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模板工程验收表模板工程验收表 模板工程验收表JA12-2-1 工程名称 南胡旧村改造工程10#、14#楼 支模部位 基础毛石混凝土 支模日期 2010.9.20 验收日期 2010.9.21 序号 验收内容 验收要求 验收结果 专项施工方案 方案科学符合施工规范 施工 1 符合要求 砼输送安全措施 有输送安全措施 方案 有计算书,计算准确、合理 有计算书,计算准确、合理 支撑设计计算书 支撑 2 搭设脚手架支撑,墙体有对拉螺栓 脚手架支撑,墙体有对拉螺栓 支撑安装 系统 立柱材料 φ48架管 φ48架管 立柱垫板 ...

模板工程验收表 模板工程验收表JA12-2-1 工程名称 南胡旧村改造工程10#、14#楼 支模部位 基础毛石混凝土 支模日期 2010.9.20 验收日期 2010.9.21 序号 验收内容 验收要求 验收结果 专项 施工 文明施工目标施工进度表下载283施工进度表下载施工现场晴雨表下载施工日志模板免费下载 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 方案科学符合施工 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 施工 1 符合要求 砼输送安全措施 有输送安全措施 方案 有计算书,计算准确、合理 有计算书,计算准确、合理 支撑设计计算书 支撑 2 搭设脚手架支撑,墙体有对拉螺栓 脚手架支撑,墙体有对拉螺栓 支撑安装 系统 立柱材料 φ48架管 φ48架管 立柱垫板 30cm宽5cm厚4m长木板 30cm宽5cm厚4m长木板 立柱 3 纵横向支撑 纵横向架杆搭设支撑 纵横向架杆搭设支撑 稳定 立柱间距 立柱间距符合规范 立柱间距符合规范 满足施工最大荷载 满足施工最大荷载 施工施工荷载 4 小于堆放最大荷载 小于堆放最大荷载 荷载 荷载堆放 要有可靠的安全措施70º斜放 按 规定 关于下班后关闭电源的规定党章中关于入党时间的规定公务员考核规定下载规定办法文件下载宁波关于闷顶的规定 要求堆放 模板大模板存放 5 不超高堆放,摆放整齐 码放整齐不超高 存放 模板堆放 设警示牌,由专人监护 设置警示牌,由专人监护 警戒措施 支拆 6 先申请后拆模 手续完备 拆模申请 模板 先出 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 报告强度达标后再拆模 砼强度达到设计要求的85% 砼强度报告 满足宽度要求 满足宽度要求 运输宽度 7 用30cm宽木板满铺固定,两旁封立网 30cm宽木板满铺固定,两旁封立网 道路 走道垫板 按规范要求尺寸材料进行防护 按规范要求进行了防护 作业孔洞及临边防护 8 由可靠的隔离措施 由可靠的隔离措施 环境 垂直作业防护 搭设负责人: 安全负责人: 验收签字 使用负责人: 项目负责人: 经检查验收,符合施工安全规范要求。 验收结论 日期 2010.9.21 技术负责人 attention to improving the quality and efficiency of development and pay more attention to security and reform the people's livelihood, more focus on maintaining social harmony and stability, and promote the development of township economy in a better and faster, create a new normal XX development and lay a more solid foundation for XX build a well-off society. Completed tasks this year, we must always pay special attention to the primary task of development. XX weak economic base, low levels of development, economic construction is the Center, we have to create conditions for faster economic development, accumulating more wealth, better people's lives. Effort should be made to this year's economic growth, revenue growth, people have maintained a high rate of income growth, GDP growth of more than 15 per cent respectively. Always grasp the fundamental impetus for reform. We are now "no soldiers behind" many indicators ranked in the bottom of the county from getting bigger. Only by going all out to hard work, hard work, innovation, reform does not adapt to institutional mechanisms, practices, it is possible to change the face of XX poor, into a well-off society together with people across the country. We want to break the old patterns of thinking, methods and organization of work, bravely and boldly into, making full use of all the advantages, comprehensive reforms, to make all its vitality for development impulse, let full play to all sources of wealth creation. Should always stability 模板拆除申请报告书JA12-2-3 工程名称 南胡旧村改造工程10#、14#楼 拆除部位 基础 设计砼等级 C15 浇筑砼日期 2010.9-22 试压砼等级 C15 试压砼报告单号 基础毛石混凝土强度,已符合拆摸板的要求,根据施工进展的需要,须将此处模板拆除,请予以批复。 申请班组 木工班组 申请人 日期 2010.10.2 批复意见: 达到设计要求,同意拆模。 