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论文写作技巧(1) M dS iMedSci 谈SCI论文写作技巧----个人经验谈SCI论文写作技巧 个人经验 May,2010May,2010 http://www.medsci.cn MedSci Outline大纲 ‹ starting事前准备 ‹ Construction of an article论文架构 ‹ Technical details技术性细节 © MedSci 2009. All Rights Reserved. 22 MedSci Current status of Chinese a...

M dS iMedSci 谈SCI论文写作技巧----个人经验谈SCI论文写作技巧 个人经验 May,2010May,2010 http://www.medsci.cn MedSci Outline大纲 ‹ starting事前准备 ‹ Construction of an article论文架构 ‹ Technical details技术性细节 © MedSci 2009. All Rights Reserved. 22 MedSci Current status of Chinese articles华人论文发表现况 论文数量从1999年起呈指数增长,但低品质的论文中,中国大陆的论文占70%!如何改善这一状况?(对待科研的态度:从思路设计 实验 写作全方位提高!) Ger 051.40 一状况?(对待科研的态度:从思路设计,实验,写作全方位提高!) Fr 05 Ger 05 Sp 05 Aus 05 Ger 99 Fr 99 S 99 Aus 99 1 00 1.20 e I m p a c t S K 99 Tw 99 S K 05 Tw 05 M 05 China '05 Gr 05 Sp 05Sp 99 Gr 99 0.80 1.00 R e l a t i v e Ru 99 In 99 S K 99 Br99 Tk 99 Mx99 In 05 Br 05 Tk 05 Mx 05 China '99 China 05 0.40 0.60 e i g h t e d R 0.20 - 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 F i e l d W e © MedSci 2009. All Rights Reserved. 33 F Number of papers MedSci So what is the problem for reject? “A great deal of excellent research is submitted from China.” “有很多精湛的研究是从中国地区所投的稿 ”的稿。 But,但是 ‹ “ h d h f ll i i i ”“我有遇到 以 严重的议 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 ”‹ “I have encountered the following serious issues…”“我有遇到了以下严重的议题…” ‹ Papers not suited to this journal ‹ Paper is a replication study or adds little to the field 论文是复制研究或对该领域的只有一点 点贡献 ‹ Plagiarism (especially of small parts of a paper) 抄袭(尤其是论文中的一些小部分) ‹ “The following problems appear much too frequently” “以下问题太常出现” ‹ Papers which are clearly out of scope 论文明显偏离范畴p y p ‹ Failure to format the paper according to the Guide for Authors 格式未遵照作者指南编排 ‹ Inadequate response to reviewers 不适当(或没有)建议审稿者 ‹ Inadequate standard of English 英文程度不足‹ Inadequate standard of English 英文程度不足 ‹ Resubmission of rejected manuscripts without /or with minor revision 被拒绝的论文没经修改就重新投稿 – Peter LaPlaca, Editor,Industrial Marketing Management © MedSci 2009. All Rights Reserved. 44 g g MedSci S i 事前准备Starting 事前准备 1. Check the originality of your idea 检查你概念的原创性 ‡ Have you done something new and interesting? 你有做了些新的与y g g 你有做了些新的与引人兴趣的事吗? ‡ Is there anything challenging in your work? 在你的研究工作中有任何挑战吗? ‡ Is the work directly related to a current hot topic?研究工作与目前热门主题有直接关联吗? ‡ Have you provided solutions to any difficult problems? 你有对任何‡ Have you provided solutions to any difficult problems? 你有对任何困难的问题提供解决之道吗? If all answers are “yes”, then start preparing your manuscript.如果全部的答案都是“yes” ,那么就可开始准备你的论文。 © MedSci 2009. All Rights Reserved. 55 MedSciTRACK the latest results regularly in your field. New and relevant articles get published all the time.定期追踪 你领域中的最新结果。新的以及相关的论文不断地被发表。 “S Al t” R i d lf b t th fi di“Save as Alert”: Remind yourself about the new findings.“新知通告”:提醒你自己 有关新的发现 © MedSci 2009. All Rights Reserved. 66 MedSci 2. Decide the type of your manuscript 决定稿件类型决定稿件类型 ‡ Full articles 全文/Original articles原始著作; ‡ Letters 书信/Rapid Communications 快报/Short communications 简报; ‡ Review papers/perspectives 评论论文/观点; ‡ Case study 个案研究y 个案研究 ‡ Self-evaluate your work: Is it sufficient for a full article? Or are your results so thrilling that they need to be shown as soon as possible? 自我评估:是否足够成为全文?