首页 2012年中考英语总复习:任务型阅读试题



2012年中考英语总复习:任务型阅读试题2012年中考英语分块总复习试题:任务型阅读试题 2011年全国各省市中考英语四种类任务型阅读试题 第一类(21篇):阅读短文回答问题; 第二类(31篇):阅读短文填写单词; 第三类(17篇):阅读短文进行信息归纳或整理; 第四类(23篇):阅读短文按要求完成任务(复合型) 第一类:阅读短文回答问题(保持原题号不变)  任务型阅读第一类(1)来自:黑龙江大庆市 It is widely accepted that television is playing an important part in people...

2012年中考英语分块总 复习 预应力混凝土预制梁农业生态学考研国际私法笔记专题二标点符号数据的收集与整理 试题 中考模拟试题doc幼小衔接 数学试题 下载云南高中历年会考数学试题下载N4真题下载党史题库下载 :任务型阅读试题 2011年全国各省市中考英语四种类任务型阅读试题 第一类(21篇):阅读短文回答问题; 第二类(31篇):阅读短文填写单词; 第三类(17篇):阅读短文进行信息归纳或整理; 第四类(23篇):阅读短文按要求完成任务(复合型) 第一类:阅读短文回答问题(保持原题号不变)  任务型阅读第一类(1)来自:黑龙江大庆市 It is widely accepted that television is playing an important part in people's lives. But, there is a heated discussion as to whether television does good or harm. Television keeps one learning more about present events, allows one to follow the most recent developments in politics and science, and offers various programs which are .both instructive and exciting. The most distant countries, the strangest customs and the most attractive scenes of nature are brought right into one's room or house. However, some people insist that television is bad rather than good. They argue that it has brought about many serious Problems. The major one is its effects on young people. Children are now so used to getting their information and entertainment from television that their ability to read and write as well as physical ability has been greatly weakened. Even worse than that, vulgar( 庸俗的) advertisements and poor programs may develop their bad tastes, shape their view points badly towards human life to such a degree that their minds might be destroyed. In a word, television has both advantages and disadvantages. Whatever effects it has, one point is certain, television in itself is neither good nor bad. It is the use to which it is put that decides its value to society. 66. What are people discussing nowadays? ___________________________________ 67. What are the advantages television has brought us ? (至少2点) ___________________________________ 68. Why do some people think television is bad rather than good? ___________________________________ 69. It is the use to which it is put that decides its value to society. ___________________________________ 70. What's your opinion about television? 答案 八年级地理上册填图题岩土工程勘察试题省略号的作用及举例应急救援安全知识车间5s试题及答案 :66.whether television does good or harm. 67.Television keeps one learning more about present events, allows one to follow the most recent developments in politics and science, and offers various programs which are both instructive and exciting. ..... 68.Because they argue that it has brought about many serious Problems. 69.它是由人们对电视的具体使用决定它对社会的价值的。 70. Television has both advantages and disadvantages. Television in itself is neither good nor bad. It is the use to which it is put that decides its value to society.(The answer may be varied) 任务型阅读第一类(2)来自:湖南益阳 Once upon a time there lived a poor farmer called Smith. He didn't like to share things with others. Smith had a friend who was famous for the wonderful apples he grew.中.考.资.源.网 One day, his friend gave Smith a young apple tree and told him to take it home and planted. The farmer was pleased with the gift, but when he got home, he did not know where to plant He thought and thought. Finally at night he planted the tree in his wood where no one could see it. But without sunlight and good soil, the tree soon died. Later the friend asked the farmer why he had planted the tree in such a poor place. "What's the difference?" the farmer said angrily. "If I had planted it near the road, strangers would have stolen the fruit. If I had planted it in one of my fields, my neighbors would have come at night and stolen some of the apples. If I had planted it near my house, my own children would have taken the fruit," "Yes," said the friend, "but at least someone could have enjoyed the fruit. Now you not only have got nothing, but also you have destroyed a good apple tree." 56. Was Smith happy about the gift? 57. When did he plant the apple tree? 58. Where did Smith plant the apple tree in the end? 59. Why did the apple tree soon die? 60. What would probably happen if the farmer had planted the tree near his house? 答案:56. Yes, he is. 57. At night. 58.  In his wood. 59.  Because there was no sunlight or good soil. 60.  His own children would have taken the fruit 任务型阅读第一类(3)来自::湖南怀化 “Who did this?”asked Miss Green. There were 30 children in the classroom and all were trying to think about not only what they did, but also what our teacher already knew. “Who broke this window?” “Uh, Oh.” I thought. I was the one who broke the window with a football. I did not mean to do it. I would be in a lot of trouble. How could I pay for a big window like that? I didn't want to put up my hand. But I had to tell the truth. So, I put up my hand and told the teacher I broke the window. Miss Green went to the bookshelf and took down a book. “I know how you like birds, Peter.” She said .“Here is a book about birds and the book is yours now. I will not punish you this time. But Peter, you should remember that I am rewarding (奖赏)you for your honesty(诚实), not for breaking the window.” I couldn't believe it! The teacher didn't punish me and I was getting my very favorite book. Now, I still use that book, and it always reminds me of (使我想起)the lesson my teacher taught me. Honesty is always best. 56. Who broke the window? 57. How many children were in the classroom? 58. Where did Miss Green take down the book?  59. What was the book about? 60. What can we learn from the story? 答案: 56. Peter. 57. 30. 58. The bookshelf. 59. The book was about birds. 60. Honesty is always best. 任务型阅读第一类(4)来自:来自:湖南 郴州 Do you know the pretty girl? Her name is Tian Wei. She was born on April 5, 1986. She was from Beijing. She had two big eyes and short hair. She was good at Chinese. And she loved writing. She was unlucky. When she was in Grade 8, she was seriously ill. Her doctor said she would lose her life anytime. But she wasn't afraid of death. She kept on studying and writing. She died on August 13, 2007. She smiled till the end of her life. Tian Wei had a great dream. She hoped that people could read her book in the bookshops. In March, 2009, her only book Hua Tian Ban Mu came out. it had more than 5(X) thousand words. In her book she said, " I'm always aching (疼痛). if possible, I'll let my right eye weep (哭泣) but the other one smile." 66. What did Tian Wei do well in? _____________________________. 67. Did she love writing? ______________________________ 68. What happened to Tian Wei when she was in Grade 8? _______________________________ 69. When did the book Hua Tian Ban Mu come out? ________________________________ 70. How many words did the book Hua Tian Ban Mu have? _________________________________ 答案: 66. She did well in Chinese. / She was good at Chinese. / Chinese. 67. Yes (, she did). / Sure. / Of course.    68. She was (seriously) ill.  69. It came out in March, 2009. / In March, 2009.  70. It had more than 5000 thousand words. / More than 500 thousand (words). 任务型阅读第一类(5)来自:辽宁大连市 Give water, save lives A bottle of water may not seem like much to you, but thousands of bottles will be of great help for people who live in drought-hit(遭受旱灾) areas in China. Since last autumn, there has been very little rain in Southwest China. Some places, especially in Yunnan . Guangxi, Sichuan, Guizhou, have experienced a serious drought. Crops (庄稼) died, the land cracked, and wells (井) and rivers dried up. More than 20 million people are having difficulty in finding safe drinking water. After learning about the drought, many people around the country helped by giving water, money and other things. Last week, every member of the Communist Youth League (共青团员) and Young Pioneers(少先队员) were encouraged to give one bottle of water to the drought-hit areas. Students in primary schools and middle schools quickly joined the activity. In Yuhua Primary School in Xi' an, 900 students bought over 1,000 bottles of water with their pocket money. They also wrote their wishes on the bottles. The serious drought has also made students realize the importance of saving water. Students from Nanshan Middle School in Huizhou in Guangdong went on the street to tell people to take part in water-saving activities. “I've heard that some children in drought-hit areas don' t have enough drinking water. They have to drink muddy ( 含有泥土的 ) water. I feel really sad about that," said one student. “I decide to take a shower twice a week instead of every day to save water.” he said. 64. Why did a serious drought happen in Southwest China?  ___________________________________________________________________________                      65. What does the underlined (划线的) word "cracked" probably mean in Chinese? ______________________________________________                  ! 