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英汉互译 第四章-第六章标答


英汉互译 第四章-第六章标答nullnullnull英语语言的特点:ACF 汉语语言的特点:BDEA.句子一般只有一个谓语动词 B.句子往往采用“连动式结构” C.许多名词与动词存在某种特殊的联系 D.名词与动词无需曲折变化可灵活转化 E.文体色彩一般不受制于词类使用,而通过其它手段来实现 F.大量使用名词以体现官方公文、法律法规等正式文体色彩null1. The new situation requires the formation of a new strategy. (正式文体色彩) 新形式要求制定新战略。 2. The cruci...

英汉互译 第四章-第六章标答
nullnullnull英语语言的特点:ACF 汉语语言的特点:BDEA.句子一般只有一个谓语动词 B.句子往往采用“连动式结构” C.许多名词与动词存在某种特殊的联系 D.名词与动词无需曲折变化可灵活转化 E.文体色彩一般不受制于词类使用,而通过其它手段来实现 F.大量使用名词以体现官方公文、法律法规等正式文体色彩null1. The new situation requires the formation of a new strategy. (正式文体色彩) 新形式要求制定新战略。 2. The crucial question now is whether Galvin is such a creature of Motorola’s culture that he won’t be able to make the big changes that have to be made. (由动词派生而来) 现在的关键问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 在于,盖尔文会不会因为自己是由摩托罗拉文化造就出来而无法实施势在必行的重大改革呢? 3. It is already dark, and the chorus of insects and frogs is in full swing.(具有动作含义) 天已经漆黑,虫鸣蛙噪,一片喧闹。null4. In fact, I am a great admirer of my rival. (-er后缀并非指明身份或职业) 事实上,我很钦佩我的对手。 5. We fell in love with each other at the first sight 30 years ago.(充当习语) 30年前,我们俩一见钟情。 6. Asia’s strength of economic management, however, has not been its perfection, but its pragmatism and flexibility. 亚洲经济管理向来不以完美见长,而以务实和弹性取胜。null7. 沙漠有时是由人类毁坏原始森林造成的。(连动式结构) In some cases, deserts are the creation of destruction of virgin forest. 8. 看到喷气式飞机,令我感觉很神奇。(连动式结构) 8. The sight of jet planes filled me with wonder.null1. The decline in the sales volume is largely due to a sharp cutback in the credit offered by the government. 销售额下降主要是由于政府大幅削减信贷而造成的。 2. They gave the winning team one more cheer at the close of the football game. 足球比赛结束时,他们再一次向获胜的队伍欢呼。 3. Rockets have found application for the exploration of the universe. 火箭已经用来探索宇宙。 4. I was the forgiver of his past wrong doings. 我宽恕了他过去干的坏事。null5. Those small factories are also lavish consumers and wasters of raw materials. 那些小工厂还在极大地消耗和浪费原 材料 关于××同志的政审材料调查表环保先进个人材料国家普通话测试材料农民专业合作社注销四查四问剖析材料 。 6. Christopher Francis Patten, the former British governor of Hong Kong, took a final look at the city, then left in despair. 香港前任总督彭定康最后看了一眼这座城市,然后失望地离开了。 7. The cloud sometimes took the shape of a giant mushroom, sometimes took the form of a running horse. 这朵云一会儿形成一个大蘑菇,一会儿变成一匹奔马。null8. 过马路前要等待车辆停下来。 Wait for a break in the traffic before crossing the road. 9. 他对总统声明决心为反恐怖主义而战表示钦佩。 He admires the President's stated decision to fight against terrorism. 10. 联合国文件呼吁以色列撤出所占土地,阿拉伯承认以色列的生存权,在此基础上解决中东冲突。 The UN document calls for the settlement of the Middle East conflicts on the basis of Israeli withdrawal from occupied territories and Arab acknowledgement of Israel’s right to exist.null1. The sun is quite charming in all this great serenity of ocean. 广袤宁静的大海上,太阳显得格外迷人。 2. It’s a great pleasure to meet you! 很高兴认识你!/ 认识你真高兴! 3. This issue is of vital importance.  