首页 2011启航考研英语词汇基础讲义(黄涛)



2011启航考研英语词汇基础讲义(黄涛) 圆圆工作室 http://bz10.5d6d.com友情提供:更多精品,尽请关注! 1 2011201120112011年考研核心词汇突破 Mr.Mr.Mr.Mr. YellowYellowYellowYellow 寄语 2011年全国考研学子: 2010年考研英语大纲对词汇的测试要求更加具体,并且强调对词汇的动态发展以及专 业性词汇的测试。大纲要求考生对词汇的了解和掌握充分体现在以下方面:1. 词汇的基本 知识(词性、词形、本义和引申义等);2. 词际关系(同义词、反义词、形近词及词汇搭配 关系等)...

圆圆工作室 http://bz10.5d6d.com友情提供:更多精品,尽请关注! 1 2011201120112011年考研核心词汇突破 Mr.Mr.Mr.Mr. YellowYellowYellowYellow 寄语 2011年全国考研学子: 2010年考研英语大纲对词汇的测试要求更加具体,并且强调对词汇的动态发展以及专 业性词汇的测试。大纲要求考生对词汇的了解和掌握充分体现在以下方面:1. 词汇的基本 知识(词性、词形、本义和引申义等);2. 词际关系(同义词、反义词、形近词及词汇搭配 关系等);3. 词汇背景(词源、词根、词干和词缀)。众所周知,词汇量小就读不懂文章, 更谈不上词汇的拼写正确,所以背单词是考研英语关键性的第一步。 考研英语难,其中词汇更成为了无数考生一道难以逾越的障碍,因为完形、阅读、翻译 、 写作等多方面都考到了对词汇的灵活掌握和具体运用,也就是说,离开词汇做 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 寸步难行, 只有真正掌握理解了词汇才能考出理想的成绩。 我们的英语学习者在单词记忆中一个常见的毛病或问题是深信“功到自然成”的说法,喜 欢下苦功夫,花笨力气。其实,讲究 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 ,发现和利用词汇的规律,灵活运用学习方法,可 以达到词汇记忆事半功倍的效果。 由于广大考生在上学期已参加过四、六级考试,大都具备了一定的语法知识和掌握了一 定的词汇量,所以,我们直接从考研历年真题词汇中挑出一些核心的词汇来讲解,希望通过 这种方法让同学们快速进入考研的状态。 在这本资料里面,我们将重点学习考研名词、动词和形容词的五大特点:1. 同义词/近 义词;2. 形近词语;3. 一词多义;4. 一词多性;5. 词的褒贬义和引申义。在以后的课程中 我们还会归纳考研的 7大专业词汇,比如经济学词汇等,以及考研词汇的 7大重要特征。 希 望同学们首先充分利用这本资料来举一反三,达到积累更多的核心词汇,从而一举消灭 2011 年考研路上的第一只拦路虎,让词汇永远不再是心中永远的痛。 第一节 名词的理解与运用 一.英语中的名词在句子中的作用如下:名词在句子中可做主语、宾语、表语、定语、宾补 、 同位语等。 ① PricesPricesPricesPrices range(变化)from $ 6 to $ 19 for a dozen short or long roses. ② Nothing says lovelovelovelove like a dozen long-stemmed roses on Valentine’s Day. ③ It’s going to remain the most popular flowerflowerflowerflower because love never goes out of style. ④ This is a private firm(公司)that studies the floweflowefloweflower industry. ⑤ The modern white furniture and wall-to-wall mirrors give the store anananan expensiveexpensiveexpensiveexpensive looklooklooklook. ⑥We consider it aaaa goodgoodgoodgood opportunityopportunityopportunityopportunity to study abroad. ⑦ Some women are normally inactive(不活跃)but then all of a sudden(突然)start a program of intense training, anananan actionactionactionaction which violates(违背)the laws of sports science. 二.常用的后缀 ① 表示“人”意义的名词后缀 -AntAntAntAnt---- immigrant(移民) applicant(申请人) assistant(助手) descendant(后代) pollutant(污染物) inhabitant(居民) -AnAnAnAn /–ian----人 Arabian(阿拉伯人) Asian(亚洲人) Australian(澳大利亚人) 圆圆工作室 http://bz10.5d6d.com友情提供:更多精品,尽请关注! 2 Italian(意大利人) musician(音乐家) librarian(图书管理员) physician(内科医生) politician(政治家) technician(技术工) historian(历史学家) magician(魔术师) comedian(喜剧家) -EeEeEeEe----人(被动) employee(雇员) refugee(难民) payee(收款人) absentee(缺席者) examinee(考生) trainee(受训者) -Er/-eer/-Er/-eer/-Er/-eer/-Er/-eer/-or 人 Daughter/owner, lawyer, trainer(教练) barber(理发师) butcher(屠户) carrier(运输者) /ancestor(祖先) bachelor(单身汉) conductor(指挥者) director(主任) senator(议员) operator(操作者) sponsor(赞助者) worshipper(崇拜者) mountaineer(登山人) profiteer(投机倒把者) sightseers(观光者) volunteer(志愿者) pioneer(先驱) -EntEntEntEnt 人 correspondent(记者) client(客户) parent, resident(居民) patient(病人) agent(代理人,中介) president(总统,主席) -istististist 人,主义者 scientist linguist(语言学家) therapist(治疗家) controversialist(好争论者) activist(活动家) novelist(小说家) nationalist(民族主义者) physicist(物理学家) psychologist(心理学家) tourist(游客) geneticist(基因学家) motorist(汽车司机) ② 表示“关系、特征”等意义的名词后缀 -shipshipshipship 状态,性质 friendship(友谊) hardship(困境) leadership(领导身份) membership(会员资格) ownership(所有关系) relationship(关系) scholarship(学者身份) comradeship(同志身份) professorship(教授身份) -hoodhoodhoodhood 