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房地产金融英语词汇 property 物业,资产 interest 产权 subsidiary 附属机构,子公司 valuation 评估 open market value 公开市场价值 leaseback 售后回租(即租回已出售的财产) on a residual basis 剩余法 capital value 资本价值 cost of development 开发费(指拆迁费,七通一平费等) professional fee 专业人员费(指勘察设计费等) finance costs 融资成本(指...

property 物业,资产 interest 产权 subsidiary 附属机构,子公司 valuation 评估 open market value 公开市场价值 leaseback 售后回租(即租回已出售的财产) on a residual basis 剩余法 capital value 资本价值 cost of development 开发费(指拆迁费,七通一平费等) professional fee 专业人员费(指勘察设计费等) finance costs 融资成本(指利息等) sale proceeds 销售收益 on the basis of capitalisation 资本还原法 floor area 建筑面积 title document 契约文书 plaza 购物中心 land use certificate 土地使用证 commercial/residential complex 商住综合楼 land use fee 土地使用费(获得土地使用权后,每年支付国家的使用土地费用) Grant Contract of Land Use Right 土地使用权出让合同 plot ratio 容积率 site coverage 建筑密度 land use term 土地使用期 project approval 项目许可 planning approval 规划许可 commission 佣金 permit 许可证 business license 营业执照 strata-title 分层所有权 public utilities 公共设施 urban planning 城市规划 state-owned land 国有土地 fiscal allotment 财政拨款 grant or transfer 出让或转让 the Municipal Land Administration Bureau 市土地管理局 infrastructure 基础设施 financial budget 财政预算 public bidding 公开招标 auction 拍卖 negotiation /agreement协议 land efficiency 土地效益 location classification 地段等级 projecting parameter 规划参数 government assignment 政府划拨 administrative institution 行政事业单位 key zones for development 重点开发区 tract 大片土地 biding document 标书 prerequisitioned land 预征土地 competent authorities 主管部门 construction project 建设项目 planning permit of construction engineering 建设工程规划许可证 go through the formalities 办手续 comprehensive sub-areas 综合分区 reconstruction of old area 旧区改造 purchasing power 购买力 property trust 物业信托 equity 权益 cash flows 现金流量 appreciation 增值 disposition 处置 hedge 保值措施 income tax shelter 收入税的庇护 downturn (经济)衰退 wealth maximisation 最大限度的增加财产(同其他投资相比) forecast 预测 rules-of-thumb techniques 经验法 mortgage lender 抵押放贷者 vacancy 空房 discounted cash flow models 折现值现金流量模型 expectation 期望值 letting 出租 equity reversion 权益回收 bad debts 坏帐 depreciation allowances 折旧费 supplies 日常用品 utilities 公共事业设备 allowances for repairs and maintenance 维修费 unpaid mortgage balance 抵押贷款欠额 stamp duty印花税 recession 衰退 overproduction 生产过剩 glut 供过于求 high-technology 高科技 investment strategy投资策略 circulation 发行量 entrepreneur 倡导者,企业家 coliseum 大体育场,大剧院 chambers (商业资本家联合组织的)会所 arena 室内运动场 socioeconomic status 社会经济地位 amenities 便利设施 condominium 个人占有公寓房,一套公寓房的个人所有权 income bracket 收入档次 tenement 分租合住的经济公寓 area code (电话)地区代码 community 社区 assessment 估价 downzone 降低区划规模 housing residences住宅 (一)有关房子本身的 1)别墅:Single Family House, Single House,或者就是用House,这里的HOUSE就是指独立的房子。一般不太用VILLA这个词。 2)联体别墅/城市别墅:TOWNHOUSE,几乎不用CITYHOUSE。 3)商品房/单元房/公寓:CONDOMINIUM 或者就用APARTMENT,简称APT。 4 高层住宅:HIGH RISING ,比如HIGH RISING APARTMENT。 5 楼层:FLOOR,或者STORY,比如第二层:SECOND FLOOR。 6 房间:BEDROOM,主卧室:MASTER BEDROOM,书房:STURDY ROOM。第二个睡房:SECOND BEDROOM。 7 卫生间:BATHROOM,简称BATH,比如一房一卫:ONE BEDROOM,ONE BATH,两房一卫:TWO BEDROOM,ONE BATH。半个卫生间:HALF BATHROOM。在家中一般不叫厕所-REST ROOM,在公共场所用。 8 大 厅:FAMILY ROOM,不叫BIG ROOM。第二个厅:SECOND LIVING ROOM,游戏厅:GAME ROOM,家庭影院:HOME THEATER。 9 餐厅:早餐厅:BREAKFAST, 晚餐/正餐厅:FORMAL DINNING。 