首页 2010年职称英语考试(理工类)完型填空解新增文章



2010年职称英语考试(理工类)完型填空解新增文章更多精品百校通论坛www.baixiaotong.cn 2010年职称英语考试(理工类)完型填空解新增文章-书中第3篇 第3篇  Seeing Red Means Danger Ahead The color red often means danger - and by paying attention, ( 1 ) can be prevented. At railroad crossings, flashing red fights warn cars to stay back. A red light...

更多精品百校通论坛www.baixiaotong.cn 2010年职称英语考试(理工类)完型填空解新增文章-书中第3篇 第3篇  Seeing Red Means Danger Ahead The color red often means danger - and by paying attention, ( 1 ) can be prevented. At railroad crossings, flashing red fights warn cars to stay back. A red light at a traffic intersection tells cars to stop, so  ( 2 )  don't run into other cars. In the future, the color red also may help prevent danger ( 3 ) construction sites. Thanks to1  new work by engineers, bridge supports2 - or other kinds of materials - could one day contain a color-changing material. It will turn red ( 4 )  a structure collapses or falls  ( 5)  . A tiny molecule may make a big difference in future warning systems. A polymer  ( 6 )  a color-changing molecule called a mechanophore turns red seconds before it snaps3. The technology may one day allow damage to materials or structures4 to be easily  ( 7 )  . The secret behind the color-changing material is a particular type of molecule. A molecule is a group of atoms held together by  ( 8 )  bonds. Molecules come in all shapes and sizes, and make up  ( 9   ) you can see, touch or feel. How a molecule behaves depends on what kinds of atoms it contains, and how they're held together. When a polymer containing a color-changing molecule called a mechanophore is about to breaks, it produces a color. When a polymer with mechanophore molecules becomes "injured" or  (   10   ) , one of the mechanophore bonds breaks and the material turns red. "It's a really simple detection method," says Nancy Sottos, one of the scientists who worked on the project. "We're  (  11  )  up this one bond, and it changes color." Sottos and her team tested the color-changing polymers in their lab. The test  (  12  )  proved encouraging. There is a way to get rid of~ the red color:  (  13  )  . When a bright light is shone on the mechanophore, the broken bond is fixedrn and the red color disappears. This "self-healing" may be a problem for engineers. They need to use the color-changer in big construction projects that will be  (  14  )  , in sunlight. And sunlight will make the mechanophore's warning system useless. Sottos and her fellow scientists still have  (  15  )  work to do before the color-changing molecules can. be used outside the lab. 词汇: crossing n.十字路口  mechanophore n.机械响应性聚合物  intersection n.交叉路口 molecule n.分子  snap v.折断,断裂  polymer n.聚合物  atom n.原子 注释: 1. Thanks to:多亏,由于 2. bridge supports:桥梁支柱 3. seconds before it snaps:聚合物断裂前几秒钟。Seconds 修饰状语从句 before it snaps。It 指代 polymer。 4. damage to materials or structures: 材料 关于××同志的政审材料调查表环保先进个人材料国家普通话测试材料农民专业合作社注销四查四问剖析材料 或建筑物的损坏。to 是介词。介词短语 to materials or structures 修饰 damage。 5. is about to break:即将断裂。be about to ( V)意为“刚刚,行将”。 6. get rid of:除去。 7. the broken bond is fixed:断裂的键被修复。