66. What did people do after learning about the drought? 67. Is a bottle of water helpful for the people in drought-hit areas? 68. What can you learn from the passage?                                      答案: 64. Because there has been very little rain since last autumn. 65.裂开、裂缝 66. They helped by giving water, money and other things. 67. Yes, it is. / No, but thousands will. / A bottle of water isn't much, but thousands will be of great use. 68. It's time for us to save water. / We should help out people in trouble. 任务型阅读第一类(6)来自:北京 We need to be responsible for our environment. Being a frugal consumer(节俭的消费者) is one way to help. But, what exactly does that mean? Use It Up You can use things up instead of wasting them. Squeeze that last bit of toothpaste out of the tube. Use the last little piece of soap. Don't throw away any bits of the biscuit at the bottom of the box. Wear It Out You do not always need to have new things. Suppose your sneakers have broken laces, but they still fit you. Repair them and wear them longer. You don't have the latest iPhone until the old one doesn't work anymore. Then you can get a new one. Think twice before replacing something that still works. Make It Do When something you want is not on hand, look for something else that you already have to take its place. Suppose you are packing your lunch for tomorrow and want a butter sandwich. You are out of butter. Have a cheese sandwich instead so that you can use all of the cheese. Learn to fix broken toys instead of just throwing them away. With a little thought, you can make something do, instead of buying something new. Do Without Think about all those things that you would like to have. Do you really need them? How long will you really play with that new toy you saw on TV? Making the things that we want uses up your world's resources(资源). And, getting rid of the things we don't want any more takes up even more resources and space. 65. Do we need to be responsible for our environment? 66. How do we deal with the last little piece of soap? 67. When do we need to get a new iPhone? 68. What should we do when something we want is not on hand? 69. What does the writer want to tell us? 65.答案:Yes. 66. 答案:Use the last little piece of soap/ Use it. 67. 答案:The old one doesn't work anymore 68. 答案:Look for something else that you already have to take its place. 69. 答案:What we should do to be a frugal consumer , in order to be responsible for our environment. 任务型阅读第一类(7)来自:广西钦州 More than 200 activities have been held so far during the Chinese Language Year in Russia. It has not only made Chinese culture popular in Russia, but also improved understanding and friendship between Russians and Chinese people. More and more Russians begin to enjoy Chinese food and operas, watch TV programs to learn Chinese, and travel in China. Since the Chinese Language Year program in Russia started, so many events such as movie weeks, operas, Chinese language classes, language contests(比赛) and teaching programs have been popular in Russia. Through the activities, Russian people have had a chance to learn more about the Chinese culture. Literature, history and its life today. For example, the first group of 500 Russian students visited the Chinese cities of Beijing, Dalian and Qingdao. There they painted both countries' landmarks(界标), including the Tian'anmen Square, the Great Wall, the Kremlin( 克里姆林宫'), the Volga River and the Red Square. When the Russian students returned, they took part in a photo contest and a writing contest to show their love for China. And Russians, especially young people, have become more and more interested in learning Chinese. To date, more than 130 universities in Russia are offering Chinese courses.  More than 20 middle and primary schools have also taught Chinese as their first foreign language. 86. Morn than (Over) 200 activities were held in the Chinese Language Year in Russia. 87. So many events have been popular in Russia since the program started. 88. What have Russian people learnt from the activities? They have learnt more about the Chinese culture, history and its life today. 89. How did the Russian students show their love for China when they came back? They took part in a photo contest and writing contest. 90. How many schools are having Chinese courses in Russia? More than 150 schools.  More than 130 universities and more than 20 middle and primarv schools. 任务型阅读第一类(8)来自:江苏淮安 The Internet has become not only a necessary but also a virtual(虚拟的) world for people. With the development of the Internet, internet friendship has also become very popular. Online friends are those people who have known each other through the Internet. Making internet friends is the same as making pen friends. Many famous websites offer quite warm internet friendship. One can find many people on these websites and they share the same interests. It is difficult to make friends with someone you can’t see or feel. That is the main problem of internet friendship. A virtual friendship would not last forever without seeing each other, but it is an advantage for some people because they are afraid to speak in pubic. On the other hand, the chances of cheating(欺骗) are very high in an internet friendship. Some people make friends on the Internet with wrong intentions(企图).So while making friends over the Internet, one has to be very careful. Here are some suggestions for you. ·Don’t give personal information, such as your telephone number, address, location, school name as well as your parents’ information, to strangers on the Internet. ·Do not exchange personal photos of you or any family member with people you meet over the Internet. ·Do not go to meet a person you have just met over the Internet. You’d better ask older or other experienced people for advice if you want to go to meet an internet friend. ·Do not accept someone’s request(要求) if you feel he or she is dishonest. 根据上面短文的内容回答问题。 21.Is the Internet necessary and virtual for people? ______________________________________________________________________ 22.What is the main problem of internet friendship? ______________________________________________________________________ 23.Why is the virtual friendship an advantage for some people?中.考.资.源.网 ______________________________________________________________________ 24.Who can you ask for advice if you go to meet an internet friend? ______________________________________________________________________ 25.What does the article give suggestions about? ______________________________________________________________________ 答案: 21. Yes, it is. 22. It is difficult to make friends with someone you can’t see or feel. 23. Because they are afraid to speak in pubic. 24. You’d better ask older or other experienced people. 25. So while making friends over the Internet, one has to be very careful. 任务型阅读第一类(9)来自:湖南衡阳 2011 is the Year of the Rabbit in China. It began on February 3.The rabbit is a symbol of kindness and a love of beauty in Chinese culture. People born in the Year of the Rabbit are quick-minded. Although they are sometimes shy, they have a strong mind and will try their best to make their dreams come true all their lives. Rabbit people are talented(有才干的) and are interested in artistic activities, such as music and painting. They are so friendly and well organized that they can be great teachers. There are some famous people who were born in the Year of the Rabbit, such as US actress Angelina Jolie and England soccer star David Beckham. In China,famous director Zhang Yimou and kung fu star Li Lianjie are rabbits, too. There are some big events in the Year of the Rabbit. The International Horticultural Exposition(世界园艺博览会) is being held in Xi’an. It will last six months, from April to October. In Britain, the wedding(婚礼) of Prince William of Wales and Kate Middleton took place on April 29. The 26th World University Games in Shenzhen will happen in August,2011. 48. What does “the Year of the Rabbit” mean in Chinese? 49. What does “rabbit” stand for in Chinese culture? 50. What will happen in August in Shenzhen? 51. What are rabbit people interested in? 52. What do you think of the people born in the Year of the Rabbit? 答案: 48、兔年。 49、The rabbit is the symbol of kindness and a love of beauty in Chinese culture. 50、The 26th World University Games in Shenzhen will happen. 51、They are interested in artist activities. 52、They are talented. 