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PPT_Unit_5_涉海英语(文科卷)null涉海英语读写教程涉海英语读写教程(文科卷)Unit 5 Marine EcotoutismUnit 5 Marine EcotoutismText A Immersion in the Marine Realm Text B Marine Ecotourism in the Global ContextnullThe richness of the ocean has spurred the growth of marine ecotourism whose explicit orientation...

null涉海英语读写教程涉海英语读写教程(文科卷)Unit 5 Marine EcotoutismUnit 5 Marine EcotoutismText A Immersion in the Marine Realm Text B Marine Ecotourism in the Global ContextnullThe richness of the ocean has spurred the growth of marine ecotourism whose explicit orientation toward sustainability makes it a new phenomenon and possesses great untapped potential. However, the rapid growth in marine ecotourism has created a complex and dynamic scenario (情景) under the circumstances of global environmental change. Therefore, a holistic approach is to be adopted to extend our thinking beyond the confines of any single discipline to gain invaluable insights into the complexities and challenges faced by marine ecotourism.ContentsContentsBackground information Pre-reading Questions Text Exercises ◆ Reading Comprehension ◆ Structure Analysis ◆ Vocabulary Study ◆ Translation ◆ Doing Research ◆ Writing ◆ Extended Exercises ◆ Proverbs and Quotations ◆ Language Points Background information Background information 1. Marine ecotourism activities 2. Common-pool resource null1. Marine ecotourism activities Marine ecotourism activities can include watching whales, dolphins, other marine mammals and fish, bird-watching, scuba diving, beach walking, rock pooling, snorkelling, walking on coastal footpaths and sightseeing trips by surface boat, submarine and aircraft. It might also be considered possible that sea angling be included in this list, although this has attracted some controversy in the past. Land-based marine ecotourism activities, meanwhile, can include visiting Sea Life Centres, viewing coastal seascapes and, possibly, shore angling. nullWhile marine ecotourism is often portrayed as being based on wildlife attractions (and therefore sometimes classified as a subset of wildlife tourism), it is clear that there is also a huge variety of non-wildlife resources available to attract and interest marine ecotourists. For example, there is undoubtedly significant potential worldwide for the development of ecotourism that includes the unique cultural and heritage characteristics of coastal regions and communities. However, this cultural basis of ecotourism has often been overlooked by those providing, developing, researching and writing about marine ecotourism in favour of the natural environment aspects. null2. Common-pool resource In economics, a common-pool resource (CPR), also called a common property resource, is a type of good consisting of a natural or human-made resource system, whose size or characteristics makes it costly, but not impossible, to exclude potential beneficiaries from obtaining benefits from its use. Unlike pure public goods, common pool resources face problems of congestion or overuse, because they are subtractable. A common-pool resource typically consists of a core resource (e.g. water or fish), which defines the stock variable, while providing a limited quantity of extractable fringe units, which defines the flow variable. While the core resource is to be protected or entertained in order to allow for its continuous exploitation, the fringe units can be harvested or consumed. nullExamples of common-pool resources include irrigation systems, fishing grounds, pastures, forests, water or the atmosphere. A pasture, for instance, allows for a certain amount of grazing to occur each year without the core resource being harmed. In the case of excessive grazing, however, the pasture may become more prone to erosion and eventually yield less benefit to its users. Because their core resources are vulnerable, common-pool resources are generally subject to the problems of congestion, overuse, pollution, and potential destruction unless harvesting or use limits are devised and