Fix 意为“修理,修复”。 练习: 1 A measures B accidents C actions D collapses 2 A they B it C some D most 3 A with B over C at D in 4 A before B after C once D while 5 A together B behind C down D apart 6 A contacting B conducting C containing D considering 7 A controlled B spotted C repaired D changed 8 A technical B electronic C physical D chemical 9 A everything B something C nothing D anything 10 A weak B strong C tough D soft 11 A using B opening C turning D finishing 12 A laws B theories C tools D results 13 A air B electricity C light D sound 14 A aside B beside C inside D outside 15 A a part of B a pair of C a piece of D a lot of 答案与 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 解: 1. B 从第一句的“The color often means danger” 和“...can be prevented”所表达 的意思判断,accidents 是答案。因为存在 danger,就有可能出现 accidents。因为有了红 色预警信号,accidents 就有可能 prevented。 2. A 本题的测试点是代词。代词所要指代的词是 cars,它是复数,所以代词 they 是唯一 选择。 3. C construction sites 前面的介词要用 at。with, over 和 in 都不合适。 4. A 这两段说,把一种能变色的化学物质加在建筑材料中,当建筑物断裂之前,变色材料 会显示红色。所以,after 与上下文逻辑相悖。用了 once,句意变成“一旦建筑物断裂,变 色材料会显示红色”,这不合逻辑,断裂后才变色就是去了预警作用。While 也说不通,因 为“It will turn red while a structure collapses”的意思是“在建筑物倒塌期间,变 色材料会显示红”,断裂后才显示红色已经没有意义了。所以,只有 before 才是答案。 5. D 要选 apart。fall apart 意为“破碎,破裂”。Collapses or falls apart 中的 or 意为“即”,所以,fall apart 与 collapse 同义。 6. C 从上下文所表达的意思判断,本次要选的词是 containing,即“含有(变色材料的 聚 合物 )”。其余三个选项,即 contacting(接触),conducting(进行),considering(考 虑)都与句意搭不上。 7. B 建筑物断裂之前,变色材料会显示红色。这种新技术的预警性很明显,人们见到建筑 物出现红色就知道有险情。所以,spotted(发现,认出)是答案。 8. D 本段对变色材料为什么会变色的原理做出解释,句中出现 atoms,molecule 等。所以 变色是一种化学反应,不会是一种物理、电子或技术反应。 9. A 本句的意思是:分子的大小和形状构成世界万物,所以应选 everything(每样东西, 即万物)。 10. A 本句的意思是:含有 mechanophore 分子的聚合物“受伤”时,mechanophore 中的一 个键就会断开,于是它便呈现红色。句中的 or 意为“即”,也就是说,紧接在 or 后面的词 应该是 injured 的同义词,所以要选 weak。 11. B Sottos 和她的研究组进行了实验,断开 mechanophore 的一个键,让其呈现红色。 Opening up 是“打开,断开”的意思,与上下文意思相符,所以选 opening 是答案。Using up (用完),turning up(出现)或 finishing up(做完)与 bond 连用,意思都不对。 12. D 上文说到,Sottos 和她的研究组进行了实验,所以 test 后面的词应该是 results。 最后一个词是 encouraging,也提示了 results 是答案。 13. C 本段第二句说,当明亮的光线射到被断开的化学键上,化学键就会被修复,于是红色 预警信号就消失了。第二句的 light 提示了第一句缺失的关键词就是 light。 14. D 大型建筑物一半均是露天的。句末的 sunlight 提示了要选 sunlight。 15. D 红色预警信号在阳光下是不会出现的。所以,如何能使红色预警信号在室外也能显现 , 这是科学家今后研究的课题,而且研究的难度和工作量还很大。四个选项中,只有 a lot of 与上下文的意思对得上号。A part of(一部分)和 a pair of(一双)明显不合适。A piece of(一件)也不合逻辑。 2010年职称英语考试(理工类)完型填空解新增文章-书中第12篇 ﹡第12篇  The Case of the Disappearing Fingerprints One useful anti-cancer drug can effectively erase the whorls and other characteristic marks that give people their distinctive fingerprints. Losing  1  become troublesome. A case released online in a letter by Annals of Oncology indicates how big a  2  of losing fingerprints is. Eng-Huat Tan, a Singapore-based medical doctor describes a 62-year old man who has used capecitabine1 to  3  his nasopharyngeal cancer. After three years on the  4  , the patient decided to visit U.S. relatives last December. But he was stopped by U.S. customs officials  5  4 hours after entering the country when those officials couldn't get fingerprints from the man. There were no distinctive swirly  6  appearing