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自考英语二教材课后答案(130719) 自考英语二课后题答案 Unit 1 Text A I 1-5 B A D A B II Section A 1. consistent 2.statement 3.reflect 4.invalid 5.considerable 6.comparison Section B 1.credible. 2.identify 3.assumption 4.represents 5.evaluated...

自考英语二课后题 答案 八年级地理上册填图题岩土工程勘察试题省略号的作用及举例应急救援安全知识车间5s试题及答案 Unit 1 Text A I 1-5 B A D A B II Section A 1. consistent 2.statement 3.reflect 4.invalid 5.considerable 6.comparison Section B 1.credible. 2.identify 3.assumption 4.represents 5.evaluated 6.appropriate Section C 1.to 2.forward 3.into 4.in 5.with 6.to III 1-5 define action tears good express 6-10 powerful internally respond to shapes personal IV Section A 1. take different social groups into account 2. Comparing his present work with the previous work, 3. is inconsistent with what he told the policeman 4. is not relevant to what we’re dealing with 5. Inform us of any of your changes Section B 要成为一个灵活的读者,你必须知道如何根据你的阅读目的选择并使用恰当的阅读方式。 知道何时,如何使用不同的阅读风格能使你成为一个灵活的读者。研究型阅读是灵活的读者 为了深度理解偏难的题材时所使用的阅读风格。当使用此种阅读风格时,你的阅读速度要比 平时慢一些。而且,你要挑战自我,以理解原文。并且,它还常常需要你阅读不止一遍以深 度理解。有时候,大声朗读也可以加深理解。 V 52134 Text B I Section A 1-6 Y F Y F Y NG Section B 1. Mastering our language 2. our lives and destinies 3.determination 4. power 5.live whatever life you desire 6. some alternatives II Section A 1. confidence 2. creative 3. eliminate 4. dramatically 5. significant 6.limit Section B 1. matter 2. commonly 3. pleased 4. infinite 5. command 6. impact 自考英语二课后题答案 Section C 1. out 2. Seems 3. on 4. within 5. in 6. over III Section A 1. have a great impact on the country’s future. 2. but it matters a lot to me 3. but the police is soon in control of the situation 4. i have on alternative but let you go 5. The final decision is up to the manager Section B 职场中,英语具有重要的作用。使用方式正确和恰当,可以极大的促进职业和事业发展。 一些人在步入职场之前,有必要或者想要学习商务英语。那些已经上班的,有机会去看看自 己能不能在当前工作中有效地运用英语。 商业中,如何谈判是一种实用技巧。你需要懂得你想要的是什么,如何砍价,和折衷。 懂得如何化解冲突,结束谈判对谈判结果起着至关重要的作用。 职场英语的学习将极大的促进专业有效地沟通,就像地道的翻译将为客户,商业伙伴, 供应商提供良好的服务,它对任何生意都将是有益的。 IV Section A 1. was→were 2. wises because he 3. it had 4. industries though it 5.cost→costs Section B 1. Mr. Randolph was born in Florida. 2. The march featured the Reverend Martin Luther King’s unforgettable “ I Have a Dream” speech. Unit 2 Text A I 1-5 D B C D B II Section A 1. effectively 2.response 3.discover 4.occur 5.rare 6.scientific Section B 1. remove 2.eventually 3.opportunity 4.renowned 5.interviewed 6remarked Section C 1. to 2. For 3. Of 4. on 5. With 6. for III 1--5 fear under unavoidable success without 6--10 reach between so that as long as wisely 自考英语二课后题答案 IV Section A 1. respond to the president’s command 2. his accent sets him apart from others 3. I rarely see so wonderful sunset 4. restore people’s confidence in national economyR 5. she remarker the boy’s improvement Section B 我清楚地记得那段自我认为是个失败者的日子。但是最终我知道,在一件事上失败,并不等 于在所有的事情上都不会获得成功。并且事实上,失败是成长的过程中必然经历的。生活中 充满了冒险与挑战。