首页 3c认证变更申请书



3c认证变更申请书3c认证变更申请书 申请编号: 生产厂编号: Application No: Factory No: CCC认证变更申请书 Application Form for Change of CCC Certification 申请日期/Date: 产品类别/Product sort: 中国质量认证中心 China Quality Certification Centreo resources management principles: first de Hou only, both ability ...

3c认证变更申请书 申请编号: 生产厂编号: Application No: Factory No: CCC认证变更申请书 Application Form for Change of CCC Certification 申请日期/Date: 产品类别/Product sort: 中国质量认证中心 China Quality Certification Centreo resources management principles: first de Hou only, both ability and political integrity, merit, best 5, and human resources management content: human resources planning, and performance assessment, and training 6, and human resources management core technology: performance assessment, stage assessment: effectiveness stage, and effect stage, and efficiency stage, and benefits stage, and follow stage level sex assessment: job layer service consciousness, and professional layer professional spirit, and career layer ethics , And academic layer learning spirit, and career layer thinking mode performance assessment elements: named, and set value, and quantitative, and qualitative, and timing, and Sentinel second chapter system article objective people is company development of this, has a support solidarity, and up, and has dedication spirit of talent team is company success of key, we is committed to company human capital of value-added, strengthening talent team of construction, efforts created first-class of talent growth environment, constantly improve levels talent of solution problem of capacity. Organizational structure a. organization chart: 2 1(认证委托人/Applicant: 1.1认证委托人名称/Name of Applicant: 1.2 付款人名称、地址/Name 、Address of Payer: 1.3认证委托人地址、邮编/Address and post code of Applicant: 1.4证书邮寄地址、邮编/Address and post code of certificate mailing: 批准书/各类通知书邮寄地址、邮编/Address and post code of approving for change of certification or notice of suspension, withdrawal, cancellation or resumption: 1.5 组织机构代码/Organization Code: 1.6联系人/Contact Person: 1.7电话/ Telephone: 1.8传真/Fax: 1.9电子邮件/E-mail: 1.10 移动电话/Mobile phone: 2. 代理机构或中国办事处/Name of Agent or office in China: 2.1 代理机构/中国办事处名称/ Name of Agent or office in China: 2.2 联系人/Contact Person: 2.3电话/ Telephone: 2.4传真/Fax: 2.5电子邮件/E-mail: 2.6 移动电话/Mobile phone: 3. 生产者(制造商)/Manufacturer(where the equipment is produced): 3.1生产者(制造商)名称/Name of Manufacturer: 3.2生产者(制造商)地址/Address of Manufacturer: 3.3联系人/Contact Person: 3.4 电话/ Telephone: 3.5 传真/Fax: 3.6 电子邮件/E-mail: 3.7 移动电话/Mobile phone: 4. 生产企业/Factory(where the equipment is produced): 4.1生产企业名称/Name of factory: 4.2生产企业地址、邮编/Address and post code of factory: o resources management principles: first de Hou only, both ability and political integrity, merit, best 5, and human resources management content: human resources planning, and performance assessment, and training 6, and human resources management core technology: performance assessment, stage assessment: effectiveness stage, and effect stage, and efficiency stage, and benefits stage, and follow stage level sex assessment: job layer service consciousness, and professional layer professional spirit, and career layer ethics , And academic layer learning spirit, and career layer thinking mode performance assessment elements: named, and set value, and quantitative, and qualitative, and timing, and Sentinel second chapter system article objective people is company development of this, has a support solidarity, and up, and has dedication spirit of talent team is company success of key, we is committed to company human capital of value-added, strengthening talent team of construction, efforts created first-class of talent growth environment, constantly improve levels talent of solution problem of capacity. Organizational structure a. organization chart: CQC/18 流程 快递问题件怎么处理流程河南自建厂房流程下载关于规范招聘需求审批流程制作流程表下载邮件下载流程设计 0101.01 4.3联系人/Contact Person: 4.4电子邮件/E-mail: 4.5电话/ Telephone: 4.6传真/Fax: 4.7移动电话/Mobile phone: 4.8工厂编号/Factory Number: 5.