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笔译Marine insurance cantracts are indemnity contracts and require the parties for exercise the utmost good fuith. 1Marine insurance contracts are indemnity contracts and require the parties for exercise the utmost good faith. 海上保险合同属于合同,要求双方当事人进到最大善意的义务。 2Export ...

Marine insurance cantracts are indemnity contracts and require the parties for exercise the utmost good fuith. 1Marine insurance contracts are indemnity contracts and require the parties for exercise the utmost good faith. 海上保险合同属于合同, 要求 对教师党员的评价套管和固井爆破片与爆破装置仓库管理基本要求三甲医院都需要复审吗 双方当事人进到最大善意的义务。 2Export Credit insurance (ECI) is a special export-promotion policy established by a government in order to guarantee the remittance collection of export enterprises. 出口信用保险是各国政府以国家财政为后盾,提供收汇风险。 special export-promotion policy特殊促进政策 3In the case of a sales contract, the parties are free to choose the applicable laws and specify it in their contract. 在 销售合同 销售合同模板销售合同范本产品销售合同汽车销售合同商品销售合同 ,双方可以任意选择实体法,把它定在合同里。 4We hereby send you the tender documents in hard copy for the above-mentioned turnkey contract. 根据上面提及的合同,我们将投标文件以实物标书的形式递交文件与您。货运代理服务作用在于把各类企业和各项专业服务织成物流网络。 5The function of cargo agency service is to make a logistic network of all kinds of entrepreneurs and professional services in order to form scale economy 货运代理服务作用在于把各类企业和各项专业服务织成物流网络,来形成规模经济。 6Competitive mechanism offers everyone equal opportunities to compete with others. 竞争机制意味着每个人都有均等的竞争机会。 equal opportunities 均等机会 7The development of information technology has made shopping online possible. 信息技术的发展是网上交易成为可能。 8The cash dividend or interest on a short-term investment should be written off against the book value of the investment when received, except for those recorded in the Dividend Receivable. Cash dividend 现金股利 book value 账面价值 Receivable应酬股利 9We hope you will continue offering as improved technology without extra charges. 我希望贵方能无额外收费的继续提供我方先进技术。 10We think that it is better to transfer our knowledge in the form of know-how investment. 我方认为以技术秘密的形式转让我方的知识比较好。 11First let's start with the delivery of all the drawings, technical data and other documents relating to the engines. 首先让我们开始把所有图纸, 技术数据和其他相关文件传送到引擎。 12To help our joint venture we hope that you know keep supplying us with advanced management (先进管理技术)techniques and technologies. 为有助于我们的合资企业,希望贵方能继续提供我方。 13I hereby apply for membership of Double Easy Mandatory provident Fund on the terms and conditions of the trust deed. Trust deed 信托书,信托契约 14Credit limit for supplementary card with be jointly with principal card account. Credit limit 信用额度 supplementary card 副卡 principal card 主卡 15As our sale distributer, you are not expected to handle the same or similar product of other origins. Sale distributor 独立经销商 16A joint venture is a business with both Chinese and foreign investment. joint venture 合资企业 合资企业就是中外双方投资的企业 17The city segregation law had understandably aroused a civil right movement that spread from coast to coast. city segregation law 城市隔离法 civil right movement 民权运动 18They staged a management buyout to pre-empt a takeover bid. Management buyout买断产权、管理层收购 19 An industrial firm issues bond to collect money and will pay back with interest. collect money issue bond. 工厂发行集资并偿还利息。issues bond发行债券 collect money集资 20With the Third World so heavily in debt, how will its people be able to  survive? in debt 负债 21Continuing the policy of retrenchment will undoubtedly sere to bring down inflation. 毫无疑问,继续执行紧缩政策将所有利于降低通货膨胀。 22While boosting the economy, china has tried to maintain a balanced development, including social security health and education. 中国政府在推动经济增长的同时,也致力于确保社会保障,医疗保障和教育等方面的平衡发展。 23The balance of payments (收支平衡)was affected by the domestic management policies of each country and by a combination of world economic and fiscal conditions. 一个中国的国际贸易支付差额既受国内管理政策的影响,也受世界经济和财政状况的影响。 24Tasks for the employee(员工的任务) refer to the jobs to be done within and may be imposed or dictated or assigned from outside the company. 雇员必须承担之责任,既指公司内委派之工作,也可能包括公司以外指定之任务。 25The size and terms and conditions of foreign borrowings (国外借贷状况)often depend on the size and scale of a country's own gold and foreign exchange reserves. 