这个问题至关重要。 4. The pallor of her face indicated clearly how she was feeling at the moment. 她苍白的脸色清楚地表明她当时的情绪。null5. Independent thinking is an absolute necessity in study. 独立思考对学习是绝对必需的。 6. When he catches a glimpse of a potential antagonist, his instinct is to win him over with charm. 只要一发现有可能反对他的人,他就本能地要用自己的魅力把此人争取过来。 7. I have the honor to inform you that your application has been accepted. 我荣幸地通知阁下,您的申请已经被接受。null8. The new mayor earned some appreciation by the courtesy of coming to visit the poor. 新市长有礼貌地前来访问贫民,获得了他们的一些好感。 9. While laughing, she revealed the red and ivory of her mouth. 她笑的时候,绽露出红唇皓齿。 10. She was wearing a dark red blouse, the rolled up sleeves revealing the snow of her arms. 她身穿一件深红外衣,袖子卷起,露出雪白的手臂。nullby means of in place of in praise of in quest of with a high hand for the support of利用 代替 赞扬 寻找 用高压手段 抚养null1. Party officials worked long hours on meager food, in cold caves, by dim lamps. 党的干部们吃着粗茶淡饭,住着冰冷的窑洞,点着昏暗的油灯,长时间地工作着。 (注意此句还补充了助词“着”。由于英语曲折变化丰富,在翻译成汉语时,往往需要补充:①结构助词,包括“的”(表示定语或物主关系)、“地”(表示状语)、“得”(表示补语);②时态助词,包括“着”(表示进行态)、“了”(表示完成态)、“过”(表示经验态);③表示复数概念的“们”。) 2. … and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth. ……民有、民治、民享的政府将永存于世。 3. The Kremlin is turning westward for capital and technology. 克里姆林宫正在转向西方寻求资金好技术。null4. I barreled straight ahead, across the harbor and out over the sea. 我笔直向前高速飞行,越过港口,飞临海面。 5. The normalization of relations between the two countries is not only in the interest of the Chinese and American peoples but also contributes to the relaxation of tension in Asia and the world. 两国关系正常化不仅符合中美两国人民的利益,而且将对缓和亚洲及世界紧张局势做出贡献。 6. 企业界产生悲观情绪的主要原因是资本投资状况持续不振。 The main reason behind business pessimism is the continued poor statement of capital investment. null7.蒂姆感觉很疲倦,现在早已钻进温暖的被窝了。 Tim is tired and is already between the warm sheets now. 8. 嫌疑犯说他是出于自卫才向那那位妇女开枪的。 The suspect said that he shot the woman in self-defense. 9. 十年后,她获得了哈佛大学博士学位并终于摆脱了救济。 Ten years later, she has gained her doctor’s degree from Harvard and is off welfare. 10. “来啦!”她转身蹦蹦跳跳地跑了,越过草地,跑上小径,跨上台阶,穿过凉台,进了门廊。 “Coming!” Away she skimmed over the lawn, up the path, up the steps, across the veranda, and into the porch.null1. He lunched me well at a restaurant yesterday. 他昨天请我在饭馆里吃了一顿像样的午餐。 2. Jane has survived the severe Wenchuan earthquake. 珍妮是汶川大地震的幸存者。 3. The murder was motivated by love. 这是一场情杀。 4. The little girl behaves as if she were an adult. 那个小女孩的举止像个成年人。 5. A large number of the union members have been victimized by being dismissed. 大量工会会员遭到解雇,成了牺牲品。null6. The policeman has been awarded several times for his intelligence, decisiveness and braveness. 这位警察由于智慧、果断和勇敢多次受到嘉奖。 7. As long as the returns from new stores were higher than its building costs, McDonald’s profited in ways that none of its competitors could match. 只要开办新店的收益大于其建设成本,麦当劳就能以任何竞争对手都望尘莫及的方式赚取利润。 8.整个装置重量为3镑,靠充电电池运作。 