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海运进口流程OI+Working+Procedurenullnull OI 1.1 BEFORE SAILING PREPARATON JOBS 起航前的准备工作 OI 1.2 BEFORE ARRIVAL WORKING FLOW 到达前的工作流程 OI 1.3 AFTER ARRIBAL,OI REGULAR SERVICE 到达后的正常业务Xiamen ...

nullnull OI 1.1 BEFORE SAILING PREPARATON JOBS 起航前的准备工作 OI 1.2 BEFORE ARRIVAL WORKING FLOW 到达前的工作 流程 快递问题件怎么处理流程河南自建厂房流程下载关于规范招聘需求审批流程制作流程表下载邮件下载流程设计 OI 1.3 AFTER ARRIBAL,OI REGULAR SERVICE 到达后的正常业务Xiamen Ocean Import Working Procedures OI 1.4 CLOSE FILE 完成工作 相关词汇相关词汇Customer profile Quotation 3rd Party Billing Form Receiving confirmation(in which form?) Credit Approval Docs Job folder Arrival notice O.B/L:海运提单 H.B/L货代提单 M.B/L AWB FWL Packing declaration A-meta sheet D/O:Delivery order 提货单 POD:Proof of delivery 提货证明 telex-released guarantee letter bill of loading提单 payment receipt letter of Guarantee信用保证 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf broker Customs broker报关行Packing declaration报关单 He Xiao Ben核销本 Free duty form免税表 Freight Cost Freight Invoice Meta-在?之中、之后的 nullPROCESS OI 1.1 BEFORE SAILING,PREPARATION JOBS. EXTERNAL CHECKSHEETPROCESS PURPOSE: To ensure freight payment to be confirmed against different trade item before sailing.航行前,确定付款符合相关贸易条款 Master customer’s all necessary information.掌握所有必要的客户信息 SCOPE This process applies to all regular ocean import shipments适用于所有海运进口操作 TERMS & DEFINITIONS OI---Ocean Import operation staff 海运进口操作 CR—Customer requirement苦户要求 ISSUE Without sailing approval, origin ship out cargo.未得到起航认可,原地进行发货 Payment agreement is missing signature by payer.付款协议未得到付款人的签字 RELATED FORMS,TOOLS & DOCUMENTS Forms: Customer profile 客户情况 Quotation 报价表 3rd Party Billing Form第三方帐单表 Tools: FWL, FAMS, Lotus Notes, Telephone & Fax nullPROCESS OI 1.1 BEFORE SAILING,PREPARATION JOBS. WRITTEN PROCEDUREOI 1.1. BEFORE SAILING,PREPARATION JOBS.航行前的准备工作 OI 1.1.1 Getting selling rate confirmation from sales dept从销售部取得销售价格确认表 Once selling rate was confirmed by consignee, sales should provide quotation approval and client details to ocean dept.一旦销售价格得到收货人确认,销售应该提供海运部报价认可和客户细节 Minimum information will include:至少的信息 • Shipper’s Name, Address发货人及其地址 • Consignee’s Name, Address, Telephone & Fax numbers收货人及其地址,电话,传真号 • Quotation报价单 • Overseas contact person海外联系人 Contacting consignee to confirm sailing schedule联系收货人确认航行日期表  OI 1.1.2: OI contact with consignee to ensure whether can arrange picking up, booking space, etc.联系收货人确认是否可以安排提货,订舱等。 Does the Consignee agree to ship out immediately收货人是否同意立即发货  OI 1.1.3: Yes: Receiving confirmation是,收取确认 If the consignee agrees to ship out, will inform overseas office to make shipping arrangement accordingly.如果收货人同意发货,通知海外公司进行相应的运输安排   No : Informing the origin否,通知原地 If the consignee will not agree to ship out , also inform overseas office to hold up the shpt until getting our further instruction.如果收货人不同意发货,同样通知海外公司隔离本航行,知道得到我们的进一步通知  OI 1.1.4: OI upon receiving the written commitment to ship will immediately inform the origin to start the operations.在收到书面运输委托后,立即同时原地开始进行操作    OI 1.1.5: The information that the shpt is prepaid will come from Sales, Network, and Consignee. 运输预付的消息将从销售,网络和收货人处得到OI 1.1.1OI 1.1.2OI1.1.3Getting selling rate confirmation From sales dept.