首页 《老友记》中英文对照剧本_第一季5



《老友记》中英文对照剧本_第一季5 Chandler: That is so not... That is so not... That... Oh, shut up! (Phoebe, Joey and Ross laugh) [Scene: Monica and Rachel's, Monica and Young Ethan are sitting in the couch.] Monica: Did not. Young Ethan: I am telling you, up until I was, like nine, I th...

Chandler: That is so not... That is so not... That... Oh, shut up! (Phoebe, Joey and Ross laugh) [Scene: Monica and Rachel's, Monica and Young Ethan are sitting in the couch.] Monica: Did not. Young Ethan: I am telling you, up until I was, like nine, I thought that gunpoint was an actual place where crimes happen. Monica: How was that possible? Young Ethan: Well, think about it. It's always on the news. 'A man is being held up, at gunpoint.' 'Tourists are being terrorised, at gunpoint.' And I just kept thinking: why does people continue to go there? (He checks his watch.) Oh, ah. I should go. Monica: Okay. (They kiss) Young Ethan: Okay. Monica: Unless... Young Ethan: What? Monica: Uh, ah. Unless you wanna stay over? I mean, I'm going to, so... Young Ethan: Yeah, I'd really like that. (They kiss) Young Ethan: Uuh, before we get into any staying-over-stuff, there is something you should know. Monica: Okay, is this like 'I have an early class tomorrow' or 'I'm secretly married to a goat?' Young Ethan: Well it's somewhere in between. You see, in a strictly technical sense, of course, I'm not uh..., well I, I mean I haven't ever uh... Monica: Ethan? Young Ethan: Yeah? Monica: Are you a virgin? Young Ethan: Well, if that's what you kids are calling it these days then, yes I am. I uh, I've kinda been waiting for the right person. Monica: Really? Young Ethan: Yeah. You do know I was talking about you, right? (They kiss) [Time lapse. They are now in Monica's bedroom, on the bed.] Young Ethan: Wow! Monica: You keep saying that. Young Ethan: You know, you read about it, you see it in the movies. Even when you practice it at home, man oh man, it is nothing like that. (They kiss) Monica: Listen, uh, you told me something that was really difficult for you. And I, I-I figured if you could be honest, then I can to. Young Ethan: Oh god, don't tell me, I did it wrong. Monica: No-no. Nothing wrong about that. Young Ethan: Oh. Monica: Um, okay, here it goes. I'm not 22. I'm, I'm 25... and thirteen months. 这山谷因音乐而变得生动 我的烤饼 我的烤饼! 我没那样说话 这”不”是真的 这不…闭嘴 不会吧 告诉你,我到九岁时 还以为枪口就是犯罪现场 怎么会 新闻老是报导犯罪事件 某人在枪口下 惊慌的观光被挟持在枪口下 我一直在想为何人总是要那儿去 我该走了 除非 除非你要在这儿过夜 我反正要在这里过夜… 我也很想 我们这样做前我得告诉你 明天一早有课? 还是你已经与什么家伙秘密结婚了? 在这两者之间 就严格的技术上而言 当然,我还没..... 伊森,你是个处男? 如果你们这些孩子 现在这样称呼的话 对,我是个处男 我一直在等待梦中情人出现 是吗? 是的。 你知道我说的就是你吧? 你一直哇个不停 书报杂志,电影上不断出现 甚至在家里练习 跟这感觉实在没得比 听着,难为你肯据实相告 如果你能坦白,我想我也能 别告诉我是我做错了 不,那件事你没做错 我说了 我不是22岁 我是25岁 Young Ethan: Huh! Monica: But I figured, you know, that shouldn't change anything. I mean, what the hell does it matter how old we are. (They kiss) Young Ethan: Uh, listen um, as long as we're telling stuff, uh, I have another one for you. I'm a little younger than I said. Monica: You're not a senior? Young Ethan: Oh, I'm a senior... in High School. Monica: Ok...ay. Commercial Break [Scene: Monica's Bedroom, continued from earlier.] Monica: What we did was wrong. Oh god, I just had sex with somebody that wasn't