身份,性质,时代 childhood(儿童时代) neighborhood(邻里, 附近) likelihood(可能性) livelihood(生计) boyhood(男孩时代) adulthood (成年时期) -anceanceanceance //// -ence-ence-ence-ence 性质,状态 acceptance acquaintance(熟识) advance(进步) allowance(补贴) appearance(出现, 外表) appliance(器具) conscience(良知) resistance(阻挡) insurance(保险) nuisance(讨厌) performance(表现) resemblance(相似性) -cion/cion/cion/cion/ -sion-sion-sion-sion ////––––tiontiontiontion 动作,状态 consumption(消费) assimilation(吸收、同化) comprehension(理解) depression(沮丧,萧条) desperation(绝望) invention(发明) invasion(侵略) modernization(现代化) permission(容许) possession(拥有) suspicion(怀疑) tension(紧张) transmission(输送,传递) industrialization(工业化) notification(通知) -ism-ism-ism-ism---- 主义 Americanism(美国主义)heroism(英雄主义) consumerism(消费主义) -maniamaniamaniamania---- 反常行为或狂热 soccer mania=soccer-mad 足球热 -holic-----holic-----holic-----holic----痴迷者,疯狂者 workaholic(workaholic(workaholic(workaholic(工作狂)))) 圆圆工作室 http://bz10.5d6d.com友情提供:更多精品,尽请关注! 3 -mentmentmentment 运动 agreement(协议) appointment(约定,任命) argument(观点) arrangement(安排) monument(纪念碑) movement(运动) parliament(议会) payment(支付) replacement(替换) requirement(要求) settlement(解决) treatment(治疗,待遇) -nessnessnessness 性质, 状态 casualness(随意) illness(疾病) carelessness(粗心) sleeplessness(失眠) awareness(意识) richness(富裕) friendliness(友好) greatness(伟大) happiness -cidecidecidecide— suicide(自杀) insecticide(杀虫剂) pesticide(杀虫剂) -cycycycy---- literacy(识字) accuracy(准确性) tendency(倾向) policy(政策) emergency(紧急情况) intimacy(亲密) efficiency(效率) sufficiency(足够) dependency(依赖) -EryEryEryEry---- fishery(渔业) machinery(机械) misery(痛苦) mystery(神秘性) discovery(发现) delivery(送,发表演说) --ryryryry---- poetry( 诗歌 诗歌26首倪柝声诗歌智慧书红色经典诗歌朗诵稿诗歌鉴赏术语怎样读懂古代诗歌 ) citizenry(公民) entry(加入,进入) -age-age-age-age 状态,集合 表示行为、状态 voyage(航海) advantage(好处) baggage(行李) courage(勇气) garbage(垃圾) storage(储存) luggage(行李) beverage(饮料) damage(破坏,损害) -alalalal --------approval(赞成、批准) arrival(到达) interval(间隔)removal(搬,移走) -ing-ing-ing-ing---- being(生命体) beginning(开始) ending(结束) -ity-ity-ity-ity----- uniformity(统一, 一致) curiosity(好奇性) personality(个性) reality(现实) publicity(宣传) similarity(个性) -ics-ics-ics-ics /-ology 学科 psychology(心理学) technology(技术) ideology(思想体系) anthropology(人类学) geology(地质学) physics(物理学) -thththth----结果,过程 warmth(温暖) truth(真理,真实性) width(宽度) -tytytyty ---- liberty(自由) specialty(专长,特长) anxiety(焦虑) advisability(可行性) unpredictability(不可预测性) faculty(才能) -phobiaphobiaphobiaphobia----- 对…过度恐惧 claustrophobia(幽闭恐怖症) 英语中有少数名词的单、复数形式在词义方面相当不同或绝对不同。例如: Last night, I had words with Mr. Bob, the group leader, for a long time. We had very good words. In shorts, I was touched by his confidences and I was very satisfied with the last words said by Mr. Bob about the possibility of our project. 类似的词还有:affairs(事物,事情), airs(气氛), arms(武器), ages(很长一段时 间), authorities(当局,政府), brains(智力), clothes, celebritiescelebritiescelebritiescelebrities( 名人), customs(海关), drinks( 饮料), experiences(经历), goods, greens(绿叶,植物), groundsgroundsgroundsgrounds(理由), lessons(教训), mannersmannersmannersmanners(礼貌,规矩,风格), meansmeansmeansmeans(方法,手段), minutes(会议记录), news, pains 圆圆工作室 http://bz10.5d6d.com友情提供:更多精品,尽请关注! 4 (努力,辛苦), peoplespeoplespeoplespeoples(种族,民族), papers(报纸、考卷、 论文 政研论文下载论文大学下载论文大学下载关于长拳的论文浙大论文封面下载 、文件), quarters(住 所,住处), sands(沙滩), spiritsspiritsspiritsspirits(情绪), sightssightssightssights(景观), times, termstermstermsterms(条件、术语), works (作品)。 