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口译入门资料第八讲迎来送往 Protocol routine To claim baggage 提取行李 To proceed through the customs 进行海关检查 To recover from the jet lag 倒时差 ●Itinerary 日程、活动安排 ●Thoughtful arrangement 周到的安排 ●Souvenir 纪念品 ●Farewell speech 告别词 ●根据你们的要求 At your request ●为…设宴洗尘 To hold...

第八讲迎来送往 Protocol routine To claim baggage 提取行李 To proceed through the customs 进行海关检查 To recover from the jet lag 倒时差 ●Itinerary 日程、活动安排 ●Thoughtful arrangement 周到的安排 ●Souvenir 纪念品 ●Farewell speech 告别词 ●根据你们的要求 At your request ●为…设宴洗尘 To hold a banquet/reception dinner in honor of sb. ●欢迎词 Welcome speech ●向…告别 To bid farewell to ●不远万里来到… To come all the way to ●小小意思,不成敬意 This is a token of our appreciation. ●您先请。 After you. ●久仰大名 I have long been looking forward to meeting you. ●您慢走 Take care. 1 Sample sentences Introducing people ●Mr. Johnson, I would like to introduce you to …, the CEO of …. ●It is my honor to introduce … ●I have the honor to introduce … ●I would like to introduce the honored guests attending the party … Welcoming people ●You must be our long-expected guest … ●Excuse me, but I haven’t had the honor of meeting you. ●对不起,还没有请教阁下的大名。 ●I am delighted/pleased to make your acquaintance. ●Welcome to …. ●Did you have a nice trip? ●How was the journey? Welcoming people ●How are you after such a long flight? ●Thank you so much for coming all the way to meet me. ●I hope you will enjoy your stay here. ●Wish your visit a complete success. ●I would appreciate your comments. Bidding farewell ●I would like to take this opportunity to thank … for the warm hospitality and thoughtful arrangements. ●The gracious hospitality of our host will remain in my memory forever. ●I am looking forward to visiting your country in the near future. ●With great reluctance, we bid farewell today to … Bidding farewell ●I wish you a pleasant journey. ●Have a nice trip. ●Do come again. ●Take care. ●I would like to extend, on behalf of the Chinese government and people and in my own name, our cordial greetings and best wishes to your people. 我代表中国政府和人民,并以我个人的名义,向贵国人民致以亲切的问候和良好的祝愿。 ●We gather here today with great pleasure to welcome Mr. Brown from the ABC Company. 今天,我们欢聚于此,欢迎来自ABC公司的布朗先生。 ●It provides me with an excellent opportunity to meet old friends and make new ones. 这使我有机会重见老朋友,认识新朋友。 ●We are sorry that we shall be leaving your country. It is really a rewarding visit. 很遗憾,我们就要离开贵国了。说真的,此次访问收获巨大。/真是不虚此行啊! It was a real pleasure having you with us. We wish to thank you for coming. 很高兴能和你们欢聚一堂,衷心感谢你们的光临。 史密斯先生,欢迎您和代表团所有成员到我公司访问。愿你们访问愉快。 Mr. Smith, I am very happy to welcome you and all the other members of your delegation to our company. We hope you will have a pleasant visit. 请允许我向远道而来的贵宾们表示热烈的欢迎和亲切的问候。 Allow me to express our warm welcome and cordial greetings to our distinguished guests coming from afar. 自上次在巴黎匆匆一见,我们都好几年没有见面了。We haven't seen each other for years since our last brief talk in Paris. 如果你们对这个日程草案有什么意见和建议,希望坦率地告诉我们,我们将尽力满足你们的愿望。 I hope you will be frank with us and give whatever opinions and suggestions you may have in regard to the tentative schedule. We will see what we can do to meet your wishes. passage 1 主 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 导入:某大学外事办公室主任韩芳在她的办公室迎接来华参加国际材料科学大会的美国教授Steven Walker 先生。 