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Englishpod cloze1-100Difficult Customer (B0001) Difficult Customer (B0001) A: Good evening. My name is Fabio, I’ll be your waiter ___tonight. May I take your order? B: No, I’m still working ___ it. This menu __ not _ ___English. What’s good here? A: For you sir, I would recommend sp...

Englishpod cloze1-100
Difficult Customer (B0001) Difficult Customer (B0001) A: Good evening. My name is Fabio, I’ll be your waiter ___tonight. May I take your order? B: No, I’m still working ___ it. This menu __ not _ ___English. What’s good here? A: For you sir, I would recommend spaghetti and meatballs. B: ________ come with ________? A: It comes with either soup or salad and ____________glass of wine, Sir. B: I’ll go with the _________and __________, salad and the wine. A: Excellent choice, your order will be ready soon. B: How _________ soon? A: Twenty minutes? B: You know what? I’ll just go ____ a burger _____ the street. Elementary - Calling In Sick (B0002) A: Hello, ______________, how may I help you? B: Hi, Daniel, Julie here. A: Hi, Julie, how are you? B: Actually, I’m ________ quite ___ today. A: OH, I’m sorry to hear that. What’s wrong? B: I think I’m ___________ with the flu. I have a headache, a ______ throat a __________ and I’m feeling slightly _________. A: I see... so you’re calling in sick? B: Yes, I was hoping to take the day off to recover. A: OK, then. Try _____ get some rest. Daily Life - Hotel Upgrade (C0003) A: Good afternoon. What ______ do for you? B: ___ like to check in please. I have a _________ _____the name Anthony Roberts. A: All right. R.O.B.E.R.T.S... Oh, Mr. Roberts ________expecting you and here is your ___________ to the _________________. B: But ______ must be some mistake; my reservation _______ standard room. A: Are you sure? Let me double check . B: Yeah. Here, this is my ___________ number. A: ______ right Mr. Roberts, there seems to be a _____, unfortunately we’re _________ at the moment . B: So••• A: Not __ worry. We’re pleased to offer you a _________________. B: Presidential suite baby! The Office - I need an assistant! (C0004) A: ...______ told you before, we just don’t have the resources to hire ______ an assistant. B: I understand that, but the _______ we’re _________. A: The _________ just not right. The economy is bad, and it’s __________ take ___ new staff. B: Yeah, I guess you’re right.... here’s an idea, what if we hire an ______? She would take some __ the ______ my shoulders. A: She? B: Yeah, you know, a recent graduate. She could give me a hand ________________________ and we could keep our ______down. A: That sounds reasonable... _______ see what I can do. A: Tony, ___________ to introduce you to your new assistant. B: OK, great! Let’s _______! C: Hi, I’m Adam. B: Oh... hi... I’m Tony... Daily Life - Cut In Line (C0005) A: I can’t _______________________ two hours to get here. The traffic ___ New York is unbelievable. B: Yeah, but just relax honey, we’re here ____ we’re going on vacation. In a few hours we’ll be in Hawaii, and you’ll be on _____________. A: Oh no! Look at that line! It ______ be ______! There’s no way I’m waiting for __________two hours. B: Honey... don’t... C: Hey man, the ____________ is over there. A: Yeah... C: No seriously, I was here first, and you can’t __________ like this. A: __________? C: I do! A: So sue me! C: Alright...that’s it.... The Weekend - Road Trip (C0006) A: So, are we ______ ready to go? B: ____, I think so. The car’s ________; we have munchies and music, and the ___________ the car. A: Did you get the camera? B: Got it! Did you __________ the tank? A: Yup, it’s all set. B: You’re sure _________forgetting anything? A: I’m sure... we’ve got ___________ bases covered. B: Well, let’s _______ then! I love __________! B: Um... _____________ we can make a _________? A: But _________ only __________ the road for ten minutes. B: I know, but I forgot ________ the bathroom before we left. 