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CSD_Register 原文:SanDisk Secure Digital Card - Product Manual (Version 1.9 Document No. 80-13-00169 December 2003) 第 3 章的关于 CSD 寄存器的描述内容。 译者:醇酒 2007.11.5 (请尊重我的劳动,勿抄袭和修改本文中的内容),若文中翻译有不妥之处,请 Email 至:chunjiu○a 263.net处指正,不胜感激! 3.5.3. CSD Register The Card Specific Da...

原文:SanDisk Secure Digital Card - Product Manual (Version 1.9 Document No. 80-13-00169 December 2003) 第 3 章的关于 CSD 寄存器的描述内容。 译者:醇酒 2007.11.5 (请尊重我的劳动,勿抄袭和修改本文中的内容),若文中翻译有不妥之处,请 Email 至:chunjiu○a 263.net处指正,不胜感激! 3.5.3. CSD Register The Card Specific Data (CSD) register contains configuration information required to access the card data. In Table 3-10, the cell type column defines the CSD field as Read only (R), One Time Programmable (R/W) or erasable (R/W/E). This table shows the value in “real world” units for each field and coded according to the CSD structure. The Model dependent column marks ( with a check mark, √ ) the CSD fields that are model dependent. Note that the CSD register in the SD Card has a different structure than the CSD in the MultiMediaCard. 此卡的描述数据寄存器(CSD)包含了访问该卡数据时的必要配置信息。在 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 3-10里,“cell type”栏内定义了CSD的区域是只读(R)、一次编程(R/W) 或可擦除的(R/W/E)[译者注:原文错误,原文表内没有(R/W/E)这个内容,正确信息为:“R/W”是指可以多次擦写,“R/W(1)”是指只能一次写入, 不可擦除]。该张表中所显示的值都对应真实的CSD结构中的各自区域和编码。CSD区域的样式是依照栏标记(和一个复选标记√)的样式。注意SD卡内的 CSD寄存器和MultiMedia卡的CSD寄存器有着不同的结构。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 原文中此处是表3-10,本节请参阅下一页的 表格 关于规范使用各类表格的通知入职表格免费下载关于主播时间做一个表格详细英语字母大小写表格下载简历表格模板下载 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NOTE: The device size indicates the user area size. It does not include the protected area that is used for security applications and is about 1 percent of the total card size. 注意:这个设备的大小指示的是用户区域的大小。它不包括用于安全应用的保护区域,这个区域大约占用了卡上总容量的1%。 The following sections describe the CSD fields and the relevant data types. If not explicitly defined otherwise, all bit strings are interpreted as binary coded numbers starting with the left bit first. 随后的章节说明了这些CSD区域和相关数据类型。如果不做其它明确的定义,所有的位串都是将左边位作为首位的二进制编码。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 译者注:下一页表格中的每一项都有详细描述,相关内容跟随在表格之后。 我的个人空间:http://www.icdev.com.cn/?474/ 第 1 页 共 15 页 原文:SanDisk Secure Digital Card - Product Manual (Version 1.9 Document No. 80-13-00169 December 2003) 第 3 章的关于 CSD 寄存器的描述内容。 译者:醇酒 2007.11.5 (请尊重我的劳动,勿抄袭和修改本文中的内容),若文中翻译有不妥之处,请 Email 至:chunjiu○a 263.net处指正,不胜感激! 