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sat热门词汇Lesson 1 Using Few Words or Being Quiet ·brevity n. briefness or conciseness in speech or writing ·concise adj. using few words in speaking and writing ·laconic adj. using few words in speech ·pithy adj. brief and full of meaning and substance; concise ·q...

Lesson 1 Using Few Words or Being Quiet ·brevity n. briefness or conciseness in speech or writing ·concise adj. using few words in speaking and writing ·laconic adj. using few words in speech ·pithy adj. brief and full of meaning and substance; concise ·quiescent adj. quiet; still; inactive ·reticent adj. not talking much; reserved ·succinct adj. clearly and briefly stated; concise ·taciturn adj. silent; sparing of words; close-mouthed ·terse adj. using only the words that are needed to make the point; very concise Lesson 2 Speaking ·circumlocution n. speaking in circles; roundabout speech ·colloquial adj. pertaining to common everyday speech; conversational ·diffuse adj. spread out, not concise; wordy ·digress vb. to wander off from the subject or topic spoken about ·eloquence n. artful ease with speaking; speech that can impact people’s feelings ·garrulous adj. talkative; loquacious ·grandiloquent adj. using big and fancy words when speaking for the purpose of impressing others ·loquacious adj. very talkative; liking to talk; garrulous ·prattle vb. to speak on and on in a senseless and silly manner; to talk foolishly ·rant vb. to talk very loudly, even wildly ·rhetorical adj. relating to speech that is used to persuade or have some effect; insincere in expression ·verbose adj. using too many words; wordy; long-winded ·voluble adj. talking a great deal with ease; glib Lesson 3 Feeling Superior ·arrogant adj. overbearing; proud; haughty ·braggart n. one who boasts a great deal ·complacent adj. self-satisfied; smug ·contemptuous adj. lacking respect; scornful ·disdainful adj. full of bitter scorn and pride; aloof ·egotistical adj. excessively self-absorbed; very conceited ·haughty adj. having a great pride in oneself and dislike for others ·insolent adj. boldly disrespectful in speech or behavior; rude ·narcissist adj./ n. having to do with extreme self-adoration; person who feels superior to everyone ·ostentatious adj. having to do with showing off; pretentious ·presumptuous adj. too forward or bold; overstepping proper bounds ·pretentious adj. claiming or pretending increased importance; ostentatious; affectedly grand ·supercilious adj. looking down on others; proud and scornful ·swagger vb. to walk around in a proud, showy manner; to boast in a loud manner Lesson 4 Unoriginal, Dull, Played Out ·banal adj. dull or stale because of overuse; trite; hackneyed ·cliché n. an idea or expression that has become stale due to overuse ·derivative adj. unoriginal; taken from something already existing ·hackneyed adj. made commonplace by overuse; trite ·insipid adj. lacking flavor or taste; unexciting ·lackluster adj. lacking vitality, energy, or brightness; boring ·mundane adj. commonplace; ordinary ·platitude n. quality of being dull; an obvious remark uttered as if it were original ·prosaic adj. dull; commonplace ·trite adj. unoriginal and stale due to overuse ·vapid adj. lacking freshness and zest; flat; stale Lesson 5 Lessening Pain, Tension, and/ or Conflict ·allay vb. to lessen fear; to calm; to relieve pain ·alleviate vb. to lessen pain or tension ·ameliorate vb. to make better; to lessen pain, difficulty, or tension ·appease vb. to make tranquil or quiet, especially by giving into demands; to pacify ·assuage vb. to alleviate; to lessen pain or conflict; pacify ·conciliate vb. to win a person over through special considerations or persuasive methods ·mediate vb. to act as a go-between in settling conflicts or disputes between people or opposing sides ·mitigate vb. to make or become less severe; to lesson pain or damage ·mollify vb. to pacify, soothe, or appease; to make less severe or violent ·pacify