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乔布斯2011 icloud 发布会文档版


乔布斯2011 icloud 发布会文档版乔布斯2011 icloud 发布会文档版 Good morning~ 早上好~ Welcome! 欢迎! Thank you! 谢谢! Thank you very much! 非常感谢! I love you! 我爱你~(观众的声音) Thank you! 谢谢! It always helps, and I appreciate it very much. 这对我很有帮助,非常感激您。 So we've got an awesome morning together, this m...

乔布斯2011 icloud 发布会文档版
乔布斯2011 icloud 发布会文档版 Good morning~ 早上好~ Welcome! 欢迎! Thank you! 谢谢! Thank you very much! 非常感谢! I love you! 我爱你~(观众的声音) Thank you! 谢谢! It always helps, and I appreciate it very much. 这对我很有帮助,非常感激您。 So we've got an awesome morning together, this morning. 今天我们将一起度过一个美好的早晨. And thank you for coming so much. 非常感谢你们来参加会议. We have over 5,200 attendees here today. 今天我们这里有超过5200名参与者 We sold out within 2 hours (门票)两个小时内就卖光了 I'm sorry, this is the biggest place we can get 很抱歉,这是我们能找到的最大的场地了 to have this . So I'm sorry for all the people who couldn't make it 在这里,我对所有因场地限制无法参加的人说声抱歉 and we wish we could sell more tickets, but we don't know where to have it if we do 尽管我们也想提供更多的票,但我们找不到更大的场地 So 5,200 attendees, over 120 sessions, over 100 hands-on labs 超过5200名参与者,超过120场会议,超过100间体验室 Where you can take your code in and get the help tuning it 在体验室你们可以带来自己的代码并请工作人员帮忙调试 and porting it to some of the newer devices 并把它们移到到一些我们的新产品上 And there are over 100 apple engineers here this week 这周有100位苹果的工程师在这里 1000…… sorry …… apple engineers here this week to help you 对不起,说错了,是1000位苹果的工程师在这里帮助你们 So there are a lot of apple folks floating around, grab them, make use of them 所以,这里有很多苹果的员工在四处转悠,逮住他们,好好利用他们 and we hope you have a great week here at WWDC 我们希望你们在世界开发者大会上度过精彩的一周 Now we are going to talk about three things today 今天我们将讨论三个方面的议题 You know if the hardware is the brain and sinew of our products, 大家知道,如果说硬件是我们产品的大脑和肌肉的话, The software in them is the soul. 软件则是灵魂。 And today we are going to talk about software. 今天我们将讨论软件问题。 we've got some great stuff to talk about。 我们有一些很棒的东西可以谈论。 OS10 Lion, iOS 5 and some kind of interesting new clouds stuff。 像OS10 Lion, iOS 5以及有趣的新事物——云。 So you like everything so far? 到目前为止,你们对一切都还满意吧, So I'll try not to blow it. 那么,我会努力不要搞砸的。 So I get to talk about iCloud. 我要开始谈一谈“云”。 We've been working on it for some time now, and we were really excited about it. 关于“云”的工作,我们已经做了一段时间了,我们对此真的很兴奋。 About ten years ago, we have wondered about the most important insights, 大约在十年前,我们意识到了这个最重要的见解, and that was that the PC was going to become the digital hub for your digital life 那就是个人电脑将成为人们数字生活的数据中心。 What that mean? 那意味着什么呢, Well, it meant that's where you were going to put your digital photos, where else were you going to put them? 对,它意味着个人电脑将是你存放数字照片的地方, 除此之外你还能放到哪里呢, Your digital video of your digital cam-recorder, and of course your music. 你用摄像机拍摄的视频,当然还有你的音乐。(这些都要放到个人电脑里)。 Right, you were going to acquire it in the device or potentially on your Mac, 对,你可以用某个设备来取得它或可能用你的Mac。 or you were going to basically sync it to the Mac, and everything was going to work fine. 或者你仅仅将它同步到Mac上。这一切都会运行得很好, And it did for the better part of ten years. 在刚开始的十年里的确不会出问题。 But it has broken down in the last few years. 但是在最后的几年却出了问题。 Why? 为什么呢, Well, because the devices changed. 因为设备改变了。 They now all have music, they now all have photos, they now all have video. 现在所有的设备都有音乐,所有的设备都有照片,所有的 设备都有视频。 And so if I acquire a song, I buy it right on my iPhone. 如果我正好在我的iPhone上,买了一首自己想要的歌。 I want to get that onto my other devices. 我想把这首歌弄到我其它的设备上。 When I picked my iPad that doesn't have the song on it. 当我拿起我的iPad,它上面并没有那首歌。 So I have to sync my iPhone to my Mac. 所以我必须把我的iPhone和我的Mac同步。 Then I have to sync my other devices to the Mac to get that song. 然后我必须将我的其它设备和Mac同步,才能获得那首歌。 But then they deposit some photos on the Mac, so I have to sync the iPhone again with the Mac to get those photos. 但是然后他们存放了一些照片在Mac上,这样我必须再一次将我的 iPhone和Mac同步,才能获得那些照片。 