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!!!雅思笔记9.0(雅友版) 张驰新版权所有,翻录必纠 http://blog.hjenglish.com/zhangchixin 张驰新 IDP testee R&D –Version http://blog.hjenglish.com/zhangchixin make one’s debut Each coin has its two sides. V104-122 Flow chart (随笔分类)...

张驰新版权所有,翻录必纠 http://blog.hjenglish.com/zhangchixin 张驰新 IDP testee R&D –Version http://blog.hjenglish.com/zhangchixin make one’s debut Each coin has its two sides. V104-122 Flow chart (随笔分类) 雅思写作互动及欣赏区 新闻“报”料 雅友大联盟 Y147 Full…archive 显示所有文章 回家复习计划 必下载文件: 小新课堂 笔记 version 9.0 雅思回家复习计划 ppt——置顶的最后一个贴 Routine Rubric 常项MATCH_ word word文档格式规范word作业纸小票打印word模板word简历模板免费word简历 _1713433520033_1型 Seldom Rubric 偷袭题型 make one’s debut Process=Flow chart Compare—summarize 共性 Contrast—analyze 个性 rocket plummet soar slump surge subside boom ebb creep up creep down accrue abate leap dip rally retrieve dormant 整数单位 程度副词 每栏掌握两个 Task 1的3种基本句型 实义副词 surge= rise moderately soar=rise sharply boom=rise gently 绝对描述系统 verb(天龙八部) 相对描述系统 junk verb +adverb A: rise sharply/maximally B: rise comparatively gently D: rise gently/minimally C: rise comparatively sharply B2: rise sharply A2: rise comparatively sharply more less 绝对性副词 perfect 10,100,1000, accrue=rise gradually and gently leap=rise smoothly and sharply 起落同幅 60%= three-fifths// three out of five = a/the majority of = a large portion/part/share/proportion/percentage/margin of >80% (93%)= a lion’s share 5%= a minority of, a tiny portion 37.8%= maximum/comparatively a majority of (<50%的最大值) comparatively a minority of WRONG 7.3% 87%/76%/53% 饼图的三句万能句型 1) 数据+抄题+导入宾语 Band 5 2) 主语+“占据”(先特征,后数据) Band 6 3) 剩余数据 Band 7(Combo) “占据”的讲法: a) constitute b) make up c) be the instrument of 致成物 the rest the remainder in the charge of – sb due to//owing to//attributed/ascribed to//for—sth Pie Chart的审题过程: 1. 看文字信息 2. 标题审题 标1\2\3 2>1>3 2:极端数据及其周围(与之接近)数据 1:一般数据 3:落单数据 例4: Food and drink, Other items covered comparatively a majority of the average weekly expenditure, with 26% and 24% respectively. Task 1的时态: 1) 现在时——无时间 2) 过去时——过去时间 3) 将来时——将来时间 · 从过去到将来——现在时 两种禁忌时态: 1) 现在完成时(描述阶段) Since 1970, there has been a large increase. 2) 现在进行时 On the other hand, Recreation and education, Clothing accounted for a small portion of the expenditure, with 17% altogether. · “累加”的写法: totaling 17%//amounting to 17%//adding up to 17%//with a total of 17% 19% of the expenditure was shared by Housing and power. Furthermore, the remaining 14% was due to Transport and communication. 两个图写作顺序: 1) 先写一个,另一个再比 2) 直接联动 红书P78: Coal occupied the maximal portion//was the biggest instrument of the sources of energy, with 47% while Nuclear accounted for a tiny share, with only 1%. Furthermore, 28% altogether of the energy was shared by Oil and Hydro. The remaining 24% was due to Natural Gas. 1) In 1980, the percentage of Coal increased/crept up by 4%//to 51%. 2) There was an increase/creeping-up of 4% in the percentage of Coal. 3) We can witness… 4) The year of 1980 witnessed… 5) A outnumber/ outpercentage B by… A: Coal in/of 1980 B: that in 1970=its counterpart对等物 eg. Coal in 1980 outpercentaged its counterpart by 4 percent. Coal was the biggest/leading//predominant/outstanding/striking instrument among its counterparts. while Nuclear rocketed by 10 times. the percentage of Nuclear was 11 times//eleven-fold that of its counterpart “倍数的讲法”参考红书P58-60 There was an increase of 10 times in Nuclear. We can witness … The year of 1980 witnessed… Coal in 1980 outpercentaged its counterpart by 10 times Oil almost remained stable. There was a decrease of 4% in the percentage of Hydro. In addition, the year of 1980 witnessed a slump of 9% in Natural Gas. What is worth mentioning is Oil was almost morose during the decade. Through the charts, we can easily draw the conclusion that the new source of energy, particularly Nuclear was given full play while the traditional ones, though still dominant, reached their bottleneck/ceiling to some extent. · 两个图的写作原则:3+5 