名词中还有些仅以复数形式出现,如:spectacles(眼镜),trousers(裤子),findings(调 查结果), savings(储金), belongings(所有物,财产), surroundings(环境),teachings(教导 ), earnings(薪水),remains(遗物), thanks(感谢),regardsregardsregardsregards(问候)。 三.名词的重复、指代和替换_______________。 Do we need laws that prevent us from running risks with our lives? If so, then perhaps laws are needed prohibiting(禁止)the sale of cigarettes and alcoholicalcoholicalcoholicalcoholic(烈性)drinksdrinksdrinksdrinks. BothBothBothBoth productsproductsproductsproductshave been known to kill people. The hazards(危险)of drinking too much alcoholalcoholalcoholalcohol are as bad as or worse than the hazards of smoking too many cigarettes. All right then, let’s pass a law closing the liquorliquorliquorliquor stores and bars in this country. Let’s put an end forever to thethethethe dangerousdangerousdangerousdangerous diseasediseasediseasedisease from which as many as 10 million Americans now suffer ---- alcoholismalcoholismalcoholismalcoholism(酗酒). 四.名词阅读真题三大考点 4.1 Repetition of the same words or word groups(名词重复和替换) ParagraphParagraphParagraphParagraph1111 Specialization can be seen as a response to the problem of an increasing accumulation of scientific knowledge. By splitting up the subject matter into smaller units, one man could continue to handle the information and use it as the basis for further research. But specialization was only one of a series of related developments in science affecting the process of communication. Another was the growing professionalisation of scientific activity. (01) 1. The direct reason for specialization is _______. [A] the development in communication [B] the growth of professionalisation [C] the expansion of scientific knowledge [D] the splitting up of academic societies 4.2 依据专业来定词义 ParagraphParagraphParagraphParagraph2222 There are technological reasons to hope the digital divide will narrow. As the Internet becomes more and more commercialized, it is in the interest of business to universalize access---after all, the more people online, the more potential customers there are. More and more governments, afraid their countries will be left behind, want to spread Internet access. Within the next decade or two, one to two billion people on the planet will be netted together. As a result, I now believe the digital divide will narrow rather than widen in the years ahead. And that is very good news because the Internet may well be the most powerful tool for combating world poverty that we’ve ever had. 2. Governments attach importance to the Internet because it _____. [A] offers economic potentials [B] can bring foreign funds [C] can soon wipe out world poverty [D] connects people all over the world 4.3 上下义词解题(考研真题多次出现) ParagraphParagraphParagraphParagraph3333 A survey of news stories in 1996 reveals that the anti-science tag has been attached to manymanymanymany otherotherotherother groupsgroupsgroupsgroups as well, from authorities who advocated the elimination(消灭) of the last remaining 圆圆工作室 http://bz10.5d6d.com友情提供:更多精品,尽请关注! 5 stocks of smallpox virus(天花病毒)to RepublicansRepublicansRepublicansRepublicanswho advocated decreased funding for basic research. Few would dispute that the term(词或说法)applies to the Unabomber, whose manifesto(声 明), published in 1995, scorns(蔑视)science and longs for(渴望)return to a pre-technological Utopia(乌托邦). But surely that does not mean environmentalists concerned about uncontrolled industrial growth are anti-science, asasasas an essay in US News & World Report last May seemed to suggest. 