10 厨房:KITCHEN,洗碗机:DISHWASHER,油烟机:VENT HOOD,烤箱:OVEN,外国人一般不会炒菜,多数用烤箱。 11 煤气/天燃气:GAS,电:ELECTRICITY:有线电视:CABLE TV,高速上网:HIGH SPEED INTERNET/DSL,拨号上网:DIAL UP,无线上网:WIRELESS INTERNET。 12 地面:FLOOR,实木地板:HARDWOOD FLOOR,合成地板:LAMINATED FLOOR,地毯:CARPET,瓷砖:TILE。 13 空调:AIR CONDITIONER简称AC,中央空调:CENTRAL AC,窗式空调 WINDOW AC UNIT。 14 热水:HOT WATER,热水器 HOT WATER HEATER, 15 淋浴:SHOWER,浴缸:BATH TUB。 16 面积:外国人一般不用米制而是用英尺,一平米大约是10平方英尺,比如,80平米就接近800平方英尺,你跟他们说平米就像他们跟你说英尺一样,平方英尺的表达方式:SQFT,比如1000平方英尺:1000SQFT。(一平方英尺=0。0929平方米) 17 停车:PARKING SPACE/LOT,免费停车:FREE PARKING。 (二)有关经纪人的和出租的 1)房地产经纪人:REAL ESTATE AGENT,或者就叫AGENT。置业顾问, 也是AGENT,或者叫BROKER也可以。 2)佣金:COMMISSION 3)经纪/中介公司:REAL ESTATE BROKERAGE/BROKER COMPANY,或者REALTY/REAL ESTATE都可以。 4)租金:RENT,一个月的租金:ONE MONTH RENT 5)租约:LEASE/RENT AGREEMENT,按月付租金:MONTH BY MONTH。 6)押金:DEPOSIT,一个月的押金:ONE MONTH RENT。 7)水电全包:ALL BILLS PAID。 8)房东:LANDLORD,或者OWNER,房客:TENANT 9)出租:FOR RENT,公寓出租:APT FOR RENT,房间出租:ROOM FOR RENT,别墅出租:HOUSE FOR RENT。 10)室友:ROOMMATE,诚征室友:ROOMMATE WANTED。 (三) 有关二手房交易的 1) 卖主:SELLER 2) 买主:BUYER 3) 要价:LISTING PRICE, 或者 ASKING PRICE 4) 给价:OFFER,或者 OFFER PRICE 5) 过户:CLOSING 6) 现金支付:CASH PURCHASE 7) 首期:DOWN PAYMENT Financing is the key to most real estate transactions , so if you are buying real estate for your personal use , consumer credit considerations are of paramount importance . Unlike the standard stock leveraging scheme , where the debt is capped at 50 percent of the principal value of the transaction , the standard debt-to-asset ratio in real estate or what the banks call the loan-to-value ratio , is 80 percent ,with a 20 percent down payment . In such an instance , the lender looks as much to the credit of the borrower as to the value of the property , to be sure of repayment . Hence , your record of payment of other debts , or lack thereof , will be a critical factor in whether or not you get credit for a home purchase . Other factors that come into play are your overall financial picture . If you have large amounts of other assets such as stocks , that will help . Retirement assets such as individual retirement accounts (IRAs) cannot be used to secure loans , but even they may indirectly count in a borrower’s favor as evidence of astuteness .   If you are buying property for rental as a business , then more businesslike considerations apply . The bank will still want to evaluate loan-to-value and income-to-debt service ratios , but may give lesser weight to your personal financial situation . Your past business experience , either in real estate or in other areas , will be taken into account , as will your business credit record . In unusual cases , the lender may require you to sign for loans personally , in which case your personal financial situation will matter . There are several types of lenders . The most common one is a financial institution such as a bank or a savings and loan . A second is government agencies such as Veteran’s Administration or the Federal Housing Authority . The third source of financing is owner financing .   对于大多数房地产交易来说,关键在于资金问题的解决。一旦你决定买房,重中之重便是考虑消费品信用贷款。与标准存量中要求债务上限为交易本金的50%的平衡 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 不同,在房市中,标准负债与资产比率(银行称之为贷款与价值比率)可达80%,只需20%的预付定金。