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DTSD950 energy reading and managing system


DTSD950 energy reading and managing systemnullEnergy Collecting & Managing SystemEnergy Collecting & Managing SystemSeptember, 2008Scope of Energy Collecting & Managing SystemScope of Energy Collecting & Managing System This is a system for master monitoring station which is suitable for energy ...

DTSD950 energy reading and managing system
nullEnergy Collecting & Managing SystemEnergy Collecting & Managing SystemSeptember, 2008Scope of Energy Collecting & Managing SystemScope of Energy Collecting & Managing System This is a system for master monitoring station which is suitable for energy reading, storing, transmitting, statistic and analysis in power grid.nullHarddisc arrayWork stationethernetethernetFire wallRouter Net sheetCollecter Wireless GPRSethernetPower information WANsDatabase serverDatabase serverAppication serverAppication serverBackup servercollection servercollection serverAnti-virus serverWEB servernullFunction of Master Station : 1.Data collection 2.Data processing and releasing 3. Data query 4.Data statistical calculation and analysis 5.Data report 6.Others null 1. Data Collecting Function 1.1. Scope Data collecting function is to use collecting servers to telecommunicate with the multi-function meter by GPRS to realize the function of automatically and periodically collecting data, automatically and manually reinforcing data and downloading parameter etc. The master station system can timely collect data information and store into the database. It will alarm when the channel fails, and it will automatically and manully repair the data, so as to ensure the integrality and continuity of the data.null The system also supports the communication of GPRS/CDMA, special line and data net etc. Communication mode The system support to expand several collection servers, each of which can parallelly collect multi-terminals at the same time and contribute the load according to the user’s requirement. null 1.2. Function description Data collection system has multi-task server, which can automatically create timely task and receive other collection task required by user. All these tasks have PRI, and manually task take precedence of timely collection. Collection task includes following function: Periodical ly and timely collect data Automatically reinforce datanull Manually reinforce data Automatically check time Manually check time Switch between two servers The system can collect meter data by automatically collecting type and stochastically calling type required by the user. If it fail to collect the data of certain terminal in a collecting period, the system can automatically reinforce the data with the times set by the user.nullIf there is a communication broken off and resume, the system can automatically collect and reinforce the data, which should be collected during the broken period, to ensure the integrality and continuity of the data. The system can on-line monitor the condition of communication channel and collecting server, can alarm and record the abnormity condition. The system can on-line monitor and record the collected and transmitted message . The system has the provision of collecting and monitoring the analogue and switching value for oil temperature, reactive compensation automatically convertion and tampering resistance. null2. Data Processing Function 2.1. Scope Data processing Module is in charge of receiving, processing and storing the collected datanull2.2. Function Description Supports automatically data reinforcing and manually historical data reinforcing. Processing and calculating the collected data, supports both calculating types of timely calling type and manually stochastically calling type. The period of the timely calling can be set by the user.nullProvides the monitor and statistical analysis of communication condition. Can alarm for the uncollectable transformer and meter by the means of picture, voice and diagram, record the events into the log and take the communication condition into the statistics and analysis . Processing the data of multi-meters. All historical data can be trans-stored to the external medium for long-term files, which can be easily queried and printed. Has the function of automatic task attempering and provide some related management. Task attempering function includes data collecting, backstage calculation, statistics, analysis, report creating and communicating with other systems.nullSupports to check the data so as to ensure the reliability of the data. Supports the user to self-define the logical