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考研英语阅读资料、写作素材考研英语阅读资料、写作素材 21.危险活动的吸引力The Attraction of Dangerous Activities 22.努力的重要性The Importance of Hard Work 33.结伴旅行Traveling with a Companion 44.工作的理由Reasons to Work 45.面对面沟通与其他的沟通方式Face-to-face vs. Other Types of Communication 56.尝试新事物的好处The Advantages of...

考研英语阅读资料、写作素材 21.危险活动的吸引力The Attraction of Dangerous Activities 22.努力的重要性The Importance of Hard Work 33.结伴旅行Traveling with a Companion 44.工作的理由Reasons to Work 45.面对面沟通与其他的沟通方式Face-to-face vs. Other Types of Communication 56.尝试新事物的好处The Advantages of Trying New Things 67.金钱不是工作最重要部分Money Is Not the most important Aspect of a Job 68.做重要的决定Making Important Decisions 79.资助环保Money for the Environment 810.自信Self-confidence 811.一项重要的技能An Important Skill 912.保留土地给濒临绝种的动物Saving Land for Endangered Animals 1013.科技对学习的影响The Effects of Technology on Learning 1114.永不放弃Never, Never Give Up 1115.存钱的好处The Advantages of Saving Money 1216.人类活动与地球Human Activity and the Earth 1317.媒体与名人The Media and Famous People 1418.活得更久Living Longer 1419.电视和电影的影响The Influence of Television and Movies 1520.书本知识与实际经验Book Knowledge vs. Experience 考研英语阅读资料、写作素材 1.危险活动的吸引力The Attraction of Dangerous Activities In the past, people often faced many dangers in their daily lives. They had to cope with not only natural disasters and frequent outbreaks of disease, but also dangerous animals and warfare. The need to hunt and to protect their territory from other people required them to be skilled in the use of weapons. In addition, any travel also involved great risk as there were few roads and bridges. Nowadays, people do not have to live with such dangers on a daily basis, and yet many people choose to involve themselves in risky activities such as dangerous sports. I believe the following reasons can explain the attraction of such activities. One reason people are attracted to risky activities is that hey crave excitement. The thrill of mountain climbing or bungee jumping can satisfy their need to break out of their routine. Without the excitement of such sports, they may feel bored with their lives. Another reason people like such activities is that these activities often require a certain amount of skill. Learning to drive a racecar or hang-glide may satisfy the desire to excel and give the participant a feeling of accomplishment and personal confidence in his abilities. A final reason that people may choose to engage in risky activities is that they want to stand out from the crowd. By developing a skill that others don’t have, they can feel unique. For all of these reasons, I believe that risky activities will continue to be popular with some people. In fact, it seems that as soon as one activity becomes safer or commonplace, thrill seekers come up with a new way to challenge their skills and courage. 参考译文: 危险活动的吸引力 以前的人们在日常生活中常面临许多危险,他们不仅要应付天灾和经常爆发的疾病,也要应付危险的动物和战争。由于必须打猎以及保护自己的领土免于他人的入侵,他们必须非常精通武器的使用。此外,因为道路和桥梁很少,任何旅行的危险性都很高。现在的人们不必每天生活在这样的危险当中,但仍然有许多人选择从事一些危险的活动,比如有危险性的运动。我认为下列的原因能够解释这些危险的活动为何会有吸引力。 人们会受到危险活动的吸引的原因之一是渴望刺激。登山或蹦极的那种刺激感可以满足人们想要逃离常规的需求。如果没有这些运动带来的刺激,他们可能会对生活感到厌烦。人们喜欢这种活动的另一个原因是,这些活动通常需要相当程度的技术。学习驾驶赛车或滑翔也许能满足他们想要高人一等的渴望,使自己有成就感,并对自己的能力有信心。人们会选择从事危险活动,其最后一个原因在于,他们想要在人群中脱颖而出。借着培养别人所没有的技术,他们会觉得自己是独一无二的。 基于以上这些理由,我认为危险的活动会继续受到一些人的喜爱。事实上,某种活动似乎只要一变得比较安全或普通时,寻求刺激的人就会再想出一种新的 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 来挑战自己的技术和勇气。 