请先熟悉列出的词汇再听录音,并在录音停顿时开始口译。 expressions 名片business card Prestigious 知名的 设宴洗尘 host a reception dinner in one’s honor 会议议程表 conference program 投影仪 overhead projector Passage 2 主题导入:本段是中安科技公司的代表李华去机场接Willa公司的销售代表David Anderson的对话。 请先熟悉列出的词汇再听录音,并在录音停顿时开始口译。 expressions 外贸部International Business Department 停车场parking lot 锦绣中华Splendid China Theme Park 汽车配件automobile part 礼仪祝词 Ceremonial address signing ceremony 签字仪式 ●last but not least最后 ●at one’s earliest convenience在某人方便的时候 ●in the spirit of本着…精神 To propose a toast ●I would like to propose a toast to the friendship between our two countries. ●Please join me in a toast to the good health of our guests. To exp ress one’s gratitude ●I would like to thank you for your dedication and assistance in the past years. ●We are particularly grateful to the organizer of this meeting. ●My special thanks also go to those staff who have put so much efforts into making today’s fo rum so successful. Speech at a farewell dinner ●We wish you a pleasant journey tomorrow. ●My best wishes go with you until we meet again. ●May you have a happy memory of your stay in China. ●Good evening! I am very delighted to be with you here to join in the opening ceremony of the 2005 Fortune Global Forum in Beijing on this beautiful evening. 晚上好!在这个美好的夜晚,很高兴同大家在这里相聚,参加2005年北京《财富》全球论坛的开幕式。 ●To begin with, I would like to on behalf of the Chinese government, and also in my personal name, to express my sincere welcome to all of you. ●首先,我谨代表中国政府,并以我个人的名义,对各位朋友的到来表示诚挚的欢 迎! ●Looking into the future, as the economic globalization is speeding up and the bilateral friendly relations are developing, we are full of confidence in the further development of the Sino-EU economic and trade relationship. 展望未来,随着经济全球化进程的加快,双边友好关系的发展,我们对中欧经贸 关系的进一步发展充满信心。 ●祝各位来宾在中国生活愉快。 I wish all the guests a happy stay in China. ●我祝你明天一路顺风。 I wish you a smooth/nice trip tomorrow. ●为了我们的事业成功,干杯! To the success of our business, cheers! ●让我们共同举杯,祝愿我们的友谊天长地久。 please join me in a toast to our enduring friendship. ●我敬您一杯,祝您身体健康,前程似锦。 I would like to propose a toast to your good health and to your bright future. ●能受邀参加此次盛会,我感到无比荣幸。 I feel so privileged and honored to be invited to this grand meeting. ●感谢大家过去一年里对我工作的支持,我敬大家一杯。 Thank you for all your support to me over the last year. Cheers. ●我们最该感谢的是大会组委会的秘书长先生,我提议,我们大家敬他一杯,感谢 他为本次会议的成功做出的杰出贡献。 Our biggest thanks to the Secretary General of the organizing committee. Now I would like to propose a toast to him, for without him this conference would not be so successful. expressions Your Excellency 阁下 Reciprocate 回报 Bilateral economic linkage 双边经济联系 To be listed 上市 Singapore Exchange 新加坡证交所 Enduring friendship 长久的友谊 The State Department (美国)国务院 To have one thing very much in common 有一点十分相似 To practice geology 从事地质工作 Military career 军事生涯 A thousand-mile journey begins with the first step. 千里之行,始于足下。 To build a secure, prosperous and peaceful world 建立安全、繁荣与和平的世界 人物访谈 Talks and Interviews 采访人interviewer ●被采访人interviewee ●常驻记者resident correspondent ●特派记者staff correspondent ●驻外国记者foreign correspondent ●Thank you very much for sharing your experience with us today. ●非常感谢您今天与我们一起分享您的经验。 ●Did you ever imagine as a child that you would end up having this kind of a life? ●小的时候,你有没有想过你最终会过上这样的生活? ●How do you handle success and failure? What do you say to yourself? ●您是如何对待成功与失败的呢?您会对自己说些什么? ●As a matter of interest, what are the responsibilities of a director of human resources? ●我很想知道人力资源部经理的职责包括哪些内容。 ●As you know, the world has entered the information era in which telecommunication is evolving as the universal framework for human interaction. ●众所周知,我们已进入信息时代,在这个时代里,电讯为人类的协作搭建了通用 的桥梁。 ●可不可以请您谈谈与中国做贸易的经验? ●May I ask you to comment upon your experience of doing business with China? ●简单地给我们讲一下你在美国如何开始你的事业的。 Tell us briefly how you started your career in Ameri ca. ●她精通汉语,在中国法律界和商界很受欢迎。 ●She has a perfect command of the Chinese language, and is very popular with the legal and business circles here. ●公布那件事情,对你来说是不是很艰难? Going public with that story, was that difficult for you? ●好吧,展望未来,你有何打算?通常我会说十年,但我想问五年以后你有 何打算?有何梦想? Ok, look ahead, where are you gonna be? Generally, I would say ten years, but where are you gonna be five years from now, what’s the dream? Short passage interpreting passage 1 Yo-Yo Ma 马友友1955年生于法国巴黎,父母都是音乐家,母亲是歌唱家,父亲是作曲家。 4岁起由父亲启蒙学习大提琴,并和家人迁居纽约。之后于茱丽亚音乐院师事李纳德-罗斯(Leonard Rose)。1976年,他从哈佛大学毕业,取得人类学学位,为他开启传统音乐院教育外的另一扇窗。马友友与妻子育有一对儿女。 passage 1 ●Today we will meet one of the greatest cellists of our times, Yo-Yo Ma. His career as a professional cellist spans more than 20 years and over 50 albums. He has been honored for his music with many awards including an amazing 14 Grammy. He has played on many important occasions including the Grammy and the Olympics. reference ●今天与我们见面的是我们这个时代最伟大的大提琴家—马友友。作为大提琴演奏 家,马友友的职业生涯已横跨了20多个年头,期间他录制了50多张专辑。他的音乐获得过很多奖项,其中包括令人叹服的14项格莱美大奖。他也曾在许多重要的场合演奏,如格莱美的颁奖仪式和奥运会的庆典活动。 Passage 2 ●我想当时美国人看不到关于亚洲的电视节目,而很多美国观众希望能够多了解一 些亚洲的情况。当时亚洲没有什么地位,经济比较落后,也没有多少美国人知道的杰出人物…那只是一个神秘的地方。 reference ●There was no television show about Asia for Americans, and yet there were a lot of Americans who wanted to know more about Asia. At that time, Asia was a very low-priority place; the economy was not very good; there weren’t very many outstanding Asians they knew about…it was just a mysterious place. To be continued ●但是在我看来,亚洲将成为世界的一个很重要的地区,所以我决定做这一档节目, 名叫《看东方》。这是我在美国制作的第一个电视系列片,在全美播放。 reference ●But I knew Asia was going to be an important place, so I decided to do a show called ―Looking East‖. That was my first television series in America and it was syndicated all over America. Passage 3 ●访问格力电器公司总裁董明珠 人物访谈(2) Talks and Interviews (2) What has been the key to your success? ●您成功的秘诀是什么? ●You seem to have been extremely successful in setting up joint ventures in China. ●您在与中国建立合资企业方面取得了巨大的成功。 ●Looking back, how do you talk about your legacy for Intel? ●回顾过去,您如何看待您给英特儿留下的财富? Anyway, Samantha, thanks so much for coming in this morning. Nice to see you. ●Samantha, 感谢你今天来到我们的节目。 ●Since we met last time, Chinese economy has sustained tremendous achievements, and everybody, including a lot of people from the west are, you now, talking about China, China’s economy, I would like to hear from you what is your evaluation of the Chinese economy, including Chinese IT industry. ●自上次见面以来, 中国的经济取得了巨大的成就,每个人,包括来自西方国家的 很多人都在谈论中国及中国的经济,我很想听听您对中国经济,包括中国的信息技术产业的评价。 