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实景三维数字城市共享平台实景三维数字城市共享平台 实景三维数字城市共享平台解决方案 时间:2011-06-08 15:40:53 来源:3sNews 我要评论(0) 导读:通过整合各领域的专业信息系统或平台,集成可量测实景影像信息(DMI)、统一的地理底图信息、人口基础信息、法人单位基础信息、宏观经济基础信息、地名地址基础信息以及各职能部门的专题数据信息等全市范围内的政务信息资源。 概况 通过政务基础信息资源共享平台,各职能局可以将政务基础信息数据上载到共享平台上,供其他职能局共享使用,为领导提供可视化决策支持;也可以通过共享平...

实景三维数字城市共享平台 实景三维数字城市共享平台解决方案 时间:2011-06-08 15:40:53 来源:3sNews 我要评论(0) 导读:通过整合各领域的专业信息系统或平台,集成可量测实景影像信息(DMI)、统一的地理底图信息、人口基础信息、法人单位基础信息、宏观经济基础信息、地名地址基础信息以及各职能部门的专题数据信息等全市范围内的政务信息资源。 概况 通过政务基础信息资源共享平台,各职能局可以将政务基础信息数据上载到共享平台上,供其他职能局共享使用,为领导提供可视化决策支持;也可以通过共享平台提供的数据共享访问接口方式,支撑各职能局专业应用系统的开发,不仅可以避免重复建设,促进资源的共享和有效利用,节约大量的财力、物力和人力,更是大大缩短了专业应用系统的建设周期,同时又有力地保障了系统建设的成功率。 1.1 建设目标 以科学发展观为指导,建设 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 统一、功能完善、高速宽带、互联互通、信息共享、安全可靠、可扩展性强的政务基础信息资源共享平台,广泛应用各类政府业务信息系统,积极推动政务基础信息资源数字化。对内,全市各部门能借助现有业务系统在共享平台上共享所需的各类数据和信息,实现科学、合理高效的行政审批和决策;对外,能方便、快捷地向社会提供相关的服务和政府信息公开。 1.2 建设范围 在城建基础数据共享平台建设范围的基础上,从城建口4个部门市规划局、市国土局、市住建局、市市政管理局扩展到旅游委、公安局、国税局、地税局、民政局、计生委、统计局、工商局、质监局等其他相关政府职能单位,建设一个全市统一,应用广泛的政务基础信息资源共享平台,实现信息资源的整合、共享和交换,避免无序和低水平重复建设。 1.3 建设内容 城建基础数据共享平台已建设的,将不列入政务基础信息资源共享平台项目建设内容。城建基础数据共享平台正在建设的内容主要包括统一的基础地理信息数据库建设、城建口档案电子化建设、地下管线数据库及城建口相关应用系统建设。 1.4 应用范围 可应用于至少37个职能部门,既要满足各部门内部业务应用,又要实现跨部门业务协同。该项目以城管执法、旅游、领导决策、应急指挥、城市运行管理、环境保护、智能交通、户籍人口管理、食品药品监督管理、社会保障管理与服务、公共卫生、土地房屋管理、中小企业服务、地下综合管线管理、企业信用、个人信用、文化执法等领域的实际需要为驱动,为社会公众提供相关服务(影像地图服务等)以及为政府提供信息公开窗口(政务基础信息公开查询business to organize, guide, assist, participatory pre-loan investigation, provide marketing advice and responsible for marketing advice. Chapter III content and process after accepting the borrower's application for the 14th person, dominated by field investigation and off-site surveys as a supplement, carry out pre-loan investigation work. Main contents are as follows: (a) the borrower surveys 1. Borrower for corporate customers, investigators should interview business, management, finance and other related personnel, field trip place of business and production operations, and according to the information provided by the customer to verify the business management, authenticity of the financial situation, trade, etc. 2. borrowing people for small enterprise of, survey content except reference company class customer outside, also should focus concern actual control people and the main shareholders personal funding letter, and practitioners experience, and marriage status, and health status, soft information and family assets, and liabilities status; focus survey verified enterprise account table, and bank account water, and tax information and hydropower wage, spending information, then verified company actual business status and the financial status. 3. the borrower is a natural person, the investigation should focus on borrowers and their families, property, income, debt, credit ... Investigators should field surveys, confirm the mortgage situation, by way of assessment, inquiry finds the value of the mortgage. Disagrees with the determination of value, should be submitted through other evaluation Agency, the supplementary investigations, field surveys, including re-evaluation of value. 1. to property mortgage of, survey people should field study mortgage real, and verified following information: housing ownership card by contains Ming information (ownership people, and is located, and floor,, and room,, and area, and type,) 等)。 2 建设必要性 2.1 建设背景 随着城市管理建设对城市地上、地下空间数据的要求越来越迫切,开展城建基础数据共享平台建设工作,实现对城建基础信息资源的科学有效管理, 以满足各类空间地理信息的管理应用和城建口部门间共享的迫切;随后应政府各职能部门的要求,市政府决定将数据共享范围从城建口部门扩展到全市各职能部门,同时将城建基础信息数据范围从地理信息拓展到人口、法人、经济等领域,搭建起城建基础数据共享平台为基础政务基础信息资源共享平台。 目前各部门存在“多系统、多平台、少共享”的现象。旅游、国土资源、工商、水务、住建、交通、交警大队、规划、城管、工商、卫生各部门都有自己的信息系统或者平台。例如,系统方面已有数字城管、工商的企业管理系统、国土的电子政务平台、规划的办公业务系统、交警的视频监控平台等。数据方面已有国土、规划的基础地理信息数据、民政的地名地址数据、公安的人口数据、质监和工商的法人单位数据等。 但由于政府各职能部门的信息系统标准不统一,相互独立,数据难于共享或共享程度低,业务流程和信息资源的整合与共享程度还没有达到政务信息化的要求从而影响到全市政府机关行政的运作效率及政府资源的利用效率。如政务服务大厅在办理行政许可事项时,能够方便快速的获取法人单位数据和人口基本信息等,将大大提高行政审批效率;如公安、交警和工商等部门在建设城市管理信息化业务系统的过程中,能够共享规划、国土的基础地理信息数据,将避免大量的资源重复建设。 2.2 必要性及意义 2.2.1 为政府宏观决策提供区域政务基础信息资源支持 政务基础信息资源共享平台建设,能够提高政府和其他相关部门的决策能力和管理能力,能及时为政府科学决策提供依据,使各级政府在宏观调控决策中减少失误,管理从定性化走向定量化,从而提高政府决策的科学性、前瞻性,提高行政管理工作的效率和规范化,提高城市管理的现代化水平。通过建设政务基础信息资源共享平台,可以形成完善的数据采集、更新维护、共享机制,从而推动各部门对政务基础信息资源进行梳理,不仅有助于各部门实现“职责清”、“数据准”,更重要的是为各部门的审批协同应用、领导决策等提供基础数据支撑,提高决策的科学性,加快城市发展,提高整体综合实力。 2.2.2 为各部门信息资源共享和协同应用提供重要支撑 随着各部门对政务基础信息资源共享需求的日趋强烈和应用的推进,一些关键性、必要性的问题接踵而至,例如公共基础数据、专题基础数据的获取、更新和维护机制问题;各部门数据标准不一,难以共享问题;审批业务数据和政务基础信息资源共享平台整合技术手段落后,数据共享缺乏跨部门协同应用问题; 如何理顺政务基础信息资源共享、避免重复投资等问题。而解决这些问题的有效途径就是建设一个政务基础信息资源共享平台,从标准、机制、安全、共享内容、共享技术、共享服务、共享应用等方面推动各部门信息资源的整合、共享、服务和应用。 2.2.3 为各行业发展提供全方位的基础地理信息服务 business to organize, guide, assist, participatory pre-loan investigation, provide marketing advice and responsible for marketing advice. Chapter III content and process after accepting the borrower's application for the 14th person, dominated by field investigation and off-site surveys as a supplement, carry out pre-loan investigation work. Main contents are as follows: (a) the borrower surveys 1. Borrower for corporate customers, investigators should interview business, management, finance and other related personnel, field trip place of business and production operations, and according to the information provided by the customer to verify the business management, authenticity of the financial situation, trade, etc. 2. borrowing people for small enterprise of, survey content except reference company class customer outside, also should focus concern actual control people and the main shareholders personal funding letter, and practitioners experience, and marriage status, and health status, soft information and family assets, and liabilities status; focus survey verified enterprise account table, and bank account water, and tax information and hydropower wage, spending information, then verified company actual business status and the financial status. 3. the borrower is a natural person, the investigation should focus on borrowers and their families, property, income, debt, credit ... Investigators should field surveys, confirm the mortgage situation, by way of assessment, inquiry finds the value of the mortgage. Disagrees with the determination of value, should be submitted through other evaluation Agency, the supplementary investigations, field surveys, including re-evaluation of value. 1. to property mortgage of, survey people should field study mortgage real, and verified following information: housing ownership card by contains Ming information (ownership people, and is located, and floor,, and room,, and area, and type,) 近几年城市建设、支柱产业(现代农业、旅游产业、汽车、高新技术等)等都通过自身努力、招商引资等途径,加快了发展步伐,基础地理信息在经济社会发展中又是一项基础性、前期性的工作,加快政务基础信息资源共享平台的建设意义重大。 2.2.4 为公众提供多种形式的政务基础信息服务 政务基础信息资源共享平台建设可为市民提供网上政务基础信息查询服务,有利于改善人们的思想观念、工作作风、学习途径和生活方式,提高工作效率,对全面提升为宜居、宜业、宜学、宜游的城市有重要的意义。利用政务基础信息资源共享平台建设提升旅游服务系统,开展网上导航和手机导航服务,旅游者可以很方便地查询旅游景点、宾馆、饭店、和购物场所的位置,通过政务基础信息服务于旅游者,是提高旅游服务质量和效率的首选,从而提升了品位和档次,适应建设服务设施高标准化的要求。 3 总体目标及主要内容 3.1 总体目标 立足城市发展需求,致力于解决当前城市信息化建设存在问题,满足移动互联、物联网、智能(智慧)城市未来发展,通过整合各领域的专业信息系统或平台,集成可量测实景影像信息(DMI)、统一的地理底图信息、人口基础信息、法人单位基础信息、宏观经济基础信息、地名地址基础信息以及各职能部门的专题数据信息等全市范围内的政务信息资源,建立起应用到全市各个领域的数据集,高速在线共享服务体系。保障全市各单位能在办公决策审批过程中按需按权限获得各种基础信息,实现科学、合理高效的行政审批和决策;对外,能方便、快捷地向社会提供相关的服务和政府信息公开。 