我的个人空间:http://www.icdev.com.cn/?474/ 第 2 页 共 15 页 Table 3-10. CSD Register Name Field Width Cell Type CSD-Slice CSD Value CSD Code CSD structure CSD_STRUCTURE 2 R [127:126] 1.0 00b Reserved - 6 R [125:120] - 000000b data read access-time-1 TAAC Binary MLC 8 8 R R [119:112] [119:112] 1.5 msec 10 msec 00100110b 00001111b data read access-time-2 in CLK cycles (NSAC*100) NSAC 8 R [111:104] 0 00000000b max. data transfer rate TRAN_SPEED 8 R [103:96] 25MHz 00110010b card command classes CCC 12 R [95:84] All (incl. WP, Lock/unlock) 1F5h max. read data block length READ_BL_LEN 4 R [83:80] 512byte 1001b partial blocks for read allowed READ_BL_PARTIAL 1 R [79:79] Yes 1b write block misalignment WRITE_BLK_MISALIGN 1 R [78:78] No 0b read block misalignment READ_BLK_MISALIGN 1 R [77:77] No 0b DSR implemented DSR_IMP 1 R [76:76] No 0b Reserved - 2 R [75:74] - 00b device size C_SIZE 12 R [73:62] SD128=3843 SD064=3807 SD032=1867 SD016= 899 SD008= 831 F03h EDFh 74Bh 383h 33Fh max. read current @VDD min VDD_R_CURR_MIN 3 R [61:59] 100mA 111b max. read current @VDD max VDD_R_CURR_MAX 3 R [58:56] 80mA 110b max. write current @VDD min VDD_W_CURR_MIN 3 R [55:53] 100mA 111b 原文:SanDisk Secure Digital Card - Product Manual (Version 1.9 Document No. 80-13-00169 December 2003) 第 3 章的关于 CSD 寄存器的描述内容。 译者:醇酒 2007.11.5 (请尊重我的劳动,勿抄袭和修改本文中的内容),若文中翻译有不妥之处,请 Email 至:chunjiu○a 263.net处指正,不胜感激! 我的个人空间:http://www.icdev.com.cn/?474/ 第 3 页 共 15 页 Name Field Width Cell Type CSD-Slice CSD Value CSD Code max. write current @VDD max VDD_W_CURR_MAX 3 R [52:50] 80mA 110b device size multiplier C_SIZE_MULT 3 R [49:47] SD128=64 SD064=32 SD032=32 SD016=32 SD008=16 100b 011b 011b 011b 010b erase single block enable ERASE_BLK_EN 1 R [46:46] Yes 1b erase sector size SECTOR_SIZE 7 R [45:39] 32blocks 0011111b write protect group size WP_GRP_SIZE 7 R [38:32] 128sectors 1111111b write protect group enable WP_GRP_ENABLE 1 R [31:31] Yes 1b Reserved for MultiMediaCard compatibility 2 R [30:29] - 00b write speed factor Binary MLC R2W_FACTOR R2W_FACTOR 3 3 R R 见译者注 [28:26] [28:26] X16 X4 100b 010b max. write data block length WRITE_BL_LEN 4 R [25:22] 512Byte 1001b partial blocks for write allowed WRITE_BL_PARTIAL 1 R [21:21] No 0 Reserved - 5 R [20:16] - 00000b File format group FILE_FORMAT_GRP 1 R/W(1) [15:15] 0 0b copy flag (OTP) COPY 1 R/W(1) [14:14] Not Original 1b permanent write protection PERM_WRITE_PROTECT 1 R/W(1) [13:13] Not Protected 0b temporary write protection TMP_WRITE_PROTECT 1 R/W [12:12] Not Protected 0b File format FILE_FORMAT 2 R/W(1) [11:10] HD w/partition 00b Reserved 2 R/W [9:8] - 00b CRC CRC 7 R/W [7:1] - CRC7 not used, always ’1’ - 1 - [0:0] - 1b 译者注:此处在原文中有错误,被写成“[1:16] [1:4]”,表中的内容已经修正为正确信息。 原文:SanDisk Secure Digital Card - Product Manual (Version 1.9 Document No. 80-13-00169 December 2003) 第 3 章的关于 CSD 寄存器的描述内容。 