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考研英语长难句分析150__翻译辅导备:标黄位置为对应动词; 备:标黄位置为对应动词; 分析顺序 1标逻辑单位SVO 2分析句子结构 3 翻译 1.​ 见教材 2.​ 见教材 3.​ It’s a dangerous decision – one that, as the dissenting judges warned, could turn America into the sort of totalitarian state imagined by George Orwell. ​ It is a dangerous decision-one...

备:标黄位置为对应动词; 备:标黄位置为对应动词; 分析顺序 1标逻辑单位SVO 2分析句子结构 3 翻译 1.​ 见教材 2.​ 见教材 3.​ It’s a dangerous decision – one that, as the dissenting judges warned, could turn America into the sort of totalitarian state imagined by George Orwell. ​ It is a dangerous decision-one that ​ (dangerous decision)as the dissenting judges warned ​ (dangerous decision) could turn America into the sort of totalitarian state ​ the sort of totalitarian state imagined by George Orwell. Translation: 这是个危险的决议,正如反对法官所警告的能把美国变成乔治奥威尔描述中的那种集权国家。 4.​ This case began in 2007, when Drug Enforcement Administration(DEA)agents decided to monitor Juan Pineda-Moreno, an Oregon resident who they suspected was growing marijuana. ​ This case began in 2007, when Drug Enforcement Administration(DEA)agents decided …… ​ (that)to monitor Juan Pineda-Moreno ​ (Juan Pineda-Moreno) an Oregon resident (who they suspected) was growing marijuana. Translation: 这个案例起于2007年,美国缉毒署的探员打算监视一个叫Juan Pineda-Moreno的俄勒冈居民,因为探员们怀疑这位居民种植大麻。 5.​ The court went on to make a second terrible decision about privacy: that once a GPS device has been planted. the government is free to use it to track people without getting a warrant. ​ The court went on to make a second terrible decision about privacy ​ (that) once a GPS device has been planted. ​ the government is free to use it to track people ​ (the government) without getting a warrant. Translation: 关于隐私当局继续通过一个第二可怕的决议:一旦GPS设备安置到位,政府将无须授权即能自由使用GPS设备追踪公民。 6.​ Plenty of liberals have objected to this kind of spying, but it is the conservative Chief Judge Kozinski who has done so most passionately. ​ Plenty of liberals have objected to this kind of spying ​ but it is the conservative Chief Judge Kozinski ​ who has done so most passionately. Translation: 大量自由人事反对这种形式的侦查,而正是保守党收悉法官kozinski提出了最为激昂的反对。 7.​ The IMF would like to adopt a plan of action that would expand the use of SDRs Special Drawing Rights to replace the U.S dollar as the storehouse of value and eventually create a global currency called the “bancor”. ​ The IMF would like to adopt a plan of action ​ that would expand the use of SDRs Special Drawing Rights ​ to replace the U.S dollar as the storehouse of value ​ and eventually create a global currency called the “bancor”. Translation: 国际货币基金组织希望采纳一项行动 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 ,旨在扩展特别提款权的使用范围以替代美元作为仓库的价值并最终创造叫bancor的全球货币。 8.​ “Bancor”is the name suggested by John Maynard Keynes, the British economist who headed the World Banking Commission that created the IMF during the Breton Woods negotiations, which preceded the United Nations. ​ “Bancor”is the name(that)suggested by John Maynard Keynes ​ (John Maynard Keynes)is the British economist who headed the World Banking Commission ​ (the World Banking Commission) that created the IMF during the Breton Woods negotiations ​ (the Breton Woods negotiations) which preceded the United Nations. Translation: “Bancor”名字由John Maynard Keynes提出,这位英国经济学家统领了那个在布雷顿森林谈判中创建了国际货币基金组织(比联合国还早)的世界银行委员会。 CAO: 汉语翻译的语序可以考虑调整为: “Bancor”名字由John Maynard Keynes提出,这位英国经济学家统领了世界银行委员会。该委员会在布雷顿森林谈判中创建了国际货币基金组织,比联合国还早。 9.​ The bank would have to be, according to the report writers, “accountable to member nations, but remain independent.” ​ The bank would have to be “accountable to member nations, but remain independent.” ​ according to the report writers, Translation: 根据报道,银行将会“为会员国负责,而保持其独立性”. 10.​ This statement sounds much like the defenders of the Federal Reserve, which was created by Congress and is supposed to be accountable to Congress, but refuses to allow Congress to audit its activities or even to answer congressional questions about to whom it lends U.S. Dollars. ​ This statement sounds much like the defenders of the Federal Reserve ​ the Federal Reserve, which was created by Congress and is supposed to be accountable to Congress ​ but refuses to allow Congress to audit its activities ​ or even to answer congressional questions ​ about to whom it lends U.S. Dollars. Translation: 这一声明听上去像是美联储的守护者,而美联储这一由国会创建并理应为国会负责的地方,却拒绝同意国会对其行为的审核或者只是就把美元借给谁回答国会的问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 。 