任务型阅读第一类(10)来自:广西贵港 I love to write! Ever since I was a five-year-old girl, I wrote stories in my notebooks and on small pieces of paper. I told stories to my friends. As a grown-up, I have written over 100 books! That’s a lot! As a teacher, it’s my goal to encourage all of my students to love to write. Writing is easy if you’re careful enough, I told them. Everyone I meet is a possible character. Everything I see or do is a possible scene in a book. Start looking around you. You’ll be amazed at what you discover. Anyone can be a writer. You just put your pencil on your paper and write what you like to read, step by step: l Create great characters. If you know your characters well, they’ll write the story for you. l Interest the reader right at the beginning. You can start your stories with dialogue or action. If you can make the reader ask questions, then he has to keep reading to find out the answers. l Follow the steps. The steps for every story are almost the same: Introduce the characters and the conflict(争端);things get worse; all seems lost; the hero saves the day! l Balance is the key. Remember, when writing, it doesn’t hurt to add some humor(幽默). 86.What did the writer begin to do when she was five years old? ___________________________________________________________________ 87.What’s the writer’s goal as a teacher? ___________________________________________________________________ 88.How many steps are mentioned about writing according to this passage? ___________________________________________________________________ 89.Does the writer think it hurts to add some humor when writing? ___________________________________________________________________ 90.What does the passage mainly talk about? ___________________________________________________________________ 答案: 86. The writer wrote stories in her notebooks and on small pieces of paper, and she told stories to her friends. 87. To encourage all of her students to love to write.  88. Four/4.  89. No, she doesn’t.  90. Anyone can be a writer.  任务型阅读第一类(11)来自: 吉林 My friend Peter was kind and lovely. But as a student, he was bad at math, English and science because he didn't have an aptitude(资质)for that kind of study. One day we were playing football and the bail got stuck in a tree. Peter climbed the tree to get it, and one of the teachers, John Marston 9 who was looking out of the window, noticed that he was a talented climber. Mr Marston was an expert (专家)in climbing. He had climbed many mountains. One weekend Mr Marston invited Peter to climb Mount Kilimanjaro. Peter really enjoyed the climbing. Mr Marston told Peter he was a very talented climber for his age. Peter left school three years later with no qualifications (毕业证),but he kept climbing regularly until he became very good at it. In his early twenties, he became a professional climber. He said, “1’11 always remember Mr Marston because he showed me I had an ability which no one else, including me, knew about." 91. Which subject was Peter not good at? ______________________________ 92. When did Peter and Mr Marston climb Mount Kilimanjaro? ______________________________ 93. How did Peter feel about the climbing? _______________________________ 94. What did Mr Marston say about Peter? _______________________________ 95. Did Peter know he had an ability to climb at first? 答案: 91. He was not good at( math, English and science). 92. One weekend./ They climbed it one weekend. 93. He liked/loved/enjoyed it. 94. (He was) a very talented climber. 95. No./No, he didn’t. 任务型阅读第一类(12)来自:山东省 Everyone wants to relax after working or studying for a long time. I have many ways of relaxing myself. Let me tell you some of my favorites. I am a big sports fan, so the usual way I relax is to watch or play many kinds of sports. My favorite is tennis, but I am interested in all kinds of sports. Whether I am playing tennis or watching a game on TV, it is exciting to see team members doing their best. It’s amazing to see players playing very well. It’s true that playing sports is not physically(身体上地)“relaxing”, but I find it really cool, and a good way of “relaxing” my brain after a day’s hard work. I enjoy listening to music, and I always have some music playing during my free time. I listen to all types, but I enjoy listening to beautiful piano music. Some people can’t study while listening to music, but for me, I believe I can study better by listening to light songs. Some people choose to relax by traveling. I don’t have a favorite place, but I hear that traveling in Japan is really enjoyable. I like visiting different kinds of places and eating famous snacks there. I also enjoy sightseeing and seeing how the culture and people change from place to place. 1. What’s the writer’s favorite sports? _________________________________ 2. What kind of music does the writer enjoy? _________________________________ 3. How many ways of relaxing does the writer give us? _________________________________ 4. Has the writer ever been to Japan? ________________________________ 5. What is the passage mainly about? ________________________________ 答案: 1. Tennis 2. Beautiful piano music 3. Three 4. No, he hasn’t 5. The writer’s favorite ways to relax. 任务型阅读第一类(13)来自: 山东威海 Do you think that French fries are really French? French fries are called "pommes frites" in France and they are not from France. French fries come from Belgium(比利时) originally. French fries are made of potatoes, and they are cut and fried. The fried potatoes are called French fries because they were fist seen by Americans in Belgium, but they were fried in the French way. The French way is to fry potatoes twice with a small pause in the middle. During World War I, there were a lot of hungry American soldiers in Northern France and Belgium. They ate French fries in Belgium. After the war was over, the soldiers went back home to America. However, they missed French fries so much that they made French fries at home. That's how French fries were fist introduced to America. French fries were called Belgian fries once, but the name was finally changed to French fries. Sometimes French fries are just called fries. French fries are one of the most popular potato foods in America. American fast food restaurants such as McDonald's and Burger King have French fries on their menus. French fries are freshly fried, and usually served with hamburgers. If you visit any fast food restaurant in America and order a hamburger, you will probably hear "You want fries with that?" Why don't you think about the history of French fries a little while, and say "Yes, please. Thank you." 51.What are French fries made of? ______________________________ 52.Where do French fries originally come from? ______________________________ 53.Why are the fried potatoes called French fries? ______________________________ 54.Who first introduced French fries to America? ______________________________ 55.What does the underlined "that" in the last paragraph refer to? ______________________________ 答案: 51.potatoes 52.Belgium 53.Because they are fried in the French way. 54.American soldiers. 55.Hamburgers 任务型阅读第一类(14)来自: 山东枣庄 Imagine this: your parents go away on business, but you have to stay at home alone. Would life be as easy as when your parents are around? Would it be a perfect holiday for you? '”I can fill an empty stomach with tomato and egg soup, but that's all. I think many of my classmates are the same. We wouldn't know what to do, or how to look after ourselves," said Zheng Chenyu. "And I'd forget something important. I'd probably watch television and burn the soup. " “As soon as I leave home, I'll learn to cook. But now parents do almost everything for us. We’re very lazy, "she said. Most teenagers have only time for their homework. They don't learn any life skills until they go to college. However, Sima Yige doesn't think so. "I think I'd be all right. I wouldn't just eat sandwiches or fruit. I know how to cook, some simple dishes because my mum showed me," the 13 - year - old boy said. In his opinion, many teenagers depend too much on their parents, and there is much more to learn than cooking, like "tidying up your room or even dressing yourself properly." For most teenagers it wouldn't be a holiday at all. 71. Why would Zheng Chenyu probably burn the soup? ________________________________________ 72. When will Zheng Chenyu learn to cook? ________________________________________ 73. Translate the underlined sentence "They don't learn any life skills until they go to college. " in this passage.  ________________________________________ 74. The underlined phrase "depend too much" on in the passage means __________ in Chinese. 75. Would life be as easy for teenagers living alone as when their parents are around? ________________________________________ 答案: 71. Because he can’t cook anything else. 72. As soon as he leaves home. 73.,他们直到上大学才学会生活的技能。 74. 过分依赖于 75. No, it won’t. 