或是你的结果是令人兴奋到需 要越早公布越好? ‡ Ask your supervisor and colleagues for advice on manuscript type. Sometimes outsiders see things more clearly than you. 征求你的指导教授和同事指点稿件类型。有的时候当局者迷、旁观者清。 © MedSci 2009. All Rights Reserved. 77 旁 MedSci Construction of an article 论文架构 © MedSci 2009. All Rights Reserved. 88 MedSci Content vs. presentation 内容与呈现方式之比较 ‹ Content is essential 内容是必要的 Contains a clear, useful, and exciting scientific message 包含清晰的、有用 的与令人振奋的科学讯息 ‹ Presentation is critical 呈现方式是关键的‹ Presentation is critical 呈现方式是关键的 Conveys the authors’ thoughts in a logical manner such that the reader arrives at the same conclusions as the author 用逻辑方式传達作者的想法 以使读者到達与作者同样的结论 Constructed in the format that best showcases the authors’ material 以最能展示作者数据的格式来架构以最能展示作者数据的格式来架构 Written in a style that transmits the message clearly 用能清楚传達讯息的风 格来写作 A good manuscript leads readers toscientific significance immediately. © MedSci 2009. All Rights Reserved. 99 immediately. 一篇好的稿件可以马上引导读者们到科学显著性 MedSciThe general structure of a full article ‡ Title 题目 Make them easy for indexing and searching! (informative attractive effective)使他们容易来检索与‡ Authors 作者 ‡ Abstract 摘要 Make them easy for indexing and searching! (informative, attractive, effective)使他们容易来检索与 搜寻!(有益的, 吸引人的,有效的) ‡ Keywords 关键词 ‡Main text 主文 (IMRAD)( ) ‹ Introduction 绪论 ‹ Methods 方法 Each has a distinct function.每个都有明显的功能 ‹ Results 结果 ‹ And 与 ‹ Discussion 讨论(Conclusions 结论) ‡ Acknowledgements 感谢文 © MedSci 2009. All Rights Reserved. 1010 ‡ References 参考文献 ‡ Supplementary material 补充资料 MedSci ‡ The progression of the thematic scope of a paper: 论 文主题范畴之进展:文主题范畴之进展: general 一般的Æparticular 特定的Ægeneral 一般的 ‡ However, we often write in the following order: 然而, 我们通常会以下列的顺序来写: ‹ Figures and tables 图与表 ‹ Methods, Results and Discussion 方法、结果与讨论 ‹ Conclusions and Introduction 结论與绪论 ‹ Abstract and title 摘要与题目 © MedSci 2009. All Rights Reserved. 1111 MedSci 1 Title 论文题目1. Title 论文题目 ‡ A good title should contain thefewest possible words thatadequately describe the contents of a paper. 一个好的题目 应该只含可适当地描述论文内涵的最少可能字数 q y p p 应该只含可适当地描述论文内涵的最少可能字数。 ‡ Effective titles 有效的题目 ‹ Identify themain issue of the paper 确認论文 的主要议题 ‹ Begin with thesubject of the paper 从论文的主 題开始 ‹ bi ifi‹ Areaccurate, unambiguous,specific, andcomplete是精准、清楚、明确且完整的 ‹ D i i f l d ‹ Do not contain infrequently-used abbreviations 不含罕用的缩写 ‹ A d © MedSci 2009. All Rights Reserved. 1212 ‹ Attract readers 吸引读者 MedSci titl ltitle example Subject主题 Example例子 Therole of earlycustomers in The main issue 主要议题 Therole of earlycustomers in thecommercialization ofinnovation: the case ofhigh-ofinnovation: the case ofhigh technology markets Specific明确 © MedSci 2009. All Rights Reserved. 1313 MedSci ‡ Characterization Of Selenocysteine (SEC) tRNA Population in ‡ Characterization Of Selenocysteine (SEC) tRNA Population in Drosophila. ‡ Nonrandom Cytogenetic Alterations in Hepatocellular Carcinoma from Transgenic Mice Overexpressing c-Myc and Transforming Growth Factor Alpha in the Liver. ‡ Selenium Metabolism in Drosophila: Characterization of the ‡ Selenium Metabolism in Drosophila: Characterization of the Selenocysteine tRNA Population. ‡ Differentiation of non-beating embryonic stem cells into beating ‡ Differentiation of non beating embryonic stem cells into beating cardiomyocytes is dependent upon down regulation of PKC beta and zeta in concert with up regulation of PKC epsilon. ‡ Desmoplakin is required for microvascular tube formation in-vitro. ‡ Microvascular Tubes Derived from Embryonic Stem Cells Sustain Blood Flow © MedSci 2009. All Rights Reserved. 