在这种情况下,贷方把借方的信誉和资产看得同样考试&大重要,以确保借方有能力偿还债务。所以,你的其它债务的还款记录(或者记录缺失)将会成为致命因素,直接影响你能否获得购房信贷。当然,还有一些因素在起着作用,它们也会影响你的整个筹资计划。你如果有大量的诸如股票之类的另类资产的话,这会对你的信贷非常有利。个人退休金帐户之类的退休资产虽然不能用来做贷款担保,可即便如此,它们却会证明你很精明,并因此而博得贷方的好感。   如果你购房是为了商业经营,那你就需要一步步深思熟虑。银行仍然会对你的贷款与价值和工资与债务的偿还比率进行评估,但可能会低估你的个人财务状况。你的商业信贷记录也会被纳入评估的考虑范围,以往的经营经验(房地产或是其它领域)也会被予以考虑。特殊情况下,贷方可能要求本人亲自签收贷款,此时,你的个人财务状况就会与此挂钩。贷方分为好多种。最常见的就是银行和信用合作社等金融机构。第二种就是退伍军人管理局和联邦房屋管理局的政府机构。第三种资金来源就是业主融资。 A bank will look at the borrower’s income relative to the proposed debt service payments . The rule of thumb during the middle of the twentieth century was that a mortgage should not be more than two and a half times income . A more current rule of thumb was that mortgage payments should not be more than 28 percent of income , and total debt service payments should not be more than 34 percent of income . In recent years , the latter ratio has been relaxed to as much as 40 percent , a financial stretch . A borrower can even apply for a loan with no income verification . Typically , however , the bank requires a large-than –usual down payment 25 to 35 percent or more , and a clean credit record .   Somewhat different requirements apply for a government loan . For instance , the Veteran’s Administration will make loans to war veterans at low interest rates . Other government agencies target other constituencies such as low-income housing . If you have a good record of running multi-family houses , you may qualify for government loans for the development and management of low-income units . In such cases , your ability to get the loan is contingent on your meeting the particular politically requirements . Also , government loans are more likely to have onerous terms such as prepayment penalties .   A third source of financing , if you find the right seller and are persuasive enough , is owner financing . A mortgage is nothing more than an IOU in which a buyer agrees to pay a lender the value of the house over a period of time . It is really a way of borrowing money using the house as collateral. The borrower issues a mortgage , and is known as a mortgage , while the lender is known as the mortgage . In this particular instance , the seller is also the lender of the last resort . Occasionally , there will be home advertisements in the newspaper that say OWC , or owner will carry .   针对预定的债务偿还量,银行还会了解借方的收入情况。20世纪中期单纯经验的方法就是抵押最多为工资的二点五倍。更为流行的单纯经验方法就是抵押贷款月供最多为月薪的28%,总偿债支付款最多为还款期间工资总额的34%。在最近几年,后者已经达到了40%,这就是金融延伸。借方甚至没有收入证明也可以申请贷款,可尽管如此,银行却会特别要求一笔25-35%甚至更多的巨额首付和一个无污点的信贷记录。   申请政府贷款要求多少会有些不同。例如,退伍军人管理局会给予曾经参战的退伍军人低息贷款。其它政府机构提供的是一些赞助服务,比如对那些低收入家庭。如果你具有一个经营多户住宅的良好记录,你就可以获得政府贷款以对低收入住宅进行开发管理。在这些情况之下,你能否获得贷款取决于你能否遇到政治上的特殊需要。当然,政府贷款更可能包括一些繁苛的条款,比如说提前预付罚金。   第三种资金来源为业主融资,即通过你的能力,自己发现和说服卖家。其实抵押就是借据,通过这个借据,买方同意在一定的时间范围内偿还房价借款,说到底只是贷款买房方式的一个担保。借方提供了抵押,并将其作为抵押,而且贷方也认可了这个抵押。在这个特例中,卖方其实就是最后贷方。偶尔,新闻上刊登一些房屋广告会提到“业主负责还款”。