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音标完整版null音标学习音标学习音标变化表音标变化表null共20个共20个null[i: ]舌尖抵下齿,舌前部尽力抬高 双唇微微张开,呈扁平口形,如同微笑时; 发音时声带振动(手摸喉咙能感觉到)nullee ea ei ie ePracticebee sheep week sweet keep eat tea please sea meatseize receive deceit thief field niece piecehe she ev...

null音标学习音标学习音标变化表音标变化表null共20个共20个null[i: ]舌尖抵下齿,舌前部尽力抬高 双唇微微张开,呈扁平口形,如同微笑时; 发音时声带振动(手摸喉咙能感觉到)nullee ea ei ie ePracticebee sheep week sweet keep eat tea please sea meatseize receive deceit thief field niece piecehe she eve wePracticePracticea team leader the East Sea Fleet a real secret a piece of lean meat A friend in need is a friend indeed.null[ i ]舌尖抵下齿,舌前部向上腭抬起,比[i: ]发音时略低; 双唇仍呈扁平口形,比[i: ]要稍大; 发音时声带振动,发音时间比[i: ]短促。nulli y e u a Practiceship big film six miss richcopy gym pity rainy prettyexpect careless goodnesscabbage village privatebusiness busy minutePractice Practice a big clinic a bit dizzy finish it quickly little by little sixty women This little inn is the best in the village.Comparison [i - i:]Comparison [i - i:]ship sheep sin seen fill feel hill heel sick seek pitch peach slip sleep grin greennull[ e ]舌尖抵下齿,舌前部向上腭稍抬起,舌位比[: ]发音时略低; 双唇呈扁平口形,开口度比[: ]要稍大; 发音时声带振动; 上下齿间可容纳一个食指尖。nulle a ea aiPracticebed debt desk help best betterany manybread weather head weapon saidPractice Practice very well get ready a television set terrible weather Better late than never. All is well that ends well.Comparison [e - i]Comparison [e - i]pet pit fell fill set sit when win tent tint peg pig lest listnull舌尖抵下齿,舌前部稍抬起,比[ e ]发音时略低,开口度比[ e ]大; 双唇向两旁平伸,成扁平形; 发音时声带振动; 发音时咽喉有收缩; 上下齿间可容纳食指和中指。nulla aiPracticecat cap fat flag plan bad chat family flat habit happy rabbit have hand bankplaid (格子花呢) plait (辫子)Practice Practice A fact is a fact. Fancy that! Hand me the hammer. Catch the mad black cat. Don’t let the cat out of the bag. ComparisonComparisonbag beg mat met sad said bad bed land lend sand send pack peck pan pennull后缩,舌尖轻触下齿,舌中部稍抬起; 双唇张开,唇形稍扁,并稍向后两旁平移; 发音时声带振动;nullu o ou ooPracticesun cup but duck study subjectson love come front moneyenough young double cousinblood floodPractice Practice some honey a cup of punch once in a month just for fun blood for blood a sudden jump Comparison Comparison cut cart luck lark hut heart duck dark come calm cup carp much marchComparisonComparisonrug rag suck sack truck track mud mad hut hat run ran cup capnull[a:]口张大,舌尖压低并后缩,舌尖不抵触下齿; 舌后稍抬起,双唇微收圆; 发音时声带振动nullar a al auPracticestar park dark car far startpass example bath answer calm palm halfaunt laughPracticePracticea large parcel pass the glass rather fast Master of arts Farmer Barnes is a hard man for a bargain, but he isn’t hard-hearted. null舌身压低并后缩,舌后部抬起,比[:]发音时略低; 双唇呈中圆口型,并向前突出; 发音时声带振动。nullo a ow auPracticeknock clock stop sorry longwash watch what want quarrel because sausageknowledge Practice Practice a soft song a popular opera cost a lot got a job quality and quantity Lost time is never found again. null舌身压低并后缩,舌后部抬起; 双唇呈中圆口形,并向前突出; 发音时声带振动;nullor ou a au oar Practicehorse short corn ought thought boughtalways although watercaught daughter autumnsoar board boardPractice Practice Pride goes before a fall. George saw a saw hanging on the wall. He was born