And keeping these devices in synch is driving us crazy. 一直保持这些设备间的同步简直会让我们疯掉。 So we've got a great solution for this problem. 所以我们为这个问题找到了一个很棒的解决 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 。 And we think this solution is our next big insight, which is we are going to demote 我们认为这个解决方案是我们下一个重大见解, 我们将把个人电脑和Mac降级为 the PC and Mac to just be a device, just like an iPhone, an iPad and iPod touch. 一个设备,就像iPhone、iPad和iPod touch一样。 And we are going to move the digital hub, the center of your digital life in the cloud. 我们将会把你数字生活的数据中心转移到云端。 Because always new devices have communications built on them, 因为新设备总是有自身的通信功能, they can all talk on the cloud whenever they want. 只要有需要,它们就可以在云端通信。 And so now if I get something on my iPhone, it sends up the cloud immediately. 所以现在如果我从iPhone上获得了一些东西,它会立即传输到云端。 Let's say I have taken some pictures with it. 比方说,我用iPhone拍了一些照片。 Those pictures within the cloud, and they are now pushed down to my devices completely automatically. 那些照片会保存在云端,并会被完全自动地推送到我的其它设备里。 And now everything is in sync with me not even having to think about it. 现在每样东西会(自动)同步,我甚至都不必想起同步这回事。 I don't even have to take the devices out of my pocket. I don't have to be near my mac or PC. 我甚至不需要将设备从我的口袋里拿出来。我不必在我的Mac或者个人电脑边上。 Now some people think the cloud is just the hard disk in the sky. 现在一些人认为所谓“云”就是放在天空的硬盘。 Right? 对吗, And you take a bunch of stuff, and you put it in your Dropbox, so your iDisk, or whatever. 你把一堆素材放到你的Dropbox(一个能够同步本地文件的网络存储在线应用),或者你的iDisk上,或者其它任何 可以存放的地反。 And transfer it up to the cloud, stores it, then you drag whatever you want to back out onto your other devices. 然后把它传输到云端,保存起来,然后你就可以从云端拖拉任何你想要的东西到你的其它设备上。 We think it's way more than that, and we call it iCloud. 我们认为“云”远远不止那些,我们称之为iCloud。 Now iCloud stores your content in the cloud, and wirelessly pushes it to all your devices. 现在iCloud把你的内容保存在云端,并且以无线的方式将它推送到你其它的设备。 So automatically uploads it, stores it and automatically pushes it to all your other devices. 所以自动地上传、保存并且自动地推送到你所有的其它设备里。 But also it is completely integrated with your apps, and so everything happens automatically, and there's nothing new to learn. 但是它也是完全和你的应用程序结合在一起的,所以一切都是自动发生的,没有任何新的东西需要学。 It just all works. It just works. 它就是很顺畅。它就是顺畅。 Now you might ask "why should I believe them?" They are the ones brought me “mobileme”. 现在,你们或许会问:“我为什么要相信他们呢,”就是他们这帮家伙,曾经向我们推介了(有类似功能的)“mobileme”。 It wasn't our finest hour, let me just say that, but we learned a lot. 我只能说“过去并不是我们最美好的时候,但我们却从中学到了很多。” Now the three core apps of mobileme were contacts, calendar and mail. 现在mobileme的三大主要程序是联系人、行事历和电子邮件。 Three things we obviously like kept up-to-date. 这三个程序是我们明显想要改进并保留下来的。 We've thrown them away, we've re-architected them, and we've re-written them from 我们扔掉了它们,重新构建了它们,并且从头开始重新写了它们,为的就是让它们 the ground up, to be iCloud apps, and we put them on all our devices. 变为iCloud中的应用程序,我们把它们放到了我们所有的设备上。 So as an example in contacts, when I make a new contact on my iPhone, it is 所以就拿“联系人”做个例子,当我在iPhone上新建一个联系人的时候,它会被自动 automatically brought up to the cloud, where it stores them in the cloud. 带到云端,并保存在“云”里。 While the truth is on the cloud. 真相就在云端。 And then it is automatically pushed down to my other devices so they are all in sync. 然后它会被自动地推送到我其它的设备上,以便所有设备同步。 It's that easy. 就是那么简单。 I just update the contact on my iPhone and don't even think about it. 我仅需在iPhone上更新联系人,而无需去考虑同步的问题。 And that contact is updated on all my other devices, and if I changed it on any device, 联系人会被更新到我其它所有的设备上,如果我在任何一个设备上改变联系人, it is updated on all the devices, wirelessly, automatically without me doing a thing. 它就会被以无线的方式,自动地更新到所有的设备上,无需我做任何事。 So that is contact. Here is calendar works much the same way. 那就是“联系人”应用程序。“行事历”应用程序的工作方式也是一样。 I make a new calendar event on my iPhone, it's stored in the cloud, and it's pushed to my other devices. 我在iPhone上新建一个行事历事件,它被保存在云端,并被推送到我其它的设备。 Pretty cool, we've also added a Calendar Sharing. 