首页 绍兴市2012年数学中考试题及答案



绍兴市2012年数学中考试题及答案绍兴市2012年数学中考试题及答案 2012年浙江省绍兴市中考数学试卷 一(选择题(共10小题) 1((2012绍兴)3的相反数是( ) 11,3 A( 3 B( C( D( ,33考点:相反数。 解答:解:根据相反数的概念及意义可知:3的相反数是,3。 故选B。 2((2012绍兴)下列运算正确的是( ) 262334235 A( B( C( D( xxx,,xxx,,xxx,,(2)6xx,考点:同底数幂的除法;合并同类项;同底数幂的乘法;幂的乘方与积的乘方。 解答:解:A、x+x=2x,此选项错...

绍兴市2012年数学中考试题及 答案 八年级地理上册填图题岩土工程勘察试题省略号的作用及举例应急救援安全知识车间5s试题及答案 2012年浙江省绍兴市中考数学试卷 一(选择题(共10小题) 1((2012绍兴)3的相反数是( ) 11,3 A( 3 B( C( D( ,33考点:相反数。 解答:解:根据相反数的概念及意义可知:3的相反数是,3。 故选B。 2((2012绍兴)下列运算正确的是( ) 262334235 A( B( C( D( xxx,,xxx,,xxx,,(2)6xx,考点:同底数幂的除法;合并同类项;同底数幂的乘法;幂的乘方与积的乘方。 解答:解:A、x+x=2x,此选项错误; 624B、x?x=x,此选项错误; 34C、x•x=x,此选项正确; 236D、(2x)=8x,此选项错误。 故选C。 3((2012绍兴)据科学家估计,地球年龄大约是4 600 000 000年,这个数用科学记数法表示为( ) 88910 A( 4.6×10 B( 46×10 C( 4.6×10 D( 0.46×10 考点:科学记数法—表示较大的数。 9解答:解:4 600 000 000用科学记数法表示为:4.6×10。 故选:C。 4((2012绍兴)如图所示的几何体,其主视图是( ) A( B( C( D( 考点:简单组合体的三视图。 解答:解:从物体正面看,看到的是一个等腰梯形。 故选C。 11,5((2012绍兴)化简可得( ) xx,1 1121x,21x,, A( B( C( D( 2222xx,xx,xx,xx, 考点:分式的加减法。 xx,,11解答:解:原式=,,。 2xxxx(1),, - 1 - 绍兴市2012年数学中考试题及答案 故选B。 6((2012绍兴)在如图所示的平面直角坐标系内,画在透明胶片上的?ABCD,点A的坐标是(0,2)(现 将这张胶片平移,使点A落在点A′(5,,1)处,则此平移可以是( ) A( 先向右平移5个单位,再向下平移1个单位 B( 先向右平移5个单位,再向下平移3个单位 C( 先向右平移4个单位,再向下平移1个单位 D( 先向右平移4个单位,再向下平移3个单位 考点:坐标与图形变化-平移。 解答:解:根据A的坐标是(0,2),点A′(5,,1), 横坐标加5,纵坐标减3得出,故先向右平移5个单位,再向下平移3个单位, 故选:B。 7((2012绍兴)如图,AD为?O的直径,作?O的内接正三角形ABC,甲、乙两人的作法分别是: 、作OD的中垂线,交?O于B,C两点, 甲:1 2、连接AB,AC,?ABC即为所求的三角形 乙:1、以D为圆心,OD长为半径作圆弧,交?O于B,C两点。 2、连接AB,BC,CA(?ABC即为所求的三角形。 对于甲、乙两人的作法,可判断( ) A( 甲、乙均正确 B( 甲、乙均错误 C( 甲正确、乙错误 D( 甲错误,乙正 确 考点:垂径定理;等边三角形的判定与性质;含30度角的直角三角形。 解答:解:根据甲的思路,作出图形如下: 连接OB, ?BC垂直平分OD, ?E为OD的中点,且OD?BC, 1?OE=DE=OD,又OB=OD, 2 - 2 - 绍兴市2012年数学中考试题及答案 1在Rt?OBE中,OE=OB, 2 ??OBE=30?,又?OEB=90?, ??BOE=60?, ?OA=OB,??OAB=?OBA, 又?BOE为?AOB的外角, ??OAB=?OBA=30?, ??ABC=?ABO+?OBE=60?, 同理?C=60?, ??BAC=60?, ??ABC=?BAC=?C, ??ABC为等边三角形, 故甲作法正确; 根据乙的思路,作图如下: 连接OB,BD, ?OD=BD,OD=OB, ?OD=BD=OB, ??BOD为等边三角形, ??OBD=?BOD=60?, 又BC垂直平分OD,?OM=DM, ?BM为?OBD的平分线, ??OBM=?DBM=30?, 又OA=OB,且?BOD为?AOB的外角, ??BAO=?ABO=30?, ??ABC=?ABO+?OBM=60?, 同理?ACB=60?, ??BAC=60?, ??ABC=?ACB=?BAC, ??ABC为等边三角形, 故乙作法正确, 故选A 38((2012绍兴)如图,扇形DOE的半径为3,边长为的菱形OABC的顶点A,C,B分别在OD,OE, 上,若把扇形DOE围成一个圆锥,则此圆锥的高为( ) - 3 - 绍兴市2012年数学中考试题及答案 13735 A( B( C( D( 22222考点:圆锥的计算;菱形的性质。 解答:解:连接OB,AC,BO与AC相交于点F, ?在菱形OABC中,AC?BO,CF=AF,FO=BF,?COB=?BOA, 又?扇形DOE的半径为3,边长为, ?FO=BF=1.5, FO1.53cos?FOC=, ,,CO23 ??FOC=30?, ?=60?, ??EOD=2×30 603,, ?DE,,, ,180 底面圆的周长为:2πr=π, 1解得:r=,圆锥母线为:3, 2 135223(),,则此圆锥的高为:, 22 故选:D。 9((2012绍兴)在一条笔直的公路边,有一些树和路灯,每相邻的两盏灯之间有3棵树,相邻的树与树,树与灯间的距离是10cm,如图,第一棵树左边5cm处有一个路牌,则从此路牌起向右510m,550m之间树与灯的排列顺序是( ) - 4 - 绍兴市2012年数学中考试题及答案 A( B( C( D( 考点:规律型:图形的变化类。 解答:解:根据题意得:第一个灯的里程数为10米, 第二个灯的里程数为50, 第三个灯的里程数为90米 … 第n个灯的里程数为10+40(n,1)=(40n,30)米, 故当n=14时候,40n,30=530米处是灯, 则510米、520米、540米处均是树, 故应该是树、树、灯、树, 故选B。 10((2012绍兴)如图,直角三角形纸片ABC中,AB=3,AC=4,D为斜边BC中点,第1次将纸片折叠, 使点A与点D重合,折痕与AD交与点P;设PD的中点为D,第2次将纸片折叠,使点A与点D重1111合,折痕与AD交于点P;设PD的中点为D,第3次将纸片折叠,使点A与点D重合,折痕与AD22122交于点P;…;设PD的中点为D,第n次将纸片折叠,使点A与点D重合,折痕与AD交于,,,,3n1n2n1n1点P(n,2),则AP的长为( ) n6 566753,353,3 A( B( C( D( 914111252,252,2 考点:翻折变换(折叠问题)。 23n53,53,53,1515解答:解:由题意得,AD=BC=,AD=AD,DD=,AD=,AD=,AD=, 1123n5n,217228222 2n,153,53,515故AP=,AP=,AP=…APn=, 12362n41622 553,故可得AP=。 6122 故选A。 二(填空题(共6小题) 3aa,11((2012绍兴)分解因式:= 。 - 5 - 绍兴市2012年数学中考试题及答案 考点:提公因式法与公式法的综合运用。 32解答:解:。 aaaaaaa,,,,,(1)(1)(1) 12((2012绍兴)教练对小明推铅球的录像进行技术 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 ,发现铅球行进高度y(m)与水平距离x(m) 12之间的关系为,由此可知铅球推出的距离是 m。 yx,,,,(4)312 考点:二次函数的应用。 12解答:解:令函数式中,, yx,,,,(4)3y,012 12, ,,,,(4)30x12 解得,(舍去), x,10x,,212 即铅球推出的距离是10m。 故答案为:10。 ((2012绍兴)箱子中装有4个只有颜色不同的球,其中2个白球,2个红球,4个人依次从箱子中任意13 摸出一个球,不放回,则第二个人摸出红球且第三个人摸出白球的概率是 。 考点:列表法与树状图法。 解答:解:画树状图得: ?共有24种等可能的结果,第二个人摸出红球且第三个人摸出白球的有8种情况, 81,?第二个人摸出红球且第三个人摸出白球的概率是:。 243 1故答案为:。 3 14((2012绍兴)小明的父母出去散步,从家走了20分钟到一个离家900米的报亭,母亲随即按原速度返回家,父亲在报亭看了10分钟报纸后,用15分钟返回家,则表示父亲、母亲离家距离与时间之间的关系是 (只需填序号)。 - 6 - 绍兴市2012年数学中考试题及答案 考点:函数的图象。 解答:解:?小明的父母出去散步,从家走了20分到一个离家900米的报亭,母亲随即按原速返回, ?表示母亲离家的时间与距离之间的关系的图象是?; ?父亲看了10分报纸后,用了15分返回家, ?表示父亲离家的时间与距离之间的关系的图象是?。 故答案为:??。 15((2012绍兴)如图,在矩形ABCD中,点E,F分别在BC,CD上,将?ABE沿AE折叠,使点B落在AC上的点B′处,又将?CEF沿EF折叠,使点C落在EB′与AD的交点C′处(则BC:AB的值为 。 考点:翻折变换(折叠问题)。 解答:解:连接CC′, ?将?ABE沿AE折叠,使点B落在AC上的点B′处,又将?CEF沿EF折叠,使点C落在EB′与AD的交点C′处。 ?EC=EC′, ??EC′C=?ECC′, ECC′, ??DC′C=? ??EC′C=?DC′C, ?得到CC′是?EC'D的平分线, ??CB′C′=?D=90?, ?CB′=CD, 又?AB′=AB, 所以B′是对角线AC中点, 即AC=2AB, 所以?ACB=30?, BC,3?cot?ACB=cot30?=, AB 3BC:AB的值为:。 3故答案为:。 - 7 - 绍兴市2012年数学中考试题及答案 16((2012绍兴)如图,矩形OABC的两条边在坐标轴上,OA=1,OC=2,现将此矩形向右平移,每次平移1个单位,若第1次平移得到的矩形的边与反比例函数图象有两个交点,它们的纵坐标之差的绝对值为0.6,则第n次(n,1)平移得到的矩形的边与该反比例函数图象的两个交点的纵坐标之差的绝对值为 (用含n的代数式表示) 考点:反比例函数综合题。 k解答:解:设反比例函数解析式为y,,则 x ?与BC,AB平移后的对应边相交; 与AB平移后的对应边相交的交点的坐标为(2,1.4), k1.4,, 则2 14k,,2.8解得, 5 14y,故反比例函数解析式为。 5x 则第n次(n,1)平移得到的矩形的边与该反比例函数图象的两个交点的纵坐标之差的绝对值为:141414; ,,55(1)5(1)nnnn,, ?与OC,AB平移后的对应边相交; kk,,0.6, 2 6k,解得。 5 6y,故反比例函数解析式为。 5x 则第n次(n,1)平移得到的矩形的边与该反比例函数图象的两个交点的纵坐标之差的绝对值为:666。 ,,55(1)5(1)nnnn,, 14故第n次(n,1)平移得到的矩形的边与该反比例函数图象的两个交点的纵坐标之差的绝对值为5(nn,1) 6或。 5(1)nn, - 8 - 绍兴市2012年数学中考试题及答案 146故答案为:或。 5(nn,1)5(1)nn, 三(解答题(共8小题) 121,17((2012绍兴)计算:; ,,,:,,2()2cos6033 考点:实数的运算;负整数指数幂;特殊角的三角函数值。 1解答:解:原式=。 ,,,,,,432312 254(2)xx,,,,,18((2012绍兴)解不等式组:。 2,xx,,1,3, 考点:实数的运算;负整数指数幂;特殊角的三角函数值。 254(2)xx,,,?,,解答:解: ,2xx,,1 ?, 3, 2548xx,,,解不等式?,得, 3解得, x,,2 332xx,,解不等式?,得, x,3解得, 3所以,原不等式组的解集是,,,x3。 2 19((2012绍兴)如图,AB?CD,以点A为圆心,小于AC长为半径作圆弧,分别交AB,AC于E,F 1两点,再分别以E,F为圆心,大于EF长为半径作圆弧,两条圆弧交于点P,作射线AP,交CD于点2 M。 (1)若?ACD=114?,求?MAB的度数; (2)若CN?AM,垂足为N,求证:?ACN??MCN。 考点:作图—复杂作图;全等三角形的判定。 解答:(1)解:?AB?CD, ??ACD+?CAB=18O?, 又??ACD=114?, ??CAB=66?, 由作法知,AM是?ACB的平分线, 1??AMB=?CAB=33? 2 (2)证明:?AM平分?CAB, - 9 - 绍兴市2012年数学中考试题及答案 ??CAM=?MAB, ?AB?CD, ??MAB=?CMA, ??CAM=?CMA, 又?CN?AM, ??ANC=?MNC, 在?ACN和?MCN中, ?ANC=?MNC,?CAM=?MAC,CN=CN, ? ??ACN??MCN。 20((2012绍兴)如图1,某超市从一楼到二楼的电梯AB的长为16.50米,坡角?BAC为32?。 (1)求一楼于二楼之间的高度BC(精确到0.01米); (2)电梯每级的水平级宽均是0.25米,如图2(小明跨上电梯时,该电梯以每秒上升2级的高度运行,10秒后他上升了多少米(精确到0.01米),备用数据:sin32?=0.5299,con32?=0.8480,tan32?=6249。 考点:解直角三角形的应用-坡度坡角问题。 BC解答:解:(1)sin?BAC=, AB ?BC=AB×sin32? =16.50×0.5299?8.74米。 级高(2)?tan32?=, 级宽 ?级高=级宽×tan32?=0.25×0.6249=0.156225 ?10秒钟电梯上升了20级, ?小明上升的高度为:20×0.156225?3.12米。 21((2012绍兴)一分钟投篮测试规定,得6分以上为合格,得9分以上为优秀,甲、乙两组同学的一次测试成绩如下: - 10 - 绍兴市2012年数学中考试题及答案 一分钟投篮成绩统计分析表: 考点:频数(率)分布直方图;加权平均数;中位数;方差。 解答:解(1)根据测试成绩表即可补全统计图(如图): 补全分析表:甲组平均分(4×1+5×2+6×5+7×2+8×1+9×4)?15=6.8, 乙组中位数是第8个数,是7。 (2)甲乙两组平均数一样,乙组的方差低于甲组,说明乙组成绩比甲组稳定,又乙组合格率比甲组高,所以乙组成绩好于甲组。 22((2012绍兴)联想三角形外心的概念,我们可引入如下概念。 定义:到三角形的两个顶点距离相等的点,叫做此三角形的准外心。 举例:如图1,若PA=PB,则点P为?ABC的准外心。 1应用:如图2,CD为等边三角形ABC的高,准外心P在高CD上,且PD=AB,求?APB的度数。 2探究:已知?ABC为直角三角形,斜边BC=5,AB=3,准外心P在AC边上,试探究PA的长。 考点:线段垂直平分线的性质;等腰三角形的性质;等边三角形的性质;勾股定理。 解答:应用:解:?若PB=PC,连接PB,则?PCB=?PBC, ?CD为等边三角形的高, ?AD=BD,?PCB=30?, ??PBD=?PBC=30?, - 11 - 绍兴市2012年数学中考试题及答案 33?PD=DB=AB, 36 1与已知PD=AB矛盾,?PB?PC, 2 ?若PA=PC,连接PA,同理可得PA?PC, 1?若PA=PB,由PD=AB,得PD=BD, 2 ??APD=45?, 故?APB=90?; 探究:解:?BC=5,AB=3, 2222?AC=, BCAB534,,,, 222?若PB=PC,设PA=x,则, xx,,,3(4) 77?,即PA=, x,88 ?若PA=PC,则PA=2, ?若PA=PB,由图知,在Rt?PAB中,不可能。 7故PA=2或。 8 ((2012绍兴)小明和同桌小聪在课后复习时,对课本“目标与评定”中的一道思考题,进行了认真的探23 索。 【思考题】如图,一架2.5米长的梯子AB斜靠在竖直的墙AC上,这时B到墙C的距离为0.7米,如果 梯子的顶端沿墙下滑0.4米,那么点B将向外移动多少米, (1)请你将小明对“思考题”的解答补充完整: 解:设点B将向外移动x米,即BB=x, 1,,,则BC=x+0.7,AC=AC,AA= 111 222 而AB=2.5,在Rt?ABC中,由得方程 , BCACAB,,11111111 解方程得x= ,x= , 12 ?点B将向外移动 米。 (2)解完“思考题”后,小聪提出了如下两个问题: 【问题一】在“思考题”中,将“下滑0.4米”改为“下滑0.9米”,那么该题的答案会是0.9米吗,为什么, 【问题二】在“思考题”中,梯子的顶端从A处沿墙AC下滑的距离与点B向外移动的距离,有可能相等吗, 为什么, 请你解答小聪提出的这两个问题。 - 12 - 绍兴市2012年数学中考试题及答案 考点:勾股定理的应用;一元二次方程的应用。 222解答:解:(1), (0.7)22.5x,,, 故答案为;0.8,,2.2(舍去),0.8。 (2)?不会是0.9米, 若AA=BB=0.9,则AC=2.4,0.9=1.5,BC=0.7+0.9=1.6, 1111222 1.5+1.6=4.81,2.5=6.25 222?, BCACAB,,1111 ?该题的答案不会是0.9米。 ?有可能。 设梯子顶端从A处下滑x米,点B向外也移动x米, 222则有, (0.7)(2.4)2.5xx,,,, 解得:x=1.7或x=0(舍) ?当梯子顶端从A处下滑1.7米时,点B向外也移动1.7米,即梯子顶端从A处沿墙AC下滑的距离与点B向外移动的距离有可能相等。 24((2012绍兴)把一边长为40cm的正方形硬纸板,进行适当的剪裁,折成一个长方形盒子(纸板的厚度忽略不计)。 (1)如图,若在正方形硬纸板的四角各剪一个同样大小的正方形,将剩余部分折成一个无盖的长方形盒子。 2要使折成的长方形盒子的底面积为484cm?,那么剪掉的正方形的边长为多少, ?折成的长方形盒子的侧面积是否有最大值,如果有,求出这个最大值和此时剪掉的正方形的边长;如果没有,说明理由。 (2)若在正方形硬纸板的四周剪掉一些矩形(即剪掉的矩形至少有一条边在正方形硬纸板的边上),将剩 2余部分折成一个有盖的长方形盒子,若折成的一个长方形盒子的表面积为550cm,求此时长方形盒子的长、宽、高(只需求出符合 要求 对教师党员的评价套管和固井爆破片与爆破装置仓库管理基本要求三甲医院都需要复审吗 的一种情况)。 考点:二次函数的应用;一元二次方程的应用。 解答:解:(1)?设剪掉的正方形的边长为xcm。 2则, (402)484,,x 40222,,,x即, x,31x,9解得(不合题意,舍去),, 12 - 13 - 绍兴市2012年数学中考试题及答案 ?剪掉的正方形的边长为9cm。 ?侧面积有最大值。 2设剪掉的正方形的边长为xcm,盒子的侧面积为ycm, 则y与x的函数关系为:, yxx,,4(402) 2即 , yxx,,,8160 2即, yx,,,,8(10)800 ?x=10时,y=800。 最大2即当剪掉的正方形的边长为10cm时,长方形盒子的侧面积最大为800cm。 (2)在如图的一种剪裁图中,设剪掉的正方形的边长为xcm。 , 2(402)(20)2(20)2(402)550,,,,,,,xxxxxx 解得:(不合题意,舍去),。 x,,35x,1521 ?剪掉的正方形的边长为15cm。 此时长方体盒子的长为15cm,宽为10cm,高为5cm。 225((2012绍兴)如图,矩形OABC的两边在坐标轴上,连接AC,抛物线经过A,B两yxx,,,42点。 (1)求A点坐标及线段AB的长; (2)若点P由点A出发以每秒1个单位的速度沿AB边向点B移动,1秒后点Q也由点A出发以每秒7个单位的速度沿AO,OC,CB边向点B移动,当其中一个点到达终点时另一个点也停止移动,点P的移动时间为t秒。 ?当PQ?AC时,求t的值; ?当PQ?AC时,对于抛物线对称轴上一点H,?HOQ,?POQ,求点H的纵坐标的取值范围。 考点:二次函数综合题。 2解答:解:(1)由抛物线知:当x=0时,y=,2, yxx,,,42 ?A(0,,2)。 - 14 - 绍兴市2012年数学中考试题及答案 由于四边形OABC是矩形,所以AB?x轴,即A、B的纵坐标相同; 2当时,,解得, ,,,,242xxxx,,04,y,,212?B(4,,2), ?AB=4。 (2)?由题意知:A点移动路程为AP=t, Q点移动路程为。 7(1)77tt,,, 90772,,,t当Q点在OA上时,即,时, 1,,t7如图1,若PQ?AC,则有Rt?QAP?Rt?ABC。 QAAP77tt,?,即, ,=42ABBC 7?t,。 5 79?, ,57 ?此时t值不合题意。 9132776,,,t当Q点在OC上时,即,,,t时, 77如图2,过Q点作QD?AB。 ?AD=OQ=7(t,1),2=7t,9。 ?DP=t,(7t,9)=9,6t。 若PQ?AC,则有Rt?QDP?Rt?ABC, QADP296,t=,?,即, ABBC44 4t,?。 3 9413,,?, 737 4t,?符合题意。 3 15316778,,,t,,t当Q点在BC上时,即,时, 77如图3,若PQ?AC,过Q点作QG?AC, 则QG?PG,即?GQP=90?。 ??QPB,90?,这与?QPB的内角和为180?矛盾, 此时PQ不与AC垂直。 4t,综上所述,当时,有PQ?AC。 3 ?当PQ?AC时,如图4,?BPQ??BAC, BPBQ=?, BABC 487(1),,,tt,?, 42 解得t=2,即当t=2时,PQ?AC。 - 15 - 绍兴市2012年数学中考试题及答案 此时AP=2,BQ=CQ=1, ?P(2,,2),Q(4,,1)。 抛物线对称轴的解析式为x=2, 当H为对称轴与OP的交点时, 1 有?HOQ=?POQ, 1 ?当y,,2时,?HOQ,?POQ。 H 作P点关于OQ的对称点P′,连接PP′交OQ于点M, 作P′N垂直于对称轴,垂足为N,连接OP′, 过P′ 在Rt?OCQ中,?OC=4,CQ=1。 ?OQ=, 17 1?S=S,S,S,S=3=OQ×PM, 四边形?OPQABCD?AOP?COQ?QBP2 617?PM=, 17 1217?PP′=2PM=, 17 ?NPP′=?COQ。 Rt?COQ??Rt?NPP′ ? 'CQPN?, ='OQPP 1248'PN,?PN, ,, 1717 4614,?P′(), 1717 7yx,?直线OP′的解析式为, 23 14?OP′与NP的交点H(2,)。 223 14y,?当时,?HOP,?POQ。 H23 14y,y,,2综上所述,当或时,?HOQ,?POQ。 HH23 - 16 - 绍兴市2012年数学中考试题及答案 (英文版 ) easily blame, to prevent the broken window effect. Supervise the leading cadres to play an exemplary role, take the lead in the strict implementation of the < code > and < rule >, lead to safeguard the solemnity and authority of the party discipline, ensure that the party discipline and the laws and regulations for implementation in place. Throughout the discipline in the daily supervision and management , strengthen supervision and inspection, from the thorough investigation of violations of discipline behavior. Strengthen to key areas, key departments and key projects as well as the masses reflect the concentration of the units and departments for supervision. - strengthening supervision, discipline inspection and supervision of cadres to set an example for compliance with the < code > and < rule > is a man must be hexyl, blacksmith needs its own hardware. Discipline inspection organs as the executor of the party discipline, and supervisor of the defenders, for its supervision must be more strictly, discipline inspection and supervision of cadres to firmly establish the awareness of Party Constitution, sense of discipline and rules consciousness, politics loyalty, sense obey. Action speak Ji Ordinance to set an example of the regulations of the rule of law, strengthen supervision and accept the supervision of the firmness and consciousness, do comply with < > and < >. To firmly establish the discipline must first be disciplined, the supervisor will be subject to the - 17 - 绍兴市2012年数学中考试题及答案 supervision of "concept, and consciously safeguard and implement party compasses party, take the lead in practicing" three strict real strict, so loyal, clean, play. To be good at learning, the Constitution and the < code > as morality, politics and brought to fruition; to implement < >, do not want to, dare not, not with disciplinary ruler to supervision; to discipline a ruler, often the control inspection, and consciously in the ideological red line to draw the row Ming Good accumulation is indeed the bottom line, so that the heart has fear, said to have quit, the line has ended. Attached: indifferent to heart, calmly to the table in our life, there are many unpredictable things will happen, some good, some bad things, we cannot control is powerless to stop, but with time, you will find in life sometimes turns out to be not good, some bad things finally turned out to be a good thing, but then we muddy however did not know, this is the life teach us things. 1, life can be complex, can also be simple. Want simple life of precipitation, to have enough time to reflect, to make Become more perfect. Life is the most important thing is not to win, but the struggle; not to have conquered, but to have fought well. 2, the plain is the background of life. Live a plain life, give up on themselves is not a coward, but the wise answers; not disillusioned after the heart, such as ashes, but experience the storm after the enlightenment; not unrewarding perfunctorily, but calm attitude of life of unrestrained self-confidence. Plain living, there is no noise noisy, no earthly troubles, more did not fill in the discontent of desire, - 18 - 绍兴市2012年数学中考试题及答案 some just a calm, a calm. 3, memory of heart will not good things to erase the, life is a When no movie, pain is a beginning, the struggle is a kind of process, death is a kind of ending. Give up this giving up is the helpless, do not give up the abandoned, do not give up this giving up is ignorance, do not give up should not give up is persistent. 4, a thing figured is heaven, think impassability is hell. Since the living, to live better. Sometimes we because of too narrow-minded, too care around the chores and penny wise and pound foolish, not worth the candle. Some things to attract trouble and worry, completely depends on how we look at and deal with it. Don't always take everything back to things, and don't get into a blind alley, don't want to face, don't be narrow-minded. Poke to care, is a kind of open-minded, a free and easy. 5, I am not afraid of others behind me a knife, I afraid to look back and see stab me, is my intention to treat people; I am not afraid of the truth to tell the best friend, I'm afraid he turned to it as a joke to tell don't 6, when we are in a positive frame of mind, you will find many good things; and when we are in a negative state of mind, you will find many depressed things; life happy and worry, all is you of life attitude, optimistic, good luck; loss of sink, Eritrea company. When you are in adversity, may wish to change a point of view to think everything over to the good Think, because good mentality decided the fate of the! 7, people are tired, rest; heart tired, calm. Grow up, mature, this society read. Tired and sad, squat down, to their a hug. Because the world no one can - 19 - 绍兴市2012年数学中考试题及答案 sympathize with you, have mercy on you. You cry, tears is your own; you pain, no one can understand. Then you only tears to smile. 8, each people have youth, Each youth are a story, the life of the world never gets easier, I want what, wish the world all know, as has been the same; now want anything, for fear that others know, or like to lose the same. 9, the heart move, everything in the world is followed by birth, Rangrang, important thing is often the most difficult to open one's mouth, because words will reduce its importance; to let strangers people care about your life in the good things, the original is not easy 10, do not blame, do not laugh at who, also don't envy who. Like a person is a kind of feeling, not like a person is true. The truth is easy to explain, I feel Is unspeakable. The best travel life is that you in a strange place found a long lost touched. 11, happy life not in the bustling in, and in the peace of mind; no matter how many grievances, how uncomfortable, and ultimately to heal themselves or their own, others may got you to comfort, but never know your heart is how wanjianchuanxin. 12, ma'am, like a movie, learn to appreciate, learn to be grateful, learn tolerance, and goodness, helping others. Instead of accusing the society, as into one; and an exception is better to give than to what 13, don't envy him A sum of, don't lose your life and the life, respectively is: the former is a we experienced cannot escape in a day finally will last minute, while the latter is our persistent, we want to cherish the memory of those people and things. - 20 - 绍兴市2012年数学中考试题及答案 14, learn to smile, learn to strong, the world you know so many people, so many people and you are, you cannot change also can't let everyone like you, so also do not want to do. Life is too short to go crazy to love to go to waste, to chase the dream to regret. 15, when temper, a blessing to go. A wounding elegant people, the key is to control their own emotions. With the mouth is the most stupid behavior. A control negative emotions than a can take a city more powerful water flow slow, language is expensive. People spent two years of time to learn to speak, but to spend a few years time to shut up. That is a kind of ability, that is a kind of wisdom. 16, life is not perfect, sometimes, growth is not a cry, not an eyeful of tears, there is no trace of emotion, there is no gleam of hope, no desire, no action, no static, there is only one kind of downward sinking feeling, sink A murky? 6? 7? 6? 7 sink? 6? 7? 6? 7 toward the bottom of the sink. 17, in some way, do not go, you will not know the other side scenery is beautiful. To you is not good, you do not mind too much, no one has an obligation to you; you learn knowledge, is you have weapons, you can start from scratch, but not unarmed; how do you treat people, does not represent how others treat you, if cannot see through this point, only inviting worry. 