business to organize, guide, assist, participatory pre-loan investigation, provide marketing advice and responsible for marketing advice. Chapter III content and process after accepting the borrower's application for the 14th person, dominated by field investigation and off-site surveys as a supplement, carry out pre-loan investigation work. Main contents are as follows: (a) the borrower surveys 1. Borrower for corporate customers, investigators should interview business, management, finance and other related personnel, field trip place of business and production operations, and according to the information provided by the customer to verify the business management, authenticity of the financial situation, trade, etc. 2. borrowing people for small enterprise of, survey content except reference company class customer outside, also should focus concern actual control people and the main shareholders personal funding letter, and practitioners experience, and marriage status, and health status, soft information and family assets, and liabilities status; focus survey verified enterprise account table, and bank account water, and tax information and hydropower wage, spending information, then verified company actual business status and the financial status. 3. the borrower is a natural person, the investigation should focus on borrowers and their families, property, income, debt, credit ... Investigators should field surveys, confirm the mortgage situation, by way of assessment, inquiry finds the value of the mortgage. Disagrees with the determination of value, should be submitted through other evaluation Agency, the supplementary investigations, field surveys, including re-evaluation of value. 1. to property mortgage of, survey people should field study mortgage real, and verified following information: housing ownership card by contains Ming information (ownership people, and is located, and floor,, and room,, and area, and type,) 地理信息服务一体化解决方案 3.2 总体思路 建设的总体思路: business to organize, guide, assist, participatory pre-loan investigation, provide marketing advice and responsible for marketing advice. Chapter III content and process after accepting the borrower's application for the 14th person, dominated by field investigation and off-site surveys as a supplement, carry out pre-loan investigation work. Main contents are as follows: (a) the borrower surveys 1. Borrower for corporate customers, investigators should interview business, management, finance and other related personnel, field trip place of business and production operations, and according to the information provided by the customer to verify the business management, authenticity of the financial situation, trade, etc. 2. borrowing people for small enterprise of, survey content except reference company class customer outside, also should focus concern actual control people and the main shareholders personal funding letter, and practitioners experience, and marriage status, and health status, soft information and family assets, and liabilities status; focus survey verified enterprise account table, and bank account water, and tax information and hydropower wage, spending information, then verified company actual business status and the financial status. 3. the borrower is a natural person, the investigation should focus on borrowers and their families, property, income, debt, credit ... Investigators should field surveys, confirm the mortgage situation, by way of assessment, inquiry finds the value of the mortgage. Disagrees with the determination of value, should be submitted through other evaluation Agency, the supplementary investigations, field surveys, including re-evaluation of value. 1. to property mortgage of, survey people should field study mortgage real, and verified following information: housing ownership card by contains Ming information (ownership people, and is located, and floor,, and room,, and area, and type,) 一是以政务基础信息资源共享平台为核心,配置必要设备联通各部门的局域网络,构建地理信息、法人信息、人口信息、宏观经济信息管理部门互联互通的系统软硬件环境,创建信息资源共享等应用支撑与集成环境; 二是在业务应用层,开发建设涉及经济和社会发展多个部门、不同领域、现势性强、针对性强的重点业务应用系统和决策支持系统,采用集群式基础数据库和行业分布式数据库相结合的方式,建设各种业务信息资源数据库群; 三是采取常规信息日常采集和重点专项业务信息定向采集相结合的运行机制,运用数据挖掘处理、抽象化、集成化方法,最大限度开发利用现有数据资源,并及时汇总和处理各种动态信息,加强信息资源建设; 四是建立健全统一、标准、规范的安全保障体系、 管理制度 档案管理制度下载食品安全管理制度下载三类维修管理制度下载财务管理制度免费下载安全设施管理制度下载 和运行机制,确保系统的安全运行。其总体框架如图: 3.3 总体设计 3.3.1 建设原则 1. 统一底图、统一标准 将“全市共用同一张地理底图”的建设理念贯穿始终,保证数据的一致性,将公共基础数据作为统一底图,支撑各项应用系统的开发。遵循国家《国家电子政务总体框架》和《政务信息资源交换体系》的标准要求和省级相关技术标准、规范,结合我市城建具体数据格式和技术特征,构建具有良好的灵活扩展性和标准化的接口,以保证各业务系统之间数据无障碍地共享交换,同时技术上实现与国家和省级相关项目的安全衔接。 2. 统一规划、分布实施 政务基础信息资源共享平台建设必须在统一规划指导下,统一确立各阶段重点,明确分工,合理利用资金分步实施,避免系统陷入相互不兼容或者前期投资浪费的情况。 3. 依托专网、资源整合 依托党政办公网,实现全市党政部门网络互联互通,网络资源统一管理。坚持“以充分整合现有资源为主,以主城区为主、其它地区为辅”的思路组织数据资源,必须充分利用、改造business to organize, guide, assist, participatory pre-loan investigation, provide marketing advice and responsible for marketing advice. Chapter III content and process after accepting the borrower's application for the 14th person, dominated by field investigation and off-site surveys as a supplement, carry out pre-loan investigation work. Main contents are as follows: (a) the borrower surveys 1. Borrower for corporate customers, investigators should interview business, management, finance and other related personnel, field trip place of business and production operations, and according to the information provided by the customer to verify the business management, authenticity of the financial situation, trade, etc. 2. borrowing people for small enterprise of, survey content except reference company class customer outside, also should focus concern actual control people and the main shareholders personal funding letter, and practitioners experience, and marriage status, and health status, soft information and family assets, and liabilities status; focus survey verified enterprise account table, and bank account water, and tax information and hydropower wage, spending information, then verified company actual business status and the financial status. 3. the borrower is a natural person, the investigation should focus on borrowers and their families, property, income, debt, credit ... Investigators should field surveys, confirm the mortgage situation, by way of assessment, inquiry finds the value of the mortgage. Disagrees with the determination of value, should be submitted through other evaluation Agency, the supplementary investigations, field surveys, including re-evaluation of value. 1. to property mortgage of, survey people should field study mortgage real, and verified following information: housing ownership card by contains Ming information (ownership people, and is located, and floor,, and room,, and area, and type,) 和提高现有的条件与资源,减少投资,避免重复建设。各部门按照各自职责各自承担原则,建设专业系统和更新维护数据,共建共享,促进跨部门的审批无缝对接以及政务协同。 4. 共同建设,协同应用 各部门按照各自职责各自承担原则,建设专业系统和更新维护数据,共建共享,促进跨部门的审批无缝对接以及政务协同。 5. 整体分散、适度集中 将基础性强、需求范围广、使用频率高的数据集中管理,构建面向党政网内部的政务基础共享数据库。集中共享数据与各部门数据库同步更新。 6. 统一标准、保障安全 电子政务建设必须在统一标准和统一规划的指导下开展,相关技术、标准、协议和接口必须遵循国家和省的有关规定,保证系统的标准性、规范性、开放性和实用性。要正确处理发展与安全的关系,综合平衡安全成本和效益。要建立和完善电子政务标准化体系和安全保障体系。 