非常棒的是,我们还增加了行事历共享的功能。 So as an example if I'm sharing a few calendars with my wife, school and soccer calendars, let’s say. 举个例子,如果我和我太太共享了一些行事历,假设说是学校和英式足球的行事历。 Right, then I add a new calendar for a teacher-parent conference, and my iPhone is 对,然后我在行事历上增加了一个关于老师-家长研讨会的新事件,iPhone会再一次自again automatically pushed up to the cloud, and automatically pushed to my wife's iPhone. 动地将此上传到云端,并且自动地推送到我太太的iPhone上。 If she adds a appointment for a soccer game, again goes up the cloud and back to my iPhone. 如果她(在行事历上)增加了一个关于英式足球运动的约会,会再一次(自动地)上传至云端然后送到我的iPhone 上。 It's that simple. 就是这么简单。 So calendars has,it stored your calendar in the cloud, changes on any device are pushed to all your devices. 所以行事历应用程序将你的行事历保存到云端,在任何一台设备上所作的变更都会被推送至所有设备。 And we have shared calendars. 这样我们就有了共享的行事历。 We think you are going to love the new calendars 我们认为你将会爱上新的行事历应用程序。 It just works. 它就是顺畅。 And then we have mail. 下面我们谈一下电子邮件。 Mail was in the best shape of all. 电子邮件是状况最好的。 But it's even better now. 但是现在它更好。 It gives you Mail account@me.com. 它给你一个电子邮件账号:account@me.com Your new messages again are pushed to all your devices. 你的新信息再一次被推送至你所有的设备。 And like it used to, your inbox and folders all kept up-to-date on all devices. 和过去一样,你的收件箱和文件夹会被更新到所有的设备上。 So that is mail. 这就是电子邮件。 And no ads. 并且没有广告。 We build products, that we run for ourselves too, we just don't want ads. 我们构建的产品,为我们自己所用,我们不想要广告。 So we can't get there. 所以我们不能有广告。 So these are the three apps that form the core of mobileme. 这就是构成mobileme核心的三大应用程序。 We used to sell them for a subscription, price of $99 annually. 过去我们采用订购的方式销售,售价为每年99美金。 As of today, these products cease to exist, and those three apps are free. 今天,这些产品取消了,这三大应用程序可以免费使用。 But we didn't stop there. 但是做到这里并不够。 We've got three more apps. 我们还增加了三个应用程序。 We brought them into the iCloud universe. 我们把它们带到了iCloud领域。 The first is, of course, the apps store. 第一个当然是应用程序商店。 In the apps store you've bought a lot of apps so far. 到目前为止,在应用程序商店你已经买了很多应用程序。 And you can buy them of course directly on your devices. 你当然可以直接在你的设备上购买它们。 Maybe the app you want isn't on the device you have got with you. 可能你想要的应用程序并不在你随身携带的设备上。 So for all your purchase history now, you can see it on all your devices, 所以现在你可以在你的设备上看到你所有的历史购买记录,即使 even if the app is not there. (你想要的)应有程序并不在那里。 And we added this Button here which is downloaded from the cloud. 我们在这里添加了“从云端下载”的按钮。 And if he wants that app on that device, push that button. 如果他用那个设备时想要那个应用软件,就按一下按钮。 And the app is automatically sent to that device. 那个应用程序会被自动传送到那个设备上。 Right. And there is no extra charge, no extra charge. 对。没有额外的费用产生,没有额外的费用。 Now we have done that for your purchase history. 现在,对你的历史购买记录我们已经做了如上处理。 What about the devices you’ll buy in the future, 关于那些你将来会买的设备,情形又如何呢, Well, for the devices you’ll buy in the future, you want to buy yelp, let’s say. 关于那些你将来会买的设备,假设说你想买yelp(一种可以查找附件商业配套的应用程序)。 The cloud downloads it to all your devices again and no extra charge, all automatically. “云”会再一次将它自动地下载到你所有的设备上,并且没有额外费用产生。 So that’s what we were doing with the apps store. 这就是我们为应用程序商店所做的一切。 iBooks, same thing. (下面接着讲)iBooks,(和应用程序商店的工作方式)相同。 You got your purchase history of all the books you bought on at any device. 你会得到你曾购买的所有图 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf 的购买记录,不管你是在那一个设备上购买的。 You want to get it on your iPhone say, just push the button, it downloads to that device. 假设说你想在iPhone上得到它,仅需按一下按钮,他就会下载到iPhone上。 When you buy a new iBook, let’s say, you want to buy this book here is the WAVE. 当你买一本新的iBook时,假设你想购买WAVE这本书。 It downloads it to all your devices now. 这本书将会下载到你所有的设备上。 And if you are reading it on one device, let’s say, you are reading it on your iPad, 如果你正在一个设备上读这本书,假设说你在iPad上阅读, and you just got to run, get to a page, you bookmark that page, 你需要离开做其它事,在你正读到的那一页增加一个书签, that bookmark is sent up to the cloud, stored, and again pushed to all your other devices. 