通向成功的路上,你必然经历一些重大的失误。我所知的,用约翰 c 麦克斯维尔的术语来说,愈挫愈勇,从失败中汲取教训强大自己。关于失败最重要的问题之 一是,人们总是急于评判一个个原本毫无关联的情形,并且给自己贴上失败者的标签。但其 实,人们需要将蓝图刻在脑海里。一个成功的棒球球员并不会总总盯着某个出界的球,认为 自己失败了。他会把他看做是理想内涵的一部分。他的远见赋予他坚持的力量。坚持不懈有 助于延年益寿。长寿又给他更多的机会去获取成功。 I Section A 1-6 N N Y Y N Y Section B 1. huge blender with all fixings for chocolate cake 2.anniversary gift 3.this mess 4. what to say 5.long-term significance 6. teaching children II Section A 1.slightly 2.troublesome 3.occasional 4.inspection 5.responsible 6.disaster Section B. 1.presents 2.frustration 3.awful 4.deserves 5.issue 6.glance Section C 1.from 2.out 3.with 4.out of 5.up 6.of III Section A 1.She glanced through this room 2.gesturing me to follow him 3.Once the paper is in position 4.present their ideas on political issue 5.It’s vital to import medical materials into this region Section B. 自考英语二课后题答案 成功人士之所以能获得成功是因为他们在面对困难时拥有一些重要的特质,而不是把每一次 挫败都孤立的看。首先,他们在失败的时候,不会一味的责怪自己。他们会承担责任,而不 是拘泥于某一次的失败。其次,他们不会失败一次就自认为自己是个失败者。他们意识到, 每一次的挫败都是成功的一部分。再次,他们很乐意尝试不同的方式来解决问题。这对于生 活中的任一小步都是非常重要的。如果一种方法不对,并让你失败了,那就换一种方式。在 失败中前进,你必须要采取适合自己的方式,而不是适合别人的方式。最后,他们都是很有 定力的,他们不会让一个个小小的失败阻挡他们前行的脚步。他们从挫败中方汲取教训,奋 勇向前。 IV Section A 1. being 2.why →that 3.by 4.from→by 5.of –in Section B How can we buy a good car. Unit 3 Text A I 1-5 A B A A B II Section A 1.recognition 2.reflection 3.undisputed 4.loyalty 5.essential 6.assurance Section B. 1.presented 2.requested 3.challenge 4.mutual 5.virtue 6.generation Section C 1.of 2.in 3.of 4.of 5.through 6.In III 1.While 2.wisely 3.on 4.opposites 5.personalities 6.that 7.Whatever 8.unique 9.a couple of 10.share IV Section A 1.continued engaging in criminal activities. 2.exploit natural resources 3.are requested to get you application permission 4.betrayed her parents belief 5.lead to serious consequences Section B. 人们很容易结交好朋友。就像一双很舒服的手套,老朋友戴起来非常舒适。但是匆忙或过于 熟悉中结交的友谊是不能太久忽视的。如果你想要或者需要保持良好的友谊,你需要思考和 想清楚一些最为重要的特征。也许他能帮你回想一下为什么你和你的好朋友好久不联系了, 或者为什么当别人问你这周末跟谁一起玩的时候无比尴尬。你可以时不时忽略了你的知己, 但是如果你不去培养忠诚,宽恕,诚实,奉献这样的品质,你将无法保持真正的友情。 自考英语二课后题答案 V 235416 Text B I Section A 1-6 Y Y N NG N Y Section B 1.ungrateful 2. malice 3.sacrificed 4.prosperity and in poverty 5.a prince 6.guard II Section A 1.pursuit 2.faith 3.ungrateful 4.fiercely 5.prosperity 6. reputation Section B 1.privilege 2.alert 3.poverty 4.unselfish 5.scene 6.deserted Section C 1.by 2.to 3.against 4.to 5.with 6.down III Section A 1.family is the best place to lick your wounds 2. if i had time to go over my lessons 3.be alert to risks about tourism 4.enjoy certain privilege 5.have been political party leaders’s first encounter. Section B 你对于朋友的概念是一个人给你一个更好的选择的建议,当你害怕可以牵着你的手,帮你打 败那些利用你的人,当你不在他们身边的时候随时想着你,提醒你忘记的事儿,帮你忘记过 去,当你需要坚持下去的时候能够理解你,在你身边,给你信心,放下自己的事儿在你需要 的时候出现,帮你改正错误,对抗压力,帮你变强,把你当做他们最重要的人。 