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PPT_Unit_4_涉海英语(文科卷)null涉海英语读写教程涉海英语读写教程(文科卷)Unit 4 Ocean EconomicsUnit 4 Ocean EconomicsText A Immersion in the Marine Realm Text B Marine Neotourism in the Globle ContextnullOcean economics, as a fresh subfield of applied economics, has a drawn the attraction of the media i...

null涉海英语读写教程涉海英语读写教程(文科卷)Unit 4 Ocean EconomicsUnit 4 Ocean EconomicsText A Immersion in the Marine Realm Text B Marine Neotourism in the Globle ContextnullOcean economics, as a fresh subfield of applied economics, has a drawn the attraction of the media in recent years. This discipline combines economic theory and marine development. The creation of ocean economics has altered the role of economists and the discipline itself. The saying “economists can do more for us,” alludes to the changing role of economists in society.ContentsContentsBackground information Pre-reading Questions Text Exercises ◆ Reading Comprehension ◆ Structure Analysis ◆ Vocabulary Study ◆ Translation ◆ Doing Research ◆ Writing ◆ Extended Exercises ◆ Proverbs and Quotations ◆ Language Points Background information Background information Wilderness Society The Wilderness Society is an American organization that is dedicated to protecting America's wilderness and fostering an American land ethic. It was formed in 1935 and currently has over 300,000 members and supporters. Works to protect America's wilderness and to develop a nationwide network of wildlands through public education, scientific analysis, and advocacy. Maintains regional offices in Anchorage, Atlanta, Boston, Boise, Bozeman, Denver, San Francisco, and Seattle. Dues: $30/year. Publications: Wilderness (annually); free to members. Also publishes a range of campaign and educational reports. Clean Air Act The Clean Air Act is a United States federal law designed to control air pollution on a national level. It requires the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to develop and enforce regulations to protect the general public from exposure to airborne contaminants that are known to be hazardous to human health. The 1963 Act established a basic research program, which was expanded in 1967. The major amendments to the law, requiring regulatory controls for air pollution, were enacted in 1970, 1977 and 1990. The 1970 amendments greatly expanded the federal mandate by requiring comprehensive federal and state regulations for both stationary (industrial) pollution sources and mobile sources. Federal enforcement authority was also significantly expanded. The 1990 amendments added provisions for addressing acid rain, ozone depletion and toxic air pollution, established a national permits program for stationary sources, and increased enforcement authority. The amendments also established new auto gasoline reformulation requirements, set Reid Vapor Pressure (RVP) standards to control evaporative emissions from gasoline, and mandated that the new gasoline formulations be sold from May to September in many states. The Clean Air Act is significant in that it was the first major environmental law in the United States to include a provision for citizen suits. Numerous state and local governments have enacted similar legislation, either implementing federal programs or filling in locally important gaps in federal programs.nullGreen Peace Greenpeace is a non-governmental environmental organization[1] with offices in over forty countries and with an international coordinating body in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.[2] Greenpeace states its goal is to "ensure the ability of the Earth to nurture life in all its diversity"[3] and focuses its campaigning on world wide issues such as global warming, deforestation, overfishing, commercial whaling and anti-nuclear issues. Greenpeace uses direct action, lobbying and research to achieve its goals. The global organization does not accept funding from governments, corporations or political parties, relying on more than 2.8 million individual supporters and foundation grants.[4][5] Greenpeace is a founding member of the INGO Accountability Charter; an international non-governmental organization that intends to foster accountability and transparency of non-governmental organizations.Pre-reading Questions Pre-reading Questions Before reading the text, take a few minutes to think about your attitude towards the following questions. 1. Have you ever heard of the professional term “Pareto Optimality”? What is the aim of learning the principle of economics, maximizing the benefit or maintaining the earth? 