书签会被传输到云端并保存,并再一次被推送到你其它的设备上。 So maybe you can read another, the rest of the chapter,as an example, on the train to work. 所以那章的其余部分,举例来说,你可能会在上班的火车上阅读。 It all just works. 就是这么顺畅。 And now backup. 现在来谈一谈备份。 We talked about being PC Free. 我们曾经谈过脱离个人电脑进行备份。 Scott talked about how you can wirelessly backup, your devices daily to your PC or your mac. 斯科特曾谈到如何以无线的方式,将你的设备每日备份到你的个人电脑或者Mac上。 But let’s do it to the cloud as well. 让我们将备份运用到云端。 For those people who want to be completely PC Free. 为了那些想完全脱离个人电脑的人。 So we added wireless backup to the cloud, and basically once daily. 我们增加了无线的方式备份到云端,基本上每日一次。 We are going to backup a lot of your important contents to the cloud. 我们将会备份很多重要的内容到云端。 If you ever get a new phone, have to replace a phone, you literally 如果你买了一个新手机,要取代你的旧手机,你仅需输入你的苹果ID和密码, type in your apple ID and password, and everything will be loaded onto that phone automatically and wirelessly. 旧手机上的一切都会自动以无线的方式加载到新手机上。 So we automatically do daily backups to iCloud over Wi-Fi. 所以我们通过无线的方式,每日自动备份到iCloud。 We backup your purchased music, apps & books. 我们备份你购买的音乐)应用程序和书。 We backup your camera roll with your photos & videos. 我们备份你相册中的照片和视频。 We backup your device settings. 我们备份你的设置。 And we backup your app data. 我们备份你的应用程序数据。 All to the cloud. 所有这些都备份到云端。 So that is backup. 这就是备份。 And those are three other apps that come with iCloud. 那些就是伴随着iCloud产生的三个其它应用程序。 But we couldn’t stop there. 但我们不能停在那里。 And so we have final three apps, they are amazing, 所以我们有了最后三个应用程序,它们令人称奇。 the most inventive part of iCloud, I think. 我认为它们是iCloud中最有创造性的部分。 And I’d love to tell you about them. 我很乐意把它们介绍给大家。 The first one is documents in the cloud. 第一个是云端文件。 So if I am on my iPad and I create a pages document. 如果我在iPad上创建了一份数页的文件。 Right? I create a Pages document and it automatically uploads it and stores it in the cloud. 对,我创建一份 “Pages” (应用软件) 的文件,它会自动上传并保存至云端。 When I close that document, completely automatically, and then push it to all the devices that I have Pages on. 当我关掉那份文件的时候,它会被完全自动地推送到所有安装了Pages软件的设备上。 So I can get the document between my devices. 所以我可以在我的设备间共享文件。 And we have put that into Pages, Numbers, and Keynote, as a matter of fact, the version we just released last week have it in there. 我们把自动备份的功能运用到了Pages)Numbers和Keynote三个软件上,事实上,我们一周前发布的版本就支持这个功能。 And “documents in the cloud” really completes our iOS document storage story too. 云端文件包含了iOS文件存储的所有功能。 In another words, a lot of us have been working for 10 years to get rid of the file system. 换句话说就是我们很多人为了摆脱档案系统的束缚工作了10年。 So the users did not have to worry about it. 所以用户不必有所顾虑。 When you try to teach, teach somebody how to use a Mac, the easiest of all computers to use. 当你教某个人如何使用最容易用的电脑Mac时。 Everything is going along fine until you hit the file system and difficulty is staggering for most people. 除了档案系统对多数人来说都非常困难外,其它一切都很简单。 So we have made it on the iOS devices tool, you don’t have to think about it. 所以我们在iOS设备的工具上运用了这个功能,大家不必顾虑档案系统比较复杂的问题。 The app manages the presentation of its own documents, just like mail manages the presentation with its own messages. 应用程序会管理自身文件的显示,就像电子邮件会管理其自身信息的显示一样。 But the piece that we weren’t finished with was how do we move those documents around the different devices. 我们曾经未完成的一点就是如何在不同的设备间移动那些文件。 And “documents in the cloud” solves that problem for us. 云端文件为我们解决了这个问题。 Apps can store documents in iCloud. 应用程序能够将文件存储在iCloud中。 iCloud pushes those documents to user’s devices automatically. iCloud将那些文件自动推送到用户的设备上。 The documents updated on all devices when changed on any device. 一旦在一个设备上更改了文件,所有设备上的文件将会(自动)更新。 And we are releasing API for all of you. 我们还未大家开放了应用程序编程接口。 So it is really easy to tie your apps into iCloud storage system. 所以很容易将你的应用程序和iCloud存储系统间建立联系。 And again you can have complex documents apps like Pages, or we’ve got another storage facility for key value data. 