2.努力的重要性The Importance of Hard Work It does seem that some people achieve success more easily than others. It is often said that their success is due to good luck or that they are simply more talented than others. This may be true, but I think it is important not to ignore the value that hard work plays in any success. In some fields, such as music and art, it is necessary for a person to have some natural ability. However, talent is not enough. It takes hard work to develop such a talent. Musicians must practice; artists must study. If a talented person makes no efforts to improve his skills, he will always be someone with potential, but never someone who has realized it. In addition, one who is not especially talented can still succeed if he is willing to work hard. And his hard work may lead him to discover talents that he never knew he had. Therefore, the person who has never been called gifted should not despair. As long as he makes an effort, he is bound to have some success. Moreover, if he never tries, he may never discover his hidden talents. 参考译文: 努力的重要性 有些人似乎真的就是比其他人容易成功。人们常认为他们会成功是因为运气好,或是比别人有天分。也许这是事实,但我认为,不要忽略努力在所有成功事例中的价值是一件很重要的事。 在某些领域中,如音乐与艺术,必须要本身具有天赋。然而,光有才能并不够,还必须努力才能发挥这项才能。音乐家必须不断 练习 飞向蓝天的恐龙练习非连续性文本练习把字句和被字句的转换练习呼风唤雨的世纪练习呼风唤雨的世纪课后练习 ,艺术家必须不停地钻研。如果只是有天分,却不肯努力改进自己的技能,将永远只是个有潜力的人而无法将其具体发挥出来。再者,一个人即使没有特别的天分,只要肯努力,一样能成功。而且,通过努力也许还能让他发现自己以前所不知道的才能。 因此,即使从未被人视为有天分,也不应该绝望。只要肯努力,一定会有所成就。而且,如果没有尝试过,可能永远都无法发现自己的潜能。 3.结伴旅行Traveling with a Companion Traveling can be wonderful. It introduces us to new experiences, broadens our minds and helps us relax. However, not everyone likes to travel in the same way. Some people prefer to travel alone so that they can do what they like during their trip without having to worry about anyone else. Others like to have a companion to share the experience with. I am one of the latter, because I believe that traveling with someone has many advantages. When I travel with a companion, I have someone with whom to share what I experience. We can talk over the day’s events and discoveries, and this will make them more interesting. In addition, it is often comforting to have a familiar person around when we are in a strange environment. When I am traveling in a foreign country, I may be unable to speak the language or may be confused by the local customs. With a travel companion, I will always have someone to talk and share my feelings with. Finally, a travel companion can make the journey easier and safer. We can help each other to take the journey easier and safer. We can help each other to take care of our bags and get information, as well as keep each other company while waiting in long lines. To sum up, I prefer to travel with a companion rather than travel alone. I believe it adds enjoyment and comfort to may trip. And when we return from our journey, my friends and I can share our wonderful memories. 参考译文: 结伴旅行 旅游是很棒的。它能带给我们新的体验,扩展我们的眼界,帮助我们放松身心。然而,并非每个人喜欢的旅游方式都一样。有些人比较喜欢独自旅行,因为可以随心所欲,不用担心别人的感受,而有些人则喜欢有个同伴一起分享经历。我属于后者,因为我认为结伴旅行有很多好处。 有个伴一起旅行,就有人可以分享我的经历,我们可以讨论当天的事件及见闻,如此一来会让这些经历更有趣。此外,身处陌生的环境里,有个熟人在身边较令人安心。当我在国外旅行时,我可能不会说该过语言,或者可能不了解当地的风俗习惯,有个同伴在身边,我就有人可以一起说话、一起分享我的感受。最后,结伴旅行可以让旅行更自在,而且更安全。我们可以帮对方看行李,以及获得资讯,而且在排长队时可以彼此做伴。 总之,我比较喜欢结伴旅行,而不喜欢独自旅行。我认为结伴旅行能够为旅程增添乐趣及舒适感,而且旅行回来后,我的朋友和我就可以共同分享美好的回忆。 4.