM、DVCPRO25, DVCPRO50,、视频板卡输入,复合、S-Video、分量输入,以及DV,普通1394输入,仅支持采集DV/DVCAM及DVCPRO25,。 , - 浏览时预监,用户可选择“显示帧”和“显示场”两种视频预监模式。 , - 视频在时间线默认显示,在时间线上有两种默认显示方式供用户选择,“显示头尾帧”指在时间线上显示素材的头帧和尾帧的图像,“不显示图符”则不在时间线上显示素材的头帧和尾帧的图像。 , - 使用外部编解码,是否使用非Matrox编解码器。使用VFW Software Codecs,外部编解码器,速度会更快,支持的格式也将更多。 , -同步方式,有内同步、黑同步、SDI、同步源黑同步、模拟视频、DVI等几种方式可供用户选择。 , - 自动添加过渡长度,设置自动添加素材到时间线上时,新旧素材之间重叠部分的过渡特技长度,长度为0时表示不添加过渡特技。 related p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technicaecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, r51 ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe52 , -录像机控制,选择录像机的控制端口,如图3-20所示,,<没有控制>表示系统不 幻影S-Edit7.0非线性编辑系统用户指南 检查录像机控制,默认为没有录像机。 , - VTR采集延时,使用录像机进行上载时的校准值。 , - VTR录出延时,使用录像机进行录出时的校准值。 图3-20 , -VTR 编辑延时,录像机自身的校准值。 图3-21 , -VTR编辑OFF 延时,录像机自身的校准值。 , 使用设备限定,使用默认值。 【用户设置】 图3-21 视频路径,指视频文件储存的位置。 ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica53 ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe54 音频路径,指音频文件储存的位置。 幻影S-Edit7.0非线性编辑系统用户指南 用户路径,用户工程文件储存的位置。 临时文件路径,生成的临时文件储存的位置。 字幕路径,生成字幕文件储存的位置。 【热键设置】,设置自定义的快捷键,如图3-22,。 图3-22 选择时间线回放窗口功能或全局功能,全局功能优先,中的某一项功能,按“时间线取键”或“全局取键”,弹出“热键取得”对话框,按您需要的键,对话框会显示出您按的键,按“确定”,系统则保存了您修改的快捷 ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica55 ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe56 键。 幻影S-Edit7.0非线性编辑系统用户指南 , 3.2.3多机位 把素材拉到时间线上,然后点击系统/多机位 进入多机位编辑模式。如下图3-23 图 3-23 机位数:可以选2机位或4机位。 ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica57 ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe58 合并多机位:将编辑好的多机位文件合并。 幻影S-Edit7.0非线性编辑系统用户指南 储存多机位:储存多机位到文件(包括多机位的机位和位置)。 载入多机位:载入多机位机位和位置参数。 3.2.3编辑 本菜单包括如图3,24所 示几个下拉菜单, 图3,24 还原,重现对时间线当前步的上一步操作,可达无限级的还原, 重做,重现对时间线当前步的下一步操作,可达无限级的重做, 拷贝,不改变选择区域的内容,将所选择区域的内容存入剪贴板 ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica59 ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe60 【,注,选择区域可以是整段的视音频素材、制作的 幻影S-Edit7.0非线性编辑系统用户指南 图文素材、在时间线上剪辑好的素材组或是时间线上调整好的特技条】, 粘贴,将剪贴板中的内容粘贴到当前所激活的面板中 【,注,包括时间线、素材资源管理器和特级资源管理器】, 剪切,将选定区域剪下,贴入剪贴板中, 全选,全部选择时间线上的素材和特技, 查找素材,在时间线上查找匹配的素材, 查找下一个素材,在时间线上从当前选中素材开始,按文件名查找下一个素材。 查找前一个素材,在时间线上从当前选中素材开始,按文件名查找前一个素材。 3.2.4视窗 本菜单包括如图3,25所示下拉菜单, 选择是否在屏幕上显示工具条和状态条。 ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica61 ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe62 状态条如图3-25 图3,25 幻影S-Edit7.0非线性编辑系统用户指南 图3-26 3.2.5时间线 本菜单条包括如图3,27所示下拉菜单 图3,27 添加轨道,在时间线上添加新的视频轨道,点击后弹出对 话框,如图3,28所示, ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica63 ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe64 幻影S-Edit7.0非线性编辑系统用户指南 图3,28 【,注,添加的视音频轨的名称为1,16,输入0为不添加。】 删除轨道,删除选中的视音频轨,点击弹出确认对话框如图3,29所示, 注意,执行删除轨道命令的同时,先前对时间线的操作 记录 混凝土 养护记录下载土方回填监理旁站记录免费下载集备记录下载集备记录下载集备记录下载 也将被清除,即不能再还原或重做, 从时间线编号最后的一轨开始,按住Ctrl键的同时用鼠标复选需要删除的视音频轨,被选中的轨道用白色虚线圈出,以便识别,点选需删除的轨道时,必须按照轨道的编号,由大至小依次删除,不可跳过,否则删除命令中止,新建工程文件时, 系统默认为4个音频轨和视频轨,A、B、3、4,其中3、4视频轨可删除,其余4个音频 轨和视频轨A、B不可删除。 轨道设置,设置轨道的高度及单位宽度,如图3,30所示, - 单位宽度,是指时间线标尺区域一个刻度的显示长度为多少像素 图3-29 ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica65 ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe66 幻影S-Edit7.0非线性编辑系统用户指南 图3,30 配 音,在时间板上可以使用配音台对制作好的节目进行配音,需要声卡及话筒,。 用鼠标右键,Ctrl选择要配音的音频轨道,点击时间板菜单,选择配音,弹出对话框,如图3,31所示, 图3,31 配音台最上部为配音内容提示,配音人员可以作为配音参考。 配音内容的下边是左右声道的波形。只要有声音输入,波形就存在,波形的下边是配音形成的文件名。再 ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica67 ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe68 下面是配音播控按钮。 幻影S-Edit7.0非线性编辑系统用户指南 需要注意的是,配音一定要在播放状态;点击播放后按下配音按钮,波形成红色开始配音。配音只能删除最后一个。 锁定视音频,同时选中视音频,把视音频锁定在一起,同时编辑,不可分开移动, 解锁视音频,解除被锁定的视音频的锁定状态, 素材加锁,锁定选中的素材群加锁,即为不可移动,但可删除, 素材解锁,解除被锁定的素材群的锁定状态, 边缘吸引,在时间线上移动素材,当移动到其它素材边缘时,两素材的首尾帧自动吸附, 边缘不吸引,取消边缘吸引功能, 群组,将时间线所选的一个或多个视、音频素材编为一素材组, ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica69 ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe70 取消群组,解除选中的素材组的编组属性, 幻影S-Edit7.0非线性编辑系统用户指南 视频淡入淡出,选中视频素材,点击视频淡入淡出,浏览视频素材,视频会淡入淡出, 音频淡入淡出,选中音频素材,点击音频淡入淡出,浏览音频素材,音频会淡入淡出, 特技轨特技跟踪,点击特技轨特技跟踪,把素材添加到视频1轨和视频2轨,中间特技轨会自动生成特技, 边缘吸引,两个素材靠近时自动边缘吸引。 左右声道同步调整,左右声道的声音大小同时调节。 标记,在时间线上打标记点。 跳转,移动时间线到输入的指定位置, 合成非实时区域,把时间线上选中的非实时区域合成为实时区域。 切割选中素材,在时间线位置处,将时间线上所有选中的素材剪开。 ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica71 ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe72 放大,放大时间线的单位显示大小。 幻影S-Edit7.0非线性编辑系统用户指南 缩小,缩小时间线的单位显示大小。 前移关键帧,向前移动关键帧的位置。 后移关键帧,向后移关键帧的位置。 前移关键帧,时间线从当前位置移到上一个关键帧。 后移关键帧,时间线从当前位置移到下一个关键帧。 轨道从上到下排列,时间线轨道从上到下排列,时间线轨道使用下部优先。 轨道从下到上排列,时间线轨道从下到上排列,时间线轨道使用上部优先。 3.2.6窗口 本菜单条包括如图所示下拉菜单如图3,32所示 图3,32 ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica73 ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe74 【,注,1、所有双屏模式必须要显示卡支持。2、视 幻影S-Edit7.0非线性编辑系统用户指南 频播放窗口单窗口状态时指的是剪切窗口,拉动时间线时,它只是作为时间线窗的预监窗口,其工具按钮仍然只对单个素材有效。】 3.3素材窗口 素材资源管理器是用来输入和存储供时间线编辑所需原始素材的。单击素材资源管理器的任意部位便可激活窗口,也可按快捷键Alt,1激活。 如图3,33所示, 图3,33 调入素材,在素材资源管理器窗中的空白位置双击弹出对 ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica75 ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe76 话框,便可调入素材。 幻影S-Edit7.0非线性编辑系统用户指南 【,注,某一个工程文件对素材窗的操作,包括调用的素材、设置等,,适用于所有的工程文件。】 3.3.1素材窗中工具条的使用 在素材窗的上部有一排工具按钮,用户可以直接单击这些按钮来完成一些基本的操作。如图3,34所示, 图3,34 “添加目录” 在当前选中的根目录下添加子目录 【,注,根目录包括视频素材、音频素材、图文素材三个根目录,根目录不可添加】 “删除目录”删除当前选中的子目录,目录下的素材同时删除。 “添加素材” 先点击子目录,可以显示出目录中的素材,此时点击添加素材按钮可以向这个目录中添加素材,程序不判断素材是否相同。因此同一素材可以在素材库 , safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technicaecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-77 ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe78 中出现多个。如果视频素材下的子目录添加有声素材, 幻影S-Edit7.0非线性编辑系统用户指南 则该素材对应的音频素材自动添加到音频素材的子目录下。 “删除”从素材库中删除此素材,此操作不影响同一文件的其他素材。 “字幕”进入字幕编辑系统。 “拍打字幕”进入拍打字幕编辑界面。 “创建播出字幕”创建播出字幕。 “简单示例”使用图标的方式显示素材。 “详细示例”使用图标加说明的方式显示素材,可以看到素材的很多重要信息 “素材排序”可以按名称的顺序对素材进行重新排列。 “全部选中”选中当前目录下的所有素材。 “多项添加”可以把选中的素材全部添加到时间线当前选中的素材后边,时间线上没有选中素材时,添加到 , safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technicaecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-79 ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe80 第一轨最后,。 幻影S-Edit7.0非线性编辑系统用户指南 3.3.2素材窗中的三个基本目录 素材窗分为三个基本目录,视频素材、音频素材和图像素材。每个目录下用户最多可以添加99个子目录,也可以删除这些目录,目录中的素材同时删除,,但基本目录不能删除。选择根目录后按添加目录,弹出对话框,输入要添加的子目录名称,确定后就可以添加子目录了,如图3,35所示, 图3,35 视频素材目录,所有格式的视频文件可以在视频目录中存放,视频素材可以带音频 【,注,在素材图标的右上角会表明素材的采集格式,如同时有,A的字样,则表明素材为有声素材】, 音频素材目录,存放所有格式的音频素材,包括*.wav、*.avi 文件, -, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technicaecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p81 ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe82 图文素材目录,图像素材目录可以存放所有格式的图文素 幻影S-Edit7.0非线性编辑系统用户指南 材,图像素材分为位图图像,*.bmp、*.jpeg、*.gif、*.png等格式,和TGA图像,*.tga32位、24位,,滚屏文件(*.cg),唱词文件,*.flp, 【,注,标准的位图图像文件,要求32位或24位不压缩,实时字幕文件,实时字幕使用软件算法显示的字幕,唱词文件,*.flp,,可在时间线上通过拍打来确定每一行文字的入出时间,这种字幕的内容可以随时修改或添加,也可以从文本文件中调入,一般用来做同期声。】 3.3.3视、音频素材菜单 视、音频素材菜单中除音频素材没有添加到时间线结尾和音频文件这两项外,其余各功能基本相近。在视、音频中的素材图标上单击右键,则弹出菜单如图3,36.37所示, related p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technicaecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, r83 ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe84 幻影S-Edit7.0非线性编辑系统用户指南 图3,36 图3,37 添加到时间线,将素材添加到时间线上。 添加到时间线当前位置,将素材添加到时间线的当前位置 【,注,默认状态下添加到A轨,同时添加处如有素材,添加效果将视时间线上选择的编辑方式有关,按住CTRL键可将素材添加到时间线当前时间 线的所选定轨道上】。 添加到时间线结尾,将素材添加到时间线末尾位置。 删除,将选中的素材从素材资源管理器列表中删除,此操作一次可删除多个素材, 物理删除,将选中的素材从素材资源管理器列表中删除,同时将该素材在硬盘中保存的数据全部删除。如果有其他工程文件也在使用该素材,则 会使其他工程文件时间线上的该段素材显示为无效文件 复制,拷贝素材到裁剪板【,注,复制后可选择粘贴在 -, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technicaecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p85 ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe86 素材资源管理器中或时间线上,若粘贴在时间线上,则 幻影S-Edit7.0非线性编辑系统用户指南 素材的首帧在时间线当前位置处】, 素材向前,素材在素材资源管理器中的位置向前, 素材向后,素材在素材资源管理器中的位置向后, 音频文件,捆绑与视频同步上载的音频文件,选择该命令,弹出路径选择对话框,如图3,38 图3,38 【,注,音频菜单中没有音频文件命令。】 设置时间码,标注素材在磁带上的时码和卷名,便于对上载源的查找, 别名,对素材进行重命名。 属性,点击弹出所选 视、音频素材属性对话 框,如图3,39-40图所 ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica87 ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe88 示, 幻影S-Edit7.0非线性编辑系统用户指南 图3-39 图3-40 分割场景,把素材 分割,详细说明见第四章, 图3-41 图3-41 入出点切分素材,输入入出点分割素材,如图3-42所示, 图 3-42 ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica89 ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe90 3.3.4 图文素材菜单 幻影S-Edit7.0非线性编辑系统用户指南 图文素材菜单与视、音频素材菜单基本相同,区别在于,没有音频文件和设置时码命令,增加了编辑和修改长度命令,如图3,43所示 图3-43 编辑,点击该命令弹出图文编辑界面,可对图像、字幕、滚屏以及唱词进行编辑。 修改长度,修改图文加载到时间线上的长度,如图3,44所示, 【,注,长度单位为帧。】 图 3-44 ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica91 ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe92 3.3.5 素材的调入 幻影S-Edit7.0非线性编辑系统用户指南 在素材窗口双击可以调入素材,可以多选素材. 在素材窗口右键可以调出如下的菜单 选择"插入"子目录素材可以一次调入多个目录的所有素材(对一些存储卡拍摄的素材特别有意义). 3.4特技窗口 特技窗口用来给素材之间添加特技。