技术负责人 日期 2010.10.2 attention to improving the quality and efficiency of development and pay more attention to security and reform the people's livelihood, more focus on maintaining social harmony and stability, and promote the development of township economy in a better and faster, create a new normal XX development and lay a more solid foundation for XX build a well-off society. Completed tasks this year, we must always pay special attention to the primary task of development. XX weak economic base, low levels of development, economic construction is the Center, we have to create conditions for faster economic development, accumulating more wealth, better people's lives. Effort should be made to this year's economic growth, revenue growth, people have maintained a high rate of income growth, GDP growth of more than 15 per cent respectively. Always grasp the fundamental impetus for reform. We are now "no soldiers behind" many indicators ranked in the bottom of the county from getting bigger. Only by going all out to hard work, hard work, innovation, reform does not adapt to institutional mechanisms, practices, it is possible to change the face of XX poor, into a well-off society together with people across the country. We want to break the old patterns of thinking, methods and organization of work, bravely and boldly into, making full use of all the advantages, comprehensive reforms, to make all its vitality for development impulse, let full play to all sources of wealth creation. Should always stability 模板工程验收表JA12-2-1 工程名称 南胡旧村改造工程10#、14#楼 支模部位 基础垫层 支模日期 2010.9.24 验收日期 2010.9.25 序号 验收内容 验收要求 验收结果 专项施工方案 方案科学符合施工规范 施工 1 符合要求 砼输送安全措施 有输送安全措施 方案 有计算书,计算准确、合理 有计算书,计算准确、合理 支撑设计计算书 支撑 2 搭设脚手架支撑,墙体有对拉螺栓 脚手架支撑,墙体有对拉螺栓 支撑安装 系统 立柱材料 φ48架管 φ48架管 立柱垫板 30cm宽5cm厚4m长木板 30cm宽5cm厚4m长木板 立柱 3 纵横向支撑 纵横向架杆搭设支撑 纵横向架杆搭设支撑 稳定 立柱间距 立柱间距符合规范 立柱间距符合规范 满足施工最大荷载 满足施工最大荷载 施工施工荷载 4 小于堆放最大荷载 小于堆放最大荷载 荷载 荷载堆放 要有可靠的安全措施70º斜放 按规定要求堆放 模板大模板存放 5 不超高堆放,摆放整齐 码放整齐不超高 存放 模板堆放 设警示牌,由专人监护 设置警示牌,由专人监护 警戒措施 支拆 6 先申请后拆模 手续完备 拆模申请 模板 先出报告报告强度达标后再拆模 砼强度达到设计要求的85% 砼强度报告 满足宽度要求 满足宽度要求 运输宽度 7 用30cm宽木板满铺固定,两旁封立网 30cm宽木板满铺固定,两旁封立网 道路 走道垫板 按规范要求尺寸材料进行防护 按规范要求进行了防护 作业孔洞及临边防护 8 由可靠的隔离措施 由可靠的隔离措施 环境 垂直作业防护 搭设负责人: 安全负责人: 验收签字 使用负责人: 项目负责人: 经检查验收,符合施工安全规范要求。 验收结论 日期 2010.9.25 技术负责人 attention to improving the quality and efficiency of development and pay more attention to security and reform the people's livelihood, more focus on maintaining social harmony and stability, and promote the development of township economy in a better and faster, create a new normal XX development and lay a more solid foundation for XX build a well-off society. Completed tasks this year, we must always pay special attention to the primary task of development. XX weak economic base, low levels of development, economic construction is the Center, we have to create conditions for faster economic development, accumulating more wealth, better people's lives. Effort should be made to this year's economic growth, revenue growth, people have maintained a high rate of income growth, GDP growth of more than 15 per cent respectively. Always grasp the fundamental impetus for reform. We are now "no soldiers behind" many indicators ranked in the bottom of the county from getting bigger. Only by going all out to hard work, hard work, innovation, reform does not adapt to institutional mechanisms, practices, it is possible to change the face of XX poor, into a well-off society together with people across the country. We want to break the old patterns of thinking, methods and organization of work, bravely and boldly into, making full use of all the advantages, comprehensive reforms, to make all its vitality for development impulse, let full play to all sources of wealth creation. Should always stability 模板拆除申请报告书JA12-2-3 工程名称 南胡旧村改造工程10#、14#楼 拆除部位 基础垫层 设计砼等级 C15 浇筑砼日期 2010.9-25 试压砼等级 C15 试压砼报告单号 基础垫层砼强度,已符合拆摸板的要求,根据施工进展的需要,须将此处模板拆除,请予以批复。 