Sentence interpreting ●It was a very interesting time, and we went through the dot.com bubble bursting in 1999 to 2000, which was a difficult time for the industry of all. Fortunately, I think Intel survived that and we were the biggest semi-conduct company going into that depression and we are still by far the biggest company today, with the leading position. ●那是一段非常有趣的日子,我们在1999年到2000年经历了互联网泡沫的破灭, 那是一段非常艰难的日子,整个行业都是如此,我认为非常幸运的是,英特儿度过了那个难关,在那段经济萧条的时期,我们是最大的半导体公司,到目前为止,我们仍然是最大的半导体公司,扮演着领头羊的角色。 Sentence interpreting ●中国工商银行杭州分行今后将采取哪些措施来应对各种可以预见的挑战? ●What measures will ICBC Hangzhou Branch adopt to cope with the expected challenges in the future? Sentence interpreting ●根据世界贸易组织的最新统计,中国在2000-2002年期间中国的进出口和出口增 长了30%。我认为这是个好现象。 ●According to the newest statistics of World Trade Organization, the imports and exports increased by 30% during 2000-2002 in China. I believe it is a good phenomenon. Sentence interpreting ●我们坚信,健康的贸易伙伴关系是一个合资企业成功的基础。 ●We firmly believe that a sound trading partnership is the foundation for a successful joint venture. Situational interpreting ●Work in group of four. The first pair makes an interview based on the following information and the other pair interprets. ●Roles: Interviewer: Ms. Li, a journalist of CCTV Interviewee: Bill Gates, the former CEO of Microsoft Situation ●Mr. Bill Gates pronounced his retirement from the position of CEO in Microsoft in July 2008. Ms. Li is having an interview with him on his decision and his future plan. The following interview outline may be helpful. ●outline passage interpreting passage 1 ●主题导入:《福布斯》杂志是美国历史上最悠久的财经杂志。在接受采访时,福 布斯的第三代传人Steve Forbes介绍了杂志的宗旨和价值。 ●请先熟悉下列词汇再听录音,并在录音停顿后开始口译。 expressions ●Pile up millions 堆积几百万财富 ●Balance sheet 资产负债表 ●Make sense of 解读 ●Extra dimension 额外的视角 ●Look beneath the surface of things 透过事物的表象(看本质) 体育与运动 Sports and events Useful words and expressions ●亚运会Asian Games ●manager 经纪人 ●instructor 教练,技术指导 guide 领队 ●游泳有助于培养一个人的体力、柔韧性和耐力,保持体形。 ●Swimming can enhance one’s stamina, flexibility and endurance, and help keep one in shape。 ●早晨游泳或者慢跑会使你白天感到精力充沛。 ●Swimming or jogging in the morning will keep one energetic during the daytime. ●运动员村占地25公顷,分国际区和居住区,可住5000多人。公共设施包括来宾 接待处、国旗广场、餐厅、信息中心、停车场、洗衣房和商店等等。 ●The athlete’s village takes up 25 hectares. It is divided into the international zone and the residential zone, and can house over 5000 people. Public facilities include the reception center, the flag plaza, and the dinning room, the information center, the parking lot, the laundry room and the store. ●这是一座刚落成的可容纳6000人的体育馆,馆内安装了先进的场馆照明、消防、 保卫监控和电视转播等设施。 ●This is a newly-built stadium with a capacity of 6000 people. It is installed with advanced equipment for lighting, fire fighting, security monitoring and television broadcast. ●超出常人的特殊体质加上后天的勤奋训练使他在上一届奥运会上囊括8枚金牌, 成为最受瞩目的奥运冠军。 ●His extraordinary physique, combined with diligent training, enabled him to sweep eight gold medals in one Olympic Games, putting him in the spotlight of Olympic Champions. ●After the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, this year,2010, the Asian Games will be held in Guangzhou ,the capital city of Guangdong Province, which lies in the South China in November 12th,2010. ●继2008年北京奥运会之后,在今年,2010年,广州亚运会将会于2010年11 月12日在广州举行,广州是广东省的省会,位于中国的华南地区。 ●The Opening Ceremony of the Guangzhou Asian Games on November 12th has caught the world's eyes. But it couldn't be so successful without the efforts of 6,000 Asian Games volunteers. ●2010年11月12日举行的广州亚运会开幕式吸引了全世界的目光。没有6000名 亚运会志愿者的努力,此次开幕式不会如此成功。 ●主题导入:体育局官员在国际马拉松比赛前新闻发布会上介绍赛事准备情况。●请先熟悉下列词汇再听录音,并在录音停顿后开始口译。 expressions ●锦标赛championship ●选拔赛qualification competition ●肯尼亚Kenya [’k?nj?] ●坦桑尼亚Tanzania [,tanz?’n??] ●厄瓜多尔Ecuador [’?kw?d??,ekwa’eor] ●埃塞俄比亚Ethiopia[,i?θ?’??p??] expressions ●绿化广场landscaped square ●航拍aerial view ●电视直播be televised live ●电子芯片electronic chips ●创世界 记录 混凝土 养护记录下载土方回填监理旁站记录免费下载集备记录下载集备记录下载集备记录下载 奖World Record Award ●男子冠军Men’s Champion ●女子冠军Women’s Champion 第十五讲教育专题(二) Education 学杂费tuition and incidental fees ●九年义务教育nine-year compulsory education ●国家公共财政the national budget ●免除费用be exempted from ●书本费textbook fee ●住宿补助lodging subsidy expressions ●两免一补Two Exemptions and One Subsidy ●给予高度重视attach importance to ●招聘recruit ●农民工migrant worker ●专业设置discipline arrangement ●职业规划career planning passage interpreting National Teacher of the Year ●To kindle 激起;点燃 ●To foster 培养 ●Poise 沉着自信 ●To summon 奋起;鼓起 ●To embody 蕴含、体现 ●North Kingstown, Rhode Island罗德岛州北金斯顿镇 ●ESL program英语作为第二语言的课程 ●Mentor 顾问 ●Wane 衰弱、变少 视频鉴赏 ●2009年温家宝总理两会记者招待会 ●两会 ●NPC---National People’s Congress ●CPPCC---the Chinese Peo ple’s Political Consultative Conference Visits and Travels ?如果你还想参观的话,黄鹤楼值得一游。 ?If you want to visit more places, Huanghe Lou or Yellow Crane Tower is worth visiting. ?听说贵公司在成本控制方面很有经验,我们是专程来学习的。 ?We know that you are very experienced in cost manageme nt. That’s why we have come all the way to learn from you. ?我们此行的目的是想考察一下贵国的投资环境。 ?The purpose of our visit is to learn about the investment environment in your country. ?由于中国制造目前面临成本上升的压力,我们准备在非洲开几个工厂,降低成本, 保持价格优势。 ?Due to the rising cost of ― Made-in –Chin a‖, we plan to set up factories in Africa to reduce our cost and maintain our price advantage. ?贵国有着丰富的油气资源,所以此次会谈的目的之一就是商讨共同开发油气资源 的可能性。 ?One of the objectives of this meeting is to explore the possibility of jointly developing the abundant oil and gas resources in your country. ?刚才听了你们投资促进委员会的简单介绍,更坚定了我们开设工厂的决心。 ?The briefing by the Investment Promotion Committee strengthened our determination to open branches. conversation interpretation 主题导入: 某市招商局局长在美国波士顿世贸中心考察,以下是他和美方代表Dileo的谈话片段。 请先熟悉列出的词汇再听录音,并在录音停顿时开始口译。 ?波士顿世贸中心Boston World Trade Center ?Matchmaker 牵线人、对接 ?Distributor 分销商 ?取经to seek advice/experience from ?非政府组织non-government organization ?One-stop shop一站式服务 ?Logistics物流 ?Start up business service创业服务 ?世贸中心协会WTCA(World Trade Center Association) Passage interpretation Wellington is a city in central New Zealand, capital of the country. Situated in an agricultural region, it is a major seaport, a rail center, and a commercial and manufacturing center. Principal products of the area are transportation equipment, processed food, textiles, clothing, machinery, and printed materials. Government operations and tourism are of prime importance to Wellington’s economic base. Wellington contains a number of New Zealand’s finest cultural and educational facilities, including the National Library, the National Art Gallery, the Parliament Buildings, and an Anglican cathedral. The site of the city was found in 1840 by emigrants from Great Britain and it became the new capital of the country in 1865, replacing Auckland. 