幻影S-EDIT7.0提供了近1000种的切换特技并支持用户自己创建的特技 ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica93 ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe94 模板。各种特技效果按照不同的类别分别放在不同的文 幻影S-Edit7.0非线性编辑系统用户指南 件夹中。特技使用特技窗进行管理。每个基本目录下可以添加99个子目录,选择基本目录后按添加目录可以添加子目录。子目录可以删除,基本目录不可以删除。如图3,45所示, 图3,45 3.4.1特技窗中工具条的使用 在特技窗的上部有一排工具按钮,用户可以直接单击这些按钮来完成一些基本的操作。如图3,46所示, 图3,46 “添加目录”在当前的根目录下添加子目录。 ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica95 ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe96 “删除目录”删除当前选中的子目录,目录下的特技 幻影S-Edit7.0非线性编辑系统用户指南 同时删除。 “添加特技”在当前子目录下添加特技模板。 “删除”从特技窗中删除此特技。 “简单示例”按钮使用图标的方式显示素材 “详细示例”使用图标加说明的方式显示素材,可以看到素材的很多信息。 3.4.2特技窗中的十个基本目录 划像特技,放置划像的根目录。 遮罩特技,放置遮罩的根目录。 运动特技,包括平移、旋转、缩放、加边、自定义五个目录。 材质特技,放置在材质特技的根目录。 眩光特技,放置在眩光特技的根目录。 玻璃特技:放置在玻璃特技的根目录。 色块特技,放置在色块的根目录。 ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica97 ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe98 插件特技,包括模糊、亮度对比度、色调饱和度、色彩、 幻影S-Edit7.0非线性编辑系统用户指南 水波纹、绘画、波效果、平铺效果、色阶效果、场效果、其他特技、打光、自定义等13个根目录。 并支持标准的Premiere插件 二维特技,包括色彩调节自定义2个子目录, 三维特技,包括卷页、水波纹、扭曲、四点变形、马赛克、模糊、六面体、球体和自定义等九项。 【,注,各种预设特技均有相应的图符显示,便于直观选用,各种特技均可在特技编辑窗口进行编辑。如运动特技如图3-47所示】 ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica99 ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe100 图3-47 幻影S-Edit7.0非线性编辑系统用户指南 3.4.3 特技模板 用户可以在时间线上合成特技模板,见第六章, 3.5视频播放窗口 视频播放窗口由素材播放窗口、音频UV表和时间线 回放窗口组 成。左边是素材播放窗口用于对单个素材进行编辑和预览,中间是音频UV表,显示音量,右边 是时间线回放窗口,用于对整个时间线的编辑效果进行浏览。视频播放窗口可以 ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica101 ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe102 按比例拉大到720×576,视频播放窗口下半部分是常用 幻影S-Edit7.0非线性编辑系统用户指南 编辑控制钮,可对素材进行快速粗编。如上图所示,图3-48 图3-48 图3-49 3.5.1单、双视频播放窗口的切换 在图3,49中间的音频UV表上端有一白色按键,点击切换单/双视窗显示状态。 3.5.2漫移、设置入出点按钮 图3,50 如图3,50所示,此工具条分两部分,上部分是微调部分,用鼠标抓住移动可以一帧一帧显示素材,下部分是选择和移动区域,可以调节选择范围,即设置素材的入点和出点,和移动素材。 ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica103 ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe104 3.5.3控制工具按钮 幻影S-Edit7.0非线性编辑系统用户指南 视频播放窗口中,在素材回放窗口和时间线回放窗口的下部都有控制按钮,用于对素材或时间线进行浏览、粗编等操作。在使用按钮前,把鼠标指针停留在按钮上几秒钟,就会显示出该工具的屏幕提示。如图3,51所示 图3,51 各按钮的具体作用如下, 到头,时间线到素材或时间线的开始位置, 前一帧,时间线到当前位置前进一帧,或按右方向键, 停止,停止素材或时间线的播放,也可按Esc键停止播放, 播放,播放素材或时间线。在剪切窗口按L键快速播放,按K键暂停,按J 键倒放素材, -, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technicaecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p105 ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe106 区域播放,播放素材或时间线入点和出点之间的区 幻影S-Edit7.0非线性编辑系统用户指南 域, 后一帧,时间线到当前位置的后退一帧,或按左方向键, 到尾,到素材或时间线的结尾, 录制到磁带,当前素材或节目录制到磁带, 录制到 DV,当前素材或节目录制到DV, 设置入点,设置素材或时间线的开始位置, 设置出点,设置素材或时间线的结束位置, 循环播放,整条素材或整个时间线循环播放, 倒放素材,从素材结尾处开始播放【,注,此时素材反方向放置】, 包含视频,对于视音频素材,可用此工具选择是否关闭视频浏览, 包含音频,对于视音频素材,可用此工具选择是否关 ersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technicaecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing and107 ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe108 闭音频浏览, 幻影S-Edit7.0非线性编辑系统用户指南 返回,把修改后的素材返回素材库或时间线,替换原始素材, 加载,将打好的入出点之间的素材加载到时间线上。 加入时间线当前位置,把修改后的素材加载到时间线当前位置。 加入到素材库,将入出点间的素材作为新素材添加到素材资源管理器, 安全框,在时间线回放窗口上显示画面显示安全区域。 示波器,播放素材,点击示波器在时间板回放窗口可以清晰的看到波形。如图如下图3-52所示, ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica109 ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe110 幻影S-Edit7.0非线性编辑系统用户指南 图3-52 3.6时间线窗口 时间线窗口是非线性编辑系统的核心窗口,在时间线窗口中从左到右以影片播放的次序显示所有该影片调用的的素材、特技,视、音频素材的大部分编辑合成工作和所有的特技制作都是在该窗口中完成的。单击窗口的任意部位都可激活该窗口。时间线窗口,如图3,53所示, 图3,53 时 间线窗 主要由以下三部分组成, 位于该窗口顶部是一排工具按钮,用户可以直接单 ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica111 ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe112 击这些按钮来完成一些基本的操作,工具按钮下面是一 幻影S-Edit7.0非线性编辑系统用户指南 个时间线标尺和合成条,用于表示一部电影的时间长度,位于时间线标尺下部的是时间线的主要部分,即视频轨迹、特技轨迹、音频轨迹。视频轨迹可以放视频素材、图像素材,音频轨迹放音频素材。 注,1 选中时间线轨道,CTRL+鼠标左键,取消轨道选择的话,在时间线任意位置点一下就可以了。 2、时间线轨道宽度的更改,直接上下拉动时间线如下图所示红色圈起的白线的位置,直接更改视频、音频、和特技轨道的宽度。如图3-54所示, 图3-54 3.6.1工具栏 时间线窗口的上部有一排编辑工具,分别完成不同 ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica113 ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe114 的功能。如图3-55所示, 幻影S-Edit7.0非线性编辑系统用户指南 图3,55 下面分别介绍这些工具。 删除工具,删除选中的素材。 剪切工具,删除选中的素材并把它们拷贝到剪切板 拷贝工具,把选中的素材拷贝到剪切板。 粘贴工具,把剪切板的素材粘贴到时间线上。 还原工具,退回到上一步的操作。 重作工具,重复退回前的操作。 满屏工具,把时间线以最优方式显示。 放大工具,放大时间线的比率。(+) 缩小工具,缩小时间线的比率。(-) 选择工具,鼠标为选择状态,此时鼠标单击素材就选中它,如果同时按住CTRL,其它选中的素材不变,否则其它素材变成不选中。 , safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technicaecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-115 ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe116 区域移动,可以用鼠标在时间线上进行区域选择,按 幻影S-Edit7.0非线性编辑系统用户指南 下鼠标拉动,则区域内的素材全部选中,区域外不选中。 选行工具,选择当前行当前位置后的所有素材。 选页工具,选择时间线当前位置后的所有素材。 速度,选中“速度”按钮以后,移动鼠标到视频素材后部或滚屏素材的后部拉动,可以改变素材的速度。 设置当前素材入点,改变素材的入点。 设置当前素材出点,改变素材的出点。 当前位置切割,用来切割素材。 裁剪填充方式,编辑方式的一种,切割新素材以保持时间线不变。 覆盖填充方式,编辑方式的一种,新素材的入出点不变,覆盖旧素材,可以同时在同规覆盖多个素材。 注意,滚屏,平飞,拍打字幕是不可以以覆盖或插入方式编辑的。 插入方式,编辑方式的一种,把时间线从当前位置切 ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica117 ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe118 割,切割位置后的所有素材后移,腾出位置放置新的素 幻影S-Edit7.0非线性编辑系统用户指南 材。 替换方式,编辑方式的一种,用新的素材替换旧的素材。如果新的素材比旧的素材长,则裁减新素材。 3.6.2时间线窗的时间单位和时间线操作简介 在时间线窗口中工具栏的末尾,可以看到一个黑底蓝绿色字的时间显示窗,他显示的是时间线当前所在位置的时码,时间单位栏,单位表示时间线标尺上一 个刻度为多少帧,后边的对话框设置时间线可编辑区域的总时间长,最长可达4小时。如图图3,56所示, 图3,56 时间线功能操作介绍: 1、选中时间线轨道,CTRL+鼠标左键,取消轨道选择的话,在时间线任意位置点一下就可以了。 2、时间线轨道宽度的更改,直接上下拉动时间线如下图所示红色圈起的白线的位置,直接更改视频、音频、 ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica119 ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe120 和特技轨道的宽度。 幻影S-Edit7.0非线性编辑系统用户指南 3、时间线指针拉动浏览视频:点击时间线指针上面(下图蓝色箭头指向的位 置)拉动指针浏览视频或者按住Alt 键并点指针任意位置(如下图指针的上部、中间或下部)拉动浏览视频。 4、删除空格:同一轨道上两素材之间有空格如下图(左),如果您想快速把素材之间的空格消除,您在这两素材之间空白处点鼠标右键删除空格就可以了。 3.6.3非实 时合成条和时 间尺 时间线标尺从上到下分为四部分,如图3,57所示, ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica121 ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe122 图3-57 幻影S-Edit7.0非线性编辑系统用户指南 入、出点选择区域,图中最顶端蓝色部分表示入、出点选择区域,由入、出点两个按钮和中间部分构成,用鼠标移动入、出点按钮改变入、出点位置,移动中间蓝色部位,入、出点时长不变,整体位置改变, 实时显示区域,入、出点选择区域下面是实时显示区域,显示时间线当前位置是否实时,红线表示未合成的非时实部分,绿线表示合成的时实区域。 时间线标尺,实时显示区域下面是时间线的标尺,通过它可以清楚的看见当前素材的位置。标尺可以放大或缩小。 3.6.4视频轨 视频轨迹主要用来放置视频、图像、唱词、滚屏、 ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica123 ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe124 卡拉OK等元素的地方。视频轨的控制面板在它的最左边。 幻影S-Edit7.0非线性编辑系统用户指南 在这个控制面板上有三个标志项的使用,如图3 ,58所示 图3-58 注:选中轨道快捷键ctrl+左键,点击时间线任意一点取消选择。 时间线右键功能如下图 图3-59 删除空格:在同规素材之间删除空格。 波纹删除:删除量素材之间的空位,自动和前面一个素材(包括不同规素材)对齐。 轨道宽度:点击轨道宽度,出现一个窗口 输入数字,或直接拉动时线视音频轨道下面的白线(移动鼠标,鼠标新装会出现拉动状态)。 轨迹的使用标志,按下状态为其初始状态表示此条轨迹为可见轨迹,在项目的编辑中可以应用各种效果。当用鼠标单击该图标,则变为弹起状态表示此条轨迹为不可见轨迹, 轨迹锁定标志,弹起为其初始状态此时轨迹可进行任何编辑操作。当用鼠标单击该图标, 变为按下状态表示 related p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technicaecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, r125 ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe126 此条轨迹为锁定状态,此时轨迹将不接受任何编辑操作, 幻影S-Edit7.0非线性编辑系统用户指南 轨迹扩展标志,为其初始状态,此时该轨迹的扩展轨迹未被打开。当用鼠标单击该图标,则变为状态,此时将打开扩展轨迹。 3.6.5音频轨 音频轨迹用来放置音频素材。它的控制面板在最左边,如图3,66所示,此面板上三个标志项的使用。 轨迹的使用标志,按下状态为其初始状态,表示此条轨迹为可见轨迹,在项目的编辑中可以应用各种效果。当用鼠标单击该图标,则变为弹起状态,此时轨迹中的所有素材在编辑过程中将不产生任何效果, 图3,66 轨迹锁定标志,弹起为其初始状态此时轨迹可进行任何编辑操作。当用鼠标单击该图标,则变为按下状态表示 ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica127 ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe128 此条轨迹为锁定状态,此时轨迹将不接受任何编辑操作, 幻影S-Edit7.0非线性编辑系统用户指南 、 声道显示标志,表明当前的音频素材所在的声道位置。 3.6.6 特技轨 特技轨,在时间线下拉菜单选特技轨特技跟踪,在视频轨1和视频轨2素材重叠部分就会出现特技,特技上的箭头表示特技运用于哪个轨道,箭头指向哪个轨道 表示特技运用于那个轨,在系统设置里自动添加特技长度输入帧数,如果特技轨特技拉动时长度不想变化的话,可以在时间线下拉菜单点特技轨特技跟中取消一下就好了。 自动淡入淡出,在时间线下拉菜单点特技轨特技跟踪,过渡特技就是淡入淡出特技,在系统设置里自动添加特技长度输入帧数,是过渡特技的长度。 特技模板,在时间线上要想把一个素材的特技复制到其他素材上操作方法是,在时间线上点击添加好特技 ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica129 ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe130 的素材,右键/拷贝特技或滤镜,在其他素材上右键/粘 幻影S-Edit7.0非线性编辑系统用户指南 贴特技或滤镜。 3.6.7 素材对位 时间线素材编辑支持自动对位(可选), 对位位置是当前素材的头尾对时间线当前位置以及时间线素材的关键点(不包括选中的素材) 多素材编辑自动对位取的是当前轨道(鼠标点取得轨道)选中素材的头尾位置(即开始素材的头位置和最后素材的尾位置)对时间线当前位置以及时间线素材的关键点(不包括选中的素材) 3.7导航面板 图3,61 通过导航面板可以快速浏览时间线上的内容如图 3,61所示。导航面板底下的拉杆是时间线放大缩小拉杆, -, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technicaecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p131 ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe132 通过它可 幻影S-Edit7.0非线性编辑系统用户指南 以放大缩小时间线。单击导航/信息面板上的任何部位便可激活该窗口。 ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica133 第四章 分割场景和素材的裁切导入 在素材窗口的视频素材上单击右键,出现素材菜单,选择“分割场景”,进入场景分割界面。 如图4-1所示,选择分割场景进入自动场景分割界面,选择入出点切分素材则进入手工分割界面 s, Conion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe134 图4-1 4.1自动场景分割 图 4-2 如图 4-2所示,场景分割当前只对PAL制的素材有效。 简单分割,只对素材场景变化较大才分割。一般应用在运动场景,如人或动物的跑动。使用简单分割有些不是很明显的场景变化可能无法分割出来。 普通分割,正常情况下采取的分割方式。可以把一般变化的场景分割出来。 精细分割,分割细小变化的场景。可把镜头摇晃时的场景分割出来。 ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica135 最小场景,最小分割的帧数,如果次场景的长度小于最小 场景,则不分割。0代表没有最小场景的限制。 ,自动分割只对25帧/每秒的素材有效, 4.2 手动场景分割 如图4-1 所示,选择入出点分割素材。出现图4-3的对话框,输入入出点,按切分,切分素材。切后的素材自动添加到素材库。 and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projection collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing and ntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe136 图 4-3 4.3时间线裁切素材的方法 4.3.1切断素材但不删除其他部分素材 方法一,在时间线上选中素材,拉动时间线指针到要裁断素材的位置,然后点击,或点击快捷键 “/”,. 方法二,在时间线上选中素材,然后点击时间线下拉菜单中切割选中素材。 4.3.2 切割素材并删除素材的其他部分 方法一,把素材放到时间线上并选中素材,然后在您需要的位置点击和设置素材的入点和出点,这样入出点之间的素材就是您需要保留的素材部分了,其他的部分就删除了。 方法二,在视频播放窗口下部分绿色的选择和移动区域,调节选择范围,即设置素材的入点和出点,,然后把素材选择范围加载到时间线或素材库中。 图 4-4 4.3.3 时间线素材的覆盖、插入、替换 您如果您不想裁素材,就想映其他素材把这一部分,包括一个或多个素材替换掉的话,使用覆盖填充方 ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica137 式,新素材的入出点不变,覆盖旧素材,并且可以同时覆盖多个文件。 如果您在想一个素材的某位置插入一段素材,原来这个位置的素材切开前移和后移但不删除任何一部分素材的话,选择使用插入方式,插入方式是编辑方式的一种,把时间线从当前位置切割,切割位置后的所有素材后移。腾出位置放置新的素材。 如果您想把一个素材替换成另一个素材的话,选择替换方式,替换方式是编辑方式的一种,用新的素材替换旧的素材新的素材比旧的素材长,则裁减新素材。 ation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect mas, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe138 注意,滚屏,平飞,拍打字幕是不可以以覆盖或插入方式编辑的。 4.4素材的导入 在“文件”菜单选择导入素材可以把 mxf,mp4,mts,m2p,3gp,m2t等存储卡的文件导入到素材库。支持简单转换导入和合并导入。 图4-5 "添加"可以添加多个素材, "导入全部"一次性把全部调入的素材导入. "导入选择"把选择调入的素材导入. "选择素材向上""选择素材向下"用于交换选择素材的位置.用于合并导入转换顺序. " 添加目录"可以添加多个选择目录下的素材. ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica139 图 4-6 ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project he safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tnagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe140 如上图,选择目录可以直接选择它的子目录。取消选择同时取消子目录的选择。也可以单独的选择子目录。 右边上部有选择目录数量的显示。 中部是可是的选择,“所有支持”选择所有六中格式的素材。 ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica141 第五章 视频采集 采集是从外视频源、音频源捕获视频和音频素材到硬盘,也可以直接采集成DVD文件。采集可进行批采集和单素材采集,下面讲述视频采集的方法 ,注,支持演播室直接1394采集,可以不通过录象带直接采集, ation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe142 5.1采集窗口介绍 单击【文件菜单】?【采集】调出采集窗口,窗口分 为,放机控制区、音频UV表、批采集任务设置区,当没有连接VTR时, 批采集任务区的内容无效。如图5-1所示, 放机控制区 , , 批采集任务设置, 区 , , 图5-1 , 5.1.1批采任务控制区 , , 图中放机控制区,其功能键使用如下, , , 录机控制栏,在栏内的功能键须在录像机处于遥控状态下, , 才可实现,, , , 新表,新制一个批采表, , 添加,添加一项批采任务, , 删除,添加一项批采任务, , , 调入,调入一项批采任务, , , 储存,储存当前批采任务, , , 另存,把批采任务另存一个位置, , , 打入点,采集的入点, , 打出点,采集的出点, , , ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica143 , , 快退,控制放机快速向会倒带, 前一,控制放机向回一帧画面, 播放,控制放机以正常速度播放, 暂停,控制放机暂停播放, 停止,控制放机停止播放, 后一,控制放机向前一帧画面, 快进,控制放机快速向前倒带, 弹出,控制放机弹出磁带或录像带, 录像机速度,手动控制放机倒带的速度,便于快速浏览, 入点,采集时当前帧的位置,点击右半部分的批采任务 ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe144 设置部分上的入点设入按钮,此时磁带上当前帧的TC码被写入入点时码框内【,注,如知道具体的TC码,也可在入点时码框内手动输入】, (1) 出点,采集时素材最后一帧的位 置,使用放机控制按钮,找到我 们所需素材的最后一帧,点击 出点设入按钮,此时磁 带当前帧的TC码被写入出点 时码框内【,注:如知道具体 的TC码,也可在出点时码框 内手动输入】;卷名,素材所在 的磁带卷标,便于以后的查找 【,注:卷 标可空缺不填】; (2) 视频路径,采集到计算机 视频储存的位置,如只需要素 材的画面,我们可以取消包括 音频出的,只采集音频时设 置同理; (3) 文件名:素材采集到计算 机的文件名称; 采集长度,当没有连接VTR时,本次要采集的长度。只有限制长度选择时,采集长度才有效。 可录总长,视频硬盘采集当前格式时,共可以录制的长度。 5.1.2 音频UV表 素材采集窗口的中间部分为音频UV表,显示当前采集素材音量的大小, ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica145 5.1.3 视频播放控制区 采集窗口左边为视频播放控制区 如图 5-2所示, s, Conion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe146 图5-2 视频播放控制区下面有一排按钮说明如下, 采集,上载放机中的视音频素材, 暂停采集,暂停上载放机中的视音频素材,按继续后在同一文件中继续采集。 批采,控制放机,按已设置好的采集列表,依顺序批量上载, 停止采集,停止采集或批采,已采素材保留, 采集取消,停止采集或批采,已采素材不保留, 视频设置,在采集对话框中单击设置按钮,会弹出录制设置对话框。如图5-3 图5,3 ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica147 视频输入,选择硬件板卡视频信号的输入方式,支持复合、 Svideo、分量。HDMI等。 压缩格式,录制文件的压缩格式。不同的板卡支持的格式不一样。程序会自动查找支持的格式并显示。当pal制式压缩方式为Mpeg2I 4:2:2,YUYV 4:2:2,DvCam 4:2:0,DvCPro 4:1:1,Dv50 4:2:2,DVD。当1080I时 压缩格式为Mpeg2IHD 4:2:2和YUYV 4:2:2 如图5-4所示,当压缩方式为MPEG2I 4,2,2和dvd时,在5- 5里可以设置 ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guararainin-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe148 图5-4 图5-5 输入信号调节,可以调节输入信号的色度、亮度、对比度、色调等。 MPEG压缩比,当录制格式是MPEG时的压缩比。 音频设置,在采集对话框中单击图中的类型按钮,就会弹出录制类型对话框。在这个对话框中可以对素材录制时的各选项进行设置。如图5-6 图 5-6 ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica149 音频输入,选择硬件板卡音频信号的输入方式,支持模拟、 AES、SDI(内嵌)等。,根据板卡的不同所支持的音频输入接口也有所不同, 5.1.4 批采使用方法 素材采集窗口的右半部分为批采集任务设置区,如图5,7所示, nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andect mantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project ation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe150 图5,7 其使用方法如下, (4) (1)我们以一次实际采集的过程,为您讲述批采集的流程: (5) (2)将所存有需素材的磁带放入放机,连接好计算机与放机的遥控线,并将放机的遥控按钮置于REMOTE 遥控状态; (6) (3)此时,采集窗口左半部分视频播放控制区的所有按钮均处于可选状态,我们用这些按钮操作放机,找到所需素材的第一帧; (7) (4)点击右半部 ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica151 分的批采任务设置部分上的 入点设入按钮,此时磁带上当前帧的TC码被写入入点时码框内【,注:如知道具体的TC码,也可在入点时码框内手动输入】; (8) (5)再使用放机控制按钮,找到我们所需素材的最后一帧,点击出点入按钮,此时磁带当前帧的TC and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projection collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing and ntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe152 码被写入出点时码框内【,注:如知道具体的TC码,也可在出点时码框内手动输入】; (9) (6)点选采集后视频、音频文件放置的路径,如只需要素材的画面,我们可以取消包括音频出的,只采集音频时设置同理; (10) (7)设置采集到计算机中的视、音频保存路径; (11) (8)查看 和 ,是否需采集的素材长度超过保存路径所在硬盘可容纳的总长度【,注:手动录制时,将选中,可防止因采集素材的容量超出而导致素材的丢失或硬盘的损坏】; (12) (9)输入采集后素材保存的名称和素材所在的磁带卷标,便于以后的查找【,注:卷标可空缺不填】; (13) (10)点击添加按钮,将已设置好的本条采集任 ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica153 务,放入素材批采集任务列表框中; (14) (11)完成一条批采集任务的设置,按以上步骤进行下一条任务的的设置; (15) (12)一盘磁带中所有需要的素材段均已设置好了采集的任务后,点击 按钮,开始采集。 nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andect mantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project ation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe154 第六章 编辑影片特技编辑和多机位编辑 本章介绍一些编辑影视节目的具体方法,让用户能进行多层次、多效果的编辑。 6.1 环境参数的设置 在首次使用幻影S-EDIT7.0时,需设置一些十分重要的环境参数。单击【文件】?【系统设置】命令,会弹出一个对话框进行系统的设置,详见第二章,。 参数设置主要有以下几个方面,系统所使用的文件格式,时间线上视频浏览方式,自动存盘的时间,视音频输入、输出类型,以及录像机的一些控制。 ?【用户设置】命令, 会弹出一个对话框进行用户的设置,详见第二章, 用户设置主要视、音频文件及用户文件临时文件所处的路径。用户名和密码。必须至少有一个用户。密码和网络映射可以为空。 6.2创建一个新的项目并输入素材 对电影片段进行操作,要先将所用的片段、图片等引入到工程文件窗口中去。建立一个新工程文件并输入素材的步骤如下, (16) 1.启动幻影 S-EDIT7.0按【文件】?【新建】 按键,会弹出路径选择对话 框,选择新建的工程文件所保 ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica155 存的路径,再输入为这个新的工程文件取的名字,点击保存,一个新的工程文件便建立起来了; (17) (18) (19) (20) ect maion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe156 (21) (22) (23) 图6-1 (24) 2.工程文件建立起来后,可以为该工程文件输入所要调用的素材【,注:幻影S-EDIT7.0的素材可以是各种视频文件(MPEG,DV,无压缩),WAV音频文件,位图图像(*.bmp、*.jpeg、*.gif、*.png等格式)、TGA图像(*.tga32位、24位)、实时字幕文件、滚屏文件(*.cg)、拍打字幕文件(*.flp),声音文件。在素材库里选中视频素材、音频素材或图像素材的子目录时,用鼠标双击素材空白处,在如图对话框中便可调入所需的素材。将需要的素材点选、圈选或复选后,点击打开便可将其调入素材资源管理器。如图6,1所示: 6.3为素材设置标记 为了在时间线窗中查找某些特定的帧,有时需要在 ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica157 时间线窗中做一些标记。标记点是幻影S-EDIT7.0提供的一种可以用来指示编辑时重要位置的方法。利用它可以完成定位、安排和调整素材。 6.3.1设置标记点 其操作步骤如下, (25) 1.将时间线上的 编辑线移到需要的点上。 (26) 2.单击【时间线】 ?【标记】命令,从弹出的菜 and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projection collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing and ntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe158 单中选择一个标识点,按添 加,此时状态栏会显示这个标 记点在时间线的位置,而在时 间线上会出现一个相应的 标 记点。如图6,2所示: 图6,2 图6,2标识对话框的意义如下, 添加,将标记点添加到时间线上。 删除,删除选定的标记点。 转到,将时间线上编辑线转到已定好的标记点位置。 清除,清除时间线上所有的标记点。 增加无号标记,将无编号标记增加到时间线上。 下一个无号标记,点击下一个无号标记,时间线标尺就会移动到与当前无记号标记相邻的下一个无号标记的位置。 上一个无记号标记,点击上一个无号标记,时间线标尺就会移动到与当前无记号标记相邻的上一个无号标记的位置。 ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica159 6.4剪切素材 剪切是指增加和减少帧以改变素材的时间长度。素材可以在视频播放窗的剪切窗和时间线窗中剪切。 6.4.1在剪切窗中剪切素材 双击素材库中的素材或时间线上的素材,则素材会在剪切窗中打开,在剪切窗中单击 入点按钮设置入点、单击 出点按钮设置出点,也可用选择和移动区域,调节选择范围来设置素材的入点和出点。 nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andect mantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project ation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe160 6.4.2在时间线窗中剪切素材 在时间线窗中剪切素材有如下几种基本方法,可以使用入、出点工具或使用剃刀工具,也可以直接拉伸素材的边缘。 使用入、出点工具来剪切素材 其操作步骤如下, (27) 1.将素材拖动到 时间线窗中 (28) 2.单击设置当前 入点按钮 设置新的入 点。 (29) 3.单击设置当前 出点按钮 设置新的出 点。 使用剃刀工具或快捷键来剪切素材 其操作步骤如下, (30) 1.将素材拖动到 时间线窗中,选中素材。 (31) 2 选择“当前位置 切割按钮”,将编辑线移动 到选中的素材上,在需要剪切 的地方单击鼠标左键或快捷 键“/”,即可将素材一分为二。 直接拖动素材来剪切素材 其操作步骤如下, 1.将素材拖动到时间线窗中 ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica161 (32) 2.单击时间线窗中选中素材的边缘,向左拉动素材边缘,改变素材的入点;向右拉动素材边缘,改变素材的出点。 (33) 3.在时间线下拉菜单,分割场景,来切割素材: (34) 4.在素材库选中素材,右键分割场景 。或选中素材,然后点击时间线下拉 and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projection collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing and ntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe162 菜单,选自动分割场景,根据 需要切分素材。 6.5在时间线窗中编辑视频素材的透明度 在时间线中的视频轨上,在展开的视频素材上,可以通过调节关键帧来改变视频素材的透明度。用鼠标点中透明线任意位置增加节点,用鼠标点中透明线上节点同时按住Ctrl就可删除节点。鼠标右键单击节点可以弹出节点数值设置对话框。可通过调节百分值来准确的调整素材的透明度。如图6,3所示, 图6,3 6.6调整素材的长度和速度 调整素材的长度对于视频素材来说,就是改变素材的入点、出点位置,从而改变素材的持续时间,其原始长度不能加长,只能通过改变播放速度来改变播放时间,对于图像素材来说,就是改变其在时间线上占用时间的长短,而不受入点、出点和长度的限制。 ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica163 6.6.1设置素材的长度 设置素材的长度有两种方法 a.在时间线上设置素材的长度 其操作步骤如下, (35) 1.