The entire setup weighs 3 pounds and runs on rechargeable batteries. 9. 美国向台湾出售武器的问题在两国谈判建交的过程中并没有得到解决。 The question of United States arms sales to Taiwan was not settled in the course of negotiations between the two countries on establishing diplomatic relations. null1. Plop, plop… there was water dripping from the ceiling onto the earth floor. 扑,扑……屋顶上有水滴在泥地上。 2. Two heavy guns went off in the woods ---- BRUMP! BRUMP! 两门重炮在森林里开始发射了——轰隆!轰隆! 3. “Boom… boom… boom-boom…” the thunderous sound rolled in from the other side of the mountain. “轰——轰——轰轰”,巨大的爆炸声从山那边滚滚而来。 4. The cart rumbled past. 大车轱辘辘地开了过去。 5. All was quiet and still except for the distant tinkling of a piano. 除了远处一架钢琴的叮当叮当声外,万籁俱寂。null6. The center door creaks half-open. 中门“呀”地开了一半。 7. 我咣当咣当敲了敲水壶。 I clanked the kettle. 8. 火车呼呼地从仙台开往东京。 The train puffed towards Tokyo from Sendai. 9. 那只苍蝇又飞了回来,在我身边嗡嗡地叫了很久。 The fly came back once again and buzzed me for a long time. 10. 噼啪!拐杖断成了两段! Crack! The stick broke in two.nullangry doubtful ignorant sorry ashamed tired surprised grateful concerned eager anxiousafraid sure/ certain discouraged glad/pleased familiar grateful alert excited confident desirous hopeful担心 确信 气馁 高兴 熟悉 感谢 警觉 兴奋 自信 渴望 希望生气 怀疑 不知道 遗憾 惭愧 厌倦 吃惊 感激 关注 急切 焦急null1. The program was not popular among students. 学生不喜欢这个 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 。 2. His political career was stormy. 他的政治生涯充满曲折。 3. The American people hailed the program for greater Sino-US trade. 美国人十分欢迎此项扩大中美贸易的计划。 4. Fair treatment of China could lead to a new era of cooperation and warmer relations on all levels between China and other WTO members. 公平对待中国将有助于中国和其他世贸成员国进入一个改善关系、全面合作的新时期。(注意此句中具有动词意味的名词“treatment”转译成汉语动词“对待”) null5. 你确信他讲的是真话吗? Are you sure he’s telling the truth? 6. 我们很关心他的健康状况。 We are very concerned about his health. 7. 我方特别感谢贵方能在这么短的时间内安排我们同交易团会见。 We are especially thankful to you for arranging the meeting for us with the Trading Delegation at such a short notice. 8. 我们期待两国在政治、经济、文化、教育、科技等方面扩大互通规模。 We are looking forward to a larger scale of exchanges between the two nations in terms of politics, economy, culture, education, science and technology, etc. null1. That day he was up before sunrise. 那天他在日出以前就起来了。 2. She opened the window to let fresh air in. 她把窗子打开让新鲜空气进来。 3. When the crops are in, they start autumn sowing. 庄稼收完后,他们开始秋种。 4. 他们经过仔细研究之后发现,这个设计已经落后了。 After careful investigation I found the design behind.  5. 您请稍等,老板马上就回来了。 Wait for a second please. The boss will be back soon.null1. The resistivity of semiconductors is inversely proportional to temperature. 1. 半导体的电阻率与温度成反比。(=in inverse proportion to) 2. The President had prepared meticulously for his journey. 2. 总统为此次出访作了十分周密的准备。 3. 孩子们叽叽喳喳地叫着,眼睛里闪着快乐的光芒。 3. The children chirped, blinking their eyes happily.null1. It is officially announced that the unemployment rate will get lower next year. 1. 官方宣称明年失业率会有所下降。 