11.​ Schools do credit Roosevelt with helping to create the United Nations, but they never explain that Roosevelt brought into his administration dozens of people from the Council on Foreign Relations to draft his “New Deal,” as well as plans for the United Nations. ​ Schools do credit Roosevelt with helping to create the United Nations ​ but they never explain ​ that Roosevelt brought ... dozens of people from the Council on Foreign Relations into his administration ​ to draft his “New Deal, “as well as plans for the United Nations. Translation: 罗斯福帮助创建联合国受到学校称赞,但他们从未解释,除规划联合国以外,罗斯福从外交委员会带几十人到他的当局来起草他的“新政”。 12.​ It became abundantly clear that despite all the warm and fuzzy global-neighborhood talk, the Soviets fully intended to gain the military power to crush the United States. ​ It became abundantly clear ​ that despite all the warm and fuzzy global-neighborhood talk, ​ the Soviets fully intended to gain the military power to crush the United States. Translation: 事态变得如昭然若揭:不顾各种温馨的全球睦邻谈话,苏联人彻头彻尾倾向增加军事力量以摧毁美国。 13.​ This historical fact is a powerful lesson that should teach current and future leaders that this nation cannot risk meeting military threats with anything less than superior military strength. ​ This historical fact is a powerful lesson ​ (lesson) that should teach current and future leaders ​ that this nation cannot risk meeting military threats with anything less than superior military strength. Translation: 这一史实是强有力的教训,应该教育当下和未来的领袖们——这个国家只有使用最强大的军事实力,才能面对军事威胁。 14.​ He pointed out how illegality made the drugs industry more, not less , lucrative, how crime had flourished during alcohol prohibition in the 1930s and would flourish more under Bennett’s plans, and how drugs might never have been invented had it not been for the drugs war. He pointed out 。。。 ​ how illegality made the drugs industry more, not less , lucrative, ​ how crime had flourished during alcohol prohibition in the 1930s and would flourish more under Bennett’s plans ​ and how drugs might never have been invented ​ had it not been for the drugs war. Translation: 他指出非法手段如何使毒品行业更猖獗而不是更少和更有利可图,犯罪是如何在二十世纪三十年禁酒令期间盛行并将在贝内特计划下更为猖獗,还有一点,如果不是因为毒品战争,毒品很本就不会出现。 15.​ However much governments listened to him on economics, they always ignored him on drugs. ​ However much governments listened to him on economics, ​ they always ignored him on drugs. Translation: 无论政府在经济方面多么听从他的建议,他在毒品控制上的见解总是被忽视。 16.​ A report launched in New York on Thursday, declaring that “the global war on drugs has failed ” and that “the criminalization, marginalization and stigmatization” of drug users should end, could hardly be more impressive. ​ A report launched in New York on Thursday ​ (report) declaring that “the global war on drugs has failed ” ​ and that “the criminalization, marginalization and stigmatization” of drug users should end, ​ A report... could hardly be more impressive. Translation: 周四在纽约发布的一份杂志宣称“全球反毒战争已经失败”并且对于吸毒者“刑事化,边缘化,耻辱化”的做法应当结束。这份报告让人印象极其深刻。 17.​ If art is a kind of lying, then lying is a form of art, albeit of a lower order , as Oscar Wilde and Mark Twain have observed. ​ If art is a kind of lying ​ then lying is a form of art ​ albeit of a lower order , ​ as Oscar Wilde and Mark Twain have observed. Translation: 如果艺术是种谎言,那么谎言尽管低级,也算是一种艺术形式。这个说法曾为Oscar Wilde和 Mark Twain所认同。 18.​ Lying and artistic storytelling spring from a common neurological root ,one that is exposed in the cases of psychiatric patients who suffer from a particular kind of impairment. ​ Lying and artistic storytelling spring from a common neurological root ​ (neurological root)one that is exposed in the cases of psychiatric patients ​ who suffer from a particular kind of impairment. Translation: 谎言和艺术描述源自同一个神经根源,而这一根源在遭受某种损伤的精神病患者的案例里得到揭示。 19.