这篇做的感觉不是太好,大家填的时候发现问题多反馈下,比如空档设计的太少或者太多,或者是有些连读明显没有设计出来 The Office - Virus! (C0007) A: Oh ________! This stupid computer ____________! That’s the third time today! Hey Samuel, can you come ___________ my PC? It’s ________ again. It ________ have a __________ or something. B: Just give me a ____________; I’ll be ___________. B: I ran a virus _______ on your computer, and it turns out that you have a lot of _______________! A: But I’m quite careful when I’m ____________ the internet, I have no idea how I ________________a virus. B: Well, you have to make sure that your anti-virus software is _________ regularly; yours wasn’t up to date, that’s probably _______________causing your problems. A: Ok. Anything else? B: Yeah, try not to ____________ the computer! A: Um yeah. Sorry about that. Daily Life - What’s your name again? (C0008) A: Nick! How’s __ going? B: Oh, hey... A: What ________ you ____________ this neighbourhood? Do you live _____________ here? B: Actually, my office _______________ the corner. A: It was great to meet you last week ______ the conference. I really enjoyed our conversation about ________________. B: Yeah, yeah, ___ was really interesting. You know, I’m in a bit ___ a hurry, but here’s my card. We should definitely ______________ again _____ continue our discussion. A: Sure, you still have my _____________, right ? B: You know what, this is really ____________, but your name has just _____________. Can you ________ me? A: Sure, my name is Ana Ferris. Don’t worry about _________; ___ happens to me all the time. I’m terrible with names too. The Weekend - Silence please! (C0009) A: Those people ____________ us are making so much noise. It’s so __________! B: Don’t worry ________; it’s not such ____________. A: Oh... I can’t hear a thing! Excuse me, can you keep ___down? C: Sure, sorry ’bout that! A: Someone’s phone ______________! B: Honey, I think it’s your phone. Did you forget to ______________? A: Oh, no! You’re right. That’s so _____________! C: ______________ keeping it down? I’m trying to watch a movie here! 这篇实在太多简单,大家多听多模仿就好。 The Office - Driving Sales (C0010) A: All right, people. We’re holding this meeting today because we’ve ________ something about our sales, and we need _________ NOW! I want ___________ solutions. How do you _____________ sales... Roger? B: Well, in fact, we’re the most expensive_____ the market, so maybe we need to _________________ to _____ the competitors? A: Lower our prices? Not very creative. It’ll never _______________. What _________ thinking is that? Geez. Anybody else have a better plan? Natalie? C: Um, perhaps, um, a ____________. Maybe a _______________ offer, _____ something like that! A: _________? That’s the same thing. Bad idea. Really bad idea. _________ people come on! Think! The CEO will be here any minute. Hello, Mr Swan````` D: Do we have any ideas ______? C: Yes Mr. Swan, we were _____________ considering a two-for-one offer to get more ______________. D: A two-for-one promotion? Hmm. I ________ like the __________ that. It sounds like something we _________ consider. A: Yeah, exactly. Just _______ I was thinking! In fact, that’s a _________ idea! I’m glad we __________ that. Very creative. Daily Life - New Guy in Town (C0011) A: Oh, ___________________ you heard, but someone ____________________ that old house __________ the road. B: Yeah, I know. I met the __________ the house yesterday as he was moving in. His name is Armand. A: Really? What’s he like? You have to _____________. B: Actually, he’s a bit strange. I don’t know... I’ve got a bad feeling _______________. A: Really? Why? B: Well, yesterday I brought___________ a_________ gift, but Armand _______________ really weird, and then he practically ________________! I tried to, ___________, ________________ his house, but everything was so dark inside _________ I couldn’t really get a good look.__________________________ A: Well, you’ll never _____________ what I saw this morning. A ___________ truck ______________ his driveway, and ___________________ a long, _________ box. It almost looked like a ___________! B: You see! Why would he... C: _______________... B: Ah, Armand! You scared _______________ me! This is my friend Doris. C: A ______________to meet you...If you are not doing anything tonight, I ________________ have you both for dinner. I mean...I would like to ____________________ for dinner. 