vb. to calm; to make peaceful; to restore to a tranquil state ·placate vb. to make calm; to soothe ·quell vb. to pacify; to subdue; to quiet down Lesson 6 Friendly and Agreeable ·affable adj. easy to talk to; easy to approach, friendly; kind; amiable ·amiable adj. friendly, kind ·amicable adj. showing goodwill; peaceable ·congenial adj. compatible; having kindred needs or tastes; sympathetic ·convivial adj. sociable, outgoing in a festive way, especially when pertaining to eating and drinking; fond of good company ·cordial adj. warm and friendly; amiable ·gregarious adj. sociable, outgoing ·jocular adj. liking to be with people, joke around with them and have fun ·levity n. lightheartedness; gaiety; carefree disposition, particularly when not appropriate Lesson 7 Quarreling, Fighting, and Bitter Feelings ·animosity n. hatred; ill will ·antagonism n. hatred or hostility ·bellicose adj. of a quarrelsome nature; eager to fight; warlike; belligerent ·belligerent adj. taking part in war or fighting ready to fight ·cantankerous adj. bad-tempered; quarrelsome ·captious adj. made for the sake of quarreling; quibbling ·contentious adj. quarrelsome; belligerent ·disputatious adj. likely to dispute or argue ·polemical adj. inclined to argue or debate; controversial ·predator n. one who takes advantage of another, exploits or feeds on another; a strong adversary or rival ·pugnacious adj. eager to fight; belligerent Lesson 8 Generosity in Spending Money or Time, or Showing Concern for Others ·altruistic adj. showing an unselfish concern for others ·benevolent adj. giving freely and easily to others; charitable ·largess n. generous giving ·lavish adj. generous in giving to others or in spending money ·magnanimous adj. generous in overlooking insult or injury by others; rising above pettiness ·munificent adj. very generous ·philanthropic adj. showing a desire to help others by giving gifts; charitable; humane ·prodigal adj. wasteful; lavish ·squander vb. to spend money (or time) in a wasteful, uncaring fashion Lesson 9 Cheapness or Care with Spending Money ·austere adj. having great economy; showing self-control when it comes to foregoing luxuries, frills; stern in manner or appearance ·avarice n. greed ·frugal adj. careful with money; thrifty; not costly ·mercenary adj. greedy for self-gain; thinking only of money-making ·miserly adj. careful with how money is spent; thrifty ·parsimonious adj. overly thrifty or miserly ·penurious adj. stingy; relating to great poverty, destitution ·thrifty adj. showing care with how money and resources are spent or used; miserly Lesson 10 Problems, Puzzlements, and Disasters ·adversity n. great trouble or difficulty ·conflagration n. a huge fire, an inferno ·confounding adj. puzzling; baffling ·cryptic adj. hidden; hard to understand; mysterious; obscure ·debacle n. a failure or breakdown; a collapse that is often nonsensical ·enigma n. a riddle or mystery; a puzzling or baffling matter or person ·labyrinth n. a maze from which it is very hard to extricate (free) oneself ·precarious adj. dangerous or risky; uncertain ·quandary n. a dilemma; a confusing or puzzling situation ·turbulence n. great unrest; turmoil or disorder ·turmoil n. a very puzzling scenario or situation; tumult Lesson 11 Harmful ·baneful adj. causing ruin; harmful; pernicious ·deleterious adj. harmful to one’s health or overall welfare; pernicious ·detrimental adj. harmful ·devious adj. dishonest or deceptive ·iniquitous adj. showing a lack of fairness; wicked; vicious ·malicious adj. intending to hurt of harm another; spiteful ·nefarious adj. very mean and wicked ·odious adj. loathsome; evil; revolting in a disgusting way ·ominous adj. pertaining to an evil omen; foreboding ·pernicious adj. very destructive or harmful, usually in an inconspicuous and relentless way ·rancorous adj. deeply hateful or spiteful; malicious ·virulent adj. extremely poisonous; deadly; full of spiteful hatred Lesson 12 Criticizing, Disapproving, or