IV Section A 1.resign that lead 2.leaving→left 3.when→that 4.lies→lie 5.facing→faced with Section B 1.Her brother usually babysits her in his spare time. 2.Her father likes to take photos when she smile. Unit 4 Text A 1-5 D C D C B II Section A 1.dealerships 2.complain 3.rarely 4.blessing 5.contribute 6.illegal 自考英语二课后题答案 Section B 1.committed 2. subsistence 3.immigrant 4.unrest 5.quit 6.victim Section C 1.about 2.of 3.to 4.in 5.into 6.again III 1.improve 2.check out 3.stressed 4.arrive 5.clearing away 6.priority 7.difference 8.route 9.routine 10.weight IV Section A 1.she looks forward to seeing you 2.If you always complain about not enough time to work 3.contributes to subway’s development 4.reminds of her tough childhood 5.we are prepared for worst results Section B 不论你是个侍者或者心脑手术专家,你所做的任何工作都是服务于他人,并使人们的生活 在一定程度上有所改善。我们都有这样的经历,一些人的工作点亮了我们的生活,并使我们 的生活大不相同,或者给我们带来麻烦,影响了我们的生活质量。我们遇到过可敬的保洁员, 或普通的工作有意思的人。因此不论你的工作是什么,如何带着爱心投入到工作中呢?要有 一颗感恩的心。感恩并不意味着你一定要去做一件你并不喜欢的工作,但是它能培养你积极 的思想。你不喜欢你的工作,但是你仍然可以享受与同事相处的乐趣。这就是我们应该感恩 的。当你试着去感恩,它能改观你的外貌,在工作中更加开心。 V 1 2 5 4 3 Text B I Section A Y Y N N N NG Section B 1.more time and money 2.customers 3.purpose of your business 4.financial boundaries 5.sound advice and criticism 6.planing and start-up process II Section A 1.exhaustive 2.survival 3.various 4.motivation 5.profession 6.competitive Section B 1.sound 2.exceeds 3.prioritize 4.unique 5.pattern 6.routine Section C 1.in 2.out of 3.with 4.for 5.for 6.in 自考英语二课后题答案 III Section A 1.Anyone who is privileged to work with him 2.we need safety guards in place 3.we can assume that he is not in the city 4. refugees can’t survive the winter 5.to the drivers who exceed Section B 在你下定决心去做什么的时候,坚定,诚实的回想一下你创业的动机。太多人都是希望变得 富有,拜托公司的束缚,工作时间少一些,更多休息的时间。以上任何一个原因都不会使你 成功的。如果你专注于解决客户的问题或满足客户的需求,相信你可以做的比任何人都好, 愿意工作更长的时间,承担无尽的责任,你就拥有了正确的创业思想。你必须具备一些特质。 其中之一就是愿意一个人努力工作至少一年或更长的时间。 IV Section A 1.mine→me 2.in→on 3.than those in 4.came→comes 2.he needs all the things put into a suitcase Section B There are many kinds of dates. Self –assessment 1 一 1.A 2..B 3.A 4.A 5.C 6.B 7,.A 8.A 9.A 10.A 二 11.D 12.D 13.C 14.D 15.A 三 16.E 17.F 18A 19.B 20D 21.B 22.E 23.D 24.C 25.A 四 26.A 27 .C 28 .D 29.F 30.B 五 31.single 32.begin 33. Come 34.successful 35.praise 36.treasure 37.careful 38.always 39.offer 40.doubt 六 41.couring 42.careful 43.particulary 44. Implication 45.training 46.impressing 47.communication 48. Were respected 49 .design 50.logical Unit 5 Text A 1-5 D A B A C II Section A 1.wisdom 2.deliberately 3.anxiety 4.belief 5.uncomfortable 6.equivalent 自考英语二课后题答案 Section B 1.distinguished 2.instruction 3.equaled 4.conflict 5.guilty 6.anxious Section C 1.of 2.about 3.of 4.between 5.forth 6.as III 1.satisfy 2.thinking of 3.focus on 4.the middle 5.sense 6.but 7.challenged 8.inner 9.fit for 10.than IV Section A 1.calls for local citizen’s anger 2.A series of incident 3.because of heavy rain 4.was born a gifted musician as well as photographer 5.distinguish fact with illusory Section B 设想你和五个球一起在空中玩耍。你给他们命名为工作,家庭,健康,和精神,并保持在空 中。你很快会明白工作就像是个橡皮球。如果你丢掉它,它会弹回来。其余四个球是玻璃做 的,一旦你丢掉,他们将会永久性的受损,被刻上标记,破裂,受伤,甚至破碎。