译者:醇酒 2007.11.5 (请尊重我的劳动,勿抄袭和修改本文中的内容),若文中翻译有不妥之处,请 Email 至:chunjiu○a 263.net处指正,不胜感激! CSD_STRUCTURE — describes the version of the CSD structure. CSD_STRUCTURE 描述 CSD结构的版本。 CSD structure CSD_STRUCTURE 2 R [127:126] 1.0 00b Table 3-11. CSD Register Structure CSD_STRUCTURE CSD Structure Version Valid for SD Card Physical Specification Version 备注 0 CSD version No. 1.0 Version 1.0-1.01 版本 1.0-1.1 1-3 Reserved 保留 TAAC — Defines the asynchronous part (relative to the SD Card clock (CLK)) of the read access time. TAAC 定义这个异步部分的读操作时间(相对于 SD 卡的时钟(CLK))。 data read access-time-1 TAAC Binary MLC 8 8 R R [119:112] [119:112] 1.5 msec 10 msec 00100110b 00001111b Table 3-12. TAAC Access Time Definition TAAC Bit Position Code 备注 2:0 time unit 0=1ns, 1=10ns, 2=100ns, 3=1µs, 4=10µs, 5=100µs, 6=1ms, 7=10ms 时间单位 6:3 time value 0=reserved, 1=1.0, 2=1.2, 3=1.3, 4=1.5, 5=2.0, 6=2.5, 7=3.0, 8=3.5, 9=4.0, A=4.5, B=5.0, C=5.5, D=6.0, E=7.0, F=8.0 时间数值 7 Reserved 保留 我的个人空间:http://www.icdev.com.cn/?474/ 第 4 页 共 15 页 原文:SanDisk Secure Digital Card - Product Manual (Version 1.9 Document No. 80-13-00169 December 2003) 第 3 章的关于 CSD 寄存器的描述内容。 译者:醇酒 2007.11.5 (请尊重我的劳动,勿抄袭和修改本文中的内容),若文中翻译有不妥之处,请 Email 至:chunjiu○a 263.net处指正,不胜感激! NSAC — Defines the worst case for the clock dependent factor of the data access time. The unit for NSAC is 100 clock cycles. Therefore, the maximal value for the clock dependent part of the read access time is 25.5k clock cycles. NSAC 定义了时钟的相关特性在最差情况下的数据访问时间。它的单位是 100 个时钟周期。所以,该时钟的相关部分所确定的读访问时间的最大值是 25.5K (255*100,参见表 3-10 中的说明)个时钟周期。 The total read access time Nac as expressed in the Table 5-5 is the sum of TAAC and NSAC. It has to be computed by the host for the actual clock rate. The read access time should be interpreted as a typical delay for the first data bit of a data block from the end bit on the read commands. 读访问的时间总量 Nac 明确的在表 5-5[译者注:原文错误,被标成表 5-17,但这个表在文档中不存在,经确认,实际上是表 5-5](译者注:这是 SPI 模式下的表格,SD 专用模式的表格是:表 4-17)里体现为 TAAC 与 NSAC 的和。主控制器可以用来计算实际的时钟速率。读访问时间应该解释为:它 是由读取命令获取的数据块的首个 bit 到结束 bit 之间的典型延时。 data read access-time-2 in CLK cycles (NSAC*100) NSAC 8 R [111:104] 0 00000000b Table 5-5. Timing Constants Definitions Min Max Unit NCS 0 - 8 Clock Cycles NCR 0 8 8 Clock Cycles NRC 1 - 8 Clock Cycles NAC 1 See Note 8 Clock Cycles NWR 1 - 8 Clock Cycles NEC 0 - 8 Clock Cycles NDS 0 - 8 Clock Cycles NOTE: min [ { { ( TAAC ∗ f ) + (NSAC ∗ 100) } ∗ 1/8 }, { (100ms * f ) * 1/8 } ] where units = (8 clocks) and “ f ” is the clock frequency. 我的个人空间:http://www.icdev.com.cn/?474/ 第 5 页 共 15 页 原文:SanDisk Secure Digital Card - Product Manual (Version 1.9 Document No. 80-13-00169 December 2003) 第 3 章的关于 CSD 寄存器的描述内容。 