2. The paper said editorially that China has successfully survived a worldwide financial crisis. 2. 该报的社论说/据该报社论,中国成功地经受住了一场波及全球的金融危机。 3. This kind of material is very active chemically. 3. 这种材料化学反应很活跃。null1) Arrogance and complacence turned out to be his ruin. 骄傲自满最终毁了他。 2) He is a good singer, so I think he is a better teacher than I. 他歌唱得很好,所以我想他比我教得好。 3) The grace of her manner has touched me to the heart. 她优雅的仪态触动了我的心弦。 4) The hostess shepherded us out of the crowded garden and into the privacy of the library. 女主人把我们带出拥挤的花园,领进了僻静的书房。 5) Our performance was a complete success.  我们的演出很成功。/我们的演出(取得了)圆满成功。 6)As he is a perfect stranger in the university, I hope you’ll give him some help. 他对这 个大学完全陌生,所以我希望你能帮帮他。null7) A crystal tear-drop plopped down on to the letter. 一颗晶莹的泪珠扑地滴在信纸上。 8) 从我的办公室窗口可以一眼看到人民广场的全景。 A glance through my office window offers a panoramic view of the People’s Square. 9) 上因特网很简单。 Access to the Internet is very simple. 10) 我渴望再学一门外语。 I am anxious to learn another foreign language. 11) 他体力强但智力弱/智商低。/ 他四肢发达头脑简单。 He is physically strong but mentally weak. 12) 听见一阵沙沙声,他慢慢抬头望去。 Hearing a rustle, he looked up slowly.nullnull 一辆自行车 一台拖拉机 一轮满月 一轮新月 一轮红日 一辆汽车 一头猪 一架打字机 一张嘴 一场噩梦 一架飞机 一匹马 歇一下 看一眼增补(动)量词两弯溪流会聚在一起,形成了一眼清澈的深潭。 一轮红日从平静的海面冉冉升起。 他们遇到了一大堆难题。 莉萨尝试在村子里开一家小型连锁店。 有一次,我们吵了一通。 布朗深情地望了她一眼。 我替她担心得要命,可是此时此刻,既不宜教训她一番,也不宜跟她争论一通。null增补概括性的词The husband and wife agreed to give another try. 夫妻俩同意再试试。 The Americans and the Russians have undergone series of secret consultations. 美俄双方已经进行了一系列的秘密磋商。nullSino-British links have multiplied ---- political, commercial, educational, cultural, defense, science and technology. 中英两国在政治、商务、教育、文化、国防和科技等领域的交往成倍地增加。 The advantages of the new material is efficient , energy saving, corrosion resistant, low cost, long service time and without environmental pollution. 新材料的优势包括高效率、低能耗、抗腐蚀、低成本、长寿命和无公害等五大方面。/ 新材料具备高效、节能、抗腐、低廉、耐用和环保等五大优势。null增补副词浓雾渐渐散开了。 她已经结婚了,难道你不知道? 我既当爹又当妈。 他双手蒙着脸,一屁股坐/跌坐在了椅子上。 他一坐下来就讲开了,滔滔不绝地讲个没完。 我一直等了好几个小时,直到会议结束。 上海的地铁系统日臻完善。 金融危机导致许多公司纷纷倒闭。 电影里总是老一套:男主人公和女主人公始而相遇,继而相爱,终而幸福地生活。null增补名词to wash before meal 饭前洗手 to wash after getting up 起床后洗脸刷牙 to wash before going to bed 睡觉前洗脚 Mary washed for a living after her husband died. 玛丽在丈夫去世后,就靠洗衣服维持生活。null First you borrow, then you beg. 头一遭借钱,下一遭讨饭。 Drug companies are paying pharmacies to promote new products. 药材公司出钱请药店促销新产品。 This typewriter is indeed cheap and fine. 这部打字机真是价廉物美。 That’s the basic problem, and there’s a basic answer. Firmness and clarity. 这是个根本问题,因此也有一个根本的回答。那就是,立场坚定,态度明朗。null confusion saturation derivation recycling measurement preparation推导过程 混乱局面 准备工作 饱和状态 废物回收利用 测量方法;测量结果nullmanagement complacency normalization remedies solution modification补救措施 管理部门;管理方法 修改 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 解决方案 自满情绪 正常状态 null 1. Thorough and careful preparation is an indispensable element leading to success. 