工作的理由Reasons to Work For most people in the world, work is necessary in order to survive. Without work they cannot support themselves and their families. But not everyone works just in order to survive. Some people work in order to help others, some for the respect and admiration their work brings them, and others for personal fulfillment and satisfaction. People who work for charitable organizations usually do so because they want to help people in need. They may be volunteers, or they may be given a small stipend for their work, but whatever monetary benefit they receive, it is not as important as the fact that they have made a difference in someone else’s life. Another reason some people work is because they enjoy the respect and esteem of others. Politicians are a good example. Of course, they often make a handsome salary, but in most cases, they could make more in a career in the private sector than in government. Other careers, such as that of an artist or musician, attract people who find their work personally fulfilling no matter what the monetary reward. Although earning a living is a very important reason to work, and is probably the most common one, it is not the only reason. People may work for all kinds of reasons, including those described above or a combination of them. Whatever a person’s reason for doing the work he does, he should be respected for his commitment and good work. 参考译文: 工作的理由 对世界上大部分的热而言,想求生存,就必须工作,没有工作,就无法养活自己和家人。但并非每个人都只是为了生存而工作。有些人工作是为了帮助别人,有些人则是为了工作所带给他们的尊敬和赞赏,还有些人是为了实现自己的抱负,让自己感到满足。 在慈善机构工作的人通常是因为他们想要帮助穷困的人。他们可能是义工,也可能获得少许的薪资,但无论得到什么金钱上的利益,都不如改变某个人的生活这件事来得重要。人们工作的另一个理由是,他们喜欢别人的尊敬与重视。政治人物就是一个很好的例子。当然,他们的薪水相当高,但大部分的政治人物如果在私人机构工作,得到的薪水会比在政府单位服务更高。还有一些职业,如艺术家、音乐家,其吸引人的原因在于人们可以从工作中实现自己的理想,而不在乎金钱上的报酬。 虽然谋生是工作的重要理由,可能也是最普遍的理由,但并不是唯一的理由。人们可能会为各种各样的理由而工作,包括上述所提及的理由,或是上述各项理由的结合。无论一个人工作的理由为何,只要他够投入并且表现良好,就应该受到尊重。 5.面对面沟通与其他的沟通方式Face-to-face vs. Other Types of Communication When deciding between face-to-face communication and other types, such as e-mail and telephone calls, the kind of communication one thinks is better depends on the definition of “better”. Face-to-face communication is usually the most effective form because there is the least chance for a misunderstanding to occur. On the other hand, letters, e-mail, and telephone calls are more efficient means of communication. In my opinion, the latter type of communication is better because efficiency is becoming increasingly important in the workplace. There are times when information must be communicated with exactness, and at such times a face-to-face conversation would be better. However, this is not always necessary or feasible. Many times we have to communicate with people who are far away. Traveling to meet them would be both prohibitively expensive and take a great deal of time. In these cases other forms of communication, especially electronic communication, are more appropriate. In addition, letters and e-mail allow us to have a record of the communication. This can be referred back to later should any dispute arise. Finally, these are types of communication that allow us to send messages when it is convenient. We do not have to match the schedule of another person. In conclusion, letters, e-mail, and telephone calls are more efficient means of communication than a face-to-face conversation. They allow us to save both time and money. In today’s world I think these are very important factors to consider. Therefore, I believe that these forms of communication are better. 