​ This patient spontaneously described a blissful holiday she had taken in the islands, involving long strolls with her husband and the purchase of local trinkets from a shop. ​ This patient spontaneously described a blissful holiday ​ she had taken in the islands ​ involving long strolls with her husband and the purchase of local trinkets from a shop. Translation: 患者绘声绘色的描述一个她去岛上的幸福假日,包括和她丈夫一起长长的漫步以及在商店里买当地的饰品。 20.​ That is more than 500 times the amount the rich world spends on foreign aid each year. ​ That is more than 500 times the amount ​ the rich world spends on foreign aid each year. Translation: 这几乎是发达国家每年在国外援助总花销的500倍以上。 21.​ That is a fascinating point , which the authors could have pursued further than they do. ​ That is a fascinating point ​ which the authors could have pursued further than they do Translation: 这一点很吸引人,作者们本来可以做更进一步的研究(虚拟语气!)。 22.​ Thanks to modern techniques for decoding genetic evidence, far more is known today about the great movements of prehistory than was suspected even a decade ago. ​ Thanks to modern techniques for decoding genetic evidence ​ today’s known about the great movements of prehistory is far more ​ than was suspected even a decade ago Translation: 由于揭密遗传学证据的现代技术,现今对于史前大迁徙的了解,远甚于十年之前的猜想。 23.​ But the sample size for the establishment survey, from which we get the payroll number, is much larger than that for the household survey, from which we get the employment figures that go into the unemployment rate. ​ But the sample size for the establishment survey, from which we get the payroll number ​ (sample size) is much larger than that for the household survey ​ (the household survey), from which we get the employment figures that go into the unemployment rate. Translation: 但是机构调查的样本量比家庭调查量大很多,从机构调查中我们可以得到工资单数目,而从家庭调查中我们可以得到探究失业率的就业数据 24.​ This has been helped by its frothy price, and the fact that it is easy enough to pinpoint and extract from scrapped jet engines. ​ This has been helped by its frothy price, ​ the fact that it is easy enough to pinpoint and extract from scrapped jet engines. Translation: 这一直得益于它的泡沫价格,和一个事实:它很容易勘探并从废弃的引擎盖中提取。 25.​ If our experience of eating outside is colored by all these things, smell, anticipation, context, childhood memories, even gratitude-- whether or not it really tastes better ends up being subjective. ​ If our experience of eating outside is colored by all these things, smell, anticipation, context, childhood memories, even gratitude ​ Whether or not it really tastes better ends up being subjective. Translation: 如果我们在外就餐的经历被气味、期许、环境、童年回忆、甚至是感激所渲染,那么无论是否真的好吃最终都会变得很主观。  26.​ Hunter-gatherers’ practice of searching their surroundings for edible plants is responsible for half of the name anthropologists have bestowed on them. ​ Hunter-gatherers’ practice of searching their surroundings for edible plants ​ (practice) is responsible for half of the name ​ anthropologists have bestowed on them. Translation: 人类学家之所以为其命名为狩猎采集者,其中一半是因为其在周围环境中搜索可实用植物的实践。 27.​ With hunting likely to have been an intermittent diversion, effective foraging would have been crucial to tiding early humans over to the next woolly mammoth. ​ With hunting likely to have been an intermittent diversion ​ effective foraging would have been crucial ​ (crucial) to tiding early humans over to the next woolly mammoth. Translation: 随着捕猎可能间歇性中断,有效觅食对于早期人类转移到下一个猎物(长毛象)就至关重要了。 28.​ That, in turn, made it possible to determine how long it took each group to reach a consensus, defined as concentrating more than 90% of activity around a single patch. ​ in turn, That made it possible ​ to determine how long it took each group to reach a consensus ​ defined as concentrating more than 90% of activity around a single patch. Translation: 那么接下来就可以判断每个组花了多长时间来达成共识,其判定 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 是,高于90%以上的活动围绕一个采集点进行。 29.​ Noise levels remained more or less constant the whole time, suggesting that verbal message were not as important. ​ Noise levels remained more or less constant the whole time ​ (Noise levels) suggesting that verbal message were not as important. Translation: 噪音水平在全天或多或少保持恒定,这暗示着,言语信息的不那么重要了。 