2. What is your idea about the relationship between ocean development and ocean environmental protection?nullPre-reading Questions The professional term “Pareto Optimality”, to some extend, stands for the direction of economics’ development. Some people thought that the aim of economics is to maximize the benefit of human beings without the consideration of the humanity and other elements. However, others thought that the destination of economics is to make the human beings live better, not only refer to the economic index. This is still a controversial question for the scholars. The students could show their ideas freely. This is an open question, for that the students could express any idea about the relationship between ocean development and the ocean protection. Providing some examples is helpful for the students to comprehend.TextTextEnvironmental Economics Some economists are helping to save the planet Green Groups See Potent Tool in Economics By Jessca E. Vascellaro 1. Many economists dream of getting high paying jobs on Wall Street, at prestigious think tanks and universities or at powerful government agencies like the Federal Reserve. 2. But a growing number are choosing to use their skills not to track inflation or interest rates but to rescue rivers and trees. These are the “green economists,”, more formally known as environmental economists, who use economic arguments and systems to persuade companies to clean up pollution and to help conserve natural areas. Actually, the environmental economics is a subfield of economics concerned with environmental issues. Quoting from the National Bureau of Economic Research Environmental Economics program:环境经济学 一些经济学家正在帮助拯救地球 绿色组织在经济学中看到了保护地球的有效工具 杰西卡 E. 瓦塞罗 许多经济学家梦想在华尔街,或者在有声望的研究机构和大学,或者在像美联储这样的权威性的政府机构谋得一份高报酬的工作。 但是越来越多的经济学家选择不是把他们的技能用于跟踪通货膨胀或利率,而是用于拯救河流和树木。这些人是“绿色经济学家”,更正式的称呼是环境经济学家,他们用经济学观点和体系劝说公司清理污染和帮助保护自然区域。实际上,环境经济学是与环境问题相关的一个分支领域。引述美国全国经济研究所的环境经济学词条:null3. “ [...] Environmental Economics [...] undertakes theoretical or empirical studies of the economic effects of national or local environmental policies around the world [...]. Particular issues include the costs and benefits of alternative environmental policies to deal with air pollution, water quality, toxic substances, solid waste, and global warming.” 环境经济学是进行理论或者实证研究的学科,针对世界各国或者地方政府推行的环境政策对经济所生产的影响。具体包括替代性环保政策的成本与收益。这些政策涉及空气污染、水质、有毒物质、固定废物和全球变暖问题。null4. Environmental economics is distinguished from Ecological economics that emphasizes the economy as a subsystem of the ecosystem with its focus upon preserving natural capital. One survey of German economists found that ecological and environmental economics are different schools of economic thought, with ecological economists emphasizing "strong" sustainability and rejecting the proposition that natural capital can be substituted by human-made capital. For an overview of international policy relating to environmental economics, see Runnals. Another question we must mention here is the valuation of the environmental economics. Assessing the economic value of the environment is a major topic within the field. Use and indirect use are tangible benefits accruing from natural resources or ecosystem services (see the nature section of ecological economics). Non-use values include existence, option, and bequest values. For example, some people may value the existence of a diverse set of species, regardless of the effect of the loss of a species on ecosystem services. 环境经济学是不同于生态经济学的一问学科,生态经济学强调的是经济做为整个生态系统的一个子系统,重点在于保护自然资本。一份德国经济学家的调查称生态经济学与环境经济学在经济学思想中是不同的学派,生态经济学家强调的是“刚性”的可持续发展,拒绝那种自然资本可以由人力资本替代的论点。对于和环境经济学相关的国际政策这方面的论述,可参考Runnals。另外一个我们必须在这提及的问题就是环境经济学的价值评估。评估环境的经济价值是该领域内一个重要课题。直接使用或者间接使用自然资源或者生态系统服务,这种收益是实实在在(参见生态经济学的自然部分)。非使用价值包括生存,选择,遗赠等。例如,某些人是注重一组特种的多样化的存在,而忽略掉某一种特种消失后对生态服务系统的影响。这些特种的存在就可能有一个选择的价值,具有人为使用它的可能性(比如一些植物用于药用研究)。也有人注重的是留下一个未被破坏的自然环境给下一代人。使用或者间接使用的价值可以从显示性行为中推导出来,比如休闲旅行或者各种享乐所花费的成本,其中的价值就是由实际价格估算的。非使用价值通常采用叙述偏好法,比如条件价值评估法或者选择模型。条件价值评估法一般采取调查问卷方式,被调查者通常被问及他们在观察和重建环境中会支付或者愿意付出多大代价,或者他们在环境被破坏时是否愿意接受补偿。享乐定价检验着环境通过如房价、差旅费、公园观光收费这些方式,从而去影响经济决策。nullThe existence of these species may have an option value, as there may be possibility of using it for some human purpose (certain plants may be researched for drugs). Individuals may value the ability to leave a pristine environment to their children. Use and indirect use values can often be inferred from revealed behavior, such as the cost of taking recreational trips or using hedonic methods in which values are estimated based on observed prices. Non-use values are usually estimated using stated preference methods such as contingent valuation or choice modeling. Contingent valuation typically takes the form of surveys in which people are asked how much they would pay to observe and recreate in the environment (willingness to pay) or their willingness to accept (WTA) compensation for the destruction of the environmental good. Hedonic pricing examines the effect the environment has on economic decisions through housing prices, traveling expenses, and payments to visit parks.null5. Working at dozens of advocacy groups and a myriad of state and federal environmental agencies, they are helping to formulate the intellectual framework behind approaches to protecting endangered species, reducing pollution and perverting climates change. They also are becoming a link between left learning advocacy groups and the public and private sectors. 