The buying and borrowing transactions are handled simultaneously by a closer . She will take the down payment , typically in the form of a certified check from the buyer , and the check from the lender for the amount of the mortgage . She will then take title from the seller and re-register the property in the name of the buyer . Finally , she will hand over the monetary proceeds to the seller . If the parties want to make absolutely sure of the validity of the transaction , they will close in escrow . For most transactions , such a level of detail is not necessary .   It is said that the three basics of real estate are location , location , and location . That is true , all other things being equal . It means that you should not buy in a poor location . But it is also does not mean that you should necessarily “ pay up ” for the best . Just as with stocks you can make money from an expanding multiple ,as well as from rising rents . Some of the best multiple plays are in neighborhoods where the economies and the quality of the tenants is improving . These situations are most often found in large metropolitan areas like New York City .   The best deals can be obtained from motivated sellers , sometimes colloquially as “ don’t wanters .” Such a person may have recently gotten divorced (or married , or had a new child born ) , and no longer finds the house the right size . Otherwise , they might have been transferred or lost a job and want a house with lower payments . The classic case is someone on the brink of foreclosure . some investors check court records of divorces arrearages , and upcoming bankruptcy proceedings to find such people . Others will go to banks or savings and loans and ask to see a listing of the “ real estate owned ” (i.e. repossessed real estate ) . In the latter case , the bank may be holding property that it is willing to sell for a discount , because a down payment and part of the mortgage have been paid , rather than holding and managing the real estate .   买借交易被一个终端同步处理。她以一种从买方获得的保护支票的方式对预付定金进行处理,用从贷方获得的保护支票处理抵押贷款的数目。接着她会处理卖方的所有权,并将其考(试大重新置于买方名下。最后,她会将货币收益划归卖方。如果买卖双方想绝对确保交易的合法性,他们需履行提存手续。对大多数交易来说,没有必要做这么细。   据说房地产的三个基础是地点、地点、还是地点。这话不假,一切都必须讲求对等。意思就是说你不应该买地点不好的房子。可这也并不是说你要尽可能的买最好的房子。这就如同买股票一样,股票的翻番会让你大赚一笔,租金的考(试大上涨也会带来这个效果。最好的翻倍游戏多发生在经济和房客质量提高的区域,比如说像纽约这样的大都市。   最划算的交易也可以被焦急的卖方接受,即口语所谓的“大出血”卖主。他们可能刚刚离婚(或是结婚或是有了孩子),房子的大小已经不太合适;抑或搬家、失业,急需一套还款较低的房子。一个经典案例就是,某人止赎期满,一些投资者对其离婚欠款的法院纪录进行核对,并发现其破产诉讼即将到来。如此一来,投资者们会去银行或者储贷协会要一份其所属的房产 清单 安全隐患排查清单下载最新工程量清单计量规则下载程序清单下载家私清单下载送货清单下载 。在后面这个例子中,银行可能会持有房产并希望对其打折拍卖,因为与其持有和经营房产,不如将其拍卖以偿还预付定金和部分抵押贷款。 The real secret is to buy only in situations in which debt servicing costs are less than rental income minus expenses . Investors most often get into trouble in negative cash flow situations . A bankruptcy in real estate terms is known as a foreclosure . This is when the bank or other lender takes possession of the building because the buyer can’t meet payments for a period of time . Foreclosures are the closest thing to personal bankruptcy , and stay on a person’s credit record for seven years . (bankruptcy stays for ten .) A more amicable situation is one in which the owner hands title (as symbolized by the keys and deed ) to the property to the lender in lieu of foreclosure , but this also involves a seven-year record . One or more missed payments followed by a catch-up will not lead to foreclosure , but this information does damage a credit record for some years .   