首页 英语中的主谓一致指的是谓语动词在人称和数上必须与主语保持一致



英语中的主谓一致指的是谓语动词在人称和数上必须与主语保持一致英语中的主谓一致指的是谓语动词在人称和数上必须与主语保持一致。处理主谓一致问题,可依据三项原则:语法上一致、意义上一致和就近一致。根据这些原则,总结如下: 一.谓语动词用单数 (1)以单数名词或代词、动词不定式短语、动名词短语或从句作主语时,谓语动词一般要用单数动词。 例如:To work hard is necessary.努力工作是必要的。 Reading without comprehension is no good.只读不理解是不好的。 It pays to work hard. 天道酬勤。 ...

英语中的主谓一致指的是谓语动词在人称和数上必须与主语保持一致。处理主谓一致问题,可依据三项原则:语法上一致、意义上一致和就近一致。根据这些原则, 总结 初级经济法重点总结下载党员个人总结TXt高中句型全总结.doc高中句型全总结.doc理论力学知识点总结pdf 如下: 一.谓语动词用单数 (1)以单数名词或代词、动词不定式短语、动名词短语或从句作主语时,谓语动词一般要用单数动词。 例如:To work hard is necessary.努力工作是必要的。 Reading without comprehension is no good.只读不理解是不好的。 It pays to work hard. 天道酬勤。 (2)事件、国家、机构名称、书刊及其他作品的名称(专有名词)用作主语时,谓语动词用单数。 例如:The United States was formed in 1776.美国于1776年成立。 The New York Times still has a wide circulation.纽约时报发行量仍然很大。 Roots is a novel about a black family.《根》是一部关于(美国)黑人家庭的小说。(3)表示时间、距离、金额、重量、面积、体积、容积等度量的名词短语做主语时,谓语用单数。 例如:Two weeks was too long.两周太长了。 Ten dollars is a small sum.十美元是个小数目。 Five times five makes twenty five.五乘以五是二十五。 One and a half bananas is left on the table.一只半香蕉留在桌子上。 4)表示学科和某些疾病名称的名词是复数形式,作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。 例如:Linguistics is a branch of study on human language.语言学是人类语言中的一个分枝。 (5)有些名词形式是复数,意义为单数,作主语时,要求单数动词。 例如:The chaos was stopped by the police.混乱被警察阻止了。 The news is a great encouragement to us.这新闻对我们来说是一个很大的鼓舞。 Her present whereabouts is still unknown.她目前的行踪仍然不明。 (6)主语是单数时,尽管后面跟as well as (以及),no less than (不少于……,多达), rather than(而不是),more than(不止是,超过),but(除了),except(除……外), besides( 加之,还有),with(和……一起,和……一块儿),along with(跟……一起), accompanied by ( 由……陪同),combined with(加上),in addition to(除……以外), including(包括),together with(与……一起)等,谓语动词仍用单数形式。 (7)某些不定代词,如:either,neither,each,one,other,another,anybody,anyone, anything,somebody,someone,something,everybody,everyone,everything,nobody,no one,nothing 等,当他们作主语时,其谓语动词通常用单数形式。 例如:Each of the boys has an apple.每个孩子都有苹果。 Somebody is using the phone.有人正在用电话。 Everything around us is matter.我们周围一切都是物质。 但是口语中当either或neither后+of+复数名词(或代词)作定语时,其谓语动词也可用复数。 例如:Is (Are)either of the boys ready?两个男孩都准备好了吗? Neither of the novels is (are)interesting.哪一本小说都没意思。 (8)集合名词作主语表示整体概念时,动词用单数谓语形式。 例如:The government is made up of senior members of the four main right wing parties. 这届政府由四个主要右翼党的高级官员组成。 His family is not very large.他的家庭并不太大。 The staff of our school is opposed to the drastic changes in the system of education. 我们学校的教员都反对教育体制的激烈改革。 The crowd was deeply stirred by his speech.他的演说深深地打动了听众。 (9)一般用and连接的两个单词或短语做主语时候,谓语用复数,用and 连接的成份表示一个单一概念时候,动词谓语用单数形式 法制law and order 肥皂水soap and water 茶杯碟子a cup and saucer 刀叉fork and knife 针线the needle and thread 反复尝试,不断摸索trial and error 马车horse and carriage 岁月time and tide奶油面包bread and butter 盛衰,潮涨潮落the ebb and flow Eg.Bread and butter is our daily food Time and tide waits for no man (10)用and连接的并列成分前面有each,every,many a,no等词修饰时,意义为单数,动词也相应地用单数形式。 例如:In China,every boy and girl has the right to compulsory education.在中国每个儿童都有权利接受义务教育。 Each man and woman who takes the TOEFL is supposed to get the score report in five weeks.