首页 家装水电改造注意事项



家装水电改造注意事项家装水电改造注意事项 电路部分注意事项: 1承重墙严禁开横槽,万不得已要开,最大不能超过30公分。轻体墙横槽不能超过50公分,内保温不能超过80公分。 承重墙开槽严禁切断钢筋,非承重墙开槽设计时要考虑结构安全,厨卫以及以后涉及打眼安装的地方严禁开横槽。 2慎用黄腊管,单路线配管最大不能超过3个弯,线盒必须配装锁母,尽量做到活弯,必须做到活线。如承重墙线盒不能开深的情况,切线盒,不要破坏耳朵附近结构,线盒底部需要绝缘处理。 3弱电单管单线,强电管内线不能超过管径40%,以16线管,2.5平方线为例。16线管最...

家装水电改造注意事项 电路部分注意事项: 1承重墙严禁开横槽,万不得已要开,最大不能超过30公分。轻体墙横槽不能超过50公分,内保温不能超过80公分。 承重墙开槽严禁切断钢筋,非承重墙开槽 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 时要考虑结构安全,厨卫以及以后涉及打眼安装的地方严禁开横槽。 2慎用黄腊管,单路线配管最大不能超过3个弯,线盒必须配装锁母,尽量做到活弯,必须做到活线。如承重墙线盒不能开深的情况,切线盒,不要破坏耳朵附近结构,线盒底部需要绝缘处理。 3弱电单管单线,强电管内线不能超过管径40%,以16线管,2.5平方线为例。16线管最多只能穿3根。 4单芯线线并头最少缠绕6圈。单芯线与软线并头必须搪锡处理。 5布管时尽量减少地上的交叉,交叉时,桥弯宜放在另一根管路的下面。电路与水路交叉时,宜从电路加桥弯。 6除无地暖,暖气的房子,不得在地上钉钉子,打眼。 7强弱电不能同槽,最少间距30公分以上,弱电不能直接并头。 5min filter: from 20 0mL filtrate, into another 50mL Brown in a volumetric flask, Add hydrochloric acid (1+11) to scale, time distribution and avoid light. BHT standard solution: weigh accurately 0.0500 g BHT. with a small amount of methanol dissolved. moved into the 100mL Brown volumetric flask. well diluted to scale. keep in dark place. Per ml of this solution corresponds to 0.50 mg BHT. BHT standard liquid: when drawing 1.0mLBHT standard solution, placed in 50mL Brown flask, add methanol to scale, and mix, keep in dark place. This solution is equivalent to 10.0 μg per ml gBHT. 3, instruments steam distillation apparatus. Glycerine bath. SPECTRO photometer. 4, treated the steps analyzed: weigh 2 g~5 g sample (about 0.40 mg BHT) in 100 mL distillation flask, add 16.0 g of anhydrous calcium chloride powder and water 10.0 mL. when Glycerin bath when the temperature reaches 165 ? c temperature. Alembic in Glycerin bath, connect the steam generator and condenser. Condenser tube bottom immersed in 200mL containing 50mL alcohol bottle, distillation, distillation rate 1.5 per minute mL~2mL, 50 min~60 min to collect about 100 mL distillate (along with the original holding about 150 mL of methanol, ...c M1--samples for determination of BHT in quality, in micrograms (μg g); M2--quality of the sample, expressed in grams (g); Total volume of samples after V1--distillation units of milliliters (mL); Absorb the volume of samples for determination of V2--. units to milliliters (mL) a result 8插座以及管路距燃气管道最少30公分 9墙上管路必须直上直下。不宜斜拉,横拉。 10火线进开关,零线进灯头,插座接线应符合“左零右火接地在上”的规定 11线盒安装时,边沿不能高于墙面,须水泥填实,结实牢固。线管同理,线管抹槽须低于墙面以便填补石膏,贴嵌缝带防止墙面开裂。 12屋内所有线盒高度须统一,最大误差不能超过5毫米。开关一般距地1.3米左右,普通插座距地30公分左右。床头双控80公分左右,空调2.3米左右,宜留空调左侧。壁挂电视电源,1.05-1.1左右,宜留在电视中心左侧。镜前灯1.6-1.7左右,洁身器最低80公分,此尺寸均为线盒下沿距毛地尺寸。具体尺寸以现场为准,以此尺寸参考,不可拘泥线盒与线盒间距最小2公分左右,数个线盒在一起时,间距必须统一,强电与弱电线盒最少间距20公分。 13卫生间插座,开关须远离淋浴区,即远离花洒。 