enforced.nullCommon-pool resources may be owned by national, regional or local governments as public goods, by communal groups as common property resources, or by private individuals or corporations as private goods. When they are owned by no one, they are used as open access resources. Having observed a number of common pool resources throughout the world, Elinor Ostrom noticed that a number of them are governed by common property regimes — arrangements different from private property or state administration — based on self-management by a local community. Her observations contradict claims that common-pool resources should be privatized or else face destruction in the long run due to collective action problems leading to the overuse of the core resource. Pre-reading Questions Before you read the text, take a few minutes to think about your views on the concept of marine tourism: Pre-reading Questions Before you read the text, take a few minutes to think about your views on the concept of marine tourism:1. What are the characteristics of ecotourism? How do you define marine ecotourism? 2. How do you understand marine ecotourism as a “new frontier”? What are the specific functions of the “new frontier”?nullThe first characteristic of ecotourism is that it should be nature-based, i.e. the activities involved should focus predominantly on the natural environment. Second, ecotourism should have a learning orientation, achieved through the processes of education and interpretation. Finally, and perhaps most importantly, ecotourism should be fundamentally underpinned by sustainability, through the application of principles of sustainable development. 1. What are the characteristics of ecotourism? How do you define marine ecotourism?2. How do you understand marine ecotourism as a “new frontier”? What are the specific functions of the “new frontier”?2. How do you understand marine ecotourism as a “new frontier”? What are the specific functions of the “new frontier”?As a subset of ecotourism, marine ecotourism is becoming increasingly significant and its economic potential is being increasingly recognised. Beyond the dimension of economic returns, however, it is generally agreed that marine ecotourism, emerging as a “new frontier”, has considerable potential to generate a range of wider benefits. Marine ecotourism can, for example, help generate funds for research on marine species and habitats, assist in raising the profile of marine resources in the planning process, provide an economic rationale for environmental stewardship and provide a focus for the social and cultural regeneration of coastal communities.TextTextImmersion in the Marine Realm 1. Our immutable bonds with the universe cannot fail to endow a sense of wonderment and awe over what is arguably the most fascinating and yet tantalisingly under-researched component of our planet. Equally, they are bound to generate a profound concern for the health of the world’s oceans and seas and the fundamental desire that others, near and distant, now and in the future, should not be denied the opportunity to both appreciate and benefit from their manifest richness. 沉浸在海洋王国中 1. 我们人类与宇宙间不可改变的联系不能不赋予我们一种对于星球的好奇和敬畏,争论什么是星球最迷人的部分。同样,我们必然要产生对于世界海洋健康的深切关注和根本愿望:人类,不论距离远近、现在和未来,都不应该被剥夺欣赏与享受海洋所具有的丰富性的机会。 null2. This richness has spurred the growth of tourism that seeks to appreciate and respect marine life in all its forms. As such, marine ecotourism has emerged as a significant industry, practice and development tool. A proliferation of new activities, increasing commercialization and numbers participating, has created new challenges for managing such activity. However, if managed sustainably, the diversity of this environment enables coastal and island destinations to maintain unique points of difference in a globally competitive environment.2. 这种丰富性激发了旅游业在成长中寻求理解和尊重一切海洋形式的海洋生命。因此,海洋生态旅游已经成为一个重要产业和一种实践与发展的工具。新兴活动方式的出现,带动了商业和参与人数的增加,同时对这种新兴活动的管理工作提出了新的挑战。然而,如果对这种环境的多样性进行可持续的管理,就能够使海岛旅游目的地在全球竞争环境下保持其独有的特色。 