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研究生英语系列教程 多维教程 探索 课文课后练习


研究生英语系列教程 多维教程 探索 课文课后练习 维教程·探索·部分练习参考答案1 研究生英语系列教程·多维教程·探索·部分练习参考答案1 英语   2009-10-23 16:35   阅读104   评论0   字号: 大大  中中  小小   Unit 2 Vocabulary and structure A.  1.C  2.D  3.B  4.A  5.C   6.C  7.D  8.D   9.D   10.B B.  1.going through  2. goes with  3. in response to   4. gre...

研究生英语系列教程 多维教程 探索 课文课后练习
维教程·探索·部分练习参考答案1 研究生英语系列教程·多维教程·探索·部分练习参考答案1 英语   2009-10-23 16:35   阅读104   评论0   字号: 大大  中中  小小   Unit 2 Vocabulary and structure A.  1.C  2.D  3.B  4.A  5.C   6.C  7.D  8.D   9.D   10.B B.  1.going through  2. goes with  3. in response to   4. grew up   5. be having an affair with/ have had an affair with   6. turn a blind eye to  7. hold… together   8. watching for   9.in comparison   10.draw a line between C.1.A what is  2.A than have   3.D it   4.D ignored   5.C go    6.D would he be   7.C objected to  8.C though   9.D to say something   10. C. to his feet D. Cloze   1.to  2.than  3.expressing  4.always  5.relief  6. But  7.persuade  8.cracked  9.accident  10. in turn  11.recall  12.the   13.times  14.exchanged  15.uncovered  16.solution  17.nor  18.others  19 mind  20.leave Translation and writing A  那些常常说谎又没有充足理由的人被称为病态说谎者。他们会对任何事情说谎。他们似乎无法控制说谎的冲动。对这些人的研究 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 明,他们中很多人小时候受过虐待或者来自有酗酒或有精神病家属史的家庭;也有不少人在他们生长的家庭里,真话得不到尊重,没有人说真话。他们似乎比常人更加强烈地需要得到别人的爱和别人的尊重。但事实上,他们中并非每个人都无法控制自己说谎的欲望。没人能说清为什么有些人能克制说谎而有些人却无法克制说谎。病态的说谎者往往没有亲近的或长期维持的私人关系。他们非常谨慎,通常不介绍自己的熟人相互认识以免他们将听到的东西进行比较。 通常,北美国家的父母告诫他们的孩子说谎是坏事,他们不应该说谎。如果说谎,他们应该感到内疚。在欧美文化中,对一个说谎孩子的传统惩罚是用肥皂清洗他的嘴巴。然而通过他们自己的行为,父母也会告诉孩子,在某些情况下,大多数人确实也会说谎。因此孩子在这种双重教育下长大——他们偶尔也会说谎,但是他们会感到内疚,并且不想让别人知道他们已说了慌。 B   1. Different people have different opinions about whether lying is always bad and whether it should be avoided. 2. The tallest buildings in London are small in comparison with the skyscrapers of New York. 3. The point at which people draw the line between an acceptable lie and a bad lie varies from individual to individual and culture to culture. 4. Mothers who spoil their children often turn a blind eye to the faults of their children. 5. The country needs a leader who will hold the nation together when violence breaks out. 6. A selfish man categorizes all people into two groups, those he likes and those he dislikes. 7. She felt offended at my remarks, but it wasn’t my intention to hurt her. 8. It is wrong for teachers to stereotype naughty students. 9. In some countries, a person who intentionally leaves his job can find it easy to step aside for a while, supported by unemployment insurance and other benefits. 10. She has gone through tremendous pain since her husband died.   Reading practice: 1 B    2 D     3.A    4.C    5D   Unit 3  Vocabulary and structure A   1. B       2.C       3.A       4.D     5.B    6.D      7.A     8.A    9.D    10.A B   1. was referred to as   2. take on    3. waiting around    4. piled up   5. jump ship   6. teamed up with    7. look upon    8. on their own       9. cleaned out      10. slaving away C   1.A.what   2.C. paying for  3. D. one  4. A. By  5. C. seeks   6. C. impaired  7. B. it is  8. C. hardly anything      9. A, There is      10. D. its D   1. grew    2. plant     3. see     4. inherit     5. debt     6. Among    7. likely  8. die     9. increased  10. gone      11. top        12. expected  13. in    14. face  15. only Translation and writing A   这些青年人正在确定个人与其周围社会关系的新模式.不上司与长辈影响的情况反而使他们更坚定地自行其事.他们对经历了时间考验的传统也不在乎.例如,当今的青年夫妇拒绝向更注重表面的社会生活习俗让步。在我们那一代,年轻的新娘们如果不是家住名区,如果他们家的餐具不够高雅,她们则会饱尝其苦。那时青年人对于有影响的社会关系、部队中的官职、有名的俱乐部成员身份都十分敏感。然而这一代人却坚持希望别人评价他们自身的价值。我常常听说他们小心翼翼地隐藏起出身名门的事实。他们坚持作为一个独立的人被社会接受,这产生一种空前的坦诚。一位女大学生对我说:“你知道我一直都不够诚实,我正在试图改正。”一位退伍士兵在一个男女混合的场合,当着目瞪口呆的双亲面对大家说他在战后的六个月里一直是一个“精神变态者”。这些言词说明自由的坚固性――-一种属于自己而不属于虚伪的社会习俗的自由。 B   1. Unlike the young people today, we had to take on family responsibilities and help our parents with housework when we were teenagers. 