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英语翻译训练高考翻译精选模拟题 1.​ 全市公立博物馆对学生免费开放。 (open) All the public museums are open to the students, free of charge. 2.​ 干嘛不在周末去博物馆看看?(why not +不定式) Why not go to the museums on weekends? 3.​ 友谊是有来有往的事儿,它是建筑在相互帮助的基础上的。(it, base) Friendship is a matter of give-and-take. It is...

高考翻译精选模拟题 1.​ 全市公立博物馆对学生免费开放。 (open) All the public museums are open to the students, free of charge. 2.​ 干嘛不在周末去博物馆看看?(why not +不定式) Why not go to the museums on weekends? 3.​ 友谊是有来有往的事儿,它是建筑在相互帮助的基础上的。(it, base) Friendship is a matter of give-and-take. It is based on mutual help. 4.​ 简(Jane) 长得漂亮, 有人请她拍时装广告。我认为学生不应过早参与商业活动。(feature, involve)(宾语从句) Jane is a beautiful girl, and was invited to feature in a fashion ad. However, I think students shouldn’t get involved in commercials too early. 5.​ 我班同学每逢节假日都到周边社区去当志愿者/义工。(make it a rule) The students in my class make it a rule to work as volunteers in the nearby neighborhood on holidays. 6.​ 学校艺术节即将来临,戏剧社的同学都忙于排演英语短剧。(be busy doing) The School Art Festival is drawing near, and students of the Drama Club are busy preparing English sketches. 7.​ 开学前夕, 书店结账台前排起了长队,有时长得火冒三丈。(drive sb. mad)(so that 引导的状语从句) On the eve of a new semester, the queue/ lines in bookstores are so long that often they’ll drive you mad. 8.​ 大家都认为世上没有一种适合所有学生的教学方法。(it, agree/accept) It is accepted/agreed that there isn’t a universal teaching method that suits students of all types. 9.​ 学习英语的最好方法之一是同母语使用者交谈。(approach) One of the best approaches of learning English is to speak it with native speakers. 10.​ 在阅读时不要见到生词就查词典,往往生词词义在语境中可以猜出来。(come across) When reading, don’t refer to the dictionary each time you come across a new word. Often the meaning of a new word is self-evident in the context. 11.​ 学习方法因人而异。适合你的不一定对我有用。(vary)(what从句) Learning method varies from student to student. What is suitable for you may not be so for me. 12.​ 现在的高分并不意味着将来的成就。(not necessarily, mean/suggest) High scores today do not necessarily mean great achievements in the future. 13.​ 如果把难词难句同可视事物联系在一起,记住它们就容易多了。(associate) It will be easier to memorize difficult words or sentences if you associate them with visual things. 14.​ 尽管他是个孩子,但他把这道难题解了出来。(让步状语从句) Child as he was, he worked out the difficult problem. 15.​ 并不是所有聪明的学生将来都会成功。在成长的过程中,还有别的因素在起作用。(factor, at work)(部分否定) Not all intelligent students will become successful in the future. There are other factors at work in the growth progress. 16.​ 汤姆难得去老师那儿寻求解题方法;他说“自习”可以使自己受益更多。(seldom倒装) Seldom did Tom go to teachers for solutions, he said self-study benefits himself more. 17.​ 对于学英语的人来讲,英式英语和美式英语同等重要,所以你都应接触。(be exposed to) For an English learner, both British English and American English are equally important, and you must be exposed to both of them. 18.​ 用电子词典或者传统词典都差不多。(difference) It makes no difference whether you use an electric dictionary or a traditional one. 19.​ 汤姆不大重视实践。所以他同外国人交谈会紧张。(account for)(宾语从句) Tom doesn’t pay enough attention to practice. This accounts for why he feels nervous when talking with foreigners. 20.​ 汤姆口试不及格。这并非因为考试难,而是因为他信心不足。(not…but) Tom failed the oral test not because it was very difficult but because he had little self-confidence. 高考翻译精选模拟题 王敏归还了她拾到的巨款,可怎么也不愿接受失主的酬谢。(decline)(定语从句) Wang Min returned the large sum of money she picked up to the owner and firmly declined any reward from him. 1.​ 大家都认为物理最难,但结果考得最好的就是物理。(contrary to) All of us thought physics is the most difficult subject. Contrary to what we thought, we did best in the physics test. 2.​ 英语老师总是强调说英语最重要,其它学科的老师在谈及学习的重要性时往往也是这样说自己的学科。(it’s the case) English teacher often says English is the most important subject. It is the case with the teachers of other subjects when speaking of the importance of learning. 3.​ 牺牲睡眠来准备考试值不值?