译者:醇酒 2007.11.5 (请尊重我的劳动,勿抄袭和修改本文中的内容),若文中翻译有不妥之处,请 Email 至:chunjiu○a 263.net处指正,不胜感激! TRAN_SPEED - Table 3-13 defines the maximum data transfer rate TRAN_SPEED. TRAN_SPEED 表 3-13 定义最大的数据传送速率 TRAN_SPEED。 max. data transfer rate TRAN_SPEED 8 R [103:96] 25MHz 00110010b Table 3-13. Maximum Data Transfer Rate Definition TRAN_SPEED Bit Code 2:0 transfer rate unit 0 = 100kbit / s, 1 = 1Mbit / s, 2 = 10Mbit / s, 3 = 100Mbit / s, 4... 7 = reserved 6:3 time value 0=reserved, 1=1.0, 2=1.2, 3=1.3, 4=1.5, 5=2.0, 6=2.5, 7=3.0, 8=3.5, 9=4.0, A=4.5, B=5.0, C=5.5, D=6.0, E=7.0, F=8.0 CCC — The SD Card command set is divided into subsets (command classes). The card command class register CCC defines which command classes are supported by this card. A value of ‘1’ in a CCC bit means that the corresponding command class is supported. Table 3-14 lists the supported card command classes; refer to Table 4-2 for command class definitions. CCC 是该卡命令规定的子集(命令类别),定义了这个卡所能支持的命令类别。在 CCC 中的一个位的值为“1”则意味着对应的命令类别是可以支持的。 表 3-14 列出了所支持的卡的命令类别;可以参考表 4-2 中的命令类别定义。 card command classes CCC 12 R [95:84] All (incl. WP, Lock/unlock) 1F5h Table 3-14. Supported Card Command Classes CCC Bit Supported Card Command Class 0 class 0 1 class 1 ...... 11 class 11 我的个人空间:http://www.icdev.com.cn/?474/ 第 6 页 共 15 页 原文:SanDisk Secure Digital Card - Product Manual (Version 1.9 Document No. 80-13-00169 December 2003) 第 3 章的关于 CSD 寄存器的描述内容。 译者:醇酒 2007.11.5 (请尊重我的劳动,勿抄袭和修改本文中的内容),若文中翻译有不妥之处,请 Email 至:chunjiu○a 263.net处指正,不胜感激! READ_BL_LEN - The maximum read data block length is computed as 2^READ_BL_LEN. The maximum block length might therefore be in the range 512...2048 bytes. Note that in the SD Card, the WRITE_BL_LEN is always equal to READ_BL_LEN. READ_BL_LEN 是最大的可读取数据块长度是用 2^READ_BL_LEN 来计算的。所以,这个最大块长度是在 512...2048 字节的范围内。注意:在 SD 卡中, WRITE_BL_LEN 总是等于 READ_BL_LEN 的。 max. read data block length READ_BL_LEN 4 R [83:80] 512byte 1001b Table 3-15. Data Block Length READ_BL_LEN Block Length 0-8 Reserved 9 29 = 512 Bytes 10 210 = 1024 Bytes 11 211 = 2048 Bytes 12-15 Reserved READ_BL_PARTIAL — READ_BL_PARTIAL is always set to 1 in the SD Card. Partial Block Read is always allowed in the SD Card. It means that smaller blocks can be used as well. The minimum block size is one byte. READ_BL_PARTIAL=0 means that only the READ_BL_LEN block size can be used for block oriented data transfers. READ_BL_PARTIAL=1 means that smaller blocks can be used as well. The minimum block size will be equal to minimum addressable unit (one byte) READ_BL_PARTIAL 在 SD卡中总是为 1。块的部分读取在 SD 卡上总是被允许的。它意味着可以使用适当小的块。块最小可以小为 1 个字节。 