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Dee Christopher 2011纸牌心灵


Dee Christopher 2011纸牌心灵 THE KNOWLEDGE METHODOLOGY FOR FRAUDULENT MIND READING THE DEE CHRISTOPHER LECTURE 5020 :: A LIE DETECTION EFFECT EFFECT: The performer removes two cards from the deck; upon on...

Dee Christopher 2011纸牌心灵
THE KNOWLEDGE METHODOLOGY FOR FRAUDULENT MIND READING THE DEE CHRISTOPHER LECTURE 5020 :: A LIE DETECTION EFFECT EFFECT: The performer removes two cards from the deck; upon one’s face he writes “Truth” and the other “Lie.” These cards are to be used in an experiment of psychological lie detection. The performer face holds the cards down. The spectators are invited to say a statement about themselves; this can be either truth or a lie. For example: “I live at house number 42.” Or perhaps, “I have a cat.” Once the statement is said, the performer selects one of the two cards and the spectator reveals if it was truth or lie. The performer is correct. This is a skill that everyone possesses; it’s just a case of tapping in. A second spectator is offered the chance to guess if the first spectator is lying or telling the truth. A statement is said and it is shown that the second spectator too was correct in their thoughts! Up to now, this has been just a 50/50 chance of success; the performer offers to turn it up a notch. The rest of the playing cards are taken out and the spectator draws a truly random card from the middle to remember. Four other random cards are dealt out also and the five are well mixed by the spectator. From here the spectator lays out the five cards face up in a row. They are asked to touch each card, one by one, saying: “This is my card” in each instance. It’s the performer’s job to guess on which occasion is the truth being told. The performer of course names the correct card, proving his lie detection skills to be second to none! METHOD: The above describes a very impressive feat that requires minimal set up! The set up could even be done on the fly; I’ll explain how to do this in the notes section at the end. SET UP: All that’s required is that you have two cards that you can tell apart when face down. I simply put a small pencil dot in the top left corner of one. I’ve marked with a sharpie so that you can see in this image. These two cards will be our Truth/Lie cards for the first two phases. I always tend to write yes and no on the cards during performance to emphasize the freedom, quickly glancing which of the two has the mark before writing yes upon that one, but you could have these already written on if you wish. Aside from these two cards, you’ll need to have four cards on top of the deck memorized – These play their part in the third phase. I use the jack of spades, the queen of diamonds, the nine of hearts and the ace of clubs. You are of course welcome to use any cards you prefer though. Have your two Truth/Lie cards on top of the deck, the four memorized cards directly underneath. STEP BY STEP: The workings of this routine are very simple, this allows you to pull it off without needing to exert any real effort and you can focus on your performance. We’ll begin by introducing the experiment. “Who here has ever told a lie? I’m sure everybody has, it’s a quirk of human nature. The worst thing is that every one of us gives away the fact that we’re lying with small tells, micro expressions and the like. If you know what to look for, you can spot a liar a mile off. Let me show you what I mean” This is a simple introduction to the experiment, it gives validity to what you’re doing – I suggest learning a little about micro expressions or other psychological tells in case you are asked about it later on. From here we’ll take out the deck of cards and casually grab the top two. One of these will be marked. Take out a sharpie and write “Truth” across the marked card and “Lie” across the unmarked card. The rest of the cards can be re-boxed and put to one side. Now is where the fun begins… “Can we use you for this miss? Perfect. I have here a card with Yes written on it and a card with No written on it. I need you to say a statement and it’s my job to tell if you are lying or telling the truth. The Truth card will say that yes, the statement is true and the Lie card will say that no, the statement is false. Clear? Great. You can say any statement you like, for example, I live at number 42 or perhaps I have a cat. Take a moment and get a statement in mind. Try not to give anything away. Ok, say it now?” From here they’ll say their statement, often they’ll take 30 seconds to decide on a statement, so you may need to give more examples! Once they say their statement you will place the Truth card on the table, pushing it away from you slightly and toward them. Keep the other card in view at all times, I keep it at chest level, essentially, we need both of these cards to still be in play until the spectator says which is actually correct and we can use a statement to eliminate one of them. This is a take on equivoque. “Ok, I’ve made my decision, was the statement true or false?” “Yes, the statement was true” If they say that the statement was true, then you’ll simply say: “Ok, turn it over please” Nod towards the tabled card as you do this; forget about the other card completely, all your body language needs to say that the tabled card is your prediction. “No, the statement was a lie!” If they say it’s a lie, immediately look at the face of the Lie card in you hands, forgetting completely about the tabled card – Slowly turn the card around to reveal that you were correct. That’s the first phase complete! It’s very effective, but will take a little practice to get comfortable with the equivoque if this is something that you haven’t explored before. Phase 2: Phase two is essentially a spectator as mind-reader effect – In this instance you will make it look like the spectator is subliminally reading whether the first spectator is telling the truth or a lie. This is where the marking on the back of the card comes into play. We will simply edit our script to make the outcomes match! The first spectator will be asked to say another true or false statement, as before. The second spectator is asked to look into the first spectator’s eyes as they say this. Rather than giving them the opportunity to think too much about their decision, you say the following: “Ok, now, rather than have you think too much or take a wild guess, we’re going to let your subconscious