14 Blood Flow. MedSci i l hKeep a title short! ‡ The market orientation—product innovation—performance relationship and the moderating effects of the industry’s five relationship and the moderating effects of the industry’s five competitive forces ‡Microvascular tubes derived from embryonic stem ‡Microvascular tubes derived from embryonic stem cells sustain blood flow. ‡ The impact of competitive forces on the relationship between market orientation and innovation 向解释和联盟的成功:胜任,资源,有关的因素和资源对理论有利 © MedSci 2009. All Rights Reserved. 1515 MedSci 3. Abstract ‡ There are 3 main types of abstract 有3种主要摘要类型‡ There are 3 main types of abstract.有3种主要摘要类型 ‹ Indicative (descriptive) abstract 叙述性摘要 outlines the topicscovered in a piece of writing so the reader can decide p p g whether to read the entire document. Often used inreview articles or conference reports. 略述文章所含概的论题,如此读者可以决定是否 要看整篇论文。常用于评论论文或研讨会 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 ‹ Informative abstract 信息性摘要 summarize the article based on theIMRAD structure, butwithout these words explicitly presented 依IMRAD结构来概述论文 但没有明确呈现这些文字presented.依IMRAD结构来概述论文,但没有明确呈现这些文字 ‹ Structured abstract 架构性摘要followsheadings required by the journal. Often used in Medical journals.遵循期刊所要求的标题。常用j j 遵循期刊所要求的标题。常用 于医学类期刊 ‡ Check carefully which type fits the journal of your choice. © MedSci 2009. All Rights Reserved. 1616 仔细检查哪种摘要类型适合你所选的期刊 MedSci The abstract: the advertisement of your articleThe abstract: the advertisement of your article A good abstract 一篇好摘要A good abstract 一篇好摘要 ‡ Is precise and honest 精准且诚实 ‡ Can stand alone 可以独立‡ Can stand alone 可以独立 ‡ Uses no technical jargon 不用专業 术语 ‡ Is brief and specific 简短且明确 ‡ Cites no references 没有引用参考文 献献 The quality of an abstract will strongly influence the editor’s The quality of an abstract will strongly influence the editor’s © MedSci 2009. All Rights Reserved. 1717 The quality of an abstract will strongly influence the editor s The quality of an abstract will strongly influence the editor s decisiondecision 摘要的品质将会强烈地影摘要的品质将会强烈地影響编響编輯輯的决定的决定 MedSci 4. Keywords: Used for indexing ‡ Check the Guide for Authors! (Number label definition‡ Check the Guide for Authors! (Number, label, definition, thesaurus, range, and other special requests)检查作者指南! (数字、 标示、定义、汇编、页数与其他特别要求) ‡ A id d ith b d i 避免广义字‡ Avoid words with a broad meaning. 避免广义字。 Words selected should reflect the essential topics of the article... Do not select “marketing”. 所选的字应该要反映出论文之基本论Do not select marketing . 所选的字应该要反映出论文之基本论 題…不要选择 “营销”。 ‡ Only use abbreviations firmly and unambiguously established in the field 只使用在该领域已被稳固地且明白地确立的缩写in the field.只使用在该领域已被稳固地且明白地确立的缩写。 e.g., Does CRM mean Customer Relationship Management or Cause-Related Marketing?例如:CRM代表 Customer g 例如 代表 Relationship Management还是 Cause-Related Marketing? © MedSci 2009. All Rights Reserved. 1818 MedSci 5. Introduction: convince readers that your work is important ‡ Answer a series of questions: Provide sufficient backgroundquestions: 回答一系列问題: ‹ What is the problem?