再一次地,你可以拥有像Pages一样复杂的文件处理应用程序, 或者我们得到另一个存储设备来存放关键值数据。 So as an example, if you have got an app that tracks stock, you can just update the key value pairs, and we will store that in the cloud as well. 举例来说,如果你有一个股票追踪的应用程序,你可以仅仅更新关键值对,我们也可以将其储存在云端。 So documents, key value data, works across all iOS devices and Mac and PCs too. 所以iOS设备上)Mac和个人电脑上的文件)关键值数据)任务(都可以保存到云端)。 So we think this is going to be pretty big. 所以我们认为这将会变得非常庞大。 And that is documents in the cloud. 这就是云端文件。 This next one is maybe my favorite one. 下一个可以说是我最喜欢的。 And it is called photo stream. 它叫Photo Stream。 And it is going to bring the cloud to photos. 它将云端的概念运用到了照片上。 How many times have we taken photos on an iPhone, may be for our kids in the afternoon? 有多少次我们可能用iPhone在下午帮孩子们拍照, And wanted to, when we got home, to share them on the iPad, and we have to go through the process of moving them over. 并且想要在到家的时候和大家在iPad上分享照片。为此,我们必须要经历移动照片的过程。 Would’t it be great if by the time I got home, they are already there on the iPad. 如果我们到家的时候,照片已经在iPad上,那真是再好不过了。 That is what photo stream going to do for us, aross all of our devices. 那正是Photo Stream将为我们效劳的,可以在我们所有的设备之间实现此功能。 So again I take photos on any device, put it in the camera roll, 所以当我在任何一个设备上拍照片时,将它放在相册里, that would be automatically uploaded to the cloud, where it is stored, 相册会被自动上传到云端并保存, and automatically downloaded to all my other devices, including in this case a mac. 并被自动下载到我其它的设备上,包括Mac。 And so I have got my photos on my iPad just waiting for me when I get home. 所以当我到家的时候照片已经在iPad上等着我了。 Now in addition, I can import photos. 另外,我能够输入照片。 I did use iPhoto as an example on the Mac, 我以Mac上的iPhoto为例, it will upload those to the cloud, and do exactly the same thing with them, by pushing it down to all my other devices. 它将照片上传至云端,然后同样地会将照片推送到我其它的设备上。 So it’s apps that I, it’s photos that I take, or photos that I import. 这就是我拍摄的或者输入的照片。 And we build this right into the apps, and I hope you have seen that as we are going through this. 我们把这个做到了应用程序里,我希望你们已经看到了我们正在做的这个。 We build this right into the apps, so there is nothing new to learn. 我们把这个做到了应用程序里,所以没有什么新的东西要学。 So photo stream on the iPad photo apps, we build it right in, right next to albums. 所以iPad照片应用程序里的Photo Stream,就是相册边上的那个,我们加入了这个功能。 We have a button called photo stream, you push it and you are looking at the photo stream. 我们有一个叫做Photo Stream的按钮,你按一下,这样你就可以看到Photo Stream。 It’s that simple. 就那么简单。 There is not a separate app that you have to go to learn, it’s right there in your photo’s app, it’s right there in your photo’s app on your iPhone. 那不是一个独立的需要学习的应用软件,它已经被内置到你的照片处理程序里了,它已经被内置到你iPhone上的照 片处理程序里了。 It is right there with all your albums, there you go――photo stream. 那就是在相册边上的Photo Stream。 On the Mac, on the Mac, we build it right in the iPhoto and so it’s right on the side, your photo stream. 在Mac上,我们把这个功能运用在iPhoto上,就形成了你的Photo Stream。 And on a PC, they don’t have a photos app, so we use a pictures folder, right? 在个人电脑上,因为没有照片应用程序,所以我们用了图片文件夹。 In addition to that we even build it in to an apple TV. 除此之外,我们甚至将这个功能运用到了苹果电视机上。 So apple TV, apple TV talks directly over the internet directly to the photo stream 所以苹果电视机通过网络直接和Photo Stream服务器进行通信, service, doesn’t even go through your PC , talks directly with your photo stream 甚至不需要通过你的个人电脑,直接和Photo Stream服务器进行通信,所以你可以 service, so you can watch your photos right on your apple TV. 直接在苹果电视机上看照片。 So one of the problems we faced was it will, photos are large and we will use up all of our memory on your devices. 我们遇到的一个问题就是,照片很大,可能会用光你设备上的所有记忆空间。 They are also large they will consume vast amounts of storage on our server farms. 它们也会消耗我们服务器群上巨大的存储空间。 So we came up with a great scheme 所以我们提出了一个很棒的方案。 We are going to store photos on your devices. 我们将照片存储在你的设备上。 We are going to store the last 1000 photos. 我们(服务器)将存储最新的1000张照片。 Right? To store the last 1000. 对,存储最新的1000张。 