deal with this. I’m going to flash the faces of the cards and then mix them thoroughly. You will not consciously know which is which, but your subconscious should be able to keep track. Ok? Great.” You will then mix the cards face down, and then say: “Ok, now, I want you to take one of these out of play for me and hold it in your hands please.” Because you’ve said, “take one of these out of play” it’ll make sense that the one they left you with is their selection, also they are holding the card out of view in their hands. Because that’s the card they’ve taken and are holding in their hands, it can also be turned around so that is seen as the selection. We’ll assume that the card they took was “Lie.” If the first spectator says that their statement was true then you just need to say: “It was truth? Ok, so you took one card out of play, lets see what you left me with…” Of course if they say it was a lie, you need to say: “Are you still holding the card you chose? I’d like you to slowly turn it over…” Naturally this is just if they took the Lie card, if they took the Truth card you need to reverse the above. You’ll know which card they took as you have the Truth card marked. So that’s the second phase complete. Now we just need to close off the routine… Phase 3: You will take out the rest of the cards from the box and spread them out on the table face down. “Ok, so far everything has been a 50/50 chance, lets take things up a notch. Just choose any random card out of there, we’re going to try this with a random piece of information as you may be better at telling a lie about something you’ve had the time to think about! I’ll grab four other random cards out of here.” Simply what’s happened here is that you’ve had them grab any random card they like, they can change their mind if wished, and keep it to them selves. The performer then forces the four random cards on himself. Their selection will of course be the one not in your sequence. To force these cards, I simply do a false cut and deal them from the top. There should be no heat on this at all as these are just random cards. You could really just deal them straight from the top, but I prefer to throw in a false cut, just in case. “Here’s another few cards, do you want to just mix yours in with those and spread them out in a row face up when you’re done – I can turn away as you do this. That’s perfect. I’d like you to take your index finger and touch each card one by one. I need you to look at the card, look at me and say ‘this is my card’ for each one. Ok?” This procedure is just to build up the reveal and make it look like you’re genuinely able to detect which one’s the spectator is lying on and which one is the statement true. Of course, you already know by spotting which card is not in your memorized sequence! NOTES: I mentioned before that I had a way of setting up on the fly. This simply involves marking the Truth card when no one’s looking – I just put a little bend in the corner. When it’s bent straight again it leaves a little crease. It’s easy to spot, but it quite a normal occurrence, so people won’t notice. As for the four memorized cards, you just need to spread the cards face up before you spread face down to show that they’re fairly mixed. As everyone is looking to make sure that there’s no patterns or duplicates, you are memorizing the top four cards. It’s very easy, but should be practiced. If you are just performing the effect to a single spectator, you can simply show them the faces of the truth/lie cards and then mix them face down and allow their subconscious to make the decision, I’ve found that this gives just as strong a reaction as involving a third party in the effect. LOKI :: POKER CHIP LOCATION EFFECT: The performer takes out three poker chips of different colours. Out of sight these are mixed and a spectator is asked to place each one in a different pocket while the performer’s head is turned, or he is blindfolded. The performer turns around and reveals where each chip is located through supposedly reading body tells. METHOD: This is a very simple effect to perform, though looks incredible to all those present – all needed is three different poker chips, I use a black a red and a white. In place of these folded business cards can be used for a completely impromptu presentation. The secret? You just need to keep track of the location of the chips. Told you it was simple! I use an alphabetical stack – The chips go in order, Black, Red and White. What makes this convincing is that the chips are apparently mixed out of sight. In reality, the order is just reversed. I’ll have the chips in my left pants pocket and take them out as I begin my script. I’ll casually re-order the chips in my right palm so that they are stacked (from bottom) White, Red and Black. I explain that I’ll mix up the chips and cup my hands around them and shake, apparently tossing them around and mixing the order. In reality, when I cup my hands around the chips, I flip them over so that they are in my memorized order and then just shake so that the chips rattle as they impact one another, but the order doesn’t change. I also turn my head away at this point so that I cannot see my hands – I feel that this is an important convincer and psychologically impacts on the destruction of thoughts of a pre-determined order. This is also the reason that the chips are flipped, people aren’t going to remember the order the chips were in, as you haven’t told them what you are doing yet, but they may remember if it’s the same image they are seeing. A simple flip of the chips prevents this uncertainty! After I feel that the chips are suitably ‘mixed’ I keep my head turned away and open my hands so that the chips lie spread slightly. I adjust these casually so that the black sits on the heel of my hand, the red on the palm and the white on my fingers. I use the order and these 3 zones of my hand to identify which chip has been taken. Outstretching the left hand with the chips lain in position, in order, with the head still turned away, I will ask the spectator to pick up one of the chips. I make sure to pause so that they complete this task before moving on – if you are dealing with a trickier spectator and you immediately say take one of the chips and place it in your left pants pocket, they may try and catch you out! So, you will ask them to pick up one of the chips, say the pick up the black, you then say: “Now please place this in your left