问题是什么? Provide sufficient background information to help readers evaluate your work. ‹ Are there any existing solutions?有任何现行的解决方法吗? General background (review articles cited)Æ problems investigated particularly in this piece of research (review the main ‹ Which is the best?哪一个是最好的 方法? ‹ Wh t i it i li it ti ?其主 in this piece of research (review the main publications on which your work is based.) 一般背景(回顾所引用的文章)Æ在本研究中所特 别钻研的问题 (探讨你的研究所根据的主要論文‹ What is its main limitation?其主 要限制是什么? ‹ What do you hope to achieve? 别钻研的问题 (探讨你的研究所根据的主要論文 著作) Convince readers that your work is necessary.说服读者们你的研究是有其必要性。‹ y p 你希望可以达成什么? y Use words or phrases like “however”, “remain unclear”, etc., to address your opinions and work 使用字或词组像 © MedSci 2009. All Rights Reserved. 19 “然而” 、“仍然不明”等来提及你的意 见与研究 MedSci Pay attention to the following注意以下事项 ‡ You want to present your new data, but you must put them into perspective first你想要展示你的新数据,但是你必须要先透 视它们 ‡ Be brief, it is not a history lesson简洁有力,这不是历史课 ‡ Do not mix introduction, results, discussion and conclusions. Keep them separate不要混淆绪论、结果、讨论与结论。 将它们分开将它们分开 ‡ Do not overuse expressions such as “novel”, “first time”, “first ever”不要过度使用像是“新颖的”、“首次”、“破天荒第一次”的措辞。first ever 不要过度使用像是 新颖的 、 首次 、 破天荒第一次 的措辞。 ‡ Citing relevant references is very important引用相关的文献是 非常重要的 © MedSci 2009. All Rights Reserved. 2020 非常重要的 MedSci 6. Methods: how did you study the problem? The basic principle: to provide sufficientinformation so that a k l d bl d d th i t thknowledgeable reader can reproduce the experiment, or the derivation.基本原则:提供充足的信息以便有见识的读者可以复制此试验或研究起源 ‹ Empirical papers实證论文‹ Empirical papers实證论文 material studied, area descriptions研究材料,区域说明 methods, techniques, theories applied方法、技巧、所应用的理论, q , pp 方法、技巧、所应用的理论 ‹ Case study papers个案研究论文 application of existing methods, theory or tools现存方法、理论或工具之应用pp g y special settings in this piece of work此研究的特别情景 ‹ Methodology papers方法论论文 materials and detailed procedure of a novelexperimentation一项新颖实验的材 料与细节过程 scheme flow and performance analysis of a newalgorithm 个新算法的 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 © MedSci 2009. All Rights Reserved. 2121 scheme, flow, and performance analysis of a newalgorithm一个新算法的计划、 流程与绩效分析 MedSci 6. Methods: analytical techniques? 方法:分析技巧? ‹ Describe analytical methods if not universally understood 解释不被普 遍了解的分析方法 ‹ Why was this method chosen? 为什么选择这个方法? ‹ What are the method’s data requirements?使用这个方法的数据必要 条件是什么? ‹ h h j h i hi h i ?用这个方法‹ What are the major concerns when using this technique?用这个方法 时的主要顾虑是什么? ‹ If necessary cite justification for selection of the method 如果有需要‹ If necessary cite justification for selection of the method.如果有需要, 引述正当的理由来解释为何选择此方法。 © MedSci 2009. All Rights Reserved. 2222 MedSci l h h f d7. Results– what have you found? Th f ll i h ld b i l d d i hi The following should be included in this part. 研究结果应包含以 下部份。 ‹ themain findings listed in association with the methods 与研g 究方法有关联的主要发现列述 ‹ The highlighted difference between your results and the previous publications (especially in case study papers)你的结果与先previous publications (especially in case study papers)你的结果与先 前的论文著作(尤其是个案研究论文)之间的差异显现 ‹ Results of statistical analysis 统计分析结果 ‹ l f f l i ( ll‹ Results of performance analysis (especially in methodology, or algorithm papers)绩效分析结果(尤其是方法论或算法性论文) ‹ A setof principle equations ortheorems supporting the ‹ A setof principle equations ortheorems supporting the assumptions after a long chain of inferences (especially in the theory papers)在一长串推论后,一组支持假定的原理方程式或定理 (尤其是理论性论 文) © MedSci 2009. All Rights Reserved. 