从销售部取得销售价格确认表 Contacting Consignee to confirm Sailing schedule.联系收货人确认航行日期表 Dose consignee agree to ship out immediately?收货人是否同意立即发货 Sending sailing Approval to Network发送航批准到网络上 OI 1.1.4nullOI 1.1. 6CFR&CIF SHPTS Cost and Freight/ Cost Insurance and Freight 形式的运输 Origin office or key sales will inform OI to prepare the prepaid Shpt’s operation.原地公司或主要销售将通知准备预付运输的操作 OI 1.1.6Customer客户 OI New Customer:新客户 Origin/destination related sales person should provide a new customer’s information.原地/目的地相关销售人员应该提供新客户的相关信息: Customer’s contact person, phone, address客户联系人,电话,地址  Credit Approval Docs (from Consignee or Network)信用承认文件(从收货人或网络)  Customer profile客户概况  Shipper/Consignee Requirements货主/收货人的要求  CR if any, search in OUR library如有任何客户要求,从数据库里里查找 OI .Existing Customer:现有客户  Credit Approval Docs (from Consignee or Network)信用承认文件(从收货人或网络)  Any special requirements different from former regular operation.任何与以往常规操作不同的要求 PROCESS OI 1.1 BEFORE SAILING,PREPARATION JOBS. WRITTEN PROCEDURECFR&CIF shpt Cost and Freight/ Cost Insurance and Freight 形式的运输 CUSTOMER客户 New customer新客户 Exist clientnullPROCESS PURPOSE: To ensure getting full set of shipping docs (COPY) and check its correction.确认收到全部的运输文件,并检查其准确性 Send arrival notice for consignee’s arrangements in advance.发送到达通知,以便收货人进行相应安排 SCOPE This process applies to all regular ocean import shipments适用于所有海运进口操作 O.B/L: Ocean bill of lading 海运提单 H.B/L: House bill of lading C/N: Container number柜号 S/N: Seal number封签号 ETD: Estimated time of departure预计离岗时间 ETA: Estimated time of arrival预计到达时间 ISSUE Origin don’t provide full set of shipping docs missing some paper.原地没有提供全部运输文件或丢失部分文件 Origin delay to send original shipping docs原地迟发送运输文件原件 Carrier can’t provide 2nd information in time.承运人不能及时提供中转港信息 Destination fax arrival notice later. 目的地迟传真到达通知 RELATED FORMS,TOOLS & DOCUMENTS Forms: Job folder工作文件夹 Arrival notice到达通知 Tools: FWL, FAMS, Lotus Notes, Telephone & Fax, scan PROCESS OI 1.2 BEFORE ARRIVAL.WORKING FLOW EXTERNAL CHECKSHEETTERMS & DEFINITIONS nullOI 1.2 BEFORE ARRIVAL,WORKING FLOW到达前的工作流程 OI 1.2.1.Receiving Pre Alert收取预告  1-3 day after departure, Origin will send it by email. The pre-alert include 起航1-3天内,原地将E-MAIL发送预告,包括: ETD,1st vessel name, 2ND vessel name, H.B/L, M.B/L, C/N, S/N, and ETA etc.  Once the pre-alert received,OI will:ETD,第一/二班轮名,HBL,MBL,C/N, S/N和ETA等    Request network to fax full set of shipping docs.要求网络传真全部运输文件    Check the docs to ensure its no problem for clear customs.检查文件保证顺利清关  Confirm original documents have been sent to destination (courier AWB # and date)确认原地文件已发送到目的地(承运人AWB号和日期) OI 1.2.2.Opening a Job Folder建立工作文件夹 OI as soon as the information on the upcoming shipment is received will immediately open a Job Folder.收到将到运输的信息后,马上建立工作文件夹 OI 1.2.3.Receiving copy of the full set shipping documents.收到运输文件复件OI1.2.3.1: 1-5 days after the shipment departure from origin, OI will receive the copy of the full sets by fax or scan.原地起航1-5天内,传真或SCAN收取全部运输文件 OI If Origin did not provide the shipping documents OI will send e-mail and ask again for the docs.