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!!!ISSUE的名人例子表格阿基米德 Archimedes 中文名字以及轶事的中文解释 英文名字 轶事 利用点 阿基米德 Archimedes Archimedes was immersed in family while as a child, the range of his knowledge was very wide, and found the Archimedes’ principle while having a bath 家庭对一个人的影响。 爱因斯坦 少年时代的爱因斯坦比较笨,后来对物理极度爱好,提出了相对论因此而质疑了牛...

阿基米德 Archimedes 中文名字以及轶事的中文解释 英文名字 轶事 利用点 阿基米德 Archimedes Archimedes was immersed in family while as a child, the range of his knowledge was very wide, and found the Archimedes’ principle while having a bath 家庭对一个人的影响。 爱因斯坦 少年时代的爱因斯坦比较笨,后来对物理极度爱好,提出了相对论因此而质疑了牛顿的经典力学。几年后,揭示了光电效应,发现了质能方程并荣获1921年的诺贝尔物理学奖。 Albert Einstein Einstein of boyhood is more stupid, afterward; he showed the extreme hobby of physics and queried Newton’s classic mechanics because of his putting forward Theory of Relativity. After the few years, he also gave a perfect interpretation of the photoelectric effect and won Noble Prize for Physics of 1921. 年幼的时候应该把所有的孩子进行集中训练;任何据称是事实的信息都应该被质疑,将来很有可能会被证明是错误的;墨守陈规不会成功。 安徒生 丰富的想象力 Anderson Anderson shows plenty of imagination (fertile imagination) 想象文学作品的应用 巴斯德 高温消毒法 一个科学家应该想到的不是当时人们对它的 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 扬或者辱骂,而是未来若干世纪中人们怎么评价他。 Pasteur The Law of high-temperature sterilization What a scientist should think of is not praise to it of people at that time or abasement, but how people in future centuries appraise him 评价历史人物 贝多芬 德国伟大的作曲家,从小就开始学习小提琴和钢琴,一生作品丰富,贝多芬一直在莫扎特与海顿的音乐中成长. Beethoven The great composer of Germany, has begun to study the violin and piano since childhood, the works are abundant in all one’s life, Beethoven grows up in the music of Mozart and Hayden 在任何领域有重大意义的成功都必须接受过取得成就;天才要在早期培养;超人的毅力。 比尔盖茨 微软创始人,从哈佛退学创立公司。 Bill Gates Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft, left Harvard and found the company. 自学成才 Be educated though independent study 达芬奇 数学 数学高考答题卡模板高考数学答题卡模板三年级数学混合运算测试卷数学作业设计案例新人教版八年级上数学教学计划 家,建筑师,雕塑家,艺术家 把其他学科的知识应用到绘画上。 从来没有一个艺术家像莎士比亚一样能够更合适地被称为一个天才;达芬奇出身寒微,而后声名显赫 Leonardo de Vinci Mathematician, architect, sculpture, artist Apply the knowledge of other disciplines to painting There has never been an artist who was more fittingly, and without qualification, described as a genius. Like Shakespeare, Leonardo came from an insignificant background and rose to universal acclaim. 所有学生都应该被要求学习理科,尽管有人对理科不感兴趣;想象力的题目;其他学科对自身研究领域的影响 笛卡尔 法国著名哲学家,数学家,物理学家,同时对气象,生物等学科都做出了许多研究,解析几何的创立者。找了个地方安心做学问,提出了普遍怀疑原则,著名的公式“我思,故我在” Descartes Descartes is a famous philosopher, mathematician, and physicist in France; at the same time, having made a lot of study in such disciplines as meteorology, biology and is the founder of analytic geometry. He also proposed the principle of generally suspecting. “I think, therefore, I am” 学生什么都要质疑老师,质疑权威社会才会进步;学术领域都需要独立思想家的领导。 法拉第 伟大的英国科学家,连小学都没上过,全靠自学。法拉第根据逆向思维,提出伟大的电磁感应定律 Faraday The great British scientist Faraday has not been to primary school and successed depending on learning by himself. Faraday put forward the great electromagnetic induction law according to reverse thinking 新手比专家更有可能获得重要的发现;质疑权威。 