And any photos you want to keep permanently, just move them to an album, and they will stays for ever. 把你想要永久保存的照片移到相册里,相册里的照片会永久保存。 There will be parading values, the last 1000 photographs. 最新的1000张照片,以先进先出的方式储存。 On your Mac or PC, because we have more storage, we will store all of them. 在你的Mac或个人电脑上有更多的存储空间,可以保存所有的照片。 You can get rid of them by just deleting them. 你可以通过删除来去掉它们。 We will store all of them. 我们会保存所有的照片。 And on the sever, we will store them for 30 days, which is more than enough time for all of your devices to connect, and automatically download those photos. 在服务器上,所有的照片会保存30天,这个时间足够你所有的设备连接起来,自动下载那些照片。 So we think we have got a great system here. 所以我们认为在这方面我们有个非常棒的系统。 That is going to move our photos around among all of our devices, even Apple TV. 这将可以在我们所有的设备之间移动照片,甚至包括和苹果电视机之间。 So that when I take a photo any where, I can view it, on all my other devices. 所以无论我在哪里拍摄的照片,我都可以在我的所有设备上浏览它。 We think this is going to be really exciting. 这真是一件让人兴奋无比的事。 So, photos you take or import, upload to iCloud, iCloud pushes them to all your devices, works over WIFI. 所以你拍摄的或者输入的照片,上传到iCloud,iCloud通过无线的方式将它们推送到你所有的设备上。 It is iCloud stores each photo for 30 days, which is plenty enough of time for all our devices to be connected. iCloud上的每张照片都会保留30天,这个时间足够所有的设备连接起来。 Devices store the last 1000 photos, again you can drag them to an album, and they will stay there forever, and Mac and PC store all your photos. 设备上会保存最新的1000张照片,你可以把它们拖到相册里,这样就能永久保存,Mac和个人电脑会保存你所有的 照片。 So, we are really, really pleased with photo stream. 所以,我们真的对Photo Stream非常满意。 We think you are going to like it a lot. 我们认为你们也会非常喜欢它。 Last, but not least, is iTunes in the cloud. 最后,但并不是最不重要的,是云端iTunes。 You know, it is same old story. 大家知道,这里有相同的故事。 Right about I buy something on my iPhone, and will, and it is not on my other devices. 正是关于我在iPhone上买了个东西,但它并不在我其它的设备上。 I grab my iPod, I go to listen to that sound I bought on my iPhone and it isn’t there. 我拿起iPod,想听我在iPhone上买的那首歌,可是它却不在iPod上。 Well, first thing we have done again, is for songs you have already bought, we added a purchase button 我们需要做的第一件事情就是为你已经购买的歌增加一个购买按钮, , that shows you your entire purchase history, of all the iTune songs you have bought on any device. 可以显示你所有的购买记录,你在任何一个设备上购买的iTune歌都可以显示。 You can look at them by all songs, and recent songs, or you can look at it by artist. 你可以通过所有歌曲)最新歌曲和歌手来进行查看。 So I am going to pick Bob Billing here, I can download any of these albums that I bought on iTune to this device, just by pushing that cloud download button, 我在这选择歌手Bob Billing, 我能下载我已经在iTune购买的任何一个唱片集到这个设备上,只需要按一下云下载按 钮。 or I can go in to one of them, and just download whatever song I want to this device. 或者我可以挑任何一首歌,下载到这个设备上。 So anything I bought, I can now download to any of my devices, at no additional charge, which is good. 所以,我购买的任何东西,都可以下载到我的任何一个设备上,无需另外付费,这才是重点。 This is the first time we have seen this in the music industry. 这种模式是我们在音乐领域的首创。 No charge for multiple downloads to different devices. 多次下载到不同的设备上无需另外付费。 And for the future, I flip one switch to “on”, and now any song I buy on any devices, again will automatically be downloaded to all my devices. 并且在将来,只需打开开关,我在任何设备上购买的任何歌都会被自动下载到我所有的设备上。 So, music purchased from iTune, high quality 256 kbps AAC, and you can have it up 所以,从iTune上购买的音乐,有高品质——256 kbps AAC,你能把它加载到10个设备上, to 10 devices, downloading music to any of them, every time you buy it on any devices. 下载音乐到任何一个设备上,每一次你在任何设备上购买音乐的时候。 iTune in the cloud. 这就是云端iTune。 So, these nine apps, constitute iCloud, and they are all free. 所以,这九个应用程序,构成了iCloud,它们都是免费的。 We want every user to take advantage of these, and we know if we make them free, they will, 我们希望每个用户能好好利用这个应用程序,我们知道如果免费的话,用户会愿意用的, and we want people to see what these devices can really do, and what the software can really do. 我们希望人们去探索这些设备到底能做什么,这些软件到底能做什么。 So we are making it free, and we are very excited about it. 