他们无法 恢复到从前。你一定也懂得了,要平衡生活。 V214365 Text B I Section A Y N N Y Y Y Section B 1.health issues 2.inspiration writer 3.useless and uncaring 4.unreceptive 5.failed marriage 6.giving up II Section A 1.imagination 2.threaten 3.recover 4.inspire 5.valuable 6.quotation Section B 1.challenged 2.desperation 3.cheerful 4.uncaring 5.contact 6.valuable Section C 1.on 2.with 3.out 4.over 5.back 6.about III Section A 自考英语二课后题答案 1.on her feet again 2.bring about many changes 3.walked out on her 4.should have fight back 5.fell in desperation Section B 生活是充满挑战的,我们要敢于面对 生活是多变的,我们要用心创造 生活是缤纷的,我们要善于发现 生活是幽默的,我们要尽情享受 IV Section A 1.The hitchhiker →who 2.stereo while Linda 3.work though the history 4.event but she, shift as several 5.on→in Section B 61235487 Unit 6 Text A 1--5 A C B D B II Section A 1.differentiate 2.indulgent 3.resistance 4.responsibility 5.formation 6.unnecessary Section B 1.constraint 2.allocate 3.principle 4.mentality 5.scheme 6.temptation Section C 1.to 2.to 3.on 4.in 5.on 6w.ithout III 1.basic 2 . 3.accumulated 4. Ideally 5,called 6.wastful 7.where 8. Now that 9 .direct 10 grow IV Section A 1.concluded the decisions on the basis of research 2.she never indulge in drink alcohol 3.will not be responsible for what he did 4.my teaching experience stands me in good state 5.result in head injury Section B 自考英语二课后题答案 不管孩子们是否被允许处理自己的零钱,父母或继父母都一定会发放一定数量的现金来满足 小孩子的日常需求和想法。孩子不需要大笔钱,但是理论上他们应该有足够的钱,以让他们 学会花一些钱和节省一些。很多父母通过让孩子把钱分成 3 小部分来让孩子了解理财的重要 性。一部分用于应急,一部分短期存款,第三部分长期存款。在一些家庭中,增加了第四种 捐款,帮助孩子们树立观念和理解帮助那些不是很富裕的人们的重要性。 V542631 Text B 1. Section A 1 Y 2 Y 3NG 4 N5 Y 6 N Section B 1.desired 2.opposite 3.traits 4.a giving attitude 5.a balance of 6.healthier view of money II Section A 1.abundance 2.favorite 3.scared 4.donation 5.originally 6.economy Section B 1.available 2.abundant 3.stimulated 4.charity 5.universe 6.readily Section C 1.of 2.with 3.between 4.down 5.to 6.in III Section A 1.if there are news available 2.open up an unfamiliar world 3.to stimulate economic growth 4.donated more than 100 thousand to cancer research 5.deserves consideration Section B 人们是怎么看待钱的呢?事实上人们把钱看得太重了。他们觉得钱是一切,并且相信“钱是 一切的通行证”。所以他们为了钱会做任何事情,甚至是变态的,违法的事情。罗博为了仅 仅几十美元要残忍的杀害别人。商人为了钱在生意中尔虞我诈。拥有巨大的权力和社会影响 力的官员为钱践踏自己的荣誉和别人的利益。 IV Section A 1.me whom I 2.work as none 3. Exhausted so that 4.cleaner when i 5.yourself so you Section B 1.C 2.D 3.A Unit 7 Text A 1-5 D C B A A 自考英语二课后题答案 II Section A 1.precise 2.hesitate 3.wonderful 4.emotion 5.ignorance 6.complete Section B 1.attached 2.attempt 3upset 4.inner 5.prompt 6.overwhelming Section C 1.took 2.with 3.for 4.takes 5.in 6.with III 1.choose 2.opportunity 3.view 4.accordingly 5.end up 6.interact 7.whose 8.what 9.nonstop 10.night IV Section A 1.agreed without hesitation 2.In desperation i called 119 3.prompts me to come out this passage 4.the best resolution that they can come up with 5.Despite there are not enough steels Section B 心声在人生的旅途中指引你的前行。