在时间线窗口 中选中需要改变长度的素材; (36) 2.直接拖动素材 的头尾边缘,视频素材改变入 点和出点,图像素材、特技改 变长度。 ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe164 b.在剪切窗或素材库中设置素材的长度 其一、在剪切窗中改变视频素材的长度,其操作步 骤如下, (37) 1.在素材库中双 击视频素材将素材应用到剪 切窗中; (38) 2.在剪切窗中单 击入点按钮和出点按钮设置 入、出点,以改变视频素材的 长度;也可用选择和移动区 域,调节选择范围来改变视频 素材的长度。 其二、在素材库中改变图片素材的长度, 其操作步骤如下, (39) 1.选中需要改变 长度的素材; (40) 2.鼠标右键单击 素材弹出菜单中,点选修改长 度,输入图文添加到时间线上 的默认长度即可【,注:长度 为帧】。 6.6.2设置视频素材的播放速度 利用素材速度的设置,可以制作出在影视作品经常 看到的加快、慢动作和倒放等效果。改变素材的播放速 度方法如下, (41) 1.在时间线窗口 ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica165 选中需要改变播放速度的素材; (42) 2.在时间线窗口中选中速度工具,用鼠标拉动视频素材或滚屏素材后 部,可以改变素材的速度;也可以在选中的素材上单击鼠标右键,弹出菜单如图6,4所示: nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andect mantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project ation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe166 图6,4 (43) 1.单击【速度】命 令,弹出速度对话框,拉动速 度拉杆就可以改变播放速度; (44) 2.播放速度不是 100%的素材可以选择插值慢 动作。 (45) 3.单击【倒放】命 令,从素材结尾处开始向前播 放。 6.6.3改变路径 (46) 如图6,4,对于无 法找到路径的文件(坏文件的 一种),可以通过改变路径来 重新定位次文件, 重新定位ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica167 的文件要和原文件长度相同 (同一文件). 6.7复制和粘帖素材或特技 幻影S-EDIT7.0提供了最常用的Windows编辑命令,即复制和粘帖功能。 6.7.1 复制和粘贴素材 将素材资源管理器中的素材复制和粘贴到时间线上; 其操作步骤如下, ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andnagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projectect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe168 (47) 1.选中素材资源管理器中的素材; (48) 2.然后单击【编辑】?【复制】命令,对该素材进行复制,然后在拉杆处单击【编辑】?【粘贴】命令,对该素材进行粘贴,便会看到在轨迹上出现一个同样的素材。还可以用鼠标右键单击选中的素材弹出菜单,单击复制命令,然后在时间线上空白处单击鼠标右键用粘贴命令即可。 在时间线上复制和粘贴素材 其操作步骤如下, (49) 1.将素材从素材库中拖动到时间线上; (50) 2.在时间线窗口中选中素材,然后单击【编辑】?【复制】命令,对该素材进行复制,然后在拉杆处单击【编辑】?【粘贴】命令,对该素材进行粘贴,便会看到在轨迹上出现一个同样的素材。也可以直接用时间线上的拷贝工具把选中的素 材拷 ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica169 贝到剪切板,然后在拉杆处用粘贴工具把剪切板的素材粘贴到时间线上,还可以用鼠标右键单击选中的素材弹出菜单如图6,5所示: (51) 3.单击复制命令,然后在时间线上空白处单击鼠标右键用粘贴命令即可。 ect maion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe170 图6,5 将时间线上的素材复制和粘贴到素材库中 其操作步骤如下, (52) 1.在时间线窗口 中选中素材; (53) 2.然后单击【编 辑】?【拷贝】命令,对该素 材进行复制,然后在素材库中 单击【编辑】?【粘贴】命令, 对该素材进行粘贴,便会看到 在素材库中又出现一个同样 的素材。 (54) 3.还可以用鼠标 右键单击选中的素材弹出菜 单如图6,6所示: ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica171 (55) 4.单击复制命令,然后在素材库中的空白处单击鼠标右键用粘贴命令即可。 (56) ies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe172 图6,6 6.7.2 复制和粘贴特技 将特技库中的特技复制和粘贴到时间线的特技轨上 其操作步骤如下, (57) 1.在特技库中选 中所需特技模板; (58) 2.用鼠标右键单 击选中的特技模板弹出菜单, 如图6,7所示: 图6,7 (59) 3.单击复制命令, 然后在时间线特技轨空白处 ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica173 单击鼠标右键用粘贴命令即 可。 在时间线上复制和粘贴特技 其操作步骤如下, (60) 1.将特技从特技 库中拖动到时间线上; (61) 2.在时间线窗口 中单击特技,然后单击【编辑】 ?【拷贝】命令,对该特技进 行复制,然后在空白处单击 ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andnagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projectect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe174 【编辑】?【粘贴】 (62) 命令,对该特技进 行粘贴,便会看到在轨迹上又 出现一个同样的特技。 (63) 3.也可以在间线 窗中,选中特技单击鼠标右键 弹出菜单如图6,8所示: 图6,8 复制,指复制整个特技素材,在时间线上空白处单击鼠标右键弹出如上图菜单,进行粘贴。 拷贝特技或滤镜,指拷贝部分特技到专用剪帖板上,用粘贴特技或滤镜命令可以进行特技的合成。 在特技库复制和粘贴特技 其操作步骤如下, (64) 1.在特技库中选 中某一特技单击鼠标右键弹 出菜单如图6,9所示: (65) 2.单击复制命令, 然后在特技库中的空白处单 击鼠标右键用粘贴命令即可。 ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica175 图 6,9 6.7.3特技模板的制作与运用 (66) 方法一:在时间线 给素材添加一个或特技叠加, 在特技编辑窗口设置好特技 ference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe176 参数,这样特技模板就做好 了;素材右键可以保存特技为 模板。在特技窗口右键调入特 技模板就可以运用到其他素 材上了。 (67) 方法二:在时间线 给素材添加一个或特技叠加, 在特技编辑窗口设置好特技 参数,直接在时间线上点击素 材右键,拷贝特技或滤镜,然 后在其他素材右键粘贴特技 或滤镜就可以了。 (68) 注:多个特技混编 时,特技的先后顺序不同效果 也不同。 6.8在时间线窗中装配素材 在时间线窗中装配素材的步骤,在素材库中,用鼠标拽住所需素材,将其拖到时间线窗中的视频轨道上,放到适当的位置。重复以上操作,可将多个素材首尾相连的放在时间线上。要改变素材之间的相对位置,只需直接拖动素材将其放到适当的位置即可。 【提示1,按住SHIFT键,在时间线上没有素材的地方单击鼠标左键并拖动,可以移动时间线的位置,以便浏览整个时间线。】 ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica177 6.9拆分素材和用片区选择工具来拷贝一组素材 6.9.1 将一个素材分为两个 其操作步骤如下, (69) 1.将素材库中的 素材拖动到时间线上。 (70) 2.在时间线上选 中素材,将时间线移动到需要 截断的地方,点击时间线窗口 中的当前位置切割按钮,即 ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andnagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projectect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe178 可将本来连在一起的素材一 分为二。 6.9.2用片区选择工具来拷贝一组素材 其操作步骤如下, (71) 1.将素材拖动到 时间线窗口的轨道上。 (72) 2.在时间线窗口 中选择【选行工具()】选 择当前行当前位置后的所有 素材或【选页工具()】选 择时间线当前位置后的所有 素材,单击时间线上【拷贝工 具()】把选中的素材拷贝 到剪切板,然后在拉杆处用 【粘贴工具()】把剪切板 的素材粘贴到时间线上。 6.9.3 用片区选择工具来移动一组素材 其操作步骤如下, (73) 1.将素材拖动到 时间线窗口的轨道上; (74) 2.在时间线窗口 中选择【选行工具()】选 择当前行当前位置后的所有 素材或【选页工具()】选 择时间线当前位置后的所有ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica179 素材,单击时间线上【区域 移 动()】按下鼠标拉动,则 选中的素材全部移动。 6.10 对素材进行插入和覆盖编辑 裁切方式,当选中时间线工具栏中此按钮,从素材库中往时间线上拖拽素材时,切割新素材以保持时间线原有素材不变, 覆盖方式,当选中时间线工具栏中此按钮,从素材库中往时间线上拖拽素材时,也可以在同规覆盖原来位置的 nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andect mantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project ation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe180 单个或多个素材, 【,注,滚屏,平飞,拍打字幕是不可以以覆盖或插入方式编辑的。】 插入方式,当选中时间线工具栏中此按钮,从素材库中往时间线上拖拽素材时,将时间线中选中的素材切割,切割位置后的所有素材后移,腾出位置放置新的素材, 替换方式,当选中时间线工具栏中此按钮,从素材库中往时间线上拖拽素材时,新的素材将替换时间线上任意旧的素材。如果新的素材比旧的素材长,则裁减新素材。 6.11 视音频素材的分开和重联 视频和音频素材在默认状态下是锁定在一起的,可以同时移动,当修改其中一个的入点、或出点时,相应的入出点同时改变,按住Shift键时,其相应素材的入出点不同时改变, 根据需要可以通过菜单解锁视音频。解锁以后,可以单独的修改视、音频素材,也可以通过菜单锁定视音频,以使视频和音频素材锁定在一起,同时进行移动和裁剪。 6.12特技 幻影S-EDIT7.0提供了近600种的普通切换特技,二、三十种二维特技和插件特技,除此之外还可以创建自己的特技模板。用户可以对任 何轨迹上的视频素材使用这些特 技。下面用实例来说明如何引入 图6-10 ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica181 各种特技效果。 6.12.1特技制作步骤 (75) 1.在视频A、B轨 上各有一段素材,将两个需要 做过渡特技的素材预留出需 要做过渡特技长度的重叠部 分; (76) 2.在特技资源管 理器中选择适合的特技,将其 and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projection collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing and ntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe182 托拽 到素材重叠部位的轨间特技轨上,用鼠标托拽特技条到合适的长度即可,如图6,10所示: (77) 3.用鼠标单击黄色箭头,可改变特技运动方向,或右键单击特技条,在弹出的菜单中 (78) 选择改变方向; (79) 4.使用右键菜单打开切换效果设置对话框,可以根据需要自行设置各种效果,也可以将设置存成模板以后备用。 (80) 5.保存工程文件,至此一个轨间过渡特技就制作完成了。 (81) 6.另一种情况是直接将特技放在视频素材上:视频素材放在除视频A、B 轨以外的任意轨上,在特技面板中选择一个特技,直接把它拖到时间线窗口中的视频素材上。 6.12.2 将一个特技转换为另外一个特技 如对所用特技的效果不满意,想换成另外一种特技, ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica183 操作非常方便,步骤如下, (82) 1.在特技窗中选 定另外一个特技; (83) 2.按住鼠标左键 拖动该特技到需要被替换的 特技上释放鼠标,则将原特技 换成为指定的另外一种特技。 6.13多机位编辑 (84) 分别将需要剪辑 ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andnagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projectect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe184 的素材拖入四个轨道(视频轨1、视频轨2、视频轨3和视频4)之中,EDIfy最多可以支持4个机位的同时 (85) 剪辑,在这里我就演示4个机位,将素材拉入时间线之后,一般情况下是最上层素材覆盖下层素材,如果我们这是输出到电视 (86) 机的话,也就显示最上层的素材画面,我们分别用1,2,3,4 表示4个素材 (87) (88) 步骤如下: (89) 步骤一:将素材拉到时间线上,在时间线上对齐位置(如上图),由于是同一时间录制的不同机位的视频,所以音频就留一 (90) 个就可以;怎么删除其他的音频呢,您选中要删除的音频,右键选解锁视音频, ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica185 (91) 步骤二:在主菜单 中系统下拉菜单下,点击多机 位进入多机位编辑如下图: ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guararainin-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe186 (92) (93) 步骤三:在系统下拉菜单下,点击机位数 选择机位数,当您机位数选4机位时表示视频轨1、视频轨2、视频轨3和视频轨4的素材在时间线回放窗口显示 ;视频轨素材和在时间线回放窗口的位置显示的位置对应如图6-11-2 (94) 步骤四:在时间线上播放, 用鼠标左键点击时间线回放窗口里的的画面打点选择编辑,白色线框穿起来的窗口为您之前选用的窗口,您如果想切换成那个窗口的画面直接用鼠标左键点击就可以了如图6-11,击的同时时间线上会留下一个点,如6-12 ersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technicaecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing and187 红色圈起来的点。 (95) (96) 图6-11 ies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe188 (97) (98) (99) 图6-12 (100) 步骤五:初编完点击时间线上打下的点查看,同时时间线回放窗口播放当前点的画面(白色框起来的画面);如果您想在当前点换成其他的画面,直接在时间线回放窗口中用鼠标点击您要的画面就自动更换了. (101) 步骤六:将编辑好的文件合并在一起,点击主菜单下系统/合并多机位,自动把素材合并到视频轨1个视频轨2,音频位置不变。 (102) 注:4个机位对应视频轨如图 ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica189 (103) (104) ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guararainin-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe190 图6-13 (105) 2 个机位时视频轨对应的机位如图6-14 (106) (107) 图6-14 (108) 注 1:当选择机位数为4个机位时,机位对应的视频轨说明如下: (109) 视频轨1 对应机位1; (110) 视频轨2对应机位2; (111) 视频轨3对应机位3; (112) 视频轨4对应机位4; (113) 2:当选择机位数为2个机位时,机位对 ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica191 应的视频轨说明如下: (114) 视频轨1 对应机 位1; (115) 视频轨2对应机位 2; 6.14合成非实时选择区域 (116) 步骤如下: (117) 步骤一:标尺区域 下面是选择合成区域,灰色表ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe192 示合成选择区域(用鼠标拉动灰色(下图中蓝色椭圆内的灰线为合成区域,灰线必须大于上面的线(要合成的非实时区域)如下图,当灰线小于红线时合成不能进行。 (118) (119) 步骤二:点击时间线下拉菜单合成非实时区域,或用快捷键backspace+Enter 来合成,合成完成文件自动保存到临时文件目录下。 (120) 注:用户设置中临时文件目录路径必须设置在子目录下,否则会提示找不到路径; (121) 安装 PinnacleYUVCodec.exe ,否则打开临时文件时会提示文件格式错误。 ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica193 6.15串编 (122) ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guararainin-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe194 (123) 如图,串编是把多个项目的第一个故事板按顺序合成到一个项目上。 (124) 从库中添加:数据库的版本可以把项目库中的数据添加到列表中。 (125) 从文件中添加:可以直接从路径选择项目添加到列表中 (126) 向上移:列表中选中的项的顺序向前移。 (127) 向下移:列表中选中的项的顺序向后移。。 (128) 串编到当前项目:列表中所有的项目的第一个故事板按顺序添加到当前的项目上 ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica195 第七章 特技的编辑 7.1 特技的编辑 (129) 幻影S-EDIT7.0特 技编辑窗口包括插件特技窗 口、静止和抽帧、色彩调节窗 口、色键特技、亮键特技、划 像特技窗口、运动、卷页、扭 曲、波纹、模糊、马赛克、遮 罩、四点变形、材质、边特技、ect maion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe196 眩光、六面体、球体。 (130) 注:特技添加的顺序不同,效果也不同。 (131) 在窗口下拉菜单打开特技编辑窗口,用鼠标右键单击时间线上的素材(或者在特技编辑窗口右键)弹出如菜单 有选项 插件特技(GPU特技,高斯模糊特技,亮度对比度调节、画布调节、画布效果、色彩淡化特技、场效果、出去斑点、浮雕效果、淡化特技、色调饱和度特技、色阶特技、光效效果、运动模糊效果、二维运动特技、绘画效果、象素特技、噪波特技、波特、旋转特技、锐化特技、平铺特技、透明度特技、水波纹特技、风特技等)、 标准特技(包括倒放和静帧,抽帧特技)、二维特技(色彩调节、色键和划象特技)三维特技(运动、卷页、扭曲、波纹、模糊、马赛克、遮罩、四点变形、材质、边特技、眩光、六面体、球体,毛玻璃和色块等)图7,1所示 ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica197 对话框 ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter tect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe198 , 图7,1 7.1.1插件特技 (132) 如图7-2 (133) EDIFY的许多特技以插件的形式提供,这样不但增加了程序的规范性,同时增加了兼容性(兼容第三方插件,同时兼容premiere插件)和可升级性。 (134) 插件特技有GPU特技、高斯模糊特技、亮度对比度调节、画布效果、色彩淡化特技、场效果、去除斑点、浮雕效果、淡化特技、色调饱和度特技、色阶效果、光照效果、运动模糊效果、二维运动特技、绘画效果、像素特技、噪ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica199 波效果、波效果、旋转特技、锐化特技、平铺特技、透明度特技、水波纹效果、风效果。 (135) ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conraininies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe200 (136) 图 7-2 (137) 插件特技编方法 (138) 插件特技窗口分为上下两部分 (139) 1:选中下部分需要的特技双击 特技就会自动被选到上面部分 (140) 2:选中特技,点击设置就会出现特技参数调节窗口,通过对参数的调节和添加关键帧进行特技编辑。 (141) premiere插件的使用 (142) 安装好相应的插件,把它们给Premiere的插件文件*.prm拷贝到安装目录 ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica201 下的plugin目录下。 (143) 系统支持Boris等premiere插件,而Boris支持AE插件,所以也可以使用这种方法来支持AE插件。 (144) 三维特技 (145) 三维特技有三维运动和打光 (146) 模糊运动 (147) 对素材模糊,使用 ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe202 高斯模糊。可以调节关键帧 (148) 画布效果 (149) 素材产生画布效果 (150) 色彩淡化 (151) 调节素材的红、绿、蓝的程度 (152) 场效果 (153) 分为全部奇场、全部偶场、奇偶场交换 (154) 亮度对比度特技 (155) 调节素材的亮度对比度 (156) 浮雕特技 (157) 使素材产生浮雕效果 (158) 色调饱和度 (159) 调节素材的色调和饱和度,可以加深色彩或产生黑白效果 (160) 色阶特技 (161) 调节色阶,分为输入和输出的色阶 (162) 像素特技 (163) 使素材产生负片、油画、扰动等效果 ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica203 (164) 旋转特技 (165) 素材的二维旋转 (166) 外部特技 (167) 一些Premiere的插件(如好莱坞)在系统中被认为外部插件,安装好莱坞插件,就可以直接调用好莱坞插件特技了,使用方法和一般插件一样 AE插件的使用 ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe204 安装Boris以及AE插件支持:把文件FL7-BorisRed4P3.prm 拷贝到安装目录下的plugin目录。在插件特级里可以看到如下的选项。双击可以进入Boris特技编辑。 安装Boris,然后把所有的AE插件拷贝到Boris安装目录下的BorisPlugins4Common。在Boris中的滤镜中就可以看到AE插件 (168) 7.1.2标准特技 (169) 标准特技包括倒 放,静止和抽帧 (170) 【倒放】时间线上 选中素材,右键/标准特技/倒 放,单击【倒放】命令,从素 材结尾处开始向前播放。 (171) 【静止和抽帧】: 如图7-3所示 ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica205 ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe206 (172) (173) 图 7-3 (174) 状态:状态分为正常、使用静帧、使用抽帧;是指视频画面的播放正常、使用静帧、使用抽帧。 (175) 静止或抽帧方式:静止或抽帧方式按帧静止或抽帧、按场一(奇场或偶场)帧静止或抽帧、和场二帧静止或抽帧 三种方式。 7.1.3二维特技 (176) 二维特技包括色彩调节、色键、亮键和划象特技。 (177) 【色彩调节】,如图7-4所示 ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica207 ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter tference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe208 (178) 图7-4 (179) 色度:0~360的色 度调节,调节图像的色彩染 色。 (180) 饱和度:0~500的 饱和度调节(黑白到5倍的饱 和度),调节色彩的鲜艳度。 (181) 亮度:调节图像的黑暗程度。 (182) 对比度:0~4倍的 对比度调节,调节图像高光区 域和暗光区域的高度差异。 (183) 色彩平衡选择:分为主要、阴影、中间和亮度四 种区域的选择。 (184) 平衡亮度:-100~ 100 平衡饱和度:-100~ 100 平衡色度:-100~ 10 (185) 【色键特技】:如图7 -5所示 ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica209 ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe210 图 7-5 (186) 取色:点击取色就会出现取色图片,点击什么颜色以后视频中什么颜色就会透明 (187) 下边的参数可以根据自己的需求效果调节 (188) 色度:调节图像的色彩染色 饱和度:调节色彩的鲜艳度 (189) 区域:色彩的角度区域范围 亮度起始:亮度的起始位置。 (190) 亮度的范围:亮度的大小范围。 (191) 【划像特技】如图7-6 ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica211 ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter tference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe212 (192) 图7-6 (193) 划像文件:划像特技使用的模板,用TGA文件创建,决定划像的方式 (194) 划像位置: 划像的位置所在。 (195) 柔 度:划像边的柔和度。 (196) 取反:划像内容取反 (197) 下面部分是关键帧的设置,通过添加或删除关键帧,调节图像的特技,也可以拷贝关键帧来复制特技模板。 7.1.4三维特技 (198) 三维特技包括运动、卷页、扭曲、波纹、模糊、马赛克、遮罩、四点变形、材质、边特技、眩光、六面体、球体等 (199) 【运动特技】:如图7 -8所示 ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica213 ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter tference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe214 (200) 图 7-8 (201) Matrox 的运动和缩放特技让您在2D 空间任意位置定位并缩放素材,并添加实时的软边。 (202) 三维运动特技调节素材的位置,大小,旋转角度等参数 (203) -(X,Y)位置:使用这些来在X (水平)和y(垂直)轴上定位素材,X,Y(0,0)把素材的中心对齐到屏幕的中心,像素位移量从这个点开始计算。可以输入正或负的像素值来左右(X)和上下(Y)地移动素材。 (204) 宽度:视频或图片的水平宽度。 (205) 高度:视频或图片的垂直宽度。 (206) (x,y,z)角度:是指在素材的角度按照三个角度变换的位置。 (207) 切上边,下边,左边和右边:对四个方位的边进行裁切。 ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica215 (208) 边高:边的高度 边宽:边的宽度。 (209) 边角:边的圆角半径 (210) 边柔度:用边柔度对素材边缘进行柔化处理,柔化值越高边缘变得越柔和。 (211) 等比例缩放:是否按4:3(标清)16:9(高清)的比例调节高和宽, ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe216 (212) X轴固定:水平方向的位置不变 Y轴不变:垂直方向的位置不变。 (213) 边色:素材边缘的颜色。 (214) 【卷页特技】:如图7-9所示 图 7-9 (215) Matrox 的卷页特效,让您创建一个正真三维的翻转面带有全运动视频和逼真光卷页效果,您可以在3Decords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica217 空间中控制卷页的位置、旋转角度和程度等,并对其边缘运用柔化处理,也可以用图形运用卷页来创建非常 好看的文字效果。 (216) 卷页,您可以选择翻页或卷页来作为卷页的类型。(每次特效只能使用一 种类型来完成) 切边:允许您改变素材的尺寸 ect maion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe218 X位置,Y位置,宽度,高度,调节素材的位置数 程度,卷页的程度大小 半径,卷页的松紧程度,比如值为0产生最紧的卷页,而半径值越高,卷页越松散。 角度,设置卷页的角度,相应地也可设置卷页的回旋的量。 面柔化,角柔化,对画面和边缘进行柔化处理。 每个卷页都带有一条高光的白色亮线,下面设置允许对高光进行影响。 亮位置,卷页形成的亮点,高光,出现的位置 亮强度,以0~100的方式设置卷页高光亮点的亮度 暗强度,以0~100的方式设置卷页阴影的黑暗度。 【扭曲特技】,如图7-10所示 ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica219 ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe220 图 7-10 (217) 扭曲特技让您创 建一下扭曲图案来把视频和 图文扭曲并旋转成螺旋形、线 或漩涡。 (218) X,Y 位置,设置旋转 沿水平和垂直轴的位置。 高度,宽度,使用这个控制来同时调节旋钮的宽度和高度,值越高,曲变得越大。 X,Y,Z角度,按这三个方向调节扭曲的角度。 切边,对扭曲图像大小在上下左右不同方位的剪切调整。 拉伸载切,选中图像会拉伸载切。 中心X,沿水平轴设置扭曲图像的中心位置。 中心Y,沿垂直轴设置扭曲图像的中心位置。 外径宽,扭曲特技外径的水平宽度。 外径高,扭曲特技外径的垂直高度。 内径,让您反转旋钮的方向使其 从内部半径开始往外扭出。 角度,扭曲拉伸的角 度。 光滑度,图像的平滑 度。 取反, 效果和现在 设置的效果 相反 注意:为了避免扭曲在边缘发生变形,一般要加 ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica221 上10个左右的切边。【水波纹】 如图7-11 图7-1 影强度,设置波纹阴影的黑暗程度。 高强度,设置波纹高光的高亮程度。 柔和量,对波纹柔化处理的程度。 柔半径,对素材的边缘进行圆角化处理。 阴影色彩, 使用它来选择波纹阴影的色彩。 高光色彩,使用它来选择高光的色彩。 ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe222 【四水波文特效,让您创建一种模拟飘旗、池塘水波纹、或是凭空臆造序列的三维水波纹图案效果。 X,Y 位置,指图像在水平或垂直方向的位置。 宽度,高度:是图像的宽度和高度。 角度,图像变换的角度。 切边,对图像大小在上下左右不同方位的剪切调整。 中心,X,Y,,沿水平轴或垂直轴水波纹的中心位置。 振幅,设置一个水波纹的最大高度 周期,设置水波纹可见波的数量。 衰减, 指定从水波纹中心到 水波纹 消亡或变平的距离。 程度, 水波纹波动大小 波速,水波纹波动的速度。 尾柔度:设置波纹的外边缘的柔 化 程度,使波纹边缘看起来很平滑。 【点变形特技】,如 图7-12所示 (219) (220) (221) (222) (223) (224) (225) 图7-12 ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica223 (226) 切边:允许用户通过在上下左右切边对素材大 小进行调整。 (227) 左上,右上,左下,右下:四个变形基本点,通过左上(X,Y),右上(X, (228) Y), 左下(X,Y), 右下(X,Y)的调节对图像变形, (229) 柔度:特技的柔度 ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe224 透视柔度:透视的柔度 (230) 框架模式:只显示框架(不显示图象 框架颜色 光标模式:使用光标显示四个顶点 (231) 注意:图中四个顶点可以拖动,中心点移动图象。 (232) 【模糊特技】如图7-13 (233) ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica225 (234) 图7-13 (235) 用 可以调整 模糊区域的位置。 (236) 模糊特技让您通过素材添加一个遮罩来创建一个“感兴趣的区域”并对其应用模糊 (237) 位置(X,Y):是遮罩沿水平和垂直方向的位 ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe226 置。 (238) (宽度,高度):遮罩的高度和宽度。 (239) 角度(X,Y,Z):遮罩沿水平X、垂直Y和深度Z三个轴的角度调节。 (240) 切边:对图像大小的调整。 (241) 内透明:让您对特效设置透明度。 (242) 外透明:让您对特技外图像的透明度设置。 (243) 柔度:对图像的边缘柔化处理。 (244) 红偏移、绿偏移、蓝偏移:对特效进行颜色的调整。 (245) 增益:使用这些控制来单独地微调素材中出现的特定颜色的强度,比如,您可以加大红色值来在模糊区域中增加素材中的红色组成部分。 (246) 取反:特效区域等取和现在相反的结果。 拉伸:模糊区域拉伸。 ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica227 (247) 【马赛克特技】: 如图7-14所示 ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conraininies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe228 图 7-14 (248) 可以通过按钮移动马赛克的位置。宽高调节马赛克的大小位置。 (249) 位置(X,Y):沿水平和垂直方向设置马赛克的区域位置。 (250) 宽度,高度:使用这些控制来设置马赛克的宽度和高度。 (251) 使用遮罩文件定 ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica229 义马赛克的形状。(可以通过TGA生成遮罩文件) (252) 内透明:遮罩内的透明度 外透明:遮罩外的透明度 (253) 柔度:遮罩边缘的柔度 柔度:让您对遮罩边缘运用模糊。 (254) 块宽,块高:马赛克每块的宽度和高度 ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe230 (255) 【遮罩特技】如图7-15 (256) (257) 图7-15 (258) 遮罩特效让您从数打带软边的扣图形状中选择一个来应用到一个素材中,使其采用选中的形状叠加到另外的素材上去。 (259) 位置(X,Y):沿水平和垂直方向设置遮罩的区域位置。 ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica231 (260) 宽度,高度:使用这些控制来设置遮罩的宽度和高度。 (261) 角度(X,Y,Z):沿水平,垂直和深度三个方位设置遮罩的角度。 (262) 点击 可以修改特效的位置。 (263) 增加量:对遮罩的亮度调节。 ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe232 (264) 内插量:对特效区域外透明度的调节 (265) 柔度:对遮罩边缘运用柔化程度。 (266) 区域外颜色:区域外的颜色选择。 (267) 取反:与设置相反的结果。 (268) 【材质】如图7-16所示: 图 7-16 材质特效允许您对素材指定多种纹理质 ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica233 地,比如砖块、木头或花岗岩等,并使用彩色聚光灯来进行投影处理,还可以调节形状控 制参数,使素材看起来像一块可旋转的,前后外观不一致的厚板。 (269) 位置(X,Y):图 像的位置。 