2323 MedSci A figure is worth a thousand words… ‡ Figures and tables arethe most efficient way to g y presentresults.图表是呈现结果最有效率的方法。 ‡ Your data are the driving force of the paper Therefore ‡ Your data are the driving force of the paper. Therefore, your illustrations are critical!你的数據是论文的驱动力。因此, 你的图示是关键的 Gustave DoréGustave Doré John Milton © MedSci 2009. All Rights Reserved. 2424 “Better to reign in hell, than serve in heav'n."(ParadiseLost,1. 263). MedSci ‡ Th i f fi d bl h ld i Make captions self-sufficient 使标题一目了然 ‡ The captions of figures and tables should contain sufficient information to make the figures self- explanatory 图表标题应有充足的信息使图一目了然,不需再多加解explanatory.图表标题应有充足的信息使图一目了然,不需再多加解 释。 “Readers… often look at the graphics first and many times go no further. Therefore, the y g , reviewer should be particularly sensitive to inclusion of clear and informative graphics.读者們… 通常先看图解而且往往不再继续看其它部份 因此 审稿者应该是会对清楚通常先看图解而且往往不再继续看其它部份。因此,审稿者应该是会对清楚 及供给知识的图解特别敏感。 © MedSci 2009. All Rights Reserved. 2525 – Henry Rapoport, Associate Editor,the Journal of Organic Chemistry MedSci No illustrations should duplicate the information described elsewhere in the manuscript.图表的说明不应复制自论文内在其他处已叙述的信息 Example例 Generally, tables give the actual experimental results. In this case, the table is more direct and clear.通常,表提供实际的 子 通常 表提供实际的 实验结果。在本例中,表是更直接 且清楚的。 The graph repeats Station I II III IV V ECOLOGICAL GROUP The graph repeats what the table describes. 图重复表的 75U 91.3 5.3 3.2 0.2 0.0 75R 89.8 6.1 3.6 0.5 0.0 200R 69.3 14.2 8.6 6.8 1.1 500R 63 0 29 5 3 4 4 2 0 0 © MedSci 2009. All Rights Reserved. 2626 描述。 500R 63.0 29.5 3.4 4.2 0.01000R 86.7 8.5 4.5 0.2 0.0 MedSci © MedSci 2009. All Rights Reserved. 27 MedSciDo not use confusing figures! 不要用令人眼花瞭亂的图 General IM Research Areas 1936-2006 60 70 Selling & Sales Management Buyer Behavior Relationships & Networks 40 50 A r t i c l e s A n n u a l l y p Innovation and NPD Marketing Strategy Channels, Distribution & Logistics 20 30 m b e r o f P u b l i s h e d A 10 20 N u m 0 1 9 3 6 1 9 3 8 1 9 4 0 1 9 4 2 1 9 4 4 1 9 4 6 1 9 4 8 1 9 5 0 1 9 5 2 1 9 5 4 1 9 5 6 1 9 5 8 1 9 6 0 1 9 6 2 1 9 6 4 1 9 6 6 1 9 6 8 1 9 7 0 1 9 7 2 1 9 7 4 1 9 7 6 1 9 7 8 1 9 8 0 1 9 8 2 1 9 8 4 1 9 8 6 1 9 8 8 1 9 9 0 1 9 9 2 1 9 9 4 1 9 9 6 1 9 9 8 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 2 0 0 4 2 0 0 6 © MedSci 2009. All Rights Reserved. 2828 MedSci Appearances count! 外观重要 ‡ Plot 3 or 4 data sets per figure; ‡ Use subplot panels to assemble figures which illustrate the t f blsame type of problem ‡ Well-selected scales; appropriate axis label size; symbols clear to see and data sets easy to discriminate © MedSci 2009. All Rights Reserved. 2929 MedSciExample例子 Revision of a figure © MedSci 2009. All Rights Reserved. 3030 MedSciExample例子 © MedSci 2009. All Rights Reserved. 3131 MedSci U l ONLY h Use color ONLY when necessary an unreadable figure with the unnecessary usage of color色彩的不必要使用使图表难以辨认 Example1例 子1an unreadable figure with the unnecessary usage of color色彩的不必要使用使图表难以辨认 子 © MedSci 2009. All Rights Reserved. 