任务型阅读第一类(15)来自:黑龙江齐齐哈尔 Have you heard about “Survival (生存) Holidays”? “Survival Holidays” is for children to go into the lonely place for exciting activities. Now about 1,100 companies are allowed to take children into the great outdoors without their parents. The reason why people like “Survival Holidays” is that they think being close to nature is good for children. Many children in big cities spend all time watching TV and playing computer games. “Survival Holidays” gives them an important change. Is “Survival Holidays” a wonderful idea? Maybe it is. Children need more free time to play. They need to be left on their own, without adults disturbing (打扰) them. Parents care too much about their children. They like to see the children being busy with activities that are controlled by adults, but children don’t know what to do when they are in danger. Even something like crossing a small river seems to be a hard challenge. Children are not comfortable with danger. Even small danger like getting their feet wet or falling down seems very terrible to them. Many people think the survival activities are good for children. Even years later, they will still remember what they have learned. Some have learned to stay calm in different times. Some have learned how to keep safe. Others have learned how to work in a team. All these skills will help them a lot in their lives. Answer the following questions according to what you read. 81. Is “Survival Holidays” for children or parents? 82. Why do people like “Survival Holidays”? 83. What do the children in big cities usually do? 84. How do children feel when they are in danger? 85. What can children learn in the survival activities? 答案: 81. Children./ For children. / It’s for children. 82. Because they think being close to nature is good for children. /Because they think the survival activities are good for children. 83. They usually watch TV and play computer games./To watch TV and play computer games./Watching TV and playing computer games./What they do is to watch TV and play computer games./What they do is watching TV and playing computer games. 84. They don’t know what to do./They feel uncomfortable (terrible)./Not comfortable. /Uncomfortable./Terrible./ They don’t feel comfortable. 85. They can learn some survival skills. / They can learn to stay calm in different times, keep safe and work in team. 任务型阅读第一类(16)来自:山东潍坊 Tigers are fierce animals. They are the bosses of the Asian jungles with their cleverness, quickness and strength. A pussycat, on the other hand, is a homebody that comforts us with its gentle warmth and calms us with its purring. As a mother, the Chinese-American writer Amy Chua is definitely a tiger. Her book, Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother(虎妈战歌) . tells of the strict upbringing she gave her two children. She thinks that being strict is the only way to develop a child's potential( 潜力) and to make them strong, independent and successful. Her kids were not allowed to watch TV or play video games. They were not allowed to "hang out" with other kids after school. They had to be the top students in their classes. And they had to practice the piano and violin for hours every day. As a result, her kids became successful. She admits this caused a lot of tears and anger but she has few regrets (后悔). Chua says, like her, most Asian mothers are tigers because they believe their children can achieve a lot if they're pushed hard enough. She says American mothers are really pussycats. They care more about their children's self-esteem (自尊). They don't want to push their kids too hard for fear of hurting their feelings. American mothers encourage their children to find their own path. So, is a tiger mom better than a pussycat? Perhaps it depends on the differences between Asian and Western cultures. It may also depend on the child himself. Some kids need to be pushed while others respond to a gentler hand. To growl or to purr? There is no easy answer. 1. What's the Tiger Mother, Amy Chua's idea on children's education? (根据短文内容回答问题) ______________________________________________________________________________ 2. How did Amy Chua's kids become successful? (根据短文内容列举两条) (1)__________________________________________________________________________ (2)___________________________________________________________________________ 3. Why are most Asian mothers tigers? (根据短文内容回答问题) ____________________________________________________________________________ 4. 请将第三段中句子翻译成汉语。 ___________________________________________________________________________ 5. What kind of mother would you like, a tiger or a pussycat? And why? (先回答,然后至少写一个句子说明原因) ____________________________________________________________________________ 答案: 1. She thinks that being strict is the only way to develop a child's potential and to make them strong, independent and successful. 2. (1) They were not allowed to watch TV or play video games. (2) They were not allowed to "hang out" with other kids after school. (3) They had to be the top students in their classes. (4) They had to practice the piano and violin for hours every day. 3. Because they believe their children can achieve a lot if they're pushed hard enough.  4.美国妈妈鼓励孩子们寻找自己的人生道路。 5. I’d like a tiger mother. Because it seems to be strict, but it's good for me. /I'd like a pussycat mother. Because I hate to be pushed hard. 任务型阅读第一类(17)来自:黑龙江省龙东地区 Many famous people had dreams when they were young. They often worked hard to make their dreams come true. When I was only 13 years old, I first thought about what I should do in the future. I used to dream about being a basketball player, a soccer player, or a baseball player. However, I gave up these dreams because I was too short. Then I thought about going into music, so I bought a guitar. But I couldn’t play it very well. Then I had to give up my dream again. After that I thought about being a reporter and I worked really hard at it. At the age of 25, my dream came true and I became a reporter. Finally, I learned the truth about making dreams come true. I should never give up and I must work hard. Answer the questions according to the passage. 81. How old was the writer when he first had a dream? 82. Why did he give up being a basketball player? 83. How many dreams did he give up? 84. Did his dream come true at last? 85. What can you learn from this passage? 答案: 81. He was 13 years old when he first had a dream. / 13. / 13 years old. / When he was 13. 82. Because he was too short. 83. 4. / He gave up four dreams. 84. Yes, it did. 85. I should never give up my dream and I must work hard. / I should never give up my dream and I must work hard at it. / We should never give up our dreams and we must work hard. / We should never give up our dreams and we must work hard at them. 任务型阅读第一类(18)来自: 四川眉山 A poor farmer had a friend who was famous for the wonderful apple tree he grew. One day, his friend gave the farmer a young apple tree and told him to plant it. The farmer was pleased with the gift, but he did not know where to plant it. He was afraid that if he planted the tree near the road, strangers would steal the fruit. If he planted the tree in one of his fields, his neighbors would come at night and steal some of the apples. If he planted the tree near his house, his children would take the fruit. Finally he planted the tree in his wood. But without sunlight and good soil(土壤),the tree soon died, Later the friend asked the farmer why he had planted the tree in such a poor place. "What's the difference? " the farmer said angrily and then told what he had thought. "Yes," said the friend, "but at least someone could have enjoyed the fruit. Now you not only have robbed everyone of the fruit, but also you have destroyed (毁掉) a good apple tree !" 61. Was the farmer famous for planting the apple tree? 62. What gift did the farmer get from his friend one day? 63. Did the farmer plant the apple tree near his house or in his wood at last? 64. Why did the apple tree soon die? 65. Who destroyed the apple tree? 答案: 61 No, he wasn’t / No. 62 A young apple tree. / He got a young apple tree from his friend. 63  In his wood. 64  Without sunlight and good soil . / Because there was no sunlight or good soil. 65 The farmer(did). 任务型阅读第一类(20)来自:湖南湘潭 Elizabeth lived with her six children in a small house. One winter, there was a big flood(洪水) ,and quite a few houses were washed away, but Elizabeth's house was high enough to escape it. Elizabeth helped one of the families which had lost everything. She shared her home until the family could build a new house. Elizabeth's friends could not understand her since she already had so many children to take care. "Well," Elizabeth explained to her friends, at the end of World War II, there was a poor woman in a town in England .Her husband had been killed in the war and she had a lot of children, just like me now .The day before Christmas, this woman said to her children, “We won't be able to have much for Christmas. I'm going to get just one present for us all .Now I'll go and get it. She came back with a little girl who had no parents .Here's our present, she said to her own children. The children were more than excited to get such a present. They welcomed the little girl warmly, and she grow up as their sister. I was that Christmas present." 