彻底而仔细的准备工作是获得成功的必可缺少的因素。 2. In a joint venture, the foreign partner usually provide funds, machinery, technology and management. 合资企业中外方通常提供资金、机械、技术和管理方法。 3. Any irregularity of the pupils in that school will lead to serious punishment. 在那所学校里,作出任何越轨行为的小学生都将受到严厉的处罚。 4. Any irregularity of the players will result in yellow card warning or be fouled out by red card. 一旦发现球员有犯规行为将予以黄牌警告或红牌出局。null 5. The Shanghai law looked into this matter immediately. 上海市的司法当局立即开展对此事的调查。 6. 就业问题和人口问题始终倍受关注。 Employment and population have always attracted a wide concern. 7. 据说美国是一个由汽车驱动的国家。你认为这是一种夸张的说法吗? It is said that the United States is a country driven by automobiles. Is this an exaggeration?null 8. 人民呼吁成立一支国防部队来负责和平时期的反颠覆工作。 People called for creation of a defense corps to take charge of anti-subversion in peacetime. 9. 中东的紧张局势已引起全世界的广泛关注。 The tension in the Middle East has attracted much attention of the world. 10. 他长年致力于同贪污腐败和不公正现象作斗争。 He has devoted himself to the fight against corruption and injustices for years. null增补动词 1. He dismissed the meeting without a closing speech. 他没有致闭幕词就宣布结束会议。 2. China boasted a record trade surplus with the United States last year. 去年,中国实现了创纪录的对美贸易顺差。 3. For this year’s World Cup games, players will be whacking around the latest in soccer ball technology. 在今年的世界杯足球赛中,球员们将踢一种用最新足球制造技术生产的球。null增补动词 4. 晚上在参加宴会、出席音乐会、观看乒乓球表演后,他还得起草经济计划。 In the evening, after the banquets, the concerts and the table tennis exhibitions, he would work on the drafting of the economic plan.null增补形容词Most of our squadron’s been pulled back off patrol. That’s damned unusual. There’s a smell around the sub base. Something brewing. 我们的巡逻分遣舰队大半都调了回来。这太反常了。潜艇基地有股不对劲的味儿。有什么事要发生了。 When I watch Chenlong’s moves, our goal to match him seems pretty hopeless. 当我看到成龙绝妙的动作时,感到我们要达到同样的水平,似乎没有希望。 Spend a dime, save your time. 花点小钱,省你时间。 These days the price of food is soaring. 最近食品价格飞速上涨。null The enemy’s plane twisted after being shot, trailing flame and smoke. 敌机被击中后拖着浓烟烈焰螺旋下跌。 O, Tom Canty, born in rags and dirt and misery, what sight is this! ——根据Mark Twain的原作《王子与贫儿》(The Prince and The Pauper),汤姆·康第本是一个孤儿,穿上王子的服装后被人认为是真的王子。 啊,汤姆·康第,出生在破烂、肮脏和苦难之中,现在这番景象却是多么煊赫/华贵/炫目啊!null增补省略部分 1. Reading makes a full man, conference a ready man, writing an exact man. 读书使人充实,讨论使人机智,写作使人准确。 2. Studies serve for delight, for ornament, and for ability. 读书是为了获得享受,养成斯文和发展才干。 3. To admit it impractical means to give up one of our few hopes. 如果认为这不可行,就等于放弃了我们仅存的希望。null增补省略部分 4. 我们不投降,我们从未投投降,将来也绝不会投降。 We don’t give in, we never have and never will. 5. 他总是喜欢夸大事实,高的说得更高,低的说得更低。 Everything was on a larger scale for him, the highs were higher, the lows lower. 6. 过去我对此深信无疑,但是现在我不相信了。 I firmly believed that, but I don’t now. null增补解释性的词 1. Nixon learned that Mao would welcome a presidential visit. 尼克松得知,毛泽东欢迎美国总统访华。 2. What are the factors combined to cause shortages and gasoline lines? 