3.4 建设内容 3.4.1 公共基础数据库 包括控制成果数据库;数字线划图(DLG)数据库;遥感影像和数字高程模型数据库;数字栅格图(DRG)数据库;政务地理底图数据库;地名地址数据库;地下管线数据库;(DMI)可量测实景影像数据库;卫星影像数据;三维模型数据;地名地址数据库扩建;人口基础数据库;法人单位基础数据库;宏观经济基础数据库等。 3.4.2 实景影像数据移动测量系统 “移动道路测量系统”在国外称为“MOBILE MAPPING SYSTEM”(MMS),是当今测绘界最为前沿的科技之一,代表着未来道路电子地图测制领域的发展主流。它是在机动车上装配GPS(全球定位系统)、CCD(视频系统)、INS(惯性导航系统)或航位推算系统等先进的传感器和设备,在车辆的高速行进之中,快速采集道路及道路两旁地物的空间位置数据和属性数据,如:道路中心线或边线位置坐标、目标地物的位置坐标、路(车道)宽、桥(隧道)高、交通标志、道路设施等。数据同步存储在车载计算机系统中,经事后编辑处理,形成各种有用的专题数据成果,如导航电子地图等等。MMS本身所具备的汽车导航等功能还可以用于道路状况、道路设施、电力设施等的实时监控,以迅速发现变化,实现对原图的及时修测。 MMS既是汽车导航、调度监控以及各种基于道路的GIS应用的基本数据支撑平台,又是高精度的车载监控工具。它在军事、勘测、电信、交通管理、道路管理、城市规划、堤坝监测、电力设施管理、海事等各个方面都有着广泛的应用。 business to organize, guide, assist, participatory pre-loan investigation, provide marketing advice and responsible for marketing advice. Chapter III content and process after accepting the borrower's application for the 14th person, dominated by field investigation and off-site surveys as a supplement, carry out pre-loan investigation work. Main contents are as follows: (a) the borrower surveys 1. Borrower for corporate customers, investigators should interview business, management, finance and other related personnel, field trip place of business and production operations, and according to the information provided by the customer to verify the business management, authenticity of the financial situation, trade, etc. 2. borrowing people for small enterprise of, survey content except reference company class customer outside, also should focus concern actual control people and the main shareholders personal funding letter, and practitioners experience, and marriage status, and health status, soft information and family assets, and liabilities status; focus survey verified enterprise account table, and bank account water, and tax information and hydropower wage, spending information, then verified company actual business status and the financial status. 3. the borrower is a natural person, the investigation should focus on borrowers and their families, property, income, debt, credit ... Investigators should field surveys, confirm the mortgage situation, by way of assessment, inquiry finds the value of the mortgage. Disagrees with the determination of value, should be submitted through other evaluation Agency, the supplementary investigations, field surveys, including re-evaluation of value. 1. to property mortgage of, survey people should field study mortgage real, and verified following information: housing ownership card by contains Ming information (ownership people, and is located, and floor,, and room,, and area, and type,) 移动道路测量系统(MMS)原理示意图数据 business to organize, guide, assist, participatory pre-loan investigation, provide marketing advice and responsible for marketing advice. Chapter III content and process after accepting the borrower's application for the 14th person, dominated by field investigation and off-site surveys as a supplement, carry out pre-loan investigation work. Main contents are as follows: (a) the borrower surveys 1. Borrower for corporate customers, investigators should interview business, management, finance and other related personnel, field trip place of business and production operations, and according to the information provided by the customer to verify the business management, authenticity of the financial situation, trade, etc. 2. borrowing people for small enterprise of, survey content except reference company class customer outside, also should focus concern actual control people and the main shareholders personal funding letter, and practitioners experience, and marriage status, and health status, soft information and family assets, and liabilities status; focus survey verified enterprise account table, and bank account water, and tax information and hydropower wage, spending information, then verified company actual business status and the financial status. 3. the borrower is a natural person, the investigation should focus on borrowers and their families, property, income, debt, credit ... Investigators should field surveys, confirm the mortgage situation, by way of assessment, inquiry finds the value of the mortgage. Disagrees with the determination of value, should be submitted through other evaluation Agency, the supplementary investigations, field surveys, including re-evaluation of value. 1. to property mortgage of, survey people should field study mortgage real, and verified following information: housing ownership card by contains Ming information (ownership people, and is located, and floor,, and room,, and area, and type,) 可量测实景影像(Digital Measurable Image,简称DMI)是一种以地面近景摄影测量立体影像文件及其外方位元素构成的基础地理信息产品,通过可量测实景影像提供的开发包可直接对立体影像进行测量、信息提取并与其他基础地理信息产品集成,是我国基础地理信息数据库为适应按需测量采集更新空间信息的一种新的产品。可量测实景影像主要由立体影像对、外方位元素描述文件和开发包组成。可量测实景影像可通过移动道路测量系统采集得到,并可以通过开发包与4D产品无缝集成,是对我国4D基础地理信息产品进行有效补充的一种重要产品。 与平面投影的4D产品不同的是,DMI是一种地面近景可量测影像,主要按照人的视角提供详细的城市立面信息,包括:城市部件信息、建筑物外立面信息、道路及附属设施信息、POI信息、城市详细的环境信息、地形信息、自然景观信息以及反映城市现状的社会、经济乃至人文类信息等。 DMI不是一种经过修饰、裁剪的测绘产品,而是以高清晰度、高分辨率影像的方式来直接反映制图物体以及自然环境的原貌,它既包含了所要量测的目标地物信息,又包括了与之有着物理相关的各种自然和社会信息。对于行业用户而言,既可从DMI中提取所需要的业务要素,又可进行数据的挖掘,更好满足管理与决策上的高级应用。对于公众而言,影像是客观世界的最直观和最真实的写照,也是无需专业知识判读,最易理解的“数字城市”,可直接回答公众有关城市地理信息方面的问题。 3.4.3 政务基础信息资源共享平台基础数据管理系统 基础数据管理系统依托城建基础数据共享平台运行维护管理各种数据库,保证数据库的正常运行和安全。基础数据管理系统包括图层管理、数据编辑、元数据管理、数据转换与输出、数据输出和统计 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 、空间分析等功能。基础数据服务接口系统 基础数据服务接口系统主要是由一系列数据服务接口组成,提供的数据共享服务主要有认证服务、目录服务、电子地图服务、遥感影像服务、地图图片服务、地图编码服务、多媒体数据服务等。基础数据共享门户系统 基础数据共享门户系统依托政务网运行,为城建部门及政府其他部门提供服务。门户系统主要包括空间数据共享、空间定位、制图显示、查询、统计和GIS分析、模拟输出等功能。该系统主要基于B/S应用模式,面向XXX市规划局、国土局、住房建设局、水务局、城建局、园林局、环保局等城建部门及政府其他部门信息化的需要,提供基础地理信息和专题信息服务。 共享平台运维支撑系统 共享平台运运维支撑系统主要是对共享平台的用户管理、服务的安全认证,各个服务配置、管理以及共享平台的监控进行集成,为共享平台能够稳定地为外部应用提供安全的访问予以支撑。 DMI数据管理系统 business to organize, guide, assist, participatory pre-loan investigation, provide marketing advice and responsible for marketing advice. Chapter III content and process after accepting the borrower's application for the 14th person, dominated by field investigation and off-site surveys as a supplement, carry out pre-loan investigation work. Main contents are as follows: (a) the borrower surveys 1. Borrower for corporate customers, investigators should interview business, management, finance and other related personnel, field trip place of business and production operations, and according to the information provided by the customer to verify the business management, authenticity of the financial situation, trade, etc. 2. borrowing people for small enterprise of, survey content except reference company class customer outside, also should focus concern actual control people and the main shareholders personal funding letter, and practitioners experience, and marriage status, and health status, soft information and family assets, and liabilities status; focus survey verified enterprise account table, and bank account water, and tax information and hydropower wage, spending information, then verified company actual business status and the financial status. 3. the borrower is a natural person, the investigation should focus on borrowers and their families, property, income, debt, credit ... Investigators should field surveys, confirm the mortgage situation, by way of assessment, inquiry finds the value of the mortgage. Disagrees with the determination of value, should be submitted through other evaluation Agency, the supplementary investigations, field surveys, including re-evaluation of value. 