如果原地没有提供全部运输文件,E-MAIL要求 OI 1.2.4 Contacting the Shipping line OI 1.2.4: OI upon receiving the OB/L will contact by phone the shipping line to obtain ETA and information on 2nd leg vessel if any.收到OBL后,电话联系船公司,得到预计到达时间和中转船的信息 OI 1.2.5 OI will fax the arrival notice to the Consignee 1-7days before arrival.在到达的1-7天内,传真收货人到达通知OI 1.2.1Pre-Alert from Origin原地预告 Creating a Job File建立工作文件夹 Receiving OB/L copy and HB/L copy收取OBL和HBL附件 Contacting shipping line agent to having vessel’ ETA联系运输代理得到轮船预计到达时间 Fax the arrival notice to Consignee传真通知收货人到达通知 OI 1.2.2OI OI 1.2 BEFORE ARRIVAL.WORKING FLOWPROCESS OI 1.2 BEFORE ARRIVAL.WORKING FLOW WRITTEN PROCEDURE YESnull OI 1.2.6.SHIPPING DOCUMENTS运输文件 OI after having received all the documents will have a check on them.收到运输文件后,进行检查  Minimum documents include:至少的文件      Original OB/L or copy of Express B/L-- OBL原件或BL复件的快件      Copy of HB/L--HBL复件    Original/copy of Commercial Invoice & Packing list商业发票和提货单的原件或复件     Packing declaration if necessary如有必要:提货声明    A-meta sheet for some areas 某些地区的A-meta sheet    OUR freight invoice if it’s collect shipment with exchange rate as agreed (prepaid)公司运输发票,如果是预付收费运输 OI 1.2.7.OPEN FILE IN FWL 在FWL上打开文件  Once got full set of docs, OI register a job file in FWL or FAMS,一旦收到全部文件,在FWL/FAMS上注册工作文件   OI 1.2.8.CREAT FREIGHT INVOICE 建立运输发票 1-7days before arrival, OI issue freight invoice to consignee in order to have enough time to prepare payment for consignee. And send the copy to customer’s checking.印制运输发票给收货人·以便其有足够时间预付收费,并发送复件给客户检查。   OI 1.2.6OI 1.2.7OI 1.2.8Checking all the documents检查所有文件 Open file in FWL在FWL上打开文件 Issue freight invoice to consignee and send the copy to customer’s checking.印制运输发票给收货人,并给客户检查 PROCESS OI 1.2 BEFORE ARRIVAL.WORKING FLOW WRITTEN PROCEDURE OI 1.3nullPROCESS PURPOSE: Have consignee get D/O收货人是否收到D/O Deliver cargo if customer need to door service如果客户需要到门服务,运输货物 Collect payment from consignee向收货人收取相关费用 SCOPE This process applies to all regular ocean import shipments适用于所有海运进口操作 ISSUE问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 Consignee’s endorsement is different with H.B/L.收货人的签注和HBL不同 Without telex-released guarantee letter if H.B/L is express.-HBL要求,但是没有电放保证书 Consignee’s Customs documents is not full or correct.收货人的报关文件不全或有错误 Missing issued POD when deliver cargo 发送货物时,没有印制POD RELATED FORMS,TOOLS & DOCUMENTS Forms: Telex-released guarantee letter Proof of Delivery Tools: FWL, FAMS, Lotus Notes, Telephone & Fax PROCESS OI 1.3 AFTER ARRIVAL.REGULAR SERVICE EXTERAL CHECKSHEET TERMS & DEFINITIONS D/O:Delivery order 提货单 POD:Proof of delivery 提货证明 nullOI 1.3 AFTER ARRIVAL,REGULAR SERVICE到达后的正常业务 OI 1.3.1 Switch bill of lading转换提单  OI bill is original-HBL 是原件  Consignee should present:应该体现收货人 Endorsed Original HB/L on prepaid basis在预付的基础上,签注HBL  Endorsed Original HB/L + Freight payment receipt or create approval签注HBL原件和运费收据或建立承诺  OI 1..3.1.2 House bill is express or telex-released快递或电放HBL    Endorsed Express HB/L + Consignee’s letter of Guarantee if it is on prepaid basis在预付的基础上,签注快递的HBL和收货人的信用保证书  Endorsed Express HB/L + approval of payment + Consignee’s Letter of Guarantee if it is on collect basis在收款的基础上,签注快递的HBL和收货人的信用保证书, OI 1.3.2 WE only provide to port service我们只提供到港服务 OI Collect ocean freight on