14,检查强电箱箱体,箱盖是否充分接地,插座电源是否经过漏保,5min filter: from 20 0mL filtrate, into another 50mL Brown in a volumetric flask, Add hydrochloric acid (1+11) to scale, time distribution and avoid light. BHT standard solution: weigh accurately 0.0500 g BHT. with a small amount of methanol dissolved. moved into the 100mL Brown volumetric flask. well diluted to scale. keep in dark place. Per ml of this solution corresponds to 0.50 mg BHT. BHT standard liquid: when drawing 1.0mLBHT standard solution, placed in 50mL Brown flask, add methanol to scale, and mix, keep in dark place. This solution is equivalent to 10.0 μg per ml gBHT. 3, instruments steam distillation apparatus. Glycerine bath. SPECTRO photometer. 4, treated the steps analyzed: weigh 2 g~5 g sample (about 0.40 mg BHT) in 100 mL distillation flask, add 16.0 g of anhydrous calcium chloride powder and water 10.0 mL. when Glycerin bath when the temperature reaches 165 ? c temperature. Alembic in Glycerin bath, connect the steam generator and condenser. Condenser tube bottom immersed in 200mL containing 50mL alcohol bottle, distillation, distillation rate 1.5 per minute mL~2mL, 50 min~60 min to collect about 100 mL distillate (along with the original holding about 150 mL of methanol, ...c M1--samples for determination of BHT in quality, in micrograms (μg g); M2--quality of the sample, expressed in grams (g); Total volume of samples after V1--distillation units of milliliters (mL); Absorb the volume of samples for determination of V2--. units to milliliters (mL) a result 线盒耳朵是否牢固,完好,屋内所有接头是否结实,绝缘。 15计算每路电源的功率,检查线径能否承受负载得起。 16插座,开关与水口离的比较近到时候要遵守电高水低的原则 17水电进场拆卸所有开关,插座面板,以便墙面处理,做好带电线头的绝缘,以防伤人。 18浴霸电源宜从卫生间插座改引,卫生间照明必须接地线。 19面板安装必须端正,不能歪斜,高度必须统一。接线时注意不要伤线。不要弄脏墙面。 20水电完工,须提醒木工,勿在灯位左右15公分范围内打龙骨架。超过3KG的灯具在安装时必须用膨胀螺栓固定。 21水电完工须列出面板清单。 22不宜封堵线盒。严禁在管内接头,所有接头必须留在线盒内,尽量减少接头。 5min filter: from 20 0mL filtrate, into another 50mL Brown in a volumetric flask, Add hydrochloric acid (1+11) to scale, time distribution and avoid light. BHT standard solution: weigh accurately 0.0500 g BHT. with a small amount of methanol dissolved. moved into the 100mL Brown volumetric flask. well diluted to scale. keep in dark place. Per ml of this solution corresponds to 0.50 mg BHT. BHT standard liquid: when drawing 1.0mLBHT standard solution, placed in 50mL Brown flask, add methanol to scale, and mix, keep in dark place. This solution is equivalent to 10.0 μg per ml gBHT. 3, instruments steam distillation apparatus. Glycerine bath. SPECTRO photometer. 4, treated the steps analyzed: weigh 2 g~5 g sample (about 0.40 mg BHT) in 100 mL distillation flask, add 16.0 g of anhydrous calcium chloride powder and water 10.0 mL. when Glycerin bath when the temperature reaches 165 ? c temperature. Alembic in Glycerin bath, connect the steam generator and condenser. Condenser tube bottom immersed in 200mL containing 50mL alcohol bottle, distillation, distillation rate 1.5 per minute mL~2mL, 50 min~60 min to collect about 100 mL distillate (along with the original holding about 150 mL of methanol, ...c M1--samples for determination of BHT in quality, in micrograms (μg g); M2--quality of the sample, expressed in grams (g); Total volume of samples after V1--distillation units of milliliters (mL); Absorb the volume of samples for determination of V2--. units to milliliters (mL) a result 23线管拐弯必须冷弯,严禁使用成品弯头,地上严禁使用分线盒。 