首页 2019版高考英语大一轮复习步骤化写作增分第一步过词汇关第二讲词汇如何写美课件



2019版高考英语大一轮复习步骤化写作增分第一步过词汇关第二讲词汇如何写美课件 第二讲 词汇如何写美 在写对词的基础上,还需要把词汇写美,这样才能备受阅卷老师的青睐。写好词的标准是准确恰当、符合习惯、生动形象。英语的词汇相当丰富,同义词、近义词很多。因此,要力求语言地道、规范。 一、词汇写美的四个原则 1.短语优先原则 在写作中,要想把词汇写美,就要注意挖掘自己现存的词汇潜力,多使用短语、习语来代替一些单词,这样在表达时更具有力度,能够增加文采。 ①我无法容忍他对我们说话的方式。 I can not bear the way he speaks to u...

第二讲 词汇如何写美 在写对词的基础上,还需要把词汇写美,这样才能备受阅卷老师的青睐。写好词的标准是准确恰当、符合习惯、生动形象。英语的词汇相当丰富,同义词、近义词很多。因此,要力求语言地道、规范。 一、词汇写美的四个 原则 组织架构调整原则组织架构设计原则组织架构设置原则财政预算编制原则问卷调查设计原则 1.短语优先原则 在写作中,要想把词汇写美,就要注意挖掘自己现存的词汇潜力,多使用短语、习语来代替一些单词,这样在 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 达时更具有力度,能够增加文采。 ①我无法容忍他对我们说话的方式。 I can not bear the way he speaks to us. 在表达时,我们可设法用no longer put up with这一短语动词取代not bear。 I can no longer put up with the way he speaks to us. ②他在课堂上没有听我讲。 He didn’t listen to what I said in class.(一般) He turned a deaf ear to what I said in class.(较好) 第二句中用短语动词turn a deaf ear to就比普通短语not listen to显得高级。 ③我突然有了一个好主意。 Suddenly I had a good idea.(一般) Suddenly I came up with a good idea.(较好) All of a sudden a good idea occurred to me.(较好) 2.表达手法多样化原则 在表达相近或相同意思时,要尽量避免过多地重复使用某一个单词,应学会选择使用其他恰当的同义词或近义词或词组来表达,这样能让阅卷老师感觉到你词汇量丰富,表达手法多样化。 ①我喜欢读书而我弟弟喜欢看足球比赛。 I like reading while my brother likes watching football matches.(词汇重复) I am fond of reading while my brother enjoys watching football matches.(词汇多样) 另外,我们可以利用单词的多种词性,或利用构词法进行词性转换。这样就会摆脱千人一面的窘境,也会给阅卷老师耳目一新的感觉。 ②虽然工人的数量大大减少,但是产量却稳步提高。 Although the number of workers has decreased sharply, yet the output has increased steadily.(用动词词性) Although the number of workers has undergone a sharp eq \a\vs4\al(decrease), yet the output has experienced a steady increase.(用名词词性) 3.多用具体词汇原则 写作中多使用具体、确切的词汇,少用笼统、概括性词汇;多用蕴含感情色彩的词语,少用中性词。如good指人时,我们可用以下形容词替换:kind, honest, generous, selfless, brave, warm­hearted, sympathetic, honorable, humorous, smart, gentle等;good在指事物或事情时,我们可用以下形容词替换:great, fantastic, splendid, marvelous, excellent, wonderful, meaningful, enjoyable, nice等。这样用词可表达得生动形象,给平淡无味的语句添加“美味”,给评卷老师留下深刻印象。以下句子中的形容词虽然都可以用good代替,但远不如现有的形容词出彩。 ①他是一位热心的老师。 He is a warm­hearted teacher. ②我希望每个人都能玩得开心。 I hope everyone can have a wonderful time. 4.适当使用高级词汇原则 在表达中使用高级词汇,能反映出一个考生内在的底蕴,体现考生运用语言的能力和水平。因此,我们要重视高级词汇的使用。 在选择高级词汇表达语意时,就应做到避“简”就“繁”,就是说尽量选择得体、规范、较长的词,少用常见、俗套的词。如:我们机会相当。大多数考生可能表达为“We all have the same chance.”,这句中的词汇都是司空见惯的词汇,读起来毫无新意,但是,如果表达为“We all possess the same opportunity.”就会给阅卷者一种印象——该考生词汇量大。 二、词汇写美的两大注意点 1.注意增加靓词的“出镜率”,变消极词汇为积极词汇 阅读中能认识但写作中不会用的词汇属于消极词汇,写作中能运用自如的词汇为积极词汇,也就是平常所说的“第一反应词”。积极词汇量的多少直接决定着英语作文表达水平的高低。现在很多考生的困难是,头脑中的很多词汇介于积极词汇与消极词汇之间;另外,很多背到的消极词汇如果较长时间不接触就会变成陌生词汇。因此在备考过程中,考生要做的事情就是迅速扩大消极词汇量并且保持接触的频度,力争使其变成积极词汇。 很多考生作文驻足不前的一个重要原因是反复用初中学过的简单词汇,背了大量的靓词妙语而不用。这是一种懒惰的表现。建议大家在想到一个表达时,务必要想一想还有没有更好的表达方式,这就是我们平时常讲的“头脑风暴法”。例如想表达“美丽的”这个含义,大家首先想到的是“beautiful”,那么在下笔时,要想一想还有没有更出彩的表达,如“attractive”或“charming”等。再如表达“困难的”时,大家常用“difficult”,那是不是用“tough”或“challenging”更与众不同呢? 2.