这期里面B的是英式口音,很难懂,我觉得女孩子讲英式口试总是给我很难听的感觉,一定都不温柔,大家多听几遍,锻炼下听力吧,大概意思能听懂,但是能把克漏字完全无误的填好就困难了 Daily Life - Cleaning the House (C0012) A: Honey, the house_____________! I need you to help me tidy up _______. My boss _________ husband ____ coming ________ for dinner and the house needs to be __________! B: I’m______________something right now. I’ll be there in a second. A: This _______ wait! I need your help now! B: Alright, alright. _______________. A: Ok, here’s a list of __________we _____________ get done. I’ll _____________ and get _____________ for tonight. You can sweep and ______ the floors. Oh, and the furniture needs to be _____________. B: You know what, I have to pick something _______ the mall, so why ___________ clean the floors and I’ll ___________ the supermarket and get all the __________. A: Sure that’s fine. _________________ of all the things you need to get. Don’t forget anything! And can you ________________________on your way home? B: Hey, honey I’m back. Wow, the house _________ really good! A: Great! Can you _______ the table? B: Just a _________ I’m just gonna ________ this _____________ A: Wait! Don’t turn it on... The Office - Out Of Control Spending (C0013) A: OK, so now the last _____________ our agenda. Jill, let’s go over the ___________________ statement. B: Great. Well, the main issue here, as you can see, ______ our expenses are______________________________. A: Let’s see... These numbers are ____________! What’s going on here! B: Well, um, sir, the company ____________ on entertainment and travel are ______________. Look at these bills for example. Just this month we’ve ______________ twenty thousand dollars for hotel charges! A: OK, thank you. I’ll ________________. B: The ______ goes on and on. Here, this is a bill for five thousand dollars for _______________! A: Thank you; that will be all. I’ll take care of it. B: Look at this one sir, eight thousand dollars were spent__________________ at a place called ”Wild Things”?! A: OK, I get it!! Thank you for your very thorough ______________! Elementary - I’m in Debt (B0014) A: Hello, I’m here to see Mr. Corleone. B: _____________ way, sir. C: Charlie! What can I do for you? B: Mr. Corlone, I’m really sorry to trouble you, _____ need your help. C: Anything for you, Charlie! Your father was like a ________ to me. B: Well, sir, you see, this ___________ has _____ me pretty hard; I lost my job and I’m in ________________ C: I see. . . . . . B: Yeah, you know, I’ve got __________ bills, car ______________, I’ve got to pay my___________; and on top of all that, I have to pay my son’s college tuition. C: So you’re asking for a ___________. B: Well, I just thought maybe you could _____________. C: What? _________________? I’m ________ too, you know! You’re not the only one who _______________ by the recession! I lost half my money in the ______________! Go on! Get ___________ here! Daily Life - I’m sorry, I love you (C0015) A: Whoa, whoa, what’s ______________? Watch out! B: Hey, watch ______________ going! A: Oh, no! I’m so sorry! Are you all right? B: Oh...I don’t know. A: I ______________. I really didn’t mean to _____________________. My tire, just exploded, _______ I lost ____________ my bike. Really, it was _________________. Please accept my apologies. B: Just ___________ to stand up. SONG: Why do birds suddenly ___________, every time you are near? B: Oh, wait a second, you seem really __________, I think I know you from somewhere. A: Yeah, that’s right, I think we have ______ somewhere before. We met at Aaron’s _______ last weekend! What a ________________! But anyway, I’m glad to see you’re not too badly hurt, and I should probably ___________. I have a _____________________ meeting. But here’s my number, call me______________ B: Ouch! My ankle! I think it’s ____________! You can’t just leave me like this! Are you ____________ ambulance? A: Nope, I’m ___________ my appointment __________ I can stay here with you. SONG: Do you remember when we met? That’s the day I knew you were my pet. I wanna tell you how much I love you. 