18, time is like a sponge in the water, as long as you are willing to squeeze, the total water is still there. Every life, after the ups and downs The best test of live, to life, survival and continuation, do not stop the struggle in the joys and sorrows of life on the road, so that different soul to bear life beat, acceptance of - 21 - 绍兴市2012年数学中考试题及答案 suffering. 19, indifferent to heart, calmly in table, elegant and comfortable life, do not take what is so important. The pursuit will be disappointed; to be alive, you will have trouble. Life is the most afraid of what all want to care about, but also what all grasp is not firm, without scenery, separated populations, such as not to desire, all docked in the fate of the end. Why is too rigid, the natural, to go stay not to live, let go of obsession, revel is 20, if the fate of the broken Hopes of sailing, please don't despair, the coast is still, if the fate of the withered petals of the beautiful, please do not sink, the spring is still, life will always be endless trouble, please don't helpless, because they are still alive, is still a dream, the sun still, we still. Lost, keep memories; to get, must work to; but the most important is good to cherish their own. 21, life, select the complex, is to choose the pain; choose a simple, is choose to be happy. The complex world like a Significance of pride. Hope is the ornate palace, outside people admiring the magnificent, living in the deep knowledge of living it to pay the price. Simple world as a simple log cabin outside ridiculed shabby, the heart is willing to go live to know the joy. Suffering and joy is their own choice. 22, learn how to use a single powerful heart, let the past be the past, let the future come. Life is really the end of the end of an eagle is flying wings, life is constantly pursuit. Don't miss to regret, don't wait for old just miss. Time to return, seize every moment, again painstakingly again tired also Those struggling to fly. 23, life could not Yimapingchuan, even flat - 22 - 绍兴市2012年数学中考试题及答案 pavement, inevitably there will be a few pieces of roadblocks. Some of the rocks around the past, while others have to move it out. Just move others put the stone is very easy, because the stone from the appearance we can discern; difficult to myself to move away the heart of stone head. Leave time to spend with her, often reflect my heart, so as to remove your heart of stone. 24, everything does not have to be demanding, come to, everything does not have to care about, over the past; failing to do not frown, laugh it laugh. Results Don't demand, do to; life is a simple, calm and peaceful. Always not to choose their own path and regret, life is like a train, the scenery and then the United States will retreat, the passage of time and encounter will eventually drifting further and further away, before is always himself. 25, everyone has a weakness, weakness is true humanity. That has no weakness, a shallow person. That people think there is no weakness, mostly false. Life has shortcomings, there are shortcomings is the real life. That no one regret, or childish or numbness or Self deception. It is in tolerance of weakness and so on to accept, people live happily. Hello, everyone! I am a party member. The title of my speech is: < study and implement the party's two laws, doing practical play highway. 2015 October 18, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China promulgated the implementation of the < the probity of the Communist Party of China self-discipline criterion > and < Chinese Communist Party - 23 - 绍兴市2012年数学中考试题及答案 discipline and punishment regulations. We Heyuan male passers-by to respond positively to the call of the Central Committee of the party, earnestly organize the study "party two regulations", truly grasp the essence and gist, and in their respective positions, to hold the bottom line of the discipline, build a strong ideological line of defense, with the courage to play, the courage to fight tough and fearless spirit, at the crucial moment well to complete the task, with practical action to test the study and implement effect Because of discipline in the * * * * * * * * * * * story. Here, let me to cast a brick to attract jade, speak about our highway. Highway line section of the road surface transformation project, last year "towards the country seized" will be seized one of the items. To complete this arduous task, as a project management office director Comrade, keep in mind from the Communist Party membership, recognize and identify the "bottom line", strict management, and strict adherence to the quality of the project. He not only set an example, honesty and self-discipline, but also requires the management of all the members of the O.K., do not eat the construction unit one meal, do not accept the construction unit a ceremony. In this way, they didn't really dare to adhere to the principle. No comrade, constantly put on reworking an emergency meeting to Comrade Zhen to speak louder, management tube too strict. Remember in Dongguan Street, 400 meters long cement concrete surface layer, because of various reasons, the smoothness of the poor in the bottom cavity, covering film traces and - 24 - 绍兴市2012年数学中考试题及答案 car imprinting quality problems, * * * inquiries, immediately rushed to the scene to understand and verify the situation, the convening of the management office, the construction units, supervision units, construction units, construction units construction time is tight, the economic loss and other reasons to intercede ******** unmoved. He said, "now a popular word, to the discipline and rules quite in front, there are no rules Radius, you construction team not accordance with the technical specifications, quality problems, it must be to carry out rectification. Engineering quality responsibility be weightier than Mount Tai, if we manage to this matter Pavement quality quantity are placed the matter, we this time to learn two regulations have what use? Still what is the Communist Party? "Finally, in his insisted, the road after rework, to solve these problems. In the construction of the new comrades and the project all the colleagues efforts, after four months of fighting, the project the main project was finally completed and passed inspection. Thousands of miles of ice, thousands of miles Piao, this is a splendid and romantic scene. But snow for the highway, it is a disaster, a serious threat to the traffic safety. This year, a month, a century of cold wave swept from North to south, and the snow blowing to Guangdong, but also to bear the blow To * * * * the highway. In January on the evening of 23, Lianping county city temperatures dropped to minus 2 degrees, a wide range of sudden rain sleet, before and after the provincial S341 line in Jiulianshan Mountain tunnel sections of the road appeared in - 25 - 绍兴市2012年数学中考试题及答案 the snow, lead to the passing vehicles skid, traffic is blocked. In the face of the sudden natural disasters, city and county highway department immediately launched the emergency plan for disaster prevention. As the front line of the main force, Lianping Highway Bureau of all Party members and cadres to remember the Party member responsibility, braving the biting cold wind, the first time rushed to the scene, on the icy pavement of salt disposal. Because the temperature is too low, just melt water immediately freezes, addition to the ice work to increase the difficulty. To ensure In addition to the re organization of the depths of the traffic safety, road people braved the icy put reflective cones and warning signs, endure cold at minus 2,3 of Jiulianshan patrols until one in the morning. Just before dawn, Lianping Highway Bureau personnel on the icy road salt ice melting processing until ten o'clock, ice melting ice success, the road gradually returned to normal traffic. In the cold winter night, which people do not miss the warm bed, which people do not miss the warm home. However, our highway on the road to the owners of the masses can go home early, the night fighting to secure the avoidance of the road safety and smoothness, fulfill their responsibility. Xi General Secretary Every Party member cadre cautioned against said: blacksmith needs self hard "." two regulations ", is our own hard standard test, more exercise every party members and cadres of the fire. We should continue to strengthen the party two regulations, conscientiously in practical work, practical play road, the - 26 - 绍兴市2012年数学中考试题及答案 road for the development of the cause of Heyuan and struggle. In the industry domain report the situation of road traffic in recent years, in the province highway departments of the concern and support, our bureau management department based on the job, loyalty duty, best service, to further promote the highway management standardization, legal, scientific and information technology to improve the management level and service quality. This will be my last work is as follows: first, around the center, go all out to greet the seizure in 2015, "meet national examination" is my bureau work. As the highway management department, we focus on the work of the center to strengthen road renovation and management as the focal point, further optimize the service environment, improve service levels. Inspection, the inspection group and the Ministry of transport, the Bureau under the leadership of the ministries and agencies highly evaluated and fully affirmed. (a) increase road area remediation efforts. The programme of work, strengthen the organization and leadership. The timely development of the city of <*** common trunk highway area environment remediation plan >, along the road signs and markings, traffic safety facilities, on both sides of the green, advertising signs, control area illegal construction and implementation of remediation tasks to the relevant departments, clear work time of the node to ensure rectification work timely. Set up road area special rectification work - 27 - 绍兴市2012年数学中考试题及答案 leading group, implement a bureau, the Bureau of the county (District), the project road site domain environment comprehensive improvement Mechanism. To ensure that the work carried out smoothly, the bureau also organized the city road managers participated in the regulation of road region and the relevant laws and regulations of the special training. 2. Active butt joint is reported, actively strive for the support of. Local Party committee and government support is the job As a magic weapon, I am one of the Bureau of the principal leaders repeatedly attack inspection "remediation and road area to the principal leaders of the municipal report. * * *, the Secretary of municipal Party committee, mayor * *, * * *, vice mayor of many times the rate of the relevant departments directly under the responsible person in-depth National Highway G105 line, G205 line, provincial S341 line and the other highway project site, on-site office, coordination solve engineering construction and environmental comprehensive renovation in the presence of difficulties and problems. Last year, national highway along the county (District) government led organizations deploy traffic, urban management, public security, land, environmental protection, industry and commerce, highways and other related departments, to carry out to dismantle illegal construction and ground structures, cleaning up illegal standard Records label "as the main content of the road domain integrated environmental remediation activities and achieved good results. 3. Pay attention to - 28 - 绍兴市2012年数学中考试题及答案 comprehensive management, improve the effectiveness of remediation. Road construction control management has been strengthened. According to the relevant provisions of the laws and regulations of the < Highway Law > and < highway safety regulations for the protection of > and so on, county * *, * * County People's Government on highway construction control area were delineated and issue a public notice, * * County People's government also approved by the executive meeting of the government through discussion, implementation of road boundary markers of 73 million yuan of special funds input, stake setting. According to statistics, last year the city has erected building control zone peg 820, construction control area boundary markers 815 . the second is highway greening and beautification work enhance the road area remediation effectiveness. Will highway greening and beautification work as road area remediation of a key, invite garden experts to guide the design of green, the implementation of high standards for ecological landscape highway activities to create, five years, I board greening mileage of more than 900 kilometers, appropriate road greening greening rate of 100%, effectively enhance the city road greening level and grade, adds a sharp scenery line for **********. Third, rectification of illegal construction and occupation of the road has been checked. By through the town, crossing the road on many occasions to carry out concentrated rectification actions, to clear the remnants of the wall, broken Archives of highways in strict accordance with the wall of - 29 - 绍兴市2012年数学中考试题及答案 building structures and the illegal deposits, remediation along the Jeeves, Jeeves placed advertisements and vehicle maintenance, car washing and other acts, standardize and purification on both sides of the highway billboards and other non road signs, I city of national and provincial highway basic elimination of the "dirty, chaotic, poor, blocking phenomenon, highway traffic environment purification, landscaping. (2) to strengthen the management on the basic data management. The level of the archives management regulations, formulate the < file management system >, the establishment of the road, the implementation of the file manager, file collection, filing, sorting, filing, confidentiality, custody, borrow, identification pin Destroy the standardization. 2, standardized management, enhance service image (a) evaluation system to further improve in order to strengthen and standardize guidance and assessment of each county (area) bureau of highways management work, the Bureau developed a <*** City Highway Bureau highways management assessment implementation measures (Trial). To regularly check for half a year, year-end assessment and irregular random sampling combined, taking the spot road inspections, sampling sections, listening to the reports, archives data check, for each county (area) bureau of highways management work implementation of the special assessment. According to the annual comprehensive assessment appraisal score results, evaluation of outstanding, excellent compliance and Not up to the standard of four - 30 - 绍兴市2012年数学中考试题及答案 grades. And in accordance with the level of assessment, the award on behalf of dial highway management funds. Total score is above 95%, is excellent, 10 million yuan reward; total score of 90 - 94 for excellent, 8 million yuan reward; for the total score of 80 - 89 points for standard, reward 50000 yuan. On the total score is less than 79 points for non-compliance unit, circulate a notice of criticism. (II) Sheung inspection work to further standardize a is in place to ensure the inspection. National and provincial trunk highway patrol monthly not less than 20 days, State Road a week of not less than 3 times, dart a week of not less than 2 times. The second is to explore and promote the electronic patrol monitoring. City highway patrol vehicles are installed on the highway patrol vehicle monitoring system; highway law enforcement personnel are equipped with a recorder for law enforcement, on the process of supervision and law enforcement to ensure evidence has played an effective role. The third is unified and standardized inspection ledger records, inspection equipment use and management of the electronic Patrol information storage utilization. The fourth is the establishment of highway maintenance and inspections mechanism. The city's 19 country and provincial trunk highway maintenance center equipped with the CPPCC keeper, and to develop a road of the Chinese people's Political Consultative Conference tube member responsibilities. According to statistics, in 2015 (on the road. Day.... Stop the road mileage, 17 cases; clean up debris on - 31 - 绍兴市2012年数学中考试题及答案 both sides of the road 20 , demolition billboard 30, demolition chaotic scaffolding house 3, clean Lane Hawking 15.) (3) road permit work to further strengthen the implementation of administrative licensing system, strengthen the supervision and administration of the licensing. Strict implementation of the < Guangdong Province highways license implementation measures >. According to the provisions of the road approval procedures and processes to carry out road license, do according to the law, the license in accordance with the law, shall be subject to examination and approval of the. Implement the collective examination and approval, to strengthen supervision. Highways and approval of business implementation of technical review of administrative approval and separation, the audit focused on the more complex involved in the road licensing matters, collective decision-making, to