注意亮点词汇使用的场合 写作时,在用词上不可随心所欲,决不能为追求“高级”而使用复杂但毫无把握的词语,也不能满篇堆积所谓的“高级”词汇,否则给人过分炫耀之嫌,得不偿失。一般来说,一篇文章能用好三五个高级词汇就可以了。另外,为能更好地“完成 规定 关于下班后关闭电源的规定党章中关于入党时间的规定公务员考核规定下载规定办法文件下载宁波关于闷顶的规定 的写作任务”,减少错误,特别提醒同学们在使用“高级词汇”时,一定要注意遵循“准确、恰当”的原则,并且要注意使用的场合,难词和生僻词汇并不一定就是高级词汇,例如: 一大早我们买了一些圣诞礼物。 Early in the morning we purchased some Christmas presents. (purchased太过于书面化,改为bought更地道) 附 写作中常用的4组高级写作词汇 [第一组] 名词 1.机会 chance→opportunity 2.选择 choice→alternative 3.课程 course→curriculum 4.影响 effect→influence/impact 5.后果 result→consequence 6.缺点 shortcoming→drawback 7.方法way→approach 8.职业job→career/employment/profession 9.老人old people→the old/the elderly/the aged/senior citizens 10.青少年young people→youngsters/youths/adolescents [第二组] 动词及动词短语 1.看见see→catch sight of 2.遇见meet→come across 3.遭遇meet with→encounter 4.拥有have→possess 5.提高develop/improve→promote 6.替代replace→substitute 7.面对face→be faced with 8.容忍bear→put up with 9.处理do with→deal with/cope with 10.决定decide→determine/make up one’s mind 11.考虑consider→take into account/consideration 12.应该should→be supposed to 13.理解understand→make sense of/figure out 14.使用use→employ/make use of/take advantage of 15.道歉apologize→make an apology 16.记住remember→keep in mind 17.发生happen→occur/come about 18.想起think of→occur to/come up with 19.感谢thank→appreciate 20.帮助某人help sb.→do sb. a/the favor 21.节省save→set aside 22.参观visit→tour/pay a visit to 23.分发hand out→distribute 24.站起来stand up→get to one’s feet 25.习惯于be used to→be accustomed to 26.一定be sure to→be bound to 27.为……做准备prepare for→make preparations for/be prepared for 28.反对be against→object to 29.厌烦be bored with→be fed up with/be tired of 30.忙于be busy in (with)→be occupied in (with)/be buried in/be engaged in 31.闻名be famous for→have a reputation for 32.感到舒心feel comfortable→feel at ease 33.美化学校make our school beautiful→beautify our school 34.置若罔闻refuse to listen to→turn a deaf ear to 35.成功做某事succeed in doing sth.→make it 36.想做某事want to do sth.→seek/intend/desire to do sth. 37.照看look after→attend to 38.尽力做某事try one’s best to do sth.→spare no effort to do sth. 39.向某人寻求帮助ask someone for help→turn to sb. for help 40.我认为I think→in my opinion/as far as I’m concerned [第三组] 形容词 1.令人惊奇的surprising→amazing/astonishing/shocking 2.贫穷的poor→needy/poverty­stricken 3.优秀的excellent→outstanding 4.明显的obvious→apparent/evident 5.常见的common→universal 6.充足的enough→adequate 7.勤奋的hard­working→diligent 8.可用的useful→available 9.艰难的difficult→challenging 10.坚强的strong→tough 11.重要的important→vital/significant 12.不可能的impossible→out of the question 13.有趣的interesting→absorbing/striking/appealing 14.小心谨慎的careful→cautious 15.幸运的lucky→fortunate 16.巨大的large→enormous 17.合适的proper→appropriate 18.丰富的rich→abundant 19.古老的old→ancient 20.唯一的only→unique 21.全部的whole→entire 22.富裕的rich→wealthy 23.有意义的meaningful→rewarding 24.许多的many→a large quantity of [第四组] 其他(副词、连词、介词短语、数词) 1.突然suddenly→all of a sudden 2.立即 immediately→in a flash 3.