申请班组 木工班组 申请人 日期 2010.10.5 批复意见: 达到设计要求,同意拆模。 技术负责人 日期 2010.10.5 attention to improving the quality and efficiency of development and pay more attention to security and reform the people's livelihood, more focus on maintaining social harmony and stability, and promote the development of township economy in a better and faster, create a new normal XX development and lay a more solid foundation for XX build a well-off society. Completed tasks this year, we must always pay special attention to the primary task of development. XX weak economic base, low levels of development, economic construction is the Center, we have to create conditions for faster economic development, accumulating more wealth, better people's lives. Effort should be made to this year's economic growth, revenue growth, people have maintained a high rate of income growth, GDP growth of more than 15 per cent respectively. Always grasp the fundamental impetus for reform. We are now "no soldiers behind" many indicators ranked in the bottom of the county from getting bigger. Only by going all out to hard work, hard work, innovation, reform does not adapt to institutional mechanisms, practices, it is possible to change the face of XX poor, into a well-off society together with people across the country. We want to break the old patterns of thinking, methods and organization of work, bravely and boldly into, making full use of all the advantages, comprehensive reforms, to make all its vitality for development impulse, let full play to all sources of wealth creation. Should always stability 模板工程验收表JA12-2-1 工程名称 南胡旧村改造工程10#、14#楼 支模部位 架空层 支模日期 2010.9.29 验收日期 2010.9.30 序号 验收内容 验收要求 验收结果 专项施工方案 方案科学符合施工规范 施工 1 符合要求 砼输送安全措施 有输送安全措施 方案 有计算书,计算准确、合理 有计算书,计算准确、合理 支撑设计计算书 支撑 2 搭设脚手架支撑,墙体有对拉螺栓 脚手架支撑,墙体有对拉螺栓 支撑安装 系统 立柱材料 φ48架管 φ48架管 立柱垫板 30cm宽5cm厚4m长木板 30cm宽5cm厚4m长木板 立柱 3 纵横向支撑 纵横向架杆搭设支撑 纵横向架杆搭设支撑 稳定 立柱间距 立柱间距符合规范 立柱间距符合规范 满足施工最大荷载 满足施工最大荷载 施工施工荷载 4 小于堆放最大荷载 小于堆放最大荷载 荷载 荷载堆放 要有可靠的安全措施70º斜放 按规定要求堆放 模板大模板存放 5 不超高堆放,摆放整齐 码放整齐不超高 存放 模板堆放 设警示牌,由专人监护 设置警示牌,由专人监护 警戒措施 支拆 6 先申请后拆模 手续完备 拆模申请 模板 先出报告报告强度达标后再拆模 砼强度达到设计要求的85% 砼强度报告 满足宽度要求 满足宽度要求 运输宽度 7 用30cm宽木板满铺固定,两旁封立网 30cm宽木板满铺固定,两旁封立网 道路 走道垫板 按规范要求尺寸材料进行防护 按规范要求进行了防护 作业孔洞及临边防护 8 由可靠的隔离措施 由可靠的隔离措施 环境 垂直作业防护 搭设负责人: 安全负责人: 验收签字 使用负责人: 项目负责人: 经检查验收,符合施工安全规范要求。 验收结论 日期 技术负责人 2010.9.30 attention to improving the quality and efficiency of development and pay more attention to security and reform the people's livelihood, more focus on maintaining social harmony and stability, and promote the development of township economy in a better and faster, create a new normal XX development and lay a more solid foundation for XX build a well-off society. Completed tasks this year, we must always pay special attention to the primary task of development. XX weak economic base, low levels of development, economic construction is the Center, we have to create conditions for faster economic development, accumulating more wealth, better people's lives. Effort should be made to this year's economic growth, revenue growth, people have maintained a high rate of income growth, GDP growth of more than 15 per cent respectively. Always grasp the fundamental impetus for reform. We are now "no soldiers behind" many indicators ranked in the bottom of the county from getting bigger. Only by going all out to hard work, hard work, innovation, reform does not adapt to institutional mechanisms, practices, it is possible to change the face of XX poor, into a well-off society together with people across the country. We want to break the old patterns of thinking, methods and organization of work, bravely and boldly into, making full use of all the advantages, comprehensive reforms, to make all its vitality for development impulse, let full play to all sources of wealth creation. Should always stability 模板拆除申请报告书JA12-2-3 工程名称 南胡旧村改造工程10#、14#楼 拆除部位 架空层 设计砼等级 C30 浇筑砼日期 2010.9-30 试压砼等级 C30 试压砼报告单号 架空层混凝土强度,已符合拆摸板的要求,根据施工进展的需要,须将此处模板拆除,请予以批复。 