3. Which of the following is true according to the passage? [A] Environmentalists were blamed for anti-science in an essay. [B] Politicians are not subject to the labeling of anti-science. [C] The government officers tend to tag others as anti-science. [D] All organizations are justifiable in tagging themselves as “anti-science” 五.同义词和近形词归纳 1.表示“能力”意思的词语:Ability, capability, competency, faculty, capacity, gift, talent, genius 2.表示“目的、目标”意思的词语:Aim, purpose, aim, intent, intention, goal, objective, end. 3.表示 “关系、联系”意思的词语:Ties, bonds, links, connection, association, relations, combination, relationship, interrelations, relevance, interrelations 4.表示“差别,分歧”意思的词语:Difference, distinction, differentiation, divergence, disparity 5.表示“资本、资金”意思的词语:Capital, fund, money, budget, price, cost, tuition 6.表示“人”有关的词语:Person, people, folks, individuals, man, youngsters=youths, teenagers, infants, adolescent, children=kids, old people=senior citizens 7.表示“意义、含义”意思的词语:Meaning, significance, implication, connotation 8.表示“部分、成分”意思的词语:Part, element, ingredient, component, factor, section, fragment, segment, fraction, division, portion 9.表示“不平等、歧视”意思的词语:Inequality, bias, prejudice, discrimination 10.表示“对手、支持者”意思的词语:Opponent, rivals, enemy // proponent, advocates 11.表示“商品”意思的词语:Commodity, goods, merchandise, freight, cargo 12.表示“将来”意思的词语:Future, prospect 13.表示“理由”意思的词语:Reason, ground, cause, roots(根源) 14.表示“后代、子孙”意思的词语:Offspring, descendant, posterity, children/ 15.表示“错误”意思的词语:Blunder, error, mistake, fault 16.表示“基础”意思的词语:Basis, foundation, ground 17.表示“会议”意思的词语:Assembly, conference, congress, convention, seminar, session, summit(首脑会议), symposium(研讨会), meeting, gathering, party。 18.字形相似的词:welfare(福利), warfare(战争), farewell(告别) 19.字形相似的词:attitude(态度), altitude(海拔,高度), magnitude(数量), multitude (多数), aptitude(天资,天赋), latitude(纬度, 地区, gratitude(感谢) 20.字形相似的词:convention(习俗,传统), conversion(变化,转换), conviction(坚定 的信念或看法), conservation(保存,保持), conversation(交谈) 六.名词与不同介词的固定搭配 1. He gained a great advantage over (胜过)other peers (同辈人). We should take advantage of (利用)this opportunity to express our gratitude to you. 圆圆工作室 http://bz10.5d6d.com友情提供:更多精品,尽请关注! 6 2. What's your impression of this little girl? His speech made an impression on the audience. 3. There is a great need for international understanding. We are badly in need of your help(我们急需你的帮助). 4. /He has a preference for (喜欢 )foreign movies. /I should choose tea in preference to 胜过)coffee. 5. I have made a search for the missing paper. We are still in search of the missing boy. 6. I have got confidence _ you. I am confident ______ your success in English exams. 7. She took great pride ___ her unique beauty. She is proud _____ her own beauty. He prides himself _____ his independent voice. 名词结构必考内容之一(暑期强化翻译必讲内容) 1. The notionnotionnotionnotion of not discriminating on the basis ofofofof inborn talent 不依据天赋来歧视人的这种观点。 2. The improvement, invention and use of a series of instruments _______________________________________________________ 3. A study by Sarah Brosnan and Frans de Waal of Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia 佐治亚州亚特兰大艾默里大学 Sarah Brosnan和 Frans de Waal所作的研究 4. The selective role of the environment in shaping and maintaining the behavior of the individual ___________________________________________________________________。 