产品名称/Name of Production: 6.产品类别/Product Sort: 7.产品商标/Trade mark: 8.型号和规格(中文)/Model and specification: 型号和规格(英文)/Model and specification: 9.产品认证依据/Standards of product certification: 10. 申请认证的产品是否有CB测试证书/Has the applying equipment been awarded the CB Test Certificate: 是/Yes 否/No 如果有,给出CB测试证书的编号和获证日期/If “Yes”, give the number and date of the CB Test Certificate: a. CB证书号/No. Of CB Certificate: b. 获证日期/Issued Date: c. 颁发CB测试证书的认证机构/Name of the NCB issuing the CB Test Certificate: 11、申请CCC认证的同时,是否申请CB测试证书/ If to apply CB Certificate When apply CCC Certification: 是/Yes 否/No 12、说明生产企业是否有同类产品获得过CCC证书,如果有,请列出证书编号。Please indicate if the factory has ever obtained CCC certificates, if the answer is yes, then list the certificate No: 13、请选择本次申请的获证模式/Please choose the certification type of this application: ,普通类型/Normal ,OEM ,ODM ,其他利用已获证书结果 /by other granted certification A.选择本次申请的获证模式为“ODM”,出现下面两个选项/Two choices will appear if ODM is selected as the certification type: , 本次申请拟利用ODM生产企业已有CCC证书的结果to use the granted CCC certification of ODM manufacturer 选择此项显示:请正确填写ODM生产企业已有 CCC证书(初始认证证书)的证书号/it is required to provide the correct CCC certification number (initial certification) of ODM manufacturer , 作为ODM初始认证证书持证人身份申请/to apply as the holder of ODM initial certificate o resources management principles: first de Hou only, both ability and political integrity, merit, best 5, and human resources management content: human resources planning, and performance assessment, and training 6, and human resources management core technology: performance assessment, stage assessment: effectiveness stage, and effect stage, and efficiency stage, and benefits stage, and follow stage level sex assessment: job layer service consciousness, and professional layer professional spirit, and career layer ethics , And academic layer learning spirit, and career layer thinking mode performance assessment elements: named, and set value, and quantitative, and qualitative, and timing, and Sentinel second chapter system article objective people is company development of this, has a support solidarity, and up, and has dedication spirit of talent team is company success of key, we is committed to company human capital of value-added, strengthening talent team of construction, efforts created first-class of talent growth environment, constantly improve levels talent of solution problem of capacity. Organizational structure a. organization2013-10 chart:-12(2/2)W 第 3 页 共 9 页 4 B.如果选择本次申请的的获证模式为“其他利用已获证书结果”/by other granted certification 则出现如下界面: 请正确填写拟利用的已获证书结果的证书号/it is required to provide the granted certificate number C.如果选择本次申请的获证模式为“OEM”,选择此项显示:请正确填写相关联 的OEM证书号/Please provide the relevant OEM certificate number if OEM is selected as the certification type of this application: 注:若原获证产品的关键项目发生变更(如规格、结构、关键原材料/元器件及其供应商变更) 时,本ODM产品也应随之变更并办理变更手续。原产品未涉及上述变更时,本产品也不能变 更。/Note: If major items (such as type, structure, key material/components and their supplier) of certified products are changed, the ODM products shall change as well and it is required to take the change procedures. If changes of certified products don’t involve the items mentioned above, the ODM products remain unchanged. 14、注/Remark: 以下是有关变更的信息/Information of changes 原证书编号/Original certificate No.: 原测试 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 编号 /Original test report No.: 变更类别:Type of Change 1、,商标更改Change of trademark 2、,由于产品命名方法的变化引起的获证产品名称、型号更改Product name and type change caused by naming method 3、,产品型号更改、不影响电器安全的内部结构不变(经判断不涉及安全和电磁兼容 问题)Product type changed, interior structure unchanged, electrical appliance safety unaffected (no safety and EMC issues involved) 4、,在证书上增加同种产品其它型号Add another type to the same product on the certificate 5、,在证书上减少同种产品其它型号Take a type/types of the same product off the certificate 6、,生产企业名称更改,地址不变,生产企业没有搬迁Name of manufacturer changed, address unchanged, the manufacturer didn’t move 