申请班组 木工班组 申请人 日期 2010.10.12 批复意见: 达到设计要求,同意拆模。 技术负责人 日期 2010.10.12 attention to improving the quality and efficiency of development and pay more attention to security and reform the people's livelihood, more focus on maintaining social harmony and stability, and promote the development of township economy in a better and faster, create a new normal XX development and lay a more solid foundation for XX build a well-off society. Completed tasks this year, we must always pay special attention to the primary task of development. XX weak economic base, low levels of development, economic construction is the Center, we have to create conditions for faster economic development, accumulating more wealth, better people's lives. Effort should be made to this year's economic growth, revenue growth, people have maintained a high rate of income growth, GDP growth of more than 15 per cent respectively. Always grasp the fundamental impetus for reform. We are now "no soldiers behind" many indicators ranked in the bottom of the county from getting bigger. Only by going all out to hard work, hard work, innovation, reform does not adapt to institutional mechanisms, practices, it is possible to change the face of XX poor, into a well-off society together with people across the country. We want to break the old patterns of thinking, methods and organization of work, bravely and boldly into, making full use of all the advantages, comprehensive reforms, to make all its vitality for development impulse, let full play to all sources of wealth creation. Should always stability 模板工程验收表JA12-2-1 工程名称 南胡旧村改造工程10#、14#楼 支模部位 -1层 支模日期 2010.10.9 验收日期 2010.10.11 序号 验收内容 验收要求 验收结果 专项施工方案 方案科学符合施工规范 施工 1 符合要求 砼输送安全措施 有输送安全措施 方案 有计算书,计算准确、合理 有计算书,计算准确、合理 支撑设计计算书 支撑 2 搭设脚手架支撑,墙体有对拉螺栓 脚手架支撑,墙体有对拉螺栓 支撑安装 系统 立柱材料 φ48架管 φ48架管 立柱垫板 30cm宽5cm厚4m长木板 30cm宽5cm厚4m长木板 立柱 3 纵横向支撑 纵横向架杆搭设支撑 纵横向架杆搭设支撑 稳定 立柱间距 立柱间距符合规范 立柱间距符合规范 满足施工最大荷载 满足施工最大荷载 施工施工荷载 4 小于堆放最大荷载 小于堆放最大荷载 荷载 荷载堆放 要有可靠的安全措施70º斜放 按规定要求堆放 模板大模板存放 5 不超高堆放,摆放整齐 码放整齐不超高 存放 模板堆放 设警示牌,由专人监护 设置警示牌,由专人监护 警戒措施 支拆 6 先申请后拆模 手续完备 拆模申请 模板 先出报告报告强度达标后再拆模 砼强度达到设计要求的85% 砼强度报告 满足宽度要求 满足宽度要求 运输宽度 7 用30cm宽木板满铺固定,两旁封立网 30cm宽木板满铺固定,两旁封立网 道路 走道垫板 按规范要求尺寸材料进行防护 按规范要求进行了防护 作业孔洞及临边防护 8 由可靠的隔离措施 由可靠的隔离措施 环境 垂直作业防护 搭设负责人: 安全负责人: 验收签字 使用负责人: 项目负责人: 经检查验收,符合施工安全规范要求。 验收结论 日期 技术负责人 2010.10.11 attention to improving the quality and efficiency of development and pay more attention to security and reform the people's livelihood, more focus on maintaining social harmony and stability, and promote the development of township economy in a better and faster, create a new normal XX development and lay a more solid foundation for XX build a well-off society. Completed tasks this year, we must always pay special attention to the primary task of development. XX weak economic base, low levels of development, economic construction is the Center, we have to create conditions for faster economic development, accumulating more