哥白尼 他本来是学医学的,后来对天文学产生了兴趣,写了日心说;日心说彻底改变了当时人们的信仰;另外,它的追随者布鲁诺被宗教裁判所在广场上活活地给烧死。 Copernicus Copernicus originally studied medical science and had become interested in astronomy later. He wrote a book dealing with heliocentric theory, and the heliocentric changed people’s faith at that time; therefore his follower Bruno was burnt to death by inquisition. 兴趣爱好与成功;质疑权威社会才能进步和发展;真理一开始都是令人难以容忍的,或者至少是令人不快的,而且都是在反对当时权威的思想。(the truth all make people difficult to tolerate, or unhappy at least, moreover, all of them are against the authoritative thought.) 哥伦布 哥伦布读过《马可波罗行记》,坚信“地圆说”,并且对东方文明很感兴趣,然后决定自己去看看,并证实自己的信念,最后,虽然没有到达真正的印度,却发现了美洲大陆,是对人类社会的一大贡献 Columbus Columbus Columbus Columbus Columbus Columbus Columbus Columbus Columbus has firm belief that the earth is round, and is extremely interested in oriental civilization, then decides to prove his faith. Eventually, although he has not reach the real India, has found the American continent, which is great contribution to mankind. 专家犯错误,兴趣对成功的影响,改变人们对地球的认识。 歌德 德国和欧洲最著名的文学家之一,代表作“少年维特之烦恼”,“浮士德” 浮士德是欧洲中世纪传说中的人物,为获得知识和权力,向魔鬼出卖自己的灵魂 Goethe Goethe Goethe Goethe Goethe The most preeminent litterateur in Germany, even in the whole Europe. His magnum opus is “Faust”. Faust who is personage in the legend in Middle Age in Europe, in order to obtain the knowledge and power, betray his own soul to the devil. 文学对人性的影响,60创作“浮士德” 荷马 整理荷马史诗 Homer Put the Humor’ epic in order 感知和整理别人的技巧和发明的人往往为社会作出很大的贡献 华盛顿 美国第一位总统,美国人民心中的NO.1 Washington 华盛顿好人啊,革命家不能顾及到自己的利益,否则革命不彻底;城市谦虚不图名利。 林肯 第16任美国总统,南北战争中至关重要的人物,刻苦自学,在黑人兄弟的帮助下,彻底扭转了战争的进程。 Abraham Lincoln Abraham Lincoln Abraham Lincoln 第一f 宅地法 Homestead Act 解放黑人奴隶宣言 The Emancipation Proclamation 历史研究过于关注个人,个人努力可以改变看似固执的事实。 麦哲伦 第一次用实践证明地球是圆的。 Magellan Magellan Magellan Magellan proved the earth is round with practice for the first time. 实践是证明问题的有利证据;理想主义和现实主义得比较 米开朗琪罗 意大利文艺复兴时期伟大的绘画家,雕塑家和建筑师,用了近六年时间创作了伟大的教堂壁画“末日审判” Michelangelo Michelangelo, the great painter, sculpture and architect in Renaissance, created large mural “Last Judgment” in Sistine Chapel at the Vatican. 老米同志的作品都是让人沉重的,所以用在科学上让人安心,在艺术上让人upset;想象力的题目。 莫扎特 伟大的奥地利作曲家,三岁弹钢琴,四岁写曲谱,是个神童,但是现实社会却无情地冷落了他,大主教对他十分地苛刻,可惜死的比较惨也比较早。 Mozart Mozart Mozart Mozart Mozart Mozart The great composer in Austria could play piano three years old and write score four years old. But the realistic society treated him coldly and mercilessly. therefore his fatal position is miserable. 天才要在早期培养;政府应该资助艺术家 拿破仑 战争狂人,正面人物 Napoleon 英雄不一定代表这个社会的特征 牛顿 坐在苹果树下,看见苹果落地后发现万有引力定律;他仔细研究了哥白尼,布鲁诺,开普勒,伽利略的 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf ,写了“自然哲学的数学原理”,另外,他还研究了欧几里德和笛卡儿的书提出里力学三定律 Newton Copernicus Copernicus Bruno Galileo Galileo Kepler Kepler Newton’s Principia Newton’s Principia When Newton sat under the apple tree, the apple’s falling brings his attention and then put forward “the Law of Gravity” after serious study about it. After his study and generalization of thoughts and works of Copernicus, Bruno, Kepler and Galileo, Newton wrote a book “Newton’s Principia” that had a far-reaching influence on science in the eighteenth century. In addition, he proposed “Three Laws of Mechanics” depending on the works of Euclid and Descartes. 