5. Proper, scientific studystudystudystudy of the impacts of dams andandandand of the cost and benefits of controlling water ______________________________________________________________。 更 多 精 彩 文 章 请 登 陆 黄 涛 博 客 : blog.sina.com.cn/huangtaokaoyan, 或 www.huangtaokaoyan.com, 同时欢迎广大同学积极提问。 圆圆工作室 http://bz10.5d6d.com友情提供:更多精品,尽请关注! 7 第二节 动词的理解与运用 一.动词的分类及用法 1. 根据意义和句法功能,动词可分类为:实义动词,系动词,情态动词,助动词。 2. 实义动词指有实在的意义,能独立做谓语的动词,如 mean, study, love等。 3. 系动词是联系主语和表语,说明其关系并与表语一起构成名词性复合谓语的动词。除 be 之外主要的系动词还有:remain, stay, keep(保持);/become, get, go, grow, turn, come,(变 得);look, sound, seem, taste, smell, feel, hold。 4. 情态动词有一定的意义但不完整,仅表示说话人之“情态”,和原形动词构成动词性复 合谓语。Can/could; may/ might; must/ ought to/ need; dare; shall/will; should/would; 5. 助动词 be, have, do无实在意义,只帮助中心动词构成不同的时态、语态、语气等。 6. 短语动词的几种构成方式: 不及物动词+副词,如:stay up(熬夜), look out(小心), break out(爆发), go up(上 升,爆炸), take after(像), die out(灭绝,消亡), set out(出发). 不及物动词+介词,如:break into(闯入), go after(追求), go through(经历), pass on (传递), run into(碰上), sit for(参与), stand for(代表). 及物动词+副词, 如:give up(放弃), see …off(送行), show… around(带领参观), hand …over(转交,移交), put…off(推迟), pick… up(接人,学会) 不及物动词+副词+介词,如:put up with(忍受), stand up to(勇敢面对), do away with (废除), fall back on(求助于), live up to(达到,不辜负). 及物动词+名词+介词, 如:make fun of(取笑), take care of(照顾), pay attention to (关注,注意), catch sight of(看见), take no notice of(没注意到) 动词+动词+介词, 如:make do with(将就用), let …go of(置之不理) 动词真题阅读练习(注意动词后接不同介词的搭配) 1. This turnedturnedturnedturned shopping intointointointo a public and democratic act. 这样一来,就把购物变成了一项公众的民主的活动。 2. Americans stopped taking prosperity for granted. 美国人不再把繁荣看成是理所当然的事。 3. Normally, the monkeys were happy enough to exchangeexchangeexchangeexchange pieces of rock forforforfor slices of cucumber. 一般情况下,这些猴子很乐意用石块来换黄瓜片。 4. Straitford president George Friedman says he sees the online world as a kind of mutually reinforcing tool for both information collection and distribution, a spymaster’s dream. Straitford公司的总裁 George Friedman说,他把在线世界看作是一种信息收集和发布的互 动工具,是间谍头子的理想世界。 5. He dismissesdismissesdismissesdismisses a lot of the work of re-engineering consultants asasasasmere rubbish — “the worst sort of ambulance-cashing.” Question:Which of the following statements is True according to the sentence? [A] He thinksthinksthinksthinks highlyhighlyhighlyhighly ofofofof the work of consultants. [B] The consultants are offering considerable help in money matters. [C] The consultants are a bunch of good-for-nothing. [D] The consultants are dealing with emergencies. 他对机构重组顾问们做的大量工作不屑一顾,因为那些完全是垃圾——“一种最糟糕的应 急补救措施”。 圆圆工作室 http://bz10.5d6d.com友情提供:更多精品,尽请关注! 8 6. NBAC members also indicated that they will appeal to privately funded researchers and clinics not to try to clone humans by body cell nuclear transfer. NBAC委员们表示:他们将呼吁由私人赞助的研究人员和机构不要试图通过人体细胞核移 植技术来克隆人。 7. I have been transformed from a passionate advocate of the philosophy of “having it all”, preached by Linda Kelsey for the past seven years in the page of She magazine, into a woman who is happy to settle for a bit of everything. 我已从一个“获得(拥有)一切”哲学(琳达·凯茜过去七年中在《她》这本杂志所宣扬的) 的积极倡导者,变成了一个乐于接受任何东西只要一丁点的女人。 