7、,生产企业名称更改,地址名称变化,生产企业没有搬迁Name of manufacturer changed, address changed, the manufacturer didn’t move 8、,生产企业名称不变,地址名称更改,生产企业没有搬迁Name of manufacturer unchanged, address changed, the manufacturer didn’t move 9、,生产企业搬迁The manufacturer moved o resources management principles: first de Hou only, both ability and political integrity, merit, best 5, and human resources management content: human resources planning, and performance assessment, and training 6, and human resources management core technology: performance assessment, stage assessment: effectiveness stage, and effect stage, and efficiency stage, and benefits stage, and follow stage level sex assessment: job layer service consciousness, and professional layer professional spirit, and career layer ethics , And academic layer learning spirit, and career layer thinking mode performance assessment elements: named, and set value, and quantitative, and qualitative, and timing, and Sentinel second chapter system article objective people is company development of this, has a support solidarity, and up, and has dedication spirit of talent team is company success of key, we is committed to company human capital of value-added, strengthening talent team of construction, efforts created first-class of talent growth environment, constantly improve levels talent of solution problem of capacity. Organizational structure a. organization chart: CQC/18流程0101.01 10、,原认证委托人的名称和/或地址更改Name and/or address of the applicant changed 11、,原生产者(制造商)的名称和/或地址更改Name and/or address of the manufacturer changed 12、,产品认证所依据的国家标准、技术规则或者认证实施细则发生了变化National standards, technical regulation or certification implementation rules of related products changed 13、, 明显影响产品的设计和规范发生了变化,如电器安全结构变更或获证产品的关 键件更换Product design and its specifications of obvious affect changed, such as safety structure of electrical appliances and safety component of certified products changed 14、,增加/减少适用性一致的关键件供应商或关键件供应商名称变更Add/Reduce supplier of safety components of applicable consistency or change the name of supplier of safety components. 15、,生产企业的质量体系发生变化(例如所有权、组织机构或管理者发生了变化) Quality system changed(such as ownership, organization structure of manager) 16、,其他机构换证申请Application of change by other body 17、,到期换证change the expired certificate to a new one 18、,其它others 序号变更项目 变更前 变更后 No. Item of change Before the change After the change 1 o resources management principles: first de Hou only, both ability and political integrity, merit, best 5, and human resources management content: human resources planning, and performance assessment, and training 6, and human resources management core technology: performance assessment, stage assessment: effectiveness stage, and effect stage, and efficiency stage, and benefits stage, and follow stage level sex assessment: job layer service consciousness, and professional layer professional spirit, and career layer ethics , And academic layer learning spirit, and career layer thinking mode performance assessment elements: named, and set value, and quantitative, and qualitative, and timing, and Sentinel second chapter system article objective people is company development of this, has a support solidarity, and up, and has dedication spirit of talent team is company success of key, we is committed to company human capital of value-added, strengthening talent team of construction, efforts created first-class of talent growth environment, constantly improve levels talent of solution problem of capacity. Organizational structure a. organization2013-10 chart:-12(2/2)W 第 5 页 共 9 页 6 申请编号/ Application No: 认证委托人/Applicant: 认证委托人名称/Name of Applicant: 联系人/Contact Person: 电话/ Telephone: 传真/Fax: 电子邮件/E-mail: 认证委托人承诺 Commitment of Applicant 我们郑重承诺遵守以下条款: We solemnly promise to abide by the following terms: 1、本次认证申请的详细内容与在中国质量认证(CQC)网页上提交的申请内容完全一致, 详细信息以CQC网页上的申请内容为准;All content of this application is in complete consistency with the application submitted to China Quality Certification