究竟是哪些因素共同导致了石油短缺,使加油站前排起了长队?null 3. Every year, millions of migrant workers flooding into the city of Shanghai, where they can earn much more money. (定语从句→原因从句) 每年有上百万的外来民工 涌入上海市,因为在这里,他们可以挣到更多的钱。 4. The rushing of these school boys was pardonable, but costly. 这些男生的莽撞行为是可以谅解的,但是为此付出的代价却是昂贵的。 5. Old wood best to burn, old wine to drink, old friend to trust, and old authors to read. 干燥的木头最易燃烧,陈年的老酒最为好喝,多年的朋友最值得信赖,经典的作品最值得品读。null省略人称代词 1. You are kindly requested to let us have your best quotation for the canned fruits. 请(你方)(向我方)提供(你方)水果罐头最低报价。 2. We assure you of our prompt attention to this matter. 我方(向你方)保证(我方)立即处理此事。 3. I feel like a prisoner in my own home. 我觉得自己像关在(我)自己家中的囚犯。 4. When the students finished all the books they had brought, they opened their lunch and ate it. 学生们看完了(他们)随身带的书,就打开(他们的)饭盒吃起来。null省略关系代词 1. Many enjoy a good health who take part in morning exercises. (…)不少参加早锻炼的人身体很棒。 2. This is the very hospital that I was born in. 这正是(…)我出生的医院。 3. People do nothing well who make no effort. (…)不努力的人是一事无成的。 4. Good people relationships between partners are the rudders which steer joint ventures through troubled waters. 合作伙伴之间的和谐关系犹如船舵,(…)能引导合资企业穿过惊涛骇浪。null省略非人称代词和不定代词 1. It’s your pen. I found it on the playground. 这是你的刚笔,我在操场上找到(它)的。 2. Be it a place what it may, one gets to like it, if one lives long in it. 无论(它)是什么样的地方,只要(一个人)住久了,(这个人)总会喜欢上(它)的。 3. It is better to do well than to say well. (…)说得好不如做得好。 4. It was not until 11 am that we set off to our destination. (…)上午11点我们才朝着目的地出发。 5. It is on next Monday that you will receive the final quotation for Art. 3754. (…)你方将于下周一收到货号3754商品的最终报价。null省略并列代词 1. Let us join and proceed together. 让我们携手(…)并进。 2. The sun is bright, and the sky is clear. 阳光灿烂,(…)晴空万里。 3. His father is a man who forgives and forgets. 他父亲是个非常宽容(…)的人。 4. It took him over one hundred and eighty days and nights to complete this investigation report. 他花了180(…)多个日日(…)夜夜才写完这份调研报告。null省略从属代词 1. If winter comes, can spring be far behind? (如果)冬天来了,春天还会远吗? 2. If you don’t go there tomorrow, they’ll get angry. (如果)你明天不去,他们会生气的。 3. If I had known it, I would not have come. (如果)早知如此,我就不来了。null4. You will surely reach your goal when you spare no effort in trying. 只要(当)(你)不遗余力的不断尝试(的时候),你就能实现目标。 5. The conflict can be tackled through negotiation only when both sides take on a sincere attitude with good will. 只有(当)双方怀着良好的诚意(的时候),才能通过协商解决冲突。 6. He declined to amplify on the President’ statement since he had not read the text. (因为)他没有看到总统讲话的文稿,不愿加以发挥。null省略定冠词 1. the People’s Republic of China (…)中华人民共和国 2. the United Kingdom of Great Britain (…)大不列颠王国 3. the Federal Republic of Germany  (…)德意志联邦共和国 4. the United States of America (…)美利坚合众国null省略定冠词 5. This is the pen I am looking for. 这是我正在寻找的(…)钢笔. 6. The dog is loyal to man. (…)狗对主人很忠诚。 7. Milk is sold by the pound. 牛奶是按(…)磅出售的。 