有时sometimes→occasionally/once in a while/from time to time 4.另外;况且besides→in addition/what’s more/moreover 5.因此so→therefore 6.第一,首先 first→to begin/start with 7.第二,其次 second→in addition/what’s more 8.最终 finally→eventually 9.但是 but→however 10.大多数most→the majority 11.许多 a lot of→a large quantity/amount of/endless 12.种类繁多的 all kinds of→a variety of/varieties of/various 13.事实上in fact→as a matter of fact/actually 14.例如for example→for instance 15.几天前a few days ago→the other day 16.故意 on purpose→deliberately/by design 17.因为 because of→on account of/due to/owing to/thanks to 18.总之 in a word→to sum up/in conclusion/in summary 19.由……构成be made up of→consist of 20.越来越多more and more→an increasing number of 21.因为because→in that 22.一……就……as soon as从句→on/upon+动名词 23.如果if→suppose/supposing/on condition that 24.即将到来coming soon→around/round the corner 专 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 过关训练 Ⅰ.判断正误 1.①( )Which do you prefer more, tea or coffee? ②( )Which do you prefer, tea or coffee? ③( )Which do you like better, tea or coffee? 2.①( )When he came out, the thief had already escaped. ②( )When he came out, the thief had already run away. ③( )When he came out, the thief had already escaped away. 3.①( )As soon as the president returns, I will let you know at once. ②( )As soon as the president returns, I will let you know. × √ √ √ √ × × √ Ⅱ.选用适当短语替换下列句中加彩部分 put up with, consist of, be devoted to, make use of, fix one's eyes upon 1.The little boy looked at the picture on the wall. 2.The small group has six people. 3.She was afraid she couldn’t bear the pain. 4.All his life was given to the Party’s educational cause. 5.We will use her vast experience. fixed his eyes upon consists of put up with was devoted to make use of Ⅲ.请用高级词汇替换下列句中加彩部分 1.(2017·全国卷Ⅲ满分作文)Moreover, you may have chance to play with outstanding players. 2.(2016·四川高考书面表达)The reasons are the following. 3.(2016·北京高考书面表达)Our class thought of the idea to make better use of used materials. 4.(2015·湖南高考书面表达)At the same time, I decided to study harder rather than waste precious time on those useless things. opportunity as follows came up with made up my mind 5.As a result, I don’t have enough time to take exercise. 6.I will be grateful if you could offer me the opportunity. 7.Developing a good habit is also very important. 8.The teacher directed the gifted students towards the more difficult courses. 9.We’ll try our best to develop the traditional friendship between us. consequence give me a kind consideration of great importance challenging promote 10.Would you please help me to turn down the radio? 11.Developing very quickly, the Internet causes the breakdown of face­to­face communication. 12.When you are bored with the people sometimes, you’d better find a quiet place, listening to some classical music. do me a favor gives rise to fed up with
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