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2007-2009雅思G类(移民类)作文TASK 2真题汇总


2007-2009雅思G类(移民类)作文TASK 2真题汇总 www.TopSage.com 大家网 1 / 6 更多精品在大家! http://www.TopSage.com 大家网,大家的! 2007-2009雅思 G类(移民类)作文 TASK 2真题汇总 2009 年雅思G类(移民类)作文TASK 2 真题汇总.......................................................................... 1 2008 年雅思G类(移民类)作文TASK 2 真题汇总......................

2007-2009雅思G类(移民类)作文TASK 2真题汇总
www.TopSage.com 大家网 1 / 6 更多精品在大家! http://www.TopSage.com 大家网,大家的! 2007-2009雅思 G类(移民类)作文 TASK 2真 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 汇总 2009 年雅思G类(移民类)作文TASK 2 真题汇总.......................................................................... 1 2008 年雅思G类(移民类)作文TASK 2 真题汇总.......................................................................... 2 2007 年雅思G类(移民类)作文TASK 2 真题汇总.......................................................................... 4 2009年雅思G类(移民类)作文TASK 2真题汇总 09.01.15 Many people think having enough money brings happiness but others think too much money can bring problems. Do you agree or disagree? 09.02.07 In some countries, children start school at the age of seven, so they could have more time to build relationship with their parents. In other countries, children start school when they are 4 years old. Do the advantages outweigh its disadvantages? 09.02.21 Some people think competitive sport is important for a child's education. Others think it has negative effects on children. Discuss both views and give your opinion. 09.03.21 Some people argue that a growing number of young people spend too much time in watching TV. Why does this phenomenon happen? And what kinds of activities should be encouraged to them? 09.04.18 Nowadays, an increasing number of countries are confronted with the disappearance of cooking skills. What is the situation like in your country? DO you agree that the young children should be taught home cooking in school? 09.04.30 In some countries, schools are open late so that children can be looked after when parents are at work. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages. 09.05.30 Some people point out that the number of international travel is decreasing. Is this trend positive or negative? 09.06.13 Many people prefer to stay the same type of work all their life, and others prefer to change the type of work. Discuss both sides and state your own opinion. 09.06.27 In modern society, many people think that primary schools should teach science and technology rather than history and geography which are useless and boring. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? 09.07.23 Many people think living in high-rise apartment blocks makes people feel lonely and unhappy, while others argue it has advantages. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 09.08.08 Fast food is becoming one part of people's daily life everywhere, and this has had negative effects on our lifestyles and diet. Do you agree with this statement? 09.08.22 2 / 6 2007-2009雅思 G类(移民类)作文 TASK 2真题汇总.doc TopSage.com 大家网,大家的! http://www.topsage.com 更多精品在大家! People say that a child's success is dependent on the way parents bring them up. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 09.09.05 Some students do part-time jobs during studying. Do you think it has more advantages or disadvantages? 09.09.26 Computers are increasingly popular these days. Many people think that the advantages the computer has brought outweigh the disadvantages. What is your opinion? Give your reasons in your own experience. 09.10.08 Some people claim that family members are more important than friends; do you agree or disagree with this statement? 09.10.24 Many people think the professional sportsmen/sportswomen's behaviors on or off the field are not important as long as they are good players. To what extent do you agree or disagree with it? 09.12.05 Nowadays, some people are changing their way of look through hair color, clothes, cosmetics even plastic operation. What are the reasons? Is this a good thing? 09.12.12 Some say that secondary school tend to spend less time on traditional subjects such as history and should spend more time on communication skill and business courses. To what extent do you agree or disagree with it? 2008年雅思G类(移民类)作文TASK 2真题汇总 08.01.12 Listening to radio is more enjoyable and practical than watching television. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? 08.01.19 Some people think that young children benefit going to the nursery school before starting primary school. Others think it is better for the young children to stay all day with the families. Discuss both views and give your opinions. 08.02.14 Many companies require their employees to wear a uniform at work. In what jobs do you think should people be required to wear uniforms? What are the disadvantages of wearing uniforms at work? 08.02.16 Some people take their family with them when they go to work abroad for a period of time. Does this have more advantages than disadvantages for individuals and their family? 