null3. Whilst efforts are underway to exploit space as the “final frontier” for tourism, it is clear that the “penultimate frontier” still offers much untapped potential. It is quite revealing that marine policy documents that we have accessed are often a far cry from their more turgid terrestrial counterparts. They are invariably peppered with facts and figures that serve both to convey and to further a sense of fascination but also one of frustration over the inadequacy of current knowledge and understanding.3. 虽然人们正在努力将“太空”开拓为旅游业的“最后疆域”,但很显然,海洋作为旅游业的“倒数第二疆域”仍有巨大潜力。海洋政策文献数量与复杂的陆地政策文献相比明显少得多。这些文献不仅总是充满着对事实与数字的传达,也有对现有的海洋世界缺乏认识和了解的沮丧。 null4. IUCN and WWF document Creating a Sea Change describes the richness of marine biodiversity—that out of 33 animal phyla, 32 are found in the sea, 15 of which are exclusively marine, and how the oceans contain the world’s largest (the blue whale) and smallest (meiofauna) animals. However, compared with 1.5 million land species, only 275,000 marine species have been identified and described, and yet it is estimated that coral reefs alone may harbor in excess of 1 million, with as many as 10 million in the deep ocean basins. 4. 自然保护联盟/世界自然基金会的《创造海洋巨变》描述了海洋生物多样性的丰富度—即在33个动物门类中,有32个在海洋中被发现,其中15个是海洋所独有的,而且世界上最大的动物(蓝鲸)和最小动物(小型水底生物)都生活在海洋里。然而,与150万陆地物种相比,只有275,000种海洋生物已被确定和记录。据估计,仅珊瑚礁就有可能超过100万,还有多达1,000万的海洋动物生活在深海盆地。 null5. It is no wonder that it has been claimed that, in the light of the fact that only around one-tenth of the 290 million km2 of the seabed has actually been explored and charted. The IUCN/WWF report declares that we know more about the moon than our own ocean world.5. 难怪有人声称:“2.9亿平方公里的海底,实际上人类只探测了约十分之一”,鉴于这一事实,自然保护联盟/世界自然基金会的 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 宣称,“我们对月球的了解比对海洋世界的了解多得多。” null6. Further evidence of our patchy knowledge is the fact that a 100 km-long coldwater coral reef was discovered off the Lofoten Islands of Norway only in 2002. This lack of knowledge, whilst serving as a call to action, also reminds us of the vast potential of the marine environment for ecotourism activity. 6. 还有一个事例可以进一步证明我们对海洋的认识有限,即人类2002年才在挪威的 罗弗顿群岛发现了100公里长的冷水珊瑚礁。知识的匮乏在呼吁我们采取行动,也提醒我们在海洋环境中发展生态旅游活动的潜力是多么巨大。 null7. Our lamentable ignorance flies in the face of the fact that the oceans are indispensable to our life support, livelihoods and lifestyles. Oceans and coasts provide a myriad of products ranging from food to minerals, drugs and medicines, but also enhance our lifestyles in terms of opportunities for rest and recreation. As the former becomes increasingly corporatized and hidden, our divorce from this connection to nature spurs a need to reconnect through tourism and leisure activity. Millions of tourists are attracted to the sea every year by the proliferation of opportunities such as swimming, snorkelling, diving, water sports, boating, sailing, fishing and wildlife viewing. 7. 海洋使我们的生命、生计和生活方式所必需的,而我们可悲的无知却对此悍然不顾。海洋和海岸为我们提供了各种产品,从食品到矿产、药材等,而且也为我们提供了休憩和娱乐机会,从而改善了我们的生活方式。随着前者被日益商业化,我们逐步远离自然界,这又激发了人们重新回归自然的需要,旅游和休闲活动由此而生。每年有成千上万的游客来到海边,游泳、潜水、划船、杨帆、捕鱼和野生动物观光等活动也逐渐增多。 null8. The open nature of the marine environment brings with it considerable problems of management. Marine systems differ from terrestrial systems in terms of a much higher degree of connectivity attributable to the sea’s large size, enormous volume, continuity of habitats and ubiquitous currents. The high degree of connectivity in the seas facilitates the transmission of substances and effects. 8. 海洋环境的开放性带来相当多的管理问题。海洋系统不同于陆地系统,它具有高度连通性,“大海”的巨大尺寸、庞大面积、生物栖息地地连续性和海水的连接性为物质运输带来了方便。 null9. Sea currents carry sediments, nutrients, pollutants and organisms through, and beyond, a specific location. Consequently, actions taken in one locality, by whatever form of activity, tourism or otherwise, marine or terrestrial, may affect another hundreds of miles distant and often nations apart. 9. 洋流会携带着沉积物、营养物、污染物和微生物流经特定的位置。因此,一个地点采取的行动,无论采取什么的活动形式,旅游或其它的,海洋的或是陆地的,可能会影响到其他数百英里远的地方,而且往往是其他国家。