宽度 高度:图像的宽度和高度。 (270) 切边(上边,下边, 左边,右边):点击切边图像 会向相应的方向拉伸。 (271) 块宽,块高,块厚: 设置特效厚板的宽、高、厚, ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe234 值越高,块就越宽,高,厚。 (272) 混合(前,后):混合面板的前后边和所选素材的表面材质,素材的融入程度就也高,值为0时,则只会显示表面材质。 (273) 透明(前,后):调节混合面板前后的透明度。 (274) 光线控制 (275) 光线(1X,1Y,1Z):设置主灯光的位置 (276) 光线(2X,2Y,2Z):设置次灯光的位置。 (277) 光线色彩1:主灯光的颜色 (278) 光线色彩2:次灯光的颜色 (279) 环境色彩:选用它来为整个素材选择灯光的环境色。 (280) 显示光标:选择这个选项来查看帮助您建立灯光效果的两个光源的参考点,记得在完成特效创建后清除改选项。 (281) 【眩光】 如图 ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica235 7-17所示: ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project he safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tnagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe236 图7-17 眩光特效让您模拟在照相时因镜头内进一个光亮二导致的光线折射现象,可从多种不同的镜头眩光图案中进行选择。 位置,X,Y,,图像的水平和垂直位置。 高度,宽度,图像的高度和宽度。 角度,X,Y,Z,,沿水平,垂直和纵深轴来设置光源的位置。 色彩选择,眩光的色彩。 大小,光圈的大小 强度,眩光的强度。 光线,X,Y,,沿水平和垂直轴来设置光源的位置,光源导致的折射将会跟着它的位置移动而变化。 ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica237 光线Z,设置光源的纵深位置。 中心,X,Y,,眩光沿水平和垂直方向的位置。 比例,眩光的缩小 放大的比例。 【六面体特技】如图7-18, ect maion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe238 图 7-18 六面体特效可以让您把视频或图文映射到3维立方体的面上,这些六面体可在3维空间中旋转以创建一个您经常能在体育广播中看到的那种过度 特技。 位置,X,Y,,图像的水平和垂直位置。 高度,宽度,图像的高度和宽度。 角度,X,Y,Z,,沿水平,垂直和纵深轴来设置光源的位置。 透明度,设置眩光的透明度, 变化范围完全不透明0~到完全透明100 。 切边,上边,下边,左边,右边,,点击切边图像会向相应的方向拉伸。 拉动 改变图像的位置。 深度,设置六面体的纵深。 ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica239 内柔度,设置六面体的表面边缘的柔化度。 外柔度,设置六面体外部边缘的柔和度。 光旋转,X,Y,Z,,沿X,Y,Z轴旋转光照。 阴影强度,设置阴影的明亮程度。 高亮强度,设置高光的亮度。 阴影色彩,设置用于阴影的色彩 。 高亮色彩,设置高光的颜色。 【球体】如图7-19所示, ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe240 图7-19 球体特让您沿着一个真三维球体来带着阴影和高光地包裹您的素材,构成形态齐全球体的球体半径、光线位置以及素材从2D平面到3D的变 化过程等全部都是带关键帧控制的 位置,X,Y,,图像的水平和垂直位置。 高度,宽度,图像的高度和宽度。 角度,X,Y,Z,,沿水平,垂直和纵深轴的位置。 切边,上边,下边,左边,右边,,点击切边按上边,下边,左边,右边四个方位裁切图像。 光线,X,Y,Z,,使用这些控制来沿球体的X,Y,Z轴确定光源的位置。 光强度,使用它来控制上添加灯光并调节灯光的明暗程度。 光尺寸,使用它来改变高光的尺寸大小。 光线色彩,使用它来选择灯光的颜色。 ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica241 影强度,使用它来在球体上添加阴影并调节阴影的明暗程度。 变形度,使用它来设置球变化的程度。值为0时素材保持为一个平面的2D图像,为100时则形成一个形态齐全的球体。 半径,设置球体半径的大小。 透明度,设置素材的透明度,从不透明0到完全透明100,举个例子,您可以在第一帧把透明度设置为0,最后一帧设置为100来在起始和终结图像之间创建一个淡入淡入。 柔度,选择对素材边缘运用柔化的量。 渲染背面,选择这个选项来显示球体的背面。假如您对素材加了透明度处理并且不希望透过球体看到素材的背面的话,清除这一个选项。 【毛玻璃】 ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe242 位置,X,Y,,图像的水平和垂直位置。 高度,宽度,图像的高度和宽度。 角度,X,Y,Z,,沿水平,垂直和纵深轴的位置。 切边,上边,下边,左边,右边,,点击切边按上边,下边,左边,右边四个方位裁 切图像。 ,可以直接点击拉动毛玻璃的位置。 平滑度,毛玻璃特技的平滑度。 透明度,毛玻璃的透明度。 【色块】, ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica243 ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter tference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe244 位置,X,Y,,图像的水平和垂直位置。 高度,宽度,图像的高度和宽度。 角度,X,Y,Z,,沿水平,垂直和纵深轴的位置。 切边,上边,下边,左边,右边,,点击切边按上边,下边,左边,右边四个方位裁切图像。 ,可以直接点击拉动色块的位置。 划,X,Y,数目,沿x,y轴的色块大小变化。 平滑度,色块的平滑度。 透明平均,视频上所有的色块平均透明。 透明变化,透明度的变化程度。 7.1.5 轨间特技 两轨之间放置的特技叫轨间特技, 轨间特技支持同时对上下轨作特技.点击特技图标上的上下箭头.改变当前调整的特技.向上时调整的是对上一轨的特技. 向下时调整的是对下一轨的特技.普通特技模板可以放到轨间作对当前方向的轨间特技. 放置轨间特技模板可以同时改变双向特技. 做好的轨间特技可以保存为模板.这时存储的是轨间特技模板.是无法防置到单独的视频图像素材上. ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica245 7.2音频特技 选中素材音频,右键-特技-音频特技 如图, s, Conion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe246 7.2.1 变调 变调就是改变音调,声音的尖细程度,,使男声-》女声,女声-》男声 移动当前位置到较清晰声音区域,修改频率改变音调。 7.2.2 修改低音提升 在不同的频率段,对声音的低音部分提升 修改要提升的频率和提升值来改变低音效果。 7.2.3 降噪 先采样噪音音频,然后把噪音从整个声音中去除。 ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica247 先把当前位置移动到噪音点上,点击“得到噪音轮廓”取得噪音的样本,然后预听效果。最后转换去除噪音。 ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-raininand education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorithe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe248 7.2.4 移相 改变声音的相位,使声音的干湿变化 修改声音的相位,改变干湿度,使声音变化。 7.2.5 哇哇效果 改变声音的回音效果,是声音出现类似吉他哇哇效果。 7.3特技菜单 用右键单击特技模板弹出菜单如图7,23所示, ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica249 图7,23 修改说明文字,可以修改此特技的说明 复制,拷贝特技到裁剪板 拷贝特技或滤镜,复制特技的各项参数,以便于粘贴给另一个特技 添加到所有选中的素材,把这个特技添加到所有选中的素材上。 删除模板,将该特技从特技资源管理器中删除 物理删除,将此特技模板从硬盘中删除 ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andnagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projectect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe250 第八章 拍打唱词和字幕,内嵌字幕, 8.1拍打唱词 8.1.1 产生拍打唱词 单击素材窗口上的创建拍打唱词 ,弹出另存窗口,如图如图7,1所示, 图8,1 保存好字幕文件后,可以打开拍打编辑窗口,如图7,2所示, 图8,2 接下来,可以点击 或 进行逐行的唱词添加,也可以点击 将外部编辑好的文本文件 ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica251 ,.txt,直接调入使用。 点击 在唱词末尾处添加一行空白唱词。 点击 将选中唱词行删除掉。 点击 在当前选中唱词行前添加一行空白唱词。 点击 编辑当前选中唱词内容,也可直接双击唱词行进行编辑。 点击 清空当前所有唱词内容。 系统提供多种字幕静态模板。 ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe252 8.1.2 拍打唱词的使用 把拍打唱词文件拖拽到时间线,右键单击它,从菜单中选设置拍打命令,弹出拍打对话框,其首帧应为需要添加唱词段落的开始处,如图8-3所示, 图8,3 拍打唱词前,可以点击 预览当前位置时间线素材。还可以设定唱词的播出方式,切入/淡入淡出,包括淡入/出范围。 点击 开始对唱词进行拍打,Space键为拍打显示当前行,Enter键为拍打结束。 拍打完成后可以显示每句话的位置,并且可以通过 和 修改选中的每句话的范围。也可以从选取的当前位置重新拍打,前边拍打的位置不变。 8.2 制作字幕 8.2.1 字幕界面的启动 选择 F 文件->字幕,或是在素材窗口中点击 ,新建字幕,如图8,4所示, ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica253 图7,4 ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-raininand education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorithe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe254 选择调入样式后,进入字幕编辑窗口。 8.2.2 字幕系统的简介 图7,5 字幕界面分为以下几部分, 左边是图文工具条、中间是编辑区域、右边是文字、图形属性区域、下部是模板区域、右下部是添加、删除模板按钮。 8.2.3 图文工具条 字幕的最左侧是字幕的工具栏。 字幕的工具分为新建、打开、存储字幕文件,图形工具,和对齐工具。 8.2.4 字幕的设置 点击工具条【视窗】?【设置】,弹出设置对话框,如图7,6所示, ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica255 图8,6 “系统路径”在安装完成后已经设置好【,注,建议不要改变】, ies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe256 8.2.5 文字属性的设置 如图8,7所示,可设置字的宽度、高度、列距、行距、字体等字的属性, 图8,7 图8,8 空心字,可以制作空心字; 排版,设置在一个字对象内的文字的排列方式, 字填充,设置字的填充属性可以使用单色、渐变色,可以多次渐变色填充,以及位图来填充, 单色,可以用RGB或HSB两种方式来选择色彩,两种色彩的值自动换算。改变透明度值可以使对象半透明, 材质,使用位图填充时,要使用“材质编辑器”, 材质编辑器里共可以放置10个材质,*.bmp,,当这些BMP图发生变化时,填充也发生变化, 所以作为材质的位图一般不要改变,材质透明度改变字的透明。 ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica257 8.2.6 图形属性的设置 如图8,8所示,上部分是图形参数,因为不同的图形的参数不相同,所以当在左边的工具栏选不同的图形时,有效的参数也在变化。 线宽度,对直线、折线、线头类型有效设置线的宽度, 圆角宽,对圆角矩形设置其圆角宽度有效, 多边数,对多边形设置其边数有效, 星角数,对星型设置其角数有效, 图填充,设置已画的非空心图形的颜色, 边填充、边宽度、边风格、边虚化,设置图形边的颜色、宽度、风 ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe258 格和虚化的程度, 影填充、影偏移和影风格,设置图形阴影的颜色、偏移量和风格。 8.2.7 字幕对齐 使用字幕左侧的对齐按钮可以对齐两个以上的选中的字幕单元。以第一个选中的字幕单元为标准对齐。 8.2.8 字幕模板 字幕模板包含字的大小、式样、字体、排列方式、特技信息等内容。在字的设置窗口可以设置字的参数,然后存成模板。在文字属性的下方有“存储模板”按钮。 字幕的最下方是模板库。可以删除或添加模板。也可以在模板上使用鼠标右键,弹出菜单,如图7,9所示, 替换图标,使用一个*.bmp图替换模板的图符, 修改说明,修改模板的说明文字, 图7-9 应用,把模板的属性应用到选中的文字、图形上, 删除,删除模板。 8.2.9 创建上滚/左飞字幕 在字幕编辑窗口菜单栏中,选择 F 文件->新建上滚图7,9 字幕/左飞字幕,如图8,10所示 在 E 编辑菜单中可执行添加页/删除页操作,如图8 ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica259 ,11所示。 图8,10 图8,11 ference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe260 8.3 创建播出字幕 点击素材窗口中的 ,创建播出字幕。 在字幕编辑窗口中对播出字幕的静态属性进行编辑后,保存字幕文件,退出字幕编辑窗口。 将编辑好的播出字幕从素材窗口拖至时间线上,右击字幕素材,选择字幕播放设置,如图7,12所示。 图8,12 进入字幕播出窗口,选择需设置的字幕内容,点击 ,进入最终的字幕播出设置,用户可以在此设置字幕播出的时长,播入/出方式等参数,如图8,13所示。 图8,1 安装好字幕需单独运行一下。 ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica261 ies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe262 第九章 拍打唱词和字幕,新版外挂字幕, 9.1外挂字幕功能特色 功能特色(1) 1.统一简单的操作界面,十多年研究开发的结晶.运行稳定,操作标准,方便. 2. 最优秀的字幕反走样,抗抖算法,绝无锯齿,小字清晰. 还设置系统抗抖三级开关,要清晰就清晰,要不抖就不抖! 3. 全国首创字幕时序播出和手控结合概念,时间长度、图元次序, 层次实时可调。也可用手控 拍打控制播出 和记录时间. 4. 无限层实时字幕播放,多层字幕轨迹分别定义. 软件 设计字幕又分为独立实时控制的的 4 层: 即时底板,字幕,即时人物介绍,台标层-----独创! 5. 文本块中的任何一个文字可以单独设置大小,颜色等 属性,动画. 6. 全新UniCode内码设计.兼容繁体,日语,韩文,朝文等只要Windows 支持的,字幕都支持! 7.丰富强大的动画系统,含100多种可自由设计调整参数(多数可逐字飞行或变化)的入出场效果.包含淡入/ ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica263 分子效果/放射效果/手写效果/各式3D效果/模糊发亮/方向性模糊加发亮/各式飞行/飞行拖影/各式变形/移入/拉入/各式雨刷/图带字效果/碎块效果/卷页….等 功能特色(2) 8. 可同时同屏幕实现上滚,左飞,动画,台标等播出.上滚,左 飞内带动画.还可以设计遮罩和光效,底板动画. 9. 强大完善的字幕功能,四行唱词,竖排唱词,上滚,左滚,右 滚,左飞,上飞,右飞,卡拉OK,新闻 应有尽有! 10,全国独首创的新闻---超级模板设计,用户只要 ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe264 将每天内容编辑好文本,导入字幕,就能自动套用模板做好字幕,一键搞定! 11,强大方便的唱词时码编辑系统 ?可以支援输入.WAV / .MP3 声音档作为旁白字幕听打参考 ?听声辨位 敲键盘记录每句时间码 ?敲错时可立即于错误处停,自任意点重新接续记录时码 ?类剪辑系统时间轴式时间线.可使用滑鼠拖拉修改每句时码 ?可导入影片背景即间预览合成 ?可导入TIMECODE文本文件 ? 可导出TIMECODE文本文件,支持DVD多国字幕制作 12.含48 种以上的可自由设计调整参数的停留效果,包含数 十种扫光/边缘与本体积扫光/透射光/探照光/飘动 13. 卡拉OK时序鼠标拖播放加手控拍打的编辑方式,使卡拉OK播放更加准确. 功能特色(3) 14,首次提出多媒体字幕概念!字幕的输入输出都可以是通用多媒体文件或设备!可以直接给VCD ,DVD,AVI ,WMV 和1394 设备实时上字幕,同时存为 avi,WMV或 1394 等输出 15,独家字幕模板自动套用功能,常用字幕只用填空了, ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica265 16. 全新变形算法,变形可任意编辑形状,绝无锯齿。 17,强大的完善的专业卡拉OK功能支持! 支持自动换行,双排联动,自定义人物提示,字前停顿,卡拉OK划入划出动画! 18. 提供了完全的 简体版,繁体版和英文版本. 19,强大的 avi ,mov文件输出功能,可输入avi,mov 叠加上字幕,可自行合成avi 文件,还可自行选择wav,mp3或avi音频合成!仅用字幕软件就可制作MTV了!可以输出剪辑系统上的标准格式影片档格式,可以将文 ies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe266 字动画或旁白字幕约1:1高速(视CPU速度)输出成为带 Alpha 的序列 TGA在任何非线性剪辑软体中输合成影片 20.含批量数据的数据库文件,文本文件 + 字幕模板 自动套用 生成批量字幕! 