1. to property mortgage of, survey people should field study mortgage real, and verified following information: housing ownership card by contains Ming information (ownership people, and is located, and floor,, and room,, and area, and type,) 实现实景影像管理模块,对DMI数据、POI(Point of interest)数据的综合管理,包含 二维数据管理、DMI影像数据管理、动态数据管理、系统权限管理。 包括基础功能(“7可”包括:可视;可写;可读;可画;可量;可链接;可挖掘) : “可视”:所有地物均以符合人眼视觉习惯的实景图片来显示,可方便进行查询、缩放 和漫游。 “可写”:可直接在实景图片上标注文本信息 business to organize, guide, assist, participatory pre-loan investigation, provide marketing advice and responsible for marketing advice. Chapter III content and process after accepting the borrower's application for the 14th person, dominated by field investigation and off-site surveys as a supplement, carry out pre-loan investigation work. Main contents are as follows: (a) the borrower surveys 1. Borrower for corporate customers, investigators should interview business, management, finance and other related personnel, field trip place of business and production operations, and according to the information provided by the customer to verify the business management, authenticity of the financial situation, trade, etc. 2. borrowing people for small enterprise of, survey content except reference company class customer outside, also should focus concern actual control people and the main shareholders personal funding letter, and practitioners experience, and marriage status, and health status, soft information and family assets, and liabilities status; focus survey verified enterprise account table, and bank account water, and tax information and hydropower wage, spending information, then verified company actual business status and the financial status. 3. the borrower is a natural person, the investigation should focus on borrowers and their families, property, income, debt, credit ... Investigators should field surveys, confirm the mortgage situation, by way of assessment, inquiry finds the value of the mortgage. Disagrees with the determination of value, should be submitted through other evaluation Agency, the supplementary investigations, field surveys, including re-evaluation of value. 1. to property mortgage of, survey people should field study mortgage real, and verified following information: housing ownership card by contains Ming information (ownership people, and is located, and floor,, and room,, and area, and type,) “可读”:移动鼠标到实景图片中标注或链接过的目标地物上,系统将弹出对应的属性 信息。 “可画”:基于有地理参考和真实纹理的实景图片,可轻松建立虚拟,D模型,也可将 虚拟模型放置到实景影像中用于规划、模拟与推演。 business to organize, guide, assist, participatory pre-loan investigation, provide marketing advice and responsible for marketing advice. Chapter III content and process after accepting the borrower's application for the 14th person, dominated by field investigation and off-site surveys as a supplement, carry out pre-loan investigation work. Main contents are as follows: (a) the borrower surveys 1. Borrower for corporate customers, investigators should interview business, management, finance and other related personnel, field trip place of business and production operations, and according to the information provided by the customer to verify the business management, authenticity of the financial situation, trade, etc. 2. borrowing people for small enterprise of, survey content except reference company class customer outside, also should focus concern actual control people and the main shareholders personal funding letter, and practitioners experience, and marriage status, and health status, soft information and family assets, and liabilities status; focus survey verified enterprise account table, and bank account water, and tax information and hydropower wage, spending information, then verified company actual business status and the financial status. 3. the borrower is a natural person, the investigation should focus on borrowers and their families, property, income, debt, credit ... Investigators should field surveys, confirm the mortgage situation, by way of assessment, inquiry finds the value of the mortgage. Disagrees with the determination of value, should be submitted through other evaluation Agency, the supplementary investigations, field surveys, including re-evaluation of value. 1. to property mortgage of, survey people should field study mortgage real, and verified following information: housing ownership card by contains Ming information (ownership people, and is located, and floor,, and room,, and area, and type,) “可量”:进行地物空间坐标和几何尺寸的量算。 “可链接”:点击图片中标注过的地物,可直接链接到后台的属性数据库中。 “可挖掘”:这种完全符合人眼视觉感受的地球全息图包含着大量的有用知识,是以知识为基础的地理信息系统,最大程度地提供了数据挖掘的可能,可让你足不出户,在电脑呈现的虚拟世界里“行万里路,读万卷书”。视频数据管理系统 实现对共享的交警摄像头视频数据、交通部门的视频数据和其他服务大厅的视频摄像头数据的进行管理,并通过共享实现视频资源的互联互通,共享使用。 business to organize, guide, assist, participatory pre-loan investigation, provide marketing advice and responsible for marketing advice. Chapter III content and process after accepting the borrower's application for the 14th person, dominated by field investigation and off-site surveys as a supplement, carry out pre-loan investigation work. Main contents are as follows: (a) the borrower surveys 1. Borrower for corporate customers, investigators should interview business, management, finance and other related personnel, field trip place of business and production operations, and according to the information provided by the customer to verify the business management, authenticity of the financial situation, trade, etc. 2. borrowing people for small enterprise of, survey content except reference company class customer outside, also should focus concern actual control people and the main shareholders personal funding letter, and practitioners experience, and marriage status, and health status, soft information and family assets, and liabilities status; focus survey verified enterprise account table, and bank account water, and tax information and hydropower wage, spending information, then verified company actual business status and the financial status. 3. the borrower is a natural person, the investigation should focus on borrowers and their families, property, income, debt, credit ... Investigators should field surveys, confirm the mortgage situation, by way of assessment, inquiry finds the value of the mortgage. Disagrees with the determination of value, should be submitted through other evaluation Agency, the supplementary investigations, field surveys, including re-evaluation of value. 1. to property mortgage of, survey people should field study mortgage real, and verified following information: housing ownership card by contains Ming information (ownership people, and is located, and floor,, and room,, and area, and type,)政务基础信息资源共享服务门户系统 政务基础信息资源共享服务门户系统基于基础数据共享门户系统进行扩展开发,增加人口基础信息共享、法人单位基础信息共享、宏观经济统计信息共享等功能,使用范围从城建口4个部门扩展到37家政府职能单位。该系统只面向政府部门,提供基础信息资源服务。 3.4.4 应用示范系统 城建基础数据共享平台正在建设地下管线系统、城建口档案信息共享系统、城建口跨部门协同应用系统、地名管理系统。依托于政务基础信息资源共享平台,计划搭建以下应用示范系统。 1. 实景三维影像地图建设 实景三维影像地图是一种以地面影像直接反映制图物体的地图,它既包含了二维线划图,同时也包括了与二维线划图有着地理相关的可量测影像。通过实景三维影像地图,人们可以以一种完全真实的方式来表现空间。