08.03.08 Some people think that young people (children and teenagers) can learn a foreign language more easily. Others believe that adults are better at learning a foreign language. Discuss both views and give your opinion. 08.03.29 A survey shows that people in certain occupations and professions are believed to be more honest. What is the situation like in your country? Do you agree with this belief? 08.04.12 Travel to and from work is becoming more difficult. One solution is that employers should allow employees to work from home. Do you agree that the advantages are more than disadvantages? 08.04.19 Some people think it is better to be self-employed. Other people say it is better to work for a company or www.TopSage.com 大家网 3 / 6 更多精品在大家! http://www.TopSage.com 大家网,大家的! institution. Discuss both views and give your opinion. 08.05.10 What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in a house and living in an apartment? Which do you prefer? 08.05.22 Doctors say that in many countries, people do not have enough physical exercise. What are the causes for this problem? What can be done to solve it? 08.06.14 Nowadays many old cities are rebuilt and redesigned in order to make them look modern. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this practice. 08.06.28 In many places of travel such as lakes, mountains and beaches, the environment is polluted because of the rubbish and litters produced by tourists. Why is this? How can we solve the problem? 08.07.12 There are more and more old people in many places of the world. What are the causes of longer life span for people and what are the benefits of this situation? 08.07.26 Nowadays, many people have to work longer time, and they feel more stressed than before. What are the reasons? What can the employers do to make the workers' life easier? 08.08.21 Nowadays, fewer people tend to look after their old relatives but send them to some more professions. What is the situation in your country? Who do you think should be responsible for looking after the old people needing help? 08.08.30 Recently, more and more people use the Internet to get information and buy goods. What do you think about the advantages and disadvantages of this phenomenon? 08.09.06 Many people think that zoos which kept wild animals by man-made environment should no longer exist in 21st century. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? 08.09.27 Some people think parents should control the behaviour of children from a very young age but others think we should give them more freedom. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 08.10.11 The road transport is taking over the rail services as the main means of transportation. Is this a positive or negative development? Is this true in your country? 08.10.25 Some people say television contributes more than other modern inventions to the quality of life of ordinary people. Do you agree or disagree? 08.11.08 Some people say now there is less communication between the family members than in the past. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 08.11.20 Many people want to have a successful career and a happy family life both. What problems are involved in combining a career and family life? How to overcome such problems? 08.12.06 Teenagers have problems at home and school. What difficulties are they facing now? How should parents and 4 / 6 2007-2009雅思 G类(移民类)作文 TASK 2真题汇总.doc TopSage.com 大家网,大家的! http://www.topsage.com 更多精品在大家! schools do to help them? 08.12.13 Nowadays, local shops have been replaced by large supermarkets. Do you think its advantages outweigh the disadvantages? 2007年雅思G类(移民类)作文TASK 2真题汇总 07.01.13 Some sports are extremely dangerous but many people still like them very much. Why do people take part in dangerous sports? Give some suggestions on how to deal with these dangers. 07.01.20 Nowadays, people are living an increasingly longer life and in many countries there are more old people than young people. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this trend? 07.03.10 The level of noise around us is constantly increasing, and is affecting the quality of our lives. What cause the noise? What should be done about it? 07.03.31 Some people think building more roads can reduce the traffic problems. What do you think of this solution? 07.04.14 More people have unhealthy diet and do not do enough exercises. What are the reasons for this? How can we encourage people to have a healthier lifestyle? 07.04.28 In many countries, teenagers are encouraged to do part-time jobs. What's the situation like in your country? What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of doing part-time jobs? 07.05.12≈06.05.13 In many countries around the world, shopping has turned into a form of entertainment rather than a way of getting what people need. Discuss the reasons for this trend. Is it a positive or negative development? 