pants pocket and let me know when you are done” Now you know that the black chip is in the left pants pocket. You need to simply repeat this process for the right pants pocket and then ask them to hold the final chip in their outstretched right fist. At this point I’ll make sure that they are finished and then turn around. I use a script based around body tells, so I’ll go into the concept and then grip their fist in mine and place my hand on their shoulder. This creates a really nice frame for the rest of the audience and also breaks the contact barrier between this spectator and yourself, so it’s a perfect effect to open on. I’ll say the word ‘black’ as I look them in the eye. I pretend to read their reaction to the word and announce in a slightly unsure way: “Left pocket – Please show everyone!” I go from there to reveal the chip that’s in their hand: “Ok, lets try for the chip in your hand” I stare at them for a moment and announce the relevant colour. “Which of course leaves the white chip in your right pant pocket! – Thank you very much!” This is such a simple and direct performance in effect and method. As mentioned, I use a body tell style presentation, which I find works very well for me as an introduction to that false explanation. If you are more of a psychic entertainer, or a bizarrist – you may find that an energy field reading or with a thumb writer, maybe a precognition routine will suit. TURNOVER 23 The following routine is one that originally branched from the ‘cold’ routine from my first book; however, over the last few years it has been stripped down to a very simple, straightforward demonstration of precognition. The original routine would have me lay down a prediction card from an envelope to the table before I had someone think of a card from the deck – I would begin the reading and reveal their card, by which point the prediction will have been forgotten about. I would then draw attention back to this card, running over the routine for the spectator’s, allowing some exaggeration of how free their choice was, etcetera, and taking an indifferent card from the top of the deck, I would flick over this prediction at arm’s length and show it to match the chosen card adding an extra climax! I was of course placing an indifferent card from a matching deck down as my prediction, having their selection as the indifferent card to flick with and executing the Mexican turnover move to switch the cards as I turned them over. The only problem I found with this is that it is possible for the spectators at a later date to reverse engineer the effect, as it’s a card from a matching deck... So, I came about designing a variation on the Mexican turnover, which I have now been using for a number of years – It allows for a different backed prediction to be lain down on the table and for the switch to be made, increasing the strength of the deception. I called this move ‘turnover 23’ after the 23 enigma, the number fascinated me and I felt that the correlation between the 2 ideas of correlation worked awfully nicely together. Try saying that 5 times fast. METHOD: Before going further, you will need to either find from a gaff deck, or simply construct yourself a gaff prediction card for use with this move. Don’t worry, there aren’t any sophisticated moving parts or rubber bands involved, it’s merely a double backed card of different designs on each side. I myself tend to use just a simple blue/red bicycle double backer – You can pick up a whole deck of these for about £5, some companies will supply individual cards, the card collection is one such supplier in the UK or Haines in the US. Alternatively you could construct your own by simply sticking 2 cards from different decks face to face, those with gaff construction experience might want to strip the back layer from one and use it to replace the face layer of another, to make the card of single thickness. This card is the card you will place on the table as your prediction card, it should be placed with the indifferent back facing upwards, and naturally you don’t want your spectator’s to see the matching back. The card should appear as legitimate as those being handled as a deck. In the ‘23:23’ routine, it is a named card on the table. So assuming we have the queen of hearts named, we will locate this and hold it face down in the right hand. The left hand will come down to contact the left hand long side of the card, as in the illustrations, the idea of using your other hand to steady the card is one of Max Maven on his work with the original Mexican turnover. Now, putting an amount of pressure on this left edge will cause the card to bevel slightly, making it easy to slide the left hand edge of your queen of hearts underneath the right hand edge of the double backer, again as illustrated. The motion is a fairly simple one, you slide the named card almost all the way under the double backer and begin a horizontal counter- clockwise rotation, there will be a point at which the 2 right hand edges are level, this is where your grip shifts from holding the named card to holding the double backer. This all should be done fairly swiftly of course. You will allow BOTH of the cards to flip 180, as opposed to the original turnover, where just the ‘switched in’ card flips, this will allow the matching back of the double backer to be visible, creating the perfect illusion that it’s the same card you’ve been holding all along. The different coloured back vanishes and the face of their named card appears, isn’t deception a novel profession? You will bring the double backer up to the top of the deck where it will lay as one of the feather, a nice subtlety to keep attention on the face up ‘prediction’ on the table is to move it forward slightly, before bringing that (keeping the face toward the audience of course!) up to the top of the deck also, if you lay it face up on the top, you can then flip over a double (the double backer will be the 2nd card held in the pair) to show the indifferent back one more time as you place it in your pocket again. Consider yourself reset. ROUTINE: The performer brings out a deck of cards; it could be a sealed brand new deck if you are performing at a dinner party or perhaps to your first table. I always find that using a sealed deck induces a little more confidence in the fact that you couldn’t possibly be cheating! As the cards are fairly shuff
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