Centre (CQC) on-line 2、 遵守中国质量认证中心(CQC)的认证规则和程序;支付认证所需的申请,试验, 工厂 审查及其它有关的费用;妥善保管型式试验报告、工厂检查报告和认证变更确认等认证的相 关资料,以备监督检查使用;中国质量认证中心(CQC)将不承担获得产品合格认证的生产者 (制造商)或销售商应承担的任何法律责任;/We declare that we will follow the rules and procedures of the CQC and make payment for the fees arising from the application, testing, inspection and other services, keep well type test report, factory inspection report, materials approving for change of certified product and relevant documents of certification in order to conduct the factory follow up inspection. China Quality Certification Center shall not bear any corresponding legal liabilities which should be assumed by Manufacturer and Seller with product certificate; 3、所生产的本申请所涉及的产品符合申请认证产品的国家标准及其它相关标准或规定, 我公司对此次声明完全负责;/We declare with full responsibility that the relevant product(s) produced by our factory are in conformity with the GB standards and other standards or regulations; 4、 始终遵守认证计划的安排的有关规定;/we undertake to always comply with the relevant provisions of the certification programme; 5、为进行评价作出必要的安排,包括审查文件、进入所有的区域、查阅所有的 记录 混凝土 养护记录下载土方回填监理旁站记录免费下载集备记录下载集备记录下载集备记录下载 (包 括内部审核报告)和评价所需人员(例如检验、检查、评定、监督、复评)和解决投诉的有 o resources management principles: first de Hou only, both ability and political integrity, merit, best 5, and human resources management content: human resources planning, and performance assessment, and training 6, and human resources management core technology: performance assessment, stage assessment: effectiveness stage, and effect stage, and efficiency stage, and benefits stage, and follow stage level sex assessment: job layer service consciousness, and professional layer professional spirit, and career layer ethics , And academic layer learning spirit, and career layer thinking mode performance assessment elements: named, and set value, and quantitative, and qualitative, and timing, and Sentinel second chapter system article objective people is company development of this, has a support solidarity, and up, and has dedication spirit of talent team is company success of key, we is committed to company human capital of value-added, strengthening talent team of construction, efforts created first-class of talent growth environment, constantly improve levels talent of solution problem of capacity. Organizational structure a. organization chart: CQC/18流程0101.01 关规定; /we undertake to make all necessary arrangements for the conduct of the evaluation, including provision for examining documentation and access to all areas, records (including internal audit reports) and personnel for the purposes of evaluation (e.g. testing, inspection, assessment, surveillance, reassessment ) and resolution of complaints; 6、仅在获准认证的范围内作出有关认证的声明;/we undertake to make claims regarding certification only in respect of the scope for which certification has been granted; 7、在使用产品认证结果时,不得损害中国质量认证中心(CQC)的声誉、不得做使中国 质量认证中心(CQC)认为可能误导或未经授权的声明;/we undertake to not use our product certification in such a manner as to bring CQC into disrepute and do not make any statement regarding our product certification which CQC may consider misleading or unauthorized; 8、当证书被暂停或撤销时,应立即停止涉及认证内容的广告,并按中国质量认证中心 (CQC) 要求 对教师党员的评价套管和固井爆破片与爆破装置仓库管理基本要求三甲医院都需要复审吗 交回所有认证文件;/we undertake to upon suspension or cancellation of certification, discontinue the use of all advertising matter that contains any reference thereto and return any certification documents as required by CQC; 9、认证仅用于表明获准认证的产品符合特定标准; /we undertake to use certification only to indicate that products are certified as being in conformity with specified standards; 10、确保不采用误导的方式使用或部分使用认证证书和报告; /we undertake to endeavour to ensure that no certificate or report nor any part thereof is used in a misleading manner; 11、在传播媒体中对产品认证内容的引用,应符合中国质量认证中心(CQC)的要求;/we undertake to in making reference to our product certification in communication media such as documents, brochures or advertising, comply with the requirements of CQC; 12、此申请中的产品符合国家其它相关法律法规的要求后方可出厂销售。