53. How many children did Elizabeth have?, 54. What did Elizabeth do after the flood? 55. The Christmas present was Elizabeth herself, wasn't it? 56. What do you learn from the story? 答案: 53 She had six children / Six 54. She helped one of the family which had lost everything. (She shared her home until the family could build a new house.) 55 Yes, it was. 56. We should try to help those who are in trouble. 任务型阅读第一类(20)来自:湖南湘西 This is Kate Smith. She is 13 years old. She lives in Guangzhou. She studies in No.10 Middle school. Her parents work there. They are both English teachers. They are form the UK. She likes eating junk food. She doesn’t like playing sports. She has one healthy habit: She sleeps for 9 hours every night. Kate Smith has a brother. His name is Jack Smith. He is 11 years old. He doesn’t eat junk food. He likes playing sports. He often runs, plays basketball, and goes swimming. He eats fruit every day. He likes eating vegetables. But he has an unhealthy habit: He sleeps for 6 hours every night. 66. How old is Kate Smith? ______________________________________________________________________________ 67. Where does Kate live? ______________________________________________________________________________ 68. What does Kate like eating? ______________________________________________________________________________ 69. What does Jack eat every day? ______________________________________________________________________________ 70. How many hours does Jack sleep every night? ______________________________________________________________________________ 答案:66. 13/ She is 13 years old. 67. She lives in Guangzhou. 68. She likes eating junk food. 69. He eats fruit every day. 70. He sleeps for 6 hours every night. 任务型阅读第一类(21)来自:湖南岳阳 Have you seen the videos on TV? Do you wear large T-skirts and baggy jeans? Or have you heard someone rap(说唱)? Hip-Hop is very hot now. Hip-Hop music was started in the middle of the 1970s by African Americans in New York. The music, break-dancing(霹雳舞) and graffiti (涂鸦) make up Western Hip-Hop culture. Most of the Hip-Hop songs are about love, jobs or even games. Usually in rap, singers speak words very quickly to a certain beat. Most of the words are fun. Singers play off words to make fun of themselves or others. Hip-Hop music has few rules. Singers just do what they think and rap it out in a clever or creative(创造性的)way. It makes a lot of teenagers fall in love with the music. Many of them like wearing large T-shirts and baggy jeans. Famous rap and Hip-Hop stars include Eminem in the US. and Jay Chou from China. Today Hip-Hop is more and more popular across most of the world. 61. Is Hip-Hop very hot now? 62. When was Hip-Hop music started? 63. What are most of the Hip-Hop songs about? 64. Does Hip-Hop have many rules or few rules? 65. Why do a lot of teenagers fall in love with the music? 答案:61. Yes, it is. 62. It was started in the middle of the 1970s. / In the middle of the 1970s. 63. They are about love, jobs and even games. / Love, jobs and even games. 64. It has few rules. / Few rules. 65. Because singers lust do what they think and rap it out in a clever or creative way. 任务型阅读第二类:阅读短文填写单词(保持原题号不变) 任务型阅读第二类(1)来自:江苏徐州 Hi everyone, I’ve been in Xuzhou for over a week now. I’m having a g   56 time. During the first f 57 days I visited some tourist attractions — Yunlong Lake, Yunlong Hill, Guishan Han Tomb(汉墓), etc. Most p 58  were crowded with tourists, so yesterday I went shopping and I b  59 some souvenirs. Today I went to an interesting art gallery. I got lost on my w 60 back to the hotel, but it didn’t matter— I found a really good market w 61  lots of small shops. I ate in the hotel the first night, but usually I go out and have dinner in a restaurant b  62 the food is fantastic. I’ve s  63  a lot of money, but it’s certainly worth it. I like people in Xuzhou. They are s  64 nice people! I’ve taken many photos so you’ll be able to see f  65 yourself when I come back home next Wednesday. See you then! 答案: 56. great  57. five  58. places  59. bought  60. way  61. with  62. because  63.  spent  64. such  65. for 任务型阅读第二类(2)来自:江苏泰州 Your math teacher may wear old-fashioned clothes and always pronounce your name wrongly. Your English teacher may love to start classes with tests. Perhaps it is hard f  1  you to accept these. But they eat pizza, go to movies and enjoy sports at weekends, just like you. So how can you g  2  along with your teachers? Here are some tips. F  3  ,do the following things: Don’t be late for school. H  4  in your homework on time. Be polite to your teachers. Second, show an interest in the subject. Even if you are not g  5  at your math or English, you should do your b  6  to learn it and show your teacher that you are a hardworking student. You can also come to your teacher during his/her spare time. Use this time to get some help or talk about your progress in class. You may be surprised to learn that your teacher is more relaxed in his/her free time t  7  in his/her working hours. A good relationship with your teachers will help you now and in the f  8  .There may be some t  9  you will always remember because they change you and your life. After f  10   school, you may even go back to visit them. And they are always proud of that. 答案: 1.for 2.get 3.First 4.Hand 5.good 6.best 7.than  8.future 9.things  10.finishing 任务型阅读第二类(3)来自:江苏扬州 You’re standing with your classmates. E  66  is talking except you. Perhaps you’re afraid they will laugh at when you say. Maybe you just aren’t b  67  enough to speak. Shyness is like a snake that crawls(爬进)into our mouth and s  68  us speaking. But we shouldn’t let it stay there. I am 29 years old. Even today, that snake still sometimes v  69  me. When I was in high school, I was so shy that I wouldn’t talk to anyone except my parents and best friends. If a stranger asked me the w  70  to a local shop, it was as if I’d forgotten how to talk. One summer, I got a j  71  in a restaurant and that helped a lot. It meant I had to talk to customers(顾客). I had to tell them how m  72  their meal cost. I had to ask them if they want to drink Coke or Sprite. This job taught me how to speak with people. You may be too young to find a part-time job. But you can look for other c  73  to speak with people. You can offer to help an old woman carry her heavy bag. O  74  you can go to get a newspaper for your family. If you do these things for a while, the ‘shyness’ snake will soon begin to l  75  you alone. It’ll look for another mouth to crawl into. 答案:66. Everyone    67. brave            68. stops            69. visits            70. way 71. job            72. much            73. chances        74. Or            75. leave 任务型阅读第二类(4)来自:广东佛山 Tuesday, 4th May Hurray! I’ve just met my all-time hero — Wong Kam-Po. I’ve seen him many t  66    on television, but it was fantastic to meet him in person because c  67    is my favourite sport. I’d love to be a professional cyclist (自行车手) one day. I arrived at Shangri-La Hotel on Sunday to meet my family for lunch, when I found out that Wong Kam-po was giving a talk there. I decided to l  68    to the talk instead. Wong talked about w  69    the gold medal at the 2006 Asian Games. He said he felt very p  70      of himself and his teammates. He explained how he and his team prepared themselves for races. After the talk, I went up to him and introduced m  71    . I asked him f  72    some advice to improve my riding skills. I was a bit nervous s  73    I couldn’t express myself very well. Wong said that we needed to believe in ourselves and should never give u  74    . It was a fantastic e  75      and I really enjoyed talking to my hero! 答案:66. times    67. cycling  68. listen  69. won  70. proud  71. myself  72. first    73. so    74. up    75. experience 任务型阅读第二类(5)来自:浙江绍兴 In Beijing, it is not unusual to see a foreigner. However, in small 61 (城镇), we can be seen as a "panda", something you have heard about but 62 (几乎不) or never seen in person. My wife is Chinese and the first time 1 met her parents we went to their home in a 63 (西部的) province. We arrived in the afternoon and went inside to eat and 64 (闲聊). After 1 had a short rest. I was told that there was a 65 (群) of people on the street waiting for a chance to see the "panda". Then I decided I should show 66 (我自己) so that everyone could go back to their 67 (日常的) lives. After I had gone back inside that evening, we 68 (注意到) that some other people were out on the street. They would have to wait 69 (直到|) the next day to see the "panda". The kids next to the home were surprised when they saw me 70 (步行) down the road. They were shouting "Foreigner! Foreigner!" as they along with me. Please remember that there is a place in this world where every one of us would be a "panda". 