一个国家从国外借款的规模大小和借款条件只优劣,常常取决于本国赏金和外汇储备的规模。 26With the world likely to enter a slower period of growth for the foreseeable future, these advantages loom larger and larger in the minds of companies. 在可预见的将来,世界经济将进入一个比较慢的增长时期,公司以为这些优势越发显现出来。 27The microelectronic revolution has eased, enhanced and simplified life in ways understand of even by the utopians. 微电子革命以来,人们的生活轻松了,质量提升了,也大大简化了,这连幻想家也是想象不到的。 28In the recent economic rises, those who saved and invested have been kicked in the financial solar plexus. 在最近几次经济危机中,那些储蓄和投资的人被卷进了经融危机的漩涡。 29Governments in Asia are moving to protect themselves by erecting hurdles to curb the flow of hot money. 亚洲各国政府纷纷采取措施设置屏障遇制热钱的漩涡。 30These new farmers are not simple-minded admirers of urban living style. Rather, they are people who know what they want. 这些新一代的农民不是只简单地羡慕城市的生活,他们知道自己真正需要什么。 31.As a powerful pocket computer, Pocket PC is broad used in warehouse management, transportation, logistics and goods tracing etc. Pc是一种功能强大的掌上电脑。广泛应用于仓库管理,运输,物流,货物追踪等行业。 32. Enhancing international through transport, with the purpose fo increasing transport volume and exploring international transport market. 加强国际联运,广大外运业务,进一步开拓国际运输。 33.The crammed shipping space complies our request for extension of credit validity. 船位拥挤使我们不得不延长信用证有效期。 34.The joint distribution of the logistics way is very important to the enterprises in this economic developing areas. 物流方式的联合分布是非常重要的。 35.Today, the scale of container transport has been the main index of shipping hub. 目前,集装箱运输规模已成为船运中的主要指标 36.Who issues the inspection certificate in case the quality do not confirm to the contract? 如果货物的质量与合同不符,由谁出具检验证明书呢? 37They draw up a detailed list of measures for increasing the output. 他们判定了增产措施的详细清单 38.An industrial from issues bond to collect money and will pay back with interest. 工厂发行债券集资并偿还利息。 39.The management refused to agree to arbitration. 管理层拒绝诉诸仲裁。 40.All accountant arguments are same, want to, remember good account book by course only. 所有的会计道理都一样,只要按科目记好账簿。 41Human resources management mode under internationalized competition consists of systematic mechanisms like post analysis assessment, selection staffing, training development, wage incentive, etc. 国际化竞争要求下的人力资源管理模式,是包括职业 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 、考核测评、选拔设置、培新开发、酬薪激励等的系统性机制。 42.In accordance with international trade practice, both parents, once entering into a contract, should be liable for its execution. 根据国际贸易惯例,买卖双方一旦成交签约,在法律上均有履行合同的义务。 43. In my opinion and in the opinion of most people, the purchase of house should be a very sound investment. 照我的和大多数人的看法,这是很可靠的投资。 44.I should manage to square accounts with the bank before the end of the quarter. 我应在本季度末前到银行结账。 45Since there is no direct vessel, we have to arrange multimodal combined transport by rail and sea. 由于没有直达船只,我们只好安排海陆联运。 46The two contract parties will make every effort to foster the harmonious expansion of reciprocal trade between themselves. 缔约双方将竭尽全力促进双方间互惠贸易协调发展。 47The board discus the question of redundancy payment. 董事会讨论了裁员补贴的问题。 48.We should improve the environment for investment, grant national treatment to foreign investors and make relevant policies and regulations more transparent. 我们应该改善投资环境,对外商投资实行国民待遇,提高法规和政策透明度。 49.Nuclear power will do harm to our health and safety if improperly used. 如果使用不当,核能会对人的健康和安全造成危害。 50. We are obviously concerned over the weakening yen, but with the tremendous savings and external assets of Japan, the Japanese authorities with the right policy should be able to revive her economy in due course and help stabilize the Asian region. 日元疲弱,我们深深关注,但日本有雄厚的储蓄和庞大的海外资产,只要日本政府推行适当的政策,日本经济很快会复苏,更可协调稳定亚洲区的经济。 51.一千多名外国媒体记者常驻伦敦使得这座城市的声音传遍全球。 With more than 1000 foreign media correspondents based there, London is a city with a voice that is heard all around the world. 52.亚洲这些国家和地区的出口与其各自的进口一样增长强劲。 The export of the Asian economies grew with the same dynamism as their imports. 53.会议记录了董事会作过的各自决定,并为未来的行动指出了方向。 Meeting minutes provide a history of the board’s efforts and a guide for future actions. 54.京都是日本最富文化底蕴的城市之一,也是陶艺,低艺及木雕大师的故乡。 