实景三维影像地图除了二维矢量图和报表数据之外,还有最符合人类视觉和记忆习惯的地面微观影像数据,在影像所表达的世界里,包含着全要素、全纹理的空间特征,是完全物理的、客观的、具体的、肉眼可视的。影像表达地物具有唯一性,它不但排除了符号系统的误差,还包括符号系统所不能概括的空间语义和非空间语义,包含着大量地理的、环境的、社会的、经济的、人文的信息以及可供挖掘的知识。 将通过移动道路测量系统技术,获取可量测实景影像,搭建实景三维影像地图。 2. 实景三维数字城市共享平台升级 可量测实景影像数据处理软件是一套标准的应用程序开发接口,提供数据开发API组件以及插件。通过此接口,DMI数据可以方便地集成到现有数字化城市管理系统中,将现有系统从传统的二维系统升级到实景三维数字城市管理系统。 通过可量测实景影像数据处理软件的C/S和B/S开发包,可以与平台软件进行对接,通过少量的开发对接,可以实现实景影像浏览、实景影像标注、实景影像量测、辅助快速定位、辅助城市应急、实景影像在城管通PDA,移动终端手机,平板电脑上的集成等多功能应用。 business to organize, guide, assist, participatory pre-loan investigation, provide marketing advice and responsible for marketing advice. Chapter III content and process after accepting the borrower's application for the 14th person, dominated by field investigation and off-site surveys as a supplement, carry out pre-loan investigation work. Main contents are as follows: (a) the borrower surveys 1. Borrower for corporate customers, investigators should interview business, management, finance and other related personnel, field trip place of business and production operations, and according to the information provided by the customer to verify the business management, authenticity of the financial situation, trade, etc. 2. borrowing people for small enterprise of, survey content except reference company class customer outside, also should focus concern actual control people and the main shareholders personal funding letter, and practitioners experience, and marriage status, and health status, soft information and family assets, and liabilities status; focus survey verified enterprise account table, and bank account water, and tax information and hydropower wage, spending information, then verified company actual business status and the financial status. 3. the borrower is a natural person, the investigation should focus on borrowers and their families, property, income, debt, credit ... Investigators should field surveys, confirm the mortgage situation, by way of assessment, inquiry finds the value of the mortgage. Disagrees with the determination of value, should be submitted through other evaluation Agency, the supplementary investigations, field surveys, including re-evaluation of value. 1. to property mortgage of, survey people should field study mortgage real, and verified following information: housing ownership card by contains Ming information (ownership people, and is located, and floor,, and room,, and area, and type,)政务基础信息资源公共服务门户系统 随着社会经济的发展,人们日常生活对基础信息资源的需求数量和质量日益提高,建设政务基础信息资源公共服务门户系统,最大程度的满足社会公众对基础信息资源的需要。公共服务门户系统通过现代化的网络和通讯技术,采用B/S应用模式为社会公众提供地图查询、兴趣点查询、商业网点查询、政务信息公开查询等查询服务,提供导航、定位、出行等位置服务、DMI影像地图服务、景点及著名酒店三维实景地图服务等,同时向社会企事业单位提供分析和投资的决策依据。数字城管实景化应用 随着各地数字化城市管理系统的建设和推广,数字城管已经深入民心。社会公众举报的城市管理问题所占数字化城市管理问题比重越来越大,社会公众举报城市管理问题已经成为各地数字化城市管理案件的重要来源,因此处理好社会公众举报的城市管理问题成为城市管理工作者的重中之重。 系统总体 架构 酒店人事架构图下载公司架构图下载企业应用架构模式pdf监理组织架构图免费下载银行管理与it架构pdf : business to organize, guide, assist, participatory pre-loan investigation, provide marketing advice and responsible for marketing advice. Chapter III content and process after accepting the borrower's application for the 14th person, dominated by field investigation and off-site surveys as a supplement, carry out pre-loan investigation work. Main contents are as follows: (a) the borrower surveys 1. Borrower for corporate customers, investigators should interview business, management, finance and other related personnel, field trip place of business and production operations, and according to the information provided by the customer to verify the business management, authenticity of the financial situation, trade, etc. 2. borrowing people for small enterprise of, survey content except reference company class customer outside, also should focus concern actual control people and the main shareholders personal funding letter, and practitioners experience, and marriage status, and health status, soft information and family assets, and liabilities status; focus survey verified enterprise account table, and bank account water, and tax information and hydropower wage, spending information, then verified company actual business status and the financial status. 3. the borrower is a natural person, the investigation should focus on borrowers and their families, property, income, debt, credit ... Investigators should field surveys, confirm the mortgage situation, by way of assessment, inquiry finds the value of the mortgage. Disagrees with the determination of value, should be submitted through other evaluation Agency, the supplementary investigations, field surveys, including re-evaluation of value. 1. to property mortgage of, survey people should field study mortgage real, and verified following information: housing ownership card by contains Ming information (ownership people, and is located, and floor,, and room,, and area, and type,)实景化数字旅游 随着社会的发展,旅游业已成为全球经济中发展势头最强劲和规模最大的产业之一,同时 也是我国经济发展的支柱产业之一。旅游业作为一个独立的产业,能起到带动其他产业、优化 国民经济结构的作用,旅游业是国民经济的重要产业,在国民经济中起的作用亦越来越大。 系统总体架构: business to organize, guide, assist, participatory pre-loan investigation, provide marketing advice and responsible for marketing advice. Chapter III content and process after accepting the borrower's application for the 14th person, dominated by field investigation and off-site surveys as a supplement, carry out pre-loan investigation work. Main contents are as follows: (a) the borrower surveys 1. Borrower for corporate customers, investigators should interview business, management, finance and other related personnel, field trip place of business and production operations, and according to the information provided by the customer to verify the business management, authenticity of the financial situation, trade, etc. 2. borrowing people for small enterprise of, survey content except reference company class customer outside, also should focus concern actual control people and the main shareholders personal funding letter, and practitioners experience, and marriage status, and health status, soft information and family assets, and liabilities status; focus survey verified enterprise account table, and bank account water, and tax information and hydropower wage, spending information, then verified company actual business status and the financial status. 3. the borrower is a natural person, the investigation should focus on borrowers and their families, property, income, debt, credit ... Investigators should field surveys, confirm the mortgage situation, by way of assessment, inquiry finds the value of the mortgage. Disagrees with the determination of value, should be submitted through other evaluation Agency, the supplementary investigations, field surveys, including re-evaluation of value. 