Scolding ·berate vb. to rebuke or scold in a harsh tone ·castigate vb. to scold or punish severely ·censure vb. to criticize strongly ·chastise vb. to punish or scold harshly ·deprecate vb. to show mild disapproval ·impugn vb. to oppose or attack someone or something as false or refutable ·rebuff vb. to snub; to bluntly refuse ·rebuke vb. to reprimand or scold sharply ·reprove vb. to speak to in a disapproving manner; to scold ·upbraid vb. to chide; to scold bitterly Lesson 13 Lacking Interest or Emotion ·aloof adj. uninterested; showing no concern; emotionally removed or distant ·apathetic adj. indifferent; showing no care, interest, or concern; lacking emotion ·detached adj. aloof; indifferent ·impassive adj. lacking emotion or drive ·indifferent adj. apathetic; showing little or no concern or care ·listless adj. lacking interest in something, usually because of illness, fatigue, or general sadness; spiritless ·nonchalant adj. casual and indifferent; not showing any great concern or worry about anything ·phlegmatic adj. hard to get excited or emotional; calm ·remote adj. emotionally distant and disinterested; aloof; uninvolved; distant, far away ·stoical adj. lacking emotion or not showing any emotion Lesson 14 Lacking Energy or Movement ·indolent adj. lazy; not wanting to do any work ·languor n. weak or lifeless feeling ·lassitude n. a tired feeling, usually resulting from depression or too much work ·lethargic adj. having little or no energy ·sedentary adj. having to do with sitting around a lot ·sluggish adj. slow and lazy ·soporific adj. sleep-inducing; sleepy ·stagnant adj. lacking movement or energy ·torpid adj. lacking energy; relating to inactivity; feeling sluggish Lesson 15 Humility and Obedience ·compliant adj. yielding, submissive ·fawning adj. gaining the favor of another by acting overly kind or by flattery ·obsequious adj. obeying or performing a service for someone in an overly attentive manner ·servile adj. slave-like; very humble and submissive ·slavish adj. slave-like; overly humble; involving very hard work ·submissive adj. voluntarily obeying another; humble ·subordinate adj. inferior; lower in rank or status ·subservient adj. obedient; obsequious ·sycophant n. a self-server who tries to gain the favor of others through the use of flattery or by being over-attentive ·toady n. a flatterer; a sycophant Lesson 16 Enthusiasm and Passion ·ardent adj. full of passion and emotion ·avid adj. showing enthusiasm; ardent ·ebullient adj. filled with a bubbly excitement, as if boiling over with excitement ·effervescent adj. lively; full of uplifted spirit; vivacious ·exuberant adj. overflowing with vitality and good spirits ·fanatical adj. full of great enthusiasm or devotion ·fervent adj. filled with passion or intensity ·impassioned adj. filled with passionate emotion ·vibrant adj. lively; full of vitality ·zealous adj. filled with enthusiasm; fervent Lesson 17 Being Stubborn ·adamant adj. unwilling to bend; unyielding ·dogged adj. stubborn; determined ·hidebound adj. strongly-opinionated; narrow-mindedly stubborn ·intractable adj. stubborn; hard to manage ·obdurate adj. resistant to persuasion or softening; stubbornly persistent in wrongdoing ·obstinate adj. stubborn; inflexible ·recalcitrant adj. stubborn; disobedient; defiant ·resolve n. firmness, determination ·unwavering adj. firm and determined ·unyielding adj. stubborn; inflexible ·willful adj. stubborn Lesson 18 Sound ·acoustics n. the quality of sound, pertaining to how it is heard based on the quality and structure of the room ·cacophony n. lack of harmony; loud and unpleasant noise; a racket ·clamor n. unpleasant sound; noise ·din n. ongoing loud sound; noise ·discordant adj. lacking harmony or agreement ·euphony n. pleasing sound ·mellifluous adj. sweet and smooth sounding ·raucous adj. coarse-sounding; loud and unruly ·strident adj. shrill; high-pitched ·vociferous adj. loud and noisy regarding one’s own voice, especially