第一张图——3句万能句型 第二张图——涨/跌/平的比较,5个数据 2涨+2跌+(1平) 破纸P2 Social…, ad, edu, sci cover comparatively a majority of… while 2.24%, 1.84% and 2.10% are shared by... The remaining percentages are in moderation, with 5.53% for , 7.4% and 9.35% respectively. increase max: min Social Science · 三个以上图的写作原则 直接联动(曲线图写作模式) line chart 连词、副词连接 顺接:furthermore, moreover, in addition, additionally, next, in the following, what is worth mentioning(值得一提的是), what is interesting, what should not be neglected(不能忽略的是), last, on the other hand, meanwhile 转折:while, on the other hand, conversely, on the contrary, what is so different is Line Chart · 形态划分法——最简单的图 · 点位划分法——较复杂的图 · 水平划分法——极其复杂的图 · 比较划分法——两根曲线 Para 2:总分句 All trends(动态)/statistics(静态)/charts(多图) can be categorized/classified into ____ stages(时间)/groups(无时间)/types(多图) with (“general” trends or characteristics). · general=junk words 2 groups with predominance of Humanities in 1990 and 1994 and predominance of Business in 1996, 1998 and 2000. Applied subjects with fluctuating from Jan to June, rising sharply from June to Aug, falling sharply from Aug to Oct and rising gently from Oct to Dec. with fluctuating from Jan to Jun, rising from Jun to Aug, Oct to Dec, falling from Aug to Oct. with fluctuating gently from Jan to Jun and fluctuating sharply from Jun to Dec. 点位划分法: with fluctuating evenly and gently from Jan to Jun and fluctuating evenly and sharply from Jun to Dec. · Specific Description: 用天龙八部和句式变换来描述 Band 6.5 Version: It fluctuated within a small range from Jan to June. Then it soared, reaching a peak at 3000 in Aug and slumped, bottoming out at about 1250 in Oct. Finally, there was a boom till the end of the year. Band 8 Version: Harry’s annual sales of hamburgers were volatile slightly during the first half year, followed by leaping till its zenith at 3000 in Aug. We can witness a sudden slump to Oct, echoed by booming till Dec. Band 9 Version 图表系统结合文字系统 The hamburger sold best in summer. Few people were liable to buy hamburgers in Autumn, esp, Oct. Hamburger encountered a recession in Oct//a sales waterloo/catastrophe. All trends can be categorized into 2 stages with rising and falling sharply (6-10, 16-20) and rising and falling evenly (11-15, 20-22). 先看横轴找共性, 再看纵轴定名称。 相似度: 1) 大起大落 sharply 2) 小起小落 (comparatively) gently 3) 起落同幅 evenly All trends can be categorized into 3 groups with fluctuating in A, rising in B and falling in C. 单线分类法 Comparative Classification: 1) popularity of 2) predominance/prevalence of 3) preference to All statistics can be categorized into 2 stages with the popularity of listening to radio from about 6 am to 1 pm and the popularity of watching TV during the rest of the day. 单线//分线描写(天龙八部) As to the radio audience, it soared from about 6 am to 8 am, reaching the peak at about 25% at 8 am, followed by ebbing till the end of a day. We can witness the nadir occurred at around 4 in the morning. Back to the people watching TV, most of them watched TV from 5 pm to 12 am. The trend almost rose and fell evenly with sharp rise and fall. 8 in the evening was the peak hour for people to watch TV. Furthermore, after 3 am, less than 5% of people would listen to radio or watch TV. 单线描写 红书P71 All statistics can be categorized into 2 stages with the popularity of cinema from 1957 to 1960 and the popularity of TV from 1960 to 1974. As to/As for/In terms of/In respect of/In regard to/Concerning the curve of cinema admissions, it dipped from 1957 to 1960, followed by subsiding in the following/next 6 years. We can witness a trend of ebbing till 1972. In the end, there was an abating to its bottom at about 90 in 1974. P72 All statistics can be categorized into 3 stages with the equilibrium均势 of/in the birth and death rates in the first decade of the 20th century, the predominance of birth rate in the following two decades, and the predominance of death rate from 1930 to 1970. As to the birth rate, stabilization in the first