2. Generation X’ers take work seriously, but they disdain the workaholic, slave-to-the-job mentality of their parents and bosses. 3. Many young kids today can work with a variety of software programs on their own and comprehend them quickly. 4. They were referred to as the Lost Generation because they were disillusioned and did not know what to do with their new liberties. 5. The young people of diverse cultural backgrounds all have in common a love for the same clothing styles, music and entertainment. 6. Generation X has a strong propensity for fun and enjoyment, and it is a priority for them to have a good time whether they are at work, school or home. 7. Most people in China look upon their job as a career and have loyalty and commitment to the workplace. 8. Young people desire to upgrade their situation and they are always jumping ship at the hint of a better position. 9. Being spoiled by their guilt-ridden, seldom-home parents, X’ers are not ready to take over in politics, education and business. 10. Young entrepreneurs are encouraged to team up with their colleagues to do the research and create new products at unparalleled rates.   Reading Practice 1.How to manage X’ers.  2. Create conflicts.   3.Because this conflicts with their independence and embarrasses them. 4.Because they want very much to be stimulated. 5. We should make work enjoyable.   Unit 4  Vocabulary and structure A. 1-f  2-c  3-a  4-h  5-g  6-c  7-b  8-d  9-j  10-i B. 1.corporate   2. devious   3. origins   4.estate   5.greed   6.committing   7.flattering   8.shrewd    9.Electronic   10 violated C. 1.stick by   2. try his luck   3.so to speak   4.amount to   5. end up    6.was working out    7.turned out   8.seek his fortune   9.costs big bucks  10.beyond their dreams D. 1.C has furthered   2.D. a young man’s   3.B. mother-in-law’s   4.B.to live   5.C. that they eat   6. C. of   7. D. three-week-old   8.D. acting on    9.A. be cut   10. B. would have enjoyed E. 1.doing   2. no   3. seldom   4.dong   5 others   6.something  7 up  8. into  9. realizing   10 behind   11.all   12. chief   13. what   14.never  15.merely   16.sets   17.Nothing   18. discoverage   19.ruin    20.emotional Translation and writing A         卡尔文.特里林在其描述美国暴发户生活的当代故事“成功”中,讽刺了“美国梦”的观念。出色的讽刺故事的要点之一是:在故事中运用几乎可信的夸大手法。在某个事实被歪曲得几乎成真时,你相信它可能是真的——但是其实仍在怀疑——这就是好的讽刺故事所要取得的最佳效果。讽刺的另一要点是反语。反语指的是词汇的字面意义与其实际意义完全相反。反语往往有趣,但带有悲伤的意味。课文中妻子的最后几句话完全是反语。 这个年轻人在他的办公室被带上手铐带走了。当天下午的报纸头版刊登了一幅他被传讯后离开时的照片,证实了他已受到指控。照片上的他试图用他那件价值850美元的意大利名牌外套遮住他的脸。第二天的早报上,刊登了一篇篇幅很长的文章,将他作为那些出身贫寒的华尔街商人最终成为贪婪的牺牲品的代表。他的朋友和同事都避开他。 B   1. A young man of humble origins dreamed of becoming a millionaire, but he was thoroughly disillusioned because he tried to seek his fortune by means of a law-violating electronics acquisition. 2. She managed what amounted to a smile of satisfaction. 3. He ended up designing a software program to solve this problem which had been unsolved for years. 4. He went to the station in the company of his classmates to pick up his sick mother. 5. After graduation from university, he was granted a government scholarship to further his study, which was far beyond his dream. 6. He was an excellent teacher who always stuck by his students whenever they had difficulties. 7. He is nobody here in the city, but l suppose he is a somebody in his own village. 8. She said that it was her father, not herself, who was a millionaire, and that she would like to earn her own living. 9. Therefore I think we must, so to speak, adopt more extreme measures to curb inflation. 10. After his company failed because of poor management, he decided to try his luck in insurance.   