惠灵顿是新西兰的一个中部城市,是新西兰的首都。它位于农业区,是一个主要的海港、铁路以及商业和制造业中心。该地区的主要产品是运输设备、食品加工、纺织品、成衣、机器以及印刷材料。政府的运作和旅游业对惠灵顿的经济十分重要。惠灵顿有新西兰做好的文化和教育设施,包括国家图书馆、国家美术馆、议会大厦和圣公会大教堂等。惠灵顿是1840年由英国移民发现的,1865年取代奥克兰成为新的首都。 公司简介 C o m p a n y p r o f i l e Company profile ?对于企业的潜在客户来说,第一次认识该企业就是通过其企业简介,企业简介就 像一张名片,快速提供客户所需的信息。因此,公司介绍的主要目的就是向他人提供公司的相关情况。 Pre-assignment preparations ?在企业介绍中,往往会提到公司成立的时间、所在地、规模、经营范围、法定代表人(legal representative)以及有何特点等等。它包含的内容一般有: ?公司概况:注册时间、注册资本、公司性质、技术力量、规模、员工人数、员工素质,有时也会介绍公司如何成立,其规模和实力如何; ?公司的发展状况:如公司的发展速度、有何成绩、有何荣誉称号等; To be continued ?公司的主要产品:性能和特色等; ?公司的销售业绩及销售网络; ?售后服务:公司对售后服务的承诺。 Characteristics of company profiles ?企业介绍作为一种对外宣传资料,属于实用性很强的经济应用文,注重信息的传 递和促销的效果,因此具有信息性、表达性、交际性和诱导性等功能特点。从文字功能来看,企业介绍具有以下特点: ?企业介绍,尤其是中文的企业介绍,词藻华丽,言辞漂亮。中文的企业介绍―表 现为平铺直叙,长篇大论,喜欢重墨渲染一些枝节信息,大量使用概念式及空洞夸大的描述性套话,如―历史悠久、人杰地灵‖等;习惯罗列权威机构的认证及大到全国、小到地县的各种奖项,并加以细节描述‖(陈小慰, 2006: 98)。 ?相对而言,英文的企业介绍更注重内容和信息的传达,如突出公司形象及产品,充分表述事实,传递实质性信息,喜欢用事实和数字说话; ?中英文的企业介绍中经常使用一些套话及口号引起读者或听众的注意; ?中文的企业介绍汉语文化色彩浓厚,文字讲究工整对仗,结构整齐划一。 When interpreting company profiles Basic Vocabulary ?trademark 商标 ?dealer 经销商,代理商 ?supplier 供货商 ?manufacturer/ producer 制造商 ?founder 创始人 ?specialize in 专业于 ?start out 开始创业 ?joint operation 联合经营 ?registered capital注册资金 ?margin 毛利润 ?net profit 净利润 ?turnover 销售额 ?domestic asset 国内资产 ?market potential 市场潜力 ?domestic demand 国内需求 ?marketing strategy 营销策略 ?joint venture 合资企业 ?全球500强企业Global 500 ?集团公司corporation group ?国有企业state-owned enterprise ?集体企业collectively-owned enterprise/collective enterprise ?私营企业private enterprise ?上市公司Public company ?总公司head office ?subsidiary company 子公司 ?跨国公司multinational company 收入revenue ?产值output value ?年均增长average annual growth rate ?primary industry 第一产业 ?secondary industry 第二产业 ?tertiary industry 第三产业 ?service industry 服务行业 ?foreign-funded enterprise 外资企 ?export-oriented economy 外向型经济 ?labor-intensive industry 劳动密集型产业 ?small and medium-size enterprise 中小型企业 Sentence interpreting ?Ocean Park is one of the world’s acknowledged educational theme parks covering more than 870,000 square meters of land. ?海洋公园占地超过八十七万平方米,是国际上最受欢迎的主题公园之一。 ?It is a non-profit organization providing elements of entertainment, education and conservation at an affordable price. ?作为一间非赢利的独立法定机构,它一向以合理的价钱提供娱乐、教育及动物保育并重的游乐设施。 ?Ford Motor Company is a multinational corporation and the world’s fourth largest automaker based on worldwide vehicle sales, following Toyota, General Motors and Volkswagen. ?福特汽车公司是一家大型的跨国汽车制造公司,其汽车销售量继丰田、通用汽车和大众之后,居世界第4。 ?After the release of their first product the company began to grow rapidly. By 1996, the company’s turnover was over 2 million do llars and it became the largest software company in the region. ?在他们的第一项产品问世以后,公司就开始了迅猛的发展。到1996年,公司的营业额已经超过了200万美元,而且它还成为了当地最大的软件公司。 ?Siemens is one of the world’s most innovative companies and many of China’s most advanced technologies are ―Made by Siemens‖. The company aims to be a trendsetter in all its business fields, and to shape its technologies with a clear focus on delivering tangible and valuable benefits to customers and society at large. ?西门子是全球最具创新能力的企业之一,当今中国的许多最为先进的技术都是―西门子制造‖的。我们致力于在西门子涉足的全部业务领域引领技术发展趋势,专注于以我们的技术为客户和社会各界带来切实的利益。 ?TCL集团股份有限公司创立于1981年,消费电子、移动通讯和家电领域的领头羊和技术革新者之一,TCL集团拥有5万多名员工,下设18个研发部门,20个制 造加工基地,40余个境内外销售处。 ?Established in 1981, TCL Corporation is a global leader and technology innovator in consumer electronics, mobile communications and home appliances. TCL employs more than 50,000 people with 18 R&D centers, 20 manufacturing bases, and more than 40 sales offices around the world. Short Passage interpreting ?与在世界其它地方一样,沃尔玛在中国始终坚持公司的优良传统,即专注于开好 每一家店,服务好每一位顾客,始终为顾客提供优质廉价、品种齐全的商品和友善的服务。沃尔玛在中国每开设一家商场,均会为当地引入先进的零售技术及创新的零售观念。在激发竞争的同时,帮助提高当地零售业的经营水平和服务质量,从而促进当地经济的共同繁荣。 ?In China, as elsewhere, we follow the Wal-Mart tradition of building our business one store and one customer at a time. We strive to provide our customers with friendly service and a wide selection of quality products at Every Day Low Prices. With each Wal-Mart store we bring advanced retail know-how to the local market. By fostering a healthy, competitive environment, we hope to constantly improve our business operations and customer service in order to contribute to the prosperity of the local economy. 长城汽车股份有限公司简介 ?Great Wall Motor Company Limited 长城汽车股份有限公司 Ceremonial Address 2 Yin Xiaohong Useful Expressions 交流的平台 a platform for communication 日新月异to change with every passing day 重申我方观点to reiterate our opinion/ standing 有建设性constructive ?向大会就……问题进行讲话 ?to address the meeting/conference on the topic of ... ?表示/表达……欢迎/感谢/祝贺/问候/邀请 express/extend...welcome/thanks/congratulations/greetings/invitation ?致以亲切的问候和良好的祝愿 extend cordial greetings and best wishes to ?千言万语道不尽感激之情 no words can fully express our gratitude ?I’m delighted to see that EU enterprises are giving more confidence to the Chinese market under the background of global economic recession. ?很高兴,在世界经济不景气的情况下,欧盟企业越来越看好中国的市场。 ?I do not wish in any way to spoil your enjoyment of this evening’s festivities with a long and boring speech, but I would just like to say a few words. ?我不想用冗长乏味的讲话来影响大家的兴致,破坏今晚的欢乐气氛。 ?In this way, China will contribute whatever it can to the development of WTO multilateral trading system. ?通过这一方式,中国将为世界贸易组织多边贸易体制的发展做出应有的贡献。?我希望我们在知识产权领域能开展卓有成效的合作,共同促进知识产权保护工作的健康发展。谢谢大家。 ?I hope we can forge effective collaboration in the field of intellectual property rights and jointly promote IPR protection along a healthy way. Thank you. ?新的世纪充满着机遇和挑战,让我们共同合作,迎接挑战,使多边贸易体制得到巩固和加强,为世界经济贸易的稳定和发展不断做出贡献。 ?The new century is full of opportunities and challenges. Let us work together to meet these challenges, and to consolidate and strengthen the multilateral trading system and make our contribution to the stability and development of world economy and trade. Short Passage interpretation ?Next year, Singapore will turn 40. Over the years, we have attained achievements admired by others. We succeeded through hard work, and by working closely together as a country. We adopted sound and forward looking policies that benefited Singapore as a whole and propelled us forward. But most importantly, in this growing process, we cared for one another, and built trust between the people and the Government. ?