ten years was followed by leaping to its zenith at 60 per thousand in 1920. We can witness a clear slump to almost one-third of the zenith in 1940. The next 20 years reflected an even rise and fall. Finally it abated to the trough in 1970. Contrary to the birth rate, the death one continued to creep down after the overlapping period till 1930, when a rally was shown between 1930 and 1940. Fortunately, fewer people died in the rest years, with ebbing to the nadir in 1970. What is worth mentioning is that both birth and death rates reached the bottom level in 1970. As to death rate, it abated from 1900 to 1930, followed by soaring to its peak at 50% in 1940. We can see an ebbing till 1970. In the respect of birth rate, the first decade witnessed stabilization, followed by leaping to its peak/zenith at nearly 60% in 1920. It slumped to 20% in 1940 and rose and fell evenly in the next two decades. Finally it had the similar trend with its counterpart, death rate. Sample Topic 13 All charts can be categorized into 2 types with absoluteness type for Full-time males and Part-time females and alternation type for Full-time females and Part-time males. TABLE 表格的描述顺序是以时间(趋势)作为主线,非时间作为辅线 · 极端数字举例法 · 范围法 · 平均值举例法 · 类比法 · 反比法 basically soar except in 1995 crept down to 1995 and rallied till 1998 All trends can be categorized into 2 groups with fluctuating in Holiday, Visits to friends and relatives, Other reasons, TOTAL and rising in Business. TABLE 23, 37, 41, 57, 63 47,53,42,46,58 Holiday: basically soar Extreme Business: boom Range Other reasons: rise and fall evenly Average TOTAL: Similarity 13, 24, 27, 35, 43 47, 56, 42, 49, 57 4,7,11,16,23 45,56,60,76,86 Omnipotent 万能法①/② Rare ③ Frequent ④/⑤ 32,36,46,53,57 33,37,47,54,59 类比的四种句型: This is the similar case with… This is true of … So does… This can be paralleled with … 反比的三种句型: This is the opposite with… This is converse with … This is contrary to … 无序(无规律)数据用1/2,甚至不举 表格题的风格: Technical Table (随意选取栏目) Strategic Table (Screening甄别 ;筛选) 红书P73 · 一定要写的项目:√ · 说明公司: Despite the increasing net sales of ABC Company, the rate of increase is deteriorating. Furthermore, the Costs and expenses were not controlled properly, leading to the plain increase of Net income with a decline after 1998. 表格题审题顺序: 1) 确定写作顺序(横?纵?)10 sec 2) 表格审题编号——先趋势,后数据 · 在表格左边空白区域标上trend编号 30 sec · 写出all trends那句话(总分句)2 min · 在表格右边空白区域进行数据方法的编号 2-3 min · 进行数据的描写 10 min Food always played a major part//accounted for comparatively a majority in the average family expenditure in Britain.(纵向比较结果) Sample Topic 6: All trends can be categorized into 4 groups with falling in items such as Food, rising in items including Housing, fluctuating in Household goods and services, and stabilizing in Other items. Transport and communications soared, reaching an apex at 16% in 1996 and hitting a trough at 9% in 1967. Household goods and services was volatile dramatically with the vertex in 1996 and the nadir in 1977. Furthermore, there was a subsiding in Other goods and services, ranging from 8% to 14%. Alcoholic drink plateaued at 7% from 1967 to 1977, followed by a sudden slump to 4% in 1996, this was almost paralleled with the trend of Fuel, light and power. (Food abated, averaging out at nearly 20.) Similarly, the trend of Housing accrued from 1967 to 1996 with an average of 14 in 1977. This was almost the similar case with the trend of Recreation, entertainment and education, which was the opposite with that of Tobacco. range(verb): to vary within specified limits: 在…范围内变动:在某一特定的范围内变化: What is worth mentioning is that Other items, not making its debut until 1977, remained constant from 1977 to 1996. Sample Topic 11: 趋势编号: 1,2,2,2 3,1,1,2 All trends can be categorized into 3 groups with rising in Agriculture of Britain, Computer Industry and Finance of China, fluctuating in Computer Industry, Finance, Manual Labour of Britain and Manual Labour of China, and falling in Agriculture of China. Britain A CI F ML 3 2 1 China A CI F ML 2 1 3 表格题比较原则: 有可比点的比,没有可比点的不要比 “可比点”表示差异性 “没有可比点”表示同质性(similarity)或不相关性(irrelevancy) 横向比较结果: In Britain, Manual Labour was the largest industry drawing employees, while most people in China, were engaged in Agriculture. 