(at the cost of) Is it worth preparing exam at the cost of sleep? 4.​ 你最好别费心找什么捷径,应该一步步地积累语言材料。(bother about, build up)(祈使句) Don’t bother about any shortcut! Do build up your vocabulary step by step. 5.​ 教育学家认为网瘾是一种精神性的疾病。(consider+双宾语)(net-addiction) Educators consider net-addition a kind of mental illness. 6.​ 碰到要自己动手做实验,李敏总是第一个自告奋勇。(when it comes to ) When it comes to DIY experiment, Li Ming is always the first to volunteer. 7.​ 明明在拼生词比赛中夺冠,他被称作活词典。(come out) Min Min came out No. 1 in the spelling Contest, and was prasied as a walking dictionary. 8.​ 正是人类活动导致今日的全球变暖。(contribute to)(It 强调句) It is human activities that contribute to the global warming today. 9.​ 城市人口不断增长是全球各国政府共同的”烫山芋”.(系 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 结构) The ever-increasing population in cities is a universal hot potato to the governments worldwide。 10.​ 禁止鸣号(horning)是把双刃剑。一方面它减少了噪音,可另一方面它会导致更多交通事故。(two-edged sword) The banning of horning is like a two-edged sword. On one hand, it reduces noise pollution; on the other hand, it leads to more road accidents. 11.​ 随着电脑用户猛增,电脑诈骗(cyber frauds)同样猛增。抑制这类诈骗是个迫在眉睫的问题。(with结构) With the PC users increasing fast, cyber frauds spring up as fast. To check them becomes a burning question. 12.​ 学校里一直在广泛使用智商检测以评估学生呢能力。(evaluate) The IQ test has been widely used in schools to evaluate students’ abilities. 13.​ 尽管无人设备早已登上火星,可是载人登火星的使命还是遥遥无期。(unmanned, manned mission) Though unmanned equipment has already landed on Mars, manned mission on Mars is still faraway in the future. 14.​ 认为数字“8“是幸运的这种想法不是建立在科学的基础上的,是迷信的。(belief) The belief that the number “8“ is lucky is not based on science. It’s superstitious. 15.​ 公众对于无偿使用塑料袋的限制措施是支持的。(measures) The public support the measures to limit the free use of plastic bags. 16.​ 中国人一直梦想登上月球。这个梦想不久就能实现。(dream) The Chinese have been dreaming of landing on Moon. In near future this dream will come true. 17.​ 就发明的品种而言,爱迪生在现代史上绝无仅有。(next to none) In terms of the kinds of invention, Edison is next to none in modern history. 18.​ 有了DNA技术,警方可以更快更方便地抓获罪犯。(available) With the DNA technology available, the police can find out criminals faster and more easily。 19.​ 鸟巢是座设计优秀,施工精良的体育场。(well-designed) The Bird’s Nest is a well-designed and well-constructed stadium. 高考翻译精选模拟题 1.​ 汽车工业的发展必然会伴随着交通阻塞问题。(be sure to) Traffic jam is sure to go with the development of auto industry. 2.​ 在外滩你可以看到从19世纪到21世纪各个年代建造的大厦。(ranging from) Along the Bund, you can see the buildings of all periods, ranging from the 19th Century to the 21st Century. 3.​ 在豫园周边许多古老建筑完好地保留着。它们和四周的现代化建筑构成强烈对比。(sharp contrast) Around the Yu-Garden, quite a few old buildings are well-preserved, and they form a sharp contrast against the modern highrises nearby. 4.​ 如果上海以这样快的速度发展下去,10年后它将是什么模样? (be like) What will Shanghai be like ten years from now on if it keeps developing at its fast pace? 5.​ 购物时信用卡支付正在取代现金支付。前者更方便更安全。(replace) When shopping, credit card is replacing cash. The former is easier and safer. 6.​ 马路拐角处的便利店提供通宵服务。(round-the-clock) The convenience shop at the street corner provides round-the –clock service. 7.​ 不要鼓励高中生买时装。他们会超出经济条件去花钱的。(beyond one’s means) Don’t encourage high school students to buy dresses in fashion. They may spend money beyond their means. 8.​ 一种无糖可乐正取代传统的甜饮料。(substitute) A sugar-free cola is substituting for traditional sweet soft drinks. 9.​ 好书值得反复阅读。(worth) A good book is worth reading many times. 10.​ 年轻人跟着音乐开始跳舞时,老年人受到鼓舞也想加入他们的行列了。(to the music, inspire) When the young started dancing to the music, the old felt inspired to join them. 11.​ 朱莉爱体操就像别的姑娘爱时装一样。(the same way) Juliet loves gymnastics the same way other girls do fashion. 12.​ 他在乡下长大,所以他习惯早起。(并列句) He grew up in the country, and is used to getting up early. 13.​ 我擅长游泳,所以我无法抵挡水上运动的诱惑。