improve the scientific nature of the road administrative examination and approval, reduce approval corruption risks. Second is to promote the In administrative permission of information technology to improve service quality. According to the <*** Provincial People's Government Office on Issuing 2014 improve and expand the spirit of the relevant documents of the online business hall of program of work notice > and ministries and provincial and municipal government, I realized the butt of Guangdong Province highway information network and provincial network business hall * * * branch office highways licensing examination and approval work. - 32 - 绍兴市2012年数学中考试题及答案 Simplify the licensing process, and strengthen the office system, optimize the quality of service. (4) image of the team to further enhance a is grasp Windows image.2015 years, my bureau highways licensing in the city administrative service center settings window service. According to the <** provincial highway The provisions of the administrative licensing service window management way > and < on regulating the content of the public notice >, I Bureau for damaged highway capacity compensation standard, occupied by highway repair (lost) compensation expenses standards, in accordance with the law of administrative licensing items, the communications administrative license implementation procedures into the line on the wall publicity, in the service window is equipped with all kinds of application fill in sample, administrative licensing service guide brochure, in a conspicuous place public commitment to the system and advisory telephone complaints, for the masses provides warm and thoughtful service. Second is to grasp the "Four Unifications" working in the city's highway law enforcement image. According to the Ministry of transport < to strengthen transportation administrative law enforcement image construction guidance Scheme > and the ministries of the Provincial Bureau of the relevant documents, I board in front of the June 2015 completed the identification of law enforcement, law enforcement station appearance, clothing of law enforcement, law enforcement documents "four unification". (5) the AILU nursing atmosphere further formation of - 33 - 绍兴市2012年数学中考试题及答案 my bureau attaches great importance to the propaganda work of highway management "road awareness month" into <*** City Highway Bureau 2015 road administration work points. One is around the "norms of law enforcement, improve the service" theme "road awareness month" activities carried out. According to statistics, the city's highway system were deployed highways propaganda car 60 times, staff of highways 152 people, set point consulting 6, issued and publicity Data of 8000, hanging banners 134; broadcast 60 hours / 20, update 7 inch high rod making permanent propaganda page 4; in <*** Daily > 7th edition published < highway laws and regulations publicity content >, purchased and distributed < the people's Republic of China Highway Law >, < highway Ann Quanbao supporting regulations > legal text, a total of 500 this. The second is to carry out "12.4" national legal advocacy day activities, the city road officers go deep among the masses interpretation of highway Highways Management laws, regulations and policy advocacy, analysis for illegal construction at both sides of the road, a typical case of illegal advertising management, showing public road construction and maintenance of highways The actual results of the management, the masses love protection consciousness and social awareness to further enhance the enforcement of highways. In recent years, I board in the highway management work were some beneficial explorations and the attempt, and achieved initial results, but - 34 - 绍兴市2012年数学中考试题及答案 there is still a certain gap compared with requirements of the Provincial Bureau and other brothers City, we will to implement the party's spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session of the eighth session of the opportunity, and further increase the intensity of road management work, and constantly improve the overall quality of the workforce and the ability to learn, and strive to achieve the new highway across. Today the topic of democratic life will I talk about the main to correctly treat leave turn ensure transition delicate gas is understanding, to carry out criticism and self-criticism, in-depth to find problems, profound analysis of the causes, through self analysis to find their own existence problem, to correctly understand their own, strengthen the party spirit training, to ensure that the election of smoothly and successfully completed. Below I talk about their own situation, please put forward valuable opinion. Main understanding (a) serious discipline, to create a delicate gas is in the general environment in accordance with the Central Commission for discipline inspection organs, < of Organization Department of CPC Central Committee on strengthening the election of the notice of customs supervision >, municipal < on doing a good job City Township leadership transition in the notification > and county Party Committee Organization Department of the county Party Committee Organization Department < on the convening of the correct treatment leave turn ensure transition - 35 - 绍兴市2012年数学中考试题及答案 Fengqing gas is a feature of democratic life notice > files related to the spirit of the requirements, earnestly implement the "nine is prohibited, nine shall be" the solemn discipline, I earnestly study the < Chinese Communist Party principle of honesty and self-discipline >. < Chinese Communist Party Disciplinary Regulations >, < promote leading cadre of some regulations >, < party and government leading cadres selection and appointment Regulations > and file, and a profound understanding of the nine is prohibited, a nine law "discipline essence and firmly safeguard the election of serious Ensure the unhealthy tendencies have successfully completed, and actively create a delicate gas is the election of environment, to ensure that the election, so as to further strengthen the town leadership and cadre team construction. Through the study, in-depth thinking, to a serious discipline the importance and necessity of a more profound understanding. First, it is the iron discipline. The central put forward the "nine is prohibited, nine shall be the reason for early serious general discipline, designated" high-voltage wire, "itself reflects the party committees at all levels of the reelection of attaches great importance to the objective is bright resolute attitude, the implementation of effective measures, the same candidate to fight with discipline election of wind Discipline in gas is health. Secondly, this is prevenient. From some typical cases, we can see that individual cadres election to engage in speculative hack canvassing votes, in violation of discipline, and ultimately paid a high - 36 - 绍兴市2012年数学中考试题及答案 price. The destruction of Hengyang election case and Nanchong canvassing bribery case that strengthen election discipline, serious election discipline of necessity and importance. The discipline of publicity to the public, wide report, that is, early warning, early hit precautionary needle, tell the cadres should do what shouldn't do, what to do and what not to do, and better education of cadres, warning cadres, and build a strong line of defense, to avoid the occurrence of similar problems. There is duty. Serious discipline, with a strong team is an important starting point. As the leadership of the party members and cadres, take the lead in the implementation and take the lead in upholding the election of discipline, which is a major political responsibility. Must be clear requirements, strict constraints themselves, cherish the honor, safeguard the image of the organization; promote righteousness, play an exemplary role. Especially as deputy Township, but also to give a full play to its role, always stand in the discipline of first-line maintenance. The wind Su Ji through the election of the work of the whole process. (II) serious discipline, treat correctly leave turn as a cadre of the party, whether it is in, is back, stay, turn are organization Metabolism of entrepreneurial career, need and development need. So, his first with a broad mind to treat "leave turn". The position is officer positions, power for the people service tools. Different positions of the party's cause, plays a decisive role, the same important. To ability strong, - 37 - 绍兴市2012年数学中考试题及答案 style of comrade to important positions and applause, is full of vigor and vitality and promising young cadres in leadership and cheer for their own "leave turn" and calmly face, calm place. Second is to a healthy state of mind to treat "leave turn". The personnel of metabolic, between the past and the present. Cadre new old alternant, team, push In the party constitution control strict working to career development objective need, is never the end of the historical process. Each a cadre must face up to the laws of nature to think we also took the former relay baton "go on leadership post, regardless of the current positions, positions and responsibilities have what change, can do for peace of mind and mood, such as water, in a happy mood. (3) carefully and find out the problem, correct understanding of themselves, even though they do conscientious, serious attitude, honesty in politics, but high standard < >, the control standard, especially control learning, striving for excellent activities emerge in large numbers of advanced characters, advanced deeds Static not consciously practice the "strict three real" and strengthen the party spirit accomplishment to find the gap, swing is insufficient, a clear direction, mainly manifested in the following aspects: one is the learning initiative and self-consciousness. Often busy with work as an excuse, not consciously take the initiative to spare time to learn. Is often superior to learn what to learn what, and work closely to learn, and working relationship is not less to learn. Mainly manifested in the theoretical study - 38 - 绍兴市2012年数学中考试题及答案 is not thorough, system is not thorough, the Marxism Leninism, Mao Zedong thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory and "Three Represents" important thought, the scientific concept of development and learning, general secretary of the series of speech learning, just from the surface on learning In the less less less and not deep enough, not from the deeper study, to study, to understand, to sentiment, to use, to guide the work. The second is to investigate the research. This year their participation in the county, the county government's important meeting, the town Party work time is more, coupled with the specific affairs busy, in-depth primary research time reduced. The inspection was carried out research activities, there are surface examination, thematic research, listen to reports and discussion research, the general requirements and specific guidance, in a certain extent, affected the timely discovery and solve. Third is the level of leadership, leadership and need to be further improved. Stroke the personnel selection is positive, work coordination and cooperation can't to the best effect; in the coordination to deal with some complex problems, the approach is not enough. Especially encountered, time is tight, the task is heavy, is often the soldiers to be blocked, the water to soil cover, struggling to cope with. The global and forward-looking innovation is not enough. (4) to ensure that the transition delicate gas selected loyal to the party loyal to the people of leading cadres (recommended) for the county to provide accurate information to ensure the transition in the air, after the - 39 - 绍兴市2012年数学中考试题及答案 general election of work have a greater change. The second is balanced, promote the work in an orderly manner. In the future a period of time, the transition will be in the county under the leadership of the Extended surface. And breeding industry and the construction of key projects also in actively, they have to seriously consider, overall transition and key projects to promote. Education team members and the town, village cadres actively participate in industry cultivate the work, with outstanding achievements to accept the assessment of test of the organization and the masses of the people, in the town set up promising is a strong general business and the right atmosphere general election, do election and projects to promote the two not mistake, the promotion of two. Second, the rectification measures One is to enhance learning, awareness raising, he will continue to strengthen learning, improve the level of awareness, their own unity of thought and action to the county, township party committee of arrangements for the election. The second is correctly, strengthen discipline, own the right of transition, a matter of personal leave turn, as a town, deputy secretary of Party committee, themselves are fully aware of the only serious work, strict demands on themselves in order to not negative expectations of organizations and the masses, so that individuals can well deal with good transition in personal leave turn. Three people on the election promise as Deputy Secretary of the Party committee, in the election of my solemn commitment to Catch: if a is strictly abide by and - 40 - 绍兴市2012年数学中考试题及答案 take the lead in the implementation of the "nine is prohibited, nine" transition discipline, not to engage in cliques, not to engage in canvassing votes buying and selling, buying, and no fraud swindlers officer, do not intercede say hello, not illegal, not to run gas leak, do not interfere with changing times, accomplish strict discipline, warning, with iron discipline firmly put unhealthy trends, promote delicate gas to ensure transition in the healthy and orderly development; the second is resolutely obey organization arrangement, and resolutely to stress the party spirit, principle, discuss overall situation, correctly treat personal leave turn, the correct treatment the election results and focus on their careers, from start to finish, ensure the normal and orderly develop. For in-depth study and implement the party's eighteen, the eighth session of the fourth, the spirit of the fifth plenary session, the implementation of comprehensive strictly required, a solid grasp of the construction of Party member team, in accordance with the requirements of the county Party Committee Organization Department No. 3 (2016) Luo Zufa. According to the requirements of the < Chinese Communist Party Constitution > and the central work of education for the party members, combined with actual town, 2016 Party member education and training scheme is formulated. The guiding ideology adhere to a - 41 - 绍兴市2012年数学中考试题及答案 comprehensive study of implementing the scientific development view as guidance, in-depth study and implement the party's eighteen, the eighth session of the fourth, fifth plenary session and the General Secretary Xi Jinping series important Speech adhere to the application for promoting learning, and strive to improve our ideological and political quality of Party members; firmly establish catch a party to build pipe must be members, tube members first catch education of ideological understanding, close to the Party member's ideological and practical work, strive to build a party regular education work mechanism, promote the party members play a vanguard and exemplary role; firmly grasp the construction of ability of administration of strengthening the party, advanced nature and purity of construction of the main line, adhere to to enhanced grasp the party building work consciousness, strengthen the self construction of the party organizations as the fundamental starting point, for the town's economic and social development provided for ideological and political guarantee of the strong and powerful organization guarantee. Second, target 201 The main task of 6 years of education and training of Party members is earnestly implement the <2015 - 2018 XX County Education and training of Party members to implement views > (Luo Wei do [2015] 121) to further strengthen the work of the education and training of Party members request, to training the town, the grassroots party members and common. From 5 January 2016, through a variety of channels in a variety of forms in - 42 - 绍兴市2012年数学中考试题及答案 a planned, step by step, to focus on the organization to carry out the education and training of Party members. A party spirit idea generally enhanced. Through education and training, prompting the majority of Party members to further strengthen the ideal and faith, enhance the party concept, consciously practice the agency will socialist core value system. To further enhance the confidence of the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics, theoretical system of self-confidence and confidence. (II) Party members working ability greatly improved. Through the development of education and training, to boost the knowledge structure of Party members transformation and upgrading, improve the party to use the Marxist stand, viewpoints and methods of analysis and problem solving ability, adapt to the new situation and new tasks. (3) play an effective role of Party member model. Through the development of training and education, promote the party members in theProduction, work, learning