1. to property mortgage of, survey people should field study mortgage real, and verified following information: housing ownership card by contains Ming information (ownership people, and is located, and floor,, and room,, and area, and type,) business to organize, guide, assist, participatory pre-loan investigation, provide marketing advice and responsible for marketing advice. Chapter III content and process after accepting the borrower's application for the 14th person, dominated by field investigation and off-site surveys as a supplement, carry out pre-loan investigation work. Main contents are as follows: (a) the borrower surveys 1. Borrower for corporate customers, investigators should interview business, management, finance and other related personnel, field trip place of business and production operations, and according to the information provided by the customer to verify the business management, authenticity of the financial situation, trade, etc. 2. borrowing people for small enterprise of, survey content except reference company class customer outside, also should focus concern actual control people and the main shareholders personal funding letter, and practitioners experience, and marriage status, and health status, soft information and family assets, and liabilities status; focus survey verified enterprise account table, and bank account water, and tax information and hydropower wage, spending information, then verified company actual business status and the financial status. 3. the borrower is a natural person, the investigation should focus on borrowers and their families, property, income, debt, credit ... Investigators should field surveys, confirm the mortgage situation, by way of assessment, inquiry finds the value of the mortgage. Disagrees with the determination of value, should be submitted through other evaluation Agency, the supplementary investigations, field surveys, including re-evaluation of value. 1. to property mortgage of, survey people should field study mortgage real, and verified following information: housing ownership card by contains Ming information (ownership people, and is located, and floor,, and room,, and area, and type,)实景化智能交通 近年来,随着移动测量技术和实景三维GIS技术的发展,实景三维交通管理平台应运而 生。 系统总体架构: business to organize, guide, assist, participatory pre-loan investigation, provide marketing advice and responsible for marketing advice. Chapter III content and process after accepting the borrower's application for the 14th person, dominated by field investigation and off-site surveys as a supplement, carry out pre-loan investigation work. Main contents are as follows: (a) the borrower surveys 1. Borrower for corporate customers, investigators should interview business, management, finance and other related personnel, field trip place of business and production operations, and according to the information provided by the customer to verify the business management, authenticity of the financial situation, trade, etc. 2. borrowing people for small enterprise of, survey content except reference company class customer outside, also should focus concern actual control people and the main shareholders personal funding letter, and practitioners experience, and marriage status, and health status, soft information and family assets, and liabilities status; focus survey verified enterprise account table, and bank account water, and tax information and hydropower wage, spending information, then verified company actual business status and the financial status. 3. the borrower is a natural person, the investigation should focus on borrowers and their families, property, income, debt, credit ... Investigators should field surveys, confirm the mortgage situation, by way of assessment, inquiry finds the value of the mortgage. Disagrees with the determination of value, should be submitted through other evaluation Agency, the supplementary investigations, field surveys, including re-evaluation of value. 1. to property mortgage of, survey people should field study mortgage real, and verified following information: housing ownership card by contains Ming information (ownership people, and is located, and floor,, and room,, and area, and type,)数字公安实景化应用 实景三维技术现在很广泛地被公安行业所应用与认可,在安全保障方面体现了巨大优势 系统总体架构:实景化应急管理应用 利用当今先进的信息技术,特别是以3S技术为代表的空间信息技术、移动测量技术,建设应急地理信息数据平台;对各种应急资源进行科学归纳,摸清现有各部门相关的应急资源,并对应急资源进行集中有效管理;基于电子技术、影像获取技术,在现有应急车辆上构建移动应急指挥平台,满足现场信息获取、指挥的需要;基于先进的网络、无缝大屏幕显示技术,建设应急指挥中心;在上述基础上开发突发事件应急指挥管理系统,从而搭建突发事件应急指挥平台。 系统总体架构: business to organize, guide, assist, participatory pre-loan investigation, provide marketing advice and responsible for marketing advice. Chapter III content and process after accepting the borrower's application for the 14th person, dominated by field investigation and off-site surveys as a supplement, carry out pre-loan investigation work. Main contents are as follows: (a) the borrower surveys 1. Borrower for corporate customers, investigators should interview business, management, finance and other related personnel, field trip place of business and production operations, and according to the information provided by the customer to verify the business management, authenticity of the financial situation, trade, etc. 2. borrowing people for small enterprise of, survey content except reference company class customer outside, also should focus concern actual control people and the main shareholders personal funding letter, and practitioners experience, and marriage status, and health status, soft information and family assets, and liabilities status; focus survey verified enterprise account table, and bank account water, and tax information and hydropower wage, spending information, then verified company actual business status and the financial status. 3. the borrower is a natural person, the investigation should focus on borrowers and their families, property, income, debt, credit ... Investigators should field surveys, confirm the mortgage situation, by way of assessment, inquiry finds the value of the mortgage. Disagrees with the determination of value, should be submitted through other evaluation Agency, the supplementary investigations, field surveys, including re-evaluation of value. 1. to property mortgage of, survey people should field study mortgage real, and verified following information: housing ownership card by contains Ming information (ownership people, and is located, and floor,, and room,, and area, and type,) 3.4.5 支撑环境建设 平台支撑环境是实现政务基础信息资源共享平台建设的基础,也是一个重要的载体。平台 支撑环境建设主要包括以下2部分。网络环境建设 business to organize, guide, assist, participatory pre-loan investigation, provide marketing advice and responsible for marketing advice. Chapter III content and process after accepting the borrower's application for the 14th person, dominated by field investigation and off-site surveys as a supplement, carry out pre-loan investigation work. Main contents are as follows: (a) the borrower surveys 1. Borrower for corporate customers, investigators should interview business, management, finance and other related personnel, field trip place of business and production operations, and according to the information provided by the customer to verify the business management, authenticity of the financial situation, trade, etc. 2. borrowing people for small enterprise of, survey content except reference company class customer outside, also should focus concern actual control people and the main shareholders personal funding letter, and practitioners experience, and marriage status, and health status, soft information and family assets, and liabilities status; focus survey verified enterprise account table, and bank account water, and tax information and hydropower wage, spending information, then verified company actual business status and the financial status. 