READ_BL_PARTIAL = 0 意味着块大小只能使用 READ_BL_LEN 的大小来做数据传送。 READ_BL_PARTIAL = 1 意味着可以使用小的块。最小的块将等于最小的地址单元(一个字节)。 partial blocks for read allowed READ_BL_PARTIAL 1 R [79:79] Yes 1b 我的个人空间:http://www.icdev.com.cn/?474/ 第 7 页 共 15 页 原文:SanDisk Secure Digital Card - Product Manual (Version 1.9 Document No. 80-13-00169 December 2003) 第 3 章的关于 CSD 寄存器的描述内容。 译者:醇酒 2007.11.5 (请尊重我的劳动,勿抄袭和修改本文中的内容),若文中翻译有不妥之处,请 Email 至:chunjiu○a 263.net处指正,不胜感激! WRITE_BLK_MISALIGN — Defines if the data block to be written by one command can be spread over more than one physical block of the memory device. The size of the memory block is defined in WRITE_BL_LEN. WRITE_BLK_MISALIGN=0 signals that crossing physical block boundaries is invalid. WRITE_BLK_MISALIGN=1 signals that crossing physical block boundaries is allowed. WRITE_BLK_MISALIGN 定义是否可以用一条写入命令来涵盖存储器设备上多于一个物理块。这个块的大小定义在 WRITE_BL_LEN 中。 WRITE_BLK_MISALIGN = 0 表示跨过物理块的界线是不允许的。 WRITE_BLK_MISALIGN = 1 表示跨过物理块的界线是被允许的。 write block misalignment WRITE_BLK_MISALIGN 1 R [78:78] No 0b READ_BLK_MISALIGN — Defines if the data block to be read by one command can be spread over more than one physical block of the memory device. The size of the memory block is defined in READ_BL_LEN. READ_BLK_MISALIGN=0 signals that crossing physical block boundaries is invalid. READ_BLK_MISALIGN=1 signals that crossing physical block boundaries is allowed. READ_BLK_MISALIGN 定义是否可以用一条读取命令来涵盖存储器设备上多于一个物理块。这个块的大小定义在 READ_BL_LEN 中。 READ_BLK_MISALIGN = 0 表示跨过物理块的界线是不允许的。 READ_BLK_MISALIGN = 1 表示跨过物理块的界线是被允许的。 read block misalignment READ_BLK_MISALIGN 1 R [77:77] No 0b DSR_IMP — Defines if the configurable driver stage is integrated on the card. If set, a driver stage register (DSR) must be implemented also. DSR_IMP 定义卡上是否集成了可配置的驱动级。如果被设置了,一个驱动级寄存器(DSR)必须是可用的。(DSR_IMP = 0 没有可用的 SDR。) DSR implemented DSR_IMP 1 R [76:76] No 0b Table 3-16. DSR Implementation Code Table DSR_IMP DSR Type 备注 0 no DSR implemented 没有SDR可用 我的个人空间:http://www.icdev.com.cn/?474/ 第 8 页 共 15 页 原文:SanDisk Secure Digital Card - Product Manual (Version 1.9 Document No. 80-13-00169 December 2003) 第 3 章的关于 CSD 寄存器的描述内容。 译者:醇酒 2007.11.5 (请尊重我的劳动,勿抄袭和修改本文中的内容),若文中翻译有不妥之处,请 Email 至:chunjiu○a 263.net处指正,不胜感激! C_SIZE (Device Size) — This parameter is used to compute the card capacity (does not include security protected area). The memory capacity of the card is computed from the entries C_SIZE, C_SIZE_MULT and READ_BL_LEN as follows: memory capacity = BLOCKNR * BLOCK_LEN Where: BLOCKNR = (C_SIZE+1) * MULT MULT = (C_SIZE_MULT < 8) * 2^(C_SIZE_MULT+2) BLOCK_LEN = (READ_BL_LEN < 12) * 2^(READ_BL_LEN) Therefore, the maximum capacity which can be coded is 4096*512*2048 = 4 GBytes. Example: A four MByte card with BLOCK_LEN = 512 can be coded with C_SIZE_MULT = 0 and C_SIZE = 2047. C_SIZE(设备大小) 这个参数用于计算卡的容量(不包括安全保护区域)。