from his index finger2. U.S. customs3 has been fingerprinting incoming foreign visitors for years, Tan says. Their index fingers are  7  and screened against digital files of the fingerprints of bad guys -- terrorists and potential criminals that our federal guardians have been tasked with keeping out of the country4. Unfortunately, for the Singapore travelers, one potential  8  effect of his drug treatmerit is a smoothing of the tissue on the finger pads6.  9  , no fingerprints. "It is uncertain when fingerprint loss will  10  to take place in patients who are taking capecitabine," Tan points out. So he cautions any physicians who  11  the drug to provide their patients with a doctor's note pointing out that their medicine may cause fingerprints to disappear. Eventually, the Singapore traveler made it into the United States7. I guess the name on his passport didn't raise any red flags8. But he's also now got the explanatory doctor's note – and won't leave home  12  it. By the way, maybe the Food and Drug Administration9,  13  approved use of the drug 11 years ago, should consider  14  its list of side effects associated with this medicine. The current list does note10  that patients may experience vomiting, stomach pain and some other side effects. But no where 15  it mention the potential for loss of fingerprints. 词汇: fingerprint n.指纹  nasopharyngeal adj.鼻咽的  whorl n.罗纹,箩状指纹  swirly adj.旋涡状的 annals n.年度  digit n.数字  oncology n.肿瘤学  onset n.开始  capecitabine n.卡培他滨  vomit v.呕吐 注释: 1. capecitabine 卡培他滨。是一种口服的化疗药物,用于治疗转移性乳腺癌、大肠癌、咽 喉癌等,以缓解肿瘤生长。 2. index finger:食指。 3. U.S. customs:美 国 海 关 。Customs 视作一个组织,用做单数名词,所以在文章中后接has。 4. terrorists and potential criminals that our federal guardians have been tasked with keeping out of the country:我们的联邦卫士的 职责 岗位职责下载项目部各岗位职责下载项目部各岗位职责下载建筑公司岗位职责下载社工督导职责.docx 是要把那些恐怖分 子和疑似罪犯挡在国门之外。关系代词 that 引导的是一个限制性定语从句,修饰 terrorists and potential criminals。That 在定语从句中做 keeping 的宾语。 5. traveler:旅行者。traveler 是美国英语的拼法。英国英语的拼法是 traveller。 6. the tissue on the finger pads:指尖上的肉垫组织。 7. Eventually, the Singapore traveler made it into the United States:那位新加 坡旅客终于进入了美国。make it into 意为“进入”。 8. red flags:(表示危险的)红旗,即危险信号。挥动红旗表示危险,最初用于铁路,后 来西方公司等用英文 red flags 或红色小旗表示业绩下降等。 9. the Food and Drug Administration:美国食品和药物局。 10. The current list does note:现有的副作用清单中确实列出。在肯定句谓语动词前加do/does/did,是为了强调该动词,汉语可译为“确实”。如: He speaks Chinese, English, French, Spanish and Russian. He does speak Chinese, English, French, Spanish and Russian. (他确实会说汉语,英语,法语,西班牙语和俄语。) 练习: 1. A he B them C her D him 2. A theme B topic C creation D problem 3. A treat B cut C find D smooth 4. A recovery B diet C drug D diagnosis 5. A in B at C for D on 6. A digits B marks C images D pictures 7. A printed B located C cured D placed 8. A normal B good C main D side 9. A However B Hence C Moreover D Furthermore 10. A begin B like C decide D have 11. A prevent B preserve C presume D prescribe 12. A off B on C without D with 13. A who B where C when D which 14. A updating B using C printing D cancelling 15. A must B does C may D should 答案与题解: 1. B 根据上下文的意思,失去(losing)的应该是 fingerprints。