wealth, better people's lives. Effort should be made to this year's economic growth, revenue growth, people have maintained a high rate of income growth, GDP growth of more than 15 per cent respectively. Always grasp the fundamental impetus for reform. We are now "no soldiers behind" many indicators ranked in the bottom of the county from getting bigger. Only by going all out to hard work, hard work, innovation, reform does not adapt to institutional mechanisms, practices, it is possible to change the face of XX poor, into a well-off society together with people across the country. We want to break the old patterns of thinking, methods and organization of work, bravely and boldly into, making full use of all the advantages, comprehensive reforms, to make all its vitality for development impulse, let full play to all sources of wealth creation. Should always stability 模板工程验收表JA12-2-1 工程名称 南胡旧村改造工程10#、14#楼 支模部位 18层 支模日期 2011.7.28 验收日期 2011.8.3 序号 验收内容 验收要求 验收结果 专项施工方案 方案科学符合施工规范 施工 1 符合要求 砼输送安全措施 有输送安全措施 方案 有计算书,计算准确、合理 有计算书,计算准确、合理 支撑设计计算书 支撑 2 搭设脚手架支撑,墙体有对拉螺栓 脚手架支撑,墙体有对拉螺栓 支撑安装 系统 立柱材料 φ48架管 φ48架管 立柱垫板 30cm宽5cm厚4m长木板 30cm宽5cm厚4m长木板 立柱 3 纵横向支撑 纵横向架杆搭设支撑 纵横向架杆搭设支撑 稳定 立柱间距 立柱间距符合规范 立柱间距符合规范 满足施工最大荷载 满足施工最大荷载 施工施工荷载 4 小于堆放最大荷载 小于堆放最大荷载 荷载 荷载堆放 要有可靠的安全措施70º斜放 按规定要求堆放 模板大模板存放 5 不超高堆放,摆放整齐 码放整齐不超高 存放 模板堆放 设警示牌,由专人监护 设置警示牌,由专人监护 警戒措施 支拆 6 先申请后拆模 手续完备 拆模申请 模板 先出报告报告强度达标后再拆模 砼强度达到设计要求的85% 砼强度报告 满足宽度要求 满足宽度要求 运输宽度 7 用30cm宽木板满铺固定,两旁封立网 30cm宽木板满铺固定,两旁封立网 道路 走道垫板 按规范要求尺寸材料进行防护 按规范要求进行了防护 作业孔洞及临边防护 8 由可靠的隔离措施 由可靠的隔离措施 环境 垂直作业防护 搭设负责人: 安全负责人: 验收签字 使用负责人: 项目负责人: 经检查验收,符合施工安全规范要求。 验收结论 日期 技术负责人 2011.8.3 attention to improving the quality and efficiency of development and pay more attention to security and reform the people's livelihood, more focus on maintaining social harmony and stability, and promote the development of township economy in a better and faster, create a new normal XX development and lay a more solid foundation for XX build a well-off society. Completed tasks this year, we must always pay special attention to the primary task of development. XX weak economic base, low levels of development, economic construction is the Center, we have to create conditions for faster economic development, accumulating more wealth, better people's lives. Effort should be made to this year's economic growth, revenue growth, people have maintained a high rate of income growth, GDP growth of more than 15 per cent respectively. Always grasp the fundamental impetus for reform. We are now "no soldiers behind" many indicators ranked in the bottom of the county from getting bigger. Only by going all out to hard work, hard work, innovation, reform does not adapt to institutional mechanisms, practices, it is possible to change the face of XX poor, into a well-off society together with people across the country. We want to break the old patterns of thinking, methods and organization of work, bravely and boldly into, making full use of all the advantages, comprehensive reforms, to make all its vitality for development impulse, let full play to all sources of wealth creation. Should always stability 模板拆除申请报告书JA12-2-3 工程名称 南胡旧村改造工程10#、14#楼 拆除部位 4层 设计砼等级 C30 C25 浇筑砼日期 11.1.19 试压砼等级 C30 C25 试压砼报告单号 H11020595 1层混凝土强度,已符合拆摸板的要求,根据施工进展的需要,须将此处模板拆除,请予以批复。 申请班组 木工班组 申请人 日期 2011.2.17 批复意见: 达到设计要求,同意拆模。 