and service to the community in give full play to the exemplary vanguard role, and actively striving to take the lead in learning to improve and take the lead in striving for success, serving the masses to take the lead and lead law-abiding, take the lead in promoting the healthy atmosphere model. (4) the building of grassroots organizations strong impetus. Through the development of education and training, the Party member troop overall quality and ability to serve the people increased, grass-roots party organization's creativity, cohesion and combat effectiveness of the - 43 - 绍兴市2012年数学中考试题及答案 improved. Contents and measures according to different type of the town, at different levels, the actual needs of the different positions of Party members, hierarchical class to carry out the education and training of Party members. Adhere to the town overall and please tutoring, please Come in and sent down the combination, to the party spirit education and ability cultivation as the center, overall constitution and discipline, the core value system, political theory, domestic and international situation in town situation, party organization construction, legal education, culture, science and technology, industrial development, management, resource management and protection, social management innovation in the aspects, to village (unit) as a unit, to all members of the organization a above rotation activities. Focus on Township and village committee cadres straight unit leading Party group secretary, activist of join or be admitted to the party, the education and training of village class mothball cadre training, efforts to strengthen the parties organization Secretary of party spirit accomplishment, do a good job of the consciousness of the party building work, enhanced the Party activist , people in rural areas to promote rural economic development of practical abilities. At the same time, through the development of the theme of practical training, autonomous learning training, make full use of the party members and cadres of modern distance education network etc., for the party members in various fields to carry out the classification of rotation, party spirit training, tobe grind quality, - 44 - 绍兴市2012年数学中考试题及答案 improve quality. Organizational Leadership (a) strengthen leadership, implement the responsibility. Town Party committee to the work of the education and training of Party members into the party building work important content, the overall responsibility of the Secretary of the Party committee, vice secretary of the lead and the implementation of specific members of the organization, the organizational Secretary of the parties to personally plan, personally deploy, supervise the implementation; the education and training of Party members to carry out into the grass-roots party Construction work responsibility system and the building of grassroots organizations special assessment, directly with the grass-roots party organizations Pingxianpingyou link, to strengthen the organization and leadership to do a good job of work to implement. (II) the overall progress, implement the plan. Ensure that the deployment, according to the arrangement of the 2016 Party member education and training plans, based on the actual needs of the party, on-demand rationing; do supervision and guidance, strengthen the supervision of the work of the education and training of Party members, guidance and services to help solve the difficulties and problems in the training; assessment, by listening to the report, information search, evaluation, etc., with emphasis on the assessment of the implementation of the plan, Party members to participate in training proportion and effect, indeed Protect task implementation. (3) the typical guide, step up publicity. Pay attention to cultivate advanced and - 45 - 绍兴市2012年数学中考试题及答案 typical, timely promotion and the typical experience of the characteristics of the practice. The work of the education and training of Party members as the focus of the grass-roots party building and the sector skills training for communication and advocacy, by setting the column, offering special journals and other forms of propaganda, to create a strong atmosphere of public opinion, promote the orderly conduct of the work and achieved certain results. In order to further implement the General Secretary Xi Jinping series of major speeches about the party's work style and clean government and anti-corruption struggle spirit and the central, province, city, County Commission for Discipline Inspection and the spirit of the plenary session, to further strengthen the awareness of the loyal party members and cadres, sense of purpose, sense of responsibility and a sense of discipline, boost the county's economic and social development. In accordance with the ensemble [of Ji Qing 2016) spirit of the document No. 3, combined with my bureau actual, make this program of activities, and a theme of learning party discipline, strict discipline, boosting Qingshen development. Second, activity time April 2016 1 - April 30, three, activity content (a) carry out party discipline learning activities. Global organization of cadres and workers to focus on learning, network learning, self-study and other forms of strengthen constitution < < the probity of the Communist Party of - 46 - 绍兴市2012年数学中考试题及答案 China self-discipline criterion "" Chinese Communist Party disciplinary Regulations >, < Xi Jinping on clean government and anti-corruption fight discusses excerpts > and other relevant information learning. Education for Party members and cadres to < code > < Regulations > as the ruler, combined with its work, measure, control and their own ideas and practical test, take the initiative to conduct Lianzheng is affirmatory consciously practice commitment, achieve the hearts of the party, Zun Jishou Confessions of readings of the Si > < confessions to carry out the hearts of the people, in the heart has the responsibility, in the heart has quit, maintain the party's advanced nature and purity. (2) to carry out special warning education activities. In the global "read < > writing experience, the concept of warning education independent micro film > reflections, prisons and courtroom free" as the main content of the special warning education activities. Use of the weekly worker will focus to watch a warning education. The < >, cadres and workers to write their feelings, reflections, and the clean publicity column posted; 4 month global organization of Party members and cadres to the eyebrow delta prison visits to detainees xianshenshuifa education of cadres and workers With low-cost combined with special method. (3) to teach a class of anti-corruption initiate cheap course. By the leaders of anti corruption and financial supervision and administration of state-owned assets of explain the profound things in a simple way to explain, so that all staff of honest business, according to the - 47 - 绍兴市2012年数学中考试题及答案 law to act in a more profound understanding, so as to enhance staff's sense of responsibility and sense of mission. (4) to promote innovation to help the family activities. To carry out the party members and cadres "motto, bright family traditions" activities for family education into harmony, filial piety, encouraging learning, goodness, thrifty, inspirational, cultivation of excellent genes to guide Party members and cadres to good tradition folk, with a good tradition being honest, with good tradition promote political winds, creating a delicate gas is the general atmosphere. Four activities (a) to strengthen leadership, careful organization. One is the establishment of the "independent warning education month" activities leading group of the state owned Financial Bureau, bureau leading Party group secretary of the leader, board members of the team to serve as deputy head. The second is making < County State Owned Financial Bureau independent warning education activities month scheme > determine promotional content, clear steps, truly understanding, measures, and put in place, ensure the effectiveness of the activities. (II) take all factors into consideration, pay attention to actual effect. According to "strict three real special education and" two studies do "activities, in based on the provisions of the action without aliasing, and creativity to carry out various forms, rich and colorful activities, and strive to Pay attention to actual effect, and resolutely prevent, going through the motions, really promote the party members and cadres from the depths of the ideological solidating abide by discipline - 48 - 绍兴市2012年数学中考试题及答案 regulations of the defence. (3) strengthening propaganda, to create atmosphere. To make full use of the column publicity, propaganda position of network, increase publicity efforts, expand warning education activities of the coverage and influence. Today, we hold the city's precise technology to poverty alleviation and project work to promote the meeting, the main purpose is to further promote the task of aiding the poor with technology roots and accelerate all kinds of scientific and technological projects. Last year, this year, the city's scientific and technological work has made remarkable achievements, such as the convening of national poverty alleviation of science and technology on the spot will, cultivate high-tech enterprises, Bashan scholar training and the introduction of scientific and technical personnel incentives, listing national agricultural science and Technology Park, science and technology incubator building. Just now, Huangli In recent years city science and technology to help the poor and science and technology project effectiveness, the main problems were analyzed, and in a period of time in the future, the city's precise technology to poverty alleviation and science and technology project work arrangements, I agree, I hope everyone to earnestly implement. Here, I stressed the three points. Learning "learning", to carry out the "learning and doing" education as - 49 - 绍兴市2012年数学中考试题及答案 the city's innovation and development of an important driving force. The Party Central Committee decided to 2016 years in all Party members to carry out learning the party constitution, party rules, a series of speech, do a qualified party member education (referred to as "learning to do"). Some time ago, I called the "learning the party constitution, party rules, a series of speech, do a qualified party member education and mobilization, the province carried out within the" two a "learning education mobilization. Municipal Party committee will soon be held a mobilization will make arrangements for the deployment. To carry out the" two a "study and education, based on" learning ", key in" do ". As the science and Technology Department of cadres and workers, to (benchmark for two pilot demonstration study through studying the party constitution of party compasses, a series of speech, not only to do a qualified party members, to do a good job of science and technology innovation. Next week, I as the city's county-level leading cadres reading class open cooperation and innovation driven study group members went to Mianyang, Meishan national innovation driven development characteristics and the province's Innovation Driven Development Zone work experience, a great harvest, feeling very deep. Mianyang, Meishan city innovation driven strength is very great, especially is Mianyang has become civil military integration, a comprehensive reform and innovation, our benchmarking in Mianyang, the gap is very large. Mianyang Science and technology city construction - 50 - 绍兴市2012年数学中考试题及答案 as the basis, built around the "Five" goal of building Hotbed of innovation of construction science and technology, military and civilian fusion demonstration, collecting and distributing center of scientific and technological achievements, innovative talents convergence and high technology industry concentration), vigorously promote to military and civilian fusion for the characteristics of comprehensive reform pilot innovation, and achieved remarkable results, is toward the national civil military integration innovation demonstration area, the national innovation driven development characteristics demonstration area and western economic development growth emerging great step forward. The expanding Park, stronger innovation platform; incubated enterprises, cultivate innovation; poly talent, to improve the ability of innovation; promoting fusion, highlighting the characteristics of the innovation; catch open, form innovation efforts of the experience is worth learning from. Benchmarking advanced, we have to struggling to The amount of weight is to grasp to catch the strategic innovation. To improve the target oriented system. The innovation actually placed in the core position, firmly establish the "grasping innovation development, seek innovation is to seek the future, innovation is not backward, slow innovation also will lag behind" concept, accelerate factor driven to innovation driven change. City Branch Bureau to actively seek the city management system emphasizing the innovation driven development, focus on strengthening the scientific - 51 - 绍兴市2012年数学中考试题及答案 and technological enterprise incubator construction, scientific and technological innovation platform, technology oriented small and medium-sized enterprises to cultivate, high and new technology industry output value and product evaluation. Second, we must built innovation and Entrepreneurship platform. The city will be in Pakistan and the open area to build the whole To confidence, "double center", the new industrial park for a period, the city public entrepreneurship Park Phase II, Qin Ba electricity supplier industry park for three period, incubation area of more than 50 million square meters. The county (District) to take advantage of idle assets of construction science and technology enterprise incubator, a passenger space and other new public record space, the formation of a, a, a, to create vivid situation. Third, we must foster technological innovation subject. To vigorously implement the "high and new technology enterprise doubling plan" and "science and technology oriented small and medium-sized enterprises to cultivate plan", to honor the implementation of tax incentives, financial subsidies, such as a package of policies to support, so that high technology enterprise "indomitable spirit", let the small and medium-sized enterprise "overwhelming". To increase investment in science and technology innovation. To actively seek special funds for the development of Municipal Science and technology part for cashing innovation drive the development of financial subsidy policy, transfer a portion of funds for science and technology enterprises of loan - 52 - 绍兴市2012年数学中考试题及答案 guarantees and interest subsidies. Encourage banking institutions set up science and technology branch of the franchise, push the patent pledge loan, for the small and medium sized enterprises of science and technology provide financing services tailored. Fifth, we must strengthen science and technology personnel. To attract more technology military personnel and high-end talent with technology, project, with funds to Bazhong Lingban or joint science and technology enterprises, encourage and support both inside and outside the citycomrades and the5 years of college graduates and college students to a new public space, science and technology business incubator innovation and entrepreneurship. Second, it is necessary to promote the precision technology poverty alleviation as the important content of the scientific and technological work. To build a well-off society in an all-round way by 2020 is the party's eighteen to the whole Party and the people throughout the country to make a solemn commitment. Lead the city people out of poverty to become rich go straight towards well-off, Party committees at all levels, political responsibility and mission of the times of the government's major political, technology sector is also the bounden responsibility. Municipal three tenth plenary session made < on the go all out win battle poverty alleviation and development to ensure synchronous completion of a comprehensive well-off society decided >, proposed to further promote the "five a group - 53 - 绍兴市2012年数学中考试题及答案 of" precise action to help the poor, "six precision" and "1 + 6" poverty alleviation projects, clear the "add Great science and technology achievement transformation efforts, accelerate the construction science and technology poverty demonstration village and demonstration households, give full play to the role of modern information network, for the impoverished village poor households to provide production technology, market information, policy advice, encourage scientific and technical personnel to the poor village launched a to one helping and guiding the development of income industrial projects, strengthen technical training and propaganda of popular science, highlighting grasp large breeding, family farmers, agricultural co-operatives are the backbone of the training "technical poverty alleviation mission. The city's science and technology sector must be from the political height, the assault fortified positions that help deficient up as the most important task, the most urgent work. The most arduous mission, to science and technology for precise