base on freight collect shpts 运费向收货人收取的运输,我们收集海运费用  OI Collect documents fee base on prepaid shpts预付运输,我们收集文件费用 OI 1.3.1 Switch bill of loading转换提单 Express bill with Cnee’s endorsement +guarantee letter Original house bill With consignee’s endorsement递送有收货人签注的单证和保证书,有收货人签注的HBL原件 House bill OI 1.3.2PROCESS OI 1.3 AFTER ARRIVAL.REGULAR SERVICE WRITTEN PROCEDURE OI 1.3.3 WE handle to door service 公司进行到门服务 If WE handle to door service, OI should advise consignee to prepare following clearance documents 1-7days before arrival. 如果公司提供到门服务,在到货1-7天前,通知收货人准备以下报关文件 OI documents include:文件包括:  Endorsed Original HB/L (or endorsed Express HB/L + Consignee’s Letter of Guarantee)签注HBL原件(或签注快递HBL和收货人信用保证书)  Commercial Invoice/packing list/contract originals商业发票/提货单/联系单原件  Packing declaration(1 original if necessary)报关单  He Xiao Ben (if necessary) Free duty form (if necessary ) And other necessary documents 其它必要的文件 OI OI upon receiving docs from Consignee will send it via express mail to broker, and have broker double check.一旦从收货人处收到文件 表格 关于规范使用各类表格的通知入职表格免费下载关于主播时间做一个表格详细英语字母大小写表格下载简历表格模板下载 ,就通过快递件给经纪人,并让其检查 OI Customs Broker earliest 5 days after vessel arrival will clear the customs. Customs broker should follow OUR OI instruction to deliver the goods to door.报关行最快提前到货5天通过报关,并按照公司海运进口指示运送货物到门 OI After delivery goods, trucker should ask receiver sign receipt or OI send POD to customer for their signature. (As per request)运送货物后,卡车应该要求收货人签收后OI发送POD给客户签章确认(按要求) OI While deliver cargo, collect to door charges from receiver.如果运送货物,向收货人收取到门费用 OI the consignee to prepare the documents通知收货人准备文件 Send express mail to broker and have the broker double check.发送快递件给经纪人,并让其检查 Give instruction to Customs broker to let them deliver the goods to door.送说明给海关经纪人,让他们运送货物到门 Ask receiver sign receipt or Send POD to customer for signature.要求收货人签收或发送POD给客户签章 Collect payment when deliver Cargo运输货物时收费。 OI OI 1.3 AFTER ARRIVAL.REGULAR SERVICE WRITTEN PROCEDURE OI 1.4nullPROCESS OI 1.4. CLOSE FILE EXTERNAL CHECKSHEETPROCESS PURPOSE: To ensure shpt detailed data is correct in FWL or FAMS systems.确认运输细节FWL/FAMS上数据的准确性 After double check, provide full set of correction job file to accounting dept.再次检查后,提供财务部完整准确的工作文件 Reserve full set of job files for future checking.存储完整的工作文件,以便以后检查 SCOPE This process applies to all regular ocean import shipments适用于所有海运进口操作 ISSUE FWL or FAMS data is not updated. Job file passed to accounting is missing some necessaries.工作文件送给财务部时丢失某些必要文件 RELATED FORMS,TOOLS & DOCUMENTS Tools: FWL,FAMS, Lotus Notes, Telephone & Fax TERMS & DEFINITIONS nullOI 1.4 Close File  OI 1.4.1.Double check with FWL or FAMS data.重新检查FWL/FAMS上的数据 OI 1.4.2 OI should filing necessary doc including: OB/L, HB/L, Freight Cost, Freight Invoice, Meta-sheet (if any), etc.归档必要的文件,包括:OBL,HBL,运输费用,运输发票 OI 1.4.3 Ocean manager check the accounting file and pass to accounting dept.海运部经理检查清算帐目文件,并送给财务部 OI 1.4.1 OI 1.4.2Double check with FWL or FAMS data 再次检查FWL/ FWMS 上的数据 Check and filing necessary docs检查并归档必要的文件 Manager check and pass to accounting dept.经理检查并送文件给财务部 OI 1.4.3PROCESS OI 1.4 CLOSE FILE WRITTEN PROCEDURE END
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