3. the borrower is a natural person, the investigation should focus on borrowers and their families, property, income, debt, credit ... Investigators should field surveys, confirm the mortgage situation, by way of assessment, inquiry finds the value of the mortgage. Disagrees with the determination of value, should be submitted through other evaluation Agency, the supplementary investigations, field surveys, including re-evaluation of value. 1. to property mortgage of, survey people should field study mortgage real, and verified following information: housing ownership card by contains Ming information (ownership people, and is located, and floor,, and room,, and area, and type,) 政务基础信息资源共享平台涉及范围广、数据量大,因而主干网络采用千兆光纤,节点和骨干网之间达到百兆网;配置数据服务器、网络服务器、网关、网卡、防火墙、交换机等,网络系统建设主要基于党政办公网,实现各政府部门及其下属机构的网络安全、稳定、互联互通。 系统由数据管理中心平台和数据分中心体系构成,系统两部分的配置如下: 1. 数据管理中心平台 数据管理中心平台由核心数据库、DMI数据管理系统、视频数据管理系统、中心交换ESB平台、交换桥接系统、数据交换、网络发布Web服务器等服务器组成,负责网络运行、系统运行、数据整合、信息服务、安全保障等任务,其运行维护质量与工作水平将直接关系框架数据库和各类应用系统能否充分发挥应用效益,以及网络和应用系统能够安全、高效地运行。 2. 分中心单位数据库服务器系统 分中心单位数据库服务器系统由统一配置的约10个前置共享服务器(公安局、国税局、地税局、民政局、计生委、统计局、工商局、质监局、规划局、国土局)组成,配置在10个部门的交换节点,实现与平台实现目录和数据的交换。如该单位已配置前置机的,使用原系统,如没有则统一采购PC服务器,并根据各单位的实际数据量大小,配置专门的交换信息库服务器。 另外,本项目建设涉及国家秘密,根据《计算机信息系统国际联网保密管理规定》:涉及国家秘密的计算机信息系统,不得直接或间接地与国际互联网或其它公共信息网络相联接,必须实行物理隔离。按此规定,将网络系统主要基于党政办公内网运行,并实施与互联网物理隔离。软硬件环境建设 软件环境方面:主要包括地理信息平台软件和面向对象的关系数据库等。地理信息平台软件目前国内外较流行的有SuperMap、ArcGIS等;面向对象的关系数据库目前国内外较流行的有Oracle、Oracle Spatial、SQL Server、DB2等。具体的配置方案在各项子任务中根据项目的实施情况进一步确定。 硬件环境方面:主要包括数据库服务器、应用系统服务器、大幅面扫描输入设备、大容量存储器、磁盘阵列以及UPS不间断电源等,具体的配置方案在各项子任务中根据项目的实施情况进一步确定。 3.4.6 标准与政策法规建设标准与规范建设 遵循“积极采用国家标准、国际标准和国外先进标准”的方针,与国家信息化、标准化体系接轨,结合实际,构建政务基础信息资源标准规范体系,主要包括:数据标准规范、技术标准规范、管理标准规范和业务标准规范;建设政务基础信息资源管理机制,主要包括:数据采集机制、数据更新机制、数据维护机制等。政策法规建设 business to organize, guide, assist, participatory pre-loan investigation, provide marketing advice and responsible for marketing advice. Chapter III content and process after accepting the borrower's application for the 14th person, dominated by field investigation and off-site surveys as a supplement, carry out pre-loan investigation work. Main contents are as follows: (a) the borrower surveys 1. Borrower for corporate customers, investigators should interview business, management, finance and other related personnel, field trip place of business and production operations, and according to the information provided by the customer to verify the business management, authenticity of the financial situation, trade, etc. 2. borrowing people for small enterprise of, survey content except reference company class customer outside, also should focus concern actual control people and the main shareholders personal funding letter, and practitioners experience, and marriage status, and health status, soft information and family assets, and liabilities status; focus survey verified enterprise account table, and bank account water, and tax information and hydropower wage, spending information, then verified company actual business status and the financial status. 3. the borrower is a natural person, the investigation should focus on borrowers and their families, property, income, debt, credit ... Investigators should field surveys, confirm the mortgage situation, by way of assessment, inquiry finds the value of the mortgage. Disagrees with the determination of value, should be submitted through other evaluation Agency, the supplementary investigations, field surveys, including re-evaluation of value. 1. to property mortgage of, survey people should field study mortgage real, and verified following information: housing ownership card by contains Ming information (ownership people, and is located, and floor,, and room,, and area, and type,) 政务基础信息资源共享平台建设与应用须遵守国家统一制定的基础地理信息分级分类管理、使用权限管理、交换与共享、开发应用、知识产权保护和安全保密等多方面的政策法规,并根据实际情况。 3.4.7 数据更新机制建设 城市建设的迅速发展加剧了城市面貌的日新月异,这就需要建立合理的数据更新机制,把这些变化及时反映到政务基础信息资源共享平台中,以保障数据库的现势性与生命力,确保数据库系统服务的可持续发展能力。 引发数据信息变化的因素,主要包括城市的自然变化、建设项目引起的变化、大型工程建设项目引起的变化、用地性质调整引起的变化等,其中城市建设和工程建设项目以及较大的用地性质调整一般需经城市规划管理部门审批,可以利用管理部门的信息促进相关部门及时、动态跟踪这种变化,及时采集变化后的数据,为城乡规划、建设、管理服务。 数据更新包括公共基础数据库更新和政务信息图层数据更新两部分,主要采用定期更新和结合职能部门的日常审批管理进行更新两种手段。坚持“权威数据,权威部门更新维护”的原则,是基础信数据能够长期、稳定地进行更新,保持其现势性的关键。 4 共享平台信息安全体系 4.1 概述 政务基础信息资源共享平台是党政办公信息网重要组成部分,其系统安全建设继承于于党政办公信息网安全体系,并适当补充建设。按照省、市有关电子政务安全策略、法规、标准和管理要求进行,以风险评估和需求分析为基础,坚持适度安全、技术与管理并重、分级与多层保护和动态发展等原则,保证网络与信息安全和政府监管与服务的有效性。 政务基础信息资源共享平台安全系统建设的目标是建设一个由策略、防护、检测和响应组成的完整安全体系,从而最大限度地保护信息不受诸多威胁的侵犯,确保连续性,将损失和风险降低到最小程度。 4.2 网络安全系统建设 网络安全系统建设包括以下内容:防火墙系统、安全审计系统、风险评估服务、入侵防护系统、非法拨号监控系统等。 4.3 数据安全系统建设 数据安全系系统建设包括几方面内容:病毒防御系统、数据加密与数据传输安全系统、Web信息防篡改系统、数据异地容灾备份与恢复等。 4.4 安全管理制度建设 信息系统的建设和运用离不开各级机构具体实施操作的人,因此,人是计算机信息系统建设和应用的主体,同时也是安全管理的对象。因而在整个信息安全管理中,人员安全管理是致关重要的。要确保信息系统安全,首先应加强人员管理。 管理的实现必须依赖于组织行为,政务基础信息资源共享平台安全将由市国家保密局、市公安局根据国家有关政策法规组织,平台运行维护单位配合,共同落实做好与系统规模、重要程度相适应的安全组织工作。 5 运行维护 business to organize, guide, assist, participatory pre-loan investigation, provide marketing advice and responsible for marketing advice. Chapter III content and process after accepting the borrower's application for the 14th person, dominated by field investigation and off-site surveys as a supplement, carry out pre-loan investigation work. Main contents are as follows: (a) the borrower surveys 1. Borrower for corporate customers, investigators should interview business, management, finance and other related personnel, field trip place of business and production operations, and according to the information provided by the customer to verify the business management, authenticity of the financial situation, trade, etc. 2. borrowing people for small enterprise of, survey content except reference company class customer outside, also should focus concern actual control people and the main shareholders personal funding letter, and practitioners experience, and marriage status, and health status, soft information and family assets, and liabilities status; focus survey verified enterprise account table, and bank account water, and tax information and hydropower wage, spending information, then verified company actual business status and the financial status. 3. the borrower is a natural person, the investigation should focus on borrowers and their families, property, income, debt, credit ... Investigators should field surveys, confirm the mortgage situation, by way of assessment, inquiry finds the value of the mortgage. Disagrees with the determination of value, should be submitted through other evaluation Agency, the supplementary investigations, field surveys, including re-evaluation of value. 1. to property mortgage of, survey people should field study mortgage real, and verified following information: housing ownership card by contains Ming information (ownership people, and is located, and floor,, and room,, and area, and type,) 5.1 系统运行维护机构 政务基础信息资源共享平台验收后,将基于市党政办公信息网运行。市信息中心是负责共享平台中的运行维护机构。各职能局负责本局业务系统运行和政务信息图层数据库的更新维护。 通过建立科学、严格的系统日常管理与维护 规章制度 食品安全规章制度下载关于安全生产规章制度关于行政管理规章制度保证食品安全的规章制度范本关于公司规章制度 ,规范系统管理。明确分工,责任到人,将系统日常运行情况与维护人员的岗位考评挂钩,并根据应用部门的反馈考核维护人员。 及时落实政务基础信息资源共享平台更新计划,及时解决政务基础信息资源共享平台运行中的问题,保证政务基础信息资源共享平台的持续更新和长期服务。 