卡的存储容量是通过 C_SIZE、C_SIZE_MULT和 READ_BL_LEN来计算 的,请看这个公式: 存储器容量 = BLOCKNR * BLOCK_LEN 而那些参数是: BLOCKNR = (C_SIZE+1) * MULT MULT = (C_SIZE_MULT < 8) * 2^(C_SIZE_MULT+2) BLOCK_LEN = (READ_BL_LEN < 12) * 2^(READ_BL_LEN) 因此,最大的容量可以编码为:4096*512*2048 = 4 GByte。举例来说:4 MByte 的卡 BLOCK_LEN = 512 可以编码为 C_SIZE_MULT = 0 和 C_SIZE = 2047。 device size C_SIZE 12 R [73:62] SD128=3843 SD064=3807 SD032=1867 SD016= 899 SD008= 831 F03h EDFh 74Bh 383h 33Fh 我的个人空间:http://www.icdev.com.cn/?474/ 第 9 页 共 15 页 原文:SanDisk Secure Digital Card - Product Manual (Version 1.9 Document No. 80-13-00169 December 2003) 第 3 章的关于 CSD 寄存器的描述内容。 译者:醇酒 2007.11.5 (请尊重我的劳动,勿抄袭和修改本文中的内容),若文中翻译有不妥之处,请 Email 至:chunjiu○a 263.net处指正,不胜感激! VDD_R_CURR_MIN, VDD_W_CURR_MIN — The maximum values for read and write currents at the minimal VDD power supply are coded in Table 3-17. VDD_R_CURR_MIN, VDD_W_CURR_MIN 是在最小限度的电压供应下,读取和写入操作所需求的最大电流值。编码在表 3-17 中。 max. read current @VDD min VDD_R_CURR_MIN 3 R [61:59] 100mA 111b max. write current @VDD min VDD_W_CURR_MIN 3 R [55:53] 100mA 111b Table 3-17. VDD Minimum Current Consumption VDD_R_CURR_MIN VDD_W_CURR_MIN Code For Current Consumption @ VDD 2:0 0=0.5mA; 1=1mA; 2=5mA; 3=10mA; 4=25mA; 5=35mA; 6=60mA; 7=100mA VDD_R_CURR_MAX, VDD_W_CURR_MAX — The maximum values for read and write currents at the maximum VDD power supply are coded Table 3-18. VDD_R_CURR_MAX, VDD_W_CURR_MAX 是在最大电压供应下,读取和写入操作需求的最大电流值。编码在表 3-18 中。 max. read current @VDD max VDD_R_CURR_MAX 3 R [58:56] 80mA 110b max. write current @VDD max VDD_W_CURR_MAX 3 R [52:50] 80mA 110b Table 3-18. VDD Maximum Current Consumption VDD_R_CURR_MAX VDD_W_CURR_MAX Code For Current Consumption @ VDD 2:0 0=1mA; 1=5mA; 2=10mA; 3=25mA; 4=35mA; 5=45mA; 6=80mA; 7=200mA 我的个人空间:http://www.icdev.com.cn/?474/ 第 10 页 共 15 页 原文:SanDisk Secure Digital Card - Product Manual (Version 1.9 Document No. 80-13-00169 December 2003) 第 3 章的关于 CSD 寄存器的描述内容。 译者:醇酒 2007.11.5 (请尊重我的劳动,勿抄袭和修改本文中的内容),若文中翻译有不妥之处,请 Email 至:chunjiu○a 263.net处指正,不胜感激! C_SIZE_MULT (Device Size Multiplier) — This parameter is used for coding a factor MULT for computing the total device size (see ‘C_SIZE’). The factor MULT is defined as 2^(C_SIZE_MULT+2). C_SIZE_MULT (设备大小的乘数) 这个参数用来表示 MULT,用于计算设备的容量大小(参考“C_SIZE”)。MULT 定义为 2^(C_SIZE_MULT+2)。 