答案:61. towns     62. hardly     63. western 64, chat         65. group     66. myself     67. daily / everyday 68. noticed     69. until / till     70. walking 任务型阅读第二类(6)来自: 呼和浩特 Sally was a student in a small town. It was going to her mother’s birthday. She wanted to buy her a present that would be nice and useful but not e      71  . She went s      72  after a quick and simple lunch. After she looked for about forty minutes, she found a shop that was selling cheap umbrellas, and she d    73  to take a black one. She thought, “Mom can carry it when she is wearing clothes of  a      74  color.” So she bought a lovely black umbrella and took it to school with her until her classfinished. On her way home on the train she felt h    75. So she went to the buffet car (餐车). She left the umbrella on her s    76  . But when she returned, it had gone. Sally began to cry. The other passengers felt very sorry for her and asked what the matter was. She told them the black umbrella she bought for her mother had gone, and she had to get off at the next station. After the three passengers h    77 this , they asked her for her mother’s a      78  so that they could send the umbrella to her if someone took it by mistake (弄错) and brought it b      79. And now a week passed. Sally got a letter from her mother. It said, “Thank you very much for your lovely g    80, but why do you send me three black umbrellas?” 71. e      72. s      73. d      74. a      75. h      76. s      77. h      78. a      79. b        80. g      71. expensive 72. shopping 73. decided 74. any 75. hungry 76. seat 77. heard 78. address 79. back 80. gifts 任务型阅读第二类(7)来自:江苏南京 As we know, museums are building where many valuable and important objects are kept so that people can go and see them. For example, art museums are places where people can learn about v 1 cultures. More and more popular “design museums” that are opening today, however, perform quite a different role. U 2 most are museums, the design museum shows objects that are easily found in our daily life, such as fridges and washing machines. The a 3 of design museums is that they are places where people feel familiar with the exhibits(展品). Being different from the art museum visitors, design museum visitors s 4 feel frightened or puzzled. This is partly because design museums clearly show how and why mass-products(批量产品) work and look as they do, and how design has i 5 the quality of our lives. Art museum exhibits, on the other hand, would most probably fill visitors with a feeling that there is something b 6 their understanding. Several new design museums have opened their doors in r 7 years. Each of these museums has tried to satisfy(满足) the public’s growing interest in the field with new i 8 . London’s Design Museum, for example, shows a collection of mass-produced objects from electric typewriters to a group of Italian fish-tins. The choices open to design museums seem f 9 less strict than those to art museum, and visitors may also sense(感觉到) the humorous part of our society while walking around such exhibits as interesting and unusually attractive toys c 10 from our everyday life.  答案: 1. various    2. Unlike    3. advantage  4. seldom    5. improved 6. beyond    7. recent    8. ideas      9. far        10. collected 任务型阅读第二类(8)来自:江苏无锡 In many countries, people t__________ (1) by car or by bike. They also get from place to place using p__________ (2) transport such as buses and trains. However, some people live in parts of the world where it is i__________ (3) to build roads. In these places, animals or other f__________ (4) of transport have to be used. It is difficult to w__________ (5) in snow but easy to ski over it. So in places like Alaska, people use skis. If they want to go faster, they get dogs to p__________ (6) them on sleds(雪橇). Riding a snowmobile(雪地摩托) is a more m__________ (7), but expensive way of getting around on snow. In desert(沙漠) like the Sahara in North Africa, people s__________ (8) get around on camels. Camels survive w__________ (9) in the desert, not because they can s__________ (10) water in their bodies though! They can survive without water for two weeks and without f__________ (11) for up to a month. H__________ (12) can only go without water for about three to five days. 答案:1. travel 2. popular 3. impossible  4. 5. walk 6. pull 7. modern8. sometimes 9. well 10.save 11 food  12. He 任务型阅读第二类(9)来自:江苏盐城 用方框中所给词语的适当形式填空,使短文正确、通顺、连贯(每词限用一次)。 job, chance, fourth, why, live, easy, honest, good, in order to, come out   Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. I'm here today to share a good lesson with you. It is a true story about an overseas student   71  in Germany. After years of hard work, this student graduated with amazing achievements. Everyone thought he was going to get a good   72  easily and have a bright future. But to his disappointment, he was not even given the   73  for an interview! The third time he was refused, he couldn't help telephoning the company to ask   74  they didn't want him. The answer was simple. “ We don't offer jobs to   75  people in Germany.” What was wrong, you might wonder? The truth is, shortly after he arrived in Germany, this clever student found that it was   76  to skip buying subway tickets. So   77  save money, he often went without a ticket. As a result, he had been caught without a ticket in the subway   78  times. From this story, we learn that we may get short-term benefits in dishonest ways, but the truth will   79  sooner or later and the cost is high. So remember: honesty is the   80  rule. That's all for my speech. Thank you! 答案:71. living  72. job 73. chance  74. why 75. dishonest 76.easy  77.in order to  78. four  79. come out  80. best 任务型阅读第二类(10)来自:山东德州 She is Liu Hui ,a middle school student in Anhui, one of the “ stay-at-home children” in her town. Liu Hui is 12 years old and lives (66) w _________ her sister. Her parents left home to make money in big cities when she was (67) o ________ four. Liu Hui has to take (68) c _________ of her younger sister. They have to stay at home alone (69) b ________ they have to go to school. “I used to feel (70) s ________ without my parents at home,” she said, “but now I know (71) w _________ they do so. They have to go away to make money for (72) u _________ so that we can live a better life.” Every day, Liu Hui gets up at 6:30 a.m. and cooks (73) b ______________. Then the two girls go to school. They have supper at 6:00 p.m. Then Liu Hui does housework and (74) h _____________ her sister with her homework. She usually goes to bed at 9:30 p.m. Though busy, Liu Hui is still the (75) b ________ student in her class. She said, “My life is OK. But I still hope my parents will come back and live with us.” 答案:66. with  67. only  68. care  69. because    70. sad/sorry    71. why  72. us    73. breakfast  74. helps  75. best  任务型阅读第二类(11)来自:山东菏泽 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容用方框内所给词语的适当形式填空,使短文语义完整。(请你一定要注意词语的形式变化!) to must ask unusual it when early who notice if   My name is Jim White. I live in America. I had a very   (66)   experience on Sunday. I saw a UFO in the daytime.   (67)  this spring, I went outside with my friend Bill (68) lived close to me. We were walking to a hill (69) I saw a large bright light dancing in the sky. I called Jim and asked him to look up. He kept (70) , “What is that?” “A UFO!” I shouted excitedly. I  (71)  it was round and red in the center.  After we looked at (72) for a moment, we found it seemed that it had wings, but it was still round. Bill would not believe me when I told him it (73) be a UFO. We shouted (74) it and we wished that it would land. We wanted to know (75)  there was an alien in it. But soon it disappeared. I guessed we scared it off. Do you believe me? It’s a true story. 请将答案写在下面的横线上:  66. ______ 67. ______ 68. _____ . 