on August the fourteenth, nineteen forty-four.ComparisonComparisonodd awed chock chalk stock stalk cot caught not naughtnull[ u ]舌尖离开下齿,但不与上齿接触; 舌身后缩,舌后部向软腭抬起; 双唇呈圆形,稍微向前突出; 发音时声带振动;nullu oo oul oPracticeput sugar push fulfill bush bulletcook good foot took look book brook stood hook woodcould shouldwoman bosomPracticePracticelooks good a good look push the butcher look at the cook Try as I would, I could do nothing. So I took a broom and left the room.null[u:]舌尖离开下齿,舌后部向软腭抬起,比[u]发音时略高; 双唇收得比[u] 更圆更小且向前突出; 口腔肌肉始终保持紧张状态; 发音时声带振动。nullo oo ou u oe ew ui uePractice do two move who whose losetool food tooth school cool tooshoe canoe fruitgroup through soup you routinerule June Susan flew crewbluePractice Practice a new school a group of students too soon a revolutionary movement Don’t lose the opportunity. Your spoon won’t be useful for noodles.Comparison [u-u:]Comparison [u-u:]pull pool full fool could cooed(鸽叫声) wood wooed(追求) foot foodnull舌放平,舌尖轻抵下齿底部,舌中部略抬起; 双唇呈扁平口形; 发音时声带振动;nullir er or ur ear ourPracticebirth first shirt third birdher German mercy person servicework worst worth wordfur hurt early learn earth journeyPracticePracticelearn the word an early bird the third world perfect service First come, first served. The girls learnt the world history in the first and third terms at the university.null舌放平,舌尖轻抵下齿底部,舌中部略抬起; 双唇呈扁平口形; 发音时声带振动;nulla o u er orPracticeago again above about abroadcorrect seldom protectchorus minimum Augustauthor doctor visitor actorfever teacher winter danger paperPracticePracticealong the river the doctor’s daughter at the counter for a moment Please return the alarm clock to the teacher. Give me some butter and sugar.null[ei]先发 [ e ]音,然后滑向[ ei ] 音; 双唇稍平,口形从半开到合; 发音前长后短,前重后轻; 发音时声带振动。nulla ay ai ei ea ey Practicedate game cake labour lazy day way may break great steak wait rain fail complain sailneighbour eight weight they Practice Practice Pay day Make way Came again No pains, no gains. Call a spade a spade. Haste makes waste.Comparison [ei - e] Comparison [ei - e] say said late let pain pen gate get sail sell rate red eight atenull[ai]先发 [ a: ]音,然后滑向[ ai ] 音; 发[ a: ] 音时,舌尖抵住下齿; 发音前长后短,前重后轻; 发音过程中,下颚迅速向上移动; 发音时声带振动。nully i igh ie uyPracticefly by cry try whywide life knife kind size whilenight right fight highlie tie die buy guy PracticePracticefive kites why sigh high time by and by time and tide Let by-gones be by-gones. Great minds think alike.Comparison [ai – a:] Comparison [ai – a:] life laugh bike bark like lark climb calm mike mark kite cartnull先发 音,然后滑向 音; 唇形由圆唇变为扁唇; 发音前长后短,前重后轻; 发音时声带振动。nulloy oiPracticeboy toy joy soy enjoy employ deploy destroy annoy loyal royaloil coin noise boil choice soil join spoil disappointedPractice Practice the boy’s toy toil on the soil the noise of the coins boil the oil The spoilt boy destroyed the toys.Comparison Comparison all oil call coil tall toil corn coin gnaws noise jaws joynull先发 音,然后滑向 音; 发音过程中,下颚稍抬高,双唇由扁平收圆; 发音前长后短,前重后轻; 发音时声带振动。nullo ow oa ou oePracticeso home those told poem notethrow tomorrow show bowl soul though shoulderload toast soap boat road toe hoe Practice Practice go home hope so a broken bowl so lonely Little strokes fell great oaks. A rolling stone gathers no moss.Comparison Comparison goat got note not hope hop own on coat cotnull[au]先发 [ a:]音,然后滑向[ u ] 音; 双唇逐渐收成圆形,并把舌后部稍稍抬起; 发音前长后短,前重后轻; 发音时声带振动。