To buy in a turnaround , the most promising situation is one in which the neighborhood and properties are already being improved by the current owners . It is good sign if developers are moving in . (But this is smart money . ) The largest profits are made just before the developer stage , when individuals are fixing up the property . The quality of the people is even more important than the quality of the buildings . A blue-collar neighborhood with stable incomes and families may be a better bet than one inhabited by young singles who move out every few years . Seattle , Washington , was a case in point when the aerospace industry laid off people .   房地产的秘密就在于只有在这种情况下才可以购房,即债务偿还开销要低于扣除份额中日常开销之后的租金收入。投资者很容易陷入负向现金流动的困境之中。止赎是房地产破产中的著名条款。此即由于买方考试&大一定时期内负担不起还款,该房产便收归银行或其他贷方所有了。止赎权与个人破产的信用记录保留期限最为接近,要保留7年(破产为10年)。一个更为和睦的处境就是所有者将财产所有权(以钥匙和契约表征)交与贷方从而避免破产,可这也要在信用记录中保留7年。一个或多个忘还的款项随后补交之后虽然不会导致止赎,可却会在信用记录中保留多年。   转型期购房,此时最有价值的投资就在那些已被现有业主开发的小区和物业。如果开发者进入,这就是一个好的标志。(可这获利甚微。)要想获得较大利益,就要在开发者进入之前动手,即人们开始解决物业之时。人的因素考试&大要比物的因素更为重要。有稳定收入及家庭的蓝领公寓与那些没几年就搬一次家的单身青年聚居区要更值得搏一把。对此,西雅图、华盛顿在航空和航天工业裁员时就是再恰当不过的例子了。 Before buying any property , you should get an engineering report , to make sure that the main systems work ; electric , gas , and water . There should not be any structural problems with these , the foundation , or the beams . There may be plenty of minor faults such as chipped paint , but there should be reflected in a lower selling price . You should welcome such defects because you can increase your profits by fixing them.   The bank will do an appraisal , but it will be a cursory one . Instead of trying to pinpoint the exact value for your house , the bank appraiser will use the selling price as a starting point , and then test it for reasonableness . A good (well done , not necessarily favorable )appraisal will tell you what the market thinks of the house and why.   Cash flow on real estate is pretty much discretionary , at least after the minimum debt service charges are paid off . You can reinvest it in the property to maintain or improve it , you can prepay your mortgage or you can spend it ,either on more real estate ,or on other items . A property can even be “ milked ” for short periods of time by deferring maintenance , but that is not a wise long-term strategy . Any way you slice it, cash flow is what ultimately drives the return on real estate . If cash flow after expenses and debt service is negative , the property is priced too high and likely to go down in value . For this reason , one should not think in terms of sacrificing cash flow for “appreciation .”   Real estate should be bought for intrinsic(i.e., cash flow) rather than resale value . This is true of stocks, but particularly told in numerous places, most notably by John Paul Getty , of Florida swamp land in the 1920s; in which “ investors ” bought and sold binders, or contracts, on real estate ; with the intention of “flipping” them within a short time . When one skeptical investor asked the agent to show him the land ,which was under a swamp, the agent explained ,“ This real estate is for trading , not for owning .” When the craze is over , some hapless investor will be left with a worthless piece of property . An only slightly less insidious form of “real estate ” is one that is uneconomical , except for tax breaks . Then the investor is hostage to changes in the Tax Code .   