alive during the Bicentennial. Young Ethan: I just had sex. Monica: Ethan, focus. How could you not tell me? Young Ethan: Well, you never told me how old you were. Monica: Well, that's different. My lie didn't make one of us a felon in 48 states. What were you thinking? Young Ethan: I wasn't thinking. I was too busy fallin'... Monica: Don't say it. (closes Ethan's mouth with her hand) Young Ethan: ...in love with you. Monica: Really? Young Ethan: (nods) Sorry. Monica: Well,fall out of it. You know, you shouldn't even be here, it's a school night. Oh god, oh god. I'm like those women that you see with shiny guys named Chad. I'm Joan Collins. Young Ethan: Who? [Scene: Monica and Rachel's, everyone exept Monica is there.] Ross: (on phone) Okay, Andr?should be there in like 45 minutes. All rightie, bye bye. (to Phoebe) Just easier that way. Chandler: Oh, come on. You told me about the last dream. Rachel: No, forget it. Chandler: Oh, why not. Was I doing anything particularly... saucy? Rachel: All right, fine. Um, you were not the only one there. (Camera fades to Ross, who's listening very carefully) Joey was there too. Joey: All right. (Moves closer.) Ross: Was there...uh, huh, huh, huh... andybody, anybody else there. Rachel: No. Ross: You're sure? Nobody uh, handed out uh, mints or anything? Rachel: No, it was just the three of us. Ross: Huh! Joey: So, tell me. Was it like you and Chandler, and then you and me, or you and me and Chandler? Rachel: (laughs) You know what? 又13个月 我猜我们之间不会有任何改变 年龄根本就不是距离 在你坦承之际我也有话要说 我比你所知的年纪还小 你不是四年级? 我是四年级 高中 我们错了 我竟和一个在建国两百年国庆 都还没出生的男人做爱 我刚做爱了 伊森,注意听 你为何不早告诉我 你也没告诉我你实际的年龄 那不一样 我的谎言不会使我们成为罪犯 你到底在想什么? 我没在想什么 我忙于... 不准说 爱你 真的? 对不起 走吧,你不该来这儿的 你该在学校过夜的 天啊,我像是专门勾引小帅哥的女人 我成了琼考琳丝 谁? 好,安卓再45分钟就会到 再见 这样省事多了 快,你已告诉我昨晚的梦 不,死了这条心的 为什么? 难道是梦中的我对你过于粗鲁? 好吧 不仅你在场 乔伊也在场 还有......其他人吗? 没了 你确定?旁边没人蠢蠢欲动? 没有,只有我们三个 是你跟钱德勒之后再跟我 Joey: What? Rachel: There were times when it wasn't even me. (Chandler and Joey laughs, until they look at each other then recoil in horror.) Phoebe: That is so sweet, you guys. (hugs them) (Monica enters, wearing a walkman, so she doesn't hear what the others say) Ross, Rachel, and Phoebe: Hey, Mon. Rachel: Mon, Ethan called again. Mon? All: (shouting) Mon! (Monica takes of her walkman) Monica: What? Rachel: Ethan called again. Monica: Oh. Ross: Are you not seeing him anymore? Monica: No. You know, sometimes just things doesn't work out. Chandler: And this has nothing to do with the fact that he needs a note to get out of gym. (Monica stares at Rachel) Rachel: I, I didn't say any... I sw... I did not say anything, I swear. He stopped by. Joey: Listen, the next time you talk to him, can you ask him which one the strongest Power Ranger is? (Ross and Chandler laughs) Ross: Oh, yeah. Monica: Ha,ha, ha, oh my life is just so amusing. Could we drop it now? Joey, Chander, and Ross: Sorry. Ross: It's morphin time! Joey: Stegosaurus! Chandler: Tyrannosaurus! (They all cross they're arms like the Power Rangers do) Phoebe: Ooh, oh, I've gotta go. (raises) Whoa, oh, head rush. One more, and then I have to go. (sits down, and then raises again) Cool! Rachel: Where are you going? Phoebe: Um, oh, I've got a birthday party, with some work people. Chandler: Work people? Nobody told me. Phoebe: No, I know. That's a part of the whole, you know, them-not-liking-you-extravaganza. Chandler: You know, I don't get this. A month ago, these people were my friends. You know, just because I'm in charge doesn't mean I'm a different person. Phoebe: Well, then you should come tonight. You know, just hang out with them. Let them see what a great guy you still are. Chandler: You think I should? Phoebe: I really do, yeah. Chandler: Okay. Phoebe: Okay. Chandler: Okay. 还是我们三个同时? 你知道吗? 有几次甚至没有我 真好 摩妮卡… 伊森又来电了 摩妮卡… -摩妮卡! 什么事? 伊森又来电了 你不想再见到他了? 对,有些事是无法勉强的 这跟他需要假条才能离开学校无关? 我什么都没说,我发誓 他只是顺路过来 下回见到他时 能问闪电侠中最强的是谁? 我的生活简直是太多采多姿了 可以换个话题吗? 对不起。 吗啡时间到了 暴龙! 剑龙! 我得走了 哇哦,脑充血. 再来一次,我就得走了 酷! 你要上哪儿去? 我要去参加同学的生日会 同事? 没人跟我说? 他们不希望你大驾光临 我不懂 一个月前他们是我朋友 当上主管并不代 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 我会变 那么说你今晚该来 和他们多相处 让他们知道你还是个大好人 你真的认为我该去? 对,你该去 我们能不一起去吗 我不想成为邀请上司的家伙 昨晚真是太棒了,卡拉0K 我和崔西合唱了首”乌木与象牙” Phoebe: Oh, but, could we not go together? I,I don't wanna be the geek that invited the boss. [Scene: Chandler's office, he and Phoebe are taking a break from work.] Chandler: I Think last night was great. You know, the Karaoke thing. Tracy and I doing Ebony and Ivory. Phoebe: You were great. But they still made fun of you. Chandler: What? Phoebe: You know, now you're more like, you know like, "Mr. Caring Boss," "Mr.", you know, "I'm one of you, Boss," "Mr., I wanna be your buddy, Boss Man Bing!" Chandler: Then, I don't get it. Phoebe: Well, you know what Chandler? I think you've gotta face it. You're like, the guy in the big office, you know. You're the one that hires them, that fires them... They still say you're a great boss. Chandler: They do? Phoebe: Uh huh. But they're not your friends anymore. Chandler: I just wan't to... Phoebe: No, but you can't. Chandler: But I just wa... Phoebe: Uh uh. [Scene: Central Perk. Everyone exept Phoebe and Chandler is there. Ross's beeper goes off and everyone exept him react.] Monica: Aren't you gonna... Ross: Oh, Carol and I have a new system. If she punches in 911, it means she's having a baby, otherwise I just ignore it. Joey: What about Andr? Ross: Oh, well this morning he got a call from who I think was our cousin Nathan, and frankly, it was a little more than I needed to know. (Ethan enters) Young Ethan: Hey. Monica: That was gonna be my opener. Rachel: (understands that Monica and Ethan wanna be alone) Hey, did you guys check out those new hand-dryers in the bathroom? Ross: I thought that was just a rumour. Rachel: True story. Joey: They're here already? (Rachel, Ross and Ross go to the bathroom) Young Ethan: All right, look. I've gotta tell you something. I'm not 17. I only said so that you'd think I was cute and vunerable. I'm actually 30, I have a wife, I have a job, I'm your Congressman. Monica, this is ridiculous, we're great together. We can talk, we make each other laugh, and the sex. Oh, man, okay i have no frame of graft, but I thought that was great. Monica: It was. Young Ethan: Then, what's the problem? Monica: Ethan, it's um... it's icky. 你表现得很好 大家仍然取笑你 什么? 你现在成了”管家婆”上司 我要你上司 ”称兄道弟”上司 我更迷糊了 钱德勒,你得面对现实 你像个坐在大办室里的人一样 有权录取他们 也有权开除他们 他们说你是个好上司 是吗? 他们不再是你的朋友 我只是想..... 你不能. 你不是要去… 卡萝和我有了新系统 如果打911就代表她将生产 否则我就根本不理会 安卓呢? 