3232 MedSci 8. Discussion – what the results mean Check for the following:检查以下事项: ‹ How do your results relate to the original question or objectives outlined in the Introduction section?你的结果是如何与原本在 绪论中所概述的研究问题或目标有相关? ‹ h l hl f‹ Can you reach your conclusion smoothly after your discussion?你可以在讨论完后,很顺畅地得出你的结論吗? ‹ Do you provide interpretation for each of your results y p p y presented?你有为每一呈現的结果提供解释吗? ‹ Are your results consistent with what other investigators have reported? Or are there any differences? Why?你的结果与其他研have reported? Or are there any differences? Why?你的结果与其他研 究者所记述的结果一致吗?或是有不同的差异?为什么? ‹ Are there any limitations?有任何限制吗? Do not不要Do not不要 ‹ Make statements that go beyond what the results can support 做超出结果所能支持的陈述 © MedSci 2009. All Rights Reserved. 3333 ‹ Suddenly introduce new terms or ideas突然介绍新的术语或想法 MedSci E 低 (L )/高(hi h) 非常地(E t l )E.g.,低 (Low)/高(high);非常地(Extremely); 庞大的(Enormous);快速地(Rapidly); 戏剧性的(Dramatic);大量的(Massive); 相当地(Considerably);极度地(Exceedingly);相当地(Considerably);极度地(Exceedingly); 主要的(Major);次要的(minor); … They are often qualified by very, quite, slightly, etc. 非常、相当、稍微地 …等也要慎用。 Quantitative description is always preferred.数 量化叙述总是较好的 © MedSci 2009. All Rights Reserved. 3434 MedSci h f i i dWatch out for non-quantitative words! P 不充足的Poor 不充足的 ‡ There was a significant relationship between last year’s satisfaction score and this years profit margins 今年的利润率satisfaction score and this years profit margins. 今年的利润率 与去年的满意度之间有显著关系。 Better 较好的 ‡ There was a 72 R2 between profit margin and year earlier ‡ There was a .72 R between profit margin and year earlier customer satisfaction scores 利润率与去年的满意度之间有.72 R2 © MedSci 2009. All Rights Reserved. 3535 MedSci9 Conclusion: How your work advances the field from the present state of A clear conclusion section helps reviewers to judge your 9. Conclusion: How your work advances the field from the present state of knowledge A clear conclusion section helps reviewers to judge your work easily. Do ‹ Present global and specific conclusions, in relation to the objectives. ‹ Indicate uses, extensions, and limitations if appropriate‹ Indicate uses, extensions, and limitations if appropriate ‹ Suggest future experiments and point out those that are underwayunderway. © MedSci 2009. All Rights Reserved. 3636 MedSci Do not Summarize the paper (the abstract is for that purpose) Make a list of trivial statements of your resultsMake a list of trivial statements of your results Make judgments about impact Use uncertain words such as “might”, “probably” © MedSci 2009. All Rights Reserved. 3737 MedSci Suggested length of a full article ¾ “…25- 30 pages is the ideal length for a submitted manuscript, includingESSENTIALd l p g g p , gdataonly ¾ Follow guidelines for the target journal (example) Ab t t摘要 1 h 段落 (100 150 d 字)Abstract摘要 1 paragraph 段落 (100-150word 字) Introduction绪论 1.5-2 manuscriptpages页 double-spaced双倍行距 ,12pt字型 Methods 方法 2-4 manuscriptpages页 Results and Discussion结果与讨論 10-12 manuscriptpages页Results and Discussion结果与讨論 10-12 manuscriptpages页 Conclusions 结論 1-2 manuscriptpages页 References 参考文献 20-50 items则 Figures图 6-8Figures图 6 8 Tables表 1-3 ¾ Letters or short communications have a stricter limitation of the
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