24电路完工必须用灯泡将每个回路调试正常 25确定路由器或者猫的位置,以及电视的种类。所有弱电线出盒子留1米长,吊顶处灯位线留80公分-1米必须套软管,厨卫强电,线出盒子留20公分,其他留15公分。 ---------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- 水路部分注意事项: 1进场检查原有管道是否合格,检查屋内是否有总阀门,若没有,必须给户内加总阀。 2水路PPR管宜横平竖直,弯曲半径不能超过管径50%,非热熔管材,地下不能留接头。 3水路设计的一般尺寸。面盆上水宜550-650左右,墙排同理。淋浴1.05-1.15左右,淋浴的冷热水口间距必须15公分,必须水平。所有水口必须端正,不能有偏斜,水口弯头要高出墙面19公分左右。马桶距地20-30公分左右。距下水中心最少25公分。拖把池80公分左右。洗衣机1.2米左右,壁挂锅炉1.35米左右。冷热水口间距宜5min filter: from 20 0mL filtrate, into another 50mL Brown in a volumetric flask, Add hydrochloric acid (1+11) to scale, time distribution and avoid light. BHT standard solution: weigh accurately 0.0500 g BHT. with a small amount of methanol dissolved. moved into the 100mL Brown volumetric flask. well diluted to scale. keep in dark place. Per ml of this solution corresponds to 0.50 mg BHT. BHT standard liquid: when drawing 1.0mLBHT standard solution, placed in 50mL Brown flask, add methanol to scale, and mix, keep in dark place. This solution is equivalent to 10.0 μg per ml gBHT. 3, instruments steam distillation apparatus. Glycerine bath. SPECTRO photometer. 4, treated the steps analyzed: weigh 2 g~5 g sample (about 0.40 mg BHT) in 100 mL distillation flask, add 16.0 g of anhydrous calcium chloride powder and water 10.0 mL. when Glycerin bath when the temperature reaches 165 ? c temperature. Alembic in Glycerin bath, connect the steam generator and condenser. Condenser tube bottom immersed in 200mL containing 50mL alcohol bottle, distillation, distillation rate 1.5 per minute mL~2mL, 50 min~60 min to collect about 100 mL distillate (along with the original holding about 150 mL of methanol, ...c M1--samples for determination of BHT in quality, in micrograms (μg g); M2--quality of the sample, expressed in grams (g); Total volume of samples after V1--distillation units of milliliters (mL); Absorb the volume of samples for determination of V2--. units to milliliters (mL) a result 20-22公分。洗菜池也就是水槽的上水不能低于350 4所有水口,必须左热右凉,有时为了减少接头,减少交叉,面盆和洗菜池等隐蔽处用软管连接的不必拘泥,但 施工 文明施工目标施工进度表下载283施工进度表下载施工现场晴雨表下载施工日志模板免费下载 完毕必须标注冷热顺序,淋浴,以及壁挂锅炉必须做到左热右凉, 5,地上尽量减少接头,如冷热水管交叉,桥弯必须用在凉水管上 6PPR20管热熔时间为5S,不宜过长,对插时不宜太用力,以防堵死,或者减小水流量。校正时间为5S,不可旋转。 6水路完工必须做打压调试,压力为正常水压的1.5-2倍。时间为1个小时,稳压时间内,检查所有接头是否有渗漏,若无渗漏,掉半个压到1个压,为正常。须将冷热水串通,从最末端检查,看水流是否顺畅。 7安装水 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 时须注意进水方向。 8设计时,需确定【请不要乱说话,词语被禁止】,壁挂炉的种类,尺寸 9水路完工,在防水进场前需用水泥填补好所有槽子,以便防水施工。须在方便位置装个水龙头以便后期工种使用。 5min filter: from 20 0mL filtrate, into another 50mL Brown in a volumetric flask, Add hydrochloric acid (1+11) to scale, time distribution and avoid light. BHT standard solution: weigh accurately 0.0500 g BHT. with a small amount of methanol dissolved. moved into the 100mL Brown volumetric flask. well diluted to scale. keep in dark place. Per ml of this solution corresponds to 0.50 mg BHT. BHT standard liquid: when drawing 1.0mLBHT standard solution, placed in 50mL Brown flask, add methanol to scale, and mix, keep in dark place. This solution is equivalent to 10.0 μg per ml gBHT. 3, instruments steam distillation apparatus. Glycerine bath. SPECTRO photometer. 