5.2 技术力量和人员配置 系统运行维护组人员均为各单位中技术素质过硬且受过系统维护专门培训的专业人员,主要为信息中心和各职能局及相关合作单位技术人员。 6 公司介绍 6.1 基本介绍 “立得空间信息技术股份有限公司成立于1999年,是由武汉大学、盈富泰克创业投资有限公司、红塔创新投资股份有限公司、深圳市招商局科技投资有限公司、著名科学家等共同创立的高科技企业,注册资金5285万元。总部设在武汉东湖国家自主创新示范区,是湖北省认定的国家高新技术企业,拥有国家甲级测绘资质和互联网电子地图服务资质,国家保密资质证书、军工电子装备科研生产许可证、武器装备科研生产许可证、军工产品质量体系认证证书、甲级导航测绘资质证书。 立得空间已经成为世界移动测量和实景三维GIS领域的领先公司,引领相关技术发展的潮流,公司实景三维技术已广泛应用于国防、应急、城管、公安、交通、铁路、电子政务、地理信息大众服务等领域,2010年正式推出“实景三维数字城市”完整解决方案,与国内外知名企业达成了战略合作关系,正联手打造实景三维地理信息系统产业链。公司参与了“青藏铁路”、“2008北京奥运”、“汶川地震抗震救灾”、“09国庆阅兵”、“广州亚运安保”等国家重大事件的信息化建设,并出口到意大利、韩国、伊朗、台湾等市场。 立得空间坚持“建设网络实景三维世界,促进地理信息服务于政府、企业和大众”的企业使命,将继续秉承一贯的锐意创新精神,并凭借多年之成功应用经验,向广大用户提供完善的地理信息解决方案与服务,为广大百姓的工作和生活传递“立刻得到”的价值,立志成为中国地理信息服务领域最受欢迎的企业。 6.2 典型案例 徐州市数字城管项目 济南市、潍房数字城管项目 成都市数字城管项目 数字城管 佛山市数字城管项目 芜湖市数字城管项目 重庆北碚数字城管项目 business to organize, guide, assist, participatory pre-loan investigation, provide marketing advice and responsible for marketing advice. Chapter III content and process after accepting the borrower's application for the 14th person, dominated by field investigation and off-site surveys as a supplement, carry out pre-loan investigation work. Main contents are as follows: (a) the borrower surveys 1. Borrower for corporate customers, investigators should interview business, management, finance and other related personnel, field trip place of business and production operations, and according to the information provided by the customer to verify the business management, authenticity of the financial situation, trade, etc. 2. borrowing people for small enterprise of, survey content except reference company class customer outside, also should focus concern actual control people and the main shareholders personal funding letter, and practitioners experience, and marriage status, and health status, soft information and family assets, and liabilities status; focus survey verified enterprise account table, and bank account water, and tax information and hydropower wage, spending information, then verified company actual business status and the financial status. 3. the borrower is a natural person, the investigation should focus on borrowers and their families, property, income, debt, credit ... Investigators should field surveys, confirm the mortgage situation, by way of assessment, inquiry finds the value of the mortgage. Disagrees with the determination of value, should be submitted through other evaluation Agency, the supplementary investigations, field surveys, including re-evaluation of value. 1. to property mortgage of, survey people should field study mortgage real, and verified following information: housing ownership card by contains Ming information (ownership people, and is located, and floor,, and room,, and area, and type,) 武汉市数字城管项目 昆山市数字城管项目 邢台、保定、沧州、衡水数字城管 福建龙岩数字城管 云南遵义数字城管 北京昌平、大兴数字城管 新疆克拉玛依数字城管 数字潜江、数字泰州、数字郑州 数字城市 数字佛山、数字茂名 地理空间框架 数字成都、数字海口 2010年上海世博会安保、2010年广州亚运安保 2009年国庆阅兵安保、2008年奥运安保 公安应急 喀什公安PGIS、本溪公安PGIS 常州公安警戒路线 温州公安、武汉平安城市 广州市智能交通项目 宁波公路局项目 湖北楚天高速公路管理信息系统 道路交通 赣粤高速公路部件普查项目 北京市道路普查项目 深圳市交通设施数据采集项目 青藏铁路数据采集 铁路行业 武汉铁路局电务处铁路可视化信息采集系统 湖北电信“影像城市” 新疆克拉玛依独山子区公众信息网电子地图服务系统 公众地图服务 国家测绘局“基于移动道路测量系统的数字道路信息数据 库制作生产试验项目” 韩国电子地图的制作与更新 武汉市软件基地电子地图项目 其他应用 武汉市福彩投注站电子地图项目 business to organize, guide, assist, participatory pre-loan investigation, provide marketing advice and responsible for marketing advice. Chapter III content and process after accepting the borrower's application for the 14th person, dominated by field investigation and off-site surveys as a supplement, carry out pre-loan investigation work. Main contents are as follows: (a) the borrower surveys 1. Borrower for corporate customers, investigators should interview business, management, finance and other related personnel, field trip place of business and production operations, and according to the information provided by the customer to verify the business management, authenticity of the financial situation, trade, etc. 2. borrowing people for small enterprise of, survey content except reference company class customer outside, also should focus concern actual control people and the main shareholders personal funding letter, and practitioners experience, and marriage status, and health status, soft information and family assets, and liabilities status; focus survey verified enterprise account table, and bank account water, and tax information and hydropower wage, spending information, then verified company actual business status and the financial status. 3. the borrower is a natural person, the investigation should focus on borrowers and their families, property, income, debt, credit ... Investigators should field surveys, confirm the mortgage situation, by way of assessment, inquiry finds the value of the mortgage. Disagrees with the determination of value, should be submitted through other evaluation Agency, the supplementary investigations, field surveys, including re-evaluation of value. 1. to property mortgage of, survey people should field study mortgage real, and verified following information: housing ownership card by contains Ming information (ownership people, and is located, and floor,, and room,, and area, and type,) 高精度管线铺设测绘 天河工商局化工企业监管系统项目 南宁民政项目 business to organize, guide, assist, participatory pre-loan investigation, provide marketing advice and responsible for marketing advice. Chapter III content and process after accepting the borrower's application for the 14th person, dominated by field investigation and off-site surveys as a supplement, carry out pre-loan investigation work. Main contents are as follows: (a) the borrower surveys 1. Borrower for corporate customers, investigators should interview business, management, finance and other related personnel, field trip place of business and production operations, and according to the information provided by the customer to verify the business management, authenticity of the financial situation, trade, etc. 2. borrowing people for small enterprise of, survey content except reference company class customer outside, also should focus concern actual control people and the main shareholders personal funding letter, and practitioners experience, and marriage status, and health status, soft information and family assets, and liabilities status; focus survey verified enterprise account table, and bank account water, and tax information and hydropower wage, spending information, then verified company actual business status and the financial status. 3. the borrower is a natural person, the investigation should focus on borrowers and their families, property, income, debt, credit ... Investigators should field surveys, confirm the mortgage situation, by way of assessment, inquiry finds the value of the mortgage. Disagrees with the determination of value, should be submitted through other evaluation Agency, the supplementary investigations, field surveys, including re-evaluation of value. 1. to property mortgage of, survey people should field study mortgage real, and verified following information: housing ownership card by contains Ming information (ownership people, and is located, and floor,, and room,, and area, and type,)
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