6. “In the past, many advocacy groups interpreted economics as how to make a profit or maximize income,” says Lawrence Goukler, a professor of environmental and resource economics at Stanford University in Stanford, Calif. “More economists are realizing that it offers a framework for resource allocation where resources are not only labor and capital but natural resources as well.”这些经济学家供职于几十家倡导环保的组织和州与联邦的无数环保机构,他们致力于为保护濒危动物、减少污染和防止气候变化的方法构建知识性框架。它们还日益成为左翼倡导者组织和公共与私人部门之间的纽带。 斯坦福大学环境与资源经济学教授Lawrence Coulder说:“过去许多环保组织将经济学解释为如何获得利润和使收入最大化。如今,更多的经济学家认识到,经济学为资源(这里不仅仅是劳动和资本,也包括自然资源)的配置提供了一个框架。”null7. Environmental economists are on the payroll of government agencies (the Environmental Protection Agency had about 164 on staff in 2004, up 36% from 1995) and groups like the Wilderness Society, a Washington-based conservation group, which has four of them to work on projects such as assessing the economic impact of building off-road driving trails. Environmental Defense, also based in Washington, was one of the first environmental-advocacy groups to hire economists and nor has about eight, who do such things as develop market incentives to address environmental problems like climate charge and water shortage.环境经济学家受雇于政府部门(2004年,环境保护署有164名雇员,比1995年增加了36%)和诸如荒野协会(位于华盛顿的一个保护组织,其中有四个人从事诸如评估修建非公路用车专用道的经济影响这类研究)等团体。同样位于华盛顿州的美国环保协会是最早雇用经济学家的环保倡导组织之一,而且现在已雇用了八名经济学家,他们正进行诸如通过市场激励来解决气候变化和水短缺这类环境问题的研究。null8. “These used to be this idea that we shouldn’t have to monetize the environment because it is invaluable,” says Caroline Alkite, who in 1991 joined the Wilderness Society, an advocacy group in Washington, D.C, as one of the group’s first economists. “But if we are going to engage in debate on the Hill about drilling in the arctic, we need to be able to combat the financial arguments. We have to play that card or we are going to lose.” 1991年加入荒野协会的Caroline Alikire是这个组织的第一位经济学家,他说:“人们通常有这样一种思想,即不应该把环境问题货币化,因为它是无价的。但是,如果我们要在国会上展开有关北极钻探计划的辩论,我们需要能与这样的金融观点相抗争。我们必须出这张牌,否则我们就输定了。”null9. The field of environmental economics began to take form in the 1960s when academics started to apply the tools of economics to the nascent green movement. The discipline grew more popular throughout the 1980s when the Environmental Protection Agency adopted a system of tradable permits for phasing out leaded gasoline. It wasn’t until the 1990 amendment to the Clean Air Act, however, that most environmentalists started to take economics seriously. 10. The amendment implemented a system of tradable allowances for acid rain, a program pushed by Environmental Defense. Under the law, plants that can reduce their emissions more cost-effectively may sell their allowances to more heavy polluters. Today, the program has exceeded its goal of reducing the amount of acid rain to half its 1980 level and is celebrated as evidence that markets can help achieve environmental goals.环境经济学领域在二十世纪六十年代开始形成,当时学者们开始把经济学工具用于刚刚兴起的绿色运动。到八十年代,这个原则得到普遍承认,当时环境保护署把可交易的许可证用于淘汰含铅汽油。但是,直到1990年《清洁空气法修正案》通过,大多数环保主义者才开始认真地看待经济学。 该修正案对酸雨实行了一种可交易的许可 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 ,这是美国环保协会推动的一项计划。根据这项法律,可以更具成本-效率地降低排污量的企业可以把他们的排污许可量卖给污染重的企业。今天,这项计划已经超过了其把酸雨量减少到1990年的一半水平的目标,而且由此 证明 住所证明下载场所使用证明下载诊断证明下载住所证明下载爱问住所证明下载爱问 了市场可以有助于实现环保目标。null11. Its success has convinced its former critics, who at the time contended that environmental regulation was a matter of ethics, not economics, and favored installing expensive acid rain removal technology in all power planets instead. 12. Greenpeace, the international environmental giant, was one of the leading opponents of the 1990 amendment. But Kert Davies, research director for Greenpeace USA, said its success and the lack of any significant action on climate policy throughout the early 1990s brought the organization around to the concept. “We now believe that tradable permits are the most straight forward system of reducing emissions and creating the incentives necessary for massive reductions.” (1007 words) (Extracted from The Wall Street Journal, August 23, 2005)它的成功说服了以前的批评者,当时这些批评者认为,环境管制是一个道德问题,而不是一个经济学问题,而且支持在所有发电企业都采用成本高昂的消除酸雨技术。 国际环保巨人“绿色和平组织”是1990年修正案的主要反对者之一。但是,绿色和平组织美国的研究负责人Kert Davies说,它的成功以及整个九十年代初期有关气候政策的重要行动的缺乏使该组织接受了这个概念。“我们现在相信,(可交易的许可证)是减少排污河创造大量减少污染所必需的激励的最直接的制度。” null Exercises Exercises Reading ComprehensionReading Comprehension A. Answer the following questions according to the text 1. What is the definition of environmental economics? 2. Why many of the economists turn their research direction from main stream economics to the environmental economics? 3. What is the relationship between ecological economics and environmental economics? 4. Please describe the history of environmental economics briefly. 5. How effective is the program pushed by Environmental Defense for acid rain? 6. According to the text, what can be inferred for the prediction about modern economics? 