我之所以看得比别人远,是因为我站在巨人的肩膀上(I see farther than others, because I stand on the giant’s shoulder.) ;科学发明的偶然性和必然性 欧文 空想社会主义者,早年赚了点钱,就在美国印第安那卖了一片土地,妄图实现“共同劳动,财产共有,权利平等”的理想社会,后来失败,而且自己一贫如洗 Robert Owen 对理想主义的批判 培根 英国杰出的唯物主义哲学家,提出知识就是力量 名句 : 历史使人明智; 诗歌 诗歌26首倪柝声诗歌智慧书红色经典诗歌朗诵稿诗歌鉴赏术语怎样读懂古代诗歌 使人富于想象;数学使人精细;自然哲学使人深沉、有道德、严肃;逻辑和修辞学命令人善于辩论。 Bacon A highly named philosopher who insisted on materialism. Proposed that knowledge is the resource of power. EXCERPT: Histories make men wise; poems, witty; mathematics, subtle; natural philosophy, deep, moral, grave; logic and rhetoric, able to contend 知识就是力量,鼓励质疑权威 Histories make men wise; poems, witty; mathematics, subtle; natural philosophy, deep, moral, grave; logic and rhetoric, able to contend 莎士比亚 英国著名戏剧家和诗人,小时候在剧院打杂。 Shakespeare Do odds and ends in the theatre Do odds and ends in the theatre 从小事做起;读书的作用是了解当时社会的情况 瓦特 小时候,看到一壶水开了,蒸汽把壶盖冲开,这种常人司空见惯的现象却引起了小瓦特的注意 Watt When Watt was in boyhood, the ordinary phenomenon that stream washed up the cover of the kettle brings his attention. 兴趣爱好和成功;发明蒸汽机是因为整理和 总结 初级经济法重点总结下载党员个人总结TXt高中句型全总结.doc高中句型全总结.doc理论力学知识点总结pdf 了别人的成果;科学发现的偶然性与必然性 塞万提斯 西班牙小说家,戏剧家,诗人,在生活窘迫的时候,卖文是他养活妻儿的唯一途径。《堂吉柯德》虽未能让塞万提斯摆脱贫困,却为他赢得了不朽的声誉。 Cervantes Cervantes Cervantes Cervantes Cervantes Cervantes Cervantes Cervantes Cervantes Poverty-stroken Cervantes is a preeminent novelist, playwright, and poet in Spanish. When he was poverty-stricken, the only way to support his wife and children is sell his works. Although “Don Quixote” has not made Cervantes get rid of poverty, has earned immortal reputation for him. 艺术家需要资助;伟大的作品是由艺术家来决定价值而不是批评家 亚当斯密 《国富论》对西方经济学有重要的影响:他主张劳动生产率的提高是社会分工的结果。认为自由竞争是永恒不变的法则,人的本性是利己的,而追求个人利益则是人们从事经济活动的巨大动力,通过自由竞争可以达到个人福利和社会幸福的和谐 Adam Smith “Wealth of Nations” has important influence on western economics: He maintains that the improvement of the labor productivity is a result of the division of labor in society, that the free competition is an eternal rule not changed, that human nature is egoistic, that it is to pursue the individual interests that is the enormous motive force for the people are engaged in the economic activity, and that one can find the personal welfare and the society can be harmonious through free competition. 自由竞争的好处;个人与群体的关系 Egoistic 中国人吧: 鲁迅 中国伟大的无产阶级革命战士,著名文学家,早年想成为一个医生,在日本留学期间,发现中国人需要的不是医术,而是思想的改造,于是改变其志向,决定用文章来唤起同胞的觉醒。 Lu Xun, the great revolutionary soldier of proletariat in China and litterateur, wanted to become a doctor in early years. When studied in Japan, he found what Chinese need is not medical skill, but thought, then changed his ambition and determined to wake up the compatriot’s awaking up with the article. Proletariat 无产阶级 proletariat 无产阶级 Lu Xun, the great revolutionary soldier of proletariat in China and litterateur, wanted to be doctor in early years. When studied in Japan He found what Chinese need is not medical skills but new thought, then changed his ambition to determine to wake up the compatriots with the articles.
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