早上他接到我表弟纳森的电话 老实说我知道太多内幕了 那也是我的开场白 你们看过浴室里的新吹风机没? 我以为那只是谣传 千真万确 早就装了 我得和你谈谈 我不是17岁 我这样说 你才会认为我可爱惹人怜 其实我今年30 我有老婆和工作 我是你的国会议员 摩妮卡,这太荒谬了 我们在一起很开心 我们聊天说笑做爱 我虽然经验不多,但一切是那么美 的确是 那么问题出在哪儿? 伊森,那是不能长久的 不能长久? 因为如此你就想放弃? Young Ethan: Icky? You're actually gonna throw this away because it's icky? Monica: This isn't easy for me either. I wish things were different, I... If you were a few years older, or if I was a few years younger, or if we lived in biblical times, I would really... Young Ethan: No, don't say it. (closes Monica's mouth with his hand) Monica: ...love you. (Ross, Rachel and Joey come back from the bathroom. They discover that Monica and Ethan aren't finished talking to each other yet.) Ross: Are you're hands still wet? Joey: Uh, moist, yeah. Rachel: Let's dry 'em again. (They go to the bathroom again) [Scene: A hall on the floor where Chandler works. Chandler and Phoebe enters, and overhears some employees's conversation. One of them is doing Chandler.] Gerston: Uh, like, could these margaritas be any stronger? (They discover that Chandler is listening) Hey, Chandler. Santos: Hello, Mr. Bing. Petrie: Loved your Stevie Wonder last night. Chandler: Thanks. Listen, about the weekly numbers, I'm gonna need them on my desk by nine o'clock. Santos: Sure. Gerston: No problem. (They go away, trying very hard not to laugh at Chandler) Chandler: You have to give 'em something, you know. Okay, now that was Gerston, Santos, and who's the guy with the moustache? Phoebe: Petrie. Chandler: Petrie, right, right. Okay, some people gonna be working this weekend. [Scene: Monica and Rachel's, Ross is watching TV, but turns it off, and Rachel is sleeping on the couch. Ross puts a blanket over her.] Rachel: (talking in her sleep) Oooooooooh. (Rachel strokes her hand over the pillow. Ross mimicks her silently) Oh, that's nice. Oh, oh. Huh, Ross! (Ross gets all excited and starts to dance on the coffee table, but slips allmost immediatly, and falls onto the couch. Rachel wakes up.) Rachel: Ross? Ross: I'm here. Rachel: You are. Well, um... We, we, we were just... Wow! Ross: What? (his beeper goes off) Great, now I'm having a baby. Rachel: What? Ross: Ooh, Ooh. Rachel: What? Ross: I'm having... I'm having a baby. (jumps back onto the table again) I'm having a... Where's the phone? The phone? Rachel: I don't know where the phone is. (Ross runs from the table, over the couch but slips and falls onto the floor) 我是不得已的 我希望情形不是这样 如果你年长几岁,我年轻几岁 或是我们生活在圣经时代 我就可以… 不要说 爱你 你的手还没干? 还是湿的 那就再去烘一次 这些萄葡酒能再“烈”一点吗? 钱德勒 宾先生 我爱你昨晚的史提夫汪达 谢谢 有关这周的数据 九点"之"前请送到我办公室来 没问题 总得给他们些话题嘛 刚刚是格斯顿,山托斯 留胡子的那个叫什么? 派崔,派崔,对 这周末有人得加班了 真好 罗斯 罗斯? 我在这儿 你在? 我们在.. 什么? 这下可好,我有宝宝了 我有宝宝了 我有…电话在哪儿? 电话在那儿 罗斯 我受伤了 摩妮卡,快走各位快点,她要生了 罗斯,看这是什么 留着付计程车吧 你在干什么?我们要去医院 我不能漂亮一点吗?那儿或许有医生 乔,别翻冰箱了 那是干吗的? 