所以我们免费供大家使用,并且我们对此兴奋不已。 So that is iCloud. 这就是iCloud。 It stores your contents, and wirelessly pushes it to all your devices, and it is integrated with your apps, so everything happens automatically. 它储存你的内容,以无线的方式推送到你所有的设备,并且和你的应用程序整合在一起,所以一切都是自动发生的。 So a competitor, that doesn’t own the apps, or doesn’t have great developers to integrate with these apps, they can never do this. 所以如果一个竞争对手,没有这些应用程序,没有很棒的开发者将其和这些应用程序整合,他将永远无法做到这个。 They can never make it. So it just works. And that is what we have done here. 他们永远无法做到这个。它就是这么顺畅。这也正是我们在这里所做的意义所在。 So how do you get it? 所以,你们如何取得这些呢, Well, when you upgrade your phone or buy a phone with iOS5 on it, all you have to do is type in our Apple ID and password, and that is it. 好,当你升级你的手机时,或者你买了一个安装了iOS5的手机,你需要做的只是输入你的苹果ID和密码,就这么 多就够了。 And you have got a switch that is iCloud, you can turn it off if you like. 你有一个iCloud的开关,你可以关掉它如果你想的话。 It will be turned on by default, and you are up and running. 开关默认是开着的,当你的设备启动运行的时候。 We are also going to get everybody 5GB of free storage for Mail, Documents & Backup. 我们也准备给每个人5GB的免费存储空间来存放电子邮件)文件和备份资料。 That is even more than what it sounds like. 这个甚至比听起来要好。 Because we are not counting purchased music, apps, and books. 因为你买的音乐)应用程序和书所占的空间是不计算在内的。 Toward that 5GB, nor are we counting photo stream, toward that 5GB. Photo Stream所占的空间也是不计算在5GB之内的。 So, when can you get your hand on this? 所以,你们什么时候可以体验一下这个呢, Today, developer Beta today. 今天,开发者今天就体验。 We are going to get you all the developer Beta today, 我们今天将让开发者体验, and also today, we are going to make something available to end users, 今天我们也给使用者带来了一些东西, which is iTune in the cloud portion, and it runs on iOS4.3, it will run on all supported iOS5 when we ship it this Fall. 那就是云端iTune的部分,现在只在iOS4.3上运行,这个秋季iOS5发布后将会在iOS5上运行。 But today we are going to put it out for 4.3 as a Beta, and everyone can get their hands on it and run it on their existing iPhone 4. 但是今天做为测试,我们将它和iOS4.3一起推出,每个人都可以体验一下,并在iPhone4上运行它。 So we think this is going to be really exciting, and of course we ship iCloud, concurrent with shipping iOS5 this Fall. 所以我们认为这将非常令人兴奋。当然,这个秋季我们会发布iCloud,同时发布的还有iOS5。 So that is iCloud. 这就是iCloud。 Now there is one more thing. 还有一件事。 Small, small thing, a small thing. 一件非常非常小的事。 It pertains to iTune in the cloud. 与云端iTune相关的事。 If you recall, iTune in the cloud is just for the music you purchased from the iTune store. 如果你回想一下会发现,云端iTune只为你在iTune商店购买的歌曲服务。 Now at 14 billions songs, 15 billions, excused me, that is a lot of songs out there, 现在有140亿首歌,对不起,150亿,非常多的歌, that’s been purchased from iTune music store, 都是从iTune商店购买的歌。 but, you may have some that you ripped yourself. 但是,或许你会有一些自己截下的歌。 And there are three ways you can deal with that: 这里有三种方式处理那些截下的歌: 1. You can sync your new devices (with ripped song), over WIFI, or cables. 1(你可以通过无线或有线的方式同步你的新设备(该设备上有原创的歌) And you only have to sync it once, to get that music on them. 你只需要同步一次,就可以在所有设备上得到那首歌。 And you can rely on iCloud to take care of getting all our new purchase off iTunes, onto that device, or 并且你可以依靠iCloud去处理那些在iTunes之外购买的新歌。 2. if it is just a few song you love, you don’t want to leave behind, you can buy those songs that you miss on iTunes. 2(如果你只是不想落下少量的歌,你可以购买那些iTunes没有收藏的歌。 3. We are going to offer a third way, which is called iTunes Match. 3. 我们将会提供第三种方式,叫做iTunes Match。 What is iTunes match? 什么叫iTunes Match呢, Well, iTunes match uses the fact that we got 18 millions songs now in the iTunes music store. iTunes Match根据我们有180亿首歌在iTunes音乐商店这个事实。 And chances are awfully good, that we got the sound in our store that you ripped. 这样我们拥有你截下的那首歌的几率非常大。 And so we wrote software, to scan those CD, the ripped CD, the non-iTunes music. 所以我们写了软件,去扫描那些CD,那些截下的CD,那些非iTunes的音乐。 And match it up with those songs we have in the store. 将那些歌和我们商店原有的歌进行匹配。 Right. And so we can give that music the same benefit as music purchases from iTunes, and it takes just minutes, not weeks. 