One of Japan’s richest cultural cities, Kyoto is also home to many masters of clay, paper and wood. 55.部长并没有多少道歉的意味,反而暗示美国公司不太了解中国市场。 The minster was less apologetic, suggesting us companies don’t understand China’s market. 56.广州萝岗九龙镇有我供词的一个工厂。 There is a factory of our company is Jiulong Town, Luogan Guangzhou. 57.办理原产地证的机构为中国贸易促进委员会。 The institution in China which issues certificate of Origin is the China a Council for the Promotion of International Trade. 58.一些出口商没有很快地意识到资金问题。 Some experts did not quickly recognize the problem of funds. 59.我国的出口商之间存在着大量的恶性竞争现象。 There exist cut-throat competitions among Chinese export companies. 60.广告既有经济功能,又有社会功能。 Advertising has both economic and social functions. 61.We hope that our quotation will meet your requirements. 相信我方报价能满足贵公司的需要。 62.Please order early since stock is limited. 请早日订购,因为供货有限。 63.Congratulation on your newly-opened business in our city. 祝贺你们公司在本市开张。 64.We learn from your email that your company is interested in bulk purchase on electronic appliances. 从你方电子邮件看,你们有意大大量采购电器。 65.We would apologize for the inconvenience we have caused to you. 我们为给你们造成的麻烦深 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 歉意。 66.You are forbidden to try on the clothes because they are wholesale production. 由于是批发,这些衣服不可以试穿。 67.In the process of doing business, I had a deep understanding of the marker. 在业务开展过程中,我对市场有了深刻的认识。 68.With headquarter based in Beijing, our company also has specialized-cooperation garment factory in Guangzhou. 我公司没在北京,但在广州也有专门合作的制衣人。 69.We are sorry that we responded late to your letter date June 7. 对你方6月7日来函回复迟误,请原谅。 70.Yiwu in Zhejiang province is the world’s largest wholesale market of small commodities. 浙讲义乌是全世界最大的小商品批发市场。 71.China Export Commodities Fair is an important base and platform that cultivate foreign trade salesman. 广交会是培养外贸业务员的重要基地和平台。 72.This company deals in such products as infant health products baby diapers and toys. 本公司经营婴幼儿保健品、纸尿裤、玩具等产品。 73.The adjustment of the export tax rebate is newest move to implement series of supplementary policies of the State Council which designed to stabilize export demand. 此次调整出口退税率是落实国务院稳定外需一系列配套政策的最新举措。 74.The spokesman of the municipal government expressed in the interview that the municipal government has paid high attention to the problem. 市政府新闻发言人在接受采访时表示,市政府高度重视这个问题。 汉译英: Even as Traditional Chinese Culture spreads around the world and more people become interested in Chinese, foreign culture and concepts have begun to spread into China. This is inevitable as development is increasing communication and integration. More and more foreigners are studying Chinese and great masses of Chinese people are studying English in order to get this goal of communication,. Yet, even popular cultural aspects have begun to spread as well. Chinese people are beginning to celebrate such Western holiday as Christmas and Valentine’s Day. Western food , especially fast food establishments like McDonald’s and KFC have become popular. This can be contrasted with growth of interest in culture abroad. Chinese food is a phenomenon on its own as ca be seen in the growth of such restaurants in North America and Europe. A large part of this expansion into areas outside of Asia is due to the immigration of Chinese people that has gone on for centuries. China Towns in San Francisco, New York, and London have provided gateways from which Chinese culture has been able to spread. This had increased as business with China has expanded and international ties are forged. It is through cultural communication and integration that we learn from each other and grow closer. (P136) 1.Indeed, China’s willingness to attract foreign investment to catch up with its neighbors may be effective in short run but hinder. 诚然,中国希望吸引外来投资以赶上邻国的愿望短期内也许行之有效。 2.They are mostly low-quality vehicles sold into low-end markets 中国出口的基本上都是行销到低端市场的低质汽车。 3.This is not to disparage China’s achievements, merely to emphasize. 这并非是要贬低中国的成就,而只是为了强调: 4.The other possibility is the past Brazilian example where investment-led growth spearheaded by the state was inefficient. 另外一种可能就是巴西以往的发展模式:政府倡导的以投资拉动增长的模式,效率低下。 