参加托福考试的每个人都能在五个星期内收到成绩通知单。 Many a student and teacher has seen the film.不少老师和学生都看过这部影片。 (11) none(of+名词或代词)在正式文体中被看做单数,谓语动词用单数,但非正式文体中也可以用复数。 例如:None of us seem to have thought of it.我们中似乎没有人想到它。 “Is there any letter for me?”“Sorry,there’s none.”“有我的信吗”?“对不起,没有。” None of the drivers has (have) turned up.一个司机都没有来。 二.谓语动词用复数 (1)用and,both...and连接的并列主语,或在both,(a)few,many,several等修饰语后面谓语动词通常用复数形式。 例如:Plastics and rubber never rot.塑料和橡胶永不生锈。 He and I were classmates when we were at college.他和我大学时曾是同班同学。 Both of these novels are interesting.这两部小说都有意思。 Few people know it.几乎无人知道。 (2)集体名词people,police,public,militia,cattle,class,youth等,常用复数形式的谓语动词。 例如:The Chinese people are brave and hardworking.中国人民是勤劳勇敢的。 Most police wear uniforms.绝大多数警察穿制服。 The cattle are grazing in the sunshine.一群牛在阳光下吃草。 (3)当表示民族的词与冠词合用充当主语时,谓语动词用复数形式。 例如:The Japanese were once very aggressive.日本人曾是很具有侵略性的。 The English are more conservative and less talkative than the Americans.英国人比美国人保守且不爱说话。 (4)某些形容词前面加定冠词表示一类人。作主语时,谓语动词用复数。 例如:The rich are not always selfish.富人不总是自私的。 The wounded are well treated here.伤员在这儿接受良好治疗。 The aged suffer from various miseries in this country.老年人在这个国家承受各种悲惨遭遇。 (5)不可数名词作主语,其前有表示数量的复数名词修饰时,谓语动词用复数。 例如:Three million tons of coal were exported that year.那年出口三百万吨煤。 Two million square meters of housing were constructed in my hometown last year.我的家乡去年盖了二百万平方米的住宅。 三.谓语动词可用单数也可以用复数 1.就近一致 有时谓语动词的人称和数与最近的主语保持一致,主要有以下两种情况: (1)用连词either...or,neither...nor,whether...or,not only...but(also),or等连接的并列主语,如果一个是单数,一个是复数,则谓语动词按就近一致原则,与最靠近它的主语一致。 例如:What he does or what he says does not concern me.他做什么或是他说什么与我无关。 Either the boy or the girl knows him well.不是这男孩就是那女孩了解他。 Neither money nor fame has influence on me. 钱和荣誉都不会让我动心。 Not only you but also he is wrong.你和他都错了。 (2)在倒装结构中,谓语动词往往和后面的第一个主语取得一致。 例如:Where is your mother and younger sisters?你的母亲和妹妹们在哪里? There is a book,two pencils and some buttons on the table.在桌子上,有一本书,两支铅笔和一些扣子。 (3)主语带有(together/along)with, such as, accompanied by, as well as, no less than, except, besides, with, combined with, in addition to , including, together with 等等附加成分,谓语的数不受附加成分的影响仍然与主语保持一致.如: Professor Taylor , with six of his students ,is attending a conference in Boston organized to compare current practice in the United States with those of other nations. The president of the college, together with the deans, is planning a conference for the purpose of laying down certain regulations. 2.集体名词作主语时,谓语动词的数取决于主语表示的意思和数,当表示整体时候,谓语动词就用单数,当强调集体中的个体时候,谓语动词就用复数。这些集体名词如:army, audience, band ,government ,group ,flock, police, public ,staff ,team ,troop. Crowd, firm, family 等等 例如:The family is the basic unit of our society.家庭是社会的基本单元。 The family were watching TV.全家人正在看电视。 The committee meets twice a month.委员会一月开两次会。 The committee are divided in opinion.委员会意见有分歧。 The audience was enormous.观众人很多。 The audience were greatly moved at the words.听了这话听众都很感动。 3.一些表示数量的短语与名词连用时,谓语动词的数取决于名词的数。名词是复数,谓语动词用复数,反之就用单数。 