坐车的时候吃的. Rachel: Ross? Ross: I'm hurt. Closing Credits [Scene: The Hallway, Ross is eagerly waiting for the others to get ready, to go to the hospital.] Ross: Monica, let's go. Come on now people, woman in labor. (Chandler struts out from his apartment) Chandler: (doing a little dance) Hey Ross, look what I've got going here. Ross: Yeah, save it for the cab, okay. (Rachel comes out from their apartment with a mirror and a lipstick in her hands) Ross: What are you doing? We're going to a hospital. Rachel: What, so I can't lokk nice? There might be doctors there. Ross: Joey, get out of the fridge. Joey: All right, all right. (he comes out from their apartment with a huge sandwich in his hand) Ross: What is that? (refering to the sandwich) Joey: For the ride. Chandler: Yeah, like in a cab... Ross: Save it. Chandler: Okay, hating this. Ross: Monica, come on now. Let's go, baby coming. (Monica enters from their apartment, crying) Monica: I can't belive it, I'm gonna be an aunt. I'm gonna have like a nephew. Ross: That's nice. Get out Let's go, come on. Joey: All right, I'm going. I'm going. (They all go down the stairs, but Ross turns around, looking like his in a coma. The others also turns around to get him.) Chandler: Here we go, here we go. Rachel: Rossy, Rossy. End 真讨厌,摩妮卡,快,宝宝就要出世了 我真不敢相信 我快当姑姑了 我快有侄子了 真感人,走吧 走吧 123 The One With the Birth 123 The One With the Birth [Scene: The hospital, Ross, Rachel, Chandler, Joey, and Monica are in the waiting room, waiting for Carol and Susan to arrive.] Ross: She's not here yet. She's not here. She's having my baby and she's not here. Monica: I'm sure everything's fine. Has her water broke yet? Ross: I don't know, but when I spoke to her, she said she had already passed the mucus plug. 123 本出世 强森大夫,七线电话 她还没来 她将生下我的小孩却还没来 不会有事的 她的羊水破了吗?我不知道 (Joey makes a sound of absolute disgust.) Joey: Do we have to know about that? Monica: Joey, what are you gonna do when you have a baby? Joey: I'm gonna be in the waitin' room, handing out cigars. Chandler: Yes, Joey's made arrangements to have his baby in a movie from the 50's. Ross: God, I don't believe this. She could be giving birth in the cab. Rachel: Oh, Ross, relax. It's probably like two dollars for the first contraction, and then fifty cents for each additional contraction. (Everyone looks at Rachel as though she made a tasteless comment.) Rachel: What, it's ok when Chandler does it? Chandler: You have to pick your moments. (Phoebe arrives, guitar in hand.) Phoebe: Did I miss it, did I miss it? Ross: She's not even here yet. Monica: What's with the guitar? Phoebe: I just thought we might be here for awhile. You know, things might get musical. (Carol and Susan arrive.) Ross: (to Carol) Where the hell have you been? Susan: We stopped at the gift shop. Carol: I was looking at stuffed animals, and Susan wanted a Chunky. Ross: Susan wanted a Chunky. We're having a baby, ok, a baby, you don't stop for Chunkys. Chandler: I used to have that bumper sticker. (Everyone is amused by Chandler's comment.) Chandler: (to Rachel) You see what I mean. Opening Credits [Scene: Carol's Hospital Room, Carol is on the bed, Ross and Susan are at her side.] Ross: Stopped for a Chunky. Carol: Let it go, Ross. Susan: I got an extra one. You want this? (holds the candy in front of Ross' face) Ross: (weakly) No. (Carol's doctor, Dr. Franzblau arrives.) Dr. Franzblau: Hey, how's my favorite parenting team doing? Ross: Dr. Franzblau, hi. Dr. Franzblau: So, I understand you're thinking of having a baby? Well, I see you're nine months pregnant. That's a good start. How you doing with your contractions? Carol: Oh, I love them. Each one's like a little party in my uterus. Susan: They're every four minutes and last 55 seconds. Ross: 59 seconds. (holds up his watch) Quartz, ha. Susan: Swiss quartz, ha, ha. Carol: Am I allowed to drink anything? Dr. Franzblau: Ice chips, just ice chips. They're at the nurses' station. Ross: I'll get it. 