21,强大的新闻实时编辑播出系统 格式文本文件自动批量生成 多页字幕文件! 实时编辑,实时播出,字幕,人物,动画表,游飞字幕 分别独立实时控制,实时编辑,独立实时播出. 22,即时文本左飞 文本模式可是设置多种定做的样式或图片。--- 大陆首创 9.2拍打唱词 可以从几个地方启动字幕,文件菜单、素材库、时间板上图像素材,。当出现“连接成功”对话框时表示“字幕”已经启动。启动画面如图9-1所示, 图9-1 ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica267 9.2.1唱词的创建步骤 ?在GeniusHDCG主菜单里选 编辑/唱词. ?在编辑区域出现有唱词位置和文本提示 ? 在唱词黄框里直接输入文本或导入图象.或者在右边文本窗口打开文本文件,直接导入成唱词. ?在唱词属性编辑页里设置唱词文本特性, ?编辑唱词的位置和自动排版方式. ?单击 唱词时序的.编辑 按钮.就可以象非线性时间线 Timeline 样编辑 唱词每句 的时间. 可以打开wav,avi,mp3 mov mpg 实时听到声音和看到图象视频叠 ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecthe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and t nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe268 加效果来 编辑时码.如图9-2, 图9-2 ?唱词时序时间线编辑 ?选唱词时序下的 编辑 按扭, 如图9-3 图9-3 ? 如果要时序参考音视频 选打开按扭,选取 ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica269 avi,wav或mp3 mov mpg文件. 如果是 avi mov mpg视频文件,图象窗口就会有视频图象与当前唱词的叠加效果. ? 根据需要 单击 刻度 组合框,选取 时间线刻度密度 ? 在 当前 时间线位置 文本编辑框里 可以看到当前位置, 也可以在里面 编辑当前位置 时间,按 回车 Enter 键直接改变时间线当前位置. ?唱词在 时间线 上按 文本行 为单元分布,编辑方 ference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe270 式 类似 非线性 的时间线编辑方式. ?.移动到当前 文本单元 的头或尾或中间,鼠标图标就会更改,这时按下鼠标 就可以拖动 直接改变当前 文本单元 的入,出点 或整体平移时间. ? 移动到当前 文本单元 的头或尾或中间,鼠标图标就会更改,这时按下鼠标 就可以拖动 直接改变当前 文本单元 的入,出点 或整体平移时间. ?在步骤 6中.移动,入,出点 或整体平移 时同时按下 shift 键,就会使其后所有 图元整体向后平移.同时按下Ctrl 键,就会使其前所有 图元整体向前平移. 按住 Alt 键,上下2 行唱词联动。 9.2.2 拍打唱词 将创建好的唱词按播放键,用Enter 键拍打唱词,或将在字幕中创建好的唱词保存,唱词文件会自动保存到非编图文素材库中。将唱词素材添加到时间线上,在时间上选中素材,双击鼠标左键进入时间线编辑窗口,按播放键 用键盘进行拍打唱词,也可以在下面白框里直接输入每句话的出入时间。如 图9-4 ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica271 9.3 字幕制作 9.3.1图元创建与修改 ?图元: 在字幕系统中,图元是一个基本图象处理编辑对象.每个图元都有它的边界(矩形方框)和图象,图层关系,名称等属性. ?创建 (请参考相关专题帮助) ?文本图元创建 a、输入文本 ,1,在工具栏里选 “T”工具, ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter tect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe272 ,2, 输入一行字,.在编辑区里摆放文本地方单击鼠标左键 在出现的输入窗里输入文字. ,3,.输入多行文本, 则要在编辑区里摆放文本地方用鼠标拉一个柜形方框再输入—这时候的输入框里能换行. 输入框是个标准windows文本编辑框,支持 Ctrl+C (拷贝), Ctrl+V (粘贴), Ctrl+X (剪切)及文本选择等快截键 文本输入 也可以直接从文本文件中导入文本 b、文本的修改 方法1 ,1, 在工具栏里选中 T 文本工具. ,2,在编辑区 将鼠标移动到要修改的文本里 ,单击鼠标左键,即进入文本修改编辑框. 技巧: 如果鼠标单击的水平位置在文本第一个字的全半部分区域, 则在进入的文本修改编辑框里直接将原 ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica273 来的文本清除,以便重新全部输入。 方法 2 ,1,直接在编辑区选中要修改的文本 ,2,在文本内双击鼠标,即进入文本修改编辑框 方法 3 通过文本文件处理窗修改 单行文本输入时改为多 行文本块 ? 文本输入里要换行的位置 按Ctrl+enter 键实现换行 多行文本块的行字数自动排版调整 【注,局部文字属性的修改、文本间距的修改、文本行间距的修改等请参考字幕帮助】 1、鼠标拖动改变文本块图元右边界时按住 Shift ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter tect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe274 键即可 2、绘图图元创建 3、图片动画文件图元创建 4、联合图元创建 5、唱词图元创建 6、上滚图元创建 7、左飞图元创建 8、卡拉OK图元创建 ? 修改 (请参考相关专题帮助) 1、图元对齐 参考 文本对齐 2、图元属性,外观修改 3、图元动画设置 4、图元导出存盘 9.3.2图层编辑 图层:图元的图层是指其显示的图象深度层次关系, 在一页中,图层深的图元总在图层浅的图元底下 方法1,用工具 1、选工具栏里的修改工具 2、选中要改变层次的图元 3、在修改工具栏的子 工具栏里选图层编辑的命令 图,9-5 ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica275 图9-5 图9-6 方法2: 用菜单 1.选工具栏里的修改工具 2.选中要改变层次的图元 3.,单击鼠标右键,在右键菜单里选图层编辑命令 方法3:用快截键 选工具栏里的修改工具 选中要改变层次的图元 ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe276 按键盘 Ctrl+T 到顶层, Ctrl+B 到底层 , Ctrl+U 上一层, Ctrl+D 下一层 9.3.3图元位置,大小编辑 方法1: 用鼠标选工具栏里的修改工具 2、选中要改变大小的图元 3、将鼠标移动到图元边框的四 个角或四个边的中点,鼠标形状就会变化, 提示操作,再拖 动鼠标图元大小就会根据操作变化 如图,9-7 图,9-7 方法2: 精确编辑 1.在主菜单里选窗口/页结构 2.选中要改变位置大小的图元 3.在页结构窗口底 下的编辑框里直接输入图元的左右上下坐标数字 如图,9-8 图,9-8 9.3.4 字幕外观设计、颜色、动画 台标等设计说明 [注,新版外挂字幕其他制作,如,文字绘图外观设计、颜色编辑、图元动画、文本编辑、绘图、唱词、卡 ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica277 拉ok、新闻模板、台标等,使用说明,详细请参照 新版字幕帮助。] 9.3.5 时间线修改字幕特技的位置 在时间线上可以直接修改字幕特技的位置,加了特技的字幕在时间线上按三段显示,入屏区域,停留区域,出屏,,三个区域之间可以使用鼠标拖动,改 变各个区域的长度。 在时间线上右键出现菜单“选择当前物件”,可以选择当前调节的物件 nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andect mantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project ation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe278 第十章 调节音频 10.1 音频素材的编辑操作 虽然前面讲述过的大部分编辑操作都适用于音频素材的编辑,但是由于音频素材还有些不同于视频素材,所以再介绍一下音频素材的特殊编辑。 10.1.1 音频持续时间 音频持续的时间就是指音频的入、出点之间的素材的长度。改变整段音频持续时间可以在时间线窗口用选择工具直接拖动音频的边缘,来改变音频轨迹上音频素材的长度。 10.1.2 声音的声道切换效果 声音的声道切换效果,是指利用立体声产生在左、右声道间切换的效果。 具体操作如下, ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica279 在时间线的音频轨上选中要切换的音频按右键,弹出菜单如图10,1所示, 当左声道为,100时,左声道声音被屏蔽,只播出右声道, 当右声道为,100时,右声道声音被屏蔽,只播出左 ation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe280 声道。 当音量以左为准时,播放左声道, 当音量以右为准时,播放右声道。 点击声音回复,声音就会恢复原状。 点击音量淡入淡出,音量就会淡入淡出 图10,1 ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica281 10.1.3 改变音频素材的音量 具体操作步骤如下, (282) 1.右键单击时间 线窗口中的音频素材,弹出对 话框如10-2所示:选择显示 音量调节。 ation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe282 图10,2 (283) 2.单击选择工具 按钮,将鼠标指针指向音量调 节线,则鼠标指针变为手指 形。在控制线上合适的点单 击,产生一个控制节点,上下 拖动该节点即可改变音频素 材的音量。可根据需要产生很 多控制点,如图10,3所示: 图10,3 3 .如果用户想左右声道同时调节的话,在时间线下拉菜单点击左右声道同步调节,然后用鼠标左键点控制点就就可以了,取消声道同步调节同样选一下“左右声道同步调节”就可以了 如下图: Shift+左键,可以平衡上下移动左右音频线。 ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica283 (284) 4.要删除一个控制点,按住Ctrl键的同时单击控制点。 (285) (286) 5.要均衡地调节两个控制点之间的线段,按住ect maion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe284 Shift键的同时把鼠标指针移 动到想要同时调节的两个控 制点之间,把两个控制点的黑 色线段向上或向下拖动,可以 均衡地调节素材的音量。 (287) 5.在节点上按鼠 标右键,可以弹出节点数值设 置对话框,可对该节点进行准 确地调校,如图10,4所示: 图10,4 10.2音频的平衡调整 默认,左从左出,右从右出 ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica285 左右都从左出 左右都从右出 ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecthe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and t nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe286 左右平分给输出 10.3 配音台的使用 在时间线上可以使用配音台对制作好的节目进行配音,需要声卡及话筒,。 用鼠标右键,Ctrl选择要配音的音频轨道,点击时间线菜单,选择配音,弹出对话框,如图10,5所示, 图10,5 配音台最上部为配音内容提示,配音人员可以作为 ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica287 配音参考。 配音内容的下边是左右声道的波形。只要有声音输入,波形就存在,波形的下边是配音形成的文件名。再下面是配音播控按钮。需要注意的是,配音一定要在播放状态。配音只能删除最后一个。 ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conraininies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe288 10.4调音台 幻影S-EDIT7.0软件 时间线输出时,可以线上的每路音量都可以直接调节音量。主菜单下/系统/调音台,如图10-6 图10-6 主输出是调节6路,如果存在,输出的音量。默认是100%. 轨道1~8指轨道1~8,轨道的音量,每个轨道都是立体声,所以下边是平衡的调整。 ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica289 平衡分为左右平衡,意义分别为左右声道对左右输出的贡献。上边是左平衡,下边是右平衡 如左平衡为-100意思就是左声道100%到左输出。 左平衡为0意思就是左声道50%到左输出。50%到右输出。 ect maion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe290 右平衡为100意思就是右声道100%到右输出。 右平衡为0意思就是右声道50%到左输出。50%到右输出。 ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica291 第十一章 输出合成 当在时间线窗口中将原始素材编辑合成完毕,且对编辑合成效果满意后,即可把编辑好的节目输出成影视作品了。 幻影S-EDIT7.0支持多种下载格式和媒体。 s, Conion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe292 11.1 输出 点击【文件】?【输出时间线】?【输出录像带】,弹 出录到录像带对话框,如图11,1所示, 图11,1 录出步骤, (288) 1.将录像机与计 算机连接好,将录像机打入遥 控状态; (289) 2.在时间线上打 好入出点,点击录出命令,弹 出录到录像带对话框; (290) 3.在入时码栏内 输入录像带的入点时码。或使 用对话框左下部的录像机控 制键,将录像带倒至开始录制 的位置,点击入时码框下的设 置录像机入点,当前录像带时 ersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technicaecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing and293 码也可被记录下来; (291) 4.选择覆盖时码,即为组合录出,不点击即为插入方式。或可选择插入方式,可选择是否插入音频或视频; (292) 5.点击录制,计算机自动控制录像机从入时码位置开始,将时间线上入出点之间的素材录入到录像带上; (293) 6.录制完毕。 ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe294 11.2 合成输出影片 在时间线中编辑好的素材需要用输出时间线命令来合成影片。 其具体操作步骤如下, (294) 1.激活时间线窗 口。 (295) 2.单击【文件】, 【输出时间线】 -【输出视音 频】弹出菜单如图 图11,2 (296) 在该对话框中,右 下角列出了当前节目输出的 几种方式,每种方式都有对话 框对合成影片的一般设置,下 面作一些详细介绍: 11,2,1输出视音频 【输出视音频】,点击输出视频命令,弹出对话框,如图11,3所示, ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica295 图11,3 ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-raininand education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorithe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe296 将出点之间,蓝色线条,的视、音频素材合成打包为一个素材。 - 视频路径,选择生成的视频保存路径,默认路径是系统设置的, -音频路径,选择生成的音频保存路径,默认路径是系统设置的, -压缩格式,pal下这里有YUYV 4:2:2, Mpeg2I 4:2:2, Mpeg2I 4:2:2:4,DVCam 4:2:0,DvCPro 4:1:1格式供用户选择,选择压缩方式 文件格式会自动跳入支持的文件格式,1080I下 YUYV4,2,2,MPEG2IHD 4, 2,2格式 -文件格式,生成时文件的格式,压缩方式和文件格式是相对应的,Pal下, avi,avi支持所有压缩格式,P2,支持Dvcam 4,2,0压缩格式和DVCpro4, 1:1压缩格式,并且至少要有两道音频文件,,XDCam,支持DvCam 4,2,0, 可以在图10-4中可以设置, 1080I下,有avi,P2,XDCAM -文件名,为生成的文件取文件名, -音频文件1,一道音频, ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica297 -包含视频,生成时包括视频, -包含音频,生成时包括音频, -添加到素材库,把生成后的素材添加到素材资源管理器中, -完成后关机;完成后自动关机, -奇偶场互换,奇偶场合成时互换,播出时使用,可以直接刻录DVD, -合成工作区域:合成时的一个选项,合成范围是工作区域; ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe298 -合成整个时间线,合成时的一个选项,合成范围是整个时间线。 【MPEG I参数的设置】 图11-4 可以调整扫描方式,环绕方式以及DC精度。 标清的最大码率: 10 ~ 50 M/S 高清的最大码率, 5 0~ 300M/S 11,2,2输出单帧 【输出单帧】,单击输出视频,按场或帧,,弹出对话框如图11,5所示, ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica299 图11,5 把时间线当前位置的视频图像输出为单个图片,保 ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guararainin-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe300 存类型为*.tga或Bmp文件。 