7. What is your understanding of the words said by Kert Davies at the end of the text?nullStructure AnalysisStructure AnalysisAccording to the latest report by the Wall Street Journal, there is an interesting phenomenon that a number of economist are turning their research direction from main stream economics problem, such as inflation or interest rates, to , whose profession is or . Part I Definition of Environmental Economics What is the exact definition of environmental economics? It is a of economics related to environmental issues, such as . Part II Similarity and Difference between Environmental Economics and Ecological Economics Ecological economics seems to have so much similarity with environmental economics, but they are so different from each other. One obvious difference stated by a German scholar is that . nullII. Structure Analysis According to the latest report by the Wall Street Journal, there is an interesting phenomenon that a number of economist are turning their research direction from main stream economics problem, such as inflation or interest rates, to rescue rivers and trees , whose profession is green economists or environmental economists. Part I Definition of Environmental Economics What is the exact definition of environmental economics? It is a subfield of economics related to environmental issues, such as air pollution, water quality, toxic substances, solid waste and global warming. . nullPart II Similarity and Difference between Environmental Economics and Ecological Economics Ecological economics seems to have so much similarity with environmental economics, but they are so different from each other. One obvious difference stated by a German scholar is that ecological economists emphasizing "strong" sustainability and rejecting the proposition that natural capital can be substituted by human-made capital. Part III History and Recent Status of Environmental Economics These green economists choose to work at some environment protection groups. They are willing to be the protector for some endangered species and to be the connection between left learning advocacy groups and the public and private sectors. Environmental issues has attract the government’s attention, and the government are inclined to provide some financial supports for these groups and project, such as the Environmental Protection Agency, Wilderness Society, Environmental Defense and so on. At the beginning of the environmental economics development, the environmentalists did not treat economics tool and method very seriously. There is a milestone in the process that is the implementation of a system of tradable allowance for acid rain . The success of this program indicated that the environmental issues is not only the matter of environment , but economics .nullPart IV Conclusion According to the words by Kert Davies, we could conclude that the tradable permits will be an effective way to reduce emissions and create incentive necessary for massive reductions. nullPart III History and Recent Status of Environmental Economics These green economists choose to work at some environment protection groups. They are willing to be the protector for some endangered species and to be the connection between and the public and private sectors. Environmental issues has attract the government’s attention, and the government are inclined to for these groups and project, such as the , Wilderness Society, and so on. At the beginning of the environmental economics development, the environmentalists did not treat economics tool and method very seriously. There is a milestone in the process that is the implementation of . The success of this program indicated that the environmental issues is not only the matter of , but . Part IV Conclusion According to the words by Kert Davies, we could conclude that will be an effective way to reduce emissions and create for massive reductions. Vocabulary Study Vocabulary StudyIII. Vocabulary Study A. Study the prefix listed below and complete the following sentences. circumnavigatecircum-: aroundcontrarycontra-: againstantibioticsanti-: againstaqueductante-: beforepolygamypoly-: many Despite evidence to the , Mark really believes that he can pass an exam without studying.. At one time, many European towns depended on the system of built by the Romans for their water supply. , such as penicillin, help the body fight bacterial but not viral infections. The Portuguese sailor Magellan set out to he world. The , which means the practice of having several marriage partners, is not a popular phenomenon in the marriage customs all over the world. nullA. Study the prefix listed below and complete the following sentences. 1. contrary 2. aqueducts 3. Antibiotics 4. transported 5. circumnavigate 6. polygamy nullB. The words in italics are vocabulary items from the text. Read each question or statement and choose the correct answer. 1. The painter meticulously drew the facial expression of the figure to reveal his personality. a. make known to the public b.
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