相当浪漫的一集,偶遇啊,一见钟情啊啥的,男女主角口音都很标准,适合模仿 Elementary - Turn left here! (B0016) A: __________, get in. B: I’m in, let’s go! A: OK, make a left _______. . . no wait, I _____ make a right. ____________, speed _____! B: Geez! ________________? A: Don’t ______________, just drive. Oh, no, the light ___about to ___________. . . __________! B: Are you nuts! I’m not going to run a red light! A: Whatever. Just turn right here. . . .The __________ will be _____________. . . .let’s take a _______ street. Go on! Get out of our way! Move, move! B: What’s your problem! Geez. Having a ________ is not going to help! A: Here, I know a short __....just go down here, and we’ll cut __________ Ashburn Heights. Let’s go, let’s go! Watch out __________ that lady! B: I’m going ________________I can! A: Yes! We made it. 5:58, just before the library closes. B: You’re such a ___________! Elementary - Here Comes the Bride (B0017) A: I can’t ______________ Anthony is finally getting married! B: Yeah_______it’s _________ time! _____________ living with his parents for 40 years! A: Don’t be mean. Look_____________ the ___________! Their ____________ look beautiful! B: Who are those kids ______________ the aisle? A: That’s the ___________ and the __________. I’m pretty sure they’re the groom’s ______________. Oh, they look so cute! B: I just hope the ___________ makes it quick. I’m starving. I hope the food’s good_________________. A: That’s all you ever think __________, food! Oh, I think the bride’s coming now! She looks___________. Wait, what’s she doing? ____________ she going? B: Oh great! Does this mean ______ the __________ is canceled? Upper-Intermediate - Protest! (D0018) A: This is Action 5 News reporter Sarah O’Connell ___________ live ___________ Washington, D. C. __________ a protest has __________. Thousands of angry citizens are protesting ___________ the _______________of the auto __________________ industry! Sir, sir, Sarah O’Connell, __________ 5 news. Can you tell us what’s happening? B: Yeah, yeah, we’re here because we feel this is an _________! The __________________ of big business has to stop! We’re there ___ show the government that we don’t like the way ________ they’re spending our __________! A: Sir but what exactly is making everyone so angry? B: It’s an absolute ______, Sarah, the US government wants to __________ 25 billion dollars of taxpayers’ money to the ____________. These are companies that have been _____________ and are now nearly_____________. A: I see. But, many supporters of the ___________ argue that it _____ help save the jobs of millions of _____________Americans. B: That maybe true, and_____________don’t want to see anyone lose their __________, but how can _______ CEOs ask for a bailout when they’re making millions of dollars? And then, they ____________________ to fly to Washington in __________! This costs __________________ of dollars! And they’re asking for money! That is just not right! A: Good point. This is Sarah O’Connell reporting live from Washington D. C., back to you, Tom. The Weekend - Christmas Chronicles I (C0019)  A: I hate working ___ Christmas Eve! Whoa! _____________ this guy! Come in _______, I think we’ve got ____________ a situation here.  B: ______________________ please. Have you been drinking tonight, sir?  A: I had one or two glasses of _________, but nothing else.  B: Step out of the vehicle, please. Sir, what do you have in the back?  A: Just a ____ Christmas gifts, it is the season, after all!  B: Don’t take that _____ with me. Do you have ___ _______ for these items?  A: Umm...no...I make these in my workshop in the _________!  B: You are under arrest, sir. You have the right to remain silent. You better not _____, you better not cry. Anything you say can and will be _____________ you. You have the right ____ ____ attorney; if you cannot afford one, the state will _______ one for you. Do you understand these rights that _____ just been read to you?  