device size multiplier C_SIZE_MULT 3 R [49:47] SD128=64 SD064=32 SD032=32 SD016=32 SD008=16 100b 011b 011b 011b 010b Table 3-19. Multiply Factor For The Device Size C_SIZE_MULT MULT C_SIZE_MULT MULT C_SIZE_MULT MULT C_SIZE_MULT MULT 0 22 = 4 2 24 = 16 4 26 = 64 6 28 = 256 1 23 = 8 3 25 = 32 5 27 = 128 7 29 = 512 ERASE_BLK_EN — defines whether erase of one write block (see WRITE_BL_LEN) is allowed (other than SECTOR_SIZE given below). If ERASE_BLK_EN is 0, the host can erase a unit of SECTOR_SIZE. If ERASE_BLK_EN is 1, the host can erase either a unit of SECTOR_SIZE or a unit of WRITE_BLK_LEN. ERASE_BLK_EN 定义擦除一个可写块(参见 WRITE_BL_LEN)是否为允许的(即除了下面给出的 SECTOR_SIZE 之外)。 ERASE_BLK_EN = 0 主控制器只能擦除一个 SECTOR_SIZE 单元。 ERASE_BLK_EN = 1 主控制器可以擦除一个 SECTOR_SIZE 单元或一个 WRITE_BLK_LEN 单元。 erase single block enable ERASE_BLK_EN 1 R [46:46] Yes 1b SECTOR_SIZE — The size of an erasable sector. The contents of this register is a 7-bit binary coded value, defining the number of write blocks (see WRITE_BL_LEN). The actual size is computed by increasing this number by one. A value of zero means 1 write block, 127 means 128 blocks. SECTOR_SIZE 这个可擦除扇区的大小。这个寄存器是一个 7 位的二进制编码值,定义了可写块的数量(参阅 WRITE_BL_LEN)。实际大小是这个数量加上 1。 一个 0 意味着 1 个可写块,127 是 128 个可写块。 erase sector size SECTOR_SIZE 7 R [45:39] 32blocks 0011111b 我的个人空间:http://www.icdev.com.cn/?474/ 第 11 页 共 15 页 原文:SanDisk Secure Digital Card - Product Manual (Version 1.9 Document No. 80-13-00169 December 2003) 第 3 章的关于 CSD 寄存器的描述内容。 译者:醇酒 2007.11.5 (请尊重我的劳动,勿抄袭和修改本文中的内容),若文中翻译有不妥之处,请 Email 至:chunjiu○a 263.net处指正,不胜感激! WP_GRP_SIZE — The size of a write protected group. The contents of this register is a 7-bit binary coded value, defining the number of Erase Groups (see SECTOR_SIZE). The actual size is computed by increasing this number by one. A value of zero means 1 erase group, 127 means 128 erase groups. WP_GRP_SIZE 这个写保护组的大小。这个寄存器是一个 7 位的二进制编码值,定义可擦除组的数量(参阅 SECTOR_SIZE)。实际大小是这个数量加上 1。 一个 0 意味着 1 个可擦除组,127 是 128 个可擦除组。 write protect group size WP_GRP_SIZE 7 R [38:32] 128sectors 1111111b WP_GRP_ENABLE — A value of ‘0’ means no group write protection possible. WP_GRP_ENABLE 一个“0”表示没有写保护组存在,“1”则相反。 write protect group enable WP_GRP_ENABLE 1 R [31:31] Yes 1b R2W_FACTOR — Defines the typical block program time as a multiple of the read access time. Table 3-20 defines the field format. R2W_FACTOR 将典型的块编程(烧录)时间定义为读取访问时间的倍数。表 3-20 定义了这个区域的格式。 write speed factor Binary MLC R2W_FACTOR R2W_FACTOR 3 3 R R [28:26] [28:26] X16 X4 100b 010b Table 3-20. R2W_FACTOR R2W_FACTOR Multiples of Read Access Time 备注 0 1 1 2 (write half as fast as read) 半个快速写和读取一样 2 4 3 8 4 16 5 32 6, 7 Reserved 保留 我的个人空间:http://www.icdev.com.cn/?474/ 第 12 页 共 15 页 原文:SanDisk Secure Digital Card - Product Manual (Version 1.9 Document No. 80-13-00169 December 2003) 第 3 章的关于 CS
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