/The product in this application can be sold only if it fully conforms to our country's laws and regulations. 2013-10-12(2/2)W 第页 共 9 页 8 认证委托人注意事项 Notes 1、 认证委托人应将申请书寄受理部门。/The applicant should send the application to CQC product department. 本申请受理部门/Product department: 地址/Address: 联系电话/Telephone: 2、请用中、英二种文字填写认证委托人、生产者(制造商)、生产企业和认证产品的名 称。/Please fill in the names of the applicant, factories and products in both Chinese and English. 3、有关CQC产品认证的公开文件可通过上网获取, 网址是 /Published documents on CQC product certification can be acquired from CQC website: 4、如果申请CCC认证,同时也申请CB测试证书,请填写完"认证委托人承诺"后,继续 填写CB测试申请书。/If CB application applied at the same time with CCC application, please complete "Declaration of the Applicant" and then to fill in CB application form. 5、CCC认证与CB认证同时申请时,生产者(制造商)必须相同。/If CCC certification and CB certification apply at the same time, the manufacturer of them must be the same. 6、CB申请书以英文填写为准,相同的内容可以复制。/The english content of CB application is admitted, the same contents of it can make duplicate. 7、认证委托人获证后有关证书注销、暂停(恢复)、撤销等重要信息,中国质量认证中 心将以“通知书”形式按上述“认证委托人”信息中的内容以“挂号信”方式进行邮寄、告 之。如持证人证书内容(认证委托人/生产者(制造商)/生产企业名称、地址等)发生变化, 请及时申请证书变更。除证书内容外,认证委托人/代理机构/生产者(制造商)/生产企业其 他内容发生变化,请及时联系受理工程师修改。/China Quality Certification Center will take in the form of “Notice” to notify certificate holder the information of cancellation, suspension (resumption), and withdrawal. The “Notice” will send by registered letter according to the address of applicant information. If there is any change on certificate contents (applicant/manufacturer/name or address of factory), please apply the certificate modification in time, except that, if the change on applicant/ agency/manufacturer/ factory, please contact with engineer in time. 8、认证委托人获证后有关证书注销、暂停(恢复)、撤销的信息,请登录中国质量认证 中心网站()或认监网网站()进行查询。同 时认证委托人需将证书注销、暂停(恢复)、撤销的信息及时通知与之相关的生产者(制造商)、 生产企业,并按照强制性产品认证的相关规定执行。/The certificate holder can land on China Quality Certification Center website (www.cqc.com.cn) or Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People’s Republic of China website o resources management principles: first de Hou only, both ability and political integrity, merit, best 5, and human resources management content: human resources planning, and performance assessment, and training 6, and human resources management core technology: performance assessment, stage assessment: effectiveness stage, and effect stage, and efficiency stage, and benefits stage, and follow stage level sex assessment: job layer service consciousness, and professional layer professional spirit, and career layer ethics , And academic layer learning spirit, and career layer thinking mode performance assessment elements: named, and set value, and quantitative, and qualitative, and timing, and Sentinel second chapter system article objective people is company development of this, has a support solidarity, and up, and has dedication spirit of talent team is company success of key, we is committed to company human capital of value-added, strengthening talent team of construction, efforts created first-class of talent growth environment, constantly improve levels talent of solution problem of capacity. Organizational structure a. organization chart: CQC/18流程0101.01 (www.cnca.gov.cn) to get the information on certificates cancellation, suspension (resumption) and withdrawal. In addition, the applicant should notice the related manufacturer or factory the information of certificates cancellation, suspension (resumption) and withdrawal, and comply with related CCC requirements. 9、获证后,请认真核对证书信息,如有疑义,请在获证后15个工作日内向受理部门提出 申诉。Please verify the information on the certificate after being certified. If there is any problem, please appeal to the complaint department within 15 working days after being certified. 认证委托人授权签章/ Signature authorized by the applicant: 年/Year 月/Month 日/Date 2013-10-12(2/2)W 第页 共 9 页
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