不管买什么房子,之前你都要拿到该房子的工程报告,以弄明白房子的电、水、和气等主要工作系统。房子的基础、大梁也不能有任何结构性问题。当然,一些小的瑕疵也是不可避免的,比如说油漆脱落,可这应该在价格上有所反应。对于这些缺陷,你应该感到高兴,因为通过修补你还能提高你的收益。   银行会出一个评估报告,但却很粗略。银行评估师不会给你的房产定价,只是用卖价作为起点,然后用合理性进行检验。一个好的(做得好却未必有利的)评估报告将会告诉你市场对该房产的反映和市场为什么如此反应。   房地产现金流的决定权相当之大,要求至少先支付最低的债务偿还的服务费用。你可以重新投资房地产,以便对其进行维持、改善;你也可以预交抵押贷款的定金,你也可以将其自行花掉(可考试*大用于其它房地产投资,也可用于房地产以外的项目);房地产的款项甚至可以通过推迟保养而暂为“挪用”,可这从长期来讲,却不是一个明智的策略。不管你如何分配,现金流回报最终都会受房地产的引导。如果现金流在扣除各种花销和债务之后为负,就是说房产的价格过高而趋向于跌价。基于此,就不要指望通过牺牲现金流来达到“涨价”的目的。   买房与其用转售价格,不如用其固有(指现金流)价格。这适用于股票,因其较低的流动性,尤其适用于房地产。最著名的要数上世纪20年代佛罗里达沼泽地的约翰·保罗·格蒂,他的故事曾被考试*大多处引用。他提出,投资者带着短期弹压房地产的目的对其基料或合约进行买卖。当一位投资者怀疑的向代理人咨询其地皮为何在沼泽之上时,代理人解释道,“这里的房产只是为了买卖,不是为了拥有。”当狂热过去,一些倒霉的投资者将会剩下一块分文不值的地皮。这种唯一略显狡诈的“房地产”形式除了税额优惠以外,对购房者而言并无经济实惠可言。随之而来的就是这些投资者成了税法改革的人质。 房地产 英语 关于好奇心的名言警句英语高中英语词汇下载高中英语词汇 下载英语衡水体下载小学英语关于形容词和副词的题 口语 Lesson 2:Property Under Construction 楼花 Chapter 2. Property Under Construction 第二章 楼花 1. Visiting Show Flat 1. 参观示范单位 Scene: Sales office of the Nice garden 场景: 丽斯花园售楼处 A1, A2, A3, A4: Agents  物业代理  B1,B2,B3: Clients 客户 A1: Please take some brochures detailing the Nice Garden Phase 1. 请随便拿一份丽斯花园第一期售楼书。 A2: Welcome to the Nice Garden. Please follow the arrows to our show flats A and B. The size of show flat A is one thousand square feet and show flat B is one thousand and five hundred square feet. Please enjoy yourselves. 欢迎光临丽斯花园。请沿箭头批示到本公司展销单位 A 及单位 B。单位 A 面积是一千五百平方英尺,请随便参观! A3: Welcome to show flat A. First, I would like to explain to you that the red tags denote a free gift from our developer to our future vendors. (After a second) On your right hand side is the kitchen. The maid's room and toilet are found inside. All the appliances including refrigerator, microwave oven, dishes-washer are imported from Europe. Please go straight in. There is a huge living room and three bedrooms. The developer will provide air conditioners for all rooms. 欢迎参观示范单位 A。首先,贴有红色标签的用品是由发展商送给未来业主的。(一会儿之后)在右边的是厨房,工人房及洗手间在里面,而所有家庭电器包括雪柜、微波炉、洗碗机都是随楼附送,所有建筑用料均由欧洲进口。直行就是大厅及三个睡房,发展商提供所有厅房的冷气机。 B1: How about the view? 观景是怎样呢? A3: Over the tenth floor, you will see the beautiful river view. 高于十楼的单位可以看到河景,相当不错! C2: How about the direction for this unit? 这单位的座向如何? A3: This unit faces southwest. Please make yourselves comfortable. 单位窗户向西南方,请随便看看。 (Scene: Show Flat B) (场景:示范单位 B) A4: Welcome to show flat B. This unit's gross area is one thousand and five hundred square feet, which is the largest unit on this floor. This unit's layout is similar to show flat A except that it has a master bedroom and a balcony outside of the living room. This unit faces south, which is the best direction and view for the whole building. 欢迎光临示范单位B,这单位的建筑面积是一千五百平方英尺,在这楼层是最大的单位。基本设计与单位A相似,不过这单位有主人套房和在客厅有落地玻璃露台。这单位座北朝南,是整幢大厦观景及方向最好的单位。 B3: Excuse me! Miss, what kind of view is it? 