参考译文: 面对面沟通与其他的沟通方式 决定哪一种沟通方式比较好,是面对面沟通还是其他的沟通方式,如电子邮件、打电话等,要看个人对“比较好”的定义的理解。面对面沟通是最有效的沟通方式,因为发生误会的机会最小。另一方面,信件、电子邮件和电话则是较有效率的沟通方式。依我之见,后面这些沟通方式比较好,因为效率在职场上已变得越来越重要了。 有时当必须传递准确的讯息时,面对面的谈话会比较好,然而这种方式不一定是必要或可行的。在许多情况下,我们必须和远方的人沟通,而专程去见他们,费用可能贵得离谱,而且又要花费很多时间。在这种情况下,其他的沟通方式,尤其是电子的通讯方式就比较合适。此外,书信和电子邮件能让我们在通讯时留下记录,以便日后万一发生争论时可留作参考。最后,这些沟通方式使我们可以方便地随时传送讯息,不需要特别去配合对方的时间。 总之,信件、电子邮件和电话与面对面谈话比起来是更有效率的沟通方式,能让我们节省时间和金钱。在现今的世界中,我想这些都是必须考虑的重要因素。因此,我认为它们才是比较好的沟通方式。 6.尝试新事物的好处The Advantages of Trying New Things Everyone likes to succeed at what he does, and it is more likely that we will succeed at things we already know how to do well. However, to limit ourselves to doing only those things which we are good at will cause us to miss many opportunities to develop other interests and skills. For this reason, I believe that it is to our advantage to try new things and take risks. When we try something new we may fail. That is the risk that we take. But we can still learn something from our failure, even if it is only how to cope with failing. We may also succeed at a new activity and this will bring us a feeling of accomplishment and greater self-confidence. We may also discover a new interest that will bring pleasure to our lives or lead to a new line of work. Furthermore, it is not always possible to play it safe and do only those things that we know. We cannot control every situation and no doubt we will someday meet with challenges. If we already have the experience of testing ourselves in an unfamiliar situation, we will be better able to handle any situation which arises. To sum up, trying new things and taking risks allow us to develop both our skills and our personal interests. When we take a risk we cannot know beforehand what will happen, but if we try our best we are certain to gain something positive from the experience whether we win or lose. 参考译文: 尝试新事物的好处 每个人都希望所做的事情可以成功,而如果我们已经知道如何才能把事情做好时就比较可能成功。然而,限定自己只做那些我们擅长的事将会使我们错过许多发展其他兴趣和技能的机会。基于这个理由,我认为尝试新事物和冒险对我们有好处。 我们尝试新事物时可能会失败,这就是我们所要冒的风险。但是我们仍然可以从失败中学习,即使学到的只是如何面对失败。我们可能也会在新的尝试中成功,而这会带给我们成就感,并更有自信。我们也可能发现新的兴趣,为生活增添乐趣,或使自己从事新的行业。此外,一直只做我们所了解的事而不冒任何风险是不可能的。我们可能控制各种情况,而且无疑有一天我们一定要面对挑战。如果我们已经有过在不熟悉的情况下考验自己能力的经验,我们就比较能够应付所发生的任何情况。 总之,尝试新事物和冒险能让我们培养技能和个人的兴趣。当我们冒险时,我们无法预知会发生什么事,但如果我们尽力而为,不论结果是输是赢,我们必定可以从这次的经验中获得一些积极的启示。 7.金钱不是工作最重要部分Money Is Not the most important Aspect of a Job When deciding what career to pursue, and which specific job to take, there are many things for us to consider. They include the work location and environment, chances for advancement, and of course the salary. Some would say that money is the most important aspect of a job, but I do not believe this is true. In my opinion, there are some other aspects which are more important. First of all, we should engage in work in a field which interests us. Then, we will enjoy our work more and not dread going to our job every day. A large salary is not worth the daily discomfort of doing something we do not enjoy. Second, our job should give us a sense of personal satisfaction. When we feel that what we are doing is important and worthwhile, how much money we make is not as important. Finally, our job should allow us to live a balanced life. It should not be so time-consuming that we have no time for family, friends and personal interests. Nor should it give us so much pressure that we cannot relax in our free time. The three aspects above, in my opinion, are more important than money when considering which job to take. There is no denying that money is important, but it is not the only important thing in life. Certainly, money does not always lead to happiness. Therefore, it should not be the only consideration when evaluating a job opportunity. 