30.​ It remains an open question whether they are as crucial to success in groups larger than the half-dozen or so people typical of foraging parties in hunter-gather societies. ​ It remains an open question ​ whether they are as crucial to success in groups larger than the half-dozen or so people ​ typical of foraging parties in hunter-gather societies. Translation: 同样需要探讨的问题是,以捕猎采集为主业的群体中6人左右最为典型,超过这个人数的小组取得成功,他们是否同样重要。 31.​ In 1996 Brewster Kahle, a computer scientist and internet entrepreneur, founded the Internet archive, a non-profit organization dedicated to preserving websites. ​ In 1996 Brewster Kahle founded the Internet archive ​ (Brewster Kahle ) a computer scientist and internet entrepreneur ​ (Internet archive) a non-profit organization dedicated to preserving websites. Translation: 1996年计算机科学家、互联网企业家Brewster Kahle创立了致力于保存网站的非营利机构Internet archive, 32.​ Numerous studies have demonstrated that when people are forced to think hard about what they are shown they remember it better, so it is worth looking at ways this can be done. ​ Numerous studies have demonstrated they(people) remember it(what they are shown) better ​ that when people are forced to think hard about what they are shown ​ so it is worth looking at ways ​ this can be done. Translation: 大量研究证实,当人们被迫努力思考展现给他们看的东西时,他们会记得更好,所以值得研究这种情况发生的那些方式。 33.​ The world is planting a vigorous new crop:”agro-pessimism”, or fear that mankind will not be able to feed itself except by wrecking the environment. ​ The world is planting a vigorous new crop:”agro-pessimism” ​ (”agro-pessimism”) fear that mankind will not be able to feed itself except by wrecking the environment. Translation: 世界上正在疯长着一种叫“农业悲观主义”的作物,或者说是某种担忧:人类只有通过破坏环境,才能养活自己。 34.​ A year after “The Limits to Growth”appeared,however,and at a time when soaring oil prices seemed to confirm the Club Rome’s fears,a country which was then a large net food importer decide to change the way it farmed. ​ A year after “The Limits to Growth”appeared,however, ​ and at a time when soaring oil prices seemed to confirm the Club Rome’s fears ​ a country which was then a large net food importer decide to change the way it farmed. Translation: 然而,当“成长的极限“出版一年后,时逢油价的飙升似乎印证了罗马俱乐部的担忧,一个纯粮食进口国家决定改变自己耕作方式。 35.​ Instead of trying to protect farmers from international competition--as much of the world still does --it opened up to trade and let inefficient farms go to the wall ​ Instead of trying to protect farmers from international competition ​ as much of the world still does ​ it opened up to trade and let inefficient farms go to the wall Translation: 它不仅没有尝试在国际竞争中保护农户——就像世界的大多数地方一直做的一样,反而开放贸易并让无效的农耕形式碰壁出局。 36.​ It is not too much to talk about a miracle,and one that has been achieved without the huge state subsidies that prop up farmers in Europe and America. ​ It is not too much to talk about a miracle ​ and one that has been achieved without the huge state subsidies ​ that prop up farmers in Europe and America. Translation: 说它是奇迹也不为过,其一是达成如此(成就)却没有像欧美农民那样得到巨额的政府补贴支持。 37.​ This means lawyers must sit down with clients at the start and discuss what exactly they want to achieve, and how much success might be worth to them. This means lawyers must sit down with clients at the start and discuss what exactly they want to achieve and how much success might be worth to them. Translation: 这意味着律师必须在开始的时候与客户一同坐下,探讨客户(当事人)想要什么目标,案件成功对客户(当事人)来说到底值多少钱。 38.​ Many cases are settled,and companies can try to figure out how much they want to spend on,say,depositions while trying to prepare themselves to sue or settle. Many cases are settled and companies can try to figure out how much they want to spend on, say,depositions while trying to prepare themselves to sue or settle. Translation: 许多案子结了,当公司(当事人)尝试准备他们自己的证词或者寻求和解时,他们可以尝试核算他们到底需要花多少钱在比如证言和证词上。 39.​ Experts and surveys estimate that between 10% and 30% of hours are never billed by tried and overworked attorneys who cannot keep track of every price of work they do. ​ Experts and surveys estimate that ​ between 10% and 30% of hours are never billed by tried and overworked attorneys ​ who cannot keep track of every price of work they do. Translation: 专家和调查(的人们)估计:得有10%到30%的时间从来没有纳入账单,因为律师疲劳和超时工作而无法记录他们所做工作的每一个片段。 