Reading practice: 1.C    2.A    3.D    4.B    5.C   Unit 5 Comprehension B 1 B    2.D     3.C     4.B     5.A     6.A    7.D    8.C    9.C    10.B Vocabulary and structure A   1. spouse        2. counterpart       3. touchy        4. counseled          5. subtle 6. therapist       7. prospective       8. adorable      9. opening            10. gallivant B   1----g    2----o       3----a     4----b    5----c      6----f     7----k    8----l 9----d    10----e      11----j    12----n   13----h     14----I     15----m C   1. in public       2. holding back        3. take comfort in         4. be done with it 5. make up for it   6. is connected with     7. Aside from     8. is quite comfortable with D   1. D. until     2. C. become convinced that    3. A. cost of living    4. B. to have to suffer  5. B. facing retirement   6. D. the envy or admiration    7. C. is judged    8. B. but  9. A. is that with     10. D. fewer than those who have not E   1. with    2. happier     3. poverty      4. buy     5. presents     6. loaves    7. in    8. satisfy   9. necessities   10. incomes      11. symbols      12. as     13. admiration    14. other   15. greater  16. money     17. desire     18. varies      19. being  20. general Translation and Writing A    啊哈,钱! 也许这就是唯一像性本身一样能使两性之间的生活复杂化的东西。当一个女人的收高于她的配偶时,生活就会变得复杂了。即便是最开明的男士也会感到妻子挣的钱比他多对他是威胁。而且即使夫妻关系最融洽的夫妇也认为如果妻子收入高于丈夫,他们必须格外努力去维护这种和谐的幸福生活。 决定男女各自举和职业的性别模式通常并不是没有一点依据的。在某一社会环境中,男女的性别模式观念一般与某一时期特定的男人或女人概念密切相关。对于儿童,如果不具有某一社会中人们观念上所公认的性别特征,而仅仅是靠生理上的性别特征来辨别他们,那么他们的情感,爱好以及将来的体格上将会表现得不正常。他们必定会终生感到自己在同类中缺乏男子气或女人味。这是因为他们的文化理念是基于一系列不同的性别模式观念,而这些性别模式观念还是很有道理的。 B   1. Mr. Black felt somewhat upset when his wife pulled down $1000 a week. 2. With the increasing number of high-paid women, more and more men will be comfortable with their spouses’ success. 3. It is a tough problem for career women how to make up for the responsibility to the family that they are supposed to take on. 4. In order to comfort the patient, the doctor thought it wise to play down the serious nature of his illness. 5. It may be hard for a person to adapt to a shift in economic power if his or her self-esteem is derived mostly from a career or income. 6. A survey shows that some problems between husband and wife are connected with traditional ideas. 7. Owing to the traditional idea, some husbands still try hard to hold their wives back from working outside their houses. 8. We should make everybody realize that it is stupid to retaliate by drinking more or having an affair when a person has some problems in life. 9. Miss Wang was offered a good job in the head office of Hong Kong, but she passed it up because she had a two-year old infant. 10. A famous movie star kept up appearances in public with her husband for eleven years but recently she has announced a divorce. Reading Practice 1.C             2.A              3.B                  4.B               5.C   研究生英语 多维教程 探索 部分练习参考答案2 英语   2009-10-23 16:36   阅读47   评论0   字号: 大大  中中  小小 Unit 6 Vocabulary and structure A      1.B    2.D….  .3.A…  .4.D…  .5.C…  .6.A…  .7.A…  .8.B…  .9.B….  10.D B.   1.dignity     2. heritage     3. insight     4. ingredients    5. makes a difference    6. excellence   7. differentiates     8. been ashamed   9. believe in   10. incorporate C    1. A Just as  2. A. so    3. B. that   4. C. twice    5. A. expanding    6. C. would never have considered    7. B. is   8. D. of which     9. D. decomposes     10. B. had read D.   1. motivate     2. cross     3. accepted     4. convinced    5. variety   6. posed  7. especially    8. explain    9. difference     10. arrogant   11. reasons   12. trouble   13. aware     14. hide 15. attempt     16. neglected     17. Worse     18. assignments   19. multinational     20. right Translation and Writing A   建立与顾客的联系是Gerstner的目标。在“经济周刊”进行的一系列采访中他说道:“我是带着一种观点来到这里的(IBM),即:你与顾客共同开始新的一天,你将以顾客为中心组织工作”。这种方法在某种程度上是IBM公司在计算机服务业中迅猛发展的原因,也是华尔街突然喜欢起IBM公司的原因之一。IBM就象一台大发动机,多年来首次所有的活都开动了:新型的大型机、个人计算机和小型计算机销售情况均喜人。IBM公司努力地争取成为各家公司在公司内部网络装置中应用IBM公司产品时的不可缺少的助手。当今,计算机服务业是IBM公司增长最快的业务。     不仅IBM公司,其它公司的高层领导也试图与顾客建立良好关系。建立关系成了各大公司巨头反复强调的宗旨。西北大学的J.L.Kellogg管理学院的教授 Philip Kotler说:“越来越多的总经理意识到,他们本人就是负责销售的总经理,正在销售信誉”。