poverty alleviation promote to speed up a well-off society in an all-round way Decision to deploy, boost the process to precise technology to poverty alleviation and the effectiveness of a well off society in an all round way. One should obey the overall situation. The city's scientific and technological system of cadres and workers, especially leading cadres, should have the political consciousness, ideological conscious action conscious, in accordance with the central, provincial and municipal - 54 - 绍兴市2012年数学中考试题及答案 deployment requirements, to strengthen the organization and leadership, reasonable arrangement of time, carefully study the deployment, to ensure poverty. There must be resolutely implement the political position and character, poverty alleviation and the attitude to be distinctive, poverty alleviation action should be strong, to politics, to understand the overall situation, re implementation, see results. To lock the target. In accordance with the provincial Party committee and the municipal Party committee, municipal government, lock 2 provincial-level General requirements for the completion of the goal of poverty alleviation poverty alleviation poverty alleviation poverty alleviation poverty alleviation poverty alleviation and Technology Demonstration County, four provincial science and technology demonstration towns, 10 provincial science and technology demonstration village and a municipal science and technology demonstration area, 2 Municipal Science and technology demonstration towns, five municipal science and technology demonstration village and the "five one" precise technology to poverty alleviation and special operations tasks, inverted duration, wall chart battle, set the time, tasks, measures, staff, given the responsibility to ensure high quality precision technology poverty alleviation task. To focus on the key. To focus on precise poverty and accurate out of poverty, detailed measures, clear job responsibilities, to develop targeted and operable precise technology to implement poverty alleviation program. Prominent precise poverty - 55 - 绍兴市2012年数学中考试题及答案 technical training, poor village informatization construction, technology oriented poverty reduction model village and demonstration households construction precision technology poverty alleviation focus, in a precise sense, precise attitude, precise style, go all out to fight the precise technology of poverty alleviation and battle. Three, it is necessary to strengthen science and technology funds supervision as an important means to enhance the quality of the project. Science and technology project fund supervision is the key to the implementation of the project of science and technology. In recent years, especially during the "Twelfth Five Year Plan" period, the system of science and technology management in the city vigorously to declare the implementation of the country and province science and technology projects, science and technology demonstration lead brought obvious effect and improve the scientific and technological innovation capability of enterprises, boosting the characteristics and advantages of industrial development, science and technology support to the economic and social leading role improved significantly. In the project management of science and technology, in addition to seriously implement the state, provincial science and technology project management rules and regulations, and the actual Bazhong, established the access system of science and technology projects, the project of science and technology commissioner system, - 56 - 绍兴市2012年数学中考试题及答案 science and technology Project credit system and scientific and technological projects honest commitment system, and the Municipal Finance Bureau jointly issued the > < Bazhong City Science and technology development funds management approach, formulated the "trilogy of seven" science and technology project implementation specification, these are worth fully affirmed. However, we should also see clearly, we in the science and technology project management still exist "account of the special accounts, earmarking system is no effective implementation and other issues. In particular, this year the Audit Commission Chengdu Tepai ban on Bazhong confidence found in the audit of science and technology business incubatorProblem has certain representativeness. The audit to us sounded the alarm, should cause everyone vigilance. Here, I will strengthen science and technology project budget supervision put forward four requirements: a strict project reporting, prevent fraud. Implementation of the project to declare the competition mechanism, the annual financial support to science and technology projects oriented society Bulletin, conditions open content, open competition to declare, open field investigation, public presentations, the public assessment of the decision, do full open and transparent, fair, accept social supervision. To those who resort to deceit or something real is not clear, suspected of defrauding, impersonator national subsidy funds, once found immediately cancel Declaration of qualification, recovery of funds - 57 - 绍兴市2012年数学中考试题及答案 subsidy and discipline in accordance with the law strictly held responsible. Second, we must innovation funds supervision. In county finance to establish science and technology project "account", the project undertaking entity in accordance with the key nodes task completion by formal invoice to apply for funding and audited by the Department of science and technology, the Ministry of finance funds, and resolutely put an end to project funds are retained, misuse and misappropriation. Third, we need to strengthen scientific and technological project supervision. Department in charge of science and technology to strengthen project inspections to check or checks, of ineffective implementation to strengthen the supervision and the existence of violations of responsibility into the project undertaker rectification. To establish a scientific and technological project, "black list" system, the Project implementation quality particularly poor recorded in the "black list", stage or permanent abolition of the applicant country, province, city science and technology project qualification. Fourth, it is necessary to carry out training funds management. Science City Bureau to the initiative to meet with the finance department, organize project unit commitment held science and technology project funds management training, of country, provincial and municipal science and technology project funds management of the relevant policies, financial acceptance specification, mid supervision points, budget review points and key contents were training system, to ensure the use of project funds safe and - 58 - 绍兴市2012年数学中考试题及答案 reasonable. Thank you all! To implement the central, provincial, city and county to make important decision about the grass-roots party construction work in the deployment, push forward the county public security organs in the work of Party building, further strengthen the party secretary of the governing party and party liability, according to < of the Organization Department of CPC Committee of Xuchang County on the issuance of the "counties as well as the authority of Party building debriefing appraisal implementation solutions" notice > requirements, according to the arrangement of the Bureau of the party work. Today, the organization held the county public security organs party secretary grasping grass-roots party construction work in the debriefing will. The implementation of this is a powerful measure to the Secretary of the party organization construction of the party,, and is learning to carry out the party's spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session of the eighth session of the, grasp the new situation of Party building work under the rules, pushing Public security party building services in the public security center of the inevitable requirement. Just now, the 3 Juzhu unit Party branch secretary of debriefing, below I - 59 - 绍兴市2012年数学中考试题及答案 on the 3 party organization work one by one review. Party branch of the Political Department Good: first, strengthen ideological and political work, pay close attention to the work of the implementation. The Political Department of the Party branch strictly in accordance with the requirements of bureau Party committee, to "strict three real special education as the main line, take effective measures, pay close attention to the ideological and political work of the implementation, strengthen the education of Party members and the police thought, improve the Police Ideological and political consciousness, make a solid foundation for public security work smooth development of health. Second, strict management team, boost the morale of the team. Strict implementation of Police Ideological Trend of periodic analysis, timely grasp the ideological situation of the personnel; strictly implement the system of check on work attendance, strengthen the daily management; cash rewards and punishments, continue to boost the morale of the team. The third is The intensification of police training, improve the police actual combat skill. Seriously and actively carry out a series of training activities and < Henan public security network, > learning activities, the majority of police in the political quality, physical quality, professional quality, policing skills improved. The fourth is to adhere to the - 60 - 绍兴市2012年数学中考试题及答案 preferential treatment from the police, the warm pool police. According to thRequirements, and actively do a good job of personnel management work, to run within the scope of the policy, help the police solve the practical difficulties, the police systemic heart into work. The fifth is strengthening propaganda, promote righteousness. Around the center of the public security work, actively do a good job in the publicity, fully display the spirit of good public security team. Six is to fulfill the responsibility of Party building, do a good job of education and management of Party member team. Sound and perfect "three class", Party of democratic appraisal, commendation and reward system, effectively enhance the branch of the creativity, cohesion and fighting capacity. Shortcomings: is ideological and political work still can not adapt to the new situation, new task, in the form of a single, innovation is not enough, lack of learning education of the appeal and study the effect of education needs to be improved, the political department to strengthen the guidance to the grass-roots units. The second is the branch of organizational life will implement the is not good enough to play an exemplary role. Traffic Police Brigade Party branch - 61 - 绍兴市2012年数学中考试题及答案 System of good practice: one is grasping the implementation of the work of Party building system, enhanced branch team cohesion, combat force. The brigade Party branch always pay close attention to the work of Party building and would not let go, conscientiously perform their duties, strict implementation of democratic life etc., to develop the branch of learning plan, all equipped with learning record the experience and experience the and organize regular inspection learning, ensures that the learning plan, implement, effect. Second is to carry out the "strict three real special education. The development of special education learning scheme, held a party branch focus on learning and the level of consultation forum, deputy director in charge of, brigade leader for the party members and the police on the lectures, deployed to carry out Ban Zicheng throughout the Yan Zhenchang Yang Shuicai to relive the oath to join the party, visit the memorial hall, learning advanced characters, micro lectures attention and learning characteristics of the activities, and to develop measures for rectification. Three is to pay attention to the party building work into the public security work. The brigade Party branch and always will be the work of Party building in 9.3 security, national civilized city re examination, the SCO security meeting, the focus of illegal investigation, "sword", "anti terrorist violence, to ensure safety", "five wave", "camp turn non bus", "detoxification", the focus of the work, in a timely manner to carry out the pre war mobilization, wartime dynamically judged, the - 62 - 绍兴市2012年数学中考试题及答案 post-war award in recognition of a series of measures Members always fighting in the first line of traffic management, all traffic police has always maintained a high state of mind, a strong impetus to the work carried out. Shortcomings: first, there is a "hand hard and soft" phenomenon. Of work of Party building under the new situation is not enough emphasis, focus on light business building, re form light effects. The second is measures are not enough effective. In particular, catch a party to build working innovation consciousness is not strong, measures and methods used in the experience of the old, old practices and effectiveness needs to be further strengthened. The third is three lesson "not very good insist, life of the party organization to carry out less often. Zhao police station Party branch Good practice: one is to strengthen the study and education. To "strict three real special education as an opportunity to take leadership lectures, seminars, individual learning, exchange of experience in various forms, the police organization learning leaders at all levels of the spirit of the important speech, < > in the constitution as well as the side of corruption cases and asked party members and the police carefully recorded study notes, writing experiences, join and pay attention to the micro lectures, - 63 - 绍兴市2012年数学中考试题及答案 according to the control requirements of inspection, enhance their own, to ensure that the learning effect. The second is to strengthen the leadership responsibility. Party branch secretary as the first responsibility of honest government, earnestly implement the" four person ", and insisted on the" important work personally Department Department, major issues personally intervene, personally key aspects of coordination, supervision of important cases personally ", Party branch members always strict demands on themselves, play an exemplary role model. Third, strengthen the service for the people. Every act of the masses for the warm reception, carefully recorded masses anti reflect each a problem, and make the resistancee bureau Party committeeHeart to answer, and constantly improve the quality of service. Combined with the "one village, one police work, police organization carefully touch row all may affect the stability of the unstable factors, resolve conflicts and disputes, and arrange for the police with daily visits, issued security leaflets, collecting sites, personnel information, promote the harmony police. Existing problems: a party branch team party affairs knowledge is not rich enough, on some of the procedural provisions are not familiar with, in a certain extent restricted the work carried out. The second is regular ideological education is not deep enough, the ideological trends of the police command is not timely and accurate. Third, there is a need to - 64 - 绍兴市2012年数学中考试题及答案 improve the management level of refinement, police standardization awareness is not strong enough, daily habit is not quite self-conscious. Since this year, bureau unit Party branch to "strict three real special education as the main line, to the service center, troop construction as the focus, adhere to the combination of ideological building of the party and the system of the party, solid to carry out the comprehensive strictly required, to further standardize the construction of the party organization, continuously improving the quality of Party members and police, continue to strengthen the party building innovation, service building execution significantly improved, has made remarkable achievements. Meeting debriefing of 3 units in the work of Party building problems in other units are also different degrees of existence to other units by the party building debriefing, draw on the experience of face the problem, replicability, careful analysis of rectification, promote the sustained and healthy development of the work of Party building units. Below, to further strengthen the county public security organs party building work stressed the views of five points. One, improve the ideological understanding, enhance the sense of - 65 - 绍兴市2012年数学中考试题及答案 political responsibility and historical mission Follow the basic construction of the party's eighteen years, Xi Jinping, general secretary: the series of important speech to the party put forward many new ideas, new judgment, the new requirements is to promote grass-roots party building work. We should thoroughly study and understand, and consciously assume responsibility. One is to grasp the party building "three questions" of the new requirements. Xi, general secretary of the party's mass line education practice summary of the General Assembly on the proposed the construction of "three questions, namely:" is not the party committees at all levels and the departments of Party committees (party) to achieve the sedulous catch a party to build is not at all levels of Party committee secretary, the Department of the party committees (party) secretary become strictly administering the party