null10. The issue of connectivity is not confined to the seas and oceans themselves, but is as vital a consideration at both the air/sea and the land/sea interfaces. Air pollution and run-off and point discharges from the land and rivers are estimated to account for around three-quarters of the pollutants entering marine ecosystems. The White Water to Blue Water Partnership, launched at the World Summit on Sustainable Development in 2002, recognizes the significance of land-based sources of marine pollution such as sewage, industrial pollution and agricultural run-off and aims to promote integrated watershed and marine ecosystem-based management. 10. 连通性不仅局限于海洋之间,在天空与海洋和陆地与海洋间也同样需要考虑这一问题。空气污染物以及土壤流失物、河流排放物估计约占海洋生态系统污染物的四分之三。2002年,可持续发展世界首脑会议上发起的“白水变蓝水合作 协议 离婚协议模板下载合伙人协议 下载渠道分销协议免费下载敬业协议下载授课协议下载 ”旨在促进保持流域完整性,加强海洋生态系统管理。该协议认为,污水、工业污染和农业排放是主要的陆源讲啊欧昂污染途径。nullMeasures will be taken to: (i) address marine pollution; (ii) promote sustainable fisheries, agricultural and forestry practices; (iii) prevent coastal degradation; and (iv) meet the challenges of tourism. 根据该协议,将会采取以下措施:(1)解决海洋污染;(2)促进渔业、农业和林业的可持续发展与实践;(3)防止海岸退化;(4)迎接旅游业的挑战。 null11. It is interesting to note that traditional societies often recognize the inextricability of the land and sea. The indigenous people of South Pacific islands regard the land, its adjacent reefs and lagoons, and the resources therein, together with the people as a single integrated unity. Traditional clan territories in the Torres Strait Islands, Australia, by custom if not by law, comprise both land and sea territories that include adjacent home reefs as well as extended sea tenure over the waters, submerged reefs and sandbanks beyond. The residents of Mafia island, Tanzania, view the “ownership” and use of both land and sea in related terms and fail to make an artificial distinction between the two, regarding terrestrial and marine activities as complementary. 11. 值得注意的是,传统社会往往关注陆地与海洋之间的联系。南太平群岛的土著居民认为:“土地与其相邻的礁石、礁湖,以及其中的资源和居民是一个完整的综合体”。按照传统习惯而非法律条文的划分,澳大利亚托雷斯海峡群岛的传统宗教领土包括陆地和海洋相邻的礁石和海域管辖权,以及暗礁和沙洲。坦桑尼亚马菲亚岛的居民将陆地与海洋的“所有权”和使用权视为一体,二者之间并无人为加以区分,他们认为,陆地活动和海洋活动是相辅相成的。null13. Ostrom (2000) outlines how common-pool resources display two important characteristics. First, it is costly or difficult to exclude individuals from using the resource by physical or legal barriers, both of which are clear problems in the open marine environment. Secondly, the benefits consumed by one individual reduce the benefits available to others. Ostrom describes how common-pool resources may be owned by national, regional, or local governments; by communal groups; by private individuals or corporations; or used as open access resources by whomever can gain access.13. 奥斯特罗姆(2000)指出,共用资源具有两个基本特征:第一,设立有形障碍或法律条文阻止人类利用资源。这不仅成本高而且非常困难,在开放的海洋环境中这是显而易见的问题。第二,个体消费所得的收益会减少其他人可获得的收益。奥斯特罗姆认为共用资源可以从属于国家、地区、地方政府、社会团体、私人或公司,或用作任何人皆可获取的共享资源。null12. This notion of communal proprietorship brings us on to consi- der the whole question of ownership and access to marine resources. Whereas the seas and oceans have frequently been described as common property, and consequently subject to Hardin’s “tragedy of the commons”, it is more accurate to describe them as a common-pool resource. A common property resource is one where the members of a clearly defined group have the legal right to exclude non-members from using that resource and, thus, it has been argued, there may be important social institutions that can effectively manage the commons. 12.“公有制”的观点引起我们关于海洋资源的所有权和使用权问题的思考。海洋经常被视为共同财产,因此按照哈丁的“公地悲剧”理论,将其描述为“共用资源”更为精确。共用资源是指特定群体的成员对其拥有非成员所不具备的合法使用权的资源。因此,有人提出,可能需要设立重要的社会机构对共用资源进行有效管理。 null14. Added to the fact that marine tourism takes place in an environment characterized by both high connectivity and open access, there are other distinctive features of marine tourism that have a bearing on prospects for sustainability. Marine tourism takes place in an environment in which humans do not live, and consequently in which they are dependent on equipment to survive. Whilst this dependence may engender a sense of humility and respect for the unfamiliar, it may, equally, result in serious physical damage from careless handling or inappropriate use of technical support and facilities. 