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虚度吧高考高考台词黑山老妖: 死丫头,居然有没有写名字 还提前交白卷 Dead girl, How dare you do not write your name also has done nothing in advance 小倩 : 公式背了不会用啊,亲 But I do not know how to use the back of the formula ,dear 黑山老妖: 早就跟你说过 平时做练习,不要抄别人的,跟不要看后面的参考答案 考试的时候不会了吧 I told you be...

黑山老妖: 死丫头,居然有没有写名字 还提前交白卷 Dead girl, How dare you do not write your name also has done nothing in advance 小倩 : 公式背了不会用啊,亲 But I do not know how to use the back of the formula ,dear 黑山老妖: 早就跟你说过 平时做练习,不要抄别人的,跟不要看后面的参考答案 考试的时候不会了吧 I told you before you should do exercises , do not copy others , do not look back with reference to the answer,When the examination will not be a hard level A : 算出来了吗,借我抄一下好吗? Counted out yet , Lend me a copy , okay 尔康 : 函数图像太销魂太复杂了,这坑爹的几何证明 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 ,哥只能靠目测 Complicated function of the image , it is difficult to geometric proofs , what I can do only to guess with eyes。 永琪 : 上次的二轮模拟考试 文科班女孩聂小倩,名字没写大题没做 被 班主任 高三班主任计划七年级班主任计划初中七年级班主任计划初二班主任计划高一班主任计划 暴打了一顿,像黑山老妖这样的班主任,哎呀我去,每个学生时代都会遇到一两个 The last two exams liberal arts classes a girl named Nie Xiaoqian, whose Name was not found written and so did the big questions ,she was beaten up by teacher,Such as heishanlaoyao teacher , oh I go, every student will encounter several during their school days A : 小时候我啊,经常会纠结,长大后是上清华还是北大好,后来发现我真的想多了,其实啊,我想当个演员 When I was young , I often tangled :when I grew up I should go to the Tsinghua or Peking University, and later I found that I really want more, in fact , ah, I want to be an actor. 林黛玉 : 本以为等到高考后,可以和姐妹们一起撕 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf 烧卷,去伦敦看奥运会 逆天的高考制度, 身子越来越差,吃个胶囊居然还有毒,看来,我是过不去了这个坎了。 I thought after the college entrance examination , I can throw all the book together with sisters , and to go to London for the Olympics。 Guards of the college entrance examination system , the body is getting worse and worse , eat a capsules even have toxic , it seems , I can not pass it. 唐伯虎 : 嘘~~~ 9527 你进来做什么? 不得了了秋香姐,一代病花林黛玉用脑过度死了, 9527 Why do you come in ? Incredible qiuxiang sisterr, Generation of talented woman lindaiyu died by using too much brain, 秋香 : 啊哈,那个是文科班的事情,关你艺考生什么事情 Ah, the things that are liberal arts classes , it none of your candidates Arts 唐伯虎 : 没有想到北大报送生都郁郁而终,只是个高考,没有必要天天待在屋里复习。我怕······· I can’t image beida’ Enrollment of students dead before this, just a Entrance ,There is no need to stay in the House every day review, I am afraid ····· 秋香 : ----你也怕我劳累过度 You are afraid I overdid it too? 唐伯虎 : 只是个高考嘛,不值得 Yeah!,just a entranc ,it’s not worth。 秋香 : 你个吊丝,没有高考你拼的过富二代吗? You such a diaosi, how can you fight over gaofushuai? 唐伯虎 : 严格说我也想上大学,压力确实很大,不过我们要学会自我调节才对 Strictly speaking, I also wanted to go to College,Really big pressure, but we have to learn to self-regulation 秋香 :---少来了,别以为美术全省第一,你就一定能考上好大学,最后还要看文化分的 上课就知道玩手机传纸条。上扣扣,我告诉你,高考真的很重要,还有一段时间,准备好,上课不许迟到早退,你丫的听到了没有? Come on, don't think that your art NO.1, you could enter a good University,Finally also the cultural Division,you only know the cell phone On QQ and passing notes during the class.,I'm telling you, college entrance examination is very important, there is a long time, ready, not to be late for class early departure, You hear that? 甄嬛 : 高考即将临近,方才翻阅书籍,忽觉些许焦虑,想必是最近经常熬夜又得早起 上课,私心想着学校若能每月放一十天小假,我定可以好好休息不再犯困,这对我高考发挥那必是极好,各位姐姐妹妹若是都是好成绩,那便是再好不过了,若本宫的数学成绩再可提高一二,那倒也不估分这些年来先生的教诲 College entrance exam may be imminent, Just flip through books,Suddenly feel some anxiety,Recently tend to stay up late and get up early Class,I want schools to ten days a month the little fake,I can have a good rest is no longer sleepy,Favour as I play for college entrance examination,All sisters are good grades,That's the best situation ,If the mathematics scores can be increased by one or two,It doesn't live up to all these years teaching。 皇后: 说人话 Tell me the renhua! 甄嬛: 我TMD不想高考 TMD I don't want the college entrance examination 苗翠芳: 高考前烧香,保佑你考上大学,心诚则灵 Before the college entrance examination and burn incense, bless you to go to college, you treat your own heart 方世玉: 老妈,这三天是休息的唉 Mom, I'm rest in the last three days 苗翠芳: 烧完香会带你去泡个妞放松放松 After burning incense, I'll take you to find a girl to relax 方世玉: 真的假的 Really? 