area, can statistically analyses and provide intuitionistical representation for distribution transformer loaded rate, imbalance degree of three phase, voltage passed rate, load curve, power factor, wire loss and energy imbalance rate under the transformer according to the defined logical area. Can check and compare the real measured energy with the relative calculated energy data for the consistency of the data, and can alarm for any abnormity.nullCan accumulate the time-sharing energy according to the time period setup, which can be defined by the user if it’s valid in time extent. Has very high security protection, which permit to set up the user’s authorization according to his accessing right for the module function item and data, so the illegal user will be blocked to access and the data information will be safe and reliable. Can provide detailed log record and management, which includes data collecting, data calculating, process attempering and user operating. Can support the user to query the original data and statistical analysis result based on Browse/Server mode by the data sheet, diagram and report.null3. Data Query Function 3.1. Scope Energy collecting system supports the random query for the user by a lot means such as curve, pie chart, column diagram and sheet. null3.2. Function Description Query for Terminal log Query for alarm record Query for energy data Query for user’s operating log Query for instantaneous energy Query for calculated imbalance rate of the transformer load On-line monitor the terminal Monitor the transformer changing Monitor the process null4. Data Statistical Calculating and Analysis Function 4.1. Scope The system can statistical analysis and calculate automatically in the backstage according to its self-define the time period, time area, regimentation, it should take the real condition of changing meter into the consideration for statistic and calculation.null 系统具有对用电数据进行综合分析、评价功能, 为经营管理人员提供参考信息,以便及时采取措施调 整配变供电范围,提高配变运行的经济性和可靠性。 null4.2 统计内容 三相不平衡率及中性线电流 电压合格率 总有功/无功电量 有功分时电量 三相电压最大/最小值及其出现时间 电压越上/下限起/止时间及当月越限极值null电流过流起/止时间及本次越限极值 三相有功功率最大值及其出现时间 三相电流越上限的累计时间 有功功率越限起/止时间及越限极值 有功最大需量及其出现时间 无功最大需量及其出现时间 电压频率null 系统统计可以按照以下模式实现:  按年、季度、月、周、日、小时等不 同层次统计分析;  按线路、变压器等不同层次统计分析; 按用户随机定义的各种不同时段、不同条件、不同间隔的统计。 null统计结果以表格、图形、曲线方式显示、打印,支持不同时间段,不同分析对象、和计划值比较分析。 用户可以通过自定义公式的方式生成计算量。系统提供多种方式的计算统计模型。 null可以通过用户输入的电网参数自动生成线损、电流、电压、负载率计算模型。用户可以设置线损、电流、电压等信息的门槛值,当超过门槛值时,系统可以提供告警。 可以通过曲线、棒图、饼图等进行趋势分析、显示、打印。可输出变压器损耗、电能平衡 报表 企业所得税申报表下载财务会计报表下载斯维尔报表下载外贸周报表下载关联申报表下载 。 null五、报表处理功能 5.1概述 提供方便、标准的报表编辑定义工具,以交 互方式定义报表内容,方便生成各种报表。系统能 自动生成规则报表和不规则的EXCEL报表,具有打 印报表等功能报表系统有增加自定义数据项功能, 用户可以增加和减少需要的数据项,并显示制表时 间。 null5.2功能描述 具有灵活的报表处理功能, 可进行表格内的各种数学运算, 运算公式语句可在线设置和修改。 报表预览,所见即所得。null可定制电能量采集点、考核单位、线路、台变等 各个层次上的电量原始数据及统计结果报表。 定制历史数据日、月、季、年时间段报表。 定制各种分区线损报表、分线线损报表、电压合 格率报表、三相数据报表。 null动态自适应报表生成和管理,实现报表的灵活调度。 用户可根据需要对报表数据进行修改和置数。null六、其它功能 系统除以上主要功能外还有以下几个功能: ◇ 用户权限管理功能 ◇报警管理功能 ◇ WEB 浏览 ◇人机界面管理功能 ◇日志查询功能 null七、GPRS远程多功能电表(网络表) null7.1 概述 GPRS远程多功能电表(以下简称“网络表”)是为了适应我国电网改造,根据我国国情而 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 开发的电能表。本仪表为采用16位A/D转换器及双CPU结构、应用数字AD采样和SMT工艺制造的高新技术产品,技术先进,计量精度高,抗干扰能力强,性价比高,数据显示采用大屏幕液晶,配备GPRS模块,便于远程抄表。 null7.2 主要技术指标 执行标准:符合DL/T614—1997《多功能电能表》、DL/T645—1997《多功能电能表通信规约》 Q/GDW130—2005《电力负荷管理系统数据传输规约》中相关技术要求。 null 准确度等级:有功0.5级、0.5S级、1.0级; 无功1.0级、2.0级。 功耗:电压线路 ≤2W;电流线路 ≤0.6VA。 参比电压: 三相三线3×100V、3×380V  ; 三相四线3×220/380V、3×57.7/100V。 基本电流: 3×1.5(6)A、3×2.5(10)A、3×5(20)A。 工作环境温度:-35℃~+65℃。 null7.3 主要功能 1.分时计量正、反向有功总电能及各费率电能。 2.分时计量四象限及正、反向无功总电能及各费率电能3.分时计量正、反向有功总及各费率最大需量,最大需量的发生时间。 4.可进行4种费率,10个日时段,4个年时区的分时计量,周休日、节假日可以单独执行一套日时段。 5.硬件时钟芯片及温度测量芯片及时钟温度补偿功能,时钟误差≤0.5s/d。null 6.具有进出2个季节(冬季和夏季)冻结电量的功能,月末冻结功能。 7.可以测量A、B、C三相的电压、电流有效值及当前频率,测量瞬时有功、无功、视在功率和功率因数。 8.具有9次失压和9次停电时间记录。 9.负荷曲线记录功能。 10. 中文液晶(LCD)显示电表状态、参数设置情况和测量数据,带背光。 null 11. 可实现参数轮显,轮显的参数和时间可预先设置,参数轮显的顺序也可以任意设定。用遥控器可以查询电能表所有参数。 12. 电表具有有功、无功脉冲测试端口可用于校验,还分别提供正、反向有功和无功远动脉冲输出端口,远动脉冲常数为6400imp/kW.h和6400imp/kvar.h,脉冲宽度为80ms。 13. 具有1路RS-485接口与红外通讯接口,符合DL/T645-1997部规及多套省规,完成编程设置和抄表。具有GPRS通讯模块。 null 14. 具有编程禁止功能和数据清零、需量复位功能。 15. 内置两节锂电池,其一做数据保持,维持日历时钟运行;其二为停电抄表电池,停电状态下不附加外置电源进行抄表,用红外掌上电脑可以抄表1000次以上。 16. 采用三相供电方式,并在任一单相供电情况下能正常工作。 17. 可选用负荷控制功能,设置电能上限,超负荷报警或跳闸。 null7.4 技术特色 管理功能: 1)安全密码认证与访问。 2)双信道自由切换:(GPRS、SMS)。 3)GPRS网络掉线重连。 4)数据备份与加密。 访问控制: 1)根据密码进行读写访问控制。 2)通信错误包的处理。 null数据传输信道: 1)网络表与主站间的应用层通讯规约满足国家电网公司颁发的《Q/GDW 130-2005电力负荷管理系统数据传输规约》。 2)传输层通信协议支持TCP或UDP。 3)网络表可实时向主站发送报警事件(报警事件类别由主站设置下发)。 4)网络表支持实时在线、定时登陆、短信激活功能。 5)支持短信传输功能,在GPRS网络出现故障时,可以自动通过短信进行数据传输。 6)通信模块与基表相对独立,可方便插取,不影响表计计量,支持热插拔。 null ·数据存储容量≥4M字节。 ·利用掌上电脑可完成网络表所有通信参数的现场设定。
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