Fingerprints 是复数 形式,指代它的带刺是 them。其他三个代词都不合适。 2. D 前面两个 句子 关于阅读的唯美句子关于古风的唯美句子执行力的经典句子鼓励人努力奋斗的句子用沉默代替一切的句子 说,失去指纹是一大问题。本句说,要举出一个实例以说明失去指纹会 造成极大的困扰。所以只有选项 D 最合适。 3. A第二段描述了实例的细节。第一句说病人用一种药名为卡培他滨的抗癌药治疗他的鼻 咽癌。所以 treat 是必然的选择。cut(切割),find(寻找)和 smooth(弄平)都与 上下文接不上。 4. C 从上下文判断,“After three years on the…(经过三年的……)”后面应该接“用 药”、“治疗”等字眼,所以选 drug 是正确的。选 recovery(康复),diet(节食) 或 diagnosis(诊断)都与后面提到的病人进入美国受阻的事件接不上。 5. C for 表示时间上“达到”,for 4 hours 意为“长达四小时”。 6. B 美国海关因为采集不到那为癌症患者的指纹样本,于是盘问了他 4 小时。所以本句提 到的 swirly 应该与 marks 搭配,意思是“旋涡状指纹标记”。 7. A 为了防止恐怖分子和罪犯进入美国,美国海关通过电脑对入境者进行指纹采样,然后 与指纹库进行比照。根据常理,海关要检查每一位外国人的指纹。采样的手指是食指。 后面的 screened(比照)是解题的重要线索,引导读者选 A,即 printed。这里, printed=finger-printed(采集指纹样本)。其他三个选项,即 located( 找 出 )、cured(治疗)和 placed(放置),都与上下文的意思接不上。 8. D 实例中的新加坡人用了抗癌药后的一个副作用是指纹消失,这是一种不良反应。所以 , 选 good,main,normal(正常的)都不符合上下文的意思,只有 side 才是答案。Side effect 意为“副作用”。 9. B 前面句子提及的服用抗癌药是因,本段最后一句是果,连接词应该用 Hence。而 However 表示转折关系,Moreover 和 Furthermore 表示“进一步”的关系,与上文连 接不上。 10. A 本段表达的意思是:由于癌症病人服用了卡培他滨后指纹何时开始消失还不清楚, 所以主治医生要提前为病人开具指纹可能会消失的证明。to take place(发生)之前 填上 like,decide 或 have 都与上下文的意思接不上,唯有 begin 最合适。 11. D 参阅上一题的题解。本题四个选项中的 英语单词 七年级上册英语单词表高考英语单词3500记忆高中3500个英语单词表七年级下册英语单词表小学六年级英语单词表 的前三个字母都是 pre-,只要知道prescribe 的词义是“开处方”,就会选 D。 12. C第五段的意思是,那位病人已经拿到医生开具的指纹消失证明单,现在他们出门旅 行不会不带上它。本题 without 是答案。 13. D 哪一个政府机构许可(approved)使用该类抗癌药?就是本段第一句提到的 the Food and Drug Administration。四个选项中,只有关系代词 which 能指代 the Food and Drug Administration,它是 approved 动作的发出者。 14. A 最后一段表达的意思是:过去该药列出的不良反应只包括呕吐等,没有列出指纹消 失这一副作用,现在应该补上这一条。所以,updating(更新)是答案。 15. B 最后一段最后一句中,为了强调 no where,将它移到句首,这时,原句的“it does not mention the potential for loss of fingerprints”就要写成强调句形式的“no where does it mention the potential for loss of fingerprints”。所以,答案 是 B。 2010年职称英语考试(理工类)完型填空解新增文章-书中第15篇 第15篇  Obtaining Drinking Water from Air Humidity Not a plant to be seen, the desert ground is too  1  . But the air contains water, and research scientists have found a  2  of obtaining drinking water from air humidity. The system is based completely on renewable energy and is therefore autonomous. Cracks permeate the dried-out desert ground and the landscape bears testimony to the lack' of water. But even here, where there are no lakes, rivers or groundwater, considerable quantities of water are stored in the air. In the Negev desert1  in Israel2, for example, annual average relative air humidity is 64 percent -- in every cubic meter of air there are 11,5 milliliters of water. German research scientists have found a way of converting this air humidity autonomously into drinkable water. "The process we have developed is based exclusively on renewable energy sources such as thermal  3  collectors and photovoltaic cells, which makes this method completely energy-autonomous. It will therefore function in regions  4  there is no electrical infrastructure," says Siegfried Egner, head of the research team. The principle of the  5  is as follows3: hygroscopic brine ~ saline solution which absorbs moisture -- runs down a tower-shaped unit and absorbs water from the air. It is then sucked into a tank a few meters  6  the