技术负责人 日期 2011.2.17 attention to improving the quality and efficiency of development and pay more attention to security and reform the people's livelihood, more focus on maintaining social harmony and stability, and promote the development of township economy in a better and faster, create a new normal XX development and lay a more solid foundation for XX build a well-off society. Completed tasks this year, we must always pay special attention to the primary task of development. XX weak economic base, low levels of development, economic construction is the Center, we have to create conditions for faster economic development, accumulating more wealth, better people's lives. Effort should be made to this year's economic growth, revenue growth, people have maintained a high rate of income growth, GDP growth of more than 15 per cent respectively. Always grasp the fundamental impetus for reform. We are now "no soldiers behind" many indicators ranked in the bottom of the county from getting bigger. Only by going all out to hard work, hard work, innovation, reform does not adapt to institutional mechanisms, practices, it is possible to change the face of XX poor, into a well-off society together with people across the country. We want to break the old patterns of thinking, methods and organization of work, bravely and boldly into, making full use of all the advantages, comprehensive reforms, to make all its vitality for development impulse, let full play to all sources of wealth creation. Should always stability 模板工程验收表JA12-2-1 工程名称 南胡旧村改造工程10#、14#楼 支模部位 架空层 支模日期 201.9.13 验收日期 2011.9.15 序号 验收内容 验收要求 验收结果 专项施工方案 方案科学符合施工规范 施工 1 符合要求 砼输送安全措施 有输送安全措施 方案 有计算书,计算准确、合理 有计算书,计算准确、合理 支撑设计计算书 支撑 2 搭设脚手架支撑,墙体有对拉螺栓 脚手架支撑,墙体有对拉螺栓 支撑安装 系统 立柱材料 φ48架管 φ48架管 立柱垫板 30cm宽5cm厚4m长木板 30cm宽5cm厚4m长木板 立柱 3 纵横向支撑 纵横向架杆搭设支撑 纵横向架杆搭设支撑 稳定 立柱间距 立柱间距符合规范 立柱间距符合规范 满足施工最大荷载 满足施工最大荷载 施工施工荷载 4 小于堆放最大荷载 小于堆放最大荷载 荷载 荷载堆放 要有可靠的安全措施70º斜放 按规定要求堆放 模板大模板存放 5 不超高堆放,摆放整齐 码放整齐不超高 存放 模板堆放 设警示牌,由专人监护 设置警示牌,由专人监护 警戒措施 支拆 6 先申请后拆模 手续完备 拆模申请 模板 先出报告报告强度达标后再拆模 砼强度达到设计要求的85% 砼强度报告 满足宽度要求 满足宽度要求 运输宽度 7 用30cm宽木板满铺固定,两旁封立网 30cm宽木板满铺固定,两旁封立网 道路 走道垫板 按规范要求尺寸材料进行防护 按规范要求进行了防护 作业孔洞及临边防护 8 由可靠的隔离措施 由可靠的隔离措施 环境 垂直作业防护 搭设负责人: 安全负责人: 验收签字 使用负责人: 项目负责人: 经检查验收,符合施工安全规范要求。 验收结论 日期 技术负责人 2011.9.15 attention to improving the quality and efficiency of development and pay more attention to security and reform the people's livelihood, more focus on maintaining social harmony and stability, and promote the development of township economy in a better and faster, create a new normal XX development and lay a more solid foundation for XX build a well-off society. Completed tasks this year, we must always pay special attention to the primary task of development. XX weak economic base, low levels of development, economic construction is the Center, we have to create conditions for faster economic development, accumulating more wealth, better people's lives. Effort should be made to this year's economic growth, revenue growth, people have maintained a high rate of income growth, GDP growth of more than 15 per cent respectively. Always grasp the fundamental impetus for reform. We are now "no soldiers behind" many indicators ranked in the bottom of the county from getting bigger. Only by going all out to hard work, hard work, innovation, reform does not adapt to institutional mechanisms, practices, it is possible to change the face of XX poor, into a well-off society together with people across the country. We want to break the old patterns of thinking, methods and organization of work, bravely and boldly into, making full use of all the advantages, comprehensive reforms, to make all its vitality for development impulse, let full play to all sources of wealth creation. Should always stability 模板拆除申请报告书JA12-2-3 工程名称 南胡旧村改造工程10#、14#楼 拆除部位 架空层 设计砼等级 C30 浇筑砼日期 2010.9-30 试压砼等级 C30 试压砼报告单号 架空层混凝土强度,已符合拆摸板的要求,根据施工进展的需要,须将此处模板拆除,请予以批复。 