8. The governments of the United States of America and the People’s Republic of China agreed to hold senior talks regularly on matters of mutual interest. (…)美利坚合众国政府和(…)中华人民共和国政府同意就共同关心的问题定期举行高级会晤。 null省略不定冠词 1. A square has four sides and four angles. 四边形有四条边和四个角。 2. A triangle has three angles. 三角形有三个角。 3. A triangle is a plane figure.  三角形是平面图形。 4. a triangle with one right angle  直角三角形 null省略不定冠词 5. a triangle with two equal sides 等腰三角形 6. a triangle that contains an obtuse interior angle  一个内角是钝角的三角形 7. a triangle whose interior angles are all acute 内角均为锐角的三角形 8. Things of a kind come together; people of a mind fall into the same group. 物以类聚,人以群分。null省略介词 1. The People’s Republic of China was founded on October 1, 1949. 中华人民共和国于1949年10月1日成立。 2. Watch out for the sharp smell. 小心(…)刺鼻的气味。 3. With the weather so stuffy, ten to one it’ll rain presently. (…)天这样闷,很可能就要下雨了。 4. Smoking in public places is prohibited. (…)公共场所禁止吸烟。 5. Rumours had already spread along the streets and lanes. 各种流言蜚语早就传遍了(…)大街小巷。null修辞性省略fair and square hard and fast dead and gone forgive and forget wise and clever silly and foolish shake and tremble man of culture and learning公平 严格 的确死了 宽容,宽恕 非常聪明 愚笨 不停发抖 很有学问的人nullgoals and aims aches and pains ways and means right and proper cozy and comfortable really and truly surprised and taken aback 目的 百般疼痛 方法 完全正确 非常舒适 千真万确 着实吃惊 null1. Parents often favor one child over another. 家长往往偏爱一个孩子。 2. Both Judy and Robert have had previous marriage that ended in divorce, and they now have a 3-year-old son. 朱蒂和罗伯特都曾有过婚史,现在他们有一个三岁的儿子。 3. Those with related work experience would receive preference over those without. 有相关工作经验者优先。 4. As scheduled, American and Chinese diplomats met on January 20, at the Chinese Embassy. It was their first get-together in more than two years. 美中两国外交官按照预定计划于1月20日在中国大使馆举行两年多以来的首次会晤。null5. The price of the products should be set according to the price in the international market. It should be fixed by the two parties at a level that will bring profit to both. 产品价格应由双方根据国际市场价格共同商定,使双方共同获利。 6. The seller guarantees that the gods supplied under the present contract are currently manufactured in the Seller’s country, the quality and performances of the contracted goods are in conformity with the current technical specifications laid down by the ABC Industries Corporation. 卖方保证本合同所提供货物均系卖方所在国新近生产,其(…)质量及各项性能均符合ABC工业公司(…)现行技术 规定 关于下班后关闭电源的规定党章中关于入党时间的规定公务员考核规定下载规定办法文件下载宁波关于闷顶的规定 。null7. They reviewed the international situation in which important changes and great upheavals are taking place and expounded their respective positions and attitudes. (限定性或修饰性很强的定语从句合译为偏正机构的定语) 双方回顾了正在发生重大变化和巨大动荡的国际形势,并阐明了各自的立场与态度。 8. This book, which is practical and useful, has always been together with me these years. (同上) 这本很实用的书这几年我一直带在身边。 9. A youngster who ha
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