这些短语有:a lot of(lots of),plenty of,a heap of (heaps of),half of,two thirds of,ninety percent of,part of,rest of,some of,none of等。 例如:Lots of damage was caused by the fire.火灾造成了很大的损失。 Two thirds of people present are women.在场三分之二的人是妇女。 40 percent of the students come from the south of China.40%的学生来自中国的南方。 A number of students were late.许多同学迟到了。 4.定语从句中关系代词作主语时,其谓语动词的数必须与其先行词一致。 例如:I,who am your friend,will try my best to help you.我作为你的朋友会尽力帮助你。 Each of us who are his classmates is willing to help him.我们这些他的同班同学都乐意帮助他。 5.代词的一致 代词一致是指句中代词应在数、性、人称等方面彼此保持一致,或者与它所照应的名词词组在某些方面保持一致。 例如:He is devoted to his aged mother.他全心全意地照顾他的年迈的母亲。 The city is proud of its parks.这座城市为它所拥有的公园而自豪。 You will be late for your appointment.你约会要迟到了。 The old man hurt his foot.老人伤了他的脚。 (1) 由and连接两个先行词时,代词用复数。 例如:The tourist and businessmen lost their luggage in the accident.在事故中旅游者和商人丢失了行李。 (2) 由either...or,neither...nor,not only...but (also),or连接先行词,如果两个先行词在数和性上是一致的,就用其相应的一致的人称代词;如果两个先行词在数或性上不一致,人称代词一般与邻近的先行词在数、性上保持一致。 例如:Neither Mary nor Alice has her key with her.玛丽和爱丽丝都没带钥匙。 Neither the package nor the letters have reached their destination.包裹和信都未到达目的地。 Did Andrew or Alice lose herself confidence?是安德鲁还是艾丽斯失去了信心? Not only Tom but I can do my work well.我和汤姆都能将工作做好。 在正式语体中,如果两个先行词在性或数上不一致,则用两个不同的人称代词。如: If either David or Janet comes,he or she will want a drink. 如果是大卫或珍妮特来,他或她是要喝点儿的。 (3) 当each,everyone,everybody,no one,none,nobody,anyone,anybody,someone,somebody 用作主语或主语的限定词时,其相应的代词一般按照语法一致原则,采取单数形式。 例如:Everybody talked at the top of his voice.每个人使劲扯着嗓门讲话。 None of the boys can do it,can he?没人能做这件事,他行吗? Nobody wants to go there,does he?没人愿意去那儿,他愿意吗? 在非正式文体中,也可根据意义一致原则用复数代词。 例如:Everybody knows what they have to do.每个人都知道他们必须做什么。 (4) everything,anything,something,nothing之类的不定代词作主语时,句中相应的代词,一般只按语法一致的原则,用其单数的形式。 例如:Everything is ready,isn’t it?一切都准备好了,对吧? Something strange happened,didn’t it?不是吗?某种奇怪的事情发生了。 (5) 当主语为复数形式,后跟each作同位语时,如果each位于动词之前,其后的代词或相应的限定词用复数形式;如果each位于动词之后,其后的代词或相应的限定词用单数形式。 例如:They each have two coats.他们每人两件外衣。 We are each responsible for his own family.我们各自负责自己的家 6.某些固定结构中主语与谓语的数: 第一组: a great many + 可数名词复数谓语用复数 a number of + 可数名词复数谓语用复数 the majority of + 可数名词复数谓语用复数 第二组; the number of + 可数名词复数谓语用单数 each/every + 可数名词复数谓语用单数 neither/either of + 可数名词复数谓语用单数 one and a half + 可数名词复数谓语用单数 第三组; more than one + 可数名词单数谓语用单数 many a + 可数名词单数谓语用单数 第四组; the greater part of a large proportion of 50% of one third of plenty of the rest of 谓语的数与of 后面的名词一致 第五组;(n)either…(n)or…. not only….. but also …… not …..but …… 谓语的数与主语的第二部分(即(n)or/ but also/ but引导的后面部分)一致. 注意比较: More students than one have been referred to More than one student is going to buy this book 一致性问题 (一)动词时态的一致 时态的一致可以分为下面几种情况: 1.简单句:当句子中有两个或两个以上的谓语动词共用同一个主语时,一般谓语动词的时态要求保持一致。 2.并列句:由并列连接词(有时可能省略掉连接词)连接的两个句子也要求时态上的一致,这类连接词有and,as well as等。 由but连接的并列句,后面的句子往往有语气的转折,时态要视情况而定。 3.主从复合句中主句和从句之间时态的一致关系。 (1)在宾语从句中主句和从句之间的时态的一致关系,通常由主句谓语的时态决定从句谓语的时态。 A.若主句谓语动词是现在时或将来时,如:一般现在时,现在完成时,一般将来时,将来完成时等,从句可以根据需要使用任何时态。 B.若主句谓语动词是过去时态(一般过去时,过去进行时,过去完成时,过去将来时,过去将来完成时),从句谓语动词也必须是过去时态。 a.