4, treated the steps analyzed: weigh 2 g~5 g sample (about 0.40 mg BHT) in 100 mL distillation flask, add 16.0 g of anhydrous calcium chloride powder and water 10.0 mL. when Glycerin bath when the temperature reaches 165 ? c temperature. Alembic in Glycerin bath, connect the steam generator and condenser. Condenser tube bottom immersed in 200mL containing 50mL alcohol bottle, distillation, distillation rate 1.5 per minute mL~2mL, 50 min~60 min to collect about 100 mL distillate (along with the original holding about 150 mL of methanol, ...c M1--samples for determination of BHT in quality, in micrograms (μg g); M2--quality of the sample, expressed in grams (g); Total volume of samples after V1--distillation units of milliliters (mL); Absorb the volume of samples for determination of V2--. units to milliliters (mL) a result 10水电完工封闭所有下水口以防杂物落入,造成堵塞。 11卫生间下水管离卧室近必须做隔音处理。 12水管 电管间距最少20公分以上,不宜交叉, 13所有阀门必须距地15公分以上。 14暖气改造若是单管跨越式必须加旁通阀,若别墅或者复式楼需考虑水压,坡度等问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 。 15冷热水不能同槽。若物业供热水,屋内又有壁挂炉的话,物业进水处必须加阀门,宜加个逆止阀。 16施工过程中必须充分沟通,必须严格遵守 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 。 17水电完工后必须清理现场所有垃圾,必须出具图纸,必须提醒业主注意事项,业主买料必须负责质量把关。 5min filter: from 20 0mL filtrate, into another 50mL Brown in a volumetric flask, Add hydrochloric acid (1+11) to scale, time distribution and avoid light. BHT standard solution: weigh accurately 0.0500 g BHT. with a small amount of methanol dissolved. moved into the 100mL Brown volumetric flask. well diluted to scale. keep in dark place. Per ml of this solution corresponds to 0.50 mg BHT. BHT standard liquid: when drawing 1.0mLBHT standard solution, placed in 50mL Brown flask, add methanol to scale, and mix, keep in dark place. This solution is equivalent to 10.0 μg per ml gBHT. 3, instruments steam distillation apparatus. Glycerine bath. SPECTRO photometer. 4, treated the steps analyzed: weigh 2 g~5 g sample (about 0.40 mg BHT) in 100 mL distillation flask, add 16.0 g of anhydrous calcium chloride powder and water 10.0 mL. when Glycerin bath when the temperature reaches 165 ? c temperature. Alembic in Glycerin bath, connect the steam generator and condenser. Condenser tube bottom immersed in 200mL containing 50mL alcohol bottle, distillation, distillation rate 1.5 per minute mL~2mL, 50 min~60 min to collect about 100 mL distillate (along with the original holding about 150 mL of methanol, ...c M1--samples for determination of BHT in quality, in micrograms (μg g); M2--quality of the sample, expressed in grams (g); Total volume of samples after V1--distillation units of milliliters (mL); Absorb the volume of samples for determination of V2--. units to milliliters (mL) a result
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