14. 实际上,海洋旅游活动是在具有高度连通性和开放性特征的环境中进行的,海洋旅游业还有其他与众不同的特点,这些特征已影响到海洋旅游可持续发展的前景。海洋旅游活动在人类无法生存的海洋环境中进行,因此旅游者必须依赖于相应的设备。虽然这种依赖感可能会使人产生对陌生事物的谦恭和尊重,但同样的,由于对技术和设施的粗心操作或使用不当也可能对旅游者造成严重人身伤害。 null15. Also, increasing interest in the marine environment has meant that the growth rate of marine tourism exceeds that of most of the rest of the tourism industry. It is apparent that marine ecotourism has the potential to facilitate a variety of the attributes discussed above in significant amounts. 16. As described earlier, we not only depend on the oceans for sustenance and a wide range of products, but also they significantly enhance our lifestyles in terms of opportunities for rest and recreation.15. 另外,对于海洋环境越来越多的投资意味着海洋旅游业的发展速度超过了其他旅游业。很显然,海洋生态旅游具有促进上述讨论的各式各样大量属性的潜能。 16.如前文所述,海洋不仅为我们提供食物和广泛的产品,而且还为我们提供休憩和娱乐的机会,从而显著地改变我们休闲和娱乐的生活方式。nullIt is also conceivable to argue that the attraction of developing small island states is largely attributable to their marine setting. We hope that it will become evident that we are attempting to advance both the conceptual and practical understanding of marine ecotourism and the physical, technological, ecological, economic, cultural, social, political and institutional contexts at varying scales in which it is cast as a process that may simultaneously disenable and enable sustainable outcomes for marine tourism. 我们有理由认为,发展中的小岛国的旅游吸引力主要归功于它们拥有的海洋环境。我们希望我们正在努力推进的了解海洋生态旅游的概念和实践将会一目了然,在不同尺度的物理、科技、生态、经济、文化、社会、政治和体制背景下,海洋旅游同时具备可持续发展的可行性与非可行性。nullWhile the sheer scale and complexities of the issues alone dictate that we cannot possibly be comprehensive in our coverage, it is hoped that our elaboration of how, and why, marine ecotourism is precariously balanced between “the devil and the deep blue sea” will contribute towards an appreciation of the particular challenges involved in this “sink or swim” conundrum. (1362 words) 尽管问题的庞大和复杂性决定了我们不可能考虑到方方面面,但希望能够了解我们苦心经营的海洋生态旅游是如何以及为什么在“魔鬼”和“碧海”之间取得平衡,使之能够在面对这场“浮沉”之谜的特殊挑战中作出贡献。 2. How do you understand the vast potential of the marine environment for ecotourism activity?2. How do you understand the vast potential of the marine environment for ecotourism activity?The richness and biodiversity of marine environment reminds us of the untapped potential of marine ecotourism. Compared with terrestrial and space tourism, we still have a long way to go to exploit this new frontier. The vast potential of the marine environment for ecotourism activity offers human beings new opportunities and challenges. Reading ComprehensionReading Comprehension1. Why does the IUCN/WWF report declare that we know more about the moon than our own ocean world?It is clear that marine policy documents that we have accessed are often a far cry from their more turgid terrestrial counterparts. Compared with 1.5 million land species, only 275,000 marine species have been identified and described. And only around one-tenth of the 290 million km2 of the seabed has actually been explored and charted.Answer the following questions according to the text.3. Please exemplify the fact that oceans enhance our lifestyles in terms of opportunities for rest and recreation. 3. Please exemplify the fact that oceans enhance our lifestyles in terms of opportunities for rest and recreation. As the living standard of modern people improved greatly, more and more people like to be immersed in the marine environment, relaxing themselves and enjoying the benefits of coastal ecosystems. People are inclined to get to know marine culture and concern themselves with the lives of marine animals. This, to a great extent, enhances their lifestyles in terms of opportunities for rest and recreation. 4. Can you list a couple of marine tourism activities? And please exemplify your favorite. 4. Can you list a couple of marine tourism activities? And please exemplify your favorite. Marine tourism activities include swimming, snorkelling, scuba-diving, water sports, boating, sailing, beach-walking and wildlife viewing. My favorite is wildli
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