nullPracticeow ouowl cow bow vow down crowd allow town flower power crown mouth out house ground around mouse loud sound found flour fountain counterPractice Practice down town bow down a brown tower found a cow a thousand mountains He shouted louder and louder to the crowd gathered around.Comparison Comparison loud lord shout short howl hall house horse down dawn town tornnull先发 音,然后滑向 音; 发 音时,用扁平唇; 发音过程中,双唇稍稍展开; 发音前长后短,前重后轻; 发音时声带振动。nullea ear eer ere iouPracticeidea real realize theatreear dear near clear year here mere spherebeer cheer peer deer pioneervarious serious mysteriousPractice Practice near the beer a clear idea a sincere tear a period of fear appear superior We are near the end of the year. null先发 音,然后滑向 音; 双唇半开; 发音前长后短,前重后轻; 发音时声带振动。nullear air are ere aPracticebear wear pear air hair chair fair repairparent various areacare dare share rare squarethere where nowhere Practice Practice fair hair fair share their parents fair and square Where there’s a will, there’s a way. Wherever there’s oppression, there’s resistance.null先发 [ u ]音,然后滑向 音; 发 [ u ]时,不要把舌抬得过高,以免读成[u:]; 双唇由稍圆而展开; 发音前长后短,前重后轻; 发音时声带振动。nulloor ua our urePracticepoor moor February casual usual tour gourdmature obscure pure surePractice Practice a sure cure a poor tourist fewer and fewer the furious jeweller The jury were sure the poor man was innocent of stealing the jewels.null共28个null 爆破音 爆破音 1. [p] & [b] 双唇闭紧,气流突然冲开双唇,冲出口腔。 [p]是清辅音,声带不振动。 [b]是浊辅音,声带振动。PracticePractice 1. [p] & [b] peer payment persistent pitch pineapple provoke player princess pursue bake bold bubble browse bullet business barely bankrupt ballroomPracticePractice1. He must be paid. 2. Place it back. 3. You’d better buy the book. 4. The box is too big. 5. She gets a job in a bank.爆破音爆破音2. [t] & [d]舌尖紧抵上齿龈,形成阻 碍,然后突然分开,气流 冲出口腔。 [t]是清辅音,声带不振动。 [d]是浊辅音,声带振动。PracticePractice 2. [t] & [d] tease temper tedious textile temperate tone tiresome tolerance toss define disorder dependence detail despair demonstrate detect distract determinationPracticePractice1. Take it out and give it to the boss. 2. Don’t tell the teacher that. 3. We must help the poor. 4. Take it out and put it on the bed. 5. Write this word on the blackboard.爆破音爆破音 3. [k] & [g] 舌后部抬起,紧贴软腭,形成阻碍。气流冲开阻碍后冲出口腔。 [k]是清辅音,声带不振动。[g]是浊辅音,声带振动。PracticePractice 3. [k] & [g] keen killer kind kid kick bake lake cake mark cook gap gradually glamour gear glimpse global grace gloomy gloriousPractice Practice 1. The cook is baking a cake. 2. I like country music. 3. I must go to school. 4. It looks good. 5. Gradually he felt gloomy.摩擦音摩擦音 1. [f] & [v] 下唇轻触上齿,气流由唇齿问的缝隙通过,摩擦成音。[f]是清辅音,声带不振动。[v]是浊辅音,声带振动。PracticePractice 1. [f] & [v] fame faithful fascinating fashion fatigue fearful flourish fresher frank very vary valentine victory vision vigorous voice vitamin volleyballPracticePracticethe five fingers fine feather a good father become famous every visit give a vote visit the village over and over again 比较[v] 和[w]半元音 比较[v] 和[w]半元音 发音方法描述: 舌后部向软腭抬起,舌位高,口形收圆并稍向前突出,发音短促,一经发出,立刻向后面的元音滑动,起辅音的作用。