纵向比较结果: Agriculture witnessed a converse trend in aspect of employment for both countries. In China, Computer Industry and Finance were prone to be booming industries. 红书P74 All trends can be categorized into 3 groups with rising in income and the expenses of Food, Housing, Medical, falling in the expenses of Others, and stabilizing of Entertainment and Savings. Generally speaking, we can witness a soar in the trend of income from 1980 t0 1985. Focusing on the various expenses in 1980, Others and Housing accounted for the comparatively a majority of the expenses, with 35% and 25% respectively. 28% altogether was shared by Food and Medical. Furthermore, the remaining 12% was a tiny portion occupied by Entertainment and Savings. In the aspect of 1985, 表格题的类型: Dynamic Table(有趋势) Static Table(无趋势) 纯比较——用多种语法形式来变换 BAR CHART 柱状图的本质——其它三种题型用柱子来表示。 Sample Topic 2 本质: 1) 三张饼图 2) 四根曲线图 All trends can be categorized into 3 groups with fluctuating in bus, rising in car and falling in bike and foot. 3) 3X4 的表格题 This was the similar case with the trend of foot. 总结: 题型本质上分为两种——动态图和静态图 动态图最好用曲线图(天龙八部+All trends)的整体写作模式 静态图则是静态表格(纯比较)的写作模式 柱状图的要求: 1) 充分的比较(共性)和对比(差异),文字性的部分可以多一点,不必局限在每一种题型的要求上。 2) 语法要求较高:对于主语的要求和句式的多样性(60%的柱状图为静态图) 3) 对于隐藏特征的开发(适用于所有类型的图) Task 1高分的关键: 变换多端的wording和句式、体系 清晰宏观的分类(ALL TRENDS) 有力得体的隐藏特征(HC) 隐藏特征:隐藏在数据背后的客观性事实。 隐藏——不明显,有别于主体段(body)的内容 客观性事实——有数据支持的现象,不同于个人观点 结尾段: What is worth mentioning is that since (原因——数据支持), it indicates the fact that (结论——文字总结) How to seek HC? 1) issue of “percentage” >100% Some people choose several reasons for study. <100% There exist some other factors/reasons unlisted/unmentioned. avocations副业 moonlight兼职 Some people were engaged in several industries//Some people had their avocations while others were engaged in other industries unmentioned. 2) “abnormal” statistics(图表文字中出现一/几组反义词) compare and contrast to locate the facts contrary to social belief and common sense Ordinary: 1. Men earn more than women 2. Graduates earn more than non-graduates 3. Different trends and peaks for different genders 1) Men: leap till the end of 40s and boom with the peak at £650 in 50s 2) Women: basically volatile slightly after a sharp increase after 24 years old. The peak salary is nearly half of their counterpart HC: 1. Men non-graduates basically earn more than those women graduates. 2. Since the gap of salary between graduates and non-graduates becomes wider and wider upon age, it indicates the fact that qualifications are important for people’s career development. 3) “debut” statistics(Bar & Table) not make its debut until (year) Other items didn’t make its debut until 1977. 4) Fixed future trends or characteristics people’s living standard has been greatly improved people lived a better-off life 红书P78: The new source of energy, especially nuclear was given full play while the traditional ones, though still dominant, reached the bottleneck/ceiling to some extent. 万能Opening: Opening的四要素: As is shown/displayed/revealed/ in the (1)图的类型(图与图之间没有联系的加respectively), the (2)图的单位(number/amount/percentage/figure) of 图的主题 (3)图的主要趋势 1) fluctuate/rise/fall—趋势种类=1 2) vary—趋势种类〉=2(Table) 3) differ—静态图,无趋势 (4)(图的时间) 1) from…to… 2) during…and… 3) in … commuter 红书P82 The number of employees with different degrees the changes of educational backgrounds of the employees of a company 红书P72 As is revealed in the line chart, the number of birth and death rates per thousand population in a developing country varied dramatically from 1900 to 1970. What is obvious is that(明显特征) As is displayed in the table, the figure of Underground Railway Systems including Date opened, Kilometers of route and Passengers per year in six cities differed. 