secretary? Is not at all levels and all departments of the party Forced the construction of Party committees (party) members to fulfill the responsibilities strictly responsibility? "General Secretary of the party building" three questions ", directed at the crucial point, enlightening, three mirror placed in front of everyone, let you according to a photo, see a look, want to think about the conscious of it, is the three pieces of papers placed in front of us, it is clear to judge ourselves whether in to do their duty. Building" three questions ", urge people to watch, thought-provoking, and - 66 - 绍兴市2012年数学中考试题及答案 convey a strong responsibility to ask signal. The second is to understand the building" three no "new judgment. Xi, general secretary of the party's mass line education practice summary congress pointed out that" history and reality Are accounted for in the police forces of discipline, do not do, is to stop the event tells us, not a clear responsibility to implement the responsibility, accountability, and strictly administering the party is not to ". General Secretary of the" three no ", a clear responsibility to implement the responsibility, accountability, and point out the key. The county public security organs is a team of the Communist Party as the main body, Party members and the vast majority of bureau of belonging to different units of the leadership cadres and backbone of the party members, the power and responsibility are relatively concentrated in the party's construction, must be clear responsibilities, the implementation of responsibility, accountability, or catch a party to build is an empty word. Three is to clear the" three grasping "new initiatives. The total learning book Remember that catch a party to build must grasp the responsibility system, grasping accountability must grab the responsibility person, grasping the responsibility must catch the first responsible person. Why should we let the Bureau unit Party branch secretary of the debriefing is to implement general secretary put forward "3 catch". To seize the party organization's primary responsibility, seize the key issue. - 67 - 绍兴市2012年数学中考试题及答案 Two, the full implementation of the task of ideological construction, the theory of armed tasks implementedGeneral Secretary Xi Jinping in the mass line of educational practice summary congress put forward in the new period party building thought of tasks and requirements, to strengthen the construction of the Party pointed out the direction and path. One is to strengthen theoretical study. The urgent task is to fully understand the study and implement the spirit of the fifth plenary session of the eighth session of the significance of, the organization of Party members and the police through the focus on learning, self-study and special counseling and other forms of serious in-depth learning, adhere to the first step in learning, deep layer, accurately grasp the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee, and do the thinking and learning gains, use it. The second is to strengthen the party spirit temperance. Adhere to the school party constitution. Through the center of the group learning. Secretary of the party organization about lectures and other forms of learning the party constitution, enlightenment spirit, guide Bureau unit Party branch and all members of the police to firmly establish the consciousness of the party. Persist in learning advanced. Vigorously carry forward the spirit of Jiao Yulu, Yang Shuicai spirit, seriously study the advanced deeds of Comrade Yan Zhenchang, deep fine shine Dusing the police party guided, to strengthen public opinion and public servant consciousness, consciously practice the "strict three real. The third is to - 68 - 绍兴市2012年数学中考试题及答案 strengthen the party and Party discipline education. For the ideological construction of the party faces new tasks, new requirements, the emergence of many new problems, new situations, and actively take the initiative to adapt to the constantly emancipate the mind, innovative ways, making use of the Internet, micro channel, micro Bo new platform for new, enrich the content of education, improve education forms, the constant reminder education, enhance the police Party discipline in awe, guide Party members and the police do political understanding discipline about the rules of the leaders. The fourth is to strengthen the ideological and moral education. Guide the party police exemplary practice the socialist core values, cultivate good political and moral character, professional ethics, family virtue and morality, forming a strong atmosphere of moral construction. Pay attention to strengthen the positive guidance to the police party ideology, adhere to the diversification of the social ideology guided by the system of theories of socialism with Chinese characteristics, improving and perfecting the Party members and the police thought The dynamic analysis of mechanism, providing an ideological guarantee for the purity and firmness of team members. Three, fully implement the strict requirements, the management and administration of the party's responsibility to implement - 69 - 绍兴市2012年数学中考试题及答案 General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that to implement strictly the responsibility, do a good job of Party building as the biggest achievement. Therefore, in my bureau implement comprehensive strictly required must be the party tube responsible party implemented. First, to further implement the responsibility system in Party building. To establish and improve the party building responsibility assessment mechanism, at the beginning of the year to progressively signing party builds working target responsibility book. Party organizations at all levels is mainly responsible for comrades to do a good job of Party building as the greatest achievements, adhere to the development wholeheartedly for, to concentrate its attention on the construction of the party, the party building work is included in the agenda, and business to work with the deployment, with checks, with the implementation of, true to form Party grasping, Secretary to take the lead in efforts, in charge of the leadership Specific catch, catch a, layers of implementation pattern of Party building work. Is to improve the reporting and appraising system. In accordance with the "debriefing the party building, the appraisal rating of Party building, Party building assessment test, use of cadres at request of the party", CF county Party debriefing practice, and constantly improve the annual party built debriefing appraisal system, in particular, to the year debriefing appraisal evaluation and annual comprehensive examination closely together, the party builds the job evaluation results into the leading bodies and leading - 70 - 绍兴市2012年数学中考试题及答案 cadres of the annual comprehensive assessment system, strengthen the use of dynamic management and results of debriefing appraisal work, further enhance the debriefing appraisal of scientific, effective and directive The new integration business. Three is to improve the "three class" system. "Three class" system is to improve the party's organizational life, strict party member education management system, we must do a good job in the implementation and long-term persistence. According to "the party secretary of the organization lectures", "party members and cadres micro lectures and Thematic Party Day activities, innovation" three class "form, rich" three class "content, pay attention to the work of Party building with the public security work, the formation of" the same resonance frequency, the linkage of communion "party organization life situation. At the same time, the" three class "system implementation of join or be admitted to the party organization committee debriefing appraisal of important content, strict grasp the" three class "system Real. Four, strict political discipline and political rules. Guide all Party members and the police in ideological political action always as the general secretary of the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping highly consistent, involved in major political principle, political stand, political views and other issues, we must be sober, stand firm. Guide the members of the civilian police to strengthen the sense of - 71 - 绍兴市2012年数学中考试题及答案 organization, determined to do the individual is subordinate to the organization, the minority is subordinate to the majority, the lower level to the higher level, and the whole party to the Central Committee. Some time ago, I held a party enlarged meeting, focus on adherence to the party's political discipline and political rules of thematic theory study, I at the meeting for the feelings to speak. I understand, party a concept of organization, can not see Party, touch not. According to the materialistic point of view, the material determines consciousness, existence determines consciousness, consciousness is the objective things in the brain to reflect, then, how to prove that the party's existence? Like the current, can not, can not be touched, but through the wire carrier, connect power supply, the electric light, the motor is running, it is proved that the current existence. Similarly, the party is by living every Party member, every Party member, speech and action of the carrier, reflecting party. Party is a whole, in order to normal operation, each party members according to their personality characteristics. Academic knowledge, professional knowledge, hobbies, physical condition, age, work experience, work experience and other comprehensive evaluation, main task of the division of labor and in jointly do a good job in party work, is mainly responsible for the Division I business, then in my division of work, in the Party committee collective discussion by, decision, foreign, on every level of members can to bureau of the party in the name and identity delivered a speech, the organization of - 72 - 绍兴市2012年数学中考试题及答案 work. In specific work, in the higher Party committees have clear provisions of the spirit, in accordance with the spirit of the documents of ranking Party committee, combined with my work of the division of labor, on behalf of the bureau Party committee put forward their views and suggestions. Since Party members according to the higher Party committees to the spirit of the document can be Bureau on behalf of the party organization of work, then the behavior has party authority and seriousness, we should respect them and be with, give support, cannot according to personal preferences, personal understanding and awareness, regardless of the occasion, in broad daylight, in meetings, especially in the lower front of, guilty of liberalism, published the higher Party committees have been expressly prohibited speech, also cannot euphemistically called the personal point of view; regardless of party image and personal image, irresponsible, gossip, just open the river, grumble, grumble about; even, sarcastic ridicule, sarcasm, oblique accusations, make people Hold the most stringent start speech, personal attacks, vent personal grudge; more even, with ulterior motives, ulterior motives; fan Yin breeze, will-o '- the wisp, deliberately and party dissension and discord, rumors spread, the spread of division, and the party and the people, the hearts of the people, the decline of morale. This kind of behavior is the party's discipline are not allowed, from my start, from the members of the Party committee member, once, who despite the party discipline, drunk, behind, the key moment, in - 73 - 绍兴市2012年数学中考试题及答案 violation of the party's political discipline, political rules and wait for the party discipline. We must strictly comply with the implementation of the central and superior party committee has clearly defined, does not allow bargaining, unconditional obedience, unconditional , does not allow a discount, or disguised discount. In addition. We want to strictly enforce the system of democratic life of the party, Party of democratic life, it is necessary to carry out criticism and self-criticism, is between the members of the Party committee of the mutual criticism, remind each other, will not do not speak, gossiping afterwards. Guide Party members and the police strictly request reporting system, regularly party members to execute the political discipline of political rules situation analysis judged and thematic summary, constantly enhance political of the political life of the party, the principle and militancy. Five, comprehensively improve the scientific level of Party building, the task of the party building To enhance the scientific level of the construction of the party is our party according to the worldly affairs, national and the new changes and new challenges of the party put forward the major issue is effective to deal with the four test ", resolve the pressing requirement of" four big risk "is the only way to maintain and develop the party's advanced natuStep is to - 74 - 绍兴市2012年数学中考试题及答案 strengthen the party's cohesion, attraction and the fighting power of the inevitable choice. Under the new situation, it is necessary to apply the law of the ruling party construction of Marxism, according to the basic requirements of maintaining the party's advanced nature, continue to study new situations, solve new problems, sum up new experience, make the party building in scientific orbit continues to advance. One to focus, efforts to lay a solid foundation. Continue to carry out the "two hit" activities, accurately grasp strictly required new rules and characteristics of the work of Party building under, deepening grass-roots increase of basic party organization and Party member quality upgrade plan. Continue to carry out the window units vanguard party post, window model building activities, and continuously Enhance the party members and the police involved in activities to create enthusiasm. Increase of Party organizations and Party members advanced typical advocacy training efforts to become a "sign", "evergreen tree". To broaden the party serving the masses channels, construction of Party members contacting and serving the masses work system, make the Party member to become truly keep in mind the purpose, advanced elements of the heart of the masses. Establish and improve incentives within the party, care, helping mechanism, we do care and love grassroots cadres, old party members, difficult life member. In order to promote the party construction services, continue to carry out "party members and counterpart assistance" live and on-the-job Party member - 75 - 绍兴市2012年数学中考试题及答案 volunteer service activities. Second, we must strengthen management, efforts to enhance the party members Quality, and conscientiously implement < the Communist Party of China the development of Party Work Rules >, adhere to strict standards, rigorous training, strict procedures, strict regulation and control, and continuously improve the quality of Party members, optimize the structure of Party member team. Strengthening of different kinds of police, the classified management of Party members in different positions, through the implementation of target management of Party members, record management, star rating etc. ways to strengthen the education of Party members, management and service work. Adhere to the mass appraisal, solid and effective to carry out members of the public commitment, no post party post duty activities, give full play to the role of Party members. Actively introduce the Internet +, by means of information to strengthen the education and management of the party members and make full use of "Xuchang male Ann party building network "," peace of Xuchang, Communist Party members, Liancheng micro lectures and other network platform to strengthen the education and training of Party members. Three to strict requirements, efforts to improve the party's style of work. To build a first-class units, to create a first-class team, cultivate first-class style, create first-class performance as the goal, combined with learning from the advanced models, and effectively solve the police party in the party spirit, moral character, style and ability - 76 - 绍兴市2012年数学中考试题及答案 existing prominent problems; adhere to the lead austerity, oppose extravagance and waste, and oppose formalism, bureaucratism and seriously practice the "strict three real, establish a good style of work; earnestly implement the" eight insist, eight against ", advocate diligence Excited to learn and apply what they have learned, the heart of the masses, serve the people, grab get right on the job really, and to ensure the effectiveness of, hard work, thrift, the overall situation, curried, develop democracy, solidarity work, impartially and with the right of honesty in politics, life is decent, healthy interest in eight aspects of good atmosphere, promote the county public security organs party political construction has made new achievements. Fourth, it is necessary to produce battle fort effect. Party organizations at all levels to grasp the practical to the center of the public security work service key links, adhere to the completion of difficult and perilous task as the main battlefield of the work of Party building, the more encountered serious incidents, major rescue mission, a major security tasks, the more you want to play the party organization The role of core, and earnestly do a good job