07.05.19 Many students have to study subjects which they do not like. Some people think this is a complete waste of time. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? 07.05.24深圳加考 In some countries students are required to learn a foreign language, but in other countries it is not necessary to do so. Discuss the benefits of each case and give your own opinion. 07.06.16 Some people think that watching TV programmes can help children's development while others disagree. What is your opinion? 07.07.07 In many places women are taking jobs which are traditionally done by men. What do you think make these changes happen? What's your opinion about it? 07.07.21 In some countries, air travel has become a much cheaper form of transport than in the past. Some people say this is a positive development but other people disagree. Discuss the two views and give your opinion. 07.08.11(Australia) Travelling abroad is regarded as a valuable and good activity for young people, but some people think it takes too much time and money. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. www.TopSage.com 大家网 5 / 6 更多精品在大家! http://www.TopSage.com 大家网,大家的! 大家网雅思综合精华资料汇总 剑桥考试委员会出版雅思用书: [下载]-[CambridgeIELTS 7 PDF eBook Download]-[剑桥雅思 7PDF电子书](国外原版) 倾力奉献!剑桥雅思 7[Cambridgeielts 7]全真 试题 中考模拟试题doc幼小衔接 数学试题 下载云南高中历年会考数学试题下载N4真题下载党史题库下载 原版解析下载_PDF CambridgeIELTS 2 剑桥雅思全真试题集第 2册(文本+MP3)【完整版,可打印】下载 CambridgeIELTS 3 剑桥雅思全真试题集第 3册(文本+MP3)【完整版,可打印】下载 CambridgeIELTS 4 剑桥雅思全真试题集第 4册(文本+MP3)【完整版,可打印】下载 CambridgeIELTS 5 剑桥雅思全真试题集第 5册(文本+MP3)【完整版,可打印】下载 CambridgeIELTS 6 剑桥雅思全真试题集第 6册(文本+MP3)【完整版,可打印】下载 [雅思试题]《剑桥雅思 1-6》(CambridgeIELTS 1-6)(教材PDF+配套听力MP3)(网络收录) 2009年雅思听说读写大盘点(含 2010年预测及部分范例) 模拟冲刺: 从外国网站下的IELTS模拟题(PDF+MP3+答案) 国外权威网站发布的雅思模拟题 1 国外权威网站发布的雅思模拟题 2 雅思模拟试题IELTSSimutation NewPrepare for IELTS General Training Moduals《最新移民类雅思考试训练》 09年《雅思真题题源综合测试》(冲刺版)PDF+MP3 剑桥雅思考前冲刺ActionPlan For IELTS文本及听力 英文版剑桥雅思考前冲刺Cambridge Action Plan for IELTS 雅思教材: Oxford:IELTS Masterclass Student's Book Oxford:IELTS Masterclass Teacher's Book IELTS-Practice-Tests-Plus[文本+MP3]下载 IELTSPractice Test Plus 2 PDF+Audio 《捷进雅思高级教程练习册》IELTSExpress Upper-intermediate Workbook IELTSExpress Upper Intermediate《捷进雅思高级教程》 《剑桥雅思高分突破中级》ObjectiveIELTS Intermediate Student's Book with Audio 《剑桥雅思高分突破中级》教师用书 ObjectiveIELTS Intermediate Workbook with Answers《剑桥雅思高分突破中级》练习册 Insightinto IELTS Extra with Answers升级版《剑桥雅思考试题型透析 2》文本+MP3 Insight-into-IELTS-Exra-with-Answers《剑桥雅思考试题型透析 1》[文本+MP3]下载 剑桥Insight into IELTS 1 PDF+MP3 NewInsight into IELTS剑桥《最新雅思考试题型透析》 New Insight into IELTS Student'sbook剑桥《最新雅思考试题型透析》 IELTSSecrets - Your Key To IELTS Success Howto Defeat Time Constraints in IELTS Test! Adams&AustenPress Free IELTS Exercises IELTSFoundation Student's Book 《雅思基础课程学生用书》 Focuson Academic Skills for IELTS Student's book with Audio 《剑桥雅思速成教材》InstantIELTS PDF+MP3 《雅思常见错误 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 》CommonMistakes at IELTS Intermadiat: How to Avoid 国外原版教材CommonMistakes at IELTS Intermadiat: How to Avoid 07.08.25 6 / 6 2007-2009雅思 G类(移民类)作文 TASK 2真题汇总.doc TopSage.com 大家网,大家的! http://www.topsage.com 更多精品在大家! More and more people are working at home rather than in the workplace. Some people say this will bring benefits to the workers and their families, but others think it will bring stress to the home. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 07.09.08 There are some violent cartoon characters on TV such as Mickey Mouse which bring negative influence to children. Do you agree or disagree? What types of TV programmes are suitable for children? 07.09.22 More and more media attention is being paid to famous people who are successful in sports and movies. Why do you think this is happening? Is this a good thing? 07.10.06 Some people prefer to live in hot climate, while others like to live in cold climate. Discuss both of the views and give your own opinions. 07.10.20 Many adults think the childhood and schooldays are the best years of a person's life. What's the reason do you think? Do you agree or disagree? 07.11.03 Schools do not teach young people enough knowledge to look after their health. Do you agree with this opinion? 07.11.17 Now, more and more people want to buy cars. However, cars cause many problems. What are these problems? How can we encourage people to take public transportation? 07.12.01 Some people think children should attend extra classes after school, while others disagree. Discuss both opinions and give your own view. 07.12.15 Some people think the mobile phones are most useful for their professional lives, others think mobiles phones are most useful in their personal life. Discuss both of them and give your opinion. 2009年雅思G类(移民类)作文TASK 2真题汇总 2008年雅思G类(移民类)作文TASK 2真题汇总 2007年雅思G类(移民类)作文TASK 2真题汇总
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