(temptation) I’m good at swimming and I can’t resist the temptation of water sports. 14.​ 乔治迷上了极限运动,比如蹦极。(crazy about) George is crazy about extreme sports such as bungee jumping. 15.​ 除了成本这一项,委员会几乎批准了该项目的各个方面。(approve of, respect, except for) The committee approved of the project in almost every respect except for the cost. 16.​ 社会公众喜欢一个简朴有效的机场,而不是一个华丽的机场。(favor…over)(宾语从句) The public would favor a plain and effective airport over a luxurious one. 17.​ 大多数居民倾向于骑自行车去上班或上学。(in favor of) The majority of the residents are in favor of cycling to work or to school. 18.​ 师生均强烈反对假期布置过多作业。(against) Both teachers and students are strongly against too much work in holidays. 19.​ 出于众多的理由,穷国百姓反对使用生物燃料。(object to, bio-fuel) People from poor countries object to the use of bio-fuel for many reasons. 20.​ 林老师督促我们就像督促自己的孩子一样。(drive/push sb. hard) Miss Lin drives/pushes us hard the way she does her own children. 高考翻译精选模拟题 1.​ 李老师善于启发自己的学生,所以她能吸引住全班同学。(a magnet)(并列句) Miss Lee is good at inspiring her students, and she becomes really a magnet for the class. 2.​ 小英是高中生,她又乐于助人。你怎样表扬她都不为过。(never too much) Xiao Yin is a top student, and is always ready to help others. You can never praise her too much. 3.​ 明明又一次得全优,所以他会得到奖学金以示表彰。(in honor of) Mingming got straight A’s once more, and he would win this year’s scholarship in honour of his endeavor. 4.​ 任何文化都要求礼仪得体。(welcome) Good manners are welcome in any culture. 5.​ 每当学生出去远足,教师总要向家长保证孩子们会平安回家。(safe and sound) Each time the students set out for an excursion, the teachers would assure the parents they would return home safe and sound. 6.​ 高考来临,毕业班学生肯定会夜以继日地备考。(day and night) When the college entrance exam is drawing near, the graduating class are sure to prepare for it day and night. 7.​ 这家人轮流给花园浇水,那里的花朵四季盛开。(take turns doing sth.) The family take turns watering their garden, and the flowers bloom all the four seasons. 8.​ 网络最吸引人之处在于它能让你时刻了解新闻。(表语从句) The biggest attraction of the Internet is that it lets you have access to news round-the-clock. 9.​ 日用必需品越短缺,其价格上涨就越快。(the more…the more) The shorter the supply of the necessity is, the faster the price would go up. 10.​ 如果9点他们还没到,十有八九他们迷路了。(nine out of ten) If they don’t turn up by nine; nine out of ten they have lost their way. 11.​ 如果你循序渐进地学英语,你不会觉得它难。(step by step) If you learn English step by step, you won’t find it difficult. 12.​ 对该新药的试验还在进行中,其可能的副作用尚不清楚。(in progress) The experiments on the new drug/medicine are still in progress, so its possible side effect is unknown. 13.​ 至于最适合哪所大学这个问题,一个高中毕业生可自行作决定。(as for, on one’s own) As for which university suits best, it is a question a high school graduate can solve on their own. 14.​ 恐怖片会把我们吓得半死,可没人会中途退场。(scare sb. to death) Horror movies scared us to death, but none would quit half way. 15.​ 看到自己的偶像破了世界纪录,孩子们欣喜若狂。 Seeing their idol break the world record, the kids became wild with joy. 16.​ 诺贝尔发现自己的发明得到大力发展却助长了战争,他感到懊丧之至。(to one’s regret) To his greatest regret, Nobel found his invention highly developed only to encourage more wars. 17.​ 观看关于四川救灾工作的纪录片时,所有观众都感动得流泪。(双重否定的肯定) When watching the documentary about the rescue work in Sichuan, no viewer wasn’t moved to tears. 18.​ 小英雄们的事迹的 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 持续了2个多小时。不过这2个多小时将一辈子让我们记在心里。(remain fresh, for a life time) The report of the young heroes’ stories lasted more than two hours. But the two hours’ experience would remain fresh in our minds for a life time. 19.​ 学生们信赖杨老师,因为他说话算数,从不食言。(mean what one says) Students believe in Miss Yang because she means what she says, and never breaks any of her promises. 20.​ 携带瓶装液体的旅客不准登机。(条件句) Passengers are not allowed to board the airliners of they carry bottles containing liquids.
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