before the war mobilization, wartime motivation, war veteran and so, truly party members and cadres to fight to where, the life of the party organization will extend to where, the role of fighting bastion of the party organizations play where, reflecting the party building work to promote and protect the power. - 77 - 绍兴市2012年数学中考试题及答案 Comrades, in the circumstances to promote comprehensive strictly new situation, the Party Central Committee and the Party committee of a higher level of the construction of the party proposed the new, higher requirements, the work of Party building task is arduous, the glorious mission, rare opportunity. Let us to the debriefing meeting as a starting point, in the Bureau of the party's correct leadership, conscientiously study and implement the series of important speech of General Secretary Xi Jinping, spirit and the party's spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session of the eighth, thoroughly implement the comprehensive strictly required, continue to carry forward the party's fine tradition, hearten spirit, do solid work, the enterprising spirit, selfless dedication, to continue to create the county public security organs of Party building work in the new situation, to maintain social stability to ensure Successful completion of the task,re, also is aPromote public security undertakings flourish, for the construction of a beautiful and happy Xuchang county to make new and greater contributions! Carry out the party building debriefing appraisal work, implement the central and provincial Party committee, the municipal Party committee and comprehensively promote the strictly deployment requirements, implement strictly the responsibility, tamp the foundation of Party Construction of major initiatives. Public security organs as the party's - 78 - 绍兴市2012年数学中考试题及答案 absolute under the leadership of the democratic dictatorship force, as the party and the people in the hands of the "hilt" must to strengthen the work of Party building and walk in the forefront, and make an example. From just four of the Secretary of the party organization debriefing situation, the party organization of debriefing of Party building and ideological work attaches great importance to prepare more fully, in the debriefing process, say achievements do not exaggerate, speak the problem does not cover, emphasize not vanity about rectification, truly realistic. Offer as Political Bureau Director comments, targeted strong, closely with the practical assessment highlights outstanding characteristics, ask clear, point out of the results, points out the problems and points out the pressure. This is not only a debriefing meeting and Party building the responsibility to implement, today the debriefing, to do a good job of new period party building work will play a very good role in promoting. Next, according to the city bureau Party Committee on Party building work on the arrangements, Bai chief commissioned by combining city Bureau of Party building work of new requirements, borrow this opportunity to revisit four points. To improve the ideological understanding, enhance the sense of responsibility and historic mission, the party's eighteen years, Xi Jinping, general secretary Follow the construction of a series of important speech to the party put forward many new ideas, new conclusions and new requirements, the grass-roots party building work. We should thoroughly - 79 - 绍兴市2012年数学中考试题及答案 study and understand, and consciously assume responsibility. One is to grasp the party building "three questions" of the new requirements. Xi, general secretary of the last 10 August, the party's mass line education practice summary of the General Assembly on the proposed the construction of "three questions". That is: "is not the party committees at all levels and the departments of Party committees (party) to achieve the sedulous catch a party to build is not at all levels of Party committee secretary, the departments of Party committees (party) secretary become strictly administering the party secretary? Is not at all levels and all departments of Party committees (party) Forced members to fulfill the responsibilities strictly responsibility? "General Secretary of the party building" three questions ", directed at the crucial point, enlightening, three mirror placed in front of everyone, let you according to a photo, see a look, want to think the self-knowledge; is the three pieces of papers placed in front of us, it is clear to judge ourselves whether the party's construction to do their duty. Building" three questions ", urge people to watch, thought-provoking, and convey a strong responsibility to ask signal. The second is to understand the building" three no "new judgment. Xi, general secretary of the party's mass line education practice summary congress pointed out that" history and reality, especially the Are substantially more than 80% of the discipline to move tells us, clear responsibility, fulfil responsibility, accountability, and strictly administering the party is not to ". - 80 - 绍兴市2012年数学中考试题及答案 General Secretary of the" three no ", clear responsibility, fulfil responsibility, accountability, and point out the key. The city public security organs is a member of Communist Party as the main body of troops and members accounted for total number of civilian police, the Bureau of belonging to various departments of leading cadres and backbone of the party members, the power and responsibility are relatively concentrated in the party's construction, must be clear responsibilities, the implementation of responsibility, accountability, or catch of Party construction is empty. Three is to clear the" three grasping "new initiatives. Xi, general secretary of the strong , catch a party to build must grasp the responsibility system, grasping accountability must catch responsibility, grasping the responsibility must catch the first responsible person. Why should we let Jushu unit party secretary to the party organization at the next higher level debriefing is to implement general secretary put forward "3 catch". To seize the party organization is mainly responsible person, seize the key problem. Second, it is necessary to improve the work of Party building system, the system construction is to strengthen the party building work of public security is an important guarantee. To through the scientific development of the system, improve the system, execution system and make the system become a hard bound, continue to promote the public security work of Party building standardization. One is to further implement the responsibility of Party BuilSystem. It is necessary to - 81 - 绍兴市2012年数学中考试题及答案 establish and improve Party building responsibility assessment mechanism, at the beginning of the year to progressively signing party builds working target responsibility book. Party organizations at all levels is mainly responsible for comrades to do a good job of Party building as the greatest achievements, adhere to the development wholeheartedly for, to concentrate its attention on the construction of the party, the party building work is included in the important process, and business to work with the deployment, with checks, with the implementation of, true to form Party grasping, Secretary to take the lead in efforts, leaders in charge of specific grab, grab a level, layers of implementation pattern of Party building work. The second is improve the debriefing appraisal system. In accordance with the "debriefing the party building, the appraisal rating of Party building, Party building assessment test, the use of cadres at request of the party", the Secretary of the party debriefing contrast do Law, and constantly improve the annual party debriefing appraisal system, especially to the annual debriefing appraisal evaluation and annual comprehensive examination closely together, the party builds the job evaluation results into the leading bodies and leading cadres of the annual comprehensive assessment system, strengthen the use of dynamic management and results of debriefing appraisal work, further enhance the debriefing appraisal of scientific, effective and oriented. Third, improve the "three will be a lesson system." three class system is to improve the life of the party organization, - 82 - 绍兴市2012年数学中考试题及答案 strict management of Party member education system must do a good job in the implementation, insist for a long time. According to the "Secretary of the party organization lectures", "Party cadres Implementation of integrating micro lectures and theme day activities, innovation "three class" form, rich "three class" content, pay attention to the work of Party building with the public security work, the formation of "the same resonance frequency, the linkage of communion" party organization life new situation. At the same time, the "three class" of the implementation of join or be admitted to the party secretary of the organization debriefing appraisal of the important content, strict grasp the "three class" system. To strengthen the education of Party members, improve Party member of party spirit idea and political consciousness. Xi General Secretary profoundly pointed out: "firm ideal and faith are the legal team of political soul must be the ideal and belief education in political and legal team construction of the first , constantly playing firmly hold high the banner, command of the party, loyalty to the mission of the ideological foundation. "The city's public security organs is a with Communist Party members for the disciplined subject, Party members accounted for more than 80% of the total number of civilian police, bureau of belonging to different departments of leading cadres and backbone basically is a party member, do a good job in the construction of Party member team, will seize the fundamental construction of public security team. We must seize the - 83 - 绍兴市2012年数学中考试题及答案 political construction of the police as the core, adhere to the party for public security work absolute leadership this fundamental principle, put the ideal and belief of party spirit education in a more prominent position, to ensure that the Party member troop absolute loyalty, absolutely pure, absolutely reliable. To adhere to the theory of armed, serious organization And adherence to the in-depth study of the majority of Party members and the party's basic theory, especially Xi Jinping, general secretary of the series of important speech spirit, education of Party members and the party's political discipline and political rules, and consciously in accordance with the party constitution and party political life standards to regulate their own words and deeds, so that discipline, rules, listen to say hello, do in the party party, the party worry about the party, the party for the party, the party retaining the party, and always in the ideological and political action and to Xi Jinping as general secretary of the Central Committee of the party remain highly consistent, consciously do the party's loyal guards of the masses of the people caring people. To build a strong base layer organization, strengthen grass-roots party organization's cohesive force and fighting force. To strengthen the basic level party organization construction Is the key to the target is doing a good job of Party building work of the important basis and guarantee. To optimize the organizational settings. In accordance with the ease of Party members to participate in activities for Party organizations play a role in principle, - 84 - 绍兴市2012年数学中考试题及答案 reasonable norms of the party organization, Party organizations at the grassroots level full coverage, to ensure that each party members into the party organization in Party activities, organization and management, the organization of care, to accept the supervision of the organization, and actively play a role. Second, we must pay close attention to the team construction. Catch team, with the team party building is an important content and basic level party organization team with members shall complete, clear division of labor, responsibility implementation, implementation of post management. With a good team with a strong Party Secretary , to effectively strengthen the Secretary of the party organization is the Party of person of the first responsibility, sense of responsibility, the responsibility system to prevent "party construction task of Party building, Party building work and business two skins" phenomenon. Third, we need to play good battle fort action. Party organizations at all levels to effectively seize as a key link in the center of the public security work service, adhere to thedingTo the completion of difficult and perilous task as the main battlefield of the work of Party building and the encounter major emergencies and major rescue mission, a major security tasks, the more you want to play the core role of Party organizations, and earnestly do a good job in the pre war mobilization, wartime motivation, postwar entitled work truly where the battle of Party members and cadres, the party's organizational life extended to where, the role of fighting bastion of the - 85 - 绍兴市2012年数学中考试题及答案 party organizations play where, reflecting the party building work to promote and protect the power. Comrades, in the circumstances to promote comprehensive strictly new situation, do a good job of public security Party Building work as the task is arduous and glorious mission, hope everyone to firmly establish "a game of chess," thought, put down Real strictly required as the new normal organ of the party's construction, further emancipate the mind, ningxinjuli, do solid work, to maintain social stability, promote social fairness and justice, protect the people live and work, to make new and greater contributions. The accident scene of the accident treatment of XX XX, April 7 to April 11, according to traffic police detachment and the traffic police brigade of the arrangement, I had the honor to participate in the Ministry of Public Security Research Institute held high-end training class, by 5 days of training and learning, I have a deep feeling, learning a lot of new knowledge and to deal with the accident of skills, to learn and work are of great help, we will experience is summed up as follows: first, study the new knowledge, to expand the field of vision. In the research the teacher to explain, we review the < road traffic accident scene drawing >, and emphatically studied at the scene of the real record drawing standards, the graph can reflect the state and each element Full coverage regardless of size, position, give a person to live a more intuitive understanding of the - 86 - 绍兴市2012年数学中考试题及答案 next step accident treatment has a great help. At the same time, I have seen some new accident investigation equipment, such as a new generation of traffic accident scene drawing system, through training, the police can very fast rendering standard site map, data measurement, and in accordance with the Ministry of public security of the standard, and the UAV, the application of UAV camera or camera, from the fundamental solution overview accident photos. Second, on the scene photography basic requirements and accident photographic difference. The scene photography scene is the most objective real reaction. But photographs of the scene taken to ensure objective, comprehensive, timely and clear requirements, this scene photos to assurance its legal effect; the scene photography has also undergone a change by the original photography of orientation and overview of photography, Photo Center, breakdown of the photo, change for range photography, photographic overview, local camera, film element, photography of minutia, than photography, so to photographic content more refined, more specific, the as evidence of a more targeted, more accurate., on site survey extracted traces and field exploration process traces are extracted by the problems and errors. Trace on the scene of the discovery and extraction as a matter of So the scene investigation is an important part of the process, on the analysis of the cause of the accident and the accident are very important role, through the teacher's explanation and analysis them as an expert, from the perspective - 87 - 绍兴市2012年数学中考试题及答案 of identification of traces of the scene points extraction and pointed out the direction for under our own exploration site to extract traces, at the same time, through the teacher's explanation, accidents will produce certain traces, which requires us in the scene of the accident investigation of careful, and not missing any useful to our trace on the scene. On advanced equipment of traffic accident identification, genetic analysis of the role of. I feel the deepest is now home Car safety air bag with something called the airbag module. This is known as "black box" car equipment, has a record of when the speed, whether to take braking, take a few braking and other data, recording, has a very large role for analyzing the cause of the incident, next serious accidents must pay attention to extract such equipment; and escape accidents are common in the general video surveillance on the blurred image, wLicense plate number; shellac, fiber identification, etc. with advanced equipment can make the identification, with the advanced equipment, technical backing, feeling the impartial handling of the each accident and