他还说,“这种销售是在各公司总经理阶层中进行”。其建立的不仅是连接销售员与采购经理之间的桥梁,它还是一座连接各公司经理之桥”。 B  1. Having worked in this company for a certain period of time, most employees came to agreement on its basic beliefs. 2. Each company should keep its peculiarities which will differentiate one from another rather than strip them away. 3. More and more entrepreneurs believe in managing for profit and the common good and contributing to the well-being of the communities in which their companies are located. 4. Being one of the nation’s key universities, it is instrumental in developing the community’s culture. 5. Respecting customers and offering the best services have made us more and more competitive with large discount chains. 6. He has devoted himself to his work for the community and is passionate about what he is doing. 7. Some people believe that it does not make any sense to transplant foreign production and managerial techniques into Chinese companies. 8. In spite of the fact that we have made a great success in the development of technology, we are ashamed of the damage we have done to our environment. 9. There is no doubt that the introduction of foreign investment has made a difference to the local economic development. 10. The new scheme is open to discussion and new constructive suggestions can be incorporated.   Reading Practice 1.       Because he wanted to get a large order from a company there. 2.       He attempted to talk about business with the host. 3.       He wanted to see if the writer and the company behind him were reliable. 4.       Those who can establish a truly global partnership.     5.B   Unit 7  Vocabulary and Structure A  1—e     2—h     3—I     4---b     5—a     6—d     7—j     8—c     9—f     10—g 1. instantaneously     2. sheer        3. fling off        4. obscure     5. hypotheses 6. screwed up        7. stipulate      8. blundering      9. credulous      10. nonetheless B  1. tamper        2. infallible      3. After all        4. choked        5. embedded   6. by the book      7. endowments        8. fallible        9. conned      10. wincing C  1. B. earlier units   2. A. dictionary effectively    3. C. to illustrate    4. D. learn better   5. A. requires      6. C. has increased    7. A. when an attempt   8. D. for which   9. C. partly because it    10. A. what follows D  1. thinks      2. informed       3. with     4. challenging     5. off       6. overly       7. absorb    8. without     9. before      10. decided   11. inefficient    12. beg.     13. people      14. processing    15. can       16. that        17. indeed    18. value       19. easy     20. random Translation and Writing A    当存在两种以上的选择时,我们人类会思路活跃作出最佳选择。有时会有十种,甚至二十种不同的方法去做某事,其中肯定有一种方法是对的。然而正是这种大量的可选择性才能把我们带入一个完全崭新的领域。这个过程可称为探索而且基于人类的易犯错误性上。如果我们人类的大脑只有一个中心,只能在当正确的决定作出后才有反应,而不是象一团乱麻似的把不同的、糊涂的或清醒的神经原组合在一起。正是这些神经网络会使我们的思路好象一会儿进入绝路,一会儿跳到树上,一会儿又掉进死胡同,然后又从死胡同跳出后进入一片蓝天,沿着错的转弯处,在错误处徘徊,那么我们就会像呆在现在所处的原地,静止不前。 目前,一种被英国警察广泛使用的电脑破案方法称为“模拟影像”。由目击者描述疑犯,然后像拼图版似的用五种不同部位的特征把照片拼出。这五个部位是:发型,眼睛,鼻子,嘴巴和下巴。这种方法对寻找罪犯很有帮助,但二十件案子仅能破一件。事实上,通常几近半数的“模拟影像”是误导。造成这种情形有两个原因。第一种原因是这种模拟影像的照片与疑犯毫无相象之处。第二是相象之处太大众化而没有任何帮助。不幸的是,这种误导的想象会导致一个无辜的人被关押。  B  1. Knowing many places in China were badly flooded, actors and actresses volunteered to perform, appealing for charitable contributions from the society. 2. If you manage to get in touch with Mr. Smith, the problem will be solved easily because he is an expert in this field. 3. The advisor forgave him for mixing the two chemicals together; after all he had intended to help his advisor. 4. I want to throw away the computer I am using now for it gets stuck all the time. 5. Teachers are worried about students who seem to do everything by the book. 6. He was in a bad mood for some time and therefore he felt everything around him was screwed up. 7. We all believe that eh will succeed sooner or later though he failed more than ten times. 