[w]null经常发/W/这个音的字母及组合有: w wh 例词: wait walk wallet waiter week whale white when why what 半元音 半元音 发音方法描述: 舌前部尽量向硬腭抬起,双唇平展,口微开,舌面和硬腭稍有摩擦,该半元音一经发出,立刻向后面的元音滑动,起辅音的作用。[ j ]null经常发/j/这个音的字母及组合有: y u 例词: yes yo-yo yogurt yolk year young unit unite unify 摩擦音摩擦音 2. [s] & [z] 舌端靠近上齿龈,气流从舌端和齿龈间通过,形成摩擦音。 [s]是清辅音,声带不振动。 [z]是浊辅音,声带振动。PracticePractice 2. [s] & [z] sandal scale scent scribble seafood setback sip snack solve zoo zero zip zoom zone zest zeal usePracticePracticesay it again how to say seek no advice sorry for thatabove zero visit the zoo very zealous great zest摩擦音摩擦音 3. [θ] & [ð] 舌尖轻触上齿背部,气流从舌齿问的缝隙送出。 [θ]是清辅音,声带不振动。 [ð] 是浊辅音,声带振动。PracticePractice 3. [θ] & [ð] threat thinker therapy theorist thankful thoughtful thrust thumb month this those leather than that them thus there thenPracticePracticethis month I don’t think so. the third person from the souththis man better than that those days these things摩擦音摩擦音 4. [∫] & [ʒ] 舌身抬起靠近硬腭,舌端抬向上齿龈,形成狭长通道,气流由此通过,双唇稍微收圆并略突出。 [∫]是清辅音,声带不振动。 [ʒ] 是浊辅音,声带振动。PracticePractice 4. [∫] & [ʒ] sheer shellfish short flash shameful shot shake shoulder shock pleasure measure vision leisure television usual PracticePractice1.This girl is very shy. 2. Please show me your passport. 3. The sharp-tongued lady is shouting at someone. 4. Don’t you feel ashamed of yourself?null发音方法描述: 发音时口张开,在通过声门时发出轻微摩擦,气流经过口腔时不受阻碍。[h]是清辅音,声带不振动。5. [ h ]null经常发/h/这个音的字母及组合有: h wh 例词: hair heavy happy hall hobby height humid horse house who null发音方法描述: 舌尖卷起,抬向上齿龈后部,但不发生摩擦,舌两侧稍收拢,口形略突出,气流通过时发出轻微摩擦,[r]是浊辅音,声带振动。6.[ r ]null经常发/r/这个音的字母及组合有: r rr rh wr 例词: read relax reporter relationship mirror parrot write wrong 破擦音破擦音发音方法描述: 舌尖舌端抬高,贴住上齿龈后部形成阻碍,气流冲出阻碍摩擦成音。口形稍突出,略成方形。 是清辅音,声带不振动, 是浊辅音,声带振动。null经常发 这个音的字母及组合有: ch t 例词: cheese cheap channel change teacher cherry beach child culture future null经常发 这个音的字母及组合有: g j dge 例词: jazz joke jump juice ginger Egypt exchange college challenge bridge 破擦音破擦音发音方法描述: 舌尖向上卷起,并抵住上齿龈后部,气流冲出舌尖和齿龈之问的阻碍,双唇收圆,稍向前突出。[tr]是清辅音,声带不振动,[dr]是浊辅音,声带振动.null经常发[tr]这个音的字母组合有: tr 例词: country true tree trash trousers train tremendous tradition traffic transportation null经常发[dr]这个音的字母组合有: dr 例词: draw address dry drink dragon drum wardrobe drop driver 破擦音破擦音发音方法描述: 舌端贴住上齿龈,形成阻碍,气流冲破阻碍,口形扁平。 [ts]是清辅音,声带不振动,[dz]是浊辅音,声带振动。 null经常发[ts]这个音的字母组合有: ts tes 例词: wants rests tests units sweets seats gates pets hats visits null经常发[dz]这个音的字母组合有: ds des 例词: ads friends kinds seeds woods spades swords words hands crowds 鼻音 鼻音 发音方法描述: 双唇紧闭,软腭下垂,气流从鼻腔送出。在词末时,须略延长,以防止吞音。null经常发[m]这个音的字母及组合有: m mb mm 例词: mouth amazing remember form exam climb comb thumb mammal 鼻音 鼻音 发音方法描述: 舌尖紧贴上齿龈,软腭下垂,形成阻碍,气流由鼻腔送出。在词末时,须略延长,以防止吞音。null经常发[n]这个音的字母及组合有: n kn gn 例词: son brown sun rain winter champion knee knife knock gnaw 鼻音 鼻音 发音方法描述: 软腭下垂,舌后部向软腭抬起,堵住口腔通道,气流从鼻腔送出。词末时发音清晰有力,略微延长。 null经常发/ŋ/这个音的字母及组合有: n ng 例词: bank blank think English long sing song singer shopping painting 舌边音 舌边音 发音方法描述: 元音前读清晰[l],舌端抵上齿龈,气流从舌的一侧或两侧泄出;辅音前或词末发含糊[l],舌端也抵上齿龈,但是与清晰音相比,舌前部低,舌后部高,发音略长。null经常发/ǀ/这个音的字母及组合有: l ll 例词: long left lantern listing lock rule school silver ball wallnullThank you!
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