参考译文: 金钱不是工作中最重要的部分 决定从事什么职业或做什么特定的工作时,我们要考虑的事情很多,包括工作地点与环境,升迁的机会,当然还有薪水。有些人认为,钱是工作中最重要的部分,但是我并不同意这样的说法。在我看来,有其他方面比钱更重要。 首先,我们应该投身于自己感兴趣的领域,这样我们才能更喜欢我们的工作,而不会每天都害怕去上班。再多的薪水也不值得我们去做不喜欢的工作,让自己每天都不舒服。其次,工作应该让我们有成就感。当我们觉得自己的工作很重要而且很有价值时,金钱的多寡就没那么重要了。最后,工作应该能让我们过着均衡的生活。我们的时间不应该被工作完全占据,让我们没有时间跟家人和朋友相处,或无法发展个人兴趣。工作也不能有过大的压力,使我们连在空闲时间也无法放松。 依我之见,当我们考虑从事何种工作时,以上所列举的三个方面就比金钱重要。不可否认,金钱是非常重要的,但它并不是生命中唯一重要的东西。当然,金钱也未必会带来快乐。因此,当我们在衡量工作机会时,不应该只考虑到金钱。 8.做重要的决定Making Important Decisions Throughout our lives, we will have to make many decisions. Some will be small and unimportant, but others, such as where to go to school, which career to pursue, and whether or not to buy a house, will be very important. It is this type of decision that we must be very careful about making. In my opinion, a person should never make such an important decision alone. One reason for my opinion is that I believe “two heads are better than one”. When we have an important decision to make we can benefit from the advice and experience of others. In addition, just talking the issue over with someone else might help us to see aspects of the problem we had not considered before. Another reason for not making big decisions alone is that often these decisions do not affect only us. If someone else is going to be affected by the decision, for example, our spouse or business partner, that person should be able to voice his opinion and take part in the decision-making process. These are only two of the reasons for never making an important decision alone, but I feel that they are the most important ones. By involving others in our decisions, we not only show them respect but benefit from their knowledge and experience. In this way, we are bound to make better decisions. 参考译文: 做重要的决定 我们在一生当中要做很多决定。有些决定是微不足道的,但有些决定却非常重要,例如要念哪一所学校、要从事何种职业,或要不要买房子。做这一类的决定时,我们必须非常小心。我认为,绝对不要独自一个人做如此重要的决定。 我的其中一个理由是:“三个臭皮匠,胜过一个诸葛亮”。当我们要做重要决定时,听听别人的建议与经验会有所帮助。而且,就算只跟别人讨论这些问题,也可能会让我们看到事情的另一面,而那是我们之前没考虑到的。另一个不要独自做重大决定的理由是,这些决定通常影响到的不只是我们自己。例如,如果还有其他人,如配偶、事业伙伴等,会因这项决定而受影响,他们就应该有权发表意见,并参与决策的过程。 这些只是两个我认为绝不能独自做重大决定的理由,但我认为它们是最重要的。让别人参与决策,不仅能表现出我们对他们的尊重,而且也能从别人的知识与经验中获益。如此一来,我们就一定能做出更好的决定。 9.资助环保Money for the Environment Both the arts and protecting the environment are important causes, and both are often underfunded. They depend on government grants and private donations in order to continue. If a company were to give a sum of money to one of these causes, it would be difficult to choose between them. However, I believe that the company should put the money toward protecting the environment for the following reasons. First, the state of the environment affects everyone, and it affects people in a very important way. If mankind destroys the environment, we will not be able to survive. The arts are important to our quality of life, but the environment is important both to the quality of life and to life itself. Second, because industry causes much of the damage to the environment, I believe that companies have