8. Teenagers over 16 years of age should be responsible for what they say and do, because they are considered to have the faculty for doing and saying the right thing. 9. He thought everything was within his grasp but, in fact, the result of the experiment turned out to be controversial. 10. Any average good fax machine can send a message in an instant across the ocean. Reading Practice 1.F               2.T                 3.F               4.T                5.F   Unit 12 Vocabulary and Structure A   1. casual        2. congeniality      3. niche        4. intellect       5. commitment 6. temperament   7. individuality     8. courteous     9. accentuate     10. invoke B   1. appreciation    2. constituted       3. sparkles      4. compartmentalized      5. niche  6. heightened     7. binding       8. articulately    9. mutual       10. irreconcilable C  1.B    2.A   3.D    4.B    5.A    6.C    7.C     8.B    9.D     10.B D  1. centered on    2. went back to   3. drew on   4. Taking into account   5. fall into step   6. took up  7. struck up     8. is based on     9. came into being   10. served on    11. left off      12. out of step E  1. C. how little it might be   2. A. was    3. D. however     4. C. that      5. B. are these techniques   6. C. it     7. B. expected     8. D. until       9. B. that      10. A. Aside from F. 1. whom    2. crossing     3. neighbor    4. mother     5. maybe    6. indeed     7. for    8. when  9. lift      10. as      11. come      12. public       13. which     14. being     15. depressed  16. blind    17. never    18. over      19. sufficient    20. mutual Translation and Writing A   与法国截然不同的是,在德国,友谊更清楚地表达为一种感情的根由。处于青春期的少男少女们,建立起深厚的友谊。他们在一起散步、交谈――与其说是为了增长智慧,还不如说是为了倾吐各自的希望,忧虑和憧憬,为了团结一致组成统一战线来对付校方和家庭的干涉,并通过交往可以彼此了解对方和自己的内心世界。 我曾经说过, 朋友自始至终是朋友。但是现在我相信这个观点是狭隘的。因为我所拥有的友谊和我见过的友谊是有不同层次的。起着不同作用,满足不同需要。有知心姐妹那样的自始至终的朋友的友谊,也有最无关紧要的偶尔在一起玩玩的友人之间的友谊。 B  1.If you have agreed to pay your brother’s school expenses, and give your sister £100 a year for clothes, you have made quite a lot of commitments. 2. Her affected manners were in striking contrast with Harriet’s spontaneous gaiety. 3. His remarks drew heavily upon his experiences in that country. 4. His acting in the play was remarkable, taking into account his youth and inexperience. 5. He exerted himself to take up where his father had left off. 6. The President took his place on the platform, and the military band struck up the national anthem. 7. The friendly contacts between the two countries go back to the Tang Dynasty. 8. That kind of people stay put in one job all their lives. 9. The new responsibilities drew out his latent talents. 10. The President’s public statements are obviously out of step with the majority of his party. Reading Practice 1.       B   2.A. Friendships are conducted at many levels of intensity.   B. Friendships meet different needs. C. Friendships meet different needs. D. Friendships range from those as all-way. As the friendship of soul sisters to that of the most nonchalant and casual playmates. 3. A. office friends    B. yoga friends      C. tennis friends    D. club friends    E. shopping friends, etc. 4. Crossroads friends are people who shared friendship at a crucial, now past, time of life. The author thinks that crossroads friends forge powerful links strong enough to endure with not much more contact than once-ayear letters at Christmas. 5. D.   6. A   7. D 8. Because it is believed that man-woman friendship can be just as close and as dear as the friendship among women. 9. We care very much about what to say and what not to say at each different level of intimacy. 10. A. Love, support and trust each other.    B. Bare to each other the secrets of their souls and run to help each other.    C. Tell harsh truths to each other when the6y must be told.
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