对,那些歌将能和从iTunes购买的歌一样获得相同的优待,这需要几分钟,而不是几周。 If you have to upload your whole library in a some of a locker in the sky, that literally takes weeks. 如果你将你的收藏夹整个上传至某个地方,那将会花费数周的时间。 This takes minutes. 这仅需几分钟。 Because we are scanning and matching your library, so we don’t need to upload that large part of your library. 因为我们只是扫描和匹配你的收藏夹,我们不必上传你的收藏夹中的大量内容。 In a few songs remain, well, we will upload them. 只有很少量的歌,我们会上传。 But with 18 millions songs, we will most likely to have what you got. 但是180亿首歌中多数情况下已经有了你想要的歌。 In addition, iTunes match will upgrade those songs to match 256 kbps AAC. 另外,iTunes Match将会把那些歌升级到256 kbps AAC。 And iTunes match costs just $24.99 a year. iTunes Match每年只需付费24.99美金。 So if you have got a bunch of music, you have got a bunch of music you didn’t buy from iTunes, 所以如果你有许多不是从iTunes购买的音乐, you can get all the benefit from the cloud services, 你将会从云端服务中收益, and more, in term of upgrading your music, for $24.99 a year. 更重要的是升级你的音乐,每年24.99美金。 Now if you look and compare that with some of the competitors, let’s just look at Apple, Amazon, and Google, you are kind of get surprised. 如果你和一些竞争对手比较,假设我们来看一下苹果)亚马逊和谷歌,你会很吃惊。 Because, again, the library in the cloud, we scan and match, the other guys, you have to upload your whole music library. 因为,云端收藏夹,我们只是扫描和匹配,而其它家需要上传你整个音乐收藏夹。 Again, it’s going to take weeks. 此外,这需要几周时间。 Music apps, on your Mac and PC, well all of your stuff on web apps, instead of iTunes, 你在Mac或者个人电脑上有 iTunes 音乐应用程序,竞争对手都只有网络应用程序, upgrade to 256 kbps. 升级到256 kbps。 The other guys are not upgrading you at all. 竞争对手根本就不提供升级服务。 The annual price for 5,000 songs are $24.99, Amazon charges you $50 for the storage and Google hasn’t announced their pricing yet. 苹果5000首歌每年收费24.99美金,亚马逊存储5000首歌每年收费50美金,谷歌还没有公布他们的价格。 Even at 20,000 songs, we charge one flat price. 即使是20000首歌,我们还是同样的价格。 Amazon is up to $200 for the storage. 亚马逊却涨到200美金,还仅仅支持存储。 Google hasn’t announced their pricing yet. 谷歌还没有公布他们的价格。 So, most of our customer wouldn’t need this. 我们多数的客户不需要这个。 Because they have bought a lot of their music on iTunes. 因为他们在iTunes上买了很多的音乐。 For those you do, it is an industry leading offering. 对那些需要这个的人来说,这真是音乐领域重要的献礼。 Let’s put it that way. 就让我们这么说吧。 So that is iTunes match. 这就是iTunes Match。 It goes along with free iTunes in the cloud. 它和云端iTunes一起都是免费的。 And that is what it is. 这就是它。 Now, if you don’t think we are serious about this, you are wrong. 现在,如果你认为我们没有认真对待这事,你就错了。 This is our third data center, that we have just completed. 这是我们第三个数据中心,是我们刚刚建成的。 It is in Maiden North Carolina. 它位于北卡罗来纳州的梅登。 This is what it looks like. 这是它的外观。 It’s rather large. 它相当大。 It is eco-friendly as you can make it for a data center with modern technology. 它是一个用现代科技装备起来的数据中心,是环境友好型的。 And we are pretty proud of it. 我们为此非常自豪。 Just get you a feel for its size, see those two old dots on the roof. 让我们来感受一下它的大小,看看房顶上的两个点。 Those are two people right there. 其实那是两个人。 So it is a pretty large place and it is full of stuff, full of expensive stuff. 所以,它非常大,里面装满了设备,全是昂贵的设备。 And we are ready, we think for customer to start using iCloud. 我们准备好了,我们为客户开始用iCloud着想。 And we can’t wait to get it in their hands. 我们迫不及待,想让客户早点用上它。 So iCloud is the third things we want to talk about today. 所以iCloud是我们今天想要谈论的第三个东西。 Hope you like all the three things we unveiled this morning. 希望大家喜欢我们今天上午公布的这三个东西。 And again, we got a great week planned for you. 此外,我们为大家准备了很棒的一周安排。 With 5,200 attendee, over 120 sessions, over 1,200 hands-on labs, over 1,000 Apple engineers here all week. 这周这里有5200名参与者,120多场会议,1200多体验室,1000多位苹果的工程师。 So please ask for any help you need. 所以有需要帮忙的尽管说。 That is why we are here. 这是我们在这里的原因。 So go at it. 所以尽情享受吧。 Have a great week. 祝大家过一个精彩的一周。 Thank you very much, for coming this morning. 非常感谢大家能来参加今天早上的会议。
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