明年,新加坡将欢庆40周年国庆。这些年来,我们取得了不少成就,并赢得其 他国家的尊敬。我们刻苦耐劳,举国上下紧密合作,所以成功了。我们采纳了各种明智和富有远见的政策,使整个国家受惠,并推动我们向前迈进。不过,更重要的是,新加坡人越来越有互相关怀的精神,人民和政府之间也建立了互相信任的关系。 谢谢大家。 ?Taking this opportunity, I am going to brief you on China’s policy of absorbing foreign direct investment, and the efforts made by the Chinese government to improve the investment environment. I hope that my introduction can help you to get a better understanding about China’s situation of FDI absorption and can further enhance our cooperation. ?借此机会,我给大家简要介绍中国吸收外资的政策和中国政府为改善投资环境做 出的努力,希望我的介绍能进一步增进诸位对中国的了解,促进中国的对外合作与交流。 ?Ladies and gentlemen, China has been one of the largest destinations of foreign investment and will become an increasingly important source of investment outflow into the world. The Chinese economy is growing and the society is progressing. A more open China will be an excellent partner for all countries in the world. Interdependent, mutually beneficial and win-win economic and trade relationship will serve as a strong driving force for common development and prosperity on our planet. ?女士们、先生们: 中国已经成为世界上吸收外商投资最多的国家之一,并将日渐成为重要的对外投资国。中国经济在发展,社会在进步。一个充满活力、更加开放的中国,将成为世界各国理想的合作伙伴。相互依存、互利共赢的经贸关系,必将成为促进共同发展、共同繁荣的强大动力。 口译鉴赏 Ceremonial Address ---Tourism Short passage interpretation ?In recent years, we have seen the growth of very innovative tourism marketing in the regions. There are some good examples of regions maximizing their key points of difference through cultural tourism, wine trails and other initiatives. ?近年来,各地的旅游市场营销已越来越富有创意。一些地区是很好的例子,他们 充分发挥自己的独特之处,推出了文化旅游、葡萄酒线路和其他的一些旅游活动来吸引游客。 ?新中国成立后特别是改革开放以来,中国政府高度重视旅游工作,旅游业持续快 速发展,已成为一个蓬勃活力和巨大潜力的新兴产业。目前,中国入境旅游人数和旅游外汇收入居世界前列,出境旅游人数迅速增加,已经成为旅游大国。 ?Since the founding of New China, especially since China’s reform and opening up, the Chinese government has attached greater importance to tourism. With rapid growth over the years, it has become a burgeoning industry with dynamism and huge potential. Currently, China ranks among world tops in terms of both tourist arrivals and foreign exchange earnings generated by tourism. And the number of its outbound tourists also shoots up, making China a major player in world’s tourism market. ?中国是一个历史悠久的文明古国,也是一个充满时代生机的东方大国,拥有许多 得天独厚的旅游资源。自然风光旖旎秀美,历史文化博大精深,56个民族风情浓郁,目前已被列入世界文化遗产和世界自然遗产地达29 处。 ?As a country in the east with a long history, splendid civilization, and enormous vigor and vitality, China has many unique tourism assets to offer, including picturesque natural scenery, rich cultural heritage and diversity brought by 56 distinct ethnic groups. Now, there are 29 places listed as World Cultural Heritages and World Natural Heritages sites. Passage interpretation 请听香港旅游事务署的旅游事务专员发表的演讲,并进行口译。 Words and expressions Opportune 及时的 Tourism Commission 旅游事务署 Commissioner for Tourism 旅游事务专员 Astute 精明的,敏锐的 Pull together 齐心协力 Hitherto 迄今为止,到目前为止 Take stock of 观察,估计 Suzie Wong苏丝黄 Bruce Lee 李小龙 Allure 诱惑力,魅力 Anomaly 反常,异常现象
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