申请班组 木工班组 申请人 日期 2010.10.12 批复意见: 达到设计要求,同意拆模。 技术负责人 日期 2010.10.12 attention to improving the quality and efficiency of development and pay more attention to security and reform the people's livelihood, more focus on maintaining social harmony and stability, and promote the development of township economy in a better and faster, create a new normal XX development and lay a more solid foundation for XX build a well-off society. Completed tasks this year, we must always pay special attention to the primary task of development. XX weak economic base, low levels of development, economic construction is the Center, we have to create conditions for faster economic development, accumulating more wealth, better people's lives. Effort should be made to this year's economic growth, revenue growth, people have maintained a high rate of income growth, GDP growth of more than 15 per cent respectively. Always grasp the fundamental impetus for reform. We are now "no soldiers behind" many indicators ranked in the bottom of the county from getting bigger. Only by going all out to hard work, hard work, innovation, reform does not adapt to institutional mechanisms, practices, it is possible to change the face of XX poor, into a well-off society together with people across the country. We want to break the old patterns of thinking, methods and organization of work, bravely and boldly into, making full use of all the advantages, comprehensive reforms, to make all its vitality for development impulse, let full play to all sources of wealth creation. Should always stability attention to improving the quality and efficiency of development and pay more attention to security and reform the people's livelihood, more focus on maintaining social harmony and stability, and promote the development of township economy in a better and faster, create a new normal XX development and lay a more solid foundation for XX build a well-off society. Completed tasks this year, we must always pay special attention to the primary task of development. XX weak economic base, low levels of development, economic construction is the Center, we have to create conditions for faster economic development, accumulating more wealth, better people's lives. Effort should be made to this year's economic growth, revenue growth, people have maintained a high rate of income growth, GDP growth of more than 15 per cent respectively. Always grasp the fundamental impetus for reform. We are now "no soldiers behind" many indicators ranked in the bottom of the county from getting bigger. Only by going all out to hard work, hard work, innovation, reform does not adapt to institutional mechanisms, practices, it is possible to change the face of XX poor, into a well-off society together with people across the country. We want to break the old patterns of thinking, methods and organization of work, bravely and boldly into, making full use of all the advantages, comprehensive reforms, to make all its vitality for development impulse, let full play to all sources of wealth creation. Should always stability
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