shouting; demandingly clamorous Lesson 19 Words Relating to Praise and Respect ·acclaim v. to express strong approval or praise; hail ·adulate v. to praise or flatter too greatly; fawn over ·esteem v. to value highly; to have great regard for ·eulogize v. to praise, as in a eulogy; to say good things about ·exalt v. to praise or glorify; to lift up in status, dignity, power ·extol v. to praise highly; laud ·laud v. to praise; extol ·panegyrize v. to praise a person or event in a formal speech or in writing; to praise highly ·revere v. to regard highly with love and respect ·venerate v. to feel of show deep respect for, especially due to age or tradition; to honor Lesson 20 Words Relating to More Than Enough ·ample adj. abundant; plentiful; enough or more than enough ·copious adj. abundant; much; plentiful ·lavish adj. abundant; in excess ·myriad adj. or n. countless; a very large number ·plethora n. excess; abundance ·profuse adj. abundant; more than enough ·superfluous adj. overabundant; more than is needed; unnecessary ·surfeit n. an oversupply Lesson 21 Words Relating to Food and Hunger ·abstemious adj. holding back from eating or drinking too much ·alimentary adj. relating to food and nourishment ·culinary adj. having to do with cooking, preparing meals ·delectable adj. delicious ·emaciated adj. very, very thin due to lack of adequate food ·epicurean adj. having to do with relishing the pleasure of eating and drinking (n. epicure) ·glutton n. one who overindulges in food and drink ·palatable adj. pleasing to the taste buds ·ravenous adj. very hungry ·savory adj. tasty or good smelling ·voracious adj. greedy; gluttonous; ravenous; insatiable Lesson 22 Words Relating to Being Careful ·chary adj. cautious; wary ·circumspect adj. careful and cautious before acting ·conscientious adj. relating to doing what one knows is right; scrupulous ·exacting adj. requiring a great deal of care or effort; painstaking ·gingerly adj. very carefully ·heedful adj. paying careful attention to ·meticulous adj. very careful; fussy; finicky ·scrupulous adj. showing great care and honesty, based on personal belief of what is right and proper ·vigilant adj. carefully alert and watchful ·wary adj. cautious, careful Lesson 23 Words Relating to Being Short-lived in Time or Place ·ephemeral adj. lasting a short time; fleeting ·evanescent adj. vanishing quickly; fleeting ·fleeting adj. short-lived ·itinerant adj. wandering about; tending to move around, travel ·nomadic adj. wandering ·peripatetic adj. moving or walking about; itinerant ·transient adj. lasting for only a short time; temporary ·transitory adj. fleeting ·volatile adj. explosive or changing very quickly Lesson 24 Words Relating to the Old or the New The Old . . . ·antediluvian adj. very, very old; antiquated ·antiquated adj. very old and no longer in use; obsolete ·antiquity n. ancient times ·archaic adj. old; from a much earlier time; antiquated ·obsolete adj. old; outdated, as in no longer in use ·relic n. a custom or object that has been around for a very, very long time The New . . . ·contemporary adj. modern, new; relating to the same time period ·inception n. the start, the beginning of something ·innovation n. something new ·novel adj. new ·unprecedented adj. novel; unparalleled Lesson 25 Words Relating to Being Sneaky or Hardly Noticeable ·clandestine adj. hidden, secret, concealed ·covert adj. secret, hidden ·furtive adj. sneaky ·inconspicuous adj. hardly noticeable ·sly adj. underhanded, furtive ·stealthy adj. secretive, sly ·surreptitious adj. done or made in a secret, stealthy way ·unobtrusive adj. inconspicuous; not easily noticed Lesson 26 Words Relating to People You Will Meet on the SAT I ·adversary n. an opponent ·artisan n. a person who is skillful with his or her hands ·ascetic n. a person who refrains from indulging in earthly pleasures ·charlatan n. a fraud; a quack or imposter ·diva n. a highly skilled singer, usually an opera singer ·hedonist n. a person who