小姐,请问这单位有怎样的观景? A4: Over the tenth floor, you will see the hills and rivers together. Sounds great, right? 十楼以上的单位可看到山和河景,非常美丽,对吗? B3: How about below the tenth floor? 十楼以下的单位又怎样呢? A4: you will see a few of low-rise town houses and streets. Dear customers, we have already arranged to have the lawyers and bankers meet us on the ground floor. They will answer all the mortgage and legal questions you may have. Thank you for joining us today. I hope you will find your favourite units today. 你会看见一些低层住宅大厦及街道。亲爱的顾客们,本公司已经安排律师及银行顾问在地下售楼处,他们会为阁下解答有关买卖手续及银行按揭贷款的问题。谢谢各位今天的光临,希望各位能够选购心目中最理想的单位。 2. Residential Property Under Construction for Sale 出售楼花物业 Scene: Sales office of the Nice Garden 场景: 丽斯花园售楼处 A: Agents  物业代理  B: Clients 客户 A: Miss, may I help you? 小姐,我可否帮你呢? B: Yes, I just wondered why the price between the ninth floor and tenth floor is so different? 是的,我很奇怪为什么九楼与十楼的售价有这么大的差别呢? A: It's because of the view. 这是因为观景不同。 B: Oh! I see. Can you show me the location for Block 1? 噢!我明白了,你能否告诉我第一座的位置呢? A: Sure. Please take a look of the model of the building. Nice Garden has a total of two blocks which are labelled Block 1 and Block 2. Block 1 has a total of thirty-eight levels. The thirty-seventh and thirty-eighth are penthouses. There are four units in one level. The sizes of the units are one thousand square feet and one thousand and five hundred square feet. The size with one thousand square feet has three bedrooms and the biggest size has four bedrooms. 当然可以,请过来看大厦模型。丽斯花园共有两幢,分别为第一座和第二座,第一座共三十八层,而三十七楼和三十八楼是复式单位。每层有四个单位,单位面积有一千平方英尺和一千五百平方英尺两种,小单位有三房而大单位有四房。 B: How many elevators are there? 共有多少部电梯? A: There are three elevators betweeen one hundred and forty eight units. 一百四十八个单位共用三部电梯。 B: How about the car-park space? 停车位又怎样呢? A: There is a total of one hundred and sixty parking lots on the second and third floor, in which twelve are for visitors and the rest are for residents. 停车场在第二层和第三层,共一百六十个车位,其中十二个为访客车位,而其余的是供住客使用的。 B: Any other facilities? 还有其他设施吗? A: Sure, on the fouth floor is a recreation quarter. There are two swimming pools, one is Olympic standard size and the other one is for children. Also, there is a gymnasium for resident members only. 有的,第四层是康体中心,里面有两个游泳池,其中一个是奥林匹克标准泳池,另一个供儿童使用。除此之外还有专为住客而设的健身房。 B: when is the completion date? 请问工程何时才能完成? A: The completion date will be on July 1st 2001. 预计竣工日期为2001年7月1日。 B: How about the price and the bank mortgage? 售价和银行贷款如何? A: Please check up the price list. The average unit price is five million Hong Kong dollars. There are eight different banks that will provide a seventy percent mortgage loan. Also, the developer will offer another ten percent mortgage to purchasers. 平均售价约港币五百万元,你可以看看价目表。有八间银行提供七成按揭贷款,而发展商亦可提供另外一成的按揭给认购者。 B: How many payment methods are there? 有多少种付款办法? A: It's all written on the brochure price list. I believe there will be one right for you. Please hurry up because almost half of units have already gone. 售价表里已经详细列明,我相信其中一定有适合你的。现在认购已经超过五成,你要快些作出决定了。 B: Thank you. I think I have to talk to the bank representatives. Thank you for your help. 谢谢,我想我必须先向银行代表询问,谢谢你的帮忙。 A: You're welcome. 别客气。
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