5.So the jury will remain out for some time as to whether China can get to the top table economically, as Japan and South Korea have done. 因此,关于中国是否能像日本和韩国那样在经济上达到领先位置,一段时间之内仍难以评判。 (P221) The Cultural Heritage Panama 1.The combination of white-sand, crystalline, tropical water attracts thousands of vacationers from all over the world. 这里的热带水域集白沙,清澈的海水于一体,吸引着全球大批的度假游客蜂拥而至。 2.To visit Panama is to dazzle the senses, where indigenous and European culture combine to create a country without equal. 漫游巴拿马会让你眼花缭乱,这里的土著文化与欧洲文化融为一体,使它风情万千,无与伦比。 3.The local folklore can be experienced through a multitude of festivals, dances and traditions that have been handed down from generation to generation. 在许多代代相传的节日,舞会及习俗中,你可以感受当地风俗的强烈冲击。 4.The different festival reflect the influence of the difference ethnic groups that make up the country. 精彩纷呈的节日反映了汇聚在该国的不同民族对这个国家的影响。 5.Throughout the country year-round festivals take place in each town in honor of the Patron Saint of each town. 一年中的每一天,全国总有一个小镇在过节,这里在纪念该镇的守护神。 英译汉: Invitation Letter April,2006 To all consulates and foreign chambers of commerce in Guangzhou. To whom it may concerned, Approved by the State Council of the People’s Republic of China, and jointly sponsored by National Development and Reform Administration for Industry and Commerce PRC, China Banking Regulatory Commission and People’s Government of Province, the 3rd China International Small and Medium Enterprises Fair and Sino-Italy Small and Enterprises Fair will be held from September 10th-18th,2006,at Guangzhou International Exhibition Center (China Export Commodities Fair, Pazhou Complex). In order to enable foreign organizations in Guangzhou to have a better understanding of CISMEF, the organizing committee of CISMEF will hold the “Business Luncheon for 3rd China International Small and Medium Enterprises Fair and Sino-Italy Small and Medium Fair, for Foreign Consulates and Chambers of Commerce in Guangzhou” on April 28th,2006. The luncheon start 11:00 A.M. at Haitang (Crabapple) Hall of Garden Hotel. We sincerely invite you to participate in this luncheon. Please complete the Participant Confirmation Form (see attachment) and feedback by fax before April 21st,2006. Secretariat of Organizing Committee of 3rd 邀请函 各国驻会领事馆: 经国务院批准,经国家发改委,财政部,商务部,国家行政管理总局会,中国银监会和广东省人民政府联合主办的第三届中国国际中小企业博览会暨中意中小企业博览会将于2006年9月15-18日在广州国际会议展览中心举行。 为使驻会领事馆更好地了解中博会,第三届中博会组委会将于2006年4月28日举行“第三届中博会通报会及午餐”,午宴将于上午11点于阳光大厅的海棠厅举行。 诚邀贵馆总领事及商务领事出席。请填好确认函并以传真形式与2006年4月21日前回复。 第三届中博会秘书处 2006年4月 (P225) A friend who has been several years on logistical management once the told me:” The future belongs to Logistics.” That is right and we will see why. What is logistics? The answer to this is on your feet! Look at the shoes you are wearing; they may look simple, but it took a complex process to get them from raw materials to products you can wear. The functions in this process are what make up logistics. Let’s say you are wearing running shoes imported from Taiwan, made of leather and man-made materials. The soles may have been manufactured from synthetics made in India and formed into soles in Malaysia, then sent to Taiwan, the uppers may be leather taken from cattle raised in Argentina, cut in China, and sewn to the soles in Taiwan, the laces may be manufactured in Romania. The tongue may be made from the synthetics in India, but sewn in Pakistan. The pieces are manufactured into the final products in Taiwan, and trucked to a port where they are shipped via ocean container to, say, Vancouver. From there, they go by train to Calgary, where they are unloaded into a warehouse for a large retail chain. As stores place orders, the shoes are shipped out to a store where you shop and eventually purchase them. 有位多年的从事物流管理的朋友曾对我说:“未来属于物流。”他的话一语破的,让我们来看看其中的原委。 什么是物流? 答案 八年级地理上册填图题岩土工程勘察试题省略号的作用及举例应急救援安全知识车间5s试题及答案 就在您的脚上!看看您穿着的鞋。他们也许看起来简单,但从原材料到您能穿的产品要经过一个复杂的过程。这个过程中的功能要素就构成了物流。 比方说,你穿的跑鞋是从台湾进口的,它是由皮和人造材料制成的。鞋底可能是由人工合成材料制成的,这些合成材料在印度制造而在马来西亚制成鞋底,然后送往台湾。鞋帮可能使皮制品,这些皮制品取自在阿根廷饲养的牛,在中国内地切割剪裁,而在台湾缝制到鞋底上。鞋带可能在罗马尼亚制造。鞋舌可能在印度由合成材料制成,但又是在巴基斯坦缝制而成的。 这些组件在台湾加工成最终的产品,并用卡车运到一个港口,在那里通过远洋集装箱船运到(比如说)温哥华。它们从那里用火车运到卡尔加里,再卸下来装进仓库里以供应给一个大的零售链。当商店发来订单的时候,这些鞋被运送到你最终购买的商店。
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