A: You can’t take me to jail! What about my _______? It’s Christmas Eve! I have presents to _________! Rudolph! Prancer! Dancer! Get help! Elementary - I Can See Clearly Now (B0020)  A: Hello, Arthur. What ______ ___ __ the problem?  B: Hey doc. Well, I think I might need _________. I’m getting _______, and I really struggle to see  things that are _____ _____. But I ______ always had _______ ________.  A: Sounds like you may be _______________. OK, then, cover your left eye and read the chart ____ front of  you.  B: Mmm.. . X, E, R, 3, a question mark, and I can’t quite ____________ the other symbol ____ I think it’s the ______ ________.  A: Wow, Arthur! You’re ___ blind as a bat!  B: Yeah, I know, my vision is really _______ at times.  A: Ok then, ______ ____ _____ to the other room and pick out some ______ while __ fill ___ your _______________.  B: Thanks doc!  A: Arthur, that’s the bathroom. The Office - What Do You Do? (C0021)  A: Oh, look, there’s Caroline ____ her boyfriend. She’s always going on about ____ at the office. Oh, great, they saw us. They____ coming this way.  B: Oh, man...  C: Jessica! Arthur! Hi! ____ like you to meet my boyfriend Greg, he’s the V. P. of quality and safety for a ________________________________  A: Nice to meet you. This is my husband, Arthur.  B: Hey, how’s it going?  D: Hello.  A: Caroline talks _________ you all the time. I guess you must ___ pretty busy at work.  D: Well, yeah, a V. P. position is not easy, ____________! __ _____________ policies and procedures ________. ___ ________ departments, as well ____ train junior managers in FDA and EPA regulations. I also have to oversee daily operations of our _____________ for the entire east coast. That ______ means I have 1,500 employees under me.  B: Wow, yeah... that sounds exciting.  D: And what about you, Arthur? What ____ you do for a living?  B: Oh, I’m a ___________________________!  作业:什么叫FDA and EPA regulations?此外把VP的话模仿熟练,对工作很有好处的,很多词比如Overseas,operatioin什么的都常用 The Weekend - Christmas Chronicles II (C0022)  A: Really, fellos, you can’t take me ____ jail! ______ you know who I am? Kris Kringle, you know, Papa Noel, Pere Noel, Babbo Natale, sheng dan lao ren!  B: Yeah, Yeah, we’ve heard that ______ before, haven't ___ Joe?  C: Yeah, last week we _______ this guy _____ __________ to be the tooth ______! Can you believe that?  A: It’s Christmas Eve and I have all these presents to deliver! Where ___ your Christmas spirit? What ____ happen when _____ the children wake up tomorrow and don’t find any gifts ____their stockings?  B: Sorry buddy, you were ________ in a __________ _______, you were speeding, and you have no ID!  C: Besides that, ______ if we let you go now, your _______ ______ been ________ and those _________ were taken to the city zoo.  A: What! This is unbelievable! What’s this world coming to? Christmas is ruined!  C: What’s that ___ _____? It looks like... _____!! Elves!! Whoa, they’re shooting _________ ______!  ______, Mayday, we are under ________ attack! We need backup! Elementary - Making an Appointment (B0023)  A: Hello, Fairbrook __________________, how may I help you?  B: Yes, this is Julianne Horton, and I’m calling to _____________ ____ appointment with Ms. McNealy.  A: Certainly, what day ________ you thinking ___?  B: How’s Thursday? Does she have any time __________________ then?  A: Um. . . let me double check. . . unfortunately, she’s ________ ________ on Thursday, how does next Monday work for you?  B: Actually, I’ve got something ____________ ____ Monday. Can she do Tuesday?  A: Sure, Tuesday’s perfect. May I ask _____ you’re calling from?  B: Sure, __________ Financial __________.  A: Oh, actually, Tuesday’s no good. Sorry ’bout that. Elementary - Where should we eat? (B0024)  A: ____ you two have any _____ for the evening?  B: We _______ thinking of _______ ________ __ restaurant in the neigbourhood. Do you have any suggestions?  A: I know this reall
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