ground in which a vacuum prevails4. Energy from solar collectors heats up the brine, which is diluted by the water it has  7  . Because of the vacuum, the boiling point of the liquid is  8  than it would be under normal atmospheric pressure. This effect is known from the mountains: as the atmospheric pressure  9  is lower than in the valley, water boils at temperatures  10  below 100oC. The evaporated, non-saline water is condensed and runs down through a completely filled tube in a controlled manner. The gravity of this water column continuously produces the vacuum and so a vacuum pump is not needed. The reconcentrated5 brine runs down the tower surface  11  to absorb moisture from the air. "The concept is suitable for various water  12  . Single-person units and plants  13  water to entire hotels are conceivable," says Egner. Prototypes have been built for both system components— air moisture absorption and vacuum evaporation — and the research scientists have already  14  their interplay on a laboratory scale. In a further step the researchers intend to develop a demonstration  15  . 词汇: autonomous adj.独立的 thermal adj.热的 permeate v.遍布 photovoltaic adj.光电的 hygroscopic n.吸湿的 infrastructure n.基础设施 brine n.盐水 interplay n.相互作用 saline adj.含盐的 注释: 1. Negev desert:内盖夫沙漠(位于以色列南部的沙漠地区,占以色列国土面积一半以上)。 2. Isreal:以色列  3. as follows:如下 4. in which a vacuum prevails:水箱里是真空状态。Which 指代的是前半句的 tank。 Prevail 意为“占上风”。 5. reconcentrated:重新浓缩的。 练习: 答案与题解: 1. A第一段说的是,沙漠没有河流、湖泊等,所以缺水。但空气中含有水汽,可以从空气 中吸取水。根据上下文的意思,dry 是答案。 2. B 前面的句子说,虽然沙漠缺水,但空气含有水汽,人们可以从中吸湿制水。最后一句 的意思显然是,科学家已经找到从空气中吸湿制水的方法。在四个选项 route( 路 线 ), way(方法),channel(途径)和 road(道路)中,只有 way 最合适。 3. D renewable energy(可再生能源)是解题的重要线索,oil/wood/coal 不是 renewable energy,只有 solar energy 才是 renewable energy。 4. C 这套吸湿制水机靠太阳能驱动,他可以自主独立工作,适合于没有发电厂提供电能的 地区使用。…there is no electrical infrastructure 是定语从句,修饰地点名词 regions,连接词应该选 where. 5. D 本句说明吸湿制水机的工作原理,promise(答应),progress(进展)或 prospect (前景)都与句意不符,只有 process(工作过程,方法)最合适。 6. C of the ground 和 with the ground 与句意接不上,below the ground 不合逻辑,因 为从空气中吸湿制水的设备不可能安装在地面之下。Off the ground(离开地面),置 设备于离开地面若干公尺的空气之中就合理了。 7. A 同一段的前面句子中出现 absorbs moisture 和 absorbs water from the air,这是 吸湿制水机工作过程的第一阶段(第二阶段是用蒸馏法脱盐以获取淡水)。所以, absorbed 是合乎逻辑的选择。 8. D 本段第二句由 “ as the atmospheric pressure … is lower than in the valley…”,这是解题的重要线索。此外,根据科学常识,大气压力降低,水的沸点也 随着降低。所以,lower 是答案。 9. B 根据上下文的意思,可以判断出,答案是 there,因为这里的意思是“那儿的大气 压……”。 10. B 首先要知道四个选项英语单词的词义。gradually(逐渐地)below 100℃,necessarily below 100℃(必须地)或 possibly(可能地) below 100℃,都不符合“大气压力降 低,水的沸点也随着降低”的原理。所以。只有选 distinctly 最合适。 11. A 从上下文判断,只有 again 才是答案。其余三个选项填入句子中都说不通。 12. A 后面句子的 single-person(units)和 hotels 是吸湿制水机的用户,提示了本题的 答案是 users. 13. C 本句的意思是:适合个人使用的吸湿制水机及可供整间酒店用水的吸湿制水厂是有望 制造成功的。Supplying 是答案。吸湿制水机或吸湿制水厂本身不会“使用”(using) 水。Obtaining(获得)后接 from,而本句用的是 to,所以不是答案。Cleaning 也不是 答案,因为若吸湿制水机或吸湿制水厂为酒店清洁用水,cleaning 后要接 for,而不是 to。 14. D 从上下文判断,再加上 on a laboratory scale 的提示,本题要选 tested。 15. C 本题前面的句子谈到,科学家已经制成了吸湿制水机的原型并在实验室中进行了试验运行,下一步该做什么呢?demonstration 提供了线索,答案应该是(demonstration) facility(示范设备)。
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