some responsibility to support conservation and cleanup efforts. Finally, protecting the environment is a bigger problem, and so requires a higher level of funding than the arts. A company’s donation to the arts may be more visible, but one to the protection of the environment would be more meaningful. In conclusion, while both the arts and environmental protection are worthy causes, I believe the company should make its donation to an environmental cause. The environment affects everyone in important ways and protecting it is a big job. Hopefully, private donations will help to improve both our environment and our lives. 参考译文:资助环保 艺术和环保都是值得努力的重要目标,但却经常有资金不足的问题。它们必须依赖政府的补助金以及私人的捐赠才能持续发展。如果有公司要提供一大笔钱给其中之一,这将很难做抉择。然而,我认为基于下列理由,公司应该钱用来资助环保。 首先,环境会影响到每个人,并且影响重大。如果破坏了环境,人类将无法生存。艺术对我们的生活品质很重要,但是环境对生活品质及生活本身都很重要。第二,因为工业对环境造成重大的伤害,所以我认为,企业有责任支持在环保及环境清洁方面的努力。最后,环保是个重大问题,比艺术需要更多的资金。公司捐钱资助艺术可能会引起较多的注意,但是捐钱资助环保则更有意义。 总之,虽然艺术与环保都是值得努力的目标,但是我认为,企业应该捐钱资助环保。环境对每个人都有重大的影响,而且环保是一项大工程。但愿私人的捐赠能协助改善我们的环境及生活。 10.自信Self-confidence There are many factors that can contribute to a person’s success in life. Whether he is at school or at work, a person is more likely to succeed if he is hard-working, honest, intelligent, responsible, and so on. But of all the possible characteristics that can affect one’s success, I believe self-confidence to be the most important for the following reasons. The first reason is that when a person has self-confidence he believes in himself. He believes that he can and will succeed, and this gives him the courage to try new things. In order to be successful we must be willing to take some risks, so having self-confidence is very important. Another reason is that a confident person rarely gives up. When he fails he tries again and again until he wins. A final reason is that confident people are not afraid to show off their achievements. This is not to say that they should brag, but that they should gracefully and confidently accept the compliments of others. When their achievements are noticed more by others at school or work, they are more likely to succeed. In short, I believe self-confidence to be the most important factor in success. It enables people to take risks, try again when they fail, and enjoy their accomplishments when they win. With these abilities, a confident person can succeed easily at school or work. 参考译文: 自信 促成一个人成功的因素有很多。不论是念书或工作,如果可以努力、诚实、聪明、负责任等,就比较有可能成功。但在所有可能影响成功与否的特点中,基于下列理由,我认为自信最重要。 第一个理由就是,当一个人有自信的时候,就会相信自己的能力。他会相信自己可以而且一定会成功,这一点让他有勇气尝试新事物。想要成功,我们必须愿意冒险,所以有自信是很重要的。另一个理由是,有信心的人很少放弃,即使失败了,还是会不断尝试,直到成功。最后一个理由是,有信心的人不怕炫耀自己的成就,这并不表示他们应该自夸,而是应该优雅、有信心地接受别人的赞美。当他们在学业或工作上的成就更受人注目时,成功的可能性就更高了。 简言之,我认为自信是成功最重要的因素。自信使人勇于冒险,失败了会再接再厉,成功时能享受自己的成就。有了这些能力,有信心的人就能够轻易地在学业或工作上获得成功。 11.一项重要的技能An Important Skill The world today is a very competitive place. Therefore, it is necessary to develop some skills to increase one’s chances of success. Many skills, for example, leadership, a second language, and technical skills such as computer programming, are very useful today. However, I believe that the most useful skill is the ability to communicate well with others. It is impossible to overstate the importance of good communication skills. In today’s society we have to work cooperatively with others. A good communicator finds it easier to put forth his ideas c
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