有多少次心声告诉你去做一些事,相反的你却反其 道而行,最终却发现自己犯了一个大大的错误。我打赌,此时此刻,你一定对自己说我当初 真应该听从自己的想法啊。有时候心声也是很微妙的,提醒我们去付账单或打电话给一个朋 友。其他时候,心声会非常强烈,会一天天,一周周,甚至连续好些年一遍一遍的提醒我们 一些未完成的事情。如果心声持续超过一周,你会发现同样的想法会一遍一遍的出现在你的 脑海里,这样你就知道这是你真正心声的 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 达。请相信它并付诸行动吧。 V 651342 Text B 1 Section A 1. N 2,Y 3.NG 4. N 5. Y 6. Y Section B 1.sourness and selfishness 2.be seen 3.” wasting time” sitting in that office 4.long wait for service 5.into a pleasant and enjoyable experience 6.joy II Section A 1.boredom 2.namely 3.character 4.tension 5.sour 6.pleasant Section B 1.modest 2.radiate 3.brighten 4.convert 5.goodwill 6.inherited 自考英语二课后题答案 Section C 1.under 2.in 3.of 4.As 5.into 6.skin III Section A 1.As he is eager to study 2.joining in the celebration 3.inherited a large amount of fortune 4.converts sun radiation into electricity 5.make a good first impression on everyone you meet with Section B 一个微笑并不会花费什么成本,但是却能创造很多价值。他能充实那些接受微笑的人,也不 会使给与微笑的人贫穷。它只在瞬间产生,但带给人们的记忆却是永远的。没有人因为微笑 而富裕或贫穷,但能因 它受益而富裕。它在家庭中给人们带来快乐,商场上传递良好的愿 景,朋友间的默契。它对疲倦而言是休息,对缺乏勇气是白日光,对悲伤而言是阳光。但是 它无法买到,乞求,借,偷到,因为直到失去人们才会意识到它的好处。如果现在是圣诞大 采购的最后时刻,我们的促销员可能太疲惫无法给你一个微笑,但是我们能请你留下你的微 笑吗?因为没有人比他们更希望能有人对他们微笑 IV Section A 1.smile whose name 2.It → which 3.rising as it 4.The goals → which 5.分句间加上 that’s why Section B 1.also 2.As 3.For example 4.In addition 5.even if 6.Finally Unit 8 Text A 1 Section A 1--5 C C D B B Section B 1.define 2.incredible 3.perspective 4.vision 5.fulfill 6.profound Section C 1. from 2.in 3.on 4.at 5.in 6.of III 1. called up 2.natural 3.are confused to 4.likely 5.potential 6.intentionally 7.Even if 8.opposed 9.known 10.mark IV Section A 1.find that it’s difficult for them to adapt to new campus. 2.the children were willing to share their stories with . 3.elected one of them as spokesman. 自考英语二课后题答案 4.but they only to find that they had to overcome financial problems themselves. 5.stress the importance of balanced diet. Section B 总有一些时候,我们唯一能做的就是质疑自己存在的意义。总有一些时候,我们感到如 此的孤独,抑郁,仿佛整个世界都失去了颜色。总有一些时候,莫名的就找不到了存在与生 活的动力,渴盼生命就此终结。然而,你也应该知道,种种遭遇只不过是生活中为了重塑我 们的角色与观念的必然经历的小小坎坷。如此时刻,请千万不要屈服放弃!是的,快乐的唯 一秘诀就是坦然接受。 V 231547698 Text B Section A 1. Y 2 .N 3. NG 4. Y 5.Y 6 .N Section B 1. computing world 2.finance the production 3.worked on a new medicine called Macintosh 4.fired 5. billions of dollars 6.new and innovation technologies II Section A 1.adoption 2.appointment 3.convincing 4.initial 5.recruitment 6.successive Section B 1.episode 2.immense 3.possession 4.insanely 5.unexpected 6.introduction Section C 1. among 2.with 3.of 4.to 5.in 6,in III Section A 1.dropped out one year later 2.founded the charity fund his in memory of his father 3.turned out to be unexpected difficult 4.expect a wonderful under his 5.the tragedy happened on him Section B Steve Jobs 被加州山景城的一个家庭收养。高中时期,对于电的兴趣促使他打电话给威廉姆 希望他能为学校的一个项目提供部件。Hewlett 慷慨应允,不仅给了他东西,还为他提供了 一个暑期实习生的工作。在那里,Jobs 遇到了 Steve Wozniak,一个极具天分的,知识渊 博的工程师。