8. While often praised by foreigners for its emphasis on the basics, Japanese education tends to stress test-taking and mechanical learning over creativity and self-expression. Question:Which of the following statements is True according to the sentence? [A] Foreigners put emphasis on the basics. [B] Japanese education is characterized by mechanical learning as well as creativity. [C] More stress should be placed on the cultivation of creativity. [D] Test-taking is more important than self-expression. 尽管日本因强调基础知识而受到外国人的称赞,但是其教育往往强调应试和机械性学习而 忽视了创造性及表现个性。 9. “Science never has all the answers. But science does provideprovideprovideprovide us withwithwithwith the best available guide to the future, and it is critical that our nation and the world basebasebasebase important policies onononon the best judgments that science can provide concerning the future consequences of present actions. 科学不会提供问题的一切解决办法,但科学可以为我们提供面向未来的最好的指引,我国 和全世界都要根据科学能够为我们目前行动给未来造成的影响所提供的最佳判断来制定 重要政策,这是至关重要的。) Question:According to BruceAlberts, science can serve as _____. [A] a protector [B] a judge [C] a critic [D] a guide 10. The report identifies the under-treatment of pain andandandand the aggressive use of “ineffectual and forced medical procedures that may prolong and even dishonor the period of dying" as the twin problems of end-of-life care. Question:According to the report, one of the problems in end-of-life care is ______. [A] prolongedmedical procedures [B] inadequate treatment of pain [C] systematic drug abuse [D] insufficient hospital care 这份 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 把对痛苦的治疗不够以及大胆使用那些无效并带有强迫性的可能延长甚至不尊 重死亡过程的医学治疗看作是临终护理的两个问题。 二.英语中的名词和动词是同一词形的单词及某些名词去掉后缀变动词 account (for)解释 advocate(倡导者) decline(下降,衰退) control(控制) view(观点,看法)desire(理想) exchange(交换) fear(畏惧) end(目的) cause(事业) guide(领导者) base(基础) value(价值) place(放) hand(交) preservepreservepreservepreserve(专利) stem(来自) class(种类,分类) force(力量) note(注意到) play(戏剧) share(分享) cost(代价) half(是一半) record(记录) return(回报) trap(陷、卡住) hook(钩住) key in(嵌入) post(刊登) match(匹配) arm(武装) conversation---- converse(交谈) computer— compute(计算) 圆圆工作室 http://bz10.5d6d.com友情提供:更多精品,尽请关注! 9 resident —reside(居住) president ----- preside over(主持) chairman ----- chair(主持) convention(会议或传统)---convene(开会) 三.常用的动词同义词归纳 1.表示“导致”意思的词语:Lead to, give rise to, give birth to, contribute to, cause…to, result in (导致), result from(起因于) 2.表示“面对、偶遇”意思的词语:Confront, be confronted with, face, be faced with, meet with, encounter, 3.表示“集中于”意思的词语:Center on, focus on, concentrate on 4.表示“对付、处理、解决”意思的词语:Deal with, cope with, handle, tackle, solve, resolve, settle, address 5.表示“消失”意思的词语:Disappear, vanish, perish, imperishable(不朽的) 6.表示“减少、减轻”意思的词语:Diminish, lessen, lighten, ease, decrease, drop, reduce, fall, 表 示“增加、加重”意思的词语:accumulate, increase, rise, soar, rocket, aggravate, worsen. 7.表示“依靠、依赖”意思的词语:Rely on(upon), depend on(upon), count on(upon), rest on(upon), hinge on/upon 8.表示“变化”意思的词语:Change, turn, vary/range, alter, transform, shift, adjust, fluctuation 9.表示“指控, 起诉”意思的词语:Charge with, accuse of, sue for, file for 10.表示“克服、战胜”意思的词语:Overcome, conquer, defeat, 11.表示“获得、得到”意思的词语:Achieve, obtain, get, accomplish, earn, attain, secure, acquire, gain, 12.表示“抓住”意思的词语:Catch, seize, capture, catch hold of, grab 13.表示“限制”意思的词语:Limit, confine, restrict 14.表示“强迫”意思的词语:compel, constrain, force, oblige 15.表示“责怪”意思的词语:blame, condemn, reproach, scold 16.表示“困惑、迷惑”意思的词语:bewilder, puzzle, confuse, embarrass, perplex 17.表示“赞扬、称赞”意思的词语:applaud, clap, commend, praise, com
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