69. ______ 70. ______ 71. ______ 72. ______ 73. ______ 74. ______ 75. ______ 答案:66. unusual  67.Early  68. who    69. when  70. asking  71. noticed    72. it    73. must    74. to      75. if 任务型阅读第二类(12)来自:湖北咸宁 How times flies! Junior 3 students will take the senior high school student entrance exam. They are studying hard for this big challenge, and they are also (66)w      about it. Do they have time to do something to celebrate their middle school years? Many do. Liu Jia, 14, from Beijing said that in her class students are (67)w      goodbye messages or letters for each other. They are also giving photos to each other. “Even the head teacher has a project,” said Liu. “She (68)p      to put all our class photos onto a CD and give each student one.” Li Wei, 14, in Xianning, Hubei said that their English teacher Ms Deng asks them to write what they want to be when they (69)g      up on the paper. She likes her students to come back after they graduate, and share their teen-time dreams together. Doing that (70)e      her students to work harder for their future. Chen Ze, 15, in Guangzhou said his classmates are making “lucky stars” as graduation (71)g      . The cheerful stars are (72)m      of colored paper. “(73)B      you make a lucky star, you write some words for the person on the paper,” said Chen. “He or she can read the words after they open the star.” In Xiao Xing’s school, each Junior 3 student will get a yearbook, in which the graduation classes will put their photos and self-introductions(自我介绍). Xiao said, “ We have written a (74)p      in the ancient style as the self-introduction!” “Our class may be not the one with the best school grade but it must be the (75)m    creative one,” said Xiao. “ I feel (76)p      of studying in such a class!” What good ideas! I think all those will (77)r      them of their good days. 答案:66.worried  67.writing    68.plans/prepares 69.grow  70.encourages  71.gifts 72.made    73.Before    74.poem        75.most  76.proud      77.remind 任务型阅读第二类(13)来自:山东临沂 Teenagers are always stressed out now. They are often too busy to think about their diets and exercise. The truth is, healthy eating, along with regular exercise. Is the only way to k___83_fit. During your teenage years, it is important to give your body the energy it needs. Teenager girls need about 2,200 calories(卡路里)a day and boys need a bit more. Doctors suggest 2,800 calories for teenage boys. 50% of your calories should come f 84 rice, bread, vegetables and fruit. You also need to d  85  a lot of water, six to eight glasses a day. Enough water will improve your skin and give you healthy hair. Exercise can help to make you look good, feel good and be healthy. Scientists suggest that teenagers should spend at l  86 30 minutes exercising every day. When you exercise, your body produces something. It makes you feel r  87 and energetic. It can even help you sleep better at night and let you pay more a 88 when you study. Let’s eat healthily and take regular exercise. 83 k_______  84. f _______  85. d _______ 86. l _______  87. r _______  88. a _______ 答案:83. keep 84. from 85. drink 86. least 87. relaxed 88. attention 任务型阅读第二类(14)来自:山东烟台 “Sorry” is a word that people in Britain often say in their daily life. One day while I was w  1  on the street, a young man ran by hurriedly, brushing(轻擦)against my handbag. He continued his way, but turned b  2  and said “sorry” to me. Even in a rush, he didn’t f  3    to say “sorry”. One day, after I bought some bananas, the shopkeeper was passing me the change, but I wasn’t ready for it and a coin dropped onto the ground. “Sorry, Madam,” he said w  4  bending to pick it up. I was s  5    why he said “sorry” to me. Another time, I stepped on a man’s f  6  at the entrance to a cinema. At the same time, we b  7  said “sorry”. Slowly, I got to know that when something unpleasant happens in daily life, the British don’t c   8    much about who is wrong. If someone is in trouble, a “sorry” is always n  9    .  Perhaps that is w  10    I seldom see people quarrel on the buses or streets in Britain. 1. _____________ 2. _____________ 3. _____________ 4. _____________ 5. ______________ 6. _____________ 7. _____________ 8. _____________ 9. _____________ 10. _____________ 答案: 1. walking  2. back  3.forget/ fail  4. while    5.surprised    6. foot/ feet  7. both  8.care    9. necessary  10. why    任务型阅读第二类(15)来自:广东河源 阅读下面短文,并借助上下文和插图补充所缺信息。每个空格只能填写一个形式正确、意义相符的单词。请将答案填写在答题卡相应题目的答题位置上。 Last Sunday, my classmates and I went to Guishan Hill for a picnic. The (71)______ was fine and all of us were excited and happy. We went there by (72)_______ with fruit, eggs, meat, vegetables, cookers and some other things. About an hour later, we (73)_______ at the foot of the hill. There was s big lake and many green trees. Birds were singing songs. How wonderful they were! At noon all of us were busy preparing (74)_________ the picnic. Some of us were getting the water, some were cooking, and (75)_________ were putting a big cloth on the grass. At one o’clock in the afternoon, the lunch was (76)________. After lunch, we (77)________ a great time singing dancing, drinking and talking.(78)_______ three 0’clock,we began to climb the hill. The hill was quite high, but we all tried to (79)________ to the top of it. On the (80)________ of the hill, we felt that we were much closer to the sky, and we saw the flying birds more clearly. 答案: 71. weather  72. bike  73. arrived  74. for  75. others  76. ready  77. had  78. At  79. get  80. top 任务型阅读第二类(16)来自:四川达州 You have probably never heard of Amy Winterbourne, but she is a most u70    woman. She lives in a house that she built herself out o 71  trash. Well, the stuff used to be called trash, but now it’s called “recycled” material. The windows and doors came from old buildings around the town that were being pulled down. The walls are made from old glass bottles that are g 72  together. The roof is made from d 73    tiles. And the fence is built out of used soda cans. Amy recently won an a74  from the Help Save Our Planet Society. The president Jackson Smith said, “Amy is an i 75      to us all.” 70. u                    71. o                    72. g          73.d                    74. a                    75. i              答案:70. unusual        71. of        72. glued  73.discarded      74. award      75. inspiration 任务型阅读第二类(17)来自:山东东营 Coober Pedy is a small town in the Australian desert (沙漠). It's famous not only for its opals (猫眼石) , but also for a very unusual(71) r________—the people live and work underground. Why do people choose to live under the ground? To avoid (避开) the(72) h_______ days and cold nights-daytime temperatures can rise to 50 °C or more and on a cold night they can fall to (73) z_______. The locals say that their strange lifestyle is the only answer(74) t________ the unpleasant climate (气候) . In the underground homes, the temperature is always a very pleasant 19°C to 24°C .But that's not the only advantage ; the people there don't need to pay builders if (75) t_______ want to build a home or make any changes. You would be very surprised to see (76) h________ well people manage to live underground. They have modern kitchens and bathrooms, sometimes even spas (温泉)“People think it's impossible to live here and that we're like ancient people, (77 ) b_______ that's not true. " says Bev Smith, who has lived in Coober Pedy for over 30 years. When my husband, Larry, and I first came here, life was very ( 78 ) d _______ and many people decided to leave. But now, things have (79) c________ a lot and we’re very comfortable. We now have underground shops, hotels, restaurants, cafes and churches!” Abigail and Brian Tynan (80) 1_______ their large house in Melbourne(墨尔本) two years ago to have in an underground home. "My mouth fell open when I saw my wonderful underground home," remembers Brian. " I really enjoy living here. " 答案:71. reason  72. hot  73. zero  74. to  75. they    76. how  77. but 78. difficult  79. changed  80. left 任务型阅读第二类(18)来自:四川德阳 At school many things happen to us. We may feel excited when we succeed in a school play. We may feel sorry if we lose an important _76 g____. We want to keep the memory(记忆)in our lives. How to keep memories? Our teacher, Mr. Smith, has taught us how to _77 r___ things to make our own yearbook. A yearbook is a kind of book which is used to memory exciting moments. It’s usually made at the end of year. Last _78 D___, we began to make our yearbook. First we chose the persons that had done something special, then some students interviewed them, some _79 w____ down their stories, others took photos of them. Finally our teacher helped us to put the things _80 t____. Then we had our first yearbook. 76 __________ 77 __________ 78 __________ 79 ___________ 80 __________ 答案:76. game            77. remember      78. December      79. wrote        80. together 任务型阅读第二类(19)来自:四川广安 It's very important for us to keep h___1_____in our everyday life. Here is some a____2____for you. First, you should have healthy diet. Different food helps us in different w_____3____. You should eat more fruit and vegetables instead o____4____hamburgers, Beijing roast duck and so on. If you choose the right food, you can have healthy eating habits. Second, doing exercise is good f___5_____your health. For example, climbing mountains, riding bikes or swimming. Third, you should s_____6____at least eight hours a day and you shouldn't work or study too hard. Finally, remember that s ____7____is bad for your health, so don't smoke, you will become m____8__healthier. 1._______ 2.________ 3.________4.________ 5.________ 6._______7._______ __8.