如果从句动作与主句动作同时发生,从句用一般过去时或过去进行时。 b.当从句动作发生在主句动作之前,从句要用过去完成时。 c.当从句动作发生在主句动作之后,从句要用过去将来时。 C.当从句表示客观事物或真理,或人们已经公认的道理时,其时态不受主句谓语动词的时态的影响。即使主句谓语动词使用了过去时的某种时态,从句的时态仍然是现在的某种时态。 D.当从句表示并未出现或尚未实现的愿望时,必须用过去时态。 E.有些形容词后面可跟有从句,这种从句一般可看作宾语从句,其谓语也应与主句谓语的时态保持一致。可跟这种宾语从句的形容词有: afraid,glad,sure,confident,sorry,certain,conscious,aware等。一致的原则与宾语从句相同。 例如:I’m confident that I’ll pass the exam.我有信心通过考试。 He was lucky that he wasn’t killed.他很幸运没有被杀死。 (2)在主语从句,表语从句和同位语从句中,主句和从句之间的时态一致关系所遵守的法则和宾语从句相同。 例如:It appears that some little trouble was caused by a woman, whose name has not been ascertained.看来这件小小的麻烦是由一个至今尚不清楚其姓名的女人所引起的。 It was known long ago that Professor Einstein played a key role in the development of the theory of relativity.人们早已知道,爱因斯坦教授对相对论的发展起了关键作用。 It was proved centuries ago that the speed of light is 186,000 miles a second.几世纪前就证实了光的速度为每秒186,000英里。 The fact that man would soon be able to visit the moon built up new scientific interest in earth’s nearest neighbor.人类不久可以游览月球的事实,引起了对地球最近邻居的新的科学兴趣。 (3)定语从句与主句的时态一致关系 A.若定语从句的谓语表示的动作和主句谓语表示的动作同时发生,则要求使用同样的时态。 例如:The original manuscript of “The Theory of Relativity” was written by Einstein who was then an employee in a patent office.“相对论”的原稿是由当时在一家专利办公室工作的爱因斯坦写的。 Almost every morning I receive invitation cards to visit exhibitions,on which are illustrations of the machines displayed.几乎每天早晨我都要收到参观展览会的请柬,上面印着展出的机器的插图。 B.主句与定语从句的谓语表示的动作如果不是同时发生,时态则不要求一致。 例如:Have you seen the new golf clubs that Mr.Stevens gave Bill?你看过史蒂文斯先生给比尔的那些新高尔夫球棒了吗? I painted several pictures that are now on show in the museums.我画了几张画,现在正在博物馆里展出。 (4)状语从句与主句的时态一致关系 A.如果状语从句的谓语表示的动作和主句谓语表示的动作同时发生,则要求使用同样的时态。 例如:Immanual Kant was so regular in his habits that until the day he died people were able to set their watches by his actions.伊迈努尔?康德的习惯那么有规律,以至直到他死以前人们都能按他的行动来对表。 When Abraham Lincoln became President of the United States of America,he was completely involved in the problem of slavery.当亚伯拉罕?林肯成为美国总统时,他便陷入到奴隶问题的漩涡中去了。 B.由when,while,as引起的进行时,若主句表示的动作比从句表示的动作更引人注目,主句用过去时(或现在时),从句用过去进行时(或现在进行时)。若两个动作同样注目,可以都使用进行时。 例如:As I was walking along Main Street,a car mounted the pavement and crashed into a shop.当我正沿着大街走时,一辆汽车越过人行道,冲进一家店铺里去了。 While the child was playing with his toys,his parents were reading books.孩子在玩玩具,他父母在看书。 When I was returning home from school,a parade of demonstrators walked along the streets.当我从学校回家时,一队游行示威者从街上走过。 C.如果状语从句的谓语表示的动作和主句谓语表示的动作不是同时发生,则要使用相应的时态。 注意:使用after与before连接的状语从句之间的区别在于: a.使用after时,从句用完成时;使用before时,主句用完成时。 b.因为after与before两个连词本身已表示动作有先后,所以由这两个连词引起的状语从句也可以使用与主句一样的时态。 例如:The director had explained the details many times before the workers took the job.工头在工人们开始工作前把细节给他们讲了好多遍。 Each of the major glacial stages produces distinctive land forms that remain long after the glacier has disappeared.每一主要冰河期都产生特殊的地形,这种地形一直保留到冰川消失之后很久。 He did not know any English before he went to England.在去英国以前,他一点儿英语都不懂。 After she finished her work,she hurried to the nursery to pick up her child.干完工作后,她匆匆赶到托儿所接孩子。
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