不用写总分句的情况: 1) 所有饼图 2) 曲线既没有相交且趋势相同 3) 所有静态图且没有特征变化 主体段大致段落要求: 1) 一般有几个图写几段,不同类型一定要分段。 2) 流程图一张图写一段。 多图之间没有联系不用写总结段。 What is obvious is that 小 作文 任务驱动型作文写作指导课件沉潜作文范文考研英语二作文万能模板作文的开头和结尾技巧作文纸表格 段落数 Min=3 Max=4 1 week 5 1-2month 10 pieces 2-3months 15 pieces >3 months 20 pieces Task 1 *40%+Task 2 *60%~ 7 7 6.5 7 6.8 7 7 6.5 6.5 6 7 =6.6 6.5 7 6.5 =6.7 6.5 7 6 =6.4 6.5 6.5 6 6 7 7 6.5 6.5 25 文章出题部分最后一句话为写作指令句 Rubrics: 1) Discursive 50% 2) Agree or Disagree 20% 3) PRR(Why + What) 25% 4) A&D 5% Discursive: 1) To what extent do you agree (or disagree) 2) How far do you agree (or disagree) 3) What’s your opinion towards the statement? 4) Discuss both opinions/statements (and give your own one) 5) Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages? Discursive的写法: 1. 单边同意一个观点 2. 单边反驳一个观点 3. 两个观点一起论述,在开始就给出自己支持的观点,支持观点可以多写一点(有倾向性7:3)。 4. 同时论证两个观点,表示中立。(无倾向性5:5) Discursive段落数: 1+2(3)+1=4(5) 单边写法 1+2(A)+1(B)+1=5 双边写法(有侧重点) *A表示你支持的观点 *B表示你不支持的观点 1+1(A)+1(B)+1=4 中立写法 Agree or Disagree Which opinion do you prefer to? 段落数: 1+2(3)+1=4(5) 单边写法 Agree Disagree Impartial/ neutral towards 1)Argumentative 论证型 argument, logic, reasoning Argumentation depth Reason : Recom=6:4 or 5:5 PRR段落数 1opening+2 reasons+ 1recom+1ending=5para A&D 中立文章的写法 1+2(A)+2(D)+1=6 A: Advantage D: Disadvantage Illustrative 说明型 detailization paraphrasing supporting width 2) Topic sentence (simple and potent) 3) Supporting sentences (>3) 4) Minor example or evidence(<=2) 5) Flow-back sentence P36 变化多端的词汇和句型 宏观清晰的分类 掷地有声的隐藏特征 从句至少两句以上,词汇永远不重复 合情合理的情节加拿捏分寸的语气 清晰的格式再加上具体的解决方案,减少套话 Task 1x40% + Task 2x60%=6 5+6 6+5=5.5 6+7 7+7 7+6 6+8 8+6 1. Discursive/Agree or disagree The progress of ______ is irresistible and irrefutable. What acts as the Pandora’s box is whether ________________. From my point of view, _____________________. educational proficiency. 2.PRR The progress of ______ is irresistible and irrefutable. Despite the versatility 多样性and complexity 复杂性of the reasons, I would pore over 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 the most significant ones and (offer the alternatives 解决方案in the following). 3. A&D Since ______ is a double-edged sword 双刃剑, I would highlight 强调the co-existence 共存of the pros 好处and cons坏处 of _______. In my opinion, both sides can hold water站得住脚. Remarking Criteria:评分 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 AIE 4 5 6 C Q 5 6 VSS 6 7 8 达到6分的基本条件: 1) 审题不偏题——观点必须切中细分主题(specific topic) Idea:必须切中文章的Specific Topic Topic: 1st sentence Specific Topic: 2nd sentence Broad Topic:球 Topic——computer Specific topic— personal communication, socializing Broad topic—Science and Technology Topic——television Specific topic— education for children Broad topic—Science and Technology & Education Topic——Littering Specific topic— Waste disposal Broad topic—Infrastructure 2)必须作outline,保障Argument的关键 Arguments三宗罪 1) redundancy 累赘,冗余 2) sequence disorder(lack coherency) From physical to mental Body Material 3) parallelism 平行架构 如何做OUTLINE? solution 3 minutes 1) brainstorming 1.5min >5 2) combination 0.5 min 3) reorganization 0.5min 3)有论据和例子,论据比例略大于例子 Benefits of studying in Songjiang: 1) convenient traffic 2) study with your friends 3) communicate with your peer 4) tranquil and peaceful 5) study with no G Benefits of studying abroad during economic recession: 1) comparatively low cost 2) avoid employment recession 3) lessen applying competition 4) know the specific economic recovering solutions 5) easy to get visa 6) setback education AQ Reasons of studying in Songjiang: 1) relatives are free 2) near the residence 3) cool in Aug 4) parents are boss. 5) suitable for preparation 6) only available in the period 7) convenient for eating 8) balance your life rhythm Benefits for Olympic Gold Medalists: 1) establish one’s position in the country 2) display the strength of national sport 3) improve self-confidence 4) get a lot
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