苗翠芳: 你要考上了,就是你们班的黑马 If you succeed, you will be the dark horse of your class ---- 等泡完妞以后就给我好好的去考试 After finding for a girl, just give me serious to the exam ---- 千万别忘了带上准考证和身份证 Don't forget to bring your admission ticket and id card ---- 前面就有一个 There just have one before you 苗翠芳: 高三禁止谈恋爱 High school prohibits loving ---- 终于可以解放了 Finally liberated 方世玉: 高考必过 Entrance exam must be passed 齐呼口号! 高考大关,已到眼前,步步为营,立我誓言 苦磨十年,终成一剑,乘风破浪,高挂云帆 凭风借力,直上青云,此心此行,天地共鉴 ----祝金榜题名 这段为什么不用英文翻译的那?导演,这段太难了,我们背不下来的,呜呜。 杨幂:----考完了,等下回去以后,不要去对答案 After the exam and when you go back,do not check your answers ----好好休息,喝点酸奶补补,知道吗 Take a rest and drink some milk ,ok? 男: ----几何函数真的很难,我们不能上一个大学了 The math is so difficult ,wo can’t go to the same college 杨幂:----傻瓜,就知道你都不会做 Stupid,I know that you can’t finish all ----后面的大题,我一个都没写 At the back of the big problem, I didn't write anyone 皇上:----老八,为了你,我也一题都没写 I haven't write a problem for you,dear ba A:---- 英语听力的最后一题选择B The last question in the English listening choose B ----如果我没蒙错的话,china就是中国的意思 If I didn't receive wrong, China is the Chinese meaning B:----我同意,多亏我瞟了一眼 I agree, thanks to took a glance ----本来选好的C幸好改过来 Originally selected in C but fortunately changed over ----要是视力不好的话,你说惨不惨 If poor eyesight, you said bad or not bad C: ----你整天啊,就知道抄你前桌的人 You just know that Copy your front desk all day ----这可是高考 this is the college entrance examination B:----讨厌 Fuck(didi) D:----都说估分难,难于上青天 Said estimated scores difficult, extremely difficult ----心里没个底,这志愿怎么填哦 Not sure, how to fill volunteer E:----倒霉,最后一题我选的A啊 Fuck, The last question I choose A ----我擦,一定是我听的方式不对 Fuck, It must be I listen to the wrong way F:----我担心的不是英语成绩 I'm not worrying about English ----数学对我才是一门致命的学科 Mathematics is a deadly discipline for me ----为了这高考,我绞尽乳汁的复习 For the college entrance examination, I racked review of breast milk 小青 :许仙 你TM又坑我,你划的重点,高考一题都没考, Xu Xian you TM, hang me, you focus on college entrance examination question did not test 白娘子 :青儿 小青 :姐姐,你不要拦着我,说好的考试让我抄,他也没让 sister, you don't stop me, say good exam let me copy, he didn't let me 白娘子 :不行 no 官人 :小青姐,你听我说,(此处可以翻译为,please listen to 老衲) Xiaoqing ,you listen to me 小青 : stop,我不要再听你的花言巧语 停,don't want to listen to your rhetoric 白娘子 : 青儿,青儿,你要我说几次,你考0分的事不能怪官人 Qinger,qinger, How many times do you want me to say , you can't blame my darling, 小青 : 不能怪他,好,你让他自己讲 Can't blame him, well, you let him speak 官人 : 怪我,是你太笨,我都跟你说过,考试通常分AB卷,所以不能根据答题卡形状抄选择题,错了一分都木有, Blame me,? you are so stupid, I tell you, exams usually AB volume, so it cannot be copied multiple-choice answer sheet shape 小青 : 我擦,那我现在怎么办?怎么办? Fuck, What should I do now? now? 官人 : 那,只能再复读了 Na, It can only repeat again 西厂 : 关于填报志愿,你们东厂出现两级分化,所谓考大学难填志愿更难,今年文综也好理综也好,预测的分数线,估计你们又没有希望了。 On voluntary reporting, you Dongchang appeared two division, called the university entrance exam is difficult to fill volunteer harder this year, 今年文综也好理综也好,predict the score line, guess you and no hope. 东厂 : 去年西厂升学率是比东厂高,是你们走运。 Xichang’s graduation rates are higher than the dongchang last year, is your lucky 西厂 : 走运, 哼,是实力 Lucky,??a ha, it’s power 东厂 : 西厂算什么东西,我们东厂上面有的是人脉,有的是扩招名额,今年走着瞧 xichang nothing, we dongchang have a lot of contacts, some enrollment quota this year, wait and see 西厂 : 就让你就看看扩招的后果 Let you see the consequences of enrollment expansion 王重阳 : 江南七怪加洪七公,把郭靖这个傻瓜,教成了武功盖世的大侠,我王重阳武功天下第一,一个教七个,教出了全真教一群废物。这个就是大学扩招的代价,你妹的!额 On completing the volunteer, you plant polarization in the East, the so-called University difficult to fill more difficult for voluntary, CSSA or comprehensive social security this year, predicted mark, it is estimated that you didn't want. 西厂 : 一句话,东厂考不上的我西厂考,今年全省状元必是我西厂人,最后我西厂厂花高考温馨提示:别忘了带2B铅笔 In a Word, won't get into my study of the West to the East, this year's champion will be my people in the West of the province, and finally West factory entrance flower tips: don't forget to bring 2B pencils
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