她和我通话时说她已分泌粘液 我们需要知道这一些吗? 乔伊,你有小孩时你会怎么做? 我会在等待室中送雪茄 乔伊准备让他孩子出生在50年代的电影中 我不敢相信她可能会在计程车中生产 罗斯,冷静点第一次收缩收费二块钱 之后每收缩一次收五毛钱 什么?钱德这样说时就没事 你得选对时间 我错过了吗? 没有,她根本还没出现 干嘛带吉他来? 我想我们会在这儿待一阵子 来点音乐 你到底上哪儿去了? 我们中途在礼品店待了一会儿 买什么? 我想买填充玩具苏珊想买”矮胖” 苏珊要矮胖?她就快生小宝宝了 是小宝宝不能中途下车买矮胖 我过去也用那个汽车贴纸 懂我意思吗? 下车买矮胖别介意了,罗斯 我多了一个,想要吗?不想 我最喜爱的父母团队好 法大头 我了解你们在考虑生宝宝的事 我知道你已怀胎九月 这是好的开始 收缩的情况如何? 我喜欢每一阵都像是子宫中的小舞会 我喜欢每一阵都像是子宫中的小舞会 制片:陶德史帝芬 59秒,石英表 瑞士石英表 我能喝饮料吗? 碎冰,只能喝碎冰护士站有 我去拿 不,我去,马上回来不,我去… 我想你或许想喝碎冰谢谢 如果还需要别的…我没见过吧? 我叫瑞秋格林 卡萝前任丈夫妹抹的室友 Susan: No, I'm getting it. I'll be right back. Ross: I got it—I'm getting it! (They both leave just as Rachel enters the room, holding a cup.) Rachel: Hi, I thought you might like some ice chips. Carol: Thanks. Rachel: And if you need anything else, I—(notices the handsome Dr. Franzblau)—do not believe we've met. Hi. I'm, uh, Rachel Green. I'm Carol's... ex-husband's... sister's roommate. Dr. Franzblau: It is nice to meet you. I'm Dr. Franzblau. I'm your roommate's... brother's... ex-wife's obstetrician. Rachel: Oh, that's funny! [Scene: The Waiting Room, Chandler is falling asleep on Monica's shoulder.] Monica: I want a baby. Chandler: Mmmm. Not tonight, honey. I got an early day tomorrow. Monica: Get up. Come on. Let's get some coffee. Chandler: Oh, ok, 'cause we never do that. (Chandler and Monica leave. Cut to Joey, watching the Knicks/Celtics game on television.) Joey: (to the screen) Shoot! Shoot! Shoot! Shoot, or just fall down. That's good too. (A young pregnant woman enters.) Lydia: Knick fan? Joey: Oh, yeah. Lydia: Oh, boy, do they suck. Joey: Hey, listen, lady....(sees that she's pregnant)...whoa. Lydia: Look, look at your man, Ewing. Nice shot. You know what, he couldn't hit water if he was standing on a boat. Joey: Oh yeah? And who do you like? Lydia: The Celtics. Joey: The Celtics? Ha. They couldn't hit a boat if...wait. They suck, alright? Lydia: Oh, shut up. You know, it's a rebuilding year. You... waah! Joey: Wha? Wha..aa? Let me get the father. Hey, we need a father over here! We need a father! Lydia: There is no father. Joey: Oh, oh, oh, sorry. Lydia: Ok, that's ok. I'm fine. I'm... oh! Joey: Oh, uh, ok. Right this way. All the other pregnant women seem to be goin' in here. Lydia: Ok. (Joey accompanies Lydia to a hospital room.) [Scene: The Waiting Room, Phoebe is playing a song. Chandler, Monica, and Ross are there as well.] Phoebe: (singing) They're tiny and chubby and so sweet to touch, and soon they'll grow up and resent you so much. 幸会,我是法大夫 你室友哥哥前妻的医生 真有趣 我要个宝宝 今晚不行,亲爱的我明天得早起 起来,我们去买咖啡 好吧,因为我们没做过 投…或是不进也行 尼克迷? 他们烂透了 女士 看,你的尤恩,漂亮 他连坐在船上都投不进水里 是吗?你支持谁? 是吗?你支持谁? 他们无法投进船… 反正他们很烂 闭嘴,今年是重建年•, 我帮你孩子的爹 我们这儿需要爸爸… 他没有爸爸 抱歉 没关系,我没事 这边洼 所有的孕妇似乎都往这儿走 他们又小又肉摸起来感觉很好 不久他们长大后就会开始恨你 现在他们对你大吼大叫 你不知原因为何 你不知原因为何 谢谢,罗斯 用来叫你停止的好吧 看,是双胞胎,好可爱 不公平,我一个都没有 他们怎会有两个? 你也会有的 是吗?什么时候? 好吧,告诉你 我们40岁时如果都还单身 我们就一起生一个,如何? 为何我40岁时还单身? 不,这只是假设 假设为何我到40岁时还单身? 假设为何我到40岁时还单
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