________ 答案:1. healthy 2. advice 3. ways 4. of 5. for 6. sleep 7. smoking 8.much 任务型阅读第二类(20)来自:四川广元 The generation gap (代沟) has become a serious problem. It’s reported that some children have killed themselves a ___79_ arguing with their parents. I think this is because they don’t have a good t ___80__ with each other. Parents now spend more time in the office, so they don’t have much time to s __81__ with their children.  As time passes, they both feel that they don't have the s __82__ topic (话题) to talk about. I think parents should be more with children, get to know them and understand them. And for children, show your feeling to your parents. They really love you. So t __83__ them your thoughts (想法). In this way, you can have a better understanding of each other. 79. ______  80._______  81. _______  82. ________  83. _______ 答案:79. after    80. talk    81. stay  82. same  83. tell 四川广元 任务型阅读第二类(21)来自:四川南充 Did you know that tea, the most popular drink in the world (after water), was invented by accident? Although tea wasn't brought to the Western world u 71 1610, this beverage was discovered over three thousand y 72 before that. According to an ancient Chinese legend, the emperor Shen Nong discovered tea when he was b 73 drinking water over an open fire. Some leaves from a nearby bush fell into the water and remained there for some time. The emperor noticed that the leaves in the water produced a pleasant smell. L 74 he decided to taste the hot mixture. It was quite d  75 And in this way, one of the world's favorite drinks was invented. 答案: 71. until  72. years  73. beginning  74. Later  75. delicious 任务型阅读第二类(22)来自:四川凉山 Nowadays, it’s common to keep dogs as pets. We can often see dogs’ owners taking them for a walk. But have you h  86  of taking penguins for a walk? Here i  87  a piece of news from Japan. In Tokyo Zoo, penguins go out for a walk in line every day. It is said that this can make them happy and stop them from being homesick(想家的).The penguins in the zoo didn’t eat as w  88  as they did in South Pole(南极) and they were u  89  to the keepers when they first got to the zoo, maybe they were not used to the life in the zoo. So the zoo keepers c  90  up with this good idea. They just let them walk as they did in South Pole. Now, all these penguins have become happy. 86._________  87.__________  88.___________  89.____________  90.__________ 答案:86. heard  87. is  88. well(wonderfully)  89.unfriendly(unpleasant)  90.came 任务型阅读第二类(23)来自: 山东淄博 When Mike was walking through the town, he noticed a stranger man. The stranger looked at him with a big frown(皱眉)and it made Mike very uncomfortable. Mike did nothing w_____71___ , but the man still frowned at him. He was so angry that he frowned at the man with his tongue(舌) out. And he found most of the people around looked unhappy and frowned. Mike wondered w____72____ so many people frowned at each other. A clever idea came into Mike’s head. He should s____73____ first. It seemed silly at first, but he want to h_____74___ a try. When a woman walked towards him, he smiled a___75___ her and the lady smiled at him, and most of the people smiled at him, too. Everybody seemed happy b______76_____ of the smile of the clever boy. Then Mike once again met the stranger and the man still looked at him w____77___ a frown. Mike had a good idea. He smiled a big smile w___78___ the man passed him. The man stopped, looking at Mike’s face and he started to smile. The two strangers laughed and they b_____79_____ felt happy. Just a smile lifts you up f____80____ a feeling of down. So when you see a man with a frown, put a smile on your face. And you’ll find that the world is a happy place. 71._______      72._______    73. _______  74. _______ 75.________ 76._______    77.________  78._______  79. ________ 80._________ 答案:71. wrong  72.why    73.smile  74. have    75.at  76.because  77. with  78. when  79. both    80. from 任务型阅读第二类(24)来自:湖北武汉  The worst traveler in the world was Paul of San Francisco. Once he f____(76) from the U.S. to his hometown in Italy to see someone at home. The plane made a one-hour stop to get oil at an airport in New York. Paul thought he was in Rome. C____(77), he got off the plane. When nobody was there to meet him, Paul thought maybe the heavy t____(78) made his friends late. While looking for their address, Paul found that the old “Rome” had changed a lot. He found many high m____(79) buildings instead of old ones. He also found that many people spoke English but not Italian and that many street signs were w____ (80) in English. Paul knew  very l____(81) English. So he asked a policeman in Italian the way to the bus station. He happened to meet a policeman who was also born in Italy and answered in the same l____(82). After twelve hours’ traveling round on a bus, the driver handed him over to a____(83) policeman. But this time, this policeman could only speak English. So Paul asked the policeman why the Rome police employed(雇佣)so many people who spoke English as policemen. Paul didn’t b____(84) he was in New York when he was told so. To get him on a plane to Italy, he was s____(85) to the airport in a police car. 答案: 76.flew 77.Certainly 78.traccffic 79.modern 80.written 81.little 82.language 83.another 84.believe 85.sent 任务型阅读第二类(25)来自:湖南湘潭 Dear grandma, How's it going? I hope that grandpa is well now, I was sorry to (61)h  that he had a cold last week I hope you are in good  (62) h  . Things are fine here, I (63) f  my end-of-year exams last week and got my report (64)c  today. I always get (65) 紧张 when I see me envelope from school in the mail. put luckily I did OK this time. I had a hard time with science this semester and I wasn't surprised to find that my worst report was from my science teacher She said I was (66) 懒惰. which isn't true it's just that I find science really difficult. (67) 另一个disappointing result was in history. My history teacher said I could do (68) 更好 The good news is that my (69)数学  teacher said I was hard-working. And my Spanish teacher said my listening was good Well, that's about all the news I have for now. Mom and I  (70) D    send their love Love Alan 答案: 61 hear 62 health 63. finished 64 card 65. nervous 68 lazy 67 Another    68. better  69.math 70 Dad 任务型阅读第二类(26)来自:重庆 根据下面短文内容,在短文的空格处填上一个恰当的词,使短文完整、通顺。 Now students’ English handwriting(书法)gets worse and worse. That makes their teachers feel worried. Is your English handwriting beautiful? If   76  , here are four steps that really work! ◆ Use paper with lines Using paper with lines can keep you writing straight   77  of up or down when you write English words or sentences. Those lines on the paper can help you to write words in the right size. Be sure to   78  the lined space completely. And make sure those capital letters(大写字母) are written properly. ◆ Slow down If your writing is hard to read, try slowing down a little. For some kids, going slower makes the handwriting clear. If you write too   79  , it’s hard for you to stop where you should, and even worse, you may make more   80  . ◆ Hold your pencil right When you hold your pencil the correct way, writing is much   81  . Some kids press down really hard when they write. That makes the handwriting not nice. Try to be relaxed and don’t hold the pencil so hard. Let your writing appear nice and clean. If you do so, people will guess you are a student   82  a good habit. ◆     Draw more pictures Drawing can improve your handwriting. You need to use the skills to control(控制) your pencil better   83  you are drawing pictures. Even though you have no chance to draw at school, you can practice by   84  at home. Handwriting is very important. Imagine you are a world-famous movie star or a well-known sports player, what do you do when your   85  run up to you? Give them your autographs(亲笔签名), of course! 答案: 76. not    77. instead      78. fill/use            79. fast/quickly        80. mistakes 81. easier/nicer/better    82. with        83. when/while/as        84. yourself  85. fans 任务型阅读第二类(27)来自:浙江嘉兴 A. 根据短文内容和所给中文提示,写出短文空白处各单词的正确形式。每空限填一词。 These days, a Chinese girl’s travel diary has become a hit online. Zhao Xing, with only a   56  (地图), a travel bag and 30 yuan, left the Chinese mainland for the   57  (第一)time to Taiwan. At the   58  (机场), she was helped by a man who even told her his phone number. A bus driver was kind enough to   59  (叫醒)her up when she fell asleep on the ride. In Taiwan, Zhao told the man who   60  (给)her a ride that she was from Beijing. The man asked if there was   61  (任何事)else he could do to help make her journey   62  (更好的). “After coming back and thinking over everything I’ve experienced, I realized that the people impressed me the most, not the beautiful scenes or tasty food,” Zhao   63  (写)in her online diary.
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