40.​ A firm called Chrometa addresses this problem by producing a software programme that automatically tracks a lawyer’s computer usage, showing how much time she has spent on which e-mail,document or spreadsheet. ​ A firm called Chrometa addresses this problem by producing a software programme ​ programme that automatically tracks a lawyer’s computer usage ​ showing how much time she has spent on which e-mail,document or spreadsheet. Translation: 一家叫Chrometa的公司 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 了一个软件程序, 专门来解决这个问题。这个软件可以显示她(律师)在哪个e-mail、文档和 表格 关于规范使用各类表格的通知入职表格免费下载关于主播时间做一个表格详细英语字母大小写表格下载简历表格模板下载 上花费的时间, 从而自动跟踪律师的电脑使用。 41.​ Those examples may be relevant in Africa,where in many countries around three-quarters of the population survive by cultivating a few varieties of crops watered directly by rain,.the form of farming most vulnerable to climate change. ​ Those examples may be relevant in Africa ​ where in many countries around three-quarters of the population survive by cultivating a few varieties of crops watered directly by rain. ​ the form of farming most vulnerable to climate change. Translate: 这些样本可能和非洲有关,那里很多国家差不多三分之一的人口靠雨水灌溉的聊聊几种谷物过活,这种农耕形式在气候变化面前极其脆弱。 42.​ Yet a study of fighting among pastoralists on the border between Kenya and Somalia in the past 60 years(presented at the conference)showed ​ a study showed ​ study of fighting among pastoralists on the border between Kenya and Somalia in the past 60 years ​ study which presented at the conference Translation: 然而一封呈送在会议上关于在过去60年在肯尼亚和索马里边境之间奋战的牧民的报告显示 43.​ A blogger and card-carrying member of the “digerati”, he is worried enough about the internet to raise the alarm about its dangers to human thought and creativity. ​ A blogger and card-carrying member of the “digerati”, he ​ Is worried enough about the internet ​ to raise the alarm about its dangers to human thought and creativity. Translation: 一位博客、计算机协会正式会员对因特网十分担忧,提出了计算机危及人类思想和创新的警报。 44.​ Humans like to believe they control the tools they use, even if Socrates, Marshall McLuhan and Ivan Illich are among those who have argued that often they do not. ​ Humans like to believe ​ they control the tools they use ​ even if Socrates, Marshall McLuhan and Ivan Illich are among those who have argued that often they do not. Translation: 即使苏格拉底、马歇尔麦克卢汉和伊凡里奇等人都认为人类经常不能控制工具,人类也似乎相信他们掌控了自己使用的工具。 45.​ Only by combining data stored deep within our brains can we forge new ideas. ​ Only by combining data stored deep within our brains ​ We can forge new ideas. Translation: 只有结合了存在我们大脑深处的数据,我们才能形成新点子。 46.​ From a society that valued the creation of a unique storehouse of ideas in each individual,man is moving to a socially constructed mind that values speed and group approval over originality and creativity. ​ From a society,man is moving to a socially constructed mind ​ that valued the creation of a unique storehouse of ideas in each individual a socially constructed mind that values speed and group approval over originality and creativity. Translation: 人类正在发生转变,过去看重个体独立性创造的知识宝藏, 现在则重视速度和群体赞同,超过了原创新力和创新力。 47.​ Some evolutionary biologists claim that the scholarly mind is an historical anomaly: that humans, like other primates, are designed to scan rapidly for danger and opportunity. ​ Some evolutionary biologists claim that ​ the scholarly mind is an historical anomaly: ​ that humans, like other primates, are designed to scan rapidly for danger and opportunity. Translation: 一些持进化论观点的生物学家声称,学术思维是个历史性的奇葩:人类和其它灵长类一样生来就具备迅速扫描危险和机会的能力。 48.​ Rather than pit training against university preparation, they are trying to integrate the two. ​ Rather than pit training against university preparation ​ they are trying to integrate the two. Translation: 与职场训练和大学预科的对立不同,他们尝试将二者加以整合。 49.​ Around 2000, a few environmental groups began to switch their aim, no longer targeting the people making the pulp and paper that account for two-thirds of the
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