他比其他的高中生大 5 岁。正是他们的伟大友谊才有了 Apple 的创立。 IV Section A 1.It’s a great pleasure to be here with you 自考英语二课后题答案 2.and→so 3.If only 4.through→on 5.and he→who V. 3674251 Self –assessment 2 一 1. B .2B 3.B 4.A 5.A 6,.B 7.B 8.B 9. A 10. A 二 11. C 12.C 13.. D 14.D 15. B 三 16.B 17.A 18.C 19.E 20.D 21.B 2 2. C 23. F 24. E 25 . A 四 26. C 27 . D 28. A 29. F 30. E 五 31. limited 32.learning 33. Truly 34. Sharing 35. Feeling 36. Make 37. bills 38sense 39 .organizations 40 . aware 六 41. infinite 42. Exhausted 43. Discovery 44. Increasing 45.advancing 46. Efficient 47 . interesting 48. Transportation 49 applying 50 dependence Unit 9 Text A 1. C C A C B II Section A 1. am despaired of 2.negative 3.individually 4.tougher 5.incredible 6.symbolize Section B 1.leaped 2.arise 3.lost 4.paced 5.through 6.positive Section C 1.with 2.up 3.through 4.with 5.like 6.to III 1.struggling 2.arose 3.respectively 4.turned 5.tasted 6.observed 7.weak 8.inside 9.circumstance 10.worst IV Section A 1,instead of tomorrow 2.overseas investment has positive impact on output 3.look forward on my middle school 4.you will end up with troubles 5.he can’t keep up with other students Section B 害怕和自我怀疑决定了你在工作中的交流和行为方式。工作场所是无情的。 你需要保卫好自己。为了生存,你必须独立,有责任心,自信和有决心。首先, 你必须正面看待自己,你已经很好了。或者简单地说,你也不是食草的,好欺负 自考英语二课后题答案 的。在一个职位上做的很好,要求自信。这也就是为什么那些资质平平的人,只 要有强大的内心,取得了比那些拥有天赋的人更大的成就。积极的思考,产生积 极的态度,反应,和感情,也进而为我们的成功绘制蓝图。另一方面,消极的态 度,充满恐惧,怀疑,担心,滋生消极的行为。但是这些可以通过正面的信息来 驱散。以新人代替恐惧,决心代替怀疑,工作代替担忧,爱取代恨。 Text B 1 Section A 1.NG 2.NG 3. Y 4.N 5. Y 6. Y Section B 1.painful ,majestical 2.signaled the conductor to begin again 3.three strings 4.how much they appreciated the show 5.more beautiful sacred ,memorable 6.with what we have left II Section A 1.suddenly 2.appreciate 3.purity 4.applause 5. shaky 6.boastfully Section B 1.signal 2.outbursts 3.proceed 4.aid 5.figure 6.bewilder Section C 1.up 2.by 3.in 4.sudden 5.to 6.At III Section A 1.make our way to dating place 2.appreciated by those who enjoys best service 3.with the aid of a good map 4.A few who is stricken with disability 5.proceeded our personal affairs to everyone in the bar. Section B 麻烦来了,但是同时它也使一些人更好更强大在每一个方式上,他淹没一些 人以至于再也不能上升。困难是相同的,但同时也是不同的。那些遇见困难和逆 境人在微弱的力量下会被他们有限的想法和错误的个性会被快速的打击和破坏。 但是那些有依赖,有信仰,有力量的人,绝不会被打击,也不会被吓到。这个力 量是无限的,总是充足的,不管可能有多大的需求。一个人一旦意识到他自己真 正的精神是不会被打败的,也不会失败。他可能会通过叫做死亡的改变,但是真 的男人,永远不会死。也不会失败,尽管他可能被打败一千次,他必须会再次崛 起。 IV Section A 自考英语二课后题答案 1.i think 2.are --were 3.depends--depend 4.for--of 5in her mind 去掉 Section B 1.and 2.also 3.thus 4.However 5.because 6.In addition 7.Finally 8.Again Unit 10 Text A 1. A B D D C II Section A 1.economy 2.arrangement 3.dependent 4.valuable 5.ease Section B 1.necessary 2.proclaim 3.lessen 4.limit 5.strengthen 6.commutes Section C 1.to 2.upon 3.to 4.up 5.with 6.in III 1.limited 2.compared to 3.refers to 4.low 5.running out of 1.require 7. another 8.personal 9. p
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