11,2,3外挂输出 【外挂输出】,外挂输出可以输出MPEG2IBP(DVD),vcd,MP4,MPEGTS等格式 弹出对框如图11,6所示, 图11,6 11,2,4插件输出 【插件输出】,单击插件输出命令,弹出对话框,如图11,7所示, 在安装目录下的Plugins子目录放置*.plugin文件,*.plugin文件与Premiere的输出插件兼容,后缀不同,,用户可以拷贝Premiere标准插 件文件到此目录下并修改后缀即可以使用。 ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica301 图11,7 -合成音频,输出视频的同时输出音频,视频音频在同一个 ies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe302 文件中, -视频宽度、视频高度,生成视频文件的宽度和高度, -音频频率,输入插件的音频频率,一般和系统的音频频率相同,当不同时,系统自动转换, 系统支持使用第三方插件,只要安装了其它的编解码器,窗口就会显示出来,如图11,8,所示,你可以根据你的需要进行选择。 图11,8 由于安装了Matrox VFW software codecs,所以我们可以选择打包输出成Matrox 的任何一种格式。 ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica303 11(2(5 输出wmv 【输出wmv】,输出wmv 文件,配件文件的参数可以修改,只带的配件文件一般用最后三个。 ation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe304 【高速输出wmv】:可以高速输出WMV格式。 11.3上传P2 回写P2最多支持一路视频,4路音频的 回写,自动在P2卡上创建目录和相应的图标。 11.4多项合成 多项合成指一次可以合成多个不同开始、结束点,不同格式、不同故事板的文件。如图: ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica305 多项合成的项目在输出视音频或外挂输出中设置好后,选择“添加到合成列 表”,然后选退出,可以选择多次。然后选择菜单“多项合成”。按合成就可以一次合成所 ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecthe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and t nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe306 有的项目。 选择覆盖文件后合成时不再提示是否覆盖。 ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica307 第十二章 网络以及数据库的设置 EdifyHD网络版采用MySQL分布式网络数据库,全数据库数据综合管理。真正实现了数据的网络共享,方便的全数据的检索以及多用户多环境的网络化非线性编辑。 s, Conion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe308 12.1 MySQL的安装和设置 设置网络环境,首先要安装网络数据库MySQL5.1。 1.安装mysql-essential-5.1.41-win32.msi,MySQL5.1数据库系统在数据库服务器,建立root用户。 如图,使用完全安装。注意安装的目录要有足够的空间。 ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica309 这里不要修改。设置参数全部采用默认。 ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project he safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tnagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe310 这里建立ROOT用户和密码,密码一定不能丢失。 安装mysql-gui-tools-5.0-r17-win32.msi。MySQL5.1的数据库管理工具。 选择完全安装。 使用MySQL Administrator的还原工具,还原安装网络非编的数据库。 如图所示,打开default.sql,选择Start Restore 按键,安装非线性使用的数据库。 ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica311 ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter tation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe312 使用MySQL Administrator的用户管理工具设置新用户,并设置相应用户的NLE库的权限和用户密码,注意 root用户只可以在本机使用,。SELECT 检索 INSERT 插入 UPDATE 修改这些权限普通用户应该有。 DELETE 删除 的权限应该只有超级用户才有。 如果没有设置相应的权限,会在写数据库时出现错误信息. 使用MySQL Administrator的备份工具,设置自动备份。 ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica313 12.2 网络环境的设置 网络非编工作站和视频服务器需要设置网络的基本共享 1,点开始-》附件-》运行 运行GPedit.msc。 如下图,选择计算机配置-》windows设置-》安全设置-》本地策略-》安全选项-》 ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe314 网络访问,本地帐户的共享和安全模式。修改为,经典-本地用户。 帐户,使用空白密码的本地帐户只允许进行控制台登陆。修改为已禁用 ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica315 2,重新启动电脑。 3,在所有的网络电脑完成以上操作 在windows7下,还要进行如下的设置 1,开始-控制面板-系统和安全-windows防火墙-高级设置-入站规则-新建规则-端口,下一步选择TCP/特定本 ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe316 地端口并输入3306,下一步选择允许连接,下一步默认 选择 2,打开文件和打印机共享. 12.3 非编的网络功能 1: 数据库 幻影S-Edit7.0包括一个数据库NLE和六个表 表Source ,记录素材的各种信息。 表sourceused,记录素材的使用情况。 表user,记录用户信息。 表usersource 记录用户的素材。 表userused 记录用户的使用时间。 表Project 记录项目的信息。 2: 连接数据库 ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica317 如图,数据服务器输入服务器名称,如是本地的可 用localhost代替。 ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guararainin-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe318 3,素材检索 可以通过各种关键词进行索引,各种条件可以合并设置。检索出来的素材可以删除或调入非编素材库。 4:用户信息 ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica319 ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter tference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe320 显示用户使用的总时间和使用信息。 ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica321 附录1 默认快捷键1.1主菜单窗口快捷键 Ctrl,N 新建工程文件 Ctrl,4 长时间线 Ctrl,O 打开工程文件 ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andnagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projectect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe322 ~ 切换窗口状态 F5 录制——F5 采集 ~+Alt 反向切换窗口状态 Ctrl,Shift,I 导入工程文件 Ctrl,Shift,N 导航仪 Ctrl,Shift,S 另存为 Ctrl,2 标准双屏 Ctrl,1 标准单屏 Ctrl,3 整屏时间线 Alt + 1 激活素材窗口 Alt + 2 激活特技窗口 Alt + 3 激活播放窗口 Alt + 4 激活时间线窗口 Alt + 5 激活特技编辑窗口 ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica323 1.2特技编辑快捷键 用鼠标选中特技编辑的位置拉杆。然后可以使用以下快捷键。 , 放大 , 缩小 Left 时间线当前位置向左1帧 nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andect mantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project ation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe324 Right 时间线当前位置向右1帧 Esc 停止 1.3时间线快捷键 Esc 停止 Ctrl-F 查找素材 Space 开始、停止播放 Ctrl-P是采集帧 HOME 到节目开始 Ctrl-T 新建字幕 END 到节目结尾 Ctrl-C 拷贝 Tab 到下1个关键帧位置 Ctrl-V 粘贴 Shif,Tab 到前1个关键帧位置 ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica325 Ctrl-W 关闭 + 放大 Ctrl-K 一屏显示 - 缩小 / 切割 ation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe326 Del 删除选中的素材 Ctrl-Y 重作 Left 时间线向左一帧 Ctrl-Z 恢复 Right 时间线向右一帧 Ctrl-M 合成视、音频 Shift,Left 选中素材向左1帧 Ctrl-W自动设置选中音频素材的淡入淡出 Shift,Right 选中素材向右1帧 Ctrl-Q恢复选中音频素材的淡入淡出 Ctrl,Left 选中素材向左10帧 Shift_M 在时间线上标记标记点 Ctrl,Right 选中素材向右10帧 Shift-Z 自动调整时间线显示长度 ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica327 Ctrl-G跳转 Ctrl+ 0~9 到时间线0~9 的标记点 Ctrl-A 全选时间线上的所有元素,包括字幕和轨间特技, F2 合成视音频 ation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe328 Ctrl-B 系统设置 F3 插件合成 Ctrl-E显示/不显示 丢帧 F4 合成DVD F7录出 D 节目入点设定为节目内容的第一帧 I 节目入点 F 设时间线结束为内容结束 O 节目出点 G 节目出点设定为节目内容的最后一帧 J 从当前位置开始倒放 Q 当前位置到工作区开始 K停止倒放 W 当前位置到工作区结束 ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica329 L 加速正放 Z 设置素材入点 D选中素材前移以删除空位 U 选 中素材解锁 ference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe330 T 选中素材锁定 C 采集单帧 1.4时间线鼠标操作 1:Ctrl+鼠标左键 选中轨道、素材 2:Ctrl +鼠标左键 在音量调节上线删除音量调节节点 3:鼠标左键 添加音频调节关键帧 4:鼠标右键选中关键帧,弹出音量调节对话框点击上按钮键音量加减1% 5:SHIFT +鼠标右键 点击在时间线空白位置上,可拖拽并浏览时间线 ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica331 6:抓住特技拖拽到素材上,可以替换素材的特技。如果同时按住SHIFT,可以添加素材的特技 1.5素材快捷键 A 选中的素材,只可是单一的素材或原始素材组,第一帧与时间线当前位置对齐 ference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe332 B 剪切选中的素材,保留当前位置之后的素材 E 剪切选中的素材,保留当前位置之前的素材 UP 所选单一素材组,一条视频和一轨音频,向上 一轨道 DOWN 所选单一素材组,一条视频和一轨音频,向上 一轨道 H 详细简单显示音频波形 1.6播放窗口快捷键 I 设置素材开始 F 设素材结束为结尾 O 设置素材结束 G 设素材结束和开始。 J 加速倒放 W 到素材结束 ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica333 K 加速播放停止 Q 到素材开始 L 加速正放 A 添加到时间线 D 设素材开始为开始 ation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionect maference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe334 R 返回 S 添加到素材库 SPACE 播放 ESC退出 1.7素材、特技窗口快捷键 Left 选中左一素材、特技 Right 选中右一素材、特技 Up 选中上一素材、特技 Down 选中下一素材、特技 Enter 将所选素材放入素材播放窗口中、弹出所选 特技的编辑设定窗口 Ctrl+c 复制所选素材 Ctrl+v 在素材窗口中粘贴所复制的素材 A 将素材窗口中的所选素材添加到时间线的开头视 ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica335 频A轨道处,如视频A或B轨上有素材,则自动添加到A或B轨最后一条素材的后部,所在轨为最后一条素材的另一轨,有重叠区域,长度为1秒,重叠区域 有未知轨间特技, C 将素材窗口中的所选素材添加到时间线的当前位 nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andect mantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project ation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and tction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe336 置 1.8拍打唱词快捷键 SPACE 拍开始 ENTER 拍结束 ESC 停止 1.9字幕快捷键 Ctrl-Y 重做 UP Ctrl-Z 还原 DOWN Ctrl-A 全选 Ctrl-I 导入素材 Del 删除 Ctrl-Q播出 ecords. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andersonnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, rrelated p-, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the projecth three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and workthrougf the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation orsity self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of divehe whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of out, tn is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughl specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety educatioimplementation of technica337 LEFT RIGHT ion collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing andntee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, informatrelated personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guara-and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project nagers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protectionction, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter tect maation and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the projference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and educs, Conies issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, bannerg, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authoritraininhe safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and timplementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspe338
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