escape detection accident confidence. On the scene of the accident protection. The teacher from three aspects to explain the road traffic accident and law enforcement duty site safety protection: 1, from the level of laws and regulations, Ministry of public security, proceeding from the actual conditions promulgated on the rules and regulations to strictly enforced, which requires each of us a police starting from their own point of view, for their own safety, must not omit any link, don't be afraid of - 88 - 绍兴市2012年数学中考试题及答案 trouble, this is Lists are not qualified for you alone are responsible for the unit is responsible for the family is responsible for; 2. Strengthen on-site protection facilities of the configuration and use, the first to buy and configuration of safety protection equipment, if equipment, but also about what door? Then is another question, equipment, how to use, the teacher of Tianjin accident lesson, because a lot of equipment, is not put into use, resulting in our police due to the lack of timely reminder of the accident, causing us to a number of police casualties; 3, the device is put into use, but also strengthen individual protection skills and teamwork training. In a word, We want to use qualified equipment and abide by laws and regulations, strengthen training of personal skills and teamwork and ensure its own security in the field staff. Through the study of five days of training, an increase of knowledge, learning the something new, strengthen the unit and brother of business flow, also found their own shortcomings, the next step I want to share of Wuxi advanced concepts and colleagues, common learning and common progress, makes the traffic police brigade accident treatment work more on the floor! In recent years, XX city always adhere to a hand grasping the building, a hand grasp the management, and actively explore new mode of Biogas Service, strive to innovate new mechanism for ecological compensation, pay attention to enhance the image of the new energy team, cohesion to - 89 - 绍兴市2012年数学中考试题及答案 create a new bright spot of circular agriculture, biogas in scientific management, comprehensive utilization and achieved certain results. First, the cultivation of new business entities, to explore new mode of follow-up services XX city has been built biogas 11 million households, biogas digesters is "treasure pool, biogas replaced the coal and firewood, become a clean, economic life energy, biogas pool instead of the old cesspool, become to improve the sanitary conditions of important possessions. With the maintenance quantity is increasing year by year, firedamp follow-up service into the long-standing problem. To do a good job of Biogas Service, polish up the brand of "XX model and we guide biogas mechanic established biogas cooperation, energy service companies, such as the model of market main body. Through market service, breakthrough in the past by the government construction, maintenance, a pack in the end of the narrow concept, establish the" who benefits, who management "the correct concept. The main body of the new take innovative service mode, expand service content and other measures, developing biogas service, centralized gas supply pipeline construction and gas charging operation and other aspects of comprehensive - 90 - 绍兴市2012年数学中考试题及答案 management. It not only solves the problem of farm household biogas, and change the follow-up services, but also increases the income of service team. The cultivation of new subjects, to consolidate and improve the service system, the effective establishment of a long-term mechanism of biogas services, to achieve the standardization of the follow-up services, intensive and professional. Two, the introduction of international carbon trading, innovative new mechanism for ecological compensation XX City Xiang Bai Guo centripetal rich is an ordinary farmers biogas, biogas his home with very good results, he is carbon fund project of farmers, this year, the winner of the Netherlands government to pay him thehich can identifyInspired by the introduction of $23, he used this carbon trading income to buy a new gas stove. This is XX household biogas clean development mechanism project is the United Nations first successfully registered household biogas carbon fund project. The project of 4330 household biogas pool, each year to reduce carbon emissions in 7298 tons, carbon emissions trading income of 10 million US dollars, equivalent to RMB 65 million yuan, carbon trading income subsidies to build pool farmer for biogas digesters follow-up maintenance provides ongoing capital investment in carbon fund project, XX City, the implementation of - 91 - 绍兴市2012年数学中考试题及答案 the "gas rewards" project, "whether the normal ignition, gas pressure size, pig herds head number Indicators will biogas digester using effect is good, medium and poor to refine the management and posting the use of farm household biogas, biogas use good farmers reward. Ecological compensation project implementation, increase the income of farmers, mobilize the enthusiasm of farmers, increase rate of the use of biogas, at this stage for the implementation of the voluntary emission reduction projects to provide a reference. Three, establish an advanced service model, highlighting the new image of the energy team Repeatedly since the technology of biogas digesters "third built seven in charge, not good will be" a year, two years, three years four years keep frogs. To catch the follow-up service, to catch the team XX City in strengthening the team building process, the emergence of a number of service models and technical experts. Dragon and Phoenix Town Agricultural Service Center of Yuan Liang, is a typical representative. He from 2005 years engaged in gas, ten years as one day, always keep the people of noble sentiment, conscientiously perform their duties conscientiously serve the masses. His advanced deeds of people's daily, the farmer daily, Hubei Daily and other media reported that 2015 was named - 92 - 绍兴市2012年数学中考试题及答案 the provincial labor Model, by the Deputy Secretary of the provincial Party committee Zhang Changer as the new era of Shi Chuanxiang, Yuan Liang with his dedication to the cause of the gas, won the majority of people good reputation. Vigorously promote the typical deeds, strengthen the play. Incentive motivation, the city "for everyone to learn advanced, all vying for the advanced, everyone catch up with and surpass the advanced" has become so rampant, the team has the typical, post a pacesetter, set up the city's rural energy team for the good image of the civil service. Four, to promote the development of circular agriculture, build a comprehensive utilization of a new bright spot Table, an important role in the profound understanding of the ecological "XX" from the ecological agriculture, XX city to biogas development of ecological agriculture, always adhere to the construction of biogas energy line overall circulation agriculture demonstration, in accordance with the "gas into people's homes, free installation, according to the charges, comprehensive utilization" principle, vigorously carry out the centralized gas supply, recycling for the purpose of biogas engineering construction. One is to carry out multi demonstration. The dragon and - 93 - 绍兴市2012年数学中考试题及答案 Phoenix Town, Tun Xiang Bai Guo Xiang, the construction of the biogas engineering as a link to the "pig - biogas - vegetable", "pig - biogas - tea", "pig - biogas - fruit" cycle of agricultural demonstration base, through a variety of experiments and demonstrations, summarize test result And promotion of demonstration experience. The second is to enhance the quality. The city in biogas production and utilization, research and development of "high yield biogas fermentation device and selenium enriched biogas fertilizer production method" is State Intellectual Property Office of the grant of the patent right, to enhance the level of technology of the city of Biogas fertilizer use. The third is to expand the use of the area. According to local conditions, due to implement the strategy, the follow-up services of biogas and biogas comprehensive utilization of organic combination, to solve the "planting no biogas pool", "biogas pool or not in the labor force", practical problems such as "labor without cultivation", let biogas fertilizer was in circulation and utilization. The next step, XX city will in accordance with the provincial, state energy deployment, and further increase the efforts to the construction of biogas project, to accelerate rural biogas to the scale of development, comprehensive utilization and scientific management in the direction of transformation and upgrading, promote the sustainable development of biogas in rural areas. - 94 - 绍兴市2012年数学中考试题及答案 In recent years, under the support and guidance of the provincial rural energy office, the county completed a total of household biogas pool nearly 7 million households, large-scale biogas project 4, small and medium-sized biogas project in 141, rural service outlets 211, subsidies for solar water heater 2340, biomass stove 2300 units, for the development of green agriculture, improve the people's quality of life play great role. In particular, we succeed in biogas purification, high value utilization based on, to further expand the scale, to open up the market, standardized management, to promote the transformation and upgrading of rural biogas project made some active exploration. Our approach to report as follows: One, scale development, play the economic and social benefits of high quality of methane utilization Biogas high-quality exploit inspired new rural of our country's energy market, for installation of gas pipeline engineering of new rural residential demand. Since last year the province's rural biogas high quality using after the spot, we based on the basis, to expand the scale, an ample supply of gas source, to ensure that farmers with adequate quality of bio gas. One is to expand the size of the original base. Last year held a spot of Qianfeng county and in the province of rural energy office, county - 95 - 绍兴市2012年数学中考试题及答案 government support, in the original 30 acres of the project on the basis of, to ratify the new 10 acres of land, according to large scale biogas centralized gas supply engineering construction requirements, invest 100 million yuan to build a 3000m3 volume of anaerobic fermentation tank, the implementation of technical innovation, using carbon steel output pipeline, building to gas 10000m3 above the new holder, and complete the related projects, assurance that have been developed to farmers with the supply of gas, 2016 Spring Festival peak gas during. There have been no interruption in supply, the user of ten Satisfaction. Second is to actively open up new bases. This year, we through the comprehensive deployment of the county government, related to the integration of sector funds, in Pu Zhen Zhang Zhuang Songlin farm, the port town of gold farming cooperatives, plans to build two 2000m3 volume fermentor, copy forward mode, solve environmental pollution, fruit trees fertilizer, life problems with gas. We will also under the support of relevant departments, the forward mode is launched county public security, with conditions in other counties, willingness of biogas engineering base, to assist in the construction of gas compression purification equipment and production and marketing integration mode. At present, Qianfeng company has been declared a biogas purification, compression and canning 10 a number of utility Technology patents, 2 invention patents, has - 96 - 绍兴市2012年数学中考试题及答案 applied for a registered trademark of the striker, and with the equipment manufacturers to improve the equipment stereotypes and production and business license related work. File, identity to access to a wide range of measures to implement a decentralized, and third, we will steadily develop the market, we forward the company together to form a team, the public security county, Nanping, lotus pond gate three town residential area development, joint concentrated propaganda, further mobilize and organize farmers to base inspection, to the user, enhance the perceptual knowledge, so that the majority of users of biomass gas from ignorance, doubt, and the safe, convenient, economical and practical advantages of convinced, blown away. At the same time, begin to rural area market development, Meng Zhen Jin Gang Cun Zha Kou Zhen De Yi Village pilot, the biomass gas supply farmers, let old people's lives improve grades. Popular support, this year, has added 2382 users. In the commercial sector, has also developed more than 10 food and beverage industry users, the amount of gas is equivalent to 500 civilian gas consumption. Two, make an inventory of the stock, to play the role of high quality of the use of Biogas - 97 - 绍兴市2012年数学中考试题及答案 Rectification has been built in the biogas project, the use of mobile integrated compression purification equipment, the nearest gas recovery, the nearest distribution, improve the use of the original biogas project effect, give full play to the role of high quality and revitalize thProvince's rural marsh gas with high quality use after the spot, we organized a special group, on the basis of a full range of investigation and research, and forward the company together on the county's three large and medium-sized anaerobic fermentation tank be renovated and through technical transformation to restore gas production capacity, building integrated mobile compression purified gas recovery equipment, gas recovery at the price of one yuan per cubic meter by striker company recovery. Both sides have certain economic benefits, not only start the utilization of waste fermentation tank, but also saves the cost of new fermentation tank, achieve a win-win results. Transformation of concentrated residential above at the same time, we also the county nearly 20 100m3 volume fermentation tank, technological transformation, the use of forward the company's equipment, so that to make full use of the conditions are ripe for the District, we use small equipment for purification of direct supply, the use of the user directly with clean and high quality raw material gas, deeply welcome. For example, we in Zhang Tian Si Zhen Chang Chun Cun residential area gas investment - 98 - 绍兴市2012年数学中考试题及答案 less than 20 million yuan, to more than 100 users for the natural gas. Through the entire old buildings and building new, one or two years to cover the whole county, and truly let the rural biogas upgrading work implemented, resulting in greater social benefits and economic benefits. Three, comprehensive utilization, to play the key role of biogas project to boost green agriculture Consumptive striker in my county is planting, livestock and poultry, aquatic County, according to statistics, the county pig herds 57 million head, poultry kept caged 9.7 million, large-scale farms and farming district more than 1000, animal manure and sewage emissions 20 million tons, aquaculture and environmental protection pressure. In the county government's support, we have more channels to raise funds, the biogas project near the base of the five towns more than 20 a livestock and poultry farm manure renovation to achieve separation of dry and wet, and each farm road repair, the company and the aquaculture field signed agreement, the implementation of paid service. On the one hand, to solve the environmental pollution problems, to ensure that the livestock and poultry breeding The healthy development of the industry, on the other hand, to ensure the Qianfeng company production of biomass gas raw materials, can effectively reduce the cost. In the treatment of biogas slurry and - 99 - 绍兴市2012年数学中考试题及答案 residue, we equip the a full automatic drip injection and spraying fertilization system, biogas slurry destined for the vegetable fruit base, through the pipe network, the use of automation in process of sprinkler irrigation and achieve small investment, big gains in effect. Combined with biogas centralized supply through the establishment of biogas households, biogas comprehensive utilization demonstration area, fan out from point to area, to expand the scale, give full play to the commercial, biogas fertilizer fertilize the soil effect. Comprehensive utilization of agricultural structure adjustment to construction of biogas as a link, promote aquaculture, driven by planting industry development, and vigorously promote the "pig - Marsh - fruit, pig - Marsh - food, pig - Marsh - Fish" green mode, to create eco brand, organic brand. Over the past two years, we met with Xing Long ecological farm, Dorian vegetable cooperatives and Jin Gang grape base jointly invested more than 30 million, to build three "three natural ponds" comprehensive utilization project pilot, the economic benefit is obvious, vegetable growers of identity And praise. Although we have done some work on the use of biogas in high quality, but according to industry standards and market operation requirements there are many procedures need to complete, we urge the department pay more to give guidance and support, to ensure that rural biogas high-quality - 100 - 绍兴市2012年数学中考试题及答案 use of standardization, scale, standardization and rapidly to the province, and strive to promote the country.e stock. - 101 -
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