lives for pleasure ·pariah n. a social outcast ·raconteur n. a skillful storyteller ·skeptic n. a person who doubts ·virtuoso n. a highly skilled performer, usually a musical performer Lesson 27 Words Relating to Things of Little Importance or Value ·extraneous adj. not necessary; not an essential part; not relevant ·frivolous adj. not having substance or s sense of importance or seriousness; silly; trivial; trifling ·incidental adj. less important; minor ·inconsequential adj. irrelevant; of no significance; unimportant ·irrelevant adj. not relating to the matter at hand ·negligible adj. able of likely to be neglected or bypassed due to smallness or lack of importance ·peripheral adj. only marginally connected to what is truly important; minor or incidental; relating to the field of vision ·petty adj. minor or trivial; small in quantity ·superficial adj. lacking in depth or importance; on the surface ·trifling adj. lacking significance; unimportant ·trivial adj. unimportant; trifling; ordinary Lesson 28 Words Relating to Being Wise and Sharp-Minded ·acute adj. keen-minded; sharp ·astute adj. sharp-minded; very clear ·discerning adj. able to judge people and situations clearly ·erudite adj. wise due to much reading and studying; scholarly ·incisive adj. sharp; keen ·ingenious adj. very clever or inventive ·judicious adj. showing wisdom in judging people and situations ·perspicacious adj. using wise judgment; sharp-minded ·prudent adj. careful, cautious, and wise ·sagacious adj. wise ·savvy adj. smart; informed ·shrewd adj. insightful; clever Lesson 29 Words that Sound and/or Look Alike But Have Different Meanings ·acrid adj. bitter, harsh ·arid adj. dry, lacking water ·aesthetic adj. having to do with artistic beauty ·ascetic n. a person who refrains from indulging in earthly pleasures ·atheistic adj. without a belief in any god ·ambiguous adj. hard to understand; unclear; open to more than one interpretation ·ambivalent adj. having conflicting feelings or opinions about something; unsure ·coalesce vb. to have different opinions join together; fuse; converge ·convalesce vb. to recover from an illness ·delusion n. a false opinion or belief ·allusion n. an indirect reference, often to literature ·illusion n. something unreal that gives the appearance of being real Lesson 30 More Words that Sound and/or Look Alike But Have Different Meanings ·imprudent adj. careless; rash ·impudent adj. rude; disrespectful ·indigenous adj. native ·indigent adj. poor; impoverished ·indignant adj. angry ·intimate vb. to suggest; to hint at ·intimidate vb. to frighten; to hint at ·obscure adj. hard to understand; abstract ·obtuse adj. stupid; not clear or precise ·ponderable adj. important enough to require a lot of thought ·ponderous adj. very heavy or bulky; dull or lifeless Lesson 31 Letters A to G ·abridge vb. shorten ·accessible adj. available; ready for use ·antidote n. something that relieves or prevents; a remedy that counteracts the effects of poison ·aspire vb. to work toward or to have a goal ·autonomous adj. independent ·bolster vb. to support; to strengthen ·candor n. honesty, sincerity ·cynical adj. believing that all others are motivated by self-interest ·fastidious adj. very attentive to detail; fussy; meticulous ·gratify vb. to please or indulge Lesson 32 Letters H to P ·hamper vb. to hinder; to prevent something from happening ·hardy adj. healthy and strong; robust ·homogeneous adj. of the same kind; alike; uniform ·integrity n. holding firmly to values, such as honesty; completeness ·